between the oil palm plantation and elephant habitat.pdf

1 | Bandung Institute of Tourism Hidden Paradise The Tangkahan! We couldn't believe our luck on March 16th that we were discovering the beautiful of hidden paradise Tangkahan forest, In order to enhance our skill in the field trip project under the Bandung Institute of Tourism. We found Abang Ika through our initial research for this trip. We were told he was passionate about ecotourism and how tirelessly he worked to rebuild and educate local society on why it is so important to conserve and protect our heritage forest. It wasn't until we read further that we learnt about ecotourism definition and attraction until his conservation area of Tangkahan forest, located in Batang Serangan District Langkat Regency, in North Sumatra Province. This time in a team of five, we flew from Bandung to one of the largest city in Indonesia called Medan then continued taken off a local bus. It took about five hours to reach this place after landing on airport in the afternoon. We arrived at Tangkahan in the evening where we stayed for overnight. Tangkahan often referred to as a hidden paradise in Sumatra, the reason is if you want to reach this place you need approximately four until five hours to Tangkahan besides oil palm crops will accompanied you alongside the road with a rocky and dusty sensation. As a tropical region North Sumatra has a temperature about 28 to 32 C where the rainy season comes from September to January and Dry season comes from February to August. With dense forest topography and its impressive Tangkahan, it makes this village become remarkable tourist destination. The panorama forest of the village will greet you when you waking up in the morning, like birds singing, river stream of Batang Serangan until the horn of elephant trunk. Mount Leuser National Park is one of the areas which have numerous primates with various species in the world as well as a home to several species of endangered animals. It is estimated around 89 endangered species and protected by Mount Leuser National Park such as Sumatran tiger, Sumatran orangutan,

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Post on 13-Nov-2015




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  • 1 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    Hidden Paradise

    The Tangkahan! We couldn't believe our luck on March 16th that we were

    discovering the beautiful of hidden paradise Tangkahan forest, In order to enhance

    our skill in the field trip project under the Bandung Institute of Tourism. We found

    Abang Ika through our initial research for this trip. We were told he was passionate

    about ecotourism and how tirelessly he worked to rebuild and educate local society

    on why it is so important to conserve and protect our heritage forest. It wasn't until

    we read further that we learnt about ecotourism definition and attraction until his

    conservation area of Tangkahan forest, located in Batang Serangan District Langkat

    Regency, in North Sumatra Province.

    This time in a team of five, we flew from Bandung to one of the largest city

    in Indonesia called Medan then continued taken off a local bus. It took about five

    hours to reach this place after landing on airport in the afternoon. We arrived at

    Tangkahan in the evening where we stayed for overnight. Tangkahan often referred

    to as a hidden paradise in Sumatra, the reason is if you want to reach this place you

    need approximately four until five hours to Tangkahan besides oil palm crops will

    accompanied you alongside the road with a rocky and dusty sensation.

    As a tropical region North Sumatra has a temperature about 28 to 32 C

    where the rainy season comes from September to January and Dry season comes

    from February to August. With dense forest topography and its impressive

    Tangkahan, it makes this village become remarkable tourist destination. The

    panorama forest of the village will greet you when you waking up in the morning,

    like birds singing, river stream of Batang Serangan until the horn of elephant trunk.

    Mount Leuser National Park is one of the areas which have numerous

    primates with various species in the world as well as a home to several species of

    endangered animals. It is estimated around 89 endangered species and protected by

    Mount Leuser National Park such as Sumatran tiger, Sumatran orangutan,

  • 2 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    Sumatran elephant, Sumatran rhinoceros, Honey bear, Rangkong papan or great

    hornbill, Dhole, and Siamang. It is about 325 birds in the National Park. While the

    reptilian such as Poison snake and River crocodile. You could find Jurung fish as

    the indigenous fish of Alas River that can reach up to one meter.

