
Bharani Nakshatra Characteristics GENERAL RESULTS OF BEING BORN IN BHARANI NAKSHATRA Birth star of Rahu. It extends from 13:20 to 26:40. Symbol: Orifice of the womb (oss-mouth), lord Mangal. It is possible to have an idea of the nature of Bharani Nakshatra from the nature of Rahu, Mangal and Yama. Male Natives 1. Physical features: He is of medium size, with less hair, large forehead, bright eyes, and beautiful teeth. His complexion will be ruddy with fairly long neck and face. It has been found that if the birth takes place during mid-day, the native is very tall. His head will be broad at the temples and narrow at the chin. He will have bushy eye brows. 2. Character and general events: Bharani born is not generally liked by all, in spite of the fact that he is pure hearted and does not like to harm anybody. When he wants to express his opinion in any matter he is just not bothered about the sentiments of others. He will not like to get anything for himself by buttering. Come what may, he is not ready to work against his consciousness whether he is right or wrong according to others. Due to this attitude he has to face a lot of resistance and failures. He won’t hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters. But when he is convinced of his fault, when the opponent comes forward with folded hands, he will completely forget the enmity and start reciprocating sincerely. Tactful behavior is alien to him. He is far away from the state of obedience. Arrogance quite often leads him to miseries. Subordination is equal to death for him. When he has to bow to others, he becomes

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Page 1: Bharani

Bharani Nakshatra Characteristics

GENERAL RESULTS OF BEING BORN IN BHARANI NAKSHATRABirth star of Rahu. It extends from 13:20 to 26:40. Symbol: Orifice of the womb (oss-mouth), lord Mangal. It is possible to have an idea of the nature of Bharani Nakshatra from the nature of Rahu, Mangal and Yama.

Male Natives1. Physical features: He is of medium size, with less hair, large forehead, bright eyes, and beautiful teeth. His complexion will be ruddy with fairly long neck and face. It has been found that if the birth takes place during mid-day, the native is very tall. His head will be broad at the temples and narrow at the chin. He will have bushy eye brows.

2. Character and general events: Bharani born is not generally liked by all, in spite of the fact that he is pure hearted and does not like to harm anybody. When he wants to express his opinion in any matter he is just not bothered about the sentiments of others. He will not like to get anything for himself by buttering. Come what may, he is not ready to work against his consciousness whether he is right or wrong according to others. Due to this attitude he has to face a lot of resistance and failures. He won’t hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters. But when he is convinced of his fault, when the opponent comes forward with folded hands, he will completely forget the enmity and start reciprocating sincerely.

Tactful behavior is alien to him. He is far away from the state of obedience. Arrogance quite often leads him to miseries. Subordination is equal to death for him. When he has to bow to others, he becomes pensive. Advice and encouragement have no room in his mind.

He will generally be having a good all-round knowledge. He has the capacity to go deep into any matter. Even though Bharani born will shine well in public life, he tends to face criticism and loss of wealth.

He likes to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy. He cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the run he quite often faces failures. For others, he may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that he is pure hearted. His life is full of ups and downs.

It is advisable that Bharani born should not involve in unnecessary arguments or competition. He will fight for certain principles which will ultimately lead him into trouble. He is fond of

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spreading rumors and wasting time by humors. As already mentioned above his life is full of ups and downs, there will not be any good or bad periods for long time. In short, ha has to face a life of mixture of good and bad always. He is quite capable of looking after others but he needs someone to look after him. Ultimately his beneficiary and friends turn against him. He cannot establish permanent relationship with anyone.

3. Education, sources of earning/profession: There is never a permanent good or bad time. After his 33 years of age there will be a positive change in his surroundings, in his life, and in his livelihood. He is fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, sports, music, art advertisement, automobile or restaurants. He can also be a good surgeon or a judge. He can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco. He will attain success in all undertakings provided he establishes or starts any activity by proceeding to the Eastern direction first and also if possible the place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from his house.

4. Family life: Marriage comes around 27 years of age. They are fortunate in conjugal bliss. His companion will be expert in household administration and well behaved. He will cause the death of his father if birth is in the 1st or 2nd quarter of Bharani Nakshatra. His wife must save money for a rainy day as he makes some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not. He loves his family. He dislikes being away from his family members even for a day.

5. Health: While he does not take care of his health, there won’t be any serious health problems. Main possible diseases are dental problems, diabetes and severe body pain, affections of brain, high fever, apoplexy, ring worms and malaria. Normally he is a very poor eater. He believes in the principle of ‘eating to live and living to eat’. He is afraid of water and as is the thought, he should be careful while traveling through water, taking bath in rivers, oceans and ponds. Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes can take place. Since he is a chain smoker he has to be careful about his lung.

Female Natives1. Physical features: She will have a very beautiful figure. She will have white teeth, but not in proper arrangement.

