bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-ii.pdf · v to acquaint our children with the...

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Page 1: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-212020-212020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 2: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who



Sh. Surender Lal G. Mehta


Justice Sh. B.N. Srikrishna

Executive Sec. & Director General

Sh. H.N. Dastur

Hon. Secretaries

Sh. Mukul A. Sonawala

Sh. Kirtidev Ji Munshi

Hon. Treasurer

Sh. I.R. Khandwala


Sh. Banwarilal Purohit

Sh. Deepak S. Parekh

Sh. Avnish Mehta

Smt. Anjana A. Sonawala

Sh. C R Gharekhan

Dr. Ashok Shekhar Ganguly

His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Prince Charles

Hrh The Prince Of Wales

*Swami Chinmayananda

*Swami Akhandananda

*Swami Ganeshwarananda

*Dr. Rajendra Prasad

*Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

*Sh. Jaya Prakash Narayan

*Shri C. Rajagopalachari

*Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

*Shri J.R.D. Tata

*Shri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy

*Dr. Zakir Hussain

*Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

*Dr. V.V. Giri

*Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

*Rev. Mother Teresa

*Shri G.D. Birla

*Sh. Morarji Desai



Let me once more set forth the Bhavan's faith for the benet of new students and members, for it is necessary that they should understand it clearly and imbibe its spirit. The Bhavan stands for the reintegration of Indian Culture. In a world falling pieces under the impact of an amoral technological avalanche, it tries to hold fast to the fundamental values for which our culture stands:


FAITH in God who forms the Cosmic Order; TRUTH which is a cord between mind, word and deed; DEDICATION which offers all movement of life as an offering to God;

SUBLIMATION which puries the body and mind and transmutes instincts, passions and emotions into things of beauty.This regardless of form and doctrines is Dharma, the three fold aspects of which are SATYAM, SHIVAM, SUNDARAM - Truth, Love and Beauty.

For these values our forefathers lived and died. So did Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Dayananda, Swami Vivekananda, Gandhiji and Sri Aurobindo among moderns. These values are embedded in our national outlook.

We command the respect of the world because of them. We can look forward to the future with condence only because they have the vitality which gives the power to vindicate their validity even in this fear-and-avarice ridden age of ours.

We must make every effort in restoring an awareness of these values in personal and collective life.

Kulapati Dr. K.M. MunshiFounder

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

Sh. P. D. KumarSh. P. D. KumarSh. P. D. KumarFounder Chairman Amritsar Kendra

An ecstasy achieved through serviceh. P D Kumar, the founder Chairman of Amritsar SKendra of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, was an I n d u s t r i a l i s t t u r n e d i n t o a s t u p e n d o u s

philanthropist. He donated his prime land of considerable value to Bhavan’s in order to make quality education accessible to the children of middle and lower middle class family. He had a wider vision for the residents of Amritsar and laid the foundation of Amritsar Kendra in 1991. This Kendra became his passion and he did all his sincere efforts to bring it to the zenith. He had envisioned it with distinctive education. He wanted that students should be brought up in a distinctive manner so that they are not taught only academics but also the real skill of true humane. He was authentic combination of virtues like humility, love, seless-service, charity, generosity and benevolence. He was audacious enough to choose his own path and become the torch bearer for the many.

Today School is marching ahead with an absolute strength and substantiality to the extent that now Bhavan’s SL Public School-II has been opened at Islamabad on the premises owned by Sohal Lal Kailashwati Trust of which Sh. PD Kumar was Former Chairman and donated this particular land to the trust. Hence it is his magnanimous charity which is nurturing Bhavan’s Amritsar till date even after his departure for heavenly abode in 2002.

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 3: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who

v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian

culture i.e. Vedas & scriptures

v To coin them as empathetic humans who are always

ready to render their services to humanity.

v To train them to be Creative, Innovative, Far-

sighted and Confident humans.

v To raise them above artificial barriers like: Cast,

Creed, Language, Religious Biasness and


v To provide comprehensive and holistic education

to make them globally sensitive citizens.

v U p g ra d i n g s t u d e n t s ’ E n g l i s h L e a r n i n g


v Raising their GK level.

v Educating them to make their surroundings litter


v Encouraging them to become eco-friendly, to

avoid undue spillage of water by bringing their

own bottles.

To grow them both intellectually and spiritually, so that they can strongly move ahead for the attainment of liberation i.e. Liberation from miseries, bonding and illusions of the world.



