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  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    Session Date: 11/10/2008 2:29AMLength: 31.9 minute(s)

    Subject: Science - Chemistry

    [00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for qualitycontrol. ***[00:00:10] Guest (Customer):URL > http:!!!.colapu"li".or#[00:00:1$] Alex B (Tutor): Hi! Welcome to My name is Alex. How can I help you?[00:00:%&] Guest (Customer): hi ale'( )y na)e is ale too :[00:00:%+] Guest (Customer): oops i )ean ale'[00:00:&,] Alex B (Tutor): Awesome![00:00:&,] Alex B (Tutor): :)[00:01:11] Guest (Customer): -ahahaha(((( o i ha/e this che) that is sut really confusin#)e[00:01:%1] Alex B (Tutor): Well, how about we o some chemistry smac"talin# then?[00:01:%%] Alex B (Tutor): $%$[00:01:%2] Alex B (Tutor): :)[00:01:&3] Guest (Customer): o here it #oes.....[00:01:30] Alex B (Tutor): Alri&hty.[00:04:3&] Alex B (Tutor): 'eel (ree to type it out, or use the whiteboar.[00:0%:&0] Alex B (Tutor): ou still there?[00:0%:&$] Alex B (Tutor): %, there you are.[00:0%:3+] Guest (Customer): there is the u#ly little critter:P[00:0&:14] Alex B (Tutor): That is an u&ly little critter, I a&ree.[00:0&:40] Alex B (Tutor): Howe*er, it#s one we can train an mae a pretty little critter.[00:0&:41] Alex B (Tutor): :)[00:0&:4%] Guest (Customer): lol[00:0&:%2] Alex B (Tutor): Here#s my a*ice.[00:0&:%2] Guest (Customer): is it p/5nrt[00:0&:&&] Alex B (Tutor): It souns simple.... +ut it wors.[00:0&:30] Alex B (Tutor): $et#s start with what we now.[00:0&:31] Guest (Customer): i lie si)ple:[00:0&:33] Alex B (Tutor): An then eri*e e*erythin& we nee (rom that.[00:03:1&] Alex B (Tutor): o (ar, we now absolutely nothin& about the &as that#s &oin& to (orm.[00:03:43] Alex B (Tutor): Actually, o you ha*e an e-uation (or this?[00:03:4%] Guest (Customer): correct( 6A7A([00:03:%1] Alex B (Tutor): %r o we nee to (i&ure that out, too?[00:03:%&] Guest (Customer): no !e dont:8[00:03:&&] Alex B (Tutor): %, / 0et e-uation.

    Best Session Winner

    Alex Be
  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:02:02] Alex B (Tutor): This much we now.[00:02:13] Alex B (Tutor): I thin I now the rest....[00:02:40] Alex B (Tutor): +ut, I#m &oin& to o some internet sur(in& to be sure.[00:02:%1] Guest (Customer): o: sounds #ood to )e Ale'[00:02:&3] Alex B (Tutor): %.... I was ri&ht.[00:02:31] Alex B (Tutor): When you combine Al an H1l....

    [00:02:33] Alex B (Tutor): the ma2or prouct is Al1l3[00:0,:00] Alex B (Tutor): An then H4 &as is also mae.[00:0,:0$] Alex B (Tutor): %( course, when they say 5hyro&en &as5[00:0,:11] Alex B (Tutor): H oesn#t stan alone[00:0,:1&] Alex B (Tutor): It#s always H4[00:0,:1$] Alex B (Tutor): A iatomic molecule.[00:0,:41] Alex B (Tutor): oun (amiliar?[00:0,:&0] Guest (Customer):9eah it does:7[00:0,:&3] Alex B (Tutor): %, &oo[00:0,:30] Alex B (Tutor): Alri&ht, we ha*e the e-uation.[00:0,:3%] Alex B (Tutor): +ut, it#s not balance.[00:0,:3+] Alex B (Tutor): ou thin you coul balance it (or me?[00:0$:%0] Guest (Customer): yes( i can:[00:0$:%$] Alex B (Tutor): Alri&hty, &o ahea.[00:0+:%0] Alex B (Tutor): 6[00:0+:%4] Alex B (Tutor): 'antastic[00:0+:%%] Alex B (Tutor): 076AT 2ob[00:0+:%,] Guest (Customer):;U

