bi publisher 11g

1 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g Url to access BI Publisher: http://host:port/xmlpserver It will prompt for username and password. Home Screen for BI Publisher First, we need to create a JDBC data source to make a connection to a source of data. To make a Data- Source, click on Administration button on upper right corner.

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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BI Publisher 11g


  • 1 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Url to access BI Publisher: http://host:port/xmlpserver It will prompt for username and password.

    Home Screen for BI Publisher

    First, we need to create a JDBC data source to make a connection to a source of data. To make a Data-

    Source, click on Administration button on upper right corner.

  • 2 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Following Screen Appears

    Under highlighted Data Sources tab, select JDBC Connection.

    Following screen appears, in that select Add Data Source

    Fill in the desired data source name, set connection string which requires hostname, port no and sid,

    username and password to connect to source.

  • 3 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Specimen of data:

    Data source name : test

    Driver type as default if using 11g.

    Connection String : jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl

    Username : test

    Password : test

    Click on Test Connection, If connection details are correct, it shows following message.

  • 4 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    After data source is created, we need to create a Data Model. Select New -> Data Model

    Following screen appears to configure data model

    Set Data Source as the one that you created in above steps.

  • 5 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Setting up Data-Set

    Provide the sql query for which you want to create the dataset

    Click OK, following screen appears.

  • 6 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    To save, click on Save and then XML button to its left to see xml data format(shown below).

    On clicking Save, it will ask you to save the data model at appropriate location. This Data Model will be

    used to create reports.

  • 7 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    On clicking XML button, following screen appears, and follow step 1,2 and 3.

    We need to select Save As Sample Data so that we can have graphical graphs and charts in reports.

    Now, go to home screen, select New -> Report.


  • 8 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Then select Use Existing Data Model and select the data model that we created and saved earlier.

    Provide Report Name go through wizard and click Finish. Following screen appears.

    Repeating sections repeat the components within the section of the layout based on the occurrence of an element in the data.

  • 9 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Select the element by which you wish to create group by. Click ok.

    Now select, chart from components tab.

  • 10 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Set the series parameters as desired by selecting attributes from left hand pane. These attributes are the result derived from the data-set created above.

    Similarly select Data Table from Components tab.

  • 11 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Now, we can drag and drop the attributes from the left hand pane into the data table section in the sequence you want, and thus table is populated.

    After completion, click on Save button in upper right corner, and click on to see report


  • 12 Creating a first report in BI Publisher 11g

    Report Preview: