bg1 movie script146

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  • 8/8/2019 BG1 Movie Script146


    "He who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a

    monster...when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you..."

    --Frietdrich Nietzche

    FADE IN:


    A large city, medieval or early renaissance setting.

    ANGLE on the tallest building, a grey tower, with a patio on the roof surrounded by an

    iron fence. The door, which allows access to the roof, OPENS and out staggers a hapless


    He is an armored and helmeted man, but we can see he is badly injured and winded. He

    shuts the door in dread, and staggers forth before collapsing to his knees. He looks behind

    him as the door BURSTS open, and here we see SAREVOK.

    He is a hulking monster of a man, heavily armored, with spikes on his shoulders andhorned helmet. His face is tattooed and his eyes gleam evilly.

    The Bhaal-child feebly tries to crawl away.


    No, You can't.

    SAREVOKI will be the last. And you will go first.

    Sarevok advances. The Bhaal-child retreats, heading toward the railing.


    There are others, I can show you! P-Please!

    Sarevok SMASHES his fist into the man's head, removing his helmet and knocking himto the ground. Although he is wearing a coif underneath, his face is bloodied from the


    Sarevok chuckles cruelly as he CHOKES the hapless Bhaal-child with his spiked gauntlet

    and raises him off the ground, pressing him against the iron fence on the edge of the

    building. The fence BENDS and BREAKS from Sarevok's immense strength. The Bhaal-child feebly flails and attempts to speak, but we only hear his neck CRUNCHING when

    Sarevok tightens his grip.

    Sarevok then HURLS his victim off the roof of the building.

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    It is a bedroom of unremarkable size, but cluttered with a remarkable amount of books.

    Old TOMES AND SCROLLS are everywhere, forming huge piles and gathering dust.

    On one desk is a small CHEST.

    BARLOWE examines it. He is a young man about twenty, blond, of average height, anddressed in black. He is strong, wiry and flexible. Not to mention deft with his fingers.

    Barlowe strains to unlock the chest, meddling with two thin wires in the keyhole until

    they both bend and snap from the effort.


    Damn it.

    As Barlowe wipes the sweat from his brow, he is startled when he notices IMOEN hasentered the room. She is a right-handsome young woman about his age, with a child-like



    Imoen?! What the hell are you doing?


    What are you doing?


    None of your damn business.


    Huh. Really? Well it just makes me wonder and all seeing as

    how I saw you enter Gorion's room and now you're in his keepsakes and chests.


    Yeah, well why don't you go bother Windthrop or something and leave me alone. Damn

    thing never opens. It's not like there's anything to see here anyway.

    Barlowe begins to leave the room. Imoen follows.



    Were you trying to find money, Barlowe? I mean, you've sunk to some lows before but

    with good ol' ...

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    No, that's not it. It's not like anyone has anything here that's worth a damn. You shouldknow that by now. Just...leave me alone, all right?

    IMOENNot yet, you smelly ol' gully napper! I know Mr. G's been growing distant lately and he's

    troubled over something. I'm not blind.

    Barlowe ignores her and continues on his way.


    What's wrong? Don't you want to know what Gorion's been up to? I've been doing somespying myself. You can't tell me you aren't interested. Unless of course, you really were

    trying to steal from him.

    BARLOWEI..I wasn't trying to steal from Gorion! It's just that...



    Then astound me with the depth of your motives, Mr. Non-thief!


    I'll do no such thing. You won't see me stand trial to some saccharine, inexperienced ...

    (leans in closer) acne-covered, asinine...


    (overlapping)Well I guess you miss out then, don't you!

    Barlowe's mouth is open, but no words come out.


    All right, Immy. You win for now.

    CUT TO:

    Barlowe and Imoen sitting at a table in the library.


    Well I won't lie to you Imoen. I am worried about Gorion. He's hardly been here for thelast few days, and he's not even here when he is here, if you get my drift.


    Wow. I never knew you actually cared about other people, Barlowe.

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    Barlowe is not amused.


    Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Anyway, I know that Gorion's been with the Harpers lately,

    and I'm not sure what they're doing but I'll keep my eyes open to find more info.

    Barlowe claps without enthusiasm. He then puts his feet on the table.


    Thanks for that invaluable piece of information. Like I didn't know Gorion's a harper. I

    hate harpers. Well, Gorion's all right, but the rest of 'em just meddle in everyone else's

    business. I sure hope we don't have to deal with any.


    I know what you mean, but they do it for the good of all, sorta. They just want to protect

    the heartlands.

    BARLOWEProtect who exactly? Every poor fool under attack by someone? I say if they can't defend

    themselves and their property, they don't deserve the help. Unless there's a hefty payment

    of course.


    You really think so? There has to be more to life than that, Barlowe. I mean, I don't doubt

    there's some corruption among the harpers, but look at all the good they've done.


    Good for whom? They may believe they're serving that silly balance of theirs, but the factremains they've grown more powerful from it. All they really do is promote the

    mediocrity that prevents everyone else from attaining what they deserve. It's like those

    old fables we've read here for so long. If you've noticed, most of the villains were eitherstrong intellectually, had willpower, courage, or persistence. That's why I always liked

    them better than any of the so-called heroes, that's why they can go farther, and that's

    why they're called "evil". It's much easier to label your enemy as evil and kill him rather

    than attempt to understand him, right?


    Gosh, someone's on a roll.


    I even read this one book here that developed a silly system for describing people's moraland ethical perspectives, and everyone is supposed to fall into one of nine categories.

    Nine alignments I think they were called. Even the way they were described made little


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    Well, not really. Actually, that one made sense if you think about it.


    Really? Then which of these 'alignments' would you say I am?


    Well...I...I don't know.

    But she does. There is an uncomfortable silence.


    Of course not. Real life isn't like those fairy tales we've read. There is no good or evil.We can't put labels on the people we meet. Keeping that perspective is quaint, Imoen.

    And frankly, that's one of the reasons you've always annoyed me.

    IMOENGee, thanks a lot, Barlowe.


    Whatever. We both have chores to do. I just hope Gorion gets back soon.


    A Keep that rests along an oceanside cliff.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    Candlekeep; the citadel of learning. It sits atop the cliffs along the Sword Coast. It's

    austere, secure, and otherwise boring, but it's home.


    We see a large statue of a robed man holding a tome. Behind him is a winding staircase

    that leads up.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)It was home to the famous seer Alaundo, and preserves his predictions, which makes the

    keep rife with the most valuable collection of reading material on the face of Faerun.


    We see an old wizard with a finely trimmed beard flipping through the pages of a tome.He then closes the book and opens a letter on his desk.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)

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    I've spent almost all of my twenty years here under the tutelage of Gorion, my foster

    father. My past is unknown to me, though from what he's said it's apparent I'm an orphan.

    Gorion gets up after he has read the letter, and as he leaves he closes the door, revealing

    IMOEN hiding in the shadows behind it. She then examines the letter on his desk.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    Imoen came to Candlekeep as a ward of Gorion's under similar circumstances, though

    she arrived a little later than I did. So we grew up together...

    INT. CANDLEKEEP LIBRARY - We see piles of thick tomes. Each outweighs the


    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    ...raised on a thousand tales of heroes and monsters, lovers and infidels, battles and



    AN ASSASSIN scales the outer walls of Candlekeep, climbing with a rope and iron

    hook. He slowly but surely makes his way over the top and into the perimeter of


    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    Both of us were inspired by Gorion's colorful tales of rogues and scoundrels. But the

    more valuable of the keep's treasures remain impenetrable to either of our whiles, and Ihave no desire to steal from my benefactors. Not now, anyway.


    It's a busy inn and tavern with an active fireplace. The innkeep and bartender jokes with

    Imoen from the other side of the counter. He is WINDTHROP, a middle-aged man withnimble fingers.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    Though Windthrop taught us both how to harness our talents. For Imoen, the bumbling,preoccupied monks around us often played the lords of Waterdeep on the stages of her

    imagination, and more often than not Gorion had asked her to return an inkwell or some

    other item to the pocket from which she plundered it.


    Barlowe practices his aim with the short bow.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    But for me it was stealth, marksmanship, and lethal attack.

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    ANGLE on Barlowe as he sheaths his dagger, picks up his bow, descends the staircase tothe ground floor of the library, and passes the statue of Alaundo that greets visitors.

    Leaving the entrance of the library, he passes four robed CHANTERS.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    There is enough pretending in the world, and I have no desire to be fool roaming the

    countryside helping those who are better off dead or ruled with an iron fist. What do I

    owe others? Nothing. What do they owe me? Nothing also. What am I then free to do?Anything I dare try.


    Barlowe spars with a beefier man outside using a wooden sword, and his cruel tenacity

    and speed are easily giving him an advantage despite his smaller stature.

    BARLOWE (V.O.)

    I am a very pleasant person so long as things are done my way.


    Barlowe past the stables that line the outer walls of Candlekeep. An old female wizard,consorting with her fellows, stops him.