2. Character and general events: She will possess a clean, admirable and modest character. She respects her parents and elderly persons, but she does not relish suggestions from others and acts according to her own sweet will. She is bold and impulsive and over optimistic.

3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She earns her own livelihood. She will be successful as a receptionist, guide or sales woman. She will not wait for opportunities to come but will go out and create opportunity to fulfill her desires. She may earn through sports activities.

4. Family Life: Marriage comes around her 23rd years of age. She will have an upper hand in all matters and she will behave like a commander. While she will enjoy full confidence, love and satisfaction from her husband, she is quite often troubled by her in-laws. She always speaks high of her own family. She will obey only such a man whom she can admire. In case she marries a simple man, who is lowly placed in life, she will overpower her husband in all walks of life. As Bharani born females are a little aggressive, married partner should have patience and deal with them tactfully for avoiding daily friction in life.

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5. Health: Her health will be good. She will have frequent menstrual problems, uterus disorders, and anemia, in some cases tuberculosis has also been noticed.

Nakshatras- Bharani

"To bear"13°20 - 26°40 AriesDeity: Yama, the god of deathSymbol: vaginaShakti: power to take things away (apabharani shakti)Basis Above: removal of life from the bodyBasis Below: carry the soul to the realm of the ancestorsResult: Moving on to the next world

13.20 - 26.40 Aries Symbol: a vagina. Deity: Yama, god of death. Keywords: Changes emerge from within, big transformations.

(births), love and support to everything that is alive. Translation: the bearer (of new life). Bharani Nakshatra; Devata Yama, birth star of Rahu.

It extends .from 13:20 to 26°40' Symbol: Orifice of the.womb (oss-mouth) lord Mangal. It is possible to

have an idea of the natut.e of Bharavi Nakshatra from the nature of Rahu, Mangal and Yama. To take Rahu first

1. Rahu gives extravagant enjoyment of material pleasure and is later on the cause of sorrow. 2. Mangal gives courage, strength, exaltation and hope 3. Yama purity, cleanliness, justice and integrity. The sense of restraint is also Yama's: gift; he is; the lord of Dharma a stern disciplinarian, a ruthless expositor of truth and a refuge for kings and law-abiding subjects. We should not always confine his interpretation to his being only the lord of death; he is the great judicature the ultimate dispenser of reward and punishment.

The story of Yama-Nachiketa is a particularly an exposition of the hospitality of Yama, his. sense; of dharma and knowledge of it, his superb honesty and great integrity and other divine virtues. The Nakshatra of which he is the,;devata-(God) is' also in consequence the ;giver, ;of. enjoyment and. Pleasures, courage and upward thrust of the spirit and on the other hand the giver of whatever is good, pure, truthful and honest. The etymological meaning of Bharani is "what deserves to be cultivated and preserved" that is dependence, servitors, retainers or anything by which living is earned, for example salary.

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In Mesha, next to Asvini, there are three stars in one and are conceived as a triangle without opening. This is called Bharani. The star Bharani represents the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna, In a life the destructive forces of Tama Guna and the expressive character of Agni work within and make changes that start from within. It denotes experiences of suffering, suppression, restraint in struggles, strife, contest and such other circumstances as presented by Mangala. The Agni energy provides a great will power, forbearance to withstand it by self-control, discipline. The Devata of Bharani is Yama Dharma Raja (lord of virtues). Truth, duty, morality are the blessings it effects in the life. The effect makes one a saint.

The ideas of Bharani are similar to Rahu. who eclipses or hides and then again it releases. Womb has similar function. By name Bharani (from Bharana, Bharana-posana — feeding and rearing up) it connotes the act of maintaining, bearing in the womb, edibles, load, burden, to hire, wages, etc.In mythology Yama is personified as the son of Vibasvan (Surya or Ravi) and the lord of our forefathers. The south is the lord of our forefathers — Pittrijana (Pittri — paternal; jana-vehicle). The abode of God is on the north. Devajana {Deva — God; jana — vehicle, path) is on the north. Bharani gives direction to the south, [Makara to Mithuna clockwise is Devajana; Karkata to Dhanus anticlockwise is Pittrijana.]

Ideas:Act of checking, curbing, suppression, restraint, discipline, self-control, will-power, moral duty.To hold, subdue, govern, punish, to be faithful, be firm, endure, suffer.rearing in the womb, carrying, bearing, maintaining, filling in the stomach. Edibles, supporting, nourishing, a dependant maintained or supported.Weight, load, burden, to hire or mercenary.

Bharani people are obsessed with death and/or transformation. Their power lies in taking things away. As long as the things taken away are negative or counterproductive, then the Bharani person works in line with the universe. For example, if one has a brain tumor, a Bharani surgeon will effectively be able to take it away. Garbage needs to be taken away. Psychologically, negative attitudes and self-defeating habits need to be taken away so that the person can better themselves. The vagina, as the symbol of Bharani, takes away the semen to produce another life, it takes away the vital essence of one being to create another. It also rips the fetus away from its contemplative, peaceful womb atmosphere and thrusts it into the noisy world. As a side note, Jim Morrison had his Moon in Bharani. Did you see the movie, "The Doors"? Throughout the entire movie, he spoke about and was obsessed with the subject of death. Many of his songs were about death.

