bfs and dfs bfs and dfs in directed graphs bfs in undirected graphs an improved undirected...

BFS and DFS BFS and DFS in directed graphs BFS in undirected graphs An improved undirected BFS- algorithm

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Page 1: BFS and DFS BFS and DFS in directed graphs BFS in undirected graphs An improved undirected BFS-algorithm


• BFS and DFS in directed graphs• BFS in undirected graphs• An improved undirected BFS-algorithm

Page 2: BFS and DFS BFS and DFS in directed graphs BFS in undirected graphs An improved undirected BFS-algorithm

The Buffered Repository Tree (BRT)

• Stores key-value pairs (k,v)• Supported operations:

• INSERT(k,v) inserts a new pair (k,v) into T• EXTRACT(k) extracts all pairs with key k

• Complexity:

• INSERT: O((1/B)log2(N/B)) amortized

• EXTRACT: O(log2(N/B) + K/B) amortized (K = number of reported


Page 3: BFS and DFS BFS and DFS in directed graphs BFS in undirected graphs An improved undirected BFS-algorithm

The Buffered Repository Tree (BRT)

• (2,4)-tree• Leaves store between B/4 and B elements• Internal nodes have buffers of size B• Root in main memory, rest on disk

Main memory


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Main memory



• O(X/B) I/Os to empty buffer of size X B• Amortized charge per element and level: O(1/B)

• Height of tree: O(log2(N/B))

• Insertion cost: O((1/B)log2(N/B)) amortized

Main memory


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Elements with key k


• Number of traversed nodes: O(log2(N/B) + K/B)

• I/Os per node: O(1)

• Cost of operation: O(log2(N/B) + K/B)

• But careful with removal of extracted elements

Main memory


Main memory


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Cost of Rebalancing

• O(N/B) leaf creations and deletions O(N/B) node splits, fusions, merges• Each such operation costs O(1) I/Os O(N/B) I/Os for rebalancing

Theorem: The BRT supports INSERT and EXTRACT operations in O((1/B)log2(N/B)) andO(log2(N/B) + K/B) I/Os amortized.

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Directed DFS

• Algorithm proceeds as internal memory algorithm:• Use stack to determine order in which

vertices are visited• For current vertex v:

• Find unvisited out-neighbor w• Push w on the stack• Continue search at w• If no unvisited out-neighbor exists

• Remove v from stack• Continue search at v’s parent

• Stack operations cost O(N/B) I/Os• Problem: Finding an unvisited vertex

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Directed DFS

• Data structures:• BRT T

• Stores directed edges (v,w) with key v

• Priority queues P(v), one per vertex• Stores unexplored out-edges of v

• Invariant:

Not in P(v)In P(v) and in TIn P(v), but not in T

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Directed DFS

• Finding next vertex after vertex v:


EXTRACT(v): Retrieve red edges from T

Remove these edges from P(v) using DELETE

Retrieve next edge using DELETEMIN on P(v)

Insert in-edges of w into T


Push w on the stack

O(log2(|E|/B) + K1/B)


O(1 + (K2/B)log2(|E|/B))

O(1/B) amortized


O(|V| log2(|E|/B) + |E|/B)O(|V| + sort(|E|))




Total:O((|V| + |E|/B)log2(|E|/B))

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Directed DFS + BFS

• BFS can be solved using same algorithm• Only modification: Use queue (FIFO) instead of


Theorem: Depth first-search and breadth-first search in a directed graph G = (V,E) can be solved in O((|V|+|E|/B)log2(|E|/B)) I/Os.

Exercise: Convince yourself that the priority queues P(v) are not necessary in the case of BFS.

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Undirected BFS

Observation: For v L(i), all its neighbors are inL(i – 1) L(i) L(i + 1).

