best practices & troubleshooting domino smtp mail routing

Open Mic on SMTP Best Practices, Configurations and Troubleshooting on Lotus Domino. Manisha Parida and Indira Gandi 25 th April 2012 1

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Lotus Domino Best Practices


Page 1: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Open Mic on

SMTP Best Practices, Configurations and Troubleshooting on Lotus Domino.

Manisha Parida and Indira Gandi25th April 2012


Page 2: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

OPEN MIC LOTUS TEAMOPEN MIC LOTUS TEAMManisha Parida - Lotus Technical support engineer


Indira Gandi - Lotus Technical support engineer


Hansraj Mali - Lotus Technical Advisor

Focussing on Notes/Domino, LotusLive

Ranjit Rai - Lotus Technical Advisor

Focussing on entire Notes/Domino

Jayavel Rajendran - Lotus Technical Advisor

Focussing on entire Notes/Domino

Vinayak Tavargeri – Lotus Support

Facilitator for Open Mics


Page 3: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

● Overview of SMTP Mail Routing

● Best practices for configuring SMTP Mail routing

● Helpful tools to Troubleshoot SMTP issues

● Troubleshooting of Inbound SMTP Issues

● Troubleshooting of Outbound SMTP issues

● Case Studies on most Common issues reported

● Useful server commands

● Additional resources

● Q & A



Page 4: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

SMTP Mail Routing- Terms and ComponentsSMTP Mail Routing- Terms and ComponentsSMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) is the industry standard Internet mail protocol

Defined in RFC2821 ( )

updated in 2008 with RFC5321 (current - )

Domino and Non-Domino Components:● The SMTP Listener Task● Server Configuration documents● Global Domain documents● Relay hosts● Foreign SMTP Domain documents● SMTP Connection documents● Smart hosts● Firewalls● MX Record● DNS server


Page 5: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

SMTP Inbound configurationSMTP Inbound configuration

Inbound SMTP server defined in DNS MX records

SMTP Listener Task in Server Document

GDD – Global Domain Document


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Global Domain DocumentGlobal Domain Document


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SMTP Outbound configurationSMTP Outbound configuration

Configuration Document

Using the Relay host field in configuration document

Using Foreign SMTP Domain Document and SMTP connection document


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SMTP Outbound configuration(Continued..)SMTP Outbound configuration(Continued..)Using Relay host in Configuration document


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SMTP Outbound configuration(Continued..)SMTP Outbound configuration(Continued..)

Using Foreign SMTP Domain Document and SMTP connection document

NOTE: Domain name mentioned in Foreign SMTP Domain document is not real, it's a virtual domain


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SMTP Outbound configuration(Continued..)SMTP Outbound configuration(Continued..)

Using Foreign SMTP Domain Document and SMTP connection document

The SMTP Connection document specifies a connection between a Virtual Domain (specified in Foreign SMTP Domain document) and an SMTP server.

The domain name listed in the Foreign SMTP Domain document must match the destination domain name specified in the SMTP Connection document.


Page 11: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Inbound/Outbound SMTP ScenariosInbound/Outbound SMTP Scenarios

• Only one server for all inbound and outbound mails

• All servers route outbound Internet mail and one server routes inbound Internet mail

• One for inbound Internet messages and one for outbound messages


Page 12: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Inbound and Outbound SMTP Routing on One ServerInbound and Outbound SMTP Routing on One Server





SMTP Listener enabledSMTP Outbound Enabled


Page 13: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

All servers route SMTP Outbound mails and All servers route SMTP Outbound mails and One server receive SMTP Inbound mailsOne server receive SMTP Inbound mails




INTERNETSMTP Listener enabledSMTP Outbound Enabled

SMTP Outbound Enabled

SMTP Outbound Enabled


Page 14: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

One Server receives SMTP Inbound messages andOne Server receives SMTP Inbound messages andOne server routes SMTP Outbound mailsOne server routes SMTP Outbound mails





SMTP Listener enabled

SMTP Outbound Enabled


Page 15: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

BEST Practices – BEST Practices – To know when Domino acts as Open Relay and To know when Domino acts as Open Relay and how to make it close Relayhow to make it close Relay

