beyond hyper space book 4- the searcher's quest

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  • 8/4/2019 Beyond Hyper Space Book 4- The Searcher's Quest


  • 8/4/2019 Beyond Hyper Space Book 4- The Searcher's Quest


    The Searchers Quest

    The undertaking was inherently dangerous so only the best

    and brightest were selected. Some returned with astonishing tales to

    tell, some never returned. So was the lot that befell the selected

    ones, the Searchers.

    Searchers were village members that secretly journeyed to

    the outer zones. None really knew what perils awaited them there.

    Over the past sixty Cycles, twenty Searchers had ventured

    forth. None had been successful. The mission was to discover a cure

    for the dreaded Sickness or to locate other supplies of Life Force.

    Their task was simply known as The Searchers Quest. If and when

    the quest was completed the people could be liberated from the

    grasp of an evil tyrant, The Leader.


    Upon reaching the age of ascension on the Eighteenth Cycle

    a village member was given a secret tribal name and informed of his

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    position within the tribe society. The elders had selected his tribal

    name, Jonas the Seeker.

    Jonas was pleased with his name. Since early childhood he

    had been a seeker of knowledge. One of his dreams was to become

    a village scholar. To accomplish this he spent every available hour

    striving to learn the Story. With no reading or writing allowed, the

    Story was a verbal record of the history. The Story Holder was an

    honored position within the tribe.

    However, all his plans changed at the conclusion of his

    ascension ceremony. Along with his name, the elders had also

    selected him to be the next Searcher. He was overjoyed at the


    Along with his other dreams, Jonas had secretly yearned to

    be like his father, Seth the Master. Seth had been the tribes greatest

    Searcher and had made five walkabouts. On one long walkabout he

    journeyed to the very edge of the uncharted zone. His last

    walkabout, the last by any Searcher, had been almost four Cycles

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    ago. His plan had been to cross the Big River and enter the

    uncharted zone. Unfortunately, he never returned.


    As the sun sneaked over the horizon Jonas resumed his

    journey. Walking along, his thoughts returned to a time almost ten

    days previous when he had made the decision to begin his quest.

    Perhaps it had been the fear and desperation etched on the faces the

    tribal members. It had started just before dawn.

    The Enforcers entered the village just at daybreak and within

    minutes had pushed all the villagers out into the damp square. The

    lead Enforcer stepped up on the well housing. Without preamble he


    Citizens of Zone One, hear me. The Leader is very

    disappointed with your latest tribute. The food and grain production

    was fifteen percent less than last Period. That is completely

    unacceptable. The next Period ends in fourteen days. You will be

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  • 8/4/2019 Beyond Hyper Space Book 4- The Searcher's Quest



    Strolling along, Jonas let his mind shift from his current

    mission back to how the Story began. It had all started with the

    Flash. Flash survivors remembered seeing gigantic brilliant bursts

    lighting the sky as the invaders from space attacked. Then the

    sickness came!

    For many Cycles people got very ill and scores died. No one

    seemed to know why the invaders never landed to complete Terras

    destruction. Some said they changed their minds, other said

    something miraculous happened and the invaders were defeated. In

    the end it didnt matter. The damage was too great. Those with the

    means soon departed to the stars. But for those having no choice,

    within a few Cycles the ancients and all their wondrous technology

    was gone!

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    After about twenty-five Cycles the first Leader came with

    the Enforcers and the Life Force. That was over one-hundred Cyclesago. For the promise of loyalty and hard work the Leader would

    provide this life saving medicine to all. Most villages were happy to

    comply. Gradually over time people began to get better. Most

    believed the sickness could be prevented as long as they received

    the Periodic Life Force rations.

    Along with better health and conditions came an increased

    workload. The villages were tasked to provide ever-increasing

    tributes. The burden had gotten almost to immense for the tribe to

    bear. Thats when the Searchers Quest began.


    Almost three full days later Jonas stood on a high bluff

    overlooking a large river. It was at least as wide as his home village

    and had a very fast dangerous current. This had to be the Big River

    and the other side must to be the uncharted zone.

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    In the far distance on the other side of the river he could see

    what once must have been a great city. He headed in its generaldirection until darkness overtook him.

    At first light he rapidly moved down to the rivers edge. He

    was truly astonished. On the far bank sat the large empty city. There

    were no signs of movement. The really amazing thing was the

    silence. Listening closely he could hear only an eerie hollow sound

    as the wind whistled through the tall deserted buildings.