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The Elephant

Bharani, means "The Bearing Star", also known as "The Star of Restraint". Bharani is ruled by Yama, the God of Death. This is the second nakshatra of the zodiac, ranging from 13°-20' to 26°-40'. The planet of art and beauty, the Venus, rules this nakshatra.The energy of Bharani is called ugra or krura, which translates as harsh, powerful, hot, formidable and fierce.

This star is under the planetary lordship of Venus and is within the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars. The star Bharani represents the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna. The etymological meaning of Bharani is "what deserves to be cultivated and preserved" that is dependence, servitors, retainers or anything by which living is earned. Bharani's animal symbol is the Elephant.This star is connected with the energies we expend to maintain ourselves in the material world.

Bharani Nakshatra takes away that which has reached its term of life to a new condition. It shows the movement of the soul away from the body. It conveys ideas pertaining to discipline, self-control to be faithful, be firm, enduring supporting, maintaining, nourishing, etc. In case of strong malefic influences , persons may develop extreme tendencies like crimes, murders, terrorism, etc.

If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he is cruel, ungrateful and no sense of indebtness, achieves notoriety, fears water, is restless and wicked.They are stable, knowledgeable and truthful. Bharni born are honest and they are frank in their opinions and do not want to modify their opinions to please others. An interesting feature of those born in Bharni is that they are quiet fond of spreading rumors.

Females born in this nakshatra are career minded. They act more like a leader of a group, rather than an ordinary family member. Bharani- born have agnetic personality, changing moods, business minded, influential, high position

You are of medium build with well-set teeth. You are intelligent, with a quick mind and ready wit, and are mentally quite flexible. You are spontaneous and optimistic, and drawn to the unknown. You are very courageous and never shy away from a fight, especially if you think it is for the right cause. Many of you will be blessed with a long life. Your Nakshatra is that of the 'The Bearer', one who is burdened. This often makes you bitter and selfish, as you feel encumbered by responsibility. You dislike being controlled and manipulated though quite often your own behaviour can be childlike.

Some of you are very creative, especially in the visual arts, and may try your hand at painting and photography.

Careers that will suit you are: Military, Chemical industry, medicine, agriculture. You may have problems in romance and may be misunderstood by your partner. You are a connoisseur and fond of good things in life and prone to putting on weight. Obesity and skin diseases could plague many of you.

Bharani Nakshatra General Details

Bharani is the 2nd nakshatra in the constellation of 27 nakshatras. Venus is the lord of this nakshatra. The natives of Bharani love to live a comfortable life. Naturally they are fond of partying and indulging in luxurious ways of enjoying their life. 

Bharani, means "The Bearing Star", also known as "The Star of Restraint". Bharani is ruled by Yama, the God of Death. This is the second nakshatra of the zodiac, ranging from 13°-20' to 26°-40'. The planet of

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art and beauty, the Venus, rules this nakshatra.The energy of Bharani is called ugra or krura, which translates as harsh, powerful, hot, formidable and fierce.

Marked by an aura of innocence and reliance on instincts, natives born under the birth star of Bharani display their willingness to explore and experiment rather than sit back and calculate. On account of the star constellation’s essential tendency towards contradictions, natives born under Bharani Nakshatra are often seen going through the radical processes of transformations. To go through a whole lot of possibilities and embarking upon a glaringly novel road of possibility are some of their general characteristics. To plunge into newly discovered avenues of possibilities without much forethought and calculation also ranks amongst their general characteristics.  They are beautiful people with attractive personalities. People are influenced by their poised and caring approach. They give prime importance to love. The natives of Bharani form special relationships with opposite sex. They are evergreen lovers.

This star is under the planetary lordship of Venus and is within the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars. The star Bharani represents the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna. The etymological meaning of Bharani is "what deserves to be cultivated and preserved" that is dependence, servitors, retainers or anything by which living is earned. Bharani's animal symbol is the Elephant.This star is connected with the energies we expend to maintain ourselves in the material world.Bharani Nakshatra takes away that which has reached its term of life to a new condition. It shows the movement of the soul away from the body. It conveys ideas pertaining to discipline, self-control to be faithful, be firm, enduring supporting, maintaining, nourishing, etc. In case of strong malefic influences , persons may develop extreme tendencies like crimes, murders, terrorism, etc.If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he is cruel, ungrateful and no sense of indebtness, achieves notoriety, fears water, is restless and wicked.They are stable, knowledgeable and truthful. Bharni born are honest and they are frank in their opinions and do not want to modify their opinions to please others. An interesting feature of those born in Bharni is that they are quiet fond of spreading rumors.Females born in this nakshatra are career minded. They act more like a leader of a group, rather than an ordinary family member. Bharani- born have agnetic personality, changing moods, business minded, influential, high position. Bharani is a bright and active nakshatra. As a result the natives of Bharani are energetic and have multiple interests in several things. They are fond of music, dancing, painting and other fine arts. These people are daring and rigid depending upon the occasion. They are sincere towards their liabilities. Though they try to stay away from conflicts, if ever dragged they try to settle down a dispute peacefully. They are intelligent individuals who solve big incidents with their diplomacy. 