Telnet session to know if Domino is open Relay


Page 16: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

BEST Practices – Domino Configuration RestrictionsBEST Practices – Domino Configuration RestrictionsSMTP Inbound Controls

To confirm Domino is closed relay


Page 17: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

BEST Practices - SMTP Inbound AuthenticationBEST Practices - SMTP Inbound Authentication

1.Open Server Document

2.Select Ports > Internet Ports > Mail Tab


Page 18: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

BEST Practices - BEST Practices - Domino Configuration Restrictions (Continued..)Domino Configuration Restrictions (Continued..)

SMTP Outbound Controls


Page 19: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Helpful tools to troubleshoot SMTP issuesHelpful tools to troubleshoot SMTP issues




Network Tools(Wireshark)


Page 20: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Using NSLookup:Using NSLookup:NSLookup is necessary to resolve a domain name's MX (Mail Exchange) record

To use NSLOOKUP, enter in the following at a command prompt:─

-Nslookup (enter) -Set type=mx (enter) -Type the domain name (e.g.,

Valid MX records for the specified domain will be displayed.

Use the the hostname or IP address returned for the mail exchange record. Sample ouput of nslookup:

MX record: IN MX 5

MX record: IN MX 5

MX record: IN MX 10

MX record: IN MX 10


Page 21: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Testing Using Telnet:Testing Using Telnet:

Steps for sending mail from Telnet:

1 . Open command prompt

2. Type "telnet domain name( 25" and press “enter”

3. Type "helo domain name(" and press “enter”

4. Type "mail from: <joe_doe@>>" and press “enter”

5. Type "rcpt to: <[email protected]>" and press "enter"

6. Type "data" and press “enter"

7. Type in any text and press "enter"

9. Type " . " and press "enter"

10. Type “quit” and press “enter”

If successful, mail will be delivered to recipient specified in Step 5.


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Mxtoolbox is an integrated tool gives users the ability to do different types of lookups(MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics ) from one common location.

To use this tool go to


Page 23: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Network Tools (Wireshark ): Network Tools (Wireshark ):


Outbound SMTP sessions may fail consistently or intermittently. Debug and log analysis reveals the connection was broken abruptly with a status code: 2055 or 2562. Examples: SMTPClient: Data Send Failed XXXXXX bytes, Status: 2562 SMTPClient: Connection broken after an error sending DATA command SMTPClient: Connection terminated with status: 2055 Router: No messages transferred to <acme> (host acme) via SMTP: Server not responding.

In the below example, from destination IP address SMTP Retransmission is happening.TCP Retransmission Occurs when all the data in the packet has been seen in one or more previous packets. In this case you need to check with your network team to know why Retransmission is happening For more information on TCP Analyze Sequence Numbers refer


Page 24: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Troubleshooting Inbound SMTP issues:Troubleshooting Inbound SMTP issues:

Scenario 1:

Domino is directly receiving mails from Internet:

All Inbound Mails are not receiving:

- Issue “Sh task” command on Domino console. If you see “SMTP Server: Listening for requests on port 25,” verify if Mx records are exists for your Domain in DNS Configuration. If not contact ISP Provider and obtain.

- If SMTP server not running Go to the, Basics tab of the Server document and verify “SMTP Listener Task” is enabled or not.

- “SMTP Server” listening for requests on a different port than 25,reset the Domino Inbound SMTP port back to ‘25’ in the Server document, Ports, Internet Ports, Mail Tab

- Check for any error message on the console or gather if any DFR is received.

- If SMTP listener task is enabled then perform Telnet to Domino server on port 25 to check connectivity from Outside Firewall. If telnet is successful domino can accept mail.

- But If Telnet fails with 4XX or 5XX error message during the exchange of commands, gather the error message and call Lotus Support.

- If telnet fails from Outside firewall, find a workstation inside firewall and again perform telnet test. If Telnet is successful inside Firwall inbound mail routing problem likely to be caused by firewall blocking.