    PHYLDIAOh hello, Barlowe! Have you seen my copy of "The History of Halruaa"? I think I left in

    the stables by the cow. You know how I can't stand the constant shuffling of arthritic feet

    up in the library so I thought I'd get a bit of fresh air just east of here and...Oh! I hatebeing so absent-minded! Please! Would you be so kind as to retrieve it for me?


    Ri-i-ight. Phyldia the forgetful. Lovely.

    Gorion briskly approaches. He is not at all at ease.


    Barlowe! Thank the heavens I've found you. I know this sounds strange, but we must

    leave the keep as soon as possible.


    What? Where are we going?

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    You must learn to be patient, child. There is no time to explain. Only that you must beprepared. Gather whatever supplies you need and meet me at the entrance of the library.

    Gorion reaches into his robes and pulls out small bag of coins, which he quickly hands toBarlowe.

    BARLOWEWhat should I bring?


    I have given you what I can spare, so hurry off to the inn and speak with Windthrop.Spend wisely. His prices are fair, but you may not have enough gold to purchase all that

    you would want.


    Barlowe purchases his equipment from Windthrop, who hands him a sword and scabbard,a quiver, and studded leather padding.


    Aye, 52 gold will cover ye here. And as good to see ye again as any other I could havelaid eyes on. If ye weren't leaving, I'd tell ye to make yourself as comfortable as ye will.

    Is that all ye need? If you wish anything else, just ask.

    Barlowe catches a sneaky glance around him. No one is close enough to hear.

    BARLOWEActually, I do have some money left. Do you happen to have any of that contact poison




    Shhh! Aye, and you'd have to be right careful with 'em too. They're too shady for me to

    bring into the keep as often as I like, but I managed to scrag a bit for ye. And if I weren'tsure I'd trained ye well, I wouldn't be giving ye any. But I'll have to charge ye here. 20


    Windthrop pulls out a SMALL BOX from under his counter and unlocks it. Inside is a

    leather pouch, which he pulls down slightly to reveal a tiny-stoppered bottle filled with

    ichor and BLACK GUMMY SUBSTANCE. He then hands the pouch to Barlowe.


    Ye can apply it to a blade or an arrowhead as ye like, but use it sparingly, and never get

    any on ye. And I don't need to tell ye to keep it out of sight, aye?

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    Barlowe spots a BLACK CLOAK, hooded, that rests on a mannequin's torso.


    How much for the cloak?


    Ha! I knew you were missing something! Actually no charge here, friend, seeing as how I

    don't know if you'll ever be back. And if ye ever do come back to visit your old palWindthrop, don't forget the 5,000 gold piece book per entrance fee, as per Candlekeep


    BARLOWEYou always were the big kidder, Windthrop. That gets funnier every time I hear it. Well,

    perhaps not quite so often.

    WINDTHROPHaw! Just having a bit o' fun with ye! Them monks may be walking about with poles in

    their nethers, but you know you are always welcome here in my sight. Gorion did well byyou, he did. Hmmm. One more thing, Barlowe. Have ye seen Imoen? She's late fer her

    chores here.


    Barlowe exits the inn; cloak, leather, sword, and all. He heads for the stables.


    Barlowe enters and looks around for a bit before finding Phyldia's book on top of onestack of hay. As he leaves, he is startled to see the ASSASSIN he didn't know was there.

    The man is hooded as well and has a long rope attached to a grappling iron tucked into

    his belt.


    'Ere there. You're Gorion's little whelp, aren't ye? Yeah, you match the description. You

    don't look so dangerous t'me.


    Do I know you?


    No. I don't believe you do. I'll not be here long, so it don't matter. You'll not be here long,either, so it matters even less. Just thought I'd have a look at you. Pretty face, but I don't

    see what the fuss is about. No matter, I deliver your skull and I'm set for life.

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    The assassin draws his dagger and LUNGES at Barlowe. Barlowe steps back before

    unsheathing his sword, and bats away the man's thrusts and jabs. One swing, however,

    cuts Barlowe on the brow before he manages to cut the man down with his sword.

    Barlowe stares ambivalently at his first kill, his bloodied sword, and wipes the blood

    from his forehead. Barlowe kneels beside the dead body, removes the rope 'n' grapplinghook.

    BarloweTo the victor goes the spoils.


    Phyldia smiles as she sees Barlowe approach. He quickly hands her the book.


    My book! Oh thank you Barlowe, it was by the cows again, wasn't it? You've cut yourselfon the brow, there--what is wrong, child? Something in your eyes tells me something is

    very wrong indeed.

    Barlowe begins to hastily walk away.

    BARLOWEIt's nothing, Phyldia--one of the cats didn't like me petting it.

    PHYLDIAMmm...Yes, well, get what you need then, for Gorion's desperate for you to be off.

    (mumbles)Hmm yes, now where was I?


    Barlowe continues through the inner walls, which surround the library, where the area isdecorated with a garden and several fountains. Standing nearby is the robed CHANTER

    with his three assistants, and each recites one of Alaundo's prophecies.


    as he passes the Chanter


    "The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal

    progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passing. So sayeth the wise Alaundo."

    As Barlowe continues toward the entrance, he is startled to hear:

    IMOEN (O.S.)

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    Heya! It's me, Imoen!

    She approaches in her usual happy demeanor, this time carrying a bow like his.


    I'm surprised that stuffy ol' Gorion let you away from your studies and chores. That ol'faddle. I snuck off too. I've got all day to do my chores. You have time for a story?

    BARLOWEWhat? No, now get lost. Windthrop's been looking for

    you. He'll want all the beds tucked in, you know.

    IMOENIf that's the way you want it then fine! Don't keep Mr. G waiting now. C'mon, you! Get



    At the entrance of the Candlekeep library, Gorion waits, standing alongsideTETHTORIL, another old wizard. Barlowe approaches as Tehtoril finishes his

    conversation with Gorion and departs. He bumps into Barlowe on the way down the



    Gorion has been looking for thee, young one.


    I know, I know. Do you know where we'll be going or why?


    I cannot say for certain except I know that it is dire indeed. But I see you are here now, so

    I will not delay any further.


    Um, thanks.

    Tethtoril continues on his way as Barlowe approaches Gorion.

    GORIONAhhh, my child, I am glad you have arrived. Do you have everything you need? This is

    very unnerving, I know, but you must trust me. We must leave Candlekeep immediately.

    Hurry, there is no time to tarry! The keep is well protected, but not invulnerable.


    I'm ready to go, but where are we...

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    Alas, I cannot say where we will be going, for I have not truly decided yet. All that is

    certain is that we will be far safer on the move. Perhaps the woods might offer somesecluded security, or perhaps the City of Baldur's Gate would offer cover amidst its

    teaming throngs of people. I do not know where we shall end up, but I have a few friends

    here and there. Hmmm...I will think on this.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Barlowe and Gorion walk to the entrance of the outer walls of the keep, where they pause

    to allow the guards to raise them.

    BARLOWEFather, when are we...


    (overlapping, leaning in)Listen carefully! If we ever are to become separated, it is imperative that you make your

    way to the Friendly Arm Inn. There you will meet Khalid and Jaheira. They have longbeen my friends, and you can trust them.

    Gorion studies Barlowe for a second before noticing the cut on his forehead. He then

    raises his pointed finger and with a deft gesture and dim flash of BLUE LIGHT, the cut ishealed and there is only a clean scar. Before Barlowe can speak, Gorion motions for him

    to follow. The gates have been raised, and they proceed.


    Gorion and Barlowe make their way through the woods as they enter a clearing. Theyaren't even traveling on a path. There is a grim silence between them.

    GORIONLet's hurry, child! The night can only get worse so we must find shelter soon. Don't

    worry. I will explain everything as soon as there is time.

    A twig SNAPS. There is SHUFFLING in the foliage. Gorion glances around frantically.


    Wait! Something is wrong! We are in an ambush! Prepare yourself!

    Barlowe draws an arrow from his quiver as Gorion prepares a spell--

    The armored SAREVOK steps out from the bushes, along with an ASSASSIN behind

    him. A pair of OGRES approach from each side. These are muscular humanoids, nine

    feet tall, armed with spiked clubs.

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    You're perceptive for an old man. You know why I'm here. Hand over your ward and no

    one will be hurt. If you resist it shall be a waste of your life.


    You're a fool if you think I would trust your benevolence. Step aside and you and yourlackeys will be unhurt.

    SAREVOKI'm sorry that you feel that way, old man.

    Sarevok and his ogres begin to advance while the assassin melds into the foliage.


    Get out of here!

    Barlowe steps back farther as Gorion lets loose a volley of MAGIC MISSLES, smallbursts of magical energy from his fingertips. The missiles all hit Sarevok, and cause his

    knees to bend; yet he does not fall. The assassin fires a flaming arrow at Barlowe causinghim to move towards the edge of the clearing.

    An ogre advances, and Gorion quickly turns and waves his arm in its direction. A

    LIGHTNING BOLT shoots out from his fingertip and drops the ogre.