Natives of Bharani live a luxurious and king sized life. Their main concern is to gather luxurious things and provide comfort to their family. They purchase new things often in order to possess latest luxury from the market. The natives are very conscious about their health and keep their surroundings neat and clean. They have a poetic soul and sensitive nature. They are healers and positive people. They never pretend.  A special trait of their character is that they cannot survive under domination. They have their own principles and don’t let an ear for advice and suggestion from their relatives even. They are majestic and impulsive in taking decisions. These aspects of their character are not always liked by other people, in spite of having a pure heart.

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 People born under Bharani nakshatra are friendly and loyal to their close ones. They seek logic in everything and for this nature they are criticized by people. They are blessed with wise and beautiful wife. They become famous in the society. Bharani is the 2nd nakshatra in the constellation of 27 nakshatras. Venus is the lord of this nakshatra. The natives of Bharani love to live a comfortable life. Naturally they are fond of partying and indulging in luxurious ways of enjoying their life. 

They are beautiful people with attractive personalities. People are influenced by their poised and caring approach. They give prime importance to love. The natives of Bharani form special relationships with opposite sex. They are evergreen lovers. 

Bharani is a bright and active nakshatra. As a result the natives of Bharani are energetic and have multiple interests in several things. They are fond of music, dancing, painting and other fine arts. These people are daring and rigid depending upon the occasion. They are sincere towards their liabilities. Though they try to stay away from conflicts, if ever dragged they try to settle down a dispute peacefully. They are intelligent individuals who solve big incidents with their diplomacy. 

Natives of Bharani live a luxurious and king sized life. Their main concern is to gather luxurious things and provide comfort to their family. They purchase new things often in order to possess latest luxury from the market. The natives are very conscious about their health and keep their surroundings neat and clean. They have a poetic soul and sensitive nature. They are healers and positive people. They never pretend. 

A special trait of their character is that they cannot survive under domination. They have their own principles and don’t let an ear for advice and suggestion from their relatives even. They are majestic and impulsive in taking decisions. These aspects of their character are not always liked by other people, in spite of having a pure heart. 

People born under Bharani nakshatra are friendly and loyal to their close ones. They seek logic in everything and for this nature they are criticized by people. They are blessed with wise and beautiful wife. They become famous in the society. 

As far as personality traits of natives born under Bharani Nakshatra are concerned, they call for judicious

and effective guidance whereby they are able to lead on their creative energy to fruitful accomplishments.

But in the absence of it, they are prone to hopping from one source to next. Personality traits of natives

born under the ascendance of the ‘Bearing Star’ include overwhelming vulnerability to emotions and

desires. Inability to tolerate any form of domination is also one of their cardinal personality traits. Guided

by its planetary lord, natives of Bharani also symbolize the extremes of physical passion and desires.

With an innate potentiality to attract opposites, they are marked by large expressive eyes and

mesmerizing smile.

In their behavioral traits or characteristics, they display outward calm and poise, despite the presence of a

volatile mindset. Their behavioral traits display the elements of strength and forbearance on account of

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their inherent ability to counter difficulties of life. Losses and defeat may make them emotional, but with

their needful fortitude and forbearance, they are well equipped to counter the necessary hardships of life.

Their positive traits of poise, calm and care they make themselves endearingly attractive. With their

multiplicity of interests and experimentations, they tend to popularize themselves in different genres of art

and culture. Sincerity and dutifulness towards their liabilities are some of their other positive traits.

Their unrestrained indulgence of material and physical pleasures can be looked upon as a leading

negative trait. Likewise their vulnerability to luxuriousness and extravagance are deemed to be their major

negative features. It also includes their inability to put up with any form of domination and source of

authority. In spite, of being good hearted his abject disregard for others’ sentiments, often contribute to his


Bharani - Apabharani -Yamuna ( Yamuna = Yama's twin sister, Daughter of Daksha) Planetary Ruler of the Nakshatra Bharani--SHUKRA Bharani Nakshatra General Details--Yama, the god of Death Bija (seed) syllables 

pada-1 = Li [as in lilt]

pada-2 =Lu [as in look]

pada-3 =Le [as in let]

pada-4 =Lo [as in low]

Bharani Meaning

"Bearing"; "She Who Bears"bearing , maintaining = "Bear and Carry"burden of carrying the skandha (heaps)hefty, heavy

Nakshatra Body Part: Sole of the Foot of nakshatrapurusha (Kala-purusha)

Guna of the Nakshatra--Artha = building, growing, resource collecting

Gana / Group:--Human / Manusha 

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Symbol of the nakshatra--Yoni - triangle - Vagina [pudendum muliebre]elephant

Auspicious activities: 

Performing rash actions, doing cruel things, competition, things related to poison, digging wells, things related to agriculture, things related to fire.

