best start parents reading workshop

7/23/2019 Best Start Parents Reading Workshop 1/25 Reading at home with your child

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Reading at home

with your child

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The Power of Reading!

• Creating a love of reading in children is

potentially one of the most powerful ways of

improving academic standards in school.

• There can be few better ways to improve pupils

chances in school, or beyond in the wider world

than to enable them to become truly

independent readers.

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Reading memories

• Do you have a good childhood memory aboutbooks and reading?

• Do you have an unpleasant memory?

• Tell the person next to you about both.

• t is the conditions and feelings associated

with your good memory that should berecreated for reading with your child.

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• !uccess in reading is fundamental tosuccess in school.

• "eading is all about ac#uiring meaning$

for en%oyment, information andunderstanding.

• t is not a performance.

• t is not a test.Every time you finish a book - do always

choose a harder one next time?

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'Comprehension(• )eing able to read does not mean you understand

what you read.

• *our child might sound like a good reader but may

not necessarily understand what the text means.

• The best way to develop understanding is to talk

about texts.

• The next slide is easy to read + does anyone

understand what it means?

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An extract taken from a computer manual

 ccording to the previous T-D hard

drive transfer protocol, the signalling way to

send data was in synchronous strobe mode

by using the rising edge of the strobe signal.

The faster strobe rate increases /, which

cannot be eliminated by the standard 012pin

cable used by T and ultra T.

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Reading requires two skills


Phonics and


 The ability torecognise words

presented in andout of context.

 The ability toblend letter


together to readwords.


 The ability tounderstand the

meaning of the wordsand sentences in a


 The ability tounderstand the ideas,

information and

themes in a text.

If a child understandswhat they hear, theywill understand the

same information

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3hat are phonics?

• 4ow many letters?


• 4ow many sounds'phonemes(?


• 4ow many spellingsof the sounds?

Cracking the nglish 5anguage code67



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Saying the sounds

• Turn to your partner and say the sounds of

the alphabet.

• Cu a tu 2 what9s this word?

• :ideo + correct articulation of phonemes

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Stretchy Sounds

• f f f f f f f f 

• n n n n n

• m m m m• l l l l l l l l l

• sh sh sh sh

• ; ; ; ; ; ;

• r r r r r r r

• s s s s s s s

• v v v v v v v

• th th th th

• ng ng ng ng

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Bouncy Sounds

a a a a a a a

e e e e e e ei i i i i i i i i

o o o o o o ou u u u u u u

 b b b b b b

w w w w w w t t t t t t ty y y y y yp p p p p p

d d d d d dg g g g g g

h h h h h h h % % % % % % % % %

k k k k k k kx x x x x x xc c c c c c c c

 # # # # # # # #

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sh ar


Blending and Segmenting

Blending for reading andSegmenting for spelling

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Reading in School The Teaching of Reading

• honics• Shared reading• !uided reading• Independent reading

• ersonal reading• "ocused reading acti#ities• Reading across the curriculum• $lass no#els and stories

  School readers HomereadersThe hearing of reading is NOT the teaching

of reading

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"eading at 4ome + n%oy<

• /ake reading visible$ have books

available in your home

• !hare books every day$

• )oys need to see that reading issomething men do.

• Talk about books.

• !it and listen 2 don9t do chores around thereader<

• "espect choices.

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What to do if your child is stuck

• &se phonics first. 3hat sound does the wordbegin with? Can you say the sounds in the

word? )lend them together.• "ead to the end of the sentence. 3hat

would make sense?• 3hat is the text about + what might fit here?• Does it sound right?

• 5ook at the picture. Does it help?

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3hen get stuck on a word in a


There are lots of things can do.

can do them all, please, by myself$ don=t need help from you.

can look at the picture to get a


>r think what the story=s about.

can get my mouth ready to saythe first letter.

  kind of sounding out.

can chop up the words into smaller


5ike on or ing or ly,>r find smaller words in compound


5ike raincoat and bumblebee.

can think of a word that makes

sense in that place,

@uess or say blank and read on

&ntil the sentence has reached itsend,

Then go back and try these onA

Does it make sense?

Can we say it that way?

Does it look right to me?Chances are the right word will pop

out like the sun

n my own mind, can=t you see?

f =ve thought of and tried out most of

these things nd still do not know what to do,

Then may turn around and ask

Bor some help to get me through.

ndependent Strategies by Jill Marie Warner  

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ow to use these strategies at home

"ohn let his pet frog go#t $$$$$$across the grass#

What is the first sound?

t h$$$$$ across the grass#What would make sense?

t hopping across the grass#

Does that sound right?

t hopped across the grass#

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Closed uestions<

• Do you like this book?• Do you like this character?• t9s a good story isn9t it?• Do you like reading?•

 re you good at reading?• Do you like this kind of


Change these #uestions so

that the answers cannot be

yes or no.

• 3hat do you like about thisbook?• 3hat do you think of this

character?• 3hy do you think this is a

good story?• 3hat9s great about reading?• 3hy are you a good reader?• 3hat is it about these stories

that you like so much?

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Talking about books

t is not a test< Do you like this book$ why?

3ho is your favourite character?

Tell me about a character in the book.3hich words tell you what the character is like?

4ow would you feel?

3hat do you think will happen next?

3hat would you do?

3hat have you learned about in your book?

3hat can you tell me about?

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• Binding information on the page.• )eing able to find information that is not  on

the page. 5ooking for clues

• Thinking about situations and predictingwhat might happen.

• Eutting yourself in a character9s shoes and

understanding what is going on from theirviewpoint.• )ook talk to make your child think.

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4earing your child read•

Choose a #uiet time and give your child your fullattention$

• @ive support if re#uired using the strategies explained


• xplain the meaning of new words$• Talk about the text using open #uestions.

5isten and watch the reading demonstration

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"eading to your children• ntroduce your children to different types of books$

classic fiction, chapter books, short stories, %oke books,poetry, non2fiction.

• "ead them the book that was your favourite when you

were a child.

• "ead slowly, with expression. Try to use different andfunny voices for characters.

• Bollow the words and read the story using the pictures.• Talk about what is happening and what might happen

next. 5eave the story on a cliffhanger<

5isten to the story of Fack and the )eanstalk.

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Fack and the )eanstalk

Think about the story of Fack and the)eanstalk.

• 3ho are the characters?

• 3ho is the main character?

• 4ow would you feel if someone kept

stealing your belongings?

• 3hat might the giant say to Fack9s mother?

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*ou9re never too young<

Eolar )ear Eolar )ear

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4ave fun<<