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:14:34] Alex B (Tutor): To moles o( Al[00:14:34] Guest (Customer): o let )e see !hat i can do[00:14:3,] Alex B (Tutor): Then to moles o( Hyro&en.[00:1%:03] Alex B (Tutor): Alri&ht, I#ll help[00:1%:33] Alex B (Tutor): ep, that#s a &oo (irst step[00:1&:%1] Guest (Customer): o thats all i/e #ot:

    [00:1&:&,] Alex B (Tutor): %, you#re close.[00:1&:33] Alex B (Tutor): $et me show you a metho that will wor e*ery sin&le time.[00:1&:32] Alex B (Tutor): :)[00:13:0%] Alex B (Tutor): I#m &oin& to open a new whiteboar.[00:13:40] Alex B (Tutor): When you o stoichiometry, there is %6 bi& rule.[00:13:4,] Alex B (Tutor): Whate*er is on top cancels whate*er is on bottom.[00:13:%+] Alex B (Tutor): An when e*erythin& cancels out, you better be le(t with the units you want.[00:13:%$] Guest (Customer): ooo i dont lie rules:P[00:13:3%] Alex B (Tutor): ou starte o(( correctly.[00:12:00] Alex B (Tutor): ou use the molar mass o( Al[00:12:0+] Alex B (Tutor): To con*ert (rom &rams o( Al to moles o( Al[00:12:0,] Guest (Customer): o i see !hat your sayin#:@[00:12:13] Alex B (Tutor): We can write that out lie this:[00:12:13] Guest (Customer): correcto[00:12:%+] Alex B (Tutor):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:40:%,] Alex B (Tutor): >ictory 4[00:40:%$] Alex B (Tutor): :)[00:40:&,] Alex B (Tutor): o.... onto the last whiteboar.[00:41:00] Alex B (Tutor): What was the -uestion?[00:41:01] Guest (Customer): ;h yea Ale's 4B olume.[00:41:%%] Alex B (Tutor): 'oun it.[00:41:%,] Guest (Customer): !e !ant to no! the /olu)e of hyrdo#en #as proiduced at stp[00:41:&3] Alex B (Tutor): %....[00:41:&+] Alex B (Tutor): o, we ha*e => n7T[00:41:32] Alex B (Tutor): An we can re"arran&e that lie this:[00:44:%&] Alex B (Tutor): Mae sense?[00:44:%$] Guest (Customer): ? #et it:7([00:44:&3] Alex B (Tutor): Alri&ht, now....[00:44:&$] Alex B (Tutor): We 2ust plu& in stu((.[00:44:3%] Alex B (Tutor): The easy part.[00:44:32] Alex B (Tutor): We alreay sol*e (or [00:44:3+] Alex B (Tutor): n @. moles[00:4%:1+] Alex B (Tutor): 7 is a craBy number.[00:4%:1,] Guest (Customer): o let )e see if i can Cnish this u#ly pro"le) !ith a D.;([00:4%:43] Alex B (Tutor): 0o ahea.[00:4%:4,] Guest (Customer): 0.0$4:[00:4%:%%] Alex B (Tutor): 6[00:4%:%2] Alex B (Tutor): An put in the units, please.[00:4%:%,] Alex B (Tutor): :)[00:4%:31] Alex B (Tutor): CI#m picy about the units (or a reason.)[00:4&:0+] Guest (Customer): te)pature is 4,% D correct[00:4&:41] Alex B (Tutor): Hmmm....[00:4&:4&] Alex B (Tutor): es, I belie*e so.[00:43:03] Guest (Customer): and for pressure i a) #oin# !ith 1 at). correct[00:43:11] Alex B (Tutor): es[00:43:34] Alex B (Tutor): An what is that roune to the correct number o( si& (its?

