best year yet...thinking and pondering on this. but don't overthink it or push it. this word will...

© UNITED ARTSPACE 1 Share pictures of your prep on social media and tag us on FB or Instagram, you can also include the hashtag #BYY2021 Without any direction in life we aimlessly move from one idea to another. Saying yes to things we don't really want to do, and before we know it another year has passed by. Let's get you focussed and prepared for the year ahead. There is a lot of work in this prep but you don't have to do it all. If you only do one part of this prep you will be setting yourself up for success. If you feel overwhelmed, choose one task and carve out 1 hour to work on it and if you want to do more, great. Ideally carve out half a day to work on this, if you can. Michee Lloyd Founder of United ArtSpace BEST YEAR YET

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Post on 04-Feb-2021




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    Share pictures of your prep on social media and tag us on FB or Instagram, you can also include the hashtag #BYY2021

    Without any direction in life we aimlessly move from one idea to another. Saying yes to things we don't really

    want to do, and before we know it another year has passed by.

    Let's get you focussed and prepared for the year ahead.

    There is a lot of work in this prep but you don't have to do it all.

    If you only do one part of this prep you will be setting yourself up for success. If you feel overwhelmed, choose one task and carve out 1 hour to work on it and if you

    want to do more, great.

    Ideally carve out half a day to work on this, if you can.

    Michelle Lloyd Founder of United ArtSpace




    The best place to start before planning your year is reflec5ng.

    Reflec5ng back over the last few years and 2020 especially, will help you evaluate your life, what's important and what you want less or more of.

    ACTION: Use the worksheet a



    You can do this digitally, handwriUen, with post-it notes or hand draw a spider diagram/mind-map like these examples below.


    VISION BOARDThis is op5onal, but I find a vision board really helps turn your ideas into reality.

    In fact, this was the board I created 3 years ago and I have nearly 5cked everything off this board. It felt far fetched and over the top when I created it.

    This vision board can include art, personal and money. This not only creates your passport to designing your own life, it's a constant reminder of why you are doing all of this and you will need it when the going gets tough.

    You can turn your mind-map into a vision board, like this one

    Include not only what you want, but why it maUers. If it's for a beUer life, what does that look like?

    If it's for personal growth, what does that look like? If it's for your family, include them.

    Make this tangible and none tangible, so you might have a house, a car, a studio, but what about feelings? How do you want to feel?

    Include those intangible goals on your board too, either using a symbolic image or words.


    WALL PLANNERACTION: The next step is to buy a wipeable wall planner.

    You need something where you can see the whole year in one.

    Once you have the planner, start wri5ng all your commitments, such as birthdays, work, exhibi5ons you might have, any plans you have made.

    Here are some examples:



    Finally, start thinking of a word that sums up what you want for 2021. This comes immediately for some, and for others is takes weeks of working through the workshops for it to appear. This is why I am plan5ng the seed now, start thinking and pondering on this. But don't overthink it or push it.

    This word will sum up what you want more of next year.


    Freedom, crea5ng, crea5vity, visibility, money, abundance, health, love, friendship, selling, moving, journey, expression, authen5city, honesty, growth - the list goes on.

    ACTION: Start thinking about what your word will be for 2021.

    Workshops start on 7th January, and I will guide you through the next steps of how to create a clear vision for 2021 and how you can

    make it happen.