beyond bali - adventure travel magazine - sept2011

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  • 8/4/2019 Beyond Bali - Adventure Travel Magazine - Sept2011


    Hike it: Indonesia

    86 September/October 2011








    BeyondBal i:

  • 8/4/2019 Beyond Bali - Adventure Travel Magazine - Sept2011


    Hike it: Indonesia September/October 2011 87

    Su smlld of qu


    Here on the ourth day

    o April it was the worst o

    lean and hungry times. Mt Rinjani is

    the lieblood o this town, a 3,726m

    stratovolcano rising like a monster

    rom the pancake ats o north Lom-bok, its sole nonagricultural resource

    and 75% o its yearly economy. And

    with the mountain closed by tor-

    rential rains or the past three months,

    Senaru had been quietly starving.

    Still, there was reason or hope.

    Elsewhere in Indonesia, Javanese or

    oreign interests oten control the

    local tourist trades, and the people

    o those communities contented

    themselves with scraps. In Senaru,

    though, all tourism on the mountain

    is organised on a community base.

    Guides and porters rom the town all

    get work on a rotation system, and

    the body that oversees and trains

    them the Rinjani Trek Management

    Board is a non-prot cooperative

    that put its entrance ees wholesale

    back into the ecotourism program,

    park maintenance and promotion.

    Its a unique system, and with the

    mountain just reopened or the year, I

    was eager to begin my climb o Indo-

    nesias second-highest volcanic peak,and see rsthand what this collective

    responsibility really meant.

    The next morning we set o at

    8am with our guide Sam (just Sam)

    and our wiry, indeatigable porter,

    bareoot and smiling and carry-

    ing 35kg tents and cooking pots,

    pineapples and bedrolls in twin

    bamboo baskets slung on a stout pole

    over one shoulder. The path was mud

    and roots and mossy hardwoods, the

    clouds driting in and out, movingthrough patches o hot sun and some-

    times into lightly spitting rain. There

    were birds chorusing in the trees, and

    when we stopped or lunch cheeky

    grey monkeys, the most thieving o all

    creatures, appeared, greedily snatch-

    ing at the cast-o scraps.

    Already our little group was

    winded. The rst days walk was

    2,040m o ascent spread over only

    9km, and above the treeline, trek-

    king through a thick cloud, the path

    quickly became steep and indistinct,

    a scramble up muddy stones ollow-

    ing the vague shape o our porter

    through the og above us. The ridge-

    line was a relie, and as we tracked

    southeast to our camp in a shallow

    saddle it was 4pm, and the clouds

    were just beginning to clear.

    At the top o every climb there

    comes a payo, a visual compensa-

    tion or the hours o burning lungs

    and aching quads. Its the Easter egg,

    the chocolate in the advent calendar,the uncertain reward; and as the

    clouds blew o and the sun appeared,

    it was clear that this reward would

    be spectacular. First a body o water

    deep blue, known as Segara Anak,

    the Child o the Sea swam out o

    the og, nearly 700m down. Then the

    rounded, ash-brown cindercone o

    Mt Baru, slightly smoking. The crater

    walls, sharp and high, appeared; then

    nally Rinjani to the northeast, more

    than 1,000m above our already-loty

    height, intimidating, severe and

    capped by clouds.

    The crater was sublime, an empty,

    elemental space almost 9km wide. It

    was like a cathedral, enormous and

    enclosed, a powerul physical pres-

    ence to sit in quiet and eel awed by.

    Still, the mountain had not always

    been a peaceul place. Oh, back

    beore 2000, so many robberies on

    Rinjani, my trek organiser, Ahmed

    Yani, had told me back in the town.

    The tourism business was just ght-ing, only a ew people getting all the

    money, and everyone else was angry.

    Finally, the NZODA [New Zealand

    Ofcial Development Assistance

    program] came in and showed us how

    to share the mountain. That was when

    everything changed.