    [00:43:33] Alex B (Tutor): (i&s?[00:42:0%] Alex B (Tutor): ou were &i*en ;.@ &rams o( Al[00:42:0,] Alex B (Tutor): o, that#s 4 si& (i&s[00:42:0,] Alex B (Tutor): 9)[00:42:11] Alex B (Tutor): The answer is.....[00:42:1&] Alex B (Tutor): // $[00:42:1+] Alex B (Tutor): >67 0%%ictory ance time![00:4,:04] Guest (Customer): o shoot[00:4,:14] Alex B (Tutor): I#m >67 picy about units.[00:4,:1$] Alex B (Tutor): An I insist that e*eryboy use them.[00:4,:41] Alex B (Tutor): That way.....[00:4,:4$] Alex B (Tutor): you now '%7 D76 your answer maes sense.[00:4,:%2] Alex B (Tutor): All the units shoul cancel properly....[00:4,:&4] Alex B (Tutor): An then you now you i the problem correctly

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:4,:&3] Alex B (Tutor): $et me show you:[00:4,:&3] Guest (Customer):hats #oodG i lie it !hen i )ae sense[00:4$:0$] Alex B (Tutor): 7 is craBy[00:4$:1$] Alex B (Tutor): It#s @.@E4 $ atmF mol"G[00:4$:3,] Alex B (Tutor): ou ase me i( we shoul use / atm[00:4$:3$] Guest (Customer): eee!!!

    [00:4+:0%] Alex B (Tutor): An you wouln#t ha*e ha to as.....[00:4+:0,] Alex B (Tutor): I( you wrote out the units[00:4+:14] Alex B (Tutor): +y the e(inition o( 7[00:4+:13] Alex B (Tutor): It tol you to use ATM[00:4+:4,] Alex B (Tutor): There are multiple *ersions o( 7[00:4+:42] Guest (Customer): hahahaha o i !ill !rite the units do!n e/eryti)e:[00:4+:%0] Alex B (Tutor): ome use Torr[00:4+:%3] Alex B (Tutor): ome use =ascals....[00:4+:%,] Alex B (Tutor): 17A TD''[00:4+:%2] Guest (Customer): yea ,20 torr[00:4+:&$] Alex B (Tutor): ow watch this....[00:4+:&2] Guest (Customer): really

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    Session Date: 11/08/2008 8:13PM

    Length: 34.2 minute(s)

    Subject: Science - Physics

    [00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for qualitycontrol. ***[00:00:10] Daniel K (Tutor): Hello! Welcome to How may I help you toay?[00:00:1%] Guest (Customer):URL > http:!!!.clp#h.or#teensho)e!orinde'.ht)l[00:00:3$] Guest (Customer): hi there[00:01:13] Daniel K (Tutor):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:0+:33] Guest (Customer): o[00:10:0&] Daniel K (Tutor): Is the inetic ener&y the same as the potential ener&y?[00:10:41] Daniel K (Tutor): orry, is the inetic ener&y at the bottom e-ual to the potential ener&y atthe top?[00:10:%3] Guest (Customer): no if inetic ener#y is 4000I at point 7G potential ener#y !ill "e [00:10:%2] Guest (Customer): 0

    [00:11:43] Daniel K (Tutor): That is correct, the potential ener&y is Bero at the bottom.[00:11:3,] Daniel K (Tutor): o at the bottom the bea currently has /E@@ o( ener&y, but we startewith 4@@@ o( ener&y. Where i the other 4@@ &o?[00:1%:01] Guest (Customer): h))G ener#y !asnt conser/ed[00:1%:34] Daniel K (Tutor): I( we only (ocus on the #bea# then yes, ener&y was lost somewhere.[00:1&:40] Daniel K (Tutor): +ut i( we (ocus on the bea an the trac, then all the ener&y must beconser*e.[00:1&:42] Daniel K (Tutor):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    pumps on the bea, with the microscopic bumps on the trac.[00:4$:1+] Daniel K (Tutor): It is lie when you rub your hans to&ether. The bumps on the sin o( yourhans cause your sin to warm up.[00:4$:%3] Daniel K (Tutor): Hence, when you are col your rub real (ast, the part o( your boy that iscol.[00:4$:3%] Daniel K (Tutor): +ut becare(ul, i( you rub too much there will not be any sin le(t.