    As Gorion turns back, Sarevok has already recovered, and closes in. He buries his blade

    into Gorion. As he falls, Gorion manages to complete his last incantation. His raised handbegins to glow.

    A blinding RING OF FIRE BURSTS from the center of Gorion's hand. Barlowe ducksinto the underbrush for cover while the burst kills the remaining ogre, and stuns Sarevok.

    The assassin peers at the display from the clearing, and advances into the clearing.

    Barlowe looks on in horror before noticing the assassin. He bolts away into the forest.

    Barlowe RUNS frantically and furiously for a great distance, brushing and snapping

    branches in his wake. The assassin follows. As Barlowe continues to run, he looks back.The assassin stops to raise his CROSSBOW and fires a bolt... Barlowe trips over the root of a tree, TUMBLING downhill, rolling in leaves, andfinally landing in a leaf pile under another tree.

    The assassin follows.

    Barlowe scrambles into a small niche under the roots of the tree, the leaf pile concealing


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    The assassin works his way down the hill.

    Quivering, Barlowe pulls his hood over his head and tries to disappear into the shadowsand darkness.

    The assassin arrives at the bottom, glancing around.

    CUT TO:

    Sarevok staggering as he gets up, leaning on his sword and then pulling it out of Gorion's

    body. His armor seems intact, though he is clearly wounded. He calls out for his

    assassin... 'Tamoka'

    ...who turns and runs back up the hill.

    Barlowe remains concealed, shaking.


    Sunrise across the Sword Coast. Candlekeep can be seen off in the distance.


    Barlowe rests uneasily against the tree. He is awakened by the sound of leavesRUSTLING. He immediately gets up and draws his sword, glancing frantically around

    for a moment before he sees IMOEN approach from the top of the hill.



    He steps into view. She quickly rushes down to greet him. There is a hint of a smile on

    Barlowe, though he doesn't look happy to see her.


    Imoen?! What are you...

    IMOENSorry I followed yall, but I never get out of Candlekeep and those monks are such a

    bore. (pause) I...I saw what happened to Gorion, and I am so sorry!


    What?! You followed us out?!


    Kinda figured something bad would happen to you out here...


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    This can't be happening...

    IMOENBarlowe, do you have any idea who that armored fiend was?

    BARLOWEI don't know.

    IMOENWhat was he after?






    (agitated)I don't know!

    Barlowe storms off angrily, kicking anything on the ground that lies in his path. Shaking

    with hatred, he screams.


    Damn it!

    Barlowe rubs his temples. Imoen catches up.


    I have to think for a moment...


    I left the keep because I...accidentally read a letter on Gorion's desk the other day. Can't

    remember exactly what it said, but he might still might still be on his...his body.


    Imoen and Barlowe examine Gorion's body and find a letter. Unfolding it, Barlowe readsit out loud. Imoen reads over his shoulder.


    'My friend Gorion, we have done what we can for those in thy care, but despite my desire

    to remain neutral, I could not let events proceed without warning. The other side will

    move very soon, and I urge you to leave Candlekeep tonight. A fighting chance is all that

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    can be asked for at this point. Should things go awry, do not hesitate to seek aid. I need

    not remind you a party is stronger than an individual. I understand Jaheira and Khalid are

    at the Friendly Arm Inn. They are ever thy friends and will help however they can. Luckbe with us all, E.' Who's "E"? Is this a friend of Gorion's?

    IMOENI don't know. Maybe he's a Harper.

    BARLOWEWell this "E" directed Gorion out of Candlekeep, and toward the ambush I'm betting. I

    don't like this. There's probably another one at the Friendly Arm. (pause) That's to the

    east, isn't it?


    It is to the east and the north, if you just follow the road there, but I don't think you

    should dismiss it so easily. Jaheira and Khalid are Gorion's friends after all.


    Yes...He did mention that. But either way I don't like it. Let's...let's give Gorion a decentburial first, before we do anything else.


    Imoen and Barlowe, dirtier than before, pat the dirt down on Gorion's grave. Imoen

    grimly places his amulet on a large rock in the center. They dust themselves off.


    All right. Now which way to the main road?


    The ROAD is made of white cobbled stones, and looks relatively clean and well traveled.Barlowe and Imoen emerge from the forest. Barlowe looks both directions.


    CANDLEKEEP can be seen down the end of the road peeking over the treetops.

    Barlowe looks back in the other direction.


    Well at least I know where I am.(pause) Not that Candlekeep will let us back in withoutGorion. Damn.


    Wh...What do you mean?

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    Don't you remember Windthrop's old joke about the 5,000 gold piece book? That's theonly way Candlekeep lets anyone in. You have to donate a rare book. Well, it's not like

    I'm better off there. I guess it's to the east then.


    Well I'm not gonna let you wander around out here all alone. Never let a friend down, no

    sir! Stick with you until you say otherwise, I will!


    And that's where you're wrong. You're a liability. I do not want you looking over my

    shoulder as I travel. So take your nosy little self back to the keep before Windthrop seesyou're gone!


    Well, that's gratitude for you. I don't suppose you know how I'm going to get back in?

    BARLOWEYou're the one who snuck out, it's your own damn fault. I've got my own problems.

    IMOENWell...that's just fine! But even though you might not think so, you need me. So despite

    anything you say, I'm coming with you, so there!

    Barlowe turns his back to Imoen and walks down the road. She follows shortly, and the

    two keep a wide distance.


    Two figures cut through the forest and onto the path, peering in both directions. One is atall, lanky WIZARD in a green robe. His face is tattooed and his features irregularly


    The other is a HALFLING, stocky and standing only three feet tall, with hair-coveredfeet. He wears leather armor with a dirty, hooded cloak, where we see a scarred face gaze

    outward from within. A Crossbow is slung across his back, and a short sword is at his

    belt. The halfling turns back to his companion.


    I much be prefer'n the cover o' night, o'er this blasted daylight!



    I never liked the sun. 'Tis just too...bright.

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    Ye have any more bright ideas, Wizard, or can ye get us more lost?

    Xzar bites his knuckles.


    No, we're on the right track, Monty. South to Nashkel. We just need to form an army.


    No! Last few sods we hired didn't agree with us, so I ended up with more throats to slit

    and having to leave town.

    The less, the better, wizard! No more!

    Xzar pauses for a moment before turning. He shakes his fist at Montaron.

    XZAR(accentuated scream)

    Montaron! You are so aggravating! 'Tis disturbing to my demeanor!


    Ye already be disturbed, now

    leave me be! Yer company be toil enough as is!

    The two stop when they notice something.


    Barlowe and Imoen approach, coming uphill on the forest path.


    Two exhausted whelps in the forest? They might be of use to us, Monty.


    What part of "I'm a loner" do ye not understand?!


    Get their attention. I wish to speak with them.


    We are now behind Barlowe and Imoen as Montaron approaches.


    Excuse me, do you happen to know...

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    Hello there, kid. Rather strange place to be wandering ain't it? My companion hassomething to say to ye.


    Greeting him, Xzar nods furiously.


    Two people wandering the wilderness? Surely you must be none too bright to be

    traveling these roads.


    Well, we came from Candlekeep and we do...


    (quickly, overlapping)A fine pair of troubles all your own. We've no time for 'em, though we may have a

    purpose for ye.

    XZARNonsense, Monty. These two may need our help. Indeed, I can offer you healing potions.

    If you wish, as a token of good will.

    Xzar reaches into his purse and pulls out a pair of stoppered FLASKS filled with a

    bubbling blue liquid. He holds one in each hand, eagerly motioning for Barlowe and

    Imoen to take them.


    Nothing to fear from simple potions, and I'll not even hold you in debt, though yourconscience knows otherwise.


    Just like all good people.

    Barlowe studies Xzar for a moment and tentatively takes the potion. Imoen takes hers as



    My compatriot and I go to Nashkel. Our business is not your concern, suffice to say thatsome acquaintances of mine wish us to look into this iron shortage. Perhaps as payment

    you could go with us. I'm sure we'll find a use for you.


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    Your conscience be your guide.

    BARLOWELook, it's not that I'm not grateful, but I do have my own agenda. I have some friends to

    meet at Friendly Arm. Perhaps we could stop there along the way...


    Silly! Your friends are no concern of ours. Go as you wish by yourself. Hopefully you

    fare better than you have so far.


    The night be not kind to fools. Luck be with you. You'll need it.


    Wait! Fine, it's not like I have anything else to do, so I might as well go with you.

    IMOENWhat? Barlowe, we don't even...

    Barlowe steps around Imoen. Xzar looks attentive.


    We'll do it.


    Goody good good! We shall make haste to Nashkel, just a short ways. Onward, intrepidfriends.

    MONTARONRein it in, wizard! I canna stand the way your senses flit about. Could we just travel in



    On the horizon, we can see the silhouettes of Montaron, Xzar, Barlowe, and Imoen

    traveling uphill in silence.


    Could we cease the incessant noise?! 'Tis such a pain behind the eyes!


    Camp has been set up, and the FIRE is dying. A charred, half-eaten squirrel has been spit

    across the flame. Barlowe and Imoen sit at one side of the campfire, Montaron and Xzar

    at the other. Barlowe eats one morsel on the end of a stick. Montaron sharpens his dagger

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    army may serve us well in the investigation at Nashkel, so certain actions we take can be

    repeated. Can be repeated.


    Four's a crowd already, wizard!


    (ignoring Montaron)

    All right, I don't really know who they are or if they'd be willing, but it's worth lookinginto. (pause) So, you want to

    tell me a little more about this group that's interested in the iron shortage?

    XZAR(quick, hysterical)

    That's not for you to know, only for ones such as I! I know, and I know them well.

    Xzar seems to cower in fright or panic, placing his hands over his ears. Barlowe raises aneyebrow. He laughs. Imoen looks disturbed.


    Er...okay, so let's not talk about that. How about your studies, Xzar? Are you skilled with

    magic? I'd like to learn it myself. Do you have anything you could share?


    I know dragons with feet like rabbits! 'Tis true, I swear!

    Xzar SHRIEKS in irritation and moves to the other side of the camp. Barlowe laughs.

    BARLOWEWhat's that about, Immy? I never knew you liked fuck'n with crazy people.

    IMOENWell, no I don't. I was just curious. I want to learn some magic.


    (laughs)You? Casting spells?

    IMOENYes, casting spells. Why not? I don't want be picking pockets and locks all my life--

    MONTARON(growl, overlapping)

    If'n I'm not allowed to sleep, our next assailants may just live.

    Imoen leans in closer to Barlowe.

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    (whisper)I don't like these guys.

    Barlowe shrugs. He barely acknowledges her.



    A pause. Imoen fakes a smile.

    IMOENNow I'm goin' to sleep. Good night.


    The party travels down the white cobbled road, and they arrive at the crossroads, coming

    to a sign that reads "Friendly Arm Inn North".


    Just for a while, kid. This is where we go off and get yer friends.



    Barlowe continues in the lead, but stops when he sees that someone is coming in the

    opposite direction. We see an OLD MAN with a long beard dressed in a red robe. He also

    wears a long pointed hat. Spotting Barlowe, quickly, he approaches. Montaron and Xzarstiffen at his approach.

    ELMINSTERHo there, wanderer. Stay thy course a moment to indulge an old man.

    Elminster stops when he is closer to Barlowe, resting on his walking staff as if winded.


    It has been high unto a ten-day since I've seen a soul walking this road, and I've been

    without a decent conversation since. Traveling nowadays appears to be the domain ofeither the desperate or the deranged; if thou woulds't pardon my intrusion, might I inquire

    which pertains to thee?


    Not to imply anything, but how do you measure up to your own standards? Pestering

    strangers about their mental state doesn't seem all that well adjusted to me.

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    Xzar twitches. Elminster smiles at Barlowe.

    ELMINSTERPoint well taken, and thou hast answered my query most adequately. I shall think of thee

    as determined instead. I shall trouble thee no more, as thou art more than capable of the

    task at hand. North is the Friendly Arm Inn, where I am certain thou shall findtrustworthy friends awaiting.

    Elminster points in the direction he is walking away from. Then he heads off.


    I have said too much and taken too much time from thee. Fare thee well.

    As he leaves, Montaron breathes a sigh of relief. Barlowe looks on in bafflement.


    We're good avoiding yon Harper.

    BARLOWEHe was implying the road wasn't safe to travel.


    Bandits, kid. They prey on travelers of the Sword Coast, more so since the iron shortage.

    The party continues down the road, but they stay in our sight.


    I've only been to the Friendly Arm once and I can't even remember what it was like.


    I remember a little bit. It's more of a walled hamlet with a huge keep inside. Not as big as

    Candlekeep, but people come and go all the time. I think it's run by a pair of gnomes.


    Bentley and Gellana. The pair of them could deal an Amnian merchant out of his last

    copper. They wrested it from a priest of Bhaal.


    Priest of what?


    Time of Troubles, kid. Too far back for you to remember.


    Your voice is ambrosia.

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    I warrant your attention?! Oh frabgerous day, kaloo kaley!


    Eh...well, I remember it's also a rare neutral haven.


    But best for finding prey! And it's sure to be crowded from the bandit raids.


    Damn straight.

    We HEAR a clap of thunder as the camera pans to the approaching clouds.

    CUT TO:

    It's raining heavily. We see a stone KEEP towering above several caravan wagon shedsand a few houses and stables. The entire area is walled, but traffic is heavy near the

    entrance. This is the FRIENDLY ARM INN.

    The party approaches. Barlowe looks up at the awesome keep; it towers over all the

    neighboring trees.


    Smiles, everyone, smiles! This is some great fantasy!


    I don't know if we'll find them if it's this crowded.


    The tavern in the Friendly Arm is quite noisy and crowded as outside, but full of life.Throngs of people eat, drink, talk, and yell. Barlowe and Montaron sit at an otherwise

    empty circular table. Xzar sits in a nearby corner muttering to himself. Imoen slips in

    from the crowd.


    Did you see anything?


    Nothing. I wouldn't even recognize 'em if I saw 'em.


    All right, I guess we'll have to ask around or something. Seems we're short of coin too.


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    Sleep lightly, taskmaster.

    INT. FRIENDLY ARM INN - elsewhere

    A couple sit at a table in a distant corner, their plates half empty and the candle nearly

    burned out. KHALID is dressed in worn armor, a steel cap, and a quilted cloak. His earsare noticeably pointed. And he is tense.

    JAHEIRA sits next to him. Pointed ears also protrude from her auburn hair. She isruggedly confident. She wears a leather bodice not made for ornamentation. Her armor is

    also worn. Her voice is husky and accented:

    JAHEIRAHow long must we wait here? Things stir to the south as we sit!


    C-calm yourself, dear. We must proceed c-c-carefully.

    JAHEIRAI must insist that we head to Nashkel soon, and I am sure Gorion would be doing the


    KHALIDYes...he would have found a way to alert us if there were a change in plans.

    JAHEIRAThen we must assume the worst. The roads've not been kind to travelers, though it

    troubles me to think he could have met peril. Meanwhile the balance suffers from our



    C-come now, Jaheira, we mustnt loose hope.


    But as Harpers we take action. Sitting about waiting for answers should not become us.


    'But answers often come to the patient.'


    From Alaundo?

    Khalid only grins.


    I knew it.

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    If...if he has passed, we share your loss.


    I see. And what would you know about this?


    Ah, the current situation has made you a bit defensive. I do not blame you in the slightest,but we only find it odd that Gorion is not with you.


    In that case, yes. Gorion died two nights ago. We were ambushed.


    Gorion often said that he worried for your safety, even at the expense of his own. He also

    wished that Khalid and I would become your guardians, if he should ever meet anuntimely end. However, you are much older now, and the choice of your companions

    should be your own.


    We could t-travel with you until you get settled. Help you find your l-lot in life.


    It would be a fitting last service to Gorion.


    Well don't jump to conclusions. It doesn't look like we'll be getting out any time soon

    with this rain. Why don't we have a seat? We might even need rooms if it doesn't let up.


    That sounds good. I'm getting tired of standing around.


    And who is this?


    Oh hiya. I'm Imoen. I'm with Barlowe too. I'm also from Candlekeep.


    Oh...that's right. I do recall Gorion also mentioned you in

    his letters. I wasn't sure you were his ward or another's. SoI see you're traveling with Barlowe.

    Imoen smiles and nods.

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    How nice of you.


    Normally, I would question your judgment in bringing one so young and inexperienced,

    but I understand you are in need as are we.


    Um, yeah whatever.

    CUT TO:

    Barlowe and Imoen sit across from Khalid and Jaheira at a table near a fire. Montaron sits

    close by, while Xzar stands off behind him.


    I would ask that we first go to Nashkel. Khalid and I...look into local concerns, and there

    are rumors of strange things happening at the mine. No doubt you've heard of the ironshortage? You would do well to help us. It affects everyone, including you. We are to

    meet the mayor of the town, Berron Ghastkill.


    I'm already going to Nashkel. My companions wish to go there.


    Indeed? Interesting.

    Montaron and Xzar watch the two of them warily.

    XZARWe also seek Mr. Ghastkill and wish to investigate this

    shortage. Much as I truly care about your needs, I would

    prefer that we forget your petty travels and head to Nashkel.


    We are headed to Nashkel. M-may I ask why you are also interested in this problem?

    Who e-employs you?

    Xzar opens his mouth as if about to shout, but Montaron interrupts him. As he does, Xzar

    begins pacing around.


    It be profitable. And...a good cause. My...friend Xzar see, is little crazy in the head. Buthe's very skilled with his necromancy.


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    Don't bother trying to get any answers out of him. But I was wondering...are you working

    for anyone?


    Khalid and I are Harpers. Our aim is to keep the dangers both of and to civilization at

    bay. We believe in the power of individuals, the balance between the wild and thecivilized, and the good of humankind and its allied and sentient races.

    Montaron and Barlowe look on in disapproving silence. Xzar stops his pacing.Montaron's eyes narrow.


    Gorion was a friend of ours, and you have not been out of the keep long so it is notsurprising you would not know this. Who ever is responsible for his death will be repaid

    in kind.

    KHALIDT-there are also rumors that Amn may have some part to play. Or perhaps that war is

    impending. You do understand how this concerns all of us?


    You? Apparently. Me? No. But out of curiosity, who do you think is behind this?


    Pfeh. Yon Harpers, most likely.


    You are amusing in a 'what the hell is wrong with you' kind of way.


    Yer wit be as sharp as me blade! Do we exchange jabs, or will ye cease yer prattle?!

    -----------------Beginning of Robert Ws work------------------Jaheira rises to her feet receiving a firm grasp about her wrist from Khalid. She looks

    into Khalid's eyes. A stranger dressed in fine robes approaches the table.

    TARNESHHmmmm, right size and build.... complete with squabbling companions. You there with

    your feet upon the table. Are you Barlowe?


    Rightly, that's none of your damned business as to who any of us are.


    How rude?! If your moments were not numbered, I would teach you some manners,

    unwashed one. So, now you die!

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    Jaheira grabs her quarterstaff with her free hand, and slams it acrosst the back of

    Tarnesh's head knocking him to the table. Montaron head butts Tarnesh off the table

    onto the floor, and pulls out his sword & dagger leaping to the tabletop. Tarnesh wipesthe blood from his face.

    TARNESHYou will all regret this!

    Bentley Nightshade leaps upon the bar top.


    Guards! We have an unwelcome visitor!

    Tarnesh slams a gem to the floor causing a quick flash that doesn't appear to have caused

    any effect. Imoen draws back on her bow to find her elbow hit something in mid-stroke.

    IMOENBarlowe, he's created a wall of force to keep everyone out.


    Vitas Motis Carrium...Vitas Motis Carrium...Vitas Motis Carrium!

    A cloud smoke erupts around Tarnesh with echoes of rocks being ground to dust. Thesmoke clears to reveal two xvart, an orc, and an ogre. Each makes the battle cries, and

    visually selects their target.


    Kill them my pets! Kill them all!!

    Imoen adjusts for the Wall of Force behind, and lets an arrow streak towards Tarnesh's

    throat. The arrow shatters on impact, and dust appears to ripple off him.


    What the hell was that?!

    XZARThat was stoneskin, little one! All kneel before me!! For I have become DEATH!!

    Xzar's raised hand glows with energy, and an orb streaks from his hand to Tarnesh.Tarnesh screams in agony, and covers his eyes. Jaheira swings her staff in clearing

    motion knocking the xvart to one side. Montaron lunges himself at Tarnesh. Khalid

    swings his shield to the fore, and bashes the shield into the ogre trying to keep it pinnedin one spot. Imoen and Barlowe attack the orc.

    Jaheira thrusts her staff into the throat area of one xvart forcing him to the ground, and

    pole vaults laterally swinging her foot acrosst the face of the second one. As her feet

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    return to the ground, the sound of the xvart's neck breaking can be heard. Jaheira begins

    swinging her staff forming figure 8's with the crossing point being the remaining xvart's

    head 'n' chest until he falls.

    Imoen pierces the orc's shoulder with an arrow as Barlowe slides acrosst the table

    planting both feet into its chest shoving it to the opposite end of the invisible enclosure.Barlowe pulls his sword stepping towards the orc, makes spinning swings with his sword,

    and cuts off the orc's hands.


    Duck Barlowe!

    Barlowe tucks, and rolls away from the orc as Imoen places a final arrow through itsskull bringing it to the ground.


    I... I... I could use some help here.

    With that utterance, the ogre flings Khalid into Xzar, and begins to take swings atBarlowe on the ground with his spiked club. The sound of rocks being ground to dust

    can be heard in concert with the spikes scraping the stone floor. Barlowe rolls back &

    forth avoiding the swings, and deflects some with his sword. Imoen begins targeting the

    ogre with her arrows.


    Blast ye, wizard! I'm gonna skin ye like the perverbial fell cat!

    Tarnesh's eyesight returns, and he grabs Montaron's sword arm at the wrist.


    Not this time, halfling. Here's a scar for your collection.

    The visual effects of electrical shocks wave over Montaron's body. Jaheira hurls her staff

    like a javelin at Tarnesh's hand, and breaks his grip on Montaron. Tarnesh collects the

    staff standing up as Jaheira pulls from the back of her leather bodice, a pair of scimitars.

    Khalid rolls to his side to regain his senses as Xzar makes an out reaching gesture.


    Larlochium Integrium Carrium!

    Colored energy moves in bursts from the ogre to Xzar, who begins to regain his strength,

    and slowly rise to his knees. The ogre's swing of the club becomes more difficult for himallowing Barlowe to gain his feet. Khalid joins Barlowe with his sword against the ogre.

    Tarnesh proves skilled with the staff as Jaheira engages him. Tarnesh spots his ogre is

    about to fall, and casts a spell throwing Jaheira, Barlowe, and Khalid into Imoen.

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    And, NOW Yo-u-u.... die (trailing off)


    (winded) Like a fell cat you popped windbag.

    Bentley (or Galena whichever has Dispel Magic) brings down the wall of force before the

    party suffocates. Montaron frisks Tarnesh's body claiming a few items, and hands

    Barlowe a letter on the body. Barlowe reads the letter to himself. Montaron approachesBentley.


    Bentley, old chap, is it alright fer me and my necromancer friend here to dispose of thisbody fer ye?


    (confused) I suppose, but for what purpose. If I may ask?

    Xzar becomes focused on Bentley in an agitated fashion, and starts to mutter.


    The fallen stars hide beneath the earth... have to dig them up, and set free the knowledge

    of what they see... Yes.. Yes... Yes.


    It's a private ritual of me necromancer friend here which keeps dem vanquishedpainstakers from comin' back. If'n, ye know what I mean.

    BENTLEYWell, since your battle with him, the people who occupied the rooms to either side of his

    have left. You may rent those rooms if'n you like for the night.

    Barlowe looks over the group, and responds.


    That will do fine by us.

    Fade to staircase with Jaheira, Khalid, Montaron, Xzar, Barlowe, and Imoen making their

    way up to the next floor. We see acrosst the second floor a number of travelers standingabout chattering beneath the sound of an elderly couple engaged in a heated discussion

    about spiders & boots, and a nobleman giving directions to a steward. The group

    continues to the next floor. Upon reaching the next floor, Barlowe notices Imoen isn'tbehind him.


    Hold a moment everyone. Imoen's off to something.

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    She may have simply stepped out of the way of passers-by. We'll give her a moment,then. The steps are quite crowded.

    After a few moments, Imoen emerges from the staircase with a bit of a grin on her face.


    What happened to you, Imoen?


    Oh, nothing much beyond keeping my feet and head about me.

    MONTARON glares at Imoen looking her over...


    Aye missy, ye best keep yer wits about ya a wee bit faster then.

    Cut to Barlowe & Imoen in a small room with two cots.


    Hey, Barlowe what do you think this is worth?

    Imoen pulls from her pack a garment made of gold, and holds it out for Barlowe to

    inspect. Barlowe snickers at the item.


    I knew you were up to something, but this is quite a catch. Though, we'll have

    to fence it somewhere else. Whomever will be looking for it.


    S'okay, the guy downstairs isn't expecting it for a couple days. The rain should be overbefore then.


    Hope your luck holds out.

    They recline to their cots, and prepare to sleep.

    Barlowe tosses and turns, gripped with the vivid experience of a dream, and fade into his

    dream. Barlowe is standing in the clearing outside of Candlekeep, and sees a candle in

    the window of his old room. As the candle burns down, the bricks of the wall encroachupon the window as to cover it up denying entrance. As the window becomes a wall,

    Gorion appears as a shadow of his former self; dead within the dream as in life.


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    My child, you will receive no quarter from here. You must seek your path elsewhere.

    As Barlowe surveys the clearing, a path forms through the forest with a forebodingpresence, which pulls at his very being. (Visual effect of a transparent bubble as the path

    completes) Barlowe continues to survey the clearing, and chooses a different direction.

    Gorion smiles in approvement, and fades away. Barlowe begins to move away from theconvenient path, and reacts as though being forced towards it. Barlowe makes his way to

    the direction he had chosen. A grin of excitement appears on Barlowe's face as he sees

    the way is not clear, it is sure to be interesting. A whisper forms on a gust of wind with avestigial & sinister tone, which garners a reaction of, confused familiarity from Barlowe


    Venture forth, child. You will learn.

    Barlowe is slow to awaken, and does so with an apparent chill. He looks over to see

    Imoen still asleep. He quietly prepares himself for the morn. He looks over the garment

    Imoen had 'acquired'.

    BARLOWEThere are times you surprise me, and times you annoy the hell out of me, girl.

    He tucks the item back in her pack, and kicks the corner of Imoen's cot a few times.


    Come on sunshine. Get up, and see if you can keep up today.


    Hey, you! What side of Faerun did you wake up on this morning?! (Big Yawn, and


    Barlowe turns towards the door, slings his pack over his shoulder, and responds.


    My side... as always. I'll check on the others, and see you out in the foyer.

    Cut to foyer area where Jaheira & Khalid are sitting at a table having an apparentlyheated discussion.

    JAHEIRACome now, Khalid. The rain seems to have stopped, and we must move forward to

    Nashkel. We must serve the balance with due diligence...(Playful pause) Khalid my

    dear, 'twould take a sailor to untie that tongue.


    I... I know, Jaheira. Yet, there are times when you can be so... so...

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    Insufferable? (Mischievous grin)


    Why... Yes (laughing snort), that definitely is it. All we can do is be... be.. an example to

    the child of what the Harpers' intents are for the Realms. Allow him to make the choicehimself.

    JAHEIRAYes, my husband, but what of his other two companions, the halfling and the

    necromancer. Do we determine what their designs are on Nashkel, or allow their

    indignant tone to grate on my nerves?


    Calm yourself dear we must proceed carefully. Remember patience.

    Barlowe, Montaron, and Xzar enter the foyer area.

    MONTARON(Exhales deep breath)(cough, cough) Oooh, what do I smell? (chuckle) Ah yes, it's ye

    charity I smell. Please do keep it to yer selves. It's time ta make a coin or two.

    Xzar stares lazily off into the air.


    Your voice is ambrosia, and coin sounds almost like breakfast.


    (Clearing cough) Yes, well, how can I help you?

    Xzar lowers his eyes to Khalid, and starts to speak in a whiney voice.


    Oooh, a griffin's egg o-om-melette would do nicely.

    Imoen emerges into the foyer saying.


    In here? Yeah, whatever.


    Let's head downstairs, and see what's there. Otherwise, we'll hunt some game on the wayto Nashkel.

    Fade to EXT showing party moving through forest with the Friendly Arm Inn

    overlooking the trees in the background. Barlowe walks at the front with Xzar &

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    Montaron walking side-by-side behind him, Jaheira following them with Khalid behind

    her, and Imoen at the rear. A traveling musical score will follow through this transition

    to Beregost. The party emerges from the wooded area in a hilly valley where the roadtwists out of sight.

    Fade to EXT showing party moving through forest with the Friendly Arm Innoverlooking the trees in the background. Barlowe walks at the front with Xzar &

    Montaron walking side-by-side behind him, Jaheira following them with Khalid behind

    her, and Imoen at the rear. A traveling musical score will follow through this transition.The party emerges from the wooded area into a hilly valley where the road twists out of


    EXT forest area behind, and pan to hilly dale at the fore. A man appears over the horizondressed in weathered clothing carrying a satchel, running along the road, and can be

    heard yelling.

    MESSENGERClear the way! Messenger coming through!

    The fellow collides with Montaron who blurts.


    Lookey here ye goof of a messenger. Watch fer small folk next time. So, what's yerbellyaching fer?

    MESSENGERI bear a message to Baldur's Gate requesting the Flaming Fist. I can't say more than that. I

    must be off.


    Things worsened during our lassitude. Nashkel is still another day's worth of travel.


    Well, with dat errand boy, da Flaming Fist aren't far off, or behind.

    KHALID(clearing cough) May be we should make camp at the second mound yonder?

    BARLOWEIs there a wooded area beyond that point, Khalid?

    KHALIDY-yes, yes, there is, but a good distance further beyond. Why do you ask?


    Isn't it better to make as much distance as possible before sunset?

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    Maybe. Yet, having a position to spot oncoming visitors benefits our safety, and beingatop a hill provides such an advantage.

    MONTARONMe thinks having a position to ambush unwanted visitors be a bedder idea.

    Barlowe, Khalid, and Montaron enter into a flurry of words about where to go. Imoensteps away noticing movement at the edge of the dale. There are two shadows moving in

    hurried fashion through the trees.

    IMOENHeya!! If ya don't want to have any unexpected guests, we best decide on the move.

    Jaheira looks to where Imoen is pointing, and concurs...


    Yes, we best be on the move. We can do the navel-gazing, and chest beating later.

    The group resumes their trek in a hurried fashion with Barlowe moving quickly at the

    front followed by Khalid, Xzar, Jaheira, Montaron, and Imoen. Fade away to party

    arriving where the forest meets the river. Everyone is somewhat winded.


    Next time, halfling keeps your distance, or you'll have to worry about returning to theground!

    MONTARON(grunt) An' here I t'ought I was motivating you to keep up with yer hubby, and Barlowe.


    (deep breathe) I'll check the edge of the forest for kindling to start a fire.

    Barlowe moves off into the woods. Jaheira, Khalid, Montaron, Xzar, and Imoen prepare acampfire pit, and makeshift bedding to ready for the night. Pan to Barlowe picking up

    branches & twigs. He hears shrieks unlike any he has heard before. He starts to run

    towards it. As he approaches the screams, he can hear elvish sounding words, andcommon alternating.

    VICONIA(Drow Language & English alternating) Help me?! Please will anyone help me! Help me,

    or they'll kill me!!

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    Barlowe spots her pursuer, and stealths up behind him. Viconia arrives to the campfire,

    and begins to tell her side of the story to the rest of the party. Jaheira & Khalid appear

    pensive, while Montaron & Xzar engage her with questions. Barlowe confirms there isonly one well-armed man in splint mail chasing her. Barlowe preps his dagger, and

    tackles the man from behind. As they rollover, Barlowe lodges the blade in the side of his

    opponents armor, and digs deep into the rib cage.


    Why?! WHY did you do this?


    It's not fun being hunted, and unable to attack the predator. I watched my foster father

    defend himself, and die. I will make my mark, and find out who & why. Until then, I'llkill as I so choose.


    Then, may the gods levy the souls of the family who died at her hands upon your sou-u-l-l.

    Barlowe surveys the dead man realizing only then that he was a Flaming Fist Mercenary.


    We shall see then.

    Cut to the campfire. Montaron & Xzar are talking to themselves keeping an eye out that

    Jaheira & Khalid do not approach the cloaked figure seated with back facing him.


    Okay, what's this about?


    This is about an unarmed Drow woman, who claims to have been banished from theUnderdark. Only her being unarmed is obviously the truth. She stated she came upon an

    abandoned house, and took refuge inside from her Drow pursuers. She nursed wounds

    she received prior to her banishment, and during her flight from the Underdark. A

    Flaming Fist caught sight of her coming out of the house, and caused her to flee again.We could only agree on binding her until the Flaming Fist arrived.

    Barlowe walks to the front of Viconia, and kneels before her with a dagger in his hand.Barlowe traces the tip of the dagger along the edge of her hood, noting her bandaged arm,

    and down to the ropes binding her hands.


    If you were unhurt & armed, would you have still ran, or fought for your freedom?


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    (Drow Language) If I had a world to call home, I would rather have died instead of

    running. Yet, I have no home beyond running. (English Language) I would have fought,

    and died gladly to join Shar.


    It's much easier to label your enemy as evil and kill him rather than attempt to understandhim no matter the race of being. In this one moment, I understand. (Barlowe cuts her

    bonds) The Flaming Fist won't be following you anymore. Give the surface world a

    chance. There are things worth defending here, but you have to understand what thosethings are. Then, you just have to be strong enough to get what you want, and keep it.


    You are strange amongst the surfacers, but this is very odd for me. (She looks at her freedhands) Thank you is your choice of words.

    Barlowe nods, and Viconia walks up river away from the party. Barlowe turns to his

    shocked companions.

    BARLOWEA chance is all she needed, and that is what I gave her. Now, let's cook some fish.

    The two duos recline to their packs, while Imoen grins off by herself.

    EXT Pan into well-traveled path leading to the city of Beregost. We see a farmer withbackhoe in hand approaching the party.

    FARMERGood morning to ye adventurers. I'm on my way to the fields. Is there any questions I

    might answer for ye?


    Yes, do you have a smithy in town, and an affordable inn where we may rest?


    We have one of the finest blacksmiths in Faerun here, Taerom Fuirium, at the

    Thunderhammer Smithy. His shop is in the southeast corner of town, and just south of

    there is the Jovial Juggler Inn. Is there naught more I can help you with?


    No, that's just fine with us. Have a good day in the fields.


    Thank ye, sir. Good day to you as well.

    EXT Time lapse of activity about town with view of sun moving from high noon to dusk,

    and candle lights illuminating windows. Show candlelights going out, and the town

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    watch making rounds with lanterns until dawn. Pan through town to the door of the

    Jovial Juggler opening, and the party exiting to the yelling of the town crier.


    Hear Ye!! Hear YE!! By order of the mayor, a bounty has been set upon the head of the

    cleric, Bassilius, for crimes against nature and man. 5,000 gold pieces to the person whobrings solid proof of his demise, or the man himself.

    The town crier continues his march passing the news. Montaron perks a little at thenews.


    Aye, there's a fine bit of coin fer a wee bit of work. (devilish grin)


    Yes, it is, but how does this Bassilius measure against the iron shortage?


    For crimes against nature and man, he comes very close as a harper, but the mines are thegreater of importance.


    Maybe so, harpie, but it doesn't mean we can't cash in if'n we comes acrosst him on theway.

    EXT Panning shot sweeping out of Beregost to the hills leading to Nashkel. The partymakes there way through the hills to rolling plains sparsely populated with trees

    approaching a bridge over a river. Soldiers can be seen moving in formations around the

    town beyond the bridge. Jaheira spots an authority figure at an apparent checkpoint.


    Barlowe, there's the commanding officer of this Amnish brigade. He should be able todirect us to Berrun Ghastkill.


    Alright, then, let's see what Amnish soldiers are all about.

    The party proceeds over the bridge to be met by the officer, Bardolan


    Identify yourselves!


    I am Barlowe, and our group is here to look into the local concerns with the mines, and to

    speak with the mayor, Berrun Ghastkill.

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    I'm Lieutenant Bardolan. Well, if you're seeking to resolve the troubles, welcome. The

    mayor is near the Temple of Helm. If not, kindly take it elsewhere. Things are not goodhere, Barlowe.

    BARLOWEWhat things aren't good? We've heard rumors, and vague suspicions from here to the

    Friendly Arm.


    Aye, what IS good around here, anymore? Our iron is rotten, and there is talk of demons

    in the mines. The lower levels have been all but abandoned until this crisis passes. And

    then, there is the question of Commander Brage... Ack, they have stripped him of thattitle, but I use it yet... He killed his wife and children in a rage one night, and all who saw

    him. Then, he tore himself away, and headed for the hills. He is out there still, and still

    we mourn, as much for him as those he's taken... Fie on you! You have brought tears to

    the eyes of a soldier!

    The party moves through the town passing the inn, local store, and come into full view ofthe cemetery & Temple of Helm. An older man emerges from the temple with a troubled

    look on his face. As he looks over the landscape, he reacts upon seeing the party, and



    Hello there! I recognize Jaheira in your group that means you are the adventurers I am

    expecting. I am Berrun Ghastkill, and mayor of Nashkel. I am happy to welcome you totown, but sorry it must be under these circumstances.

    BARLOWEWell, you can save your pleasantries for later. What details do you have of the situation?

    BERRUN GHASTKILLRight to the point then. Nashkel is right in the thick of this iron shortage. The

    mine is all but shutdown because the workers have disappeared and continue to go

    missing while what ore we do get out is tainted somehow. I would send more town

    guards, but we need them to protect our citizens from the bandits who raid our caravans.We need you to find out what's wrong in the mines, and resolve it as quickly as possible.

    MONTARONWell, ye can rest a wee bit then. We dispatched a camp of dem bandits 'tween here, and



    Yeah, but they seem a bit organized with Ogrillons, hobgoblins, and brigands making the

    attacks demanding 'iron or else'.

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    We'll do what we can, and bring whatever we find to you.


    Aye, and thank ye. You will be the toast of the town if'n you can resolve this.

    Camera angle, and pan to a different bridge pointing towards a mountainous horizon. As

    the party heads toward the bridge, a man dressed in a collage of garments made from

    various fabrics but all shades & tints of red approaches the party.

    The man approaching the party appears to be mumbling to himself walking with a finely

    crafted quarterstaff.


    Hmmm, more brutish simeans... they seem a bit more colorful, and may do well.

    (Addressing the party) Hold travelers. I have a need of sturdy fellows such as yourselves

    to partake of a quest, (under his breath) which is what your sort tends to do anyway.

    BARLOWEExcuse me; Mr. Prim N Proper couldn't bare to have a dirty fingernail?

    Montaron knocks a little cough out of Barlowe by smacking him on the stomach.


    Fergive me impetuous friend here. He knows li'l of de world outside Candlekeep. What

    sect of spell casters do ye hail from?


    That is of no concern to you... only I have a need for services to be rendered. I require atermination for a greater purpose, (under his breath) to remove a pest.

    KHALIDMay we know to whom we speak, and what manner of terms governs your quest?


    (under his breath) Simeans that speak can be such a test of patience. (Addressing theparty) My name is Edwin, and I require solid proof for the death of the interfering

    enchantress, Dynaheir, within one year, and most definitely that can be accomplished

    quid pro quo.



    Montaron taps Barlowe just above the knee.


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    ...and what be the manner of reward ye offer on delivery?

    EDWIN(under his breath) Something is worth quite more than nothing. (Addressing Montaron)

    In addition to any valuables of which you will pilfer from her anyway, I will provide my

    talented services, and a good portion of any riches we come acrosst in my ultimatejourney or one year, whichever concludes first.

    The party members survey each others expressions for a few moments.


    Nay, wizard. We must complete our quest for the town of Nashkel, first. It has waited

    too long for the day of reckoning.


    Well wizard, let us say until next time whilst we pad our pockets from the township's


    EDWIN(disgusted under his breath)Typical simeans... (addressing party)So be it. I shall remain

    here for a time, but do not test my patience for you will regret it.

    BARLOWE(under his breath)Too late.

    Edwin looks somewhat perturbed at Barlowe, and proceeds into Nashkel.


    Lookey kid, ye don't go flapping yer mouth at a spell caster 'specially ifn'n ye don'trecognize der garments. That coulda been yer first look at a Red Wizard, or some such

    udder group as well as yer last.


    Well, with that narrow mind of his, he tries to look down his nose at us for something he

    can't do himself. I'd almost want to accomplish the deed just to have him subservient in

    some fashion to bend a little humility into that stifled brain of his.


    Maybe so, but it would do best with him to learn more before engaging such activities.He can be distorting his true intent within the words & tones of his demeanor. Come; let

    us continue onto the mines.

    Camera pans towards the mountainous horizon, and sweeps off into the rising sun.

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    Camera pans back from the light to reveal a torch being held by Khalid. Camera sweeps

    stage left to show a collection of miners and Amnish soldiers moving about different

    activities. A distinguished miner approaches the group.


    So, ye want to be taking a look at me mine. Do ya?


    Yes, we have spoken with the mayor, and have his approval to investigate.


    Indeed... I see no harm. We could be using the help. There be problems in the lower

    levels where men have gone missing. The men speak of things a-moving below. Who'sto say, but the earth be hidin' many things from sight.

    Emerson motions to one of the soldiers. He escorts the party to a shaft, which runs deep

    into the dark.

    AMNISH SOLDIERHere citizen. This route will lead to the next guarded area. Speak with the first guard

    there, and get directions to the next corridor down.

    XZARI'm not quite as comfortable as when I'm 6 feet under. (devilish grin)

    BARLOWEThank you, soldier.

    AMNISH SOLDIERI wish you guys luck down there. Whatever's been causing the troubles isn't something I'd

    wanna run into.

    The party ventures down the dark passage making their way torch to torch. Background

    music begins in an eerie/gothic style. As the party emerges into the new area, a miner

    takes note of them. Music softens to a whisper.


    Hmmm, more adventurers I see. I'd head back if I were you. I've heard awful stories

    about whats been happening in the lower levels.


    Hey, guess what old timer? You're not us, and I doubt a miner's pick would be thought ofwhen time comes to defend yourself.


    Yes...(clearing cough) What have you heard, sir?

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    Well, the last group of miners who went down to the lowest level barely came back alive.Little devils leapt from the walls, and began chasing them every which way. If the

    guards hadn't gone running to them, they'd never be here to tell us anything. 'Course, the

    guards never came back.

    Camera fades to party approaching another Amnish soldier. Music resumes to building a

    tempo. Scene dissolves to party emerging from a corridor where an apparent scuffle hadoccurred. Music softens to an ending. Montaron, Barlowe, and Khalid examine the area


    KHALIDIt seems quite a fight happened here.


    Well t'is time fer our hunt to begin den.

    BARLOWEHmmm, do you recognize those tracks leading this way, and that?


    I know dragons with feet like rabbits. It's true! I swear!

    A yell is heard echoing from the darkness ahead. A badly injured miner staggers from

    the darkness, and falls to the ground before the party.


    By the gods... I'm coughing up blood!(gasping pause) Run! You must run before thoseyipping devils get you!

    MONTARON (pulling out his sword)I'll settle it with me blade.

    Barlowe kneels by the guy placing a hand on Ruffie's shoulder.


    Yipping Devils? There's no such thing, old timer.


    Tell that to my children for I fear I've not the breath to make it out of here. (difficult



    Damn it, man! Yes, you can!

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    Barlowe grips Ruffie with both hands. There is a noticeable glowing where their skin

    touches. Ruffie appears to recover a bit from his injuries. Barlowe looks at his hands

    after releasing his hold. Ruffie looks squarely at Barlowe. Barlowe rubs his handstogether somewhat nervously.

    MINER RUFFIEI... I don't know what came over me, sire. Yes. Yes, I can make it out of here. But, I tell

    you truly there were yipping devils who attacked Kylee & myself. I told him no dagger

    was worth his life lest it been in his hand.