Vision Inspiring Words on Bharatiya Vidya

"The Bhavan has made considerable progress in achieving its objective, namely, the reintegration of Indian Culture to suit modern conditions. I congratulate the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan on this success and hope that it will continue to make strides."

-Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Former President of India and Bhavan's Founder Member

"The Bhavan has served Indian Culture with ability and perseverance and has made truly remarkable progress in many aspects of Indian Culture.The Bhavan's past record gives assurance that this progress will continue in the future also and the Bhavan will create fresh records in the service of India's culture. A very ne institution which deserves every encouragement and support."

-Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Former Prime Minister of India and Bhavan's Founder Member

"One can hardly nd words of adequate expression in the whole library of English literature to acknowledge the invaluable contribution to humanity that Kulapati K.M. Munshi has made by founding such a unique institution."

- Shri R. Venkataraman, Former President of India

"The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has been doing excellent work all these years in getting our generation back to its roots. In the noise and intensity of modern life the youth are wandering bewildered. It is essential for them to get back to the roots and that is why I appreciate very much the work which the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan is doing."

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Former President of India and Bhavan's Founder Member

"The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan was started at a time when Indians were gradually getting westernised and our thinking and approach were moving to that direction. India must not lose its soul. The Bhavan is spreading Indian Culture, philosophy and spirituality in India and abroad and helping India to make its humble contribution to the world for peace and for better international cultural relations."

- Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, Former Prime Minister of India

"The wide range of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's activities and the success they

have achieved can only be described as most remarkable."

- Bharat Ratna Dr. C.V. Raman, Nobel Laureate


Bhavan's family welcomes all its new members.

If we want to provide the world with m o t i v a t e d , r e s p o n s i b l e a n d disciplined youth, we need to strengthen their foundation upon which they can create a successful future for themselves and the society. We believe that our students should experience, explore and experiment to achieve the zenith of their life. B h a v a n ' s s c u l p t t h e m i n t o c o m p e t i t i v e , e m p a t h e t i c a n d optimistic individuals who strive to succeed in every challenge they are faced with. Here, value education is imparted to the students to shape their future and add purpose to their life. We inculcate values amongst our students, which is a primary approach to quality learning, to teach them to remain connected to their parents as well as to the community. A school is a model of the world and we educate the children creating a better world for tomorrow to live in. we create a positive learning environment that enhances academic achievement and develops students' social skills that last throughout their lives.

We assure you that this school is the best place for your child. We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress of your child. We look forward to your continuous


Today, the role of the school is not only l i m i t e d t o a c h i e v e a c a d e m i c excellence but also to motivate its students to become lifelong learners and productive members of an everchanging society. Here, at Bhavan's, we provide a congenial atmosphere to our children for their multifaceted development, where children are encouraged to channelize their potential in the pursuit of excellence. We provide them a platform to think, express and exhibit their skills. All the possible efforts are made to inculcate strong moral values combining with academic and extra-curricular activities in the children. No wonder, a student harnessed in such an environment has every hope and possibility of becoming a responsible, balanced and a mature adult. Our prime focus is our student and we encourage activity-based learning. We are devoted to prepare the students for life, groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow and encourage them to be socially relevant. The parents are the mos t s t r eng then ing power i n moulding the future of children. Their constant support empowers us to do more and more.

I extend my thankfulness to them for their faith in us. I am sure that Bhavanites will grow stronger day by day, adding a new leaf to the

grandeur of the school.

I n n e r s t r e n g t h i s o n e o f t h e expressions of will power. It is like a powerful engine that drives us towards doing things, accomplishments and achievements. Without inner strength, it is difficult to start anything and difficult to get to the finish line of what started. Strengthening of it will help to become strong and be in control in life, which is the dire need in today’s ruckus world, where everything is in chaos. The students specially are stepping ahead towards the way which i s m a k i n g t h e m r e s t l e s s a n d aggressive.

In such scenario, Bhavan’s SL Public school is playing a vital role in curtailing students false egos and fake pride . Our school is a traditional school and strongly advocates to enroot the cultural and ethical values in our students. Our school fabricates the children who are morally sound and technically advanced. So that they can meet the challenges of modern world both internally and outwardly. Bhavan’s SL Public School is the only place where students can find a real respite of life.