    [00:4$:3+]Guest (Customer):

    oG !hat infor)ation could "e #i/en in the questiion to clarifythat "ecuase !ht ure sayin# is an assu)ption[00:4+:0,] Daniel K (Tutor): This is, why people where coats 9)[00:4+:12] Guest (Customer): :[00:4+:4,] Daniel K (Tutor): That is a &reat -uestion![00:%0:0+] Daniel K (Tutor): The -uestion is not *ery clear.[00:%0:40] Daniel K (Tutor): Howe*er, it is talin& about the potential ener&y o( the 5bea5.[00:%0:4+] Daniel K (Tutor): an the inetic ener&y 5o( the bea5.[00:%1:01] Daniel K (Tutor): o i thin it is sa(e to assume that the -uestion is asin&, 5What is the worone by (riction 5on the bea5?5[00:%1:%2] Guest (Customer): o i see thans so )uch for your help today[00:%1:&%] Guest (Customer): it !as hi#hly appreciated[00:%4:12] Daniel K (Tutor): I am so &la to hear you are unerstanin& these concepts an ha*e (ounyour session toay on to be bene(icial to your learnin&.[00:%4:41] Daniel K (Tutor): ou are most welcome.[00:%4:4$] Daniel K (Tutor):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    Session Date: 10/05/2008 :0!PMLength: 3.2 minute(s)Subject: M"th - C"#cu#us

    [00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for qualitycontrol. ***[00:00:0+] Darren L (Tutor): Welcome to! I#m

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:03:&0] Darren L (Tutor): Are these in 7ectan&ular (orm?[00:03:3%] Guest (Customer): yeah[00:02:04] Darren L (Tutor): %G[00:02:11] Guest (Customer): and the coordinates of a space station are 82G&G+[00:02:40] Guest (Customer): the captain !ants to coast into the space station[00:02:%1] Guest (Customer): and i need to no! !hen the en#ines should "e turned oK for

    that to happen[00:0,:43] Darren L (Tutor): What can you tell me about the motion o( the ship a(ter the rocets arecut?[00:0+:14] Guest (Customer): there is no acceleration[00:0+:13] Guest (Customer): /elocity is constant[00:0+:&%] Darren L (Tutor): 0oo! an in a strai&ht line[00:10:&1] Darren L (Tutor): so the *elocity *ector has to be irecte towar the space station whenthe rocets are cut[00:10:3,] Guest (Customer): yes[00:11:41] Darren L (Tutor): 1an you tell me what the *elocity *ector is?[00:14:&%] Guest (Customer): [00:1%:%%] Darren L (Tutor): %h! is that K " ... or t " (or the B"component?[00:1&:4&] Darren L (Tutor): o( the position *ector[00:13:0%] Guest (Customer): ,[00:13:41] Darren L (Tutor): %G, so it *anishes[00:13:4&] Guest (Customer): yup[00:13:34] Darren L (Tutor): what rule o we nee (or the "LFCt4 N /)?[00:12:42] Guest (Customer): does that )ae it ri#ht[00:12:34] Darren L (Tutor): you ha*e an extra t[00:1,:1$] Guest (Customer): thats a B1[00:1,:&&] Darren L (Tutor): %G. es, that maes it ri&ht[00:1$:0+] Guest (Customer): so[00:1$:11] Guest (Customer): !hats ne't[00:1$:13] Darren L (Tutor): 0oo![00:1+:04] Darren L (Tutor): We nee *Ct) to point (rom rCt) towar C8, L, ;)...[00:1+:13] Darren L (Tutor): how can we (in that *ector?[00:1+:3,] Guest (Customer): not sure[00:41:%1] Darren L (Tutor): 1an you &i*e me a moment please?[00:44:0&] Guest (Customer): yes[00:43:4&] Darren L (Tutor): I ha*e a website, but the 1lassroom browser will not let me open it[00:42:0%] Guest (Customer): can you send )e the !e"site[00:42:02] Guest (Customer): as a lin[00:42:0+] Guest (Customer): throu#h here[00:42:&%] Darren L (Tutor): D7$ O http:FFhyperphysics.phy"astr.&su.euFhbaseFH'rame.html[00:4,:%2] Darren L (Tutor): It#s a &reat site, but I can#t &et it to open. I#m not sure i( it has what wenee thou&h[00:4$:0&] Guest (Customer): o[00:4$:03] Guest (Customer): i) there[00:4+:&2] Guest (Customer): do you no! ho! to do the second part of the pro"le)[00:%0:04] Guest (Customer): i )ean )ae the /ector point at the space station