    To his right downstream was the ruin of a long bridge. Jonas

    edged forward for a better look. Suddenly the bank gave way

    beneath him and with a surprised shout he tumbled into the swift

    coldness of the powerful water.

    The current was really fast. He had never been much of a

    swimmer and fought hard to return to the surface. In desperation he

    reached out and grabbed one of the metal cables. It was all he could

    do to hang on and several times almost lost his grip. Suddenly from

    the bank a rope landed across the cable in front of him. Looking

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    about he saw a figure standing there in the bright sunlight. He

    couldnt get a good look but could hear shouting.

    Hurry! Grab the rope and Ill pull you in.

    Three minutes later his heaving thoroughly soaked body lay

    on the bank of the river. Another two minutes and he was able to

    get his breath back enough to sit up and thank his rescuer. Was he

    ever surprised? It was a young girl perhaps a Cycle or two younger

    than him and very pretty.

    Just what did you think you were doing, she asked? That

    was a pretty stupid thing to do.

    Well, I was looking for a way across the water but I hadnt

    planned on going for a swim, at least not yet.

    You were going to cross the river? Are you crazy? Nobody

    crosses the river.

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    Putting a touch of self-importance into his voice Jonas said.

    Look, I am Jonas the Seeker and Im a Searcher! Ive come a longway taking almost thirteen days getting here. I spent the last two

    Periods studying and planning this walkabout. Pointing across the

    water the he continued. That has to be one of the cities of the

    ancients and there must be some wondrous things there for the

    taking. He noticed that the girl was watching with a curious look.

    After a few seconds she spoke.

    You appear to be talking my language but I really dont

    understand what youre saying. What are Periods and walkabouts?

    What exactly is a Searcher and what are the ancients?

    It was his turn to stare at her. Didnt she know anything?

    Maybe she was dense or something.

    Tossing Jonas a rough cloth with which to dry she said.

    Okay, why dont we start over? My name is Talla. Tell me where

    youre from and why you are here.

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    For the next hour Jonas told her his story. At the end he told

    her of his fathers last walkabout and how he believed that his fatherhad crossed the river to explore the city. His plan was to follow.

    You say your father crossed over to the city? I can probably

    explain why he never returned. Nobody, except one, that has

    crossed the river has ever returned. The one fortunate enough to

    return was my father. He and two other men were sent to explore

    the ruins. They had seen nothing alarming during the crossing and

    separated to explore. After a short time they were attacked by

    dozens of creatures more animal than human. The other two were

    quickly captured before my father even knew of the danger. He was

    barely able to fight his way back to the boat and escape. All the way

    back across the river he could hear their screams. With a shudder

    she stopped talking.

    But why were they killed? Surely they meant no harm.

    My father believes that the weak, old and unknowing are

    used to provide sustenance for the young and strong. Im sorry but

    if your father went there...

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    She didnt have to finish; Jonas realized what she meant. Hejust couldnt or didnt want to believe it.


    A short time later she led Jonas to the camp of her people.

    Several minutes from the river they walked over a small rise. Jonas

    was amazed at what he saw there. Beautifully colored wagons

    pulled by marvelous horses. He stood in awe. Only Enforcers had

    horses! All around the campsite were large herds of cattle and

    sheep. He had never seen so many animals.

    Talla said her people were called Gypsies or Travelers. They

    wandered up and down the land along the river. In the summer they

    would move north and when the cold winds came they moved

    south. It looked to be a simple happy life.

    That evening during dinner Jonas was asked to retell his

    story. After he finished there was a few moments of silence. Finally

    Tallas father, Rios, spoke.

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    Thats an interesting story but I wasnt able to understandall you were saying. First of all, it appears that your peoples

    existence depends on this Life Force. What exactly is it?

    Suddenly realization dawned on him! His pack had gone

    down the river with all his life force supply. He was going to die

    unless these nice folks would share with him.

    However, now Jason was a little confused. Im not sure I

    understand. Life Force is the white powder, the medicine we must

    take every seven days to keep from getting the sickness. The

    Enforcers working for the Leader provide it. You may not call it

    Life Force but surely you have something like it? How do you all


    After a few seconds Rios spoke. We have nothing like what

    you are describing. Nothing in our medical books tells of this white

    powder needed to survive.

    Jason was stunned! Books, you have books. You can read

    and write?

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    Now Rios looked confused. Yes, of course. Everyone in

    our community is taught to read and write. Your people dont reador write?

    Jason sadly said, No, my people not allowed learning to

    read or write. However, some of us secretly try to learn. It is just so

    hard without proper books.