The pursuit of excellence encouraged at Bhavan’s rests on the positive belief that every child has it in her /him the ability to excel. Along with well-structured learning imparted through the curriculum, our focus is on addressing the holistic development of the personality of our students. Our c l a s s r o o m p r o g r a m m e s o f f e r opportunities for children to engage in a cultural and sporting activities. Here at Bhavan’s, we properly channelize the innocence, joy, fervour, vitality and unlimited creative urge of childhood. We intend to promote in every child a positive self-esteem, encourage independence, develop skills of concentration and more importantly inculcate moral values through our daily interaction. The atmosphere at the school is happy and polite, as our strong value-based system emphasises the importance of k indness and respect towards others.We believe that with the constant support of the parents, we will continue to make learning a joyful and meaningful experience.

Sh. Avinash MohindruChairman

Bharatiya Vidya BhavanAmritsar Kendra

Sh. Anil SinghalVice Chairman

Bharatiya Vidya BhavanAmritsar Kendra

Dr. Anita BhallaDirector

Bharatiya Vidya BhavanAmritsar Kendra

Ms. Vanita MohindruHeadmistress

Bhavan's SL Public School-II

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 4: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who


A school is a place where children spend most of time and they get to learn many positive values in life. Value based education shapes their future and gives purpose to their life. Bhavan's is an institution where these values are imbibed by the children at primary level by performing various religious activities and rituals. Some of our regular spiritual practices are-:

• Daily Gayatri Havan

• Celebration of Religious Festivals as Matri Puja, Prakash Utsav of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, S r i K r i s h a n J a n a m a s h t a m i , G a n e s h C h a t u r t h i , Diwali, Christmas etc.

• Celebration of National Festivals as Independence Day, Republic Day & Gandhi Jayanti.

• Inculcating cultural skills through Geeta Chanting, Bal Vihar, Upnishad Ganga Classes.

Gayatri Havan

Navratri Special


Republic DayLabour Day

Matri Puja Motivational Talk

Independence Day

Widow Ration


Bal Vihar

Gandhi Jayanti

Teacher’s Day Oath

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 5: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who

Computer Room Basement Parking

Amphi Theatre

Music Room

Art & Craft

Swimming Pool

Dance RoomSmart Class



amenities with study-friendly class rooms

which provide a perfect academic ambience

and ideal nurturing ground for a child to grow

up as a comp le t e pe rsona l i t y. The

infrastructure includes:

m ACTIVITY HALL a well-equipped arcade

wi th educat iona l toys and o ther

attractions like see-saw, tri-cycles etc.

m MEDICAL ROOM with all health aid

equipment and rst aid facilities.


the constraint of place.

m AMPHI THEATRE where tiny tots can

exhibit their hidden adroitness like drama,

acting, poetry recitation and feel condent

about themselves.


through water coolers and lters.

m OPEN ROOF TOP ARENA covered with

tensile structure serves as a stadium to

promote sports like Roller skating, Yoga


m The School also hosts number of cultural /

spiritual & social activities.

m A total free evening school for the destitute

children runs on the premises of Bhavan's

S.L. Public School II, Islamabad.

m COMPOSITE LAB a wel l -eq ipped

laboratory for doing experiments.

Saraswati Temple

Abacus Class Composite Lab

Swing Area

Smart Board

Activity Room

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 6: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who

Co-Curricular Activities

Education is a pretty broad concept that surpasses the four

walls of a classroom. For the all round development of

personality, intellectual, emotional, social, moral and aesthetic

growth are utmost important. Bhavan's is maintaining a

balance between curriculum, syllabus, books and co-

curricular activities beyond. Our education system has a scope

for children to grow their academic skills and show their non-

academic capacities as well. It is done through well planned

activities that build their condence. Such activities allow

students to explore their strength and talents.

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 7: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who

1. The school does not guarantee the success of a pupil's studies

unless the parents or guardians co-operate with school authorities

by enforcing regularity and discipline.

2. Parents / Guardians are requested to spare their valuable time to

attend the Parent – Teacher meetings and enable us to sort out

problems, if any, in respect of their child.

3. Parents are further requested to check the diary daily and pay

attention to the notings / suggestions given by the teacher. Kindly put

your signature against all the entries made therein. This would give

us the feeling that you are playing your part and also would inspire us

to do our best.

4. As the medium of instruction in the school is English, students

should be helped to follow their work easily and intelligently by a

certain amount of regular conversation in English at home.

5. Parents and Guardians are not allowed to interact with a teacher

directly during school hours. Those who wish to nd out the

progress of the child should kindly meet the teachers concerned

with prior permission.

6. If there is any infectious disease in your home, please report the fact

to the Director Principal/Headmistress at once and do not send your

ward to the school till the contagious period is over.

7. Parents or Guardians are particularly requested to sign the Progress

Report when so required. Failure to this may cause their children

great inconvenience.

8. Please ensure that your ward is escorted safely to school and back


9. Children will not be allowed to go home during school hours.

Parents are requested not to make any social engagement or

medical appointment during working hours.

10. Children shall not cause any damage to school property. The cost

of repair of the damaged goods shall be recovered from the

concerned students.

11. The school reserves the right to suspend any student whose

progress in studies is unsatisfactory or who does not improve

his/her conduct in spite of repeated warnings.

12. All are expected to speak in English in the School.

13. All boys (except Sikhs) must keep their hair short. Girls must tie their

hair neatly and parents must keep a check.

14. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to school.

15. Students must report in school always in uniform on all occasions

(e.g. PT meets, functions etc)

16. Parents, being role model of their children, are requested to

observe discipline so that their children can also lead a disciplined

life everywhere.

17. Mobile phones are strictly banned on the school premises.

18. Co-operation of the parents is obligatory in the sense that they are to

attend PTM, Orientation Sessions, Talks and other Programmes and

Activities arranged for the parents by the institution. Parents who

would readily participate in the school activities and abide by all the

rules and regulations of the institution will have a better edge.

Grades will be awarded for the parents co-operation.

19. Politeness and courtesy of speech and good conduct are expected

from the parents in order to maintain proper decorum in the school .

20. Parents are requested to pay the fees of their child as scheduled.


or Increasing self-esteem and mental alertness, sports and games Fare necessary for every school age child. Sports and games are the ways of enhancing the children's mental and physical growth.

In Bhavan's we carry out various sports ac�vi�es for enhancing the quali�es of the leadership, sharing, team spirit and tolerance. It also helps children to tackle the problems such as hardships, hurdles, and sudden miseries and make them strong. Rope SkippingRope SkippingRope Skipping

YogaYogaYogaSchool BandSchool BandSchool BandJudoJudoJudo


Table TennisTable TennisTable Tennis

Punjab Table Tennis TournamentPunjab Table Tennis TournamentPunjab Table Tennis Tournament

Distt. Yoga ChampionshipDistt. Yoga ChampionshipDistt. Yoga Championship

Ju-Jistu ChampionshipJu-Jistu ChampionshipJu-Jistu Championship

Roller SkatingRoller SkatingRoller SkatingCarrom Carrom Carrom

Karate Karate Karate

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 8: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who

Internatioan School Award 2015-18 Our Bench MarksBVB Amritsar Kendra

Director Principal Dr. Anita Bhalla Director Principal Dr. Anita Bhalla Director Principal Dr. Anita Bhalla

Mr. Hartinder KumarMr. Hartinder KumarMr. Hartinder Kumar

Ms. Suman ThakurMs. Suman ThakurMs. Suman Thakur

Out of 35 teachers from 21,000 CBSE Schools, our two teachers were honoured with most coveted CBSE Best Teachers Award 2018-19. Hon'ble Minister of HRD, Govt. of India Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' Sh. Sanjay Dhote Hon'ble

Minister of state for HRD, Govt. of India & Ms. Anita Karwal IAS CBSE Chairperson presented these awards to them.

Out of 37 teachers and Principals from CBSE

afliated schools, our three teachers were

honoured with most coveted CBSE Best Teachers

Award 2017-18. Sh. Upendra Kushwaha, Minister of

HRD and Ms. Anita Karwal (IAS, Chairman CBSE)

presented these Awards to them.

Dr. Anita Bhalla Received Red Cross Best Participation Award

by Sh. Kaptan Singh Solanki (Gov. Haryana) 2016

Ms. Sukhpreet Kaur Received Red Cross Best Participation Award by

Sh. Kaptan Singh Solanki (Gov. Haryana) 2016

Ms. Amanpreet Kaur Bhavan's II Amritsar Received Best Teacher Award on Teacher's Day

by DAINIK BHASKAR in 2017-18.

The school received CBSE Sport Promotion Award from Ms. Smriti Zubin Irani, Minister Human

Resource Development (Sept. 2014)

Our Scouts & Guides Students with President of India Sh. Pranab Mukherjee

at Rastrapati Bhavan in Nov. 2015

Chairman Sh. Avinash Mohindru Received Red Cross Fund Raising Award by

Sh. Kaptan Singh Solanki (Gov. Haryana) 2016

Principal Mrs. Anita Bhalla receiving Award of Honour

from the Governor Sh. Shiv Raj Patil on World Red Cross Day 2011.