Build BFS-tree level by level:• Initially, L(0) = {r}• Given levels L(i – 1) and L(i):

• Let X(i) = set of all neighbors of vertices in L(i)• Let L(i + 1) = X(i) \ (L(i – 1) L(i))

Partition graph into levels L(0), L(1), ...around source:L(0), L(1), L(2), L(3)

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Undirected BFS

Constructing L(i + 1):• Retrieve adjacency lists of vertices in L(i)

X(i)• Sort X(i)• Scan L(i – 1), L(i), and X(i) to

• Remove duplicates from X(i)• Compute X(i) \ (L(i – 1) L(i))

Complexity: O(|L(i)| + sort(|L(i – 1)| + |X(i)|)) I/Os

O( ) I/Os|V| +sort(|E|)

Theorem: Breadth-first search in an undirected graph G = (V,E) can be solved in O(|V| + sort(|E|)) I/Os.

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A Faster BFS-Algorithm

Problem with simple BFS-algorithm:• Random accesses to retrieve adjacency lists

Idea for a faster algorithm:• Load more than one adjacency list at a time

• Reduces number of random accesses• Causes edges to be involved in more than one

iteration of the algorithm Trade-off

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A Faster BFS-Algorithm (Randomized)

• Let 0 < < 1 be a parameter (specified later)

• Two phases:• Build |V| disjoint clusters of diameter O(1/)• Perform modified version of SIMPLEBFS

• Clusters C1,...,Cq formed using BFS from randomly chosen set V’ = {r1,...,rq} of masters

• Vertex is chosen as a master with probability (coin flip)

Observation: E[|V’|] = |V|. That is, the expected number of clusters is |V|.

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Forming Clusters (Randomized)

• Apply SIMPLEBFS to form clusters• L(0) = V’

• v Ci if v is descendant of ri


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Forming Clusters (Randomized)

Lemma: The expected diameter of a cluster is 2/.

• E[k] 1/

Corollary: The clusters are formed in expected O((1/)sort(|E|)) I/Os.








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Forming Clusters (Randomized)

• Form files F1,...,Fq, one per clusterFi = concatenation of adjacency lists of vertices in Ci

• Augment every edge (v,w) Fi with the start position of file Fj s.t. w Cj:

• Edge = triple (v,w,pj)


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The BFS-Phase

• Maintain a sorted pool H of edges s.t. adjacency lists of vertices in L(i) are contained in H

• Scan L(i) and H to find vertices in L(i) whose adjacency lists are not in H

• Form list of start positions of files containing these adjacency lists and remove duplicates

• Retrieve files, sort them, and merge resulting list H’ with H

• Scan L(i) and H to build X(i)• Construct L(i + 1) from L(i – 1), L(i), and X(i) as


O((|L(i)| + |H|)/B)


O(K + sort(|H’|) + |H|/B)

O((|L(i)| + |H|)/B)

O(sort(|L(i)| + |L(i–1)| + |X(i)|))

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The BFS-Phase

I/O-complexity of single step:• O(K + |H|/B +

sort(|H’| + |L(i – 1)| + |L(i)| + |X(i)|))

Expected I/O-complexity:O(|V| + |E|/(B) + sort(|E|))

• Choose

Theorem: BFS in an undirected graph G = (V,E) canbe solved in I/Os.

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Escan1EsortO EBV

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Single Source Shortest Paths

• The tournament tree• SSSP in undirected graphs• SSSP in planar graphs

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Single Source Shortest Paths


• I/O-efficient priority queue

• I/O-efficient method to update only unvisited vertices

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The Tournament Tree

= I/O-efficient priority queue

• Supports:• INSERT(x,p)• DELETE(x)• DELETEMIN


• All operations take O((1/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os amortized

Note: N = size of the universe # elements in the tree

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The Tournament Tree

• Static binary tree over all elements in the universe• Elements map to leaves, M elements per leaf

• Internal nodes have signal buffers of size M• Root in main memory, rest on disk

Main memory


• Internal nodes store between M/2 and M elements

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Main memory


The Tournament Tree

• Elements stored at each node are sorted by priority

• Elements at node v have smaller priority than elements at v’s descendants

• Convention: x T if and only if p(x) is finite

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The Tournament TreeDeletions

• Operation DELETE(x) signal DELETE(x)