    Indeed, Rinjani is now considered

    one o the worlds leading examples

    o how to do tourism right. The

    community won a prestigious World

    Legacy Award rom the NationalGeographic Society in 2004 or do-

    ing superb work in protecting its

    overall natural and cultural heritage,

    and visitors rom other Indonesian

    islands and abroad regularly travel to

    Lombok to study its system. The next

    morning, however, I could see that

    Rinjani wasnt without its problems.

    We descended steeply or two hours

    through a patchy orest to the edge

    o the lake, picking our way along its

    shore until, ording a small stream, we

    came upon the lakeside campsite that

    in the high season would see nearly

    40,000 local Sasak people coming to

    bathe in the sacred hot springs. We

    Sasak people come down to the hot

  • 8/4/2019 Beyond Bali - Adventure Travel Magazine - Sept2011


    Hike it: Indonesia

    t op t ips f ort r avel l ing inIndonesia

    1Scams, overcharging and rip-os are unortu-

    nately rampant in Indonesia, particularly in Bali.

    Prices or accommodation have genuinely risen

    in many cases since your guidebooks last printing, but

    transportation prices are usually accurate. It pays to be

    sceptical and to shop around.

    2ATMs typically note whether they disperse cash

    in 100,000- or 50,000-rupiah bills. Whenever

    possible, take the latter, as the larger notes can

    oten be hard to break.

    3Indonesia has some o the worlds best divingand snorkeling spots. Superb and easily-acces-

    sible locations include the Amed Coast o east

    Bali, Lomboks Gili Islands, and Pulau Bunaken just o

    the coast o Manado in north Sulawesi.

    4A hired motorbike is perhaps the easiest (and

    most un) way o seeing the relatively com-

    pact islands o Bali and Lombok. Automatic

    step-through bikes can be rented throughout Bali or

    around 25,000-35,000 rupiah (about 2.50) a day, and

    in the town o Senggigi in Lombok or 35,000-40,000

    rupiah a day. It saves the hassle o these islands

    sketchy public transport networks, but beware o

    police checkpoints, where bribes (typically around

    50,000 rupiah) are extracted. An International Driving

    License (obtained in your home country) is the best

    way to avoid having to pay.

    5Tasty Indonesian ood: try gado-gado(veg-

    etables in peanut sauce), sate(small skewers o

    marinated meat cooked over charcoals), and

    nasi goreng(a ried rice and egg dish). Check out tuak

    (homebrewed rice- or palm-wine), but give arak(the

    local version o moonshine) a miss.

    The cr at er was sub l ime,an empt y, el ement al

    space a l mos t 9km w ide.It w as l ik e a c at hedr al ,enor mous and enc l osed


    88 September/October 2011

    Fine specimen: Matthew

    enjoying the 39 hot springs

    Caught anything?

    A local boy shing in

    the Rinjani crater lake

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    Hike it: Indonesia September/October 2011 89

    spring to make magic, or healing,

    Sam told me, but the damage

    done by these pilgrims was

    immense, or the campsite was

    completely trashed.

    Dropping our packs amid the

    obscene litter o noodle packages

    and plastic bags, rubber sandalsand rusting cans, ood waste and

    plastic bottles, we hiked down be-

    low a crashing waterall where the

    hotsprings owed rom the rock

    into our simple stone baths. The

    39 water elt delicious ater the

    previous days hard climb, and we

    spent an hour hopping between

    the steaming baths and the cold,

    turbulent pool below the alls. Still,

    the rubbish was disgusting, and

    impossible to ignore. Every two

    weeks, we send people to clean,

    Junaidi Surahman, the head o

    the Trek Management Board, told

    me back in Senaru, shaking his

    head. But with so many visitors,

    what can we do? Cleaning up ater

    oreign people is one thing, or the

    local people it is another. There is

    just not enough money to pay our

    porters and guides and to keep

    the lake clean.