    Figure 1. Tangkahan forest and Batang serangan river

    Source: March 2015 Achmad Rifqi

    In the past time this forest of National Park frequently becomes illegal

    dislodgement area during 1900 to 2000 becomes a great attention because of human

    illegal logging wealth in several area which misapplied the reservation territory at

    the moment. Nowadays the forest has changed into wildlife protection area. In

    2004, it was a pride moment for local society since it accepted not only becomes

    one of the world rain tropical forest sites of Sumatra but also claimed of the Mount

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    Leuser National Park as a world heritage site by UNESCO so soon as Seblat

    Kerinci National Park and South Bukit Barisan National Park.

    Figure 2. Batang serangan river and Getek a kinds of boat to across the river

    Source: March 2015 Achmad Rifqi

    After achieving World Heritage Site in 2004. Tangkahan still has problems

    to develop the area into ecotourism concept. The local society was the main key of

    the successful Tangkahan growth. Illegal logging prohibition made most people of

    Tangkahan becomes unemployment since it was a main do for living for them.

    Local institution and government pushed hard the society to stop illegal logging

    cases by educate why it is vital to conserve forest and how benefits developing

    ecotourism destination in Tangkahan.

    The government efforts on spreading the words and make a difference on

    changing the habits of illegal loging and how potential it is to develop ecotourism

    from one village to other village was not futile. In 2011 it was established an

    organization that manage and monitor the activities of Tangkahan forest. LPT

  • 4 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    stands for Lembaga Pariwisata Tangkahan (Tangkahan Tourism Institution).

    Including two elephants provided by Flora Fauna International came from South

    Aceh Regency to help people working as settled into ecotourism attraction. The

    native people has understand and aware the function and Tangkahan forest wealth.

    Therefore, they tried to preserve their precious environment assets.

    5 Tips on Tracking to Conservation Area

    Traveled to the wild or protected areas can deliver and add a different

    experience. Not only that, traveled to the conservation area will also open our

    insights about the importance of environmental conservation and feel the direct

    impact of environmental damage. Travel plan a conservation area is basically the

    principle of the responsibility on the journey of environmental conservation. Here

    are some tips on preparing for the trip and during a trip to the wild or protected


    1. Prepare luggage efficiently

    A trip to the wild requires us to carry goods that are not troublesome enough to

    carry. Make a list of things that are important and useful for the needs for traveling

    from place to drink, food to taste, drugs until raincoat.

    2. Dress decent

    Generally wild or conservation area is forested; therefore proper clothing needs to

    be attention. Moreover, respect for local culture, because in some places, very

    decent clothes are required. Vigilant against insect bites and wear comfortable

    footwear for the field trip.

    3. Comply with existing regulations

    On the conservation area generally have specific regulations that aim to not disturb

    wildlife or protecting the environment for instance not littering. Put into your

    garbage bag first and waste when there is trash.

  • 5 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    4. Listen to what the guide said

    We do not need to worry and fear for a trip to the wild because it is usually in the

    conservation area, tourists allowed to enter, accompanied by a guide. Adhere to the

    guide so as not to get lost or even hurt themselves.

    5. be nice

    Addition to complying with the rules and guides, we are also required to maintain

    posture and oral. Respect for biodiversity, especially wildlife and also respect the

    local residents or indigenous peoples.

    `Usually the traveler who is accustomed traveled to the wild and

    conservation area are familiar with the principles of the rule take nothing but

    pictures, leave nothing but footprints and kill nothing but time. With respect and

    conform to existing regulations area and be nice, we are ready to broaden


    The Development of Tourism in Tangkahan

    We spent three days in Tangkahan meeting elephant conservation and oil

    palm crops. Observing and sometimes playing with Elephant in the Conservation

    Unit. Abang Ika told us more about his effort to rebuild Tangkahan into ecotourism.

    The pioneer of Tangkahan ecotourism destination was from local society worked

    corporately. Moreover, they worked as a volunteer with an aim to get experience

    about how to work in conservation area. Through cooperation with the National

    Park which directly has a right to control and monitor the physical condition aspects

    Tangkahan forest.

  • 6 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    Figure 3. The map of Tangkahan ecotourism destination

    Source: March 2015 Achmad Rifqi

    Community Tour Operator (CTO) is the next foundation based on LPT (

    Tangkahan Tourism Community) which provides tour package. Local people

    become predominant on operating the foundation, starting from the woman who

    gives an additional class for local society learning about English conversation.