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The Tournament TreeInsertions and Updates

• Operations INSERT(x,p) and DECREASEKEY(x,p) signal UPDATE(x,p)




Current priority p’

If p < p’: UpdateIf p p’: Do nothing

All elements < p• Forward signal to w

At least one element p• Insert x• Send DELETE(x) to w

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The Tournament TreeHandling Overflow

• Let y be element with highest priority py

• Send signal PUSH(y,py) to appropriate child of v




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The Tournament TreeKeeping the Nodes Filled



O(M/B) I/Os to moveM/2 elements one level up the tree

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Main memory


The Tournament TreeSignal Propagation

• Scan v’s signal, partition into sets Xu and Xw

• Load u into memory, apply signals in Xu to u,insert signals into u’s signal buffer

• Do the same for w• O((|X| + M)/B) = O(|X|/B) I/Os

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The Tournament TreeAnalysis

• Elements travel up the tree• Cost: O(1/B) I/Os amortized per element and


• O((K/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os for K operations

• Signals travel down the tree• Cost: O(1/B) I/Os amortized per signal and

level• O(K) signals for K operations

• O((K/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os

Theorem: The tournament tree supports INSERT, DELETE, DELETEMIN, and DECREASEKEY operations in O((1/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os amortized.

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Single Source Shortest Paths

Modified Dijkstra:• Retrieve next vertex v from priority queue Q


• Retrieve v’s adjacency list• Update distances of all of v’s neighbors, except

predecessor u on the path from s to v

• Repeat

• O(|V| + (E/B)log2(V/B)) I/Os using tournament tree

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Single Source Shortest Paths


Observation: If v performs a spurious update of u,u has tried to update v before.

• Record this update attempt of u on v by insterting u into another priority queue Q’

Priority: d(s,u) + w({u,v})



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Single Source Shortest Paths

Second modification:• Retrieve next vertex using two DELETEMIN’s,

one on Q, one on Q’

• Let (x,px) be the element retrieved from Q,let (y,py) be the element retrieved from Q’

• If px py: re-insert (y,py) into Q’ and proceed as normal

• If px < py: re-insert (x,px) into Q and perform a DELETE(y) on Q

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Single Source Shortest Paths

Lemma: A spurious update is removed from Q before the targeted vertex can be retrieved using DELETEMIN.

• Event A: Spurious update happens (“time”: d(s,v))• Event B: Vertex u is deleted by retrieval of u

from Q’ (“time”: d(s,u) + w(e))

• Event C: Vertex u is retrieved from Q using DELETEMIN operation (“time”: d(s,v) + w(e))



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Single Source Shortest Paths

• Assume that all vertices have different distance from source s

d(u) < d(v)• d(v) d(u) + w(e) < d(u) + w(e)

• Sequence of events: A B C

Theorem: The single source shortest path problem on an undirected graph G = (V,E) can be solved inO(|V| + (|E|/B)log2(|V|/B)) I/Os.

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Planar Graphs

• Shortest paths in planar graphs• Planar separators• Planar DFS

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Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs



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s v


Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs

Observation: For every separator vertex v, the distances from s to v in G and GR are the same.

The distances from s to all separator vertices can be computed in GR.

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Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs

Observation: For every vertex v in Gi,dist(s,v) = min{dist(s,x) + dist(x,v) : v Gi}.

Can compute dist(s,v) in the following graph:


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Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs

Three main steps:

• Solve all-pairs shortest paths in subgraphs Gi

• Compute shortest paths from s to separator vertices in GR

• Compute shortest paths from s to all remaining vertices

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Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs

Regular h-partition:

• O(N/h) subgraphs G1,...,Gr

• Each Gi has size at most h

• Each Gi has boundary size at most

• Total number of separator vertices• Number of boundary sets is O(N/h)



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Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs

Three main steps:

• Solve all-pairs shortest paths in subgraphs Gi

• Compute shortest paths from s to separator vertices in GR

• Compute shortest paths from s to all remaining vertices

• Assume the given partition is regular B2-partition

Steps 1 and 3 take O(scan(N)) I/Os Graph GR has O(N/B) vertices and O(N) edges

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Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs

Data structures:• List L storing tentative distances of all vertices• Priority queue Q storing vertices with their

tentative distances as priorities

One step:• Retrieve next vertex v using DELETEMIN

• Get distances of v’s neighbors from L• Update their distances in Q using DELETE and


O(N + sort(N)) I/Os

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Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs

• One I/O per boundary set• Each boundary set is touched O(B) times:

• Once per vertex on the boundary of the region• O(N/B2) boundary sets O(N/B) I/Os

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Planar Separator

Goal: Compute a separator S of size whose removal partitions G into subgraphs of size at most h.

Basic idea:• Compute hierarchy of log(DB) graphs of

geometrically decreasing size using graph contraction

• Compute a separator of the smallest graph• Undo the contractions and maintain the

separator while doing this

Assumption: M = (h log2 B)


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Planar Separator



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Planar Separator


• All Gi are planar

• |Gi+1| |Gi|/2

• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents only a constant number of vertices in Gi

• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents at most 2i+2 vertices in G0

• r = log2(DB) graphs G0,…,Gr

|Gr| = O(N/(DB))

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Planar Separator




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Planar Separator

• Compute separator Sr of Gr:

• Sr = Sr partitions Gr into connected components of size at most hlog2(DB)

• Takes O(|Gr|) = O(N/B) I/Os [AD96]

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Planar Separator

• Compute Si from Si+1:

• Let Si be the set of vertices in Gi represented by the vertices in Si+1

• Connected components of Gi – Si have size at most chlog2(DB)

• Partition every connected components of size more than hlog2(DB) into components of size hlog2(DB) separator Si

• Takes O(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os:• Connected components O(sort(|Gi|))

• Partitioning happens in internal memory

• Total: O(sort(N)) I/Os

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Planar Separator

• Separator S0 partitions G0 into connected components of size at most hlog2(DB)

• Size of S0:













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Planar Separator

• Compute a superset S of S0 so that no connected component of G – S has size more than h:• Partition every connected component of G –

S0 separately in internal memory

• Total number of extra separator vertices is

• Extra cost: O(sort(N)) I/Os


h/NOTheorem: A separator S of size whose removal partitions G into subgraphs of size at most h can be obtained in O(sort(N)) I/Os, provided that M = (h log2 B).

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Building the Graph Hierarchy


• All Gi are planar

• |Gi+1| |Gi|/2

• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents only a constant number of vertices in Gi

• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents at most 2i+2 vertices in G0

• Build Gi+1 from Gi by

• Contracting edges• Merging vertices of degree 2 with the same


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Building the Graph Hierarchy

Iterative approach:• Extract set of edges that can be contracted• Contract subset of these edges to reduce

number of vertices by a factor of two• Repeat until no contractible edges remain

Problem:• Standard graph contraction procedure may

contract too many vertices into a single vertex.

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Building the Graph Hierarchy

Solution:• Compute maximal matching of contractible

subgraph• Contract edges in the matching

New problem:• We may not contract sufficient number of edges to

reduce number of vertices by a constant factor

Two-stage contraction:• Contract maximal matching• Contract edges between matched and

unmatched vertices

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Building the Graph Hierarchy

Why is this two-stage approach good?• No unmatched vertex remains in contractible

subgraph• Every matched vertex represents at least two

vertices before the contraction

Size of graph reduces by a factor of two If a single iteration takes O(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os, the

whole construction of Gi+1 from Gi takesO(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os

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A Single Contraction Phase

• Maximal matching can be computed and contracted in O(sort(|H|)) I/Os, where H is the current contractible subgraph

• Bipartite contraction:

• Takes O(sort(|H|)) I/Os using buffer tree as priority queue

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Building the Graph Hierarchy

Lemma: Graph Gi+1 can be constructed from Gi in O(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os.

Corollary: The whole graph hierarchy can be built in O(sort(|G0|)) = O(sort(N)) I/Os.