    [00:%4:00] Guest (Customer): o[00:%4:&2] Darren L (Tutor): We nee to (in the time tP@ such that *CtP@) points (rom rCtP@) to C8, L,;)[00:%%:%0] Darren L (Tutor): In &eneral, can you tel me how to (in a *ector that points (rom one pointto another?[00:%%:%1] Guest (Customer): o[00:%%:&,] Guest (Customer): so do !e su"strac the t!o /ectors[00:%%:3$] Darren L (Tutor): 0oo![00:%3:%4] Guest (Customer): su"tract one /ector fro) the other
  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:%3:&%] Guest (Customer): to illustrate the directional /ector.[00:%2:11] Darren L (Tutor): %ne position (rom the other Ccomponent wise)[00:%2:1+] Guest (Customer): yes[00:%,:34] Darren L (Tutor): so *Ct) has to point in the irection o(...[00:%+:13] Darren L (Tutor): Q3"t, 4 " lnCt), 4 N LFCt4 N /)O[00:%+:&0] Darren L (Tutor):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    Session Date: 11/12/2008 11:00PMLength: 23.4 minute(s)

    Subject: Science - Chemistry

    [00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for qualitycontrol. ***[00:00:11] Guest (Customer):URL > http:!!!.ana!hali"rary.or#[00:00:44]Jaimie H (Tutor): Welcome to! My name is aimie, o you ha*e a chemistry

    -uestion I can assist you with?[00:00:%3] Guest (Customer): -i[00:00:%$] Guest (Customer): yes i do[00:00:34] Guest (Customer): JethaneG ethyneG and hydro#en for) the follo!in# equili"riu))i'ture.[00:01:3%] Guest (Customer):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:0%:02]Jaimie H (Tutor): &reat! That is part o( it. :) Gc is e(initely an e-uilibrium constant.[00:0%:12]Jaimie H (Tutor): The c means that it is expresse in moles per liter[00:0%:1,] Guest (Customer): rate of equli"rui) constant[00:0%:40] Guest (Customer): oh[00:0%:&4]Jaimie H (Tutor): o that#s why the problem &i*es us the siBe o( the (las :)[00:0&:01] Guest (Customer): oh

    [00:0&:0&] Guest (Customer): o[00:0&:%4]Jaimie H (Tutor):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:1+:0&]Jaimie H (Tutor): well, Gc oesn#t ha*e units :)[00:1+:1+] Guest (Customer): oh "ut i thou#ht !e are Cnd Dc[00:1+:%0]Jaimie H (Tutor): ri&ht we are (inin& Gc :)[00:1+:%0] Guest (Customer): and you said c is in )oles per litre[00:1+:&,]Jaimie H (Tutor): it is 2ust a imensionless -uanity, which means we on#t call it molF$ orsomethin& lie that

    [00:1+:31]Jaimie H (Tutor): 2ust the number :)[00:40:14]Jaimie H (Tutor): the *alues we (ill into the e-uation (or the concentrations o( the reactantsan proucts are molF$[00:40:13] Guest (Customer): oh i see[00:40:43]Jaimie H (Tutor): but Gc itsel( is expresse 2ust as a number :)[00:40:%4]Jaimie H (Tutor): @./LK is &reat :)[00:40:&0]Jaimie H (Tutor): o you nee to put it into si&ni(icant (i&ures?[00:40:&2] Guest (Customer): no[00:41:%0]Jaimie H (Tutor): oay &reat :) then @./LK it is :)[00:41:&2]Jaimie H (Tutor):

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    Session Date: 09/30/2008 9:22PM

    Length: 31.9 minute(s)

    Subject: M"th - A#$e%r" &&

    [00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for quality control. ***

    [00:00:0+] Guest (Customer): URL > http:!!!.netls.or#[00:00:14] Lauren B (Tutor): =elco)e to Jy na)e is Lauren. 7o you ha/e aJath question ? can help you !ith today[00:00:1$] Guest (Customer): oo[00:00:4$] Guest (Customer): hi[00:00:%&] Guest (Customer): ho! are u[00:00:%+] Lauren B (Tutor): Mreat([00:00:&$] Lauren B (Tutor): 7o you ha/e a question ? can help ou !ith

    Lauren B.
  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:00:3+] Guest (Customer): do u lietutur fro) ur ho)e[00:01:0,] Guest (Customer): yeah i ha/e so)e[00:01:1+] Lauren B (Tutor): ;G !hat is your Crst question[00:01:3$] Guest (Customer): o i ha/e to #raph this[00:04:0,] Guest (Customer): and #et y on the other sideN[00:04:4%] Lauren B (Tutor): =ellG !e !ant the y to stay !here it is.