    About three teachers on the English Club have a competency in English literature.

    The next program is Community Tour Operator (CTO) provides a trainee

    about management knowledge up to professional guiding technical class. Tour

    package rates has designed according to the cleaning budget, security finance, staff

    salary, English club tutors, patrol team, up to the budget for animals prosperity like

    their feeding portion and medical check up. Frankly, the local society do not

    understand about financial management and capacity building since there is a

  • 7 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    contribution from government and local community programs more people know

    both management system and financial.

    In 2001, no visitor found in Tangkahan either domestic or foreign tourist.

    Four years later tourists tourist start to travel to Tangkahan up to 4000 visitors

    where every single tourist consumes approximately 1.5 million with a total income

    8 billion per year.

    Tourist must not forced to do the attraction in Tangkahan but the rangers

    will offer them which activity they want it and suitable to their skill and interest.

    Come and meet elephant together with rangers called Mahout, patrolling and

    tracking across the forest to control illegal logging and poaching.

    Explore and feel the sensation of adventure trip in the real forest. Passing an

    axtreme track through climbing a sludge track to encounter the exotic species where

    its home for them. Tourist might using elephant for tracking where you are going to

    have a different sensation by sitting up to the elephant. How fantastic it is!

    You can jump and swim from higher stone into the clear and fresh water of

    Batang Serangan river. Feel the atmosphere of leisure time hided from the city life.

    Tourist can get unique sensation not only visiting elephant camp but also washing

    elephant in the river, you might reach the Conservation Response Unit (CRU) about

    15-20 minutes by walking from Tangkahan. One thing you should remember that

    you can get a nature spa and massage under the water fall of Buluh river. There is a

    small water fall close to the river in the forest. If you have an extra energy you could

    travel to the bigger one of water fall about an hour heading up to Buluh river. You

    should try this one!

    Alongside the road you can find the oil palm crops as it is one of the main

    occupation of local people, worked for privat oil palm companies such as PT.

    Nusantara II (Persero) and PT. Pertamina. With a numbers of wild elephant enter

    the crops and the impact is increasing the human-elephant conflict.

  • 8 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    Mostly it is because of the missunderstand of the wild habitate elephant between the

    border of plantation.

    Oil Palm Company Saving Elephant

    Human elephant conflict was increasing each year, the data showed

    mortality WWF Indonesia in Aceh five cases in 2014 from 13 in 2012. These

    figures show a significant increase, and of these cases, the majority of the mortality

    rate is due to the conflict with humans, poisoned, or shot directly. The high forest

    damage (including changes in function of the area to oil palm plantations) which is

    home to the Sumatran elephant leads to reduced feed the elephants. This led to the

    elephant population through plantations and plantation crops devoured.

    Based on data from the Elephant Conservation Forum Indonesia, in 2014

    from 26 Sumatran elephant habitat on the island of Sumatra, 13 of which are no

    longer found the elephant population and was thought to be extinct. As for the 11

    others were declared critical habitat and the other two in a critical threshold. The

    reason, among others, is increasingly narrow space for elephants and the lack of

    food in the habitat itself. The condition occurs in six habitats of elephants in Riau

    and several other locations in southern Sumatra and Jambi.

    Due to the narrowing native habitat Elephant and widespread conversion of

    land into oil palm plantations, rubber and acacia, a change in behavior and feeding

    pattern on the Sumatran elephant and the resulting human-elephant conflict because

    Elephants are often took the palm fruits are considered as pests by humans.

  • 9 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    According to one of Mahout an Elephant temper in Tangkahan Wild

    elephants entering residential areas or estates of citizens, can not directly be

    regarded as garden pests. Because of the elephant habitats has been decreased and

    numerous cases of conservation forest land changed into oil palm plantation. To

    solving the problem company needs to contribute as to successful for elephant

    conservation in their natural habitats. Oil palm company need to be more

    transparent and follow the regulation of the government related to clearing the

    forest transform into oil palm land, except those companies also required having a

    role in natural conservation. For instance apply Best Management Practice.