    Rios nodded in sympathy, Thats too bad. After a moment

    he continued. Anyway, we need nothing other than food and water

    to survive. We also know nothing of the sickness you are talking


    But the Leader says that the sickness is everywhere and that

    we must not attempt to move to another location because of the

    shortage of Life Force. Yet, you and your people seem to move

    about at will. How can this be?

    Rios was silent in thought for a minute. When was the last

    time someone from you village died from this sickness?

    Jonas had to think for a few seconds. He couldnt remember

    anyone that had actually died from the sickness and said so.

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    I will have to thinkand research on this more, Rios said.It is time for rest; we shall speak more of it tomorrow.

    The meeting broke up and everyone moved to bed down.

    Talla was kind enough to make Jonas a resting place under one of

    the supply wagons. As he prepared to sleep he realized that that he

    had not had a Life Force ration in almost eight days. The Sickness

    would surely start soon and the travelers had no Life Force. He was

    going to die!

    The next morning he awoke with an odd feeling. After

    several attempts to rise he fell back on his bedding. He was

    sweating profusely and could not concentrate. Talla found him a

    few minutes later. She attempted to give him to give him water but

    he could not swallow. As he slipped into the blackness the last thing

    he remembered was her beautiful face filled with worry.


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    bathing you as necessary. Finally at night of the third day the fever

    broke. This is morning of the fourth day.

    Jonas was alive, very weak but alive. He couldnt believe it!

    After Rios finished he waited a few seconds then attempted to talk.

    I dont know what to think. I have had no Life Force for over

    twelve days. By all knowledge I should be dead. What type of

    miracle is this?

    There is no miracle, said Rios. By your own accounts you

    should have been dead at least two days ago. However, in the last

    three days you were able to purge yourself of the effects of your Life

    Force. It would appear that Life Force is really not a medicine.

    Instead of curing this sickness you talk of, it keeps you subservient

    to your so-called Leader. In our travels we have heard of people

    becoming dependent on strong medicines. Sometimes the medicine

    is worse than the cure.

    What are you saying? Am I no longer in the need of the

    Life Force? If that is true then I have accomplished my quest and

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    my people can be saved. We can be free of the Leader and the

    Enforcers. I must return to my village right away!

    Yes, with time and patience your people should also be able

    to rid themselves of this evil. However, you are very weak and will

    need at least a week to regain enough strength for your travels. Rest

    now and we will speakmore later.


    Seven days rest and good food had done wonders for him.

    Jonas was healthier than he had ever been in his young eighteen-

    year life. He was loading the pack that Rios had provided when

    Talla approached.

    Jonas, I know you have to leave but I want you to know

    that I would very much like you to stay.

    Looking fondly at her dark eyes and slightly upturned nose

    he nodded. Yes, I too would like to stay but my people must be

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    brought out of the darkness. Once their dependence on Life Force is

    gone I would hope to see you again; if you will wait for me?

    She nodded and smiled but before she was able to speak

    Rios approached.

    Jonas, tomorrow we start for the south. As you can tell

    there is coolness to the morning air. Once you have returned home

    and help rid your people of the Life Force dependence you are

    welcome to join us.

    I am afraid it will take many days to cleanse all my people.

    Unfortunately we will only be able to cure one or two at a time. Any

    more would arouse the suspicion of the Enforcers and we would be

    severely punished. Once we have completed the cure, all that wish

    to leave will slip away and I will lead them here. Perhaps we can

    meet again?

    Yes, we will be back this way next year when the warm

    wind blows. If you and any of your people wish to join us then come

    here. We will find you. Shaking Jonas hand he turned away.

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    Looking toward the resting place of the sun and home Jonastook Tallas hand. I must go now for I have many days travel

    before I am home. Once my people have been cured I will return for



    After walking a short distance he turned for one last look.

    The morning sun limited his vision but he was sure he could see

    Talla standing hand raised in a silent wave. Turing back to the

    mountains and home Jonas felt happiness like never before. He now

    had the means to save his people plus he had a beautiful young

    woman waiting for his return. Could life be any better?

    He was confident that all his family and friends would soon

    feel the breath of happiness that only true freedom can bestow.

    Thanks to Talla and her people his village would no longer held in

    the powerful grip of deception of a self appointed Leader and the

    dependence on his evil Life Force.

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    He wasnt sure if those who chose to depart for the stars all

    those cycles ago would ever return. It didnt really matter. Withinthe next few cycles, his people would be free. Free to move about as

    they chose since they would no longer be ruled by a tyrants hand.

    Yes, upon his return the Searchers Quest would finally be over.