Bharni DetailsbharaNa: bearing, maintaining The act of bearing (also in the womb)carrying , bringing , procuring wearing, putting on maintaining, supporting , nourishing wages, hire.

Yamaa rein , curb , bridle; a driver , charioteer; The act of checking or curbing , suppression , restraint; self-control forbearance , any great moral rule or duty a minor observance;(in Yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight Anghas or means of attaining mental concentration)

n. twin-born , twin , forming a pair; a twin , one of a pair or couple , a fellow;

Name of the Ashvins and of their twin children,  called Nakula and Saha-deva; twins of different sex symbol for the number 'two' name of the god who presides over the Pitris and rules the spirits of the dead (he is regarded as the first of men and born from Vivasvat , "the Sun", and his wife Saranyu). In Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and "Restrainer" or "Punisher" of the dead in which capacity he is also called Dharma-Raja. (corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos); his abode is in some region of the lower world called Yama-pura ; thither a soul when it leaves the body , is said to repair. Yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments , with a glittering form , a crown on his head , glowing eyes and like Varuna , holding a noose ,with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body ,in size about the measure of a man's thumb ;he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect , green in colour , clothed in red ,riding on a buffalo , and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other ;in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures ,called Yatana, on departed spirits. 

He is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter ;he is the regent of the Nakshatra Apa-Bharani or Bharani .name of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of Vivasvat and Chaya)A crow A bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large)

Name of Yama's twin-sister (who is identified in post-Vedic mythology with the river-goddess Yamuna ) a pair , brace , couple;a twin-letter (the consonant interposed and generally understood , but not written in practice , between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class)

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Yamya relating or belonging to Yama;the right hand;a servant or messenger of Yama;of Agastya;the sandal-tree;the southern quarter , south Yameza "Yama as ruler", the Nakshatra Bharani 

"The symbol for Bharani is a clay vessel or yoni, reflecting the potent creative energy that is contained in this lunar mansion. The ruling deity is Yama (the binder), the God of Death.

According to Atharva Veda, Bharani is the final nakshatra listed, revealing its connection with the end of life.Another name for this asterism is Apabharani, which translates as “the waters that carry things away”.The shakti is the “power to cleanse and remove impurities”.Bharani has a manushya, or human temperament and the primary motivation is artha or prosperity.The ruling planet is Venus, reflecting the creative nature and strong sexual desires of this nakshatra.""Yama desired, "May I win the lordship of the ancestors."One who makes the appropriate offering to Yama and to Bharani wins the lordship of the ancestors and wins the lordship of his peers. 

Those born under Bharani want to be respected by their elders and by their peers. "...restraint and forbearance,of duty and receiving what is due,whether one's physical or spiritual wages ... battle and war..."

Sacred tree for Bharani--western botanical name = Emblica Officinalis Sanskrita namah: amalika 

Common names: Aamla , Indian gooseberry, dhatri

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Male Natives 

1. Physical features : He is of medium size, with less hair, large forehead, bright eyes, beautiful teeth. His complexion will be ruddy and fairly long neck and face. It has been found that if birth takes place during mid-day, the native is very tall. His head will be broad at the temples and narrow at the chin. Bushy eye brows.

2. Character and general events : Bharani born is not generally liked by all, in spite of the fact that he is pure hearted and does not like to harm anybody. When he wants to express his opinion in any matter he is just not bothered about the sentiments of others. He will not like to get anything for himself by buttering. Come what may, he is not ready to work against his consciousness whether he is according to others, right or wrong. Due to this attitude he has to face a lot of resistance and failures. He won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters. But when he is convinced of his fault, when the opponent comes forward with folded hands, he will completely forget their enmity and start reciprocating sincerely. 

Tactful behavior is alien to him. He is far away from the state of obedience. Arrogance quite often leads him to miseries. Subordination is equal to death for him. When he was to bow to others, he becomes pensive. Advice and encouragement have no room in his mind. 

He will generally be having a good all-round knowledge. He has the capacity to go deep into any matter. Even though Bharani born will shine well in public life, he tends to face criticism and loss of wealth. 

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He likes to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy. He cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the run he quite often faces failures. For others, he may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that he is pure hearted. His life is full of ups and downs. 

It is advisable that Bharani born should not involve in unnecessary arguments or competition. He will fight for certain principles which will ultimately lead him into trouble. He is fond of spreading rumors and wasting time by humors. As already mentioned above his life is full of ups and downs, there will not be any good or bad periods for long time. In short, ha has to face a life of mixture of good and bad always. He is quite capable of looking after others but he needs some one to look after him. Ultimately his beneficiary and friends turn against him. He cannot establish permanent relationship with anyone.

