beware of malicious apps being delivered on skype

Beware of Malicious Apps Being Delivered on Skype SafeBytes Software

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Post on 18-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Beware of malicious apps being delivered on skype

Beware of Malicious Apps Being Delivered on Skype

SafeBytes Software

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Skype is one of the most trusted software systems currently on the market. It has not only been improving with time; it has allowed the cost of transcontinental calls at a fraction of what they were only a few years ago. It has also improved the live broadcasting of news. However, there have been increasing reports of Skype coming with malicious material since it started carrying advertisements. This is the reason why you need to beware of malicious apps being delivered on Skype.

The advertisements carried by Skype appear on the home screen page and on top of the screen. The ones on top of the screen look like a banner. One thing that many users are unhappy about when it comes to these advertisements is that they are big and intrusive. Well, these may actually be the least of your problems as you may soon notice that these adverts have the potential to cause problems on your computer.

The Adverts Are Dodgy

Many Skype users have often complained that these dodgy advertisements in the form of a banner lead to suspicious websites that want to install equally suspect software that disguises itself as a Java or Adobe update. Anyone who has ever been tricked by developers of malware on the internet will know that Adobe and Java are two of the most abused software systems when it comes to these scam stars. Many people expect to see these advertisements on websites that are equally suspect.

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It becomes a concern when they start appearing on established and trusted websites such as Skype.

The main reason why even experienced users of computers are falling for this trick has to do with the fact that Skype is a legitimate program from Microsoft. When users see updates being advertised here for free, they fall for the trick.

The sad thing is that those who do fall for this trick are not downloading anything close to Adobe or Java but some dangerous malware. What this malware will do on your system is not something we can speculate on. However, we can tell you that it is not designed to make your computer work better.

What Skype Is Doing About This

Well, Skype promised that it is working hard to get to the bottom of this issue. Surely, Skype has enough skilled people to track the website from which these dubious activities are coming.

The main problem could easily lie in the fact that Skype is a free service, and Microsoft wants to make money through the advertisements, which may lead to users accepting these kinds of adverts.

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What You Can Do

Apart from avoiding clicking on these advertisements on Skype, you can deploy a software system that is smarter than the scam stars who design the adverts. Turn to Total System Care from SafeBytes. With this solution, you will never need to worry about the updates you download onto your computer. It will scan through each one and, if it is dangerous, neutralize it before it causes any problems for you.