- If telnet fails inside firewall also Telnet directly from the physical server to itself

- Debugs which can be used are SMTPDebugIO=1 & Console_log_enabled=1.


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Troubleshooting Inbound SMTP issues cont..Troubleshooting Inbound SMTP issues cont..

Scenario 2:Non Domino Gateway Sits Between Internet and Domino: - If your non-Domino gateway is unable to receive mails from internet contact Gateway support to troubleshoot

why it cannot receive SMTP mail. - If gateway is receiving SMTP mail but unable to transfer to Domino, perform telnet test to check connectivity. - If telnet successful as shown in below fig domino can receive mails, else contact Network administrator. - debugs can be used SMTPDebugIO = 3 & consoloe_log_enabled=1


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Debug parameters used in Troubleshooting Inbound SMTP issues:Debug parameters used in Troubleshooting Inbound SMTP issues:1. SMTPDebugIO = value

Description: Enables the logging of all data received by the SMTP listener task: 0 - No logging

1 - Number of bytes sent and received during the SMTP conversation 3 - Logs all data received by the SMTP task 4 - RFC822 data (message data)

Caution :Use SMTPDebugIO only when necessary and disable it again as soon as possible. It can cause the log file to grow very large, and logs the contents of received messages.

2. Debugrouterlookup = value

Description:This parameter will display how the Router task resolves a name lookup.

0 – No Logging 1 - Enables Logging

3. SMTPSaveImportErrors =value

Description: This parameter can be set to cause the SMTP listener to save the message context exactly as it is received 0 - Disabled 1 - Save all messages that fail to import (parse/save in 2 - Save all messages that are received at the server. 3 - Save all inbound messages during import, delete all messages that have been successfully received and written into Enable SMTPSaveFileFrom = <sender's internet address> to capture a TMP from Specific sender

mm/dd/yyyy 01:46:24 PM SMTP Server [FFF91EAD:0004-FFF6A511] RFC822 message stream saved to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\c.server.5.0.10.Data\st943355.TMP 26

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Troubleshooting Outbound SMTP issues:Troubleshooting Outbound SMTP issues:1) A Delivery Failure Report returned: If a Delivery Failure Report is returned to the sender, search Lotus Support KB for DFR error message. If not found or still unresolved,call into Lotus Support.2) No Delivery Failure Reports are returned, but the internet recipient never receives the message: Open the MAIL.BOX file on the Domino Server & check the status of message:If Message is in a DEAD state: A message will be in a DEAD state when it cannot be routed forward or backward. This can happen when the intended recipient of the original message is unreachable and the Delivery Failure Report fails to send back to the original sender as well. This is typically seen with spoofed sender addresses (SPAM)

If Message is in a HELD state:

There are only three reasons why a message may be HELD : a) Domino is configured to hold undeliverable mail. (Enabled in the Configuration Settings document under the Router/SMTP, Advanced, Controls tab, in the section “Restrict name lookups to primary directory only”) b) There is a server mail rule configured to mark particular messages HELD. ( Enabled in the Configuration Settings document under the Router/SMTP, Restrictions and Controls,Rule tab) c) Third party products; particularly Anti-Virus software. (This is themost common reason)


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Troubleshooting Outbound SMTP issues cont..Troubleshooting Outbound SMTP issues cont..

If Message is in PENDING state:

-Check for any error on the console for transferring the message to the next hop. -Issue command tell router show queue to understand more on the situation If message state is WAIT: Two possible reasons: a) Message is tagged low priority and waiting for the low priority routing time range b) Connection document setting shows "Route at once if X messages pending" and the threshold of X has not yet been reached. If message state is BUSY: Issue the command show task at the server console: if All router threads are in a state of "Connecting to ..." or "Transferring to ...". This can indicate server is simply under high load and mail is waiting for transfer threads to free up from other transfers. If message state is Retry: Check the column title "Reason of last error" a)If it says, "Server not responding",Use Telnet to test connectivity to remote server on port 25 (if SMTP) and 1352 (if NRPC) - If unable to connect, then this is most likely a network or firewall problem. Please contact your network administrator or ISP Provider. -If able to connect, Domino may have been given a wrong value from DNS resolving the destination server. b)If it says, “400 SMTP Protocol Returned a Transient Error”, this is also typically a network or destination server related. It is recommended you contact your network administrator or the other domain's administrator


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Debug parameters used in Troubleshooting Outbound SMTP issues:Debug parameters used in Troubleshooting Outbound SMTP issues:1.SMTPClientdebug =value This parameter is enabled to capture the outgoing SMTP protocol conversations.This is for all messages transferred by the router to other servers (Domino orotherwise) via the SMTP protocol.