3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : There is never a permanent good or bad time. After his 33 years of age there will be a positive change in his surroundings, in his life, and in his livelihood. He is fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, sports, music, art advertisement, automobile or restaurants. He can also be a good surgeon or a judge. He can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco. He will attain success in all undertakings provided he establishes or starts any activity by proceeding to the Eastern direction first and also if possible the place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from his house.

4. Family life : Marriage comes around 27 years of age. They are fortunate in conjugal bliss. His companion will be expert in household administration and well behaved. He will cause the death of his father if birth is in the 1st or 2nd quarter of Bharani Nakshatra. His wife must save money for a rainy day, as he make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not. He loves his family. He dislikes to be away from his family members even for a day.

5. Health : While he does not take care of his health, there won't be any serious health problems. Main possible diseases are dental problem, diabetes and severe body pain, affections of brain, high fever, apoplexy, ring worms and malaria. Normally he is a very poor eater. He believes in the principle of 'eating to live and living to eat'. He is afraid of water and as is the thought, he should be careful while traveling through water, taking bath in rivers, oceans and ponds. Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes. Since he is a chain smoker he has to be careful about his lung.

Female Natives 

1. Physical features: She will have a very beautiful figure. White teeth but not in proper arrangement.

2. Character and general events: She will possess a clean, admirable and modest character. She respects her parents and elderly persons, but she does not relish suggestions from others and acts according to her own sweet will. She is bold and impulsive and over optimistic.

3. Education, sources of earning/ profession: She earns her own livelihood. She will be successful as a receptionist, guide or sales woman. She will not wait for opportunities to come but will go out and create opportunity to fulfill her desires. She may earn through sports activities.

4. Family Life: Marriage comes around her 23rd years of age. She will have an upper hand in all matters and she will behave like a commander. While she will enjoy full confidence, love and satisfaction from her husband, she is quite often troubled by her in-laws. She always speaks high of her own family. She will obey only such a man whom she can admire. In case she marries a simple man, who is lowly placed in life, she will over power her husband in all walks of life. As Bharani born females are a little aggressive, married partner should have patience and deal with them tactfully for avoiding daily friction in life.

5. Health: Her health will be good. She will have frequent menstrual problems, uterus disorders, anemia and in some cases tuberculosis has also been noticed.

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Bharani Meanings

"Bearing"; "She Who Bears"bearing , maintaining = "Bear and Carry"burden of carrying the skandha (heaps) hefty, heavy

Bearing the Weight

Shukra-ruled Bharani has a special intelligence for acquisition of accrued wealth, accumulated weight, heaped-up resources, cart-loads of valuable material, tonnage and weight-per-container

whatever weight can be borne as a burden or carting a weighty worthy collection of materially manifested values, Bharani the Bearer will be found carrying that burden. carry (miscarry) a child miscarriage of justice carry a weight carry a heavy load carrying a load on one's shoulders bearing guilt carry the ajority vote, the election carry the day carry a mortgage; loans carry interest carry expectations carry moral responsibilities bearing responsibility the burden of responsibility the burden of proof sustenance sustainability carry a tune carry forward carry the dead carry off a remarkable coup carry off a stunt carry on somehow keep calm and carry on carry on as usual carry on with duties carry out a plan carry out wishes carry out an agenda carry over from a past life carry over from past debt carry over from previous accounts carry through on promises carry through under pressure


Bharani "...a rather quarrelsome and treacherous nature. She will have a tendency towards wicked, vicious and envious thoughts regarding other women, particularly. to her husband and friends, she will be arrogant and overbearing.Underneath it all she is cold, shrewd, and calculating."


Bharani "A very vital character,a quality which quite often leads this individual into all sorts of trouble because other people are apt to be jealous, resentful and antagonistic to him. the morals of this man are not above reproach .He will be distinguished in many cases by some slight physical defect on the lower part of the body,that is below the waist."

Bharani is Socio-materially compatible with friends of Shukra: (for emotional compatibility, compare nakshatra of natal Chandra)

Nakshatra of Shukra (materialistic and sensual, good match)

Bharani + Purvaphalguni + Purvashadha

Nakshatra of Shani (materialistic and supports accumulation)-Pushya+ Anuradha+ Uttarabhadrapada

Nakshatra of Budha (OK, likes commercial business)-Azlesa + Jyestha + Revati

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Bharani is Socio-materially neutral towards nakshatra ruled by neutrals of Shukra: (for emotional compatibility, compare nakshatra of natal Chandra)

Nakshatra of Guru (values beliefs but accepts value of commodities) -Punarvasu + Vishaka + Purvabhadrapada

Nakshatra of Mangala (aggressive but provides mating energy)-Mrigashira + Chitra + Dhanishtha