    Very well, we'll take care of it. Get back to the surface.

    Ruffie departs a little more sure-footed than he had arrived. The party kind of stares at

    each other looking for initiative. The silence becomes annoying.

    MONTARONAlrighty then, you'se fops stay here whilst I scout ahead fer our 'yipping devils'.

    IMOEN (looking at the tracks from where Ruffie had come)

    Too bad none of us was a ranger. Might recognize these tracks, and give us a better idea

    of what left them.


    Maybe, gurly... but ye've got no time fer hindsight now.


    Barlowe, would you accompany Montaron?


    Alright. Stealth, it is.

    Barlowe & Montaron start down the corridor Ruffie emerged from on either wall.

    Camera follows behind them as they reach the edge of a circular area which has bridges

    going noticeably over lava. Two kobolds emerge from the other aside carrying green

    bottles. They make noticeably irregular steps passing over the bridge. They set thebottles down, and handle some iron ore from nearby carts.

    BARLOWEHmmm, so now the game's afoot.

    MONTARONAye, but we's have no clue as to who be pullin' der strings. Kobolds are scrappy, not



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    Let's get the others.

    MONTARONNot yet. If'n a break arises to get a vial or two of dat fluid, we need it fer proof.

    BARLOWEHey, if we wipe these guys out, their skulls will be proof enuff.

    MONTARONLeave me be, I be disturbed enough without yer toiling. Get de udders. I'll await me


    BARLOWEOkay, but watch your arse.

    Montaron waves Barlowe on. Camera fades to Barlowe returning with the rest of the

    group to find Montaron missing, and the dead bodies of two kobolds on the other side ofthe bridge.


    So much for awaiting us.

    XZARYes, he is quite good at aggravating people to topple their demeanor.

    KHALIDWell, he does not lay upon the ground before us. This is a good sign for his health.

    JAHEIRAMaybe husband, but what of a threat to our efforts? Barlowe and Imoen, please check for

    traps over these bridges. The bridge without any traps should be the route of which the

    halfling would have taken.


    No, I have a better idea.

    Barlowe takes a good-sized chunk of ore, and hurls it in a rolling fashion over the bridge

    he witnessed the kobold traverse earlier. The bridge erupts in a fiery spectacle as the ore

    crosses it. After the spectacle fades away, Barlowe hurls a second piece with noresponse.

    JAHEIRAVery innovative, Barlowe.

    Barlowe walks acrosst the bridge, inspects the kobolds' bodies, and finds broke off

    arrows in them.

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    Nimble little runt skewered them from behind using tether lines in the arrows tocrossover without using the bridges.

    Now, how to find him without being spotted ourselves?


    Well, like you said earlier, stealth it is. (giggle)


    Might I suggest we move yet as a group with you scouting just a-ahead. This way, we'll

    not loose anyone else, and may deal with whatever may arise.

    They concur, and move with Barlowe & Imoen leading with one checking for traps while

    the other moves through the shadows watching for on comers. The group arrives to a

    cavernous enclave with a stream encircling it. A procession emerges from the dome at

    the center with a bound prisoner carried high, and an apparent orc following at the end inthe garb of a cleric. The procession comes to a stop in an open area, and stakes the

    prisoner to the ground, who now appears to be Montaron.

    MULAHEY (booming voice)

    My faithful kobolds, Cyric is pleased with the capture of this Zhentarum interloper.

    Cyric decrees him be converted by torture as a true believer, or stripped of all he knowsas an infidel of Zhentil Keep. Let his cries ring out through these mines!

    Khalid, Jaheira, Barlowe, and Imoen turn to Xzar in bewilderment. Xzar begins chewingat his fingers, and backs away to a squatting position.

    XZAR (whiney voice)Don't touch me. It was our job as arranged by the council to find if this were mortal or

    supernatural matters with the iron rotting. (clear, but jittery voice) We were to take over

    the operation if possible, or await re-enforcements if this were man-made beyond ourability to conquer. But... poor Monty. Oh Montaron... I never loved him.

    JAHEIRA(under her angry breath)

    Speak necromancer.


    Monty thought we could connive some adventurers into joining us for the good of all, andgain control of the operation whatever it was. By being in close proximity, he would

    concoct a plan using our skills to rid ourselves of the rest of you in the form of an

    'accident'. See Berrun Ghastkill, claim the money, and come back here to restart thetroubles a few weeks down the road in a fashion for Zhentil Keep.

    The sound of whips crack through the cavern, but Montaron cannot be heard. As the

    group's attention is draw away, camera cuts to a figure in dark armor moving through the

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    passage already traversed by the group with a satchel over his shoulder. He holds a scroll

    tightly in his hand. Camera angle changes swiftly to moving through the corridor

    returning to the group.


    Well, now what do we do? Anything we try will bring this whole place down on ourheads.

    JAHEIRAThat... wretch of a halfling is receiving what he is due, but they will surely have sent out

    additional guards to search for comrades of his whether he spake of us or not.

    BARLOWE (leaning towards corridor behind them)Shhh... I hear some thing coming this way. (grimace) Jaheira, you and Khalid keep Xzar

    there in the open. Imoen hide on that side of the opening. We'll pounce whatever comes

    through. Quick kill. Got it?


    Aye, slice 'em with my blade.

    The figure emerges from the corridor wearing chain armor with field cloth draped acrosst

    his chest bearing a coat of arms depicting a hawk's talon. He stops bewildered at Khalid

    & Jaheira standing guard over Xzar. Barlowe and Imoen leap upon him covering hismouth whilst stabbing him in the sides. The scroll falls, and rolls upon the ground

    towards Khalid. As Barlowe & Imoen finish off the bearer of the scroll, Khalid reads it

    aloud softly.


    My servant, Mulahey, your progress in d-disrupting the flow of iron ore does not go aswell as it should. How stupid can you be to allow your kobolds to murder the miners.

    Wi-with your presence revealed you should be wary of enemies sent to stop your

    operation. Your task is a very simple one; if you continue to show that you can't do thejob, y-you will be replaced. I will not send the kobolds you have requested as I need all

    the troops I possess to stop the f-flow of iron into this region. With this message I have

    sent more of the mineral poison that you require. If you have any problems then, send a

    message to my new contact in B-beregost. His name is Tranzig, and is staying at the F-feldpost's Inn. Tazok

    BARLOWETazok? I think we have a geldling here.

    JAHEIRAYou've a task?


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    Yes, but from the looks of him, you or Khalid would be the only ones who could fit into

    this armor properly.

    Khalid & Jaheira look at each other for a moment, and decide that Jaheira will pose as the

    messenger. They move to dress her in the messenger's armor.


    Xzar, I only ask that you help rescue Montaron, and leave on your own. Otherwise...

    XZAR(stern voice)

    I know, and there is no one to perform the ritual. (jittery voice) Never liked summoning

    creatures to perform it. (shudder)


    Fine, whatever that is. Do it quickly, and return to Zhentil Keep. You can tell 'em that

    Harper's showed up, and be done with it.

    Camera cuts to the area where Montaron has been beaten badly, but can be seen barely

    breathing. Jaheira makes her way into the clearing, and the kobolds snap to the side asthough recognizing the coats-of-arms draped over the armor.


    I'm here to see your master, Mulahey.

    Kobold Torturer #1

    Yess, I will take you.

    Jaheira follows the kobold into the dome. The remaining kobolds stop for a moment

    numbering three. Barlowe looks over the cavern carefully from their vantage point, andsees an alternate route out of the cavern. He motions to Imoen & Khalid to make ready

    with their bows.


    Aim for their throats. I've got the one closest to the entrance.

    IMOENI've got the one furthest.

    KHALIDVery well.

    They each skewer the throats of the remaining kobolds, and put a second arrow throughtheir skulls. The four hurry to Montaron, and survey the wounds to him.

    MONTARON (gasping)

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    Let me (cough-gurgle-rasp) die. Cyric can kiss me (cough-gurgle-rasp) little arse 'fore

    (cough-gurgle-rasp) I'd let 'em hear (cough-gurgle-rasp) a squawk from me.


    Well, Montaron, you won't have to worry about that. We'll have a little severance for

    Mulahey. Okay, let's go find Jaheira.


    I'll tend to Monty.

    Khalid looks warily at the Zhents, and moves towards the entrance with Imoen. Barlowe

    follows slowly looking over at the pair as Xzar begins the ritual.

    XZAR (chanting softly)

    Auguwhy Motis Hadcarrium...Auguwhy Motis Hadcarrium...Auguwhy Motis

    Hadcarrium...Auguwhy Motis Hadcarrium...

    Xzar's hand begins to glow eerily. He moves his hands to cover Montaron's eyes. Blood

    begins to flow down Montaron's cheeks. Xzar moves his hand to Montaron's throatrevealing empty eye sockets, and the blood rolls from Montaron's throat to the ground.

    Xzar moves his hand again to Montaron's heart, and slowly reaches into Montaron's

    chest. Camera angle cuts to looking from behind Xzar as his voice slows the chant, and

    ends it. Barlowe, Kh