HH Swami Tejomayananda Ji Former World Chief Chinmaya Mission Honouring Dr. Anita Bhalla for

her Meritorious Service & for receiveing Best Teacher Jindal Award, with a cheque of Rs. 51000/-. (Oct. 2011)

Principal Dr. Anita Bhalla receiving CBSE Mentors Award from Dr. M.M. Pallam Raju,Hon’ble Minister

for Human Resource Development Govt. of India. (Sept. 2013)

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Amritsar KendraBharatiya Vidya Bhavan Amritsar KendraBharatiya Vidya Bhavan Amritsar KendraInstitutions under the aegis ofInstitutions under the aegis ofInstitutions under the aegis of

Bhavan’s SL Public School started in the year 1991 by our

Founder Chairman Sh. PD Kumar and the then Governor Punjab Sh. Jai Sukh Lal Hathi.

Presently it is catering to the needs of more than 4000 students.

Bhavan’s SL Public School inagurated a new branch at

Islamabad near 22 Number Railway Phatak.

This School was commenced on March 1, 2015.

Bhavan’s SL Public School-IIIslamabad, Amritsar

Bhavan’s MuskaanA School for Autistic & Down’s

Syndrome Children

Bhavan’s SL Public SchoolOppsite Shivala Bhaiyan

Bhavan’s Gandhi Instituteof Computer Education &Information Technology

(Provides Free Education) (Free school for needy children) (An Institution to promote Art)(Free school for destitute children)

Bhavan’s P D KumarMemorial Gyandeep School

Bhavan’s RL Mittal MemorialGyandeep School, Islamabad

Bhavan’s Kala Kendra

Bhavan’s Muskaan is a School which has been started

to facilitate the differently abled children like autistic,

downs syndrome and of other disorders.

Bhavan’s Gandhi Institute of Computer Education and

Information Technology is making people computer literate since its

inauguration in 2001 without charging any fee.

The students are provided with facilities like education, food,

books and uniform which are absolutely free for them. We have 230

students at present.

Started in the year 2015 toprovide free education to the needy

students of Islamabadarea of Amritsar. Presently we have

sixty students in this school.

Bhavan’s Amritsar Kendra inaugurated Bhavan’s Kala Kendra

in November 2014 in order to promote Indian Fine Arts of Music, Dance

and Drama.

Chinmaya PD KumarCharitable Homeopathic

Health Centre

Chinmaya PD Kumar Charitable Homeopathic Health Centre was inaugurated on 15th March

2009. In this centre free and quality medication is provided to the public. Bhavan’s

has provided premises for this noble cause.

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Page 9: bhavan sl propectus 2020 final school prospectus-II.pdf · v To acquaint our children with the roots of Indian culture i.e.Vedas & scriptures v To coin them as empathetic humans who

in India & Abroad

Total Number of Kendras/Units

Total Number of Institutions

Overseas CentresU.S.A.-New York

1 3U.K. London

1 3

SouthAfrica-Durban1 0

Australia-Sydney1 2

Portugal-Lisbon1 0

Mexico-Mexico City1 0

Kuwait1 1

Recognitions & AwardsRecognitions & AwardsEducational Institution of National Eminence

International Gandhi Peace Prize

Communal Harmony Award

Rajiv Gandhi Award of National Integration











Admission for Nursery onwards will b e s u b j e c t e d t o w r i t t e n t e s t . Admission is granted only on submitting application form, along with a copy of Birth Certicate from the Municipal Corporation, 4 stamp size photographs, Aadhar Card of (Child, Mother & Father), school leaving certicate and detail marks certicate of the class passed from the last school attended.

Kendras/Units ................119Centres Overseas ............. 7Institutions .....................367Staff ..........................11,000Students .................2,00,000Publications Titles .......1800Copies Sold ...... 29 Millions

in NutshellInstitutions of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,

Amritsar KendraThe Only Kendra in Punjab

Homeopathic Health Centre

Gyandeep SchoolBhavan’s RL Mittal Memorial Bhavan's SL Public School-II

Chinmaya PD Kumar Charitable

Bhavan's SL Public SchoolBhavan’s PD Kumar Memorial Gyandeep SchoolBhavan’s Muskaan SchoolBhavan’s Kala KendraBhavan’s Gandhi Computer Center

Upcoming Endeavour

Aashray(A home for abandoned girls, Senior Citizens & A day care centre for mentally challenged)

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar. Ph.: 0183-5051485

Email: [email protected]:

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]


Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus 2020-21

Prospectus 2020-21

Islamabad, Near Railway Crossing No. 22, Amritsar.Ph.: 0183-5051485 Email: [email protected]