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Level 0Level 1Level 2

Planar DFS


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Planar DFS


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Planar DFS

ObservationObservation: Every cycle in the i-th layer is a boundary cycle of graph Gi.

Every bicomp of a layer is a cycle.

Level > i

Level < i

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DFS in a Layer

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Planar DFS

• DFS in a single layer Hi takes O(sort(|Hi|)) I/Os:

• Compute the bicomps• Root the bicomp tree• Remove one of the edges incident to parent

cutpoint in each cycle

Total I/O-complexity: O(sort(N))

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Planar DFS



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Planar DFS

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Building the Face-on-Vertex Graph

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Lower Bounds and Open Problems

• Lower bounds• List ranking, BFS, DFS, and shortest paths• Connected and biconnected components

• Open problems

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Lower BoundsSplit Proximate Neighbors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 23 45 67 8

123 456 7 8123 456 7 8

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Lower BoundsSplit Proximate Neighbors

Lemma: Split proximate neighbors requires (perm(N)) I/Os.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 23 45 67 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 23 45 67 8

123 456 7 8123 456 7 8


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 23 45 67 8

I(N)123 456 7 8123 456 7 8


Total: O(I(N) + scan(N)) = O(I(N)) I(N) = (perm(N))

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Lower BoundsList Ranking

• Consider general algorithms for weighted list ranking

• Algorithm is only allowed to use associativity of sum operator

Algorithm can be made to have the following property:• For every vertex v, v and succ(v) are both in

main memory at some point during the course of the algorithm

Note: The lower bound we show does not hold for unweighted list ranking or weighted list ranking over groups.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 23 45 67 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 23 45 67 8

Lower BoundsList Ranking

• When both copies of x are in main memory, move to buffer of size B

• When buffer full, flush to disk• Split proximate neighbors could be solved in

O(I(N) + scan(N)) I/Os I(N) = (perm(N))

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Lower BoundsList Ranking, BFS, DFS, and Shortest

PathsTheorem: List ranking requires (perm(N)) I/Os.

• List ranking can be solved using BFS, DFS, or SSSP from the head of the list.

Theorem: BFS, DFS, and SSSP require (perm(N)) I/Os.

Note: Again, lower bound holds only for algorithms that compute distances from source only by adding path lengths.

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Lower BoundsSegmented Duplicate Elimination

• Let P N P2

• Elements drawn from interval [2P+1,3P]• Construct Boolean array C[2P+1..3P] s.t.

C[i] = 1 iff i S

Proposition: Segmented duplicate elimination requires (perm(N)) I/Os.

17 181920 22 2319 1920 20222018 231719S:

P/2 P/2 P/2 P/2

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17 181920 22 2319 1920 20222018 231719

S1 S2 S3 S4













Lower BoundsConnected Components

• Graph construction O(scan(N)) I/Os• |V| = (P), |E| = N

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Lower BoundsConnected and Biconnected Components

Theorem: Computing the connected components of a graph G = (V,E) requires (perm(|E|)) I/Os.

Theorem: Computing the biconnected components of a graph G = (V,E) requires (perm(|E|)) I/Os.

Page 76: BFS and DFS BFS and DFS in directed graphs BFS in undirected graphs An improved undirected BFS-algorithm

More Classes of Sparse Graphs

• Grid graphs• Separators: Size in O(sort(N)) I/Os• BFS/SSSP: O(sort(N))• DFS:

• Graphs of bounded treewidth• Separators: O(N/h) in O(sort(N)) I/Os• BFS/SSSP: O(sort(N))• DFS: ???



Page 77: BFS and DFS BFS and DFS in directed graphs BFS in undirected graphs An improved undirected BFS-algorithm

Open Problems

• Optimal separators for grid graphs• DFS

• Grid graphs• Graphs of bounded treewidth

• Semi-external shortest paths• Optimal connectivity• Optimal BFS, DFS, and shortest paths or lower

bounds• Directed graphs

• Topological sorting• Strongly connected components