Socio-materially incompatible with non-friends of Shukra:(for emotional compatibility, compare nakshatra of natal Chandra)

Nakshatra of Surya (selfish)-Krittika + Uttaraphalguni + Uttarashadha

Nakshatra of Chandra (too needy)--Rohini + Hasta + Shravana

Nakshatra of Rahu or Ketu (irregular, arrhythmic, individual instincts disregard the harmony of contractual relationships)

Rahu--Arudra + Swati + Shatavisakhya And Ketu--Asvini+ Magha + Mula

Description of the Pada = four quarters = four steps = of Bharani 

Bharani Pada 1

Description of the Four Padaa(quarters) of Bharni - *for the Male only* -

You will be wealthy,highly respected by brothers and sisters,owns a number of vehicles.But you may lose money through rash investment.You think only of today and never of tomorrow.

Bharani Pada 2 = 16:40-20:00 Mesha 

You will be happy in most parts of your life.You inherit wealth from your maternal grand-father.You have a good education .You get several opportunities to mingle with learned persons and exchange ideas with them.In case of employed persons, you will be lucky having good, intelligent and considerate persons as your boss."You are generally not well-liked, in spite of the fact that you are pure hearted and do not harm anyone.

When you want to express your opinion in any matter you are just not bothered about the sentiment of others.You will not like to get anything for yourself by buttering.

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Come what may, you are not ready to work against your consciousness whether you are, according to others, right or wrong.Due to this attitude you have to face a lot of resistance and failures.

You won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters.

But when you are convinced of your fault, you will completely forget your enmity and start reciprocating sincerely.Tactful behavior is alien to you.You are far away from a state of obedience.Arrogance quite often leads to miseries.Subordination is equal to death for you.When you have to bow to others, you become pensive.

Advice and encouragement have no room in your mind.

You will generally be having a good all around education and you have the capacity to go deep into any matter.You will shine well in public life.You tend to face criticism and loss of wealth.You like to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy.You cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the long run will quite often have to face failure.To others, you may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that you are pure hearted.Life is full of ups and downs.It is advisable that you not get involved in unnecessary arguments or competition.You will fight for certain principles which will ultimately lead to trouble.You are fond of spreading rumors and wasting time by humors.There will not be any good or bad periods for long time.In short you have to face a life of good and bad always.You are quite capable of looking after others but you need some one to look after you.Ultimately friends turn against you.You cannot establish permanent relationships with any one.There is never a permanent good or bad time.After 33 years there will be a positive change in your surroundings, in life, and in livelihood.You are fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job business, agriculture and small scale industries.You may make money through sports, music, art advertisement, automobile, restaurants or you can also be a good surgeon or judge.You can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco.You will attain success in all undertakings provided you establish or start any activity by proceeding to the eastern direction first and also if possible the place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from your house.

Marriage comes around 27 years of of age.You are fortunate in conjugal bliss.Your spouse will be expert in household administration and well-behaved.Your spouse must save money for a rainy day, as you may make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not.You love your family and dislike being away from family members even for a day.

While you do not take care of your health, there won't be any serious health problem.Main possible diseases are dental problem, diabetes and bodily pain, high fever, apoplexy.

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Normally, you are a very poor eater.You believe in the principle of 'eating to live', not 'living to eat '.You are afraid of water and you should be careful while traveling through water, bathing in rivers, ocean and ponds.Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes.Since you may be a chain smoker, you have to be careful about your lungs. "

Not reliable.Has loose morals, and is a philanderer.Liable to take advantage of friends and family;deceives the world by his engaging speech and manner.

Bharani Pada 3 = 20:00 - 23:20 Mesha = Pushkara Navamsha 

You have two spouses.You will be highly respected and loved by many .You are kind to the needy and poor.You are fond of hot drinks.You earn from silk, cotton, fertilizer, hotel or agricultural products."You are generally not well-liked, in spite of the fact that you are pure hearted and do not harm anyone.When you want to express your opinion in any matter you are just not bothered about the sentiment of others.You will not like to get anything for yourself by buttering.Come what may, you are not ready to work against your consciousness whether you are, according to others, right or wrong.Due to this attitude you have to face a lot of resistance and failures.You won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters.

But when you are convinced of your fault, you will completely forget your enmity and start reciprocating sincerely.Tactful behavior is alien to you.You are far away from a state of obedience.Arrogance quite often leads to miseries.Subordination is equal to death for you.When you have to bow to others, you become pensive.Advice and encouragement have no room in your mind.You will generally be having a good all around education and you have the capacity to go deep into any matter.You will shine well in public life.You tend to face criticism and loss of wealth.You like to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy.You cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the long run will quite often have to face failure.To others, you may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that you are pure hearted.Life is full of ups and downs.It is advisable that you not get involved in unnecessary arguments or competition.You will fight for certain principles which will ultimately lead to trouble.You are fond of spreading rumors and wasting time by humors.