0-No logging 1 - Enable capture of outbound SMTP message transfer protocol.2.SmtpSaveOutboundToFile=value (0 = Off, 1= On) will result in each outbound SMTP message being copied to a temporary file on the server. These messages will be saved as individual TMP files within the TMP directory specified for the server. The file names will be STXXXXXX.TMP (where XXXXXX will be 6 numerical digits). The contents of the files will contain the header information and the MIME information.

Successful Sample SMTPClientdebug Output:

04/16/2012 03:11:21 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: Attempting to Connect: Host, Port 25, SSL Port 0, Connecting Domain divnotes2.laminex.com04/16/2012 03:11:21 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: Connection successful04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.4/8.13.1/NCO v10.0 AVin; Tue, 17 Apr 2012 004/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: CommandEHLO: EHLO divnotes2.laminex.com04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250- Hello [], pleased to meet you04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-PIPELINING04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-8BITMIME04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-SIZE 2000000004/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-DSN04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-STARTTLS04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: SMTP Authentication is not required by local server. Username: -blank-04/16/2012 03:11:22 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: Attempting to SubmitMessage:04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: RFC822 message outbound stream saved to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\notes58B59F\st598255.TMP04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: Pipelined commands:04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> SIZE=168204/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: RCPT TO:<[email protected]>04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: DATA04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: End of pipelined commands04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]>... Sender ok04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 2.1.5 <[email protected]>... Recipient ok04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 354 Please start mail input.04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: Data Send Succeeded 476 bytes04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 Mail queued for delivery.04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: Attempting to Disconnect:04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: CommandQUIT:04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 221 Closing connection. Good bye.04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM [1348:000E-2708] SMTPClient: Connection terminated successfully04/16/2012 03:11:25 PM Router: Transferred 1 messages to ACME.COM (host via SMTP 29

Page 30: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Useful Server Commands:Useful Server Commands:

● Tell router dump routing tables (Displays to console routing tables)

● Tell router show (Displays the message state and threads)

● Tell router list main (Shows the state of messages in MAIL.BOX files)

● Tell router display stat (Shows sizes, delivery time, hops )

● Sh stat mail (Shows mail routing statistics)

● Restart task router (Automatically restarts the Router task, or SMTP, POP3, etc)

● Route * (Routes all pending mail)

● Sh nlcache reset (Clears the name lookup cache used by the Router)

● Trace (Domino server name)

● Tell SMTP update config (dynamically updates saved changes from the configuration document for SMTP)

● Tell router update config (same as above, but for Router task)

● Tell router c (preforms in-place compaction that is similar to the 4 am compaction)

You can refer, Tell commands for the Domino router (TN # 1382161)



Page 31: Best Practices & Troubleshooting Domino SMTP Mail Routing

Case Study 1: Unable to Route all outbound SMTP mails.

a) In Lotus Domino, you notice that your outbound SMTP server not routing all the emails but held in the “ Tell router sh queue” task displays the error message 'Waiting for DNS availability' . > tell router show queue [05D8:0002-069C] Msgs State Via Destination [05D8:0002-069C] 12 WaitingForDNS Waiting for DNS availability.

[05D8:0002-069C] Transfer Threads: Max = 11; Total = 0; Inactive = 0; Max Concurrent = 5 [05D8:0002-069C] Delivery Threads: Max = 11; Total = 0; Inactive = 0

This Indicates Problem is in your DNS server. contact your Network admin or ISP Provider to resolve DNS related issues.