    [00:04:%3] Lauren B (Tutor): Out !e !ant that B& to #o to the other side.[00:04:&&] Guest (Customer): yeah[00:0%:42] Guest (Customer): yeah[00:0%:%%] Lauren B (Tutor): ;G #reat([00:0%:32] Guest (Customer): :P[00:0%:3&] Lauren B (Tutor): 6o!G do you ha/e any ideas on ho! !e can #raph this[00:0&:11] Guest (Customer): yep[00:0&:1&] Guest (Customer): u)[00:03:43] Lauren B (Tutor): U)G perfect start([00:03:&%] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7:7[00:03:&2] Guest (Customer): :[00:03:&4] Lauren B (Tutor):9ou e/en did the dashed line(([00:03:&3] Lauren B (Tutor): =o!.[00:03:&,] Lauren B (Tutor): ?) i)pressed.[00:03:3&] Lauren B (Tutor): =hat is the last thin# !e ha/e to do no![00:02:03] Guest (Customer): 5][00:02:4&] Guest (Customer): :[00:02:40] Lauren B (Tutor): o perfect([00:02:%,] Guest (Customer): ::7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7[00:02:%%] Lauren B (Tutor): ?) #lad ? could !atch you do this all "y yourself. 5P[00:02:%$] Lauren B (Tutor): *does a happy dance*[00:02:&$] Guest (Customer): can i do a another hard one[00:02:&3] Lauren B (Tutor): ure([00:0,:04] Guest (Customer): 888[00:0,:02] Guest (Customer): hehe[00:0,:&1] Guest (Customer): o the ulti)ate test >:[00:0$:11] Guest (Customer): "ooo :;[00:0$:1&] Lauren B (Tutor): ? "elie/e in you([00:0$:%1] Guest (Customer): hehe[00:0+:01] Guest (Customer): that !as not to "ad eyy[00:0+:4+] Lauren B (Tutor): 6ot at all(([00:0+:%+] Lauren B (Tutor): ;ops( chec the si#n on the 2y((([00:0+:&,] Lauren B (Tutor): ;hG you #ot it.[00:0+:3,] Guest (Customer): ;;[00:0+:3%] Lauren B (Tutor):9ou sa/ed it( !ay to #o([00:10:0%] Guest (Customer): oh :P[00:10:11] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7[00:10:0$] Lauren B (Tutor): ;G eep #oin#([00:10:12] Guest (Customer): its a steal[00:10:30] Guest (Customer): :

    [00:10:32] Lauren B (Tutor):9oure al)ost there([00:11:0$] Lauren B (Tutor):9ou Qipped that inequality lie a pro.[00:11:34] Guest (Customer): ;;[00:14:00] Guest (Customer): lots of redusin#[00:11:3+] Lauren B (Tutor): oG !hat is your Cnal inequality[00:14:1$] Guest (Customer): ;;[00:14:44] Guest (Customer): ;;[00:14:4&] Guest (Customer): !aht happen[00:14:4&] Lauren B (Tutor): orryG ? put up a ne! !hite"oard

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:14:&1] Guest (Customer): L;L[00:14:%,] Lauren B (Tutor):9our !or is still there[00:14:&&] Guest (Customer): L;L[00:14:&+] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7[00:14:33] Guest (Customer): oh cool[00:14:32] Lauren B (Tutor): o you ha/e )ore roo).