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There will not be any good or bad periods for long time.In short you have to face a life of good and bad always.You are quite capable of looking after others but you need some one to look after you.Ultimately friends turn against you.You cannot establish permanent relationships with any one.There is never a permanent good or bad time.After 33 years there will be a positive change in your surroundings, in life, and in livelihood.You are fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, agriculture and small scale industries.You may make money through sports, music, art advertisement, automobile, restaurants or you can also be a good surgeon or judge.You can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco.You will attain success in all undertakings provided you establish or start any activity by proceeding to the eastern direction first and also if possible the place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from your house.

Marriage comes around 27 years of of age.You are fortunate in conjugal bliss.Your spouse will be expert in household administration and well-behaved.Your spouse must save money for a rainy day, as you may make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not.You love your family and dislike being away from family members even for a day.While you do not take care of your health, there won't be any serious health problem.Main possible diseases are dental problem, diabetes and bodily pain, high fever, apoplexy.Normally, you are a very poor eater.You believe in the principle of 'eating to live', not 'living to eat '.

You are afraid of water and you should be careful while traveling through water, bathing in rivers, ocean and ponds.

Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes.Since you may be a chain smoker, you have to be careful about your lungs. "

Βharani Pada 4 = 23:20 - 26:40 Mesha 

A questionable character. Wicked.You may have to undergo some operation.You may be employed in a shipyard or in a profession where frequent sea transport is handled.You can also be a chemist."You are generally not well-liked, in spite of the fact that you are pure hearted and do not harm anyone.When you want to express your opinion in any matter you are just not bothered about the sentiment of others.You will not like to get anything for yourself by buttering.Come what may, you are not ready to work against your consciousness whether you are, according to others, right or wrong.Due to this attitude you have to face a lot of resistance and failures.You won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters.But when you are convinced of your fault, you will completely forget your enmity and start reciprocating sincerely.

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Tactful behavior is alien to you.You are far away from a state of obedience.Arrogance quite often leads to miseries.Subordination is equal to death for you.When you have to bow to others, you become pensive.Advice and encouragement have no room in your mind.You will generally be having a good all around education and you have the capacity to go deep into any matter.You will shine well in public life.You tend to face criticism and loss of wealth.You like to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy.You cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the long run will quite often have to face failure.To others, you may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that you are pure hearted.Life is full of ups and downs.It is advisable that you not get involved in unnecessary arguments or competition.You will fight for certain principles which will ultimately lead to trouble.You are fond of spreading rumors and wasting time by humors.There will not be any good or bad periods for long time.In short you have to face a life of good and bad always.You are quite capable of looking after others but you need some one to look after you.Ultimately friends turn against you.You cannot establish permanent relationships with any one.There is never a permanent good or bad time.After 33 years there will be a positive change in your surroundings, in life, and in livelihood.You are fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, agriculture and small scale industries.You may make money through sports, music, art advertisement, automobile, restaurants or you can also be a good surgeon or judge.You can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco.

You will attain success in all undertakings provided you establish or start any activity by proceeding to the eastern direction first and also if possible the place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from your house.

Marriage comes around 27 years of of age.You are fortunate in conjugal bliss.Your spouse will be expert in household administration and well-behaved.Your spouse must save money for a rainy day, as you may make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not.You love your family and dislike being away from family members even for a day.While you do not take care of your health, there won't be any serious health problem.Main possible diseases are dental problem, diabetes and bodily pain, high fever, apoplexy.Normally, you are a very poor eater.You believe in the principle of 'eating to live', not 'living to eat '.

You are afraid of water and you should be careful while traveling through water, bathing in rivers, ocean and ponds.Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes.Since you may be a chain smoker, you have to be careful about your lungs. "

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Special note If the planet Mars is found in [Bharani ] on the Rising Point,the native will have an accident to his head which will leave a permanent scar at the age of 7 or 8, or at the age of 27 or 28.

Career Options for Bharani Nakshatra Born People

With their dynamism and enterprising traits, natives born with Bharani Nakshatra in their ascendance, will

create effective career opportunities for themselves, rather than wait for opportunities to come their way.

With their creative ingenuity, they excel in realms of performing arts and as such can curve a niche in

careers based on singing, dancing, acting and painting. They also make excellent administrators,

businessman and ingenuous surgeons and adjudicators. As a matter of fact, with their intrinsic desire to

experience life in all its possibilities, makes him/her fit for different kinds of career.

Bharani Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

Revathi nakshatra symbolic of a female elephant is instinctively compatible with Bharani Nakshatra. Even

Hasta, Svati, Sravan and Purvaashada are compatible with Bharani nakshatra; if compatibility is judged

on the basis of animal yonis they are guided by. As far as incompatibility is concerned Bharani Nakshatra

is incompatible with birth stars guided by the signs of tiger and lion. Thus it is incompatible with Chitra,

Dhanistha, Purvavadrapada and Bishakha nakshatra.

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