Some Known issues reported on Domino SMTP server running on a Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 machine fails to route outbound SMTP messages, first intermittently, then completely. DNS errors seen. Contact Microsoft support team for possible patches.

Issue can also be resolved by adding DNSServer=IP address, IP address(where IP is the IP address of the DNS server that Domino should use) to the notes.ini of the server experiencing the issue for for Domino versions 8.5.1 or earlier. Domino 8.5.2 onwards this parameter no longer used.


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Unable to Route all outbound SMTP mails cont..

b) In Lotus Domino, you notice Lotus Domino mail server stops routing mails and mails are stacking up in “ Tell router sh queue” task displays error message as 'Waiting for directory availability'

Enabling DebugRouter=3 debug displays below error message. One or more Directory Assistance Domains used to process NAMELookup requests was unavailable. 12/09/2010 01:30:08 PM Router: Unable to dispatch message 006A6A5A to <[email protected]>.A remote directory resource is unavailable, message will be requeued.

Issue Sh Xdir on domino console to display information about all the directories a server uses for directory services.

This situation occurs because of one of the following scenarios:

1. The Directory Assistance (DA) database is corrupt. Recreate if it's corrupts.

2. One or more of the Directory Assistance documents is referencing a database on a remote server is unreachable, or the replica referenced does not exist.

3. One or more of the Directory Assistance documents is referencing an LDAP directory that is unreachable. verify connectivity to these servers by telneting to them on port 369.

A temporary workaround while the unavailable resource was being identified or addressed

To Add notes.ini “RouterPartialLookupResults=2” to ignore unavailable replicas or

disable the Exhaustive Lookups field in the Configuration Document.32

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Unable to Route all outbound SMTP mails cont..

c) In Lotus Domino, you notice that your outbound SMTP server not routing all the emails but held in the “ Tell router sh queue” task does not display any error message: Most Likely to be an AntiVirus causing message to be held, check if any specific field in the mail document in the (like Mailbox_Applock= “TrendMicro_SMD”). If TrendMicro Antivirus is running on Domino it Adds SMStopMail parameter in the domino server notes.ini

SMStopMail = 0 (mail is delivered without scanning) SMStopMail = 1 (mail is held until scanning is restarted)

To resolve the issue temporarily disable TrendMicro task running on Domino & change SMStopMail parameter value to 0.Then contact TrendMicro support team to further investigate why. To release all mails which are being locked create below command on to remove the Mailbox_applock Field from held documents. Field RoutingState:=@DeleteField Field Mailbox_AppLock:=@DeleteField

Dead Failure status Shows “Symantic Antivirus/content filtering scan is pending". To resolve the issue temporarily quit SMSDom task running on Domino server and contact Symantec support team for Further investigation. If No Antivirus is running can be related to corruption. Recreate to resolve the issue.


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Case Study 2:Unable to Route outbound SMTP mails to Specific Domain.

Check “tell router sh queue” to understand last error reported by router to this particular domain.

Enable SMTPClientDebug=1 parameter to capture Outgoing SMTP Conversation.

Telnet to Effected Domain on Port 25.If Telnet and SMTPClientdebug Output gives same result then there is no issue from the Domino End.

Possible reasons: a)Sending server DNS is unable to resolve or wrong mx records returned for Destination server. To resolve issue temporarily Create Foreign SMTP domain document to by pass the DNS query.


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Unable to Route outbound SMTP mails to Specific Domain cont...

b)Antispaming & configuration settings like rule to block mails from Specific domains at the destination Domain.

1/05/2009 11:29:03 AM [15A8:0016-17C0] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]> sender ok 11/05/2009 11:29:03 AM [15A8:0016-17C0] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 550 5.1.1 <[email protected]> recipient rejected.

To Resolve Contact destination domain Administrator.

c) Blacklisting IP address.

In One case below error message displays on Domino console.

Router: Message 001E5BAE Not transferred via SMTP to for [email protected] 554 5.7.1 service unavailable; Client Host[] blocked using;

To resolve remove IP address from Blacklist. Temporary solution is to add sending server blacklisted IP to the destination server Whitelist.