    [00:1%:02] Guest (Customer): all i need is the last step[00:1%:1%] Lauren B (Tutor):9ou can clic there on your ta"s.[00:1%:43] Lauren B (Tutor):9our !or is on =hite"oard 4.[00:1%:&&] Guest (Customer): oh isee[00:1&:1%] Guest (Customer): :[00:1&:1%] Lauren B (Tutor): =here is the '[00:1&:43] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7[00:1&:4,] Guest (Customer): ;;[00:1&:4+] Lauren B (Tutor): And %02 isnt 13......[00:1&:%3] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7[00:1&:30] Guest (Customer): o;[00:1&:&+] Lauren B (Tutor): ?ts ust 3. 5[00:13:12] Guest (Customer): u )ean 3 o/er one[00:13:1$] Guest (Customer): :[00:13:1&] Lauren B (Tutor): Ri#ht.[00:13:4&] Guest (Customer): @[00:12:11] Lauren B (Tutor): Looin #reat so far([00:12:4%] Guest (Customer): opps i for#ot the #reatersi#n[00:12:&$] Guest (Customer): it !as that[00:12:&%] Lauren B (Tutor): 6ice catch.[00:12:3,] Guest (Customer): hehe[00:12:34] Lauren B (Tutor): oG less than or equal to[00:1,:03] Guest (Customer): i all!ays catch )y )istaes[00:1,:13] Guest (Customer): so)eti)es $$[00:1,:1&] Lauren B (Tutor): 5[00:1,:4,] Lauren B (Tutor): o !here do !e shade[00:1,:%3] Lauren B (Tutor): Perfect(([00:1,:&&] Guest (Customer): :[00:1,:&$] Guest (Customer): lo!er[00:1,:&1] Lauren B (Tutor): And..... Jicey Jouse[00:1,:34] Guest (Customer): :[00:1$:0%] Guest (Customer): thats the part of the an!er[00:1$:02] Guest (Customer): :[00:1$:1$] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7:7:7[00:1$:4+] Guest (Customer): thats a artist[00:1$:%&] Lauren B (Tutor): ;hG you "etter put that Jicey in there. =e !ant to )aesure you #et full credit([00:1$:&+] Guest (Customer): yeah[00:1$:3$] Guest (Customer): e'tra credit on the test[00:1$:34] Lauren B (Tutor): 6o ans!er is co)plete !ithout a Jicey. ?ts a #ood rule to

    li/e "y. 5[00:1+:00] Guest (Customer): :[00:1+:0&] Guest (Customer): thats i)portant[00:1+:01] Lauren B (Tutor): 57[00:1+:4%] Guest (Customer): i al!ays put s)ile faces on the aners that i) not sure on[00:1+:%2] Guest (Customer): 5[00:1+:&%] Guest (Customer): can i do one last one[00:1+:&0] Lauren B (Tutor): =ellG do you ha/e any other questions today[00:1+:&4] Lauren B (Tutor): ure(

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:1+:33] Guest (Customer): i hope i dont )ae any)ore silly )istaes[00:1+:3$] Guest (Customer): :::::[00:40:42] Guest (Customer): o[00:41:00] Lauren B (Tutor): Alri#htG !or your )a#ic([00:41:42] Guest (Customer): u no! that !indo!s , !ill ha/e tuoch screens so it !ill "eeasy to dra!

    [00:44:1$] Lauren B (Tutor):9epG eep #oin#([00:44:43] Lauren B (Tutor): 6ice Qip. ? #i/e it a 10([00:44:&1] Guest (Customer): yeah this is lie the Cnals[00:44:3$] Lauren B (Tutor): UhG ho! did our 3 transfor) into a[00:4%:00] Lauren B (Tutor): 13[00:4%:4,] Guest (Customer): oh it !as a 13 fro) the start[00:4%:43] Lauren B (Tutor): AhG #ot it.[00:4%:4+] Lauren B (Tutor): :[00:42:0$] Lauren B (Tutor):9oure doin# #reat([00:42:3&] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7:7:7:7[00:4,:03] Guest (Customer): :7:7:7:7[00:42:3+] Lauren B (Tutor): SAnd the cro!d #oes !ild(((S[00:4,:1,] Guest (Customer): :7[00:4,:40] Guest (Customer): he did it[00:4,:12] Lauren B (Tutor): SAnd they !a/e their Jicey hats in the airS[00:4,:%4] Guest (Customer): 8roar [00:4,:&+] Guest (Customer): the #reater !ay[00:4,:34] Guest (Customer): :7[00:4,:&,] Lauren B (Tutor): SAnnouncer: 6e/er has this "een atte)pted and e'ecuted!ith such styleG such CnesseG such precision(S[00:4,:3,] Lauren B (Tutor): All to say: #ood o".[00:4$:1&] Guest (Customer):9[00:4$:1,] Lauren B (Tutor): As you youn#er fol say: 9=[00:4$:%$] Guest (Customer): lol i dont no! ho! u )ae such a #ood face on )icey[00:4$:&&] Lauren B (Tutor): Practice practice practice[00:4+:00] Guest (Customer): e'atly[00:4+:11] Guest (Customer): yeah i ust learned that today[00:4+:44] Guest (Customer): "ut i ha/e a test to))arro! :8[00:4+:1,] Lauren B (Tutor): =ellG it has "een e'traordinarily fun !orin# !ith you today.

