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  • 8/11/2019 Bhaskaracharya Note


    Man Who Recited 640 Million Names!

    Written by London Swaminathan

    Post No. 970; Dated 10th April 201

    !ind"s always thin# abo"t bi$ n"mbers. %Aim !i$h& was their motto. Loo#in$ at the

    tallest pea# in the world' they tho"$ht only lo(ty thin$s. )rom the *i$ +eda' the oldest

    s,ript"re in the world' we read hymns with bi$ de,imal n"mbers. -heir "$a ,al,"lation

    and the li(e span o( one /an" or one rahma $i e "s mind bo$$lin$ n"mbers. -his

    shows that they were not primiti e nomads' b"t $reat mathemati,ians. Later s,ript"res

    s"pport this iew. !ere is one more ama in$ (i$"re o( 3 0 million 43 5rore6 women in

    another hymn

    has#ara *aya 41390 8 17 :6 was a $reat de otee o( /other oddess. orn

  • 8/11/2019 Bhaskaracharya Note


    has#ara&s (ather ambira *ayar was a s,holar and he ta"$ht him a /antra on Saras ati

    whi,h helped him to $et the $i(t o( the $ab. !e mastered many s"b?e,ts in his early a$e

    "nder Narasimhananda nath in +aranasi. "t an$adhara +a?payee is the one who

    ta"$ht him a"da sastras. !e learnt Athar an +eda and started $i in$ dis,o"rses abo"tDe i /ahatmiya.

  • 8/11/2019 Bhaskaracharya Note


    /aha 5hath"shashti =oti ana Se itha 4worshipped by 3 0 million6
  • 8/11/2019 Bhaskaracharya Note


    A (ew mira,les are also attrib"ted to him. When he was li in$ in the holy ,ity o( =asi'

    some s,holars who were ?ealo"s or who don&t li#e his way o( -antri# worship' ,hallen$ed

    him in the p"bli,. -hey wanted to tarnish his ima$e. has#araraya wanted to settle the

    s,ore on,e and (or all and so in ited them (or a a$a he per(ormed. !is opponents who

    were waitin$ (or an opport"nity attended the (ire ,eremony 4 a$a6. -hey tried to trap

    him by as#in$ some "nanswerable "estions. Bne o( the names in the list o( 100 names'

    des,ribes the oddess s"rro"nded 3 0 million o$inis 4de oted women assistants6. -he

    s,holars as#ed him to e>plain the term .!e e>plained it immediately. -hen they as#ed

    him to re,ite the names o( all the 3 0 million o$inis and e>plain their appearan,e'

    ori$in and history. With the help o( his int"ition he $ot ready and as#ed them to ,opy

    whate er he says. -he ,hallen$ers were ready with pen and paper 4in those days it was

    palm lea es and in# or styl"s6. !e #ept on $i in$ names one a(ter another with min"te

    des,riptions. -hey realised his $reatness be(ore lon$ and (ell at his (eet. Another

    enli$htened so"l in the ,rowd' ="n#"mananda Swami' warned all the ,hallen$ers not to

    test him. -he reason was that he ,o"ld see the $oddess hersel( sittin$ on his sho"lder

    re,itin$ the 3 0 million names.

  • 8/11/2019 Bhaskaracharya Note


    -he Lalita Sahasranamam ,ommentary #nown as CSowba$ya Sa$aram is an a"thority

    on oddess Worship. ,ept

    has#ara. Bne day in the presen,e o( as,eti, someone "estioned his beha io"r. -hen heas#ed the as,eti, to pla,e his Danda and his sa((ron ,loth on the $ro"nd. !oly men
  • 8/11/2019 Bhaskaracharya Note


    sho"ld ,arry the holy sti,# whene er they $o o"t. As soon as has#ara prostrated be(ore

    the ,loth and sti,# to pay his respe,ts' they were in (lames. -hen he told the ,rowd that

    this was the reason he did not prostrate be(ore the as,eti,.