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Case Study 3:

Unable to receive messages after moving user to new server

Users Mailfiles are moved to a different server and removed the maifile from the previous server but you notice that router keeps attempting to deliver mail to the Old location. Why? Make sure the Person document in the replica located on the server that is showing the problem already reflects the move .

If Users person document, document properties have fields "NewMailServer" and "NewMailFile". remove the fields "NewMailServer" and "NewMailFile" & set the correct values for "MailServer" and "MailFile"

To Remove fields Create Agent using Below Code.

FIELD NewMailServer := @DeleteField; FIELD NewMailFile := @DeleteField;


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Case Study 4:

Unable to relay messages from Blackberry or Application server:

Unable to relay messages from Blackberry server or any application server through Domino SMTP server with Error message “554 Message rejected for policy reasons”. When Domino SMTP server is configured as Closed Relay connecting Server IP Addresses should be excludeded from AntiRelay Checks for Successful relay through Domino SMTP server.


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Case Study 5:Unable to send/receive mails to/from Specific domains:

a)Unable to send mails to specific domains:

Enabling SMTPClientdebg=1 displays below few error messages. SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 Refused. Your reverse DNS entry does not resolve. SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse421 Refused. Your reverse DNS entry does not resolve. SMTPClient: CommandRSET:

SMTPClient: Connection terminated with status: 2562 Router: No messages transferred to ACME.COM (host via SMTP: SMTP Protocol Returned a Transient Error SMTPClient: Attempting to Connect: Host, Port 25, SSL Port 0, Connecting Domain SMTPClient: Connection successful SMTPClient:ReceiveResponse: 421 4.7.1 : (DNS:NR)

Destination server is configured for a Reverse DNS Lookup and sending server do not have PTR record defined in DNS server. Contact Network or ISP team to make a proper reverse PTR record for your domain.

b)Unable to receive Mails from Specific domains: You Domino server is configured for reverse DNS Lookup for all connecting domains in configuration document Router/SMTP-->Restrictions and controls -->SMTP Inbound Controls-->Verify Sender's domain in DNS . Disable Verify Sender's domain in DNS or Add SMTPReverseLookups=1 parameter to Domino server's Notes.ini or Suggest Connecting domain to have PTR record in DNS Server.


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Case Study 6: Mail being delivered to the wrong recipient:

If mail is being delivered to the wrong person, check

- Person document of the recipient Internet Address & Mail fle name.If it is Wrong Correct the same.

- Configuration document, Router/SMTP tab,Address lookup field if it’s set to “Fullname then local part”, change It to “Fullname only”make sure this setting is done on the first server that receives the mail (Incoming SMTPserver).

- If Alternate Internet Alias Domains are configured create separate Global domain document for Each alias internet Domain is recommended. For Eg is a Primary Internet domain and is secondary internet domain then create 2 Global domain document for each alias internet Domain as shown Below fig.


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Case Study 7:

Users receive duplicate mails:

Duplicate e-mails are received from the internet for a user if the mail is addressed to the user in the "To" field and a group's internet address is in the "cc" field, where the user is a member of the group.

This issue is now fixed in Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 and need to add following Notes.ini parameter. RouterDupElimLookedUpFullName=number

Description: Eliminates duplicate messages to recipients when the recipient is both on the To or Cc field and in a group on the To or Cc, for messages coming from the internet.

Use the following values to set this variable: 0 - Do not eliminate the recipient's FullName from Router group expansion results 1 - Eliminate the recipient's distinguished FullName from Router group expansion results 2 - Perform another recipient lookup by FullName for verification before eliminating recipient's distinguished FullName from Router group expansion result.


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Additional resourcesAdditional resources

Error: 'Server is not responding' sending SMTP mail to external domains

Understanding SMTP authentication and securing your IBM Lotus Domino 8 server from spam

Knowledge Collection: Common Lotus Notes/Domino Mail Routing problems

How to Configure a Domino Server to Send Internet Mail

Determining the number of mailboxes required for a server

Error: 'No route found to domain' when sending mail to the Internet

Understanding the Global Domain Document


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