    hans for "ein# such a hard !orer([00:4+:34] Guest (Customer): >: no! since !e practice no! i !il a"le to o!n the test[00:4+:34] Lauren B (Tutor): =oot !oot([00:%0:1%] Guest (Customer): )ea![00:%0:1,] Guest (Customer): :P

    [00:%0:1,] Lauren B (Tutor):hans so )uch for usin# ?f you !ould Cll out thequic sur/ey that pops up !hen you lea/eG ? !ould appreciate it #reatly( 5[00:%0:4+] Lauren B (Tutor): -a/e a #reat ni#htG and ha/e fun o!nin# the test to)orro!([00:%0:&3] Guest (Customer): that al!ay the funnest thin# to do[00:%0:31] Guest (Customer): do they treally read that[00:%1:03] Guest (Customer): yeah ill o!n that test to))aro![00:%1:0+] Guest (Customer): pao![00:%1:1$] Guest (Customer): "an#[00:%1:1%] Lauren B (Tutor): ;h #oodness. -a/e a #reat ni#ht((

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:%1:%3] Guest (Customer): utoo[00:%1:%+] Guest (Customer): :[00:%1:%&] Lauren B (Tutor): Oye([00:%1:&,] Guest (Customer): Mod "less ya

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    Session Date: 08/31/2008 10:11PMLength: 44 minute(s)

    Subject: 'n$#ish

    [00:00:00] *** Automated System Message: All sessions are recorded for quality control. ***[00:00:08] Kia M (Tutor: !i" #elcome to"

    Kia M

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:00:$%] &uest ('ustomer: i[00:00:)$] Kia M (Tutor: o you a+e a ome,or- question can el/ you ,it 1 [00:00:23] &uest ('ustomer: yea4 actually need el/ ,it ,riting a s/eec[00:0$:$8] Kia M (Tutor: 5-ay. 'an you tell me more a6out your s/eec[00:03:$)] &uest ('ustomer: yea4 it7s a s/eec a6out my fa+orite t.+ so/,4 and it as to include a title4caracters4 setting4 ,at ty/e of so, it is4 my fa+orite casracter and ,y tey7re my fa+orite4 ,y lii-ete so,[00:03:)3] &uest ('ustomer: and 7m not really sure ,ere to start[00:0):%%] Kia M (Tutor: Tat sounds li-e an interesting assignment" Are you trying to /ersuade youraudience to ,atc your so,4 or are you sim/ly informing tem a6out your so,[00:0%:0)] &uest ('ustomer: i7m informing tem a6out it[00:0%:)] Kia M (Tutor:All rigt. #ell4 let7s 6egin ,it identifying a T9 so, tat you li-e.[00:0%:%%] Kia M (Tutor: o you a+e a fa+orite 1 [00:0%:23] &uest ('ustomer: yea4 my fa+orite so, is amily &uy[00:02:$0] Kia M (Tutor: 5-ay. Tat7s te cartoon4 rigt[00:02:$] &uest ('ustomer: yea[00:02:);] Kia M (Tutor: 5-ay. #at is it a6out tis so, tat you li-e &i+e some s/ecific tings tatyou li-e.[00:0

  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions



  • 8/10/2019 Best Sessions


    [00:);:)3] &uest ('ustomer: so sould i may6e tell tem to ,atc te so,[00:%0:0