    Indeed, it was a relie to shoul-

    der our packs again ater lunchand put the squalor o the camp-

    site behind us. We tracked across

    the grasses o the mountainside in

    the bright sun or an hour beore

    beginning a sharp, rocky ascent

    700m to the opposite crater rim,

    two hours o hard climbing that

    let our aces sunburnt and our

    legs completely jellied. When

    we reached the campsite on the

    Sembalun ridge, a TV crew rom

    RCTI, one o the Indonesias topstations, was already camped out,

    their generator conking away as

    they lmed a trekking adventure

    program. In Indonesia we say you

    havent ofcially been to Lombok

    until youve climbed Rinjani, Emri,

    the crews creative director, told

    me. Its that amous.

    The sunset rom the rim was

    perect. From 1,000m up we

    watched the clouds ar below

    us as they lled the valley like

    smoke, creeping along the

    ground, thick and white and

    opaque, running all the way north

    to where the sky met the blue o

    the ocean. At the leading edge

    Wos wg?Teacher, writer, pho-

    tographer and part-

    time metaphysician,

    Matthew Crompton

    has at various times

    called Cleveland, San

    Francisco and Seoulhome; or 2011 hes

    abroad in the world

    at large. Passionately

    devoted to trivia and the search or a reebase orm

    o caeine, hell argue at length about the relative

    merits o squat toilets and the complete validity o

    rice as a breakast ood. Women, zoo animals and

    most Marxists fnd him irresistible.

    On the Senaru Ridge:

    tiny tents, big sky

    Matthews (sel-awarded) photo

    o the year: clouds pouring on

    to the Child o the Sea lake

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    Hike it: Indonesia September/October 2011 91

    they lled the green ridges o the

    hills ar below with wispy ngers,

    ebbing and owing like a sea, until

    the last light o the day turned theclouds luminous, a chiaroscuro o

    pure light and dark on a monumental

    scale. Night ell and I shivered with

    the cold. Soon, beneath the bright

    stars and moonless night, I crawled

    exhausted to my tent and slept.

    Sam called us awake at 3am. It

    was three hours to the summit or

    the sunrise and a ull 1,000m; we

    bolted gritty coee and a hand-

    ul o biscuits each, then with our

    headlamps cutting bouncing circlesthrough the tired night, began the

    climb. We mounted the ridgeline

    and ollowed it or an hour in the

    darkness, until suddenly the real

    work the nal approach to the

    summit began. It was an end-

    lessly steep slope, a scree o ash and

    st-sized stones that gave at every

    step. It seemed to go on orever.

    Time stopped moving. I was gasping,

    heaving my legs up and then sliding

    back, my entire body aching. But

    even when I was pouring with sweat,

    my ngers were numb with the cold.

    When Sam nally collapsed into

    a lee in the rock, saying Finished,

    nished, I could hardly believe it.

    But it was true: 20 minutes later the

    dawn came, laying bare the earth

    so ar below the at o Lombok to

    the north running to the open sea,and Mt Agung on Bali to the west. It

    lasted only minutes beore the clouds

    rolled in, snatching the world away,

    but it had been enough.

    I thought o Ahmed Yani back in

    Senaru, o a community trying hard,

    together, to manage its most pre-

    cious shared resource. What do you

    think, Matthew? he had asked me

    earnestly. What do we do? How do

    we make it work?

    And I thought: Ahmed, itsenough. This place is so beautiul,

    and youre really trying. Yes, I think its


    As we stumbled down to the

    narrow approach, its steepness sur-

    real in the at dawn light, one o the

    young Dutch guys we summited with

    threw back his head and howled,

    then plunged at ull speed down

    the mountain, leaping orward with

    enormous steps.

    I waited a beat to consider then

    plunged on down the mountain

    mysel, a howl bursting rom my l ips.

    It was more ying than alling, the

    air buoyant all around me, my heavy

    body eeling suddenly weightless.

    Sam cal l ed us awak e

    at 3am. It w as t hr eehour s and a f ul l1,00 0m t o t he s ummitf or t he s unr is e

    Cloud nine: looking out on

    the Sembalun crater rim

    Steamy: the hot springs

    below lake Segara Anak,

    the Child o the Sea

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