    Figure 4. Oil palm harvest in Tangkahan area.

    Source: March 2015 Achmad Rifqi

    The boundary between wild forest and oil palm plantations should be made

    possible in order to avoid such human-elephant conflict and understanding of

    elephants and their habitats need to be held to educate the community related so do

    not assume the elephant as a pest for their garden.

    As we know that human-elephant conflict often occurs due to the prompting

    the land of oil palm plantation so that it can be inviting a numbers of elephant

  • 10 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    comes in that area. Elephants have been known to raid agricultural fields-

    sometimes eating their way through an entire harvest in a single night. Elephants

    love to eat cultivated crops like rice. The conflict also took a number victim even

    deadly both in human and elephant.

    Figure 5. Ranges conduct elephants to go to river by making a line.

    Source: March 2015 Achmad Rifqi

    Conservation Response Unit (CRU) is a local communities that manages

    and monitor Tangkahan territory from wild-hunting. It is one the program made by

    Flora Fauna International Organization. Conservation Response Unit (CRU)

    worked for conservation both flora and fauna, so it is not only elephant but also

    other animal in the forest. CRU have programs that related to elephants prosperity

    such as exploiting the waste of elephants transform into organic fertilized, and

    increasing the number of elephants birth about There are some ways you can do to

    prevent human-elephant conflict.

  • 11 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    It is an obligation to prevent human-elephant conflict especially around the

    border of elephant habitats and oil palm plantation which is too risky to save them

    and avoid killing human or elephant. The local communities need to know

    technically how to banish elephants safe and effective without falling victim.

    How to Prevent Elephant from Oil Palm Plantation

    As a society we have to do an active role in order to tell the information about the

    elephant expulsion. Furthermore more people understand and know they can

    minimalist human-elephant conflict. These are some way to prevent elephants from

    oil palm plantation. According to World Wildlife Foundation:

    1. Every single individual must have a principle that in doing such an

    banishment there is no force expulsion so avoid clashes between humans

    and elephants. Elephant is the world's largest land animal and also one of

    the smartest. Elephants show concern and help other elephants in distress

    since they are social creatures.

    2. We have to act like a leader, being calm down, and make sure that elephants

    know the existence of human as well as you should stay together in your

    team and keep patience. Elephants can recognize themselves in mirrors so

    they can be aware of people around them.

    3. Not recommended dispel elephants at night, like doing a blockade way.

    Calves stay with their mothers for years and are also cared for by other

    females in the group. Imagine if you try to disturb calves, mother will anger

    even killing you.

    4. Don't get me wrong if you attacked by the elephant while they are on lust

    condition since they tend to be more aggressive. Elephant has the longest

    gestation period of any mammal at 22 months so we need to know whether

    they are under pregnant or not.

  • 12 | B a n d u n g I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m

    5. Do not drive in a way surprising, since the main aim to prevent not the cash

    out. As you know elephants are not only a cultural icon throughout Asia,

    they also help to maintain the integrity of forest and grassland habitats.

    6. Always stay in a higher place when eye to eye to elephant, and make a

    distance not too close to the elephant. Elephant trunks contain as many as

    150.000 muscles; the trunk can pick up a single blade of grass or rip off a

    tree branch. They might be kicked you with only a trunks. Pay attention if

    you find the wild elephant.

    7. It is very important to watch out their ears because of an elephant will

    uphold the ear when it comes to human. They also need to think what they

    should do in case of disturbed. Keep away and wait until elephants flick

    their ears. When it quiets you can do an expulsion.

    8. Make room for the elephants can move and find the right direction to get

    out. Avoid using a bright colors t-shirt.

    9. The last but not least, basically elephant expulsion is based on sound.

    However, the source of sound needs to be careful to do effectively. The

    sound must be hard but not frequently in order to avoid elephants become

    panic and run. WWF teaches villagers how to harmlessly deter elephants

    from crops through the use of Bombs made from a mixture of water,

    elephant dung and crushed chilies. When burned, the mixture irritates an

    elephant's trunk and keeps the animal away.