biblical perspectives

THE LETTERS OF PAUL TO PHILEMON Biblical Perspectives Signature Assignment The Letter of Paul to Philemon By: Teresa Puga ECD 436 Biblical Perspectives 1

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Letters To Philemon


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Biblical Perspectives Signature Assignment The Letter of Paul to Philemon

By:Teresa Puga

ECD 436 Biblical Perspectives

CD 52 Lemoore CenterAnthony Velez

Fresno Pacific University


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The Letters of Paul to Philemon

In the book, The Letters of Paul to Philemon, Paul is writing a letter to his friend

Philemon to request a favor from him. In the letter Paul begins by addressing Philemon,

Apphia, Archippus, and the church. Then Paul goes on to remind Philemon of the close

spiritual relationship that him and Philemon have, and what a good man that Philemon is.

Paul then asks Philemon to forgive his slave Onesimus. Paul goes on to explain that he

and Onesimus have formed a strong spiritual bond while in prison together. Onesimus is

now considered to be family to Paul and he wants Philemon to forgive all that he has

done to wrong Philemon. The text even seems to suggest that Paul wants Philemon make

Onesimus a free man. Paul is very clever how he tries to convince Philemon to do what

he is asking Paul plays to the religious righteousness of Philemon. Paul makes it seem

like the right choice is to do what Paul is asking but Paul gives Philemon the ultimate

decision so that he will look gracious in the eyes of God. Paul closes the letter by telling

Philemon to prepare the guest room for him he was hoping to be released soon.

This letter is very short letter that has a lot of meaning and messages to convey. In

the first verse of Philemon Paul is introducing himself and stating his devotion to God,

then goes to address who the letter is written to. In this verse it is interesting that multiple

people are listed and the whole church this suggests that this letter is addressed to one

specific person but it is meant for a whole congregation to read this letter. Paul wants this

letter to become public so that the decision that is made as a result of the letter is a

publicly known decision of Philemon. Verses 4 and 5 are reminding Philemon of his and

Paul’s belief in God, then Paul goes on to say that he hopes that Philemon is thanking

God for all the gifts that he has receive because of God’s grace. He also reminds


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Philemon to share the great gift of God with others so that they may also know the joy of

having faith in Christ. In the next verse, verse 7 Paul is happy to learn that Philemon has

been following the ways of a good Christian and with this he has truly given Paul joy.

Paul then reminds Philemon that they are equals like brothers in the faith. Since they are

close like brothers and like brothers of faith, as Paul had just stated he has a favor to ask

of Philemon. Paul reminds Philemon though before he asks the favor that the favor

should come for a place of love and compassion and not of a duty. Paul also reminds

Philemon of the situation that Paul is currently in a prisoner of religious reasons and an

elder respected person of the church and the community. Then in verse 10 Paul

introduces Onesimus Paul introduces him as his son. Paul says that he has become

Onesimus’ father while in prison together. Paul states that Onesimus has been un-useful

to Philemon but he is very useful to Paul and Philemon. Paul must believe that Onesimus

has learned a great deal about the faith and teachings of God and feels that he has some

great contributions to give the Christian community. In verse 12 Paul is stated how

important he feels that Onesimus is he states that he is sending Onesimus back to

Philemon but he would really like to keep him there with him this is an example how

important Paul believes that Onesimus is. Paul states that he is sending Onesimus back to

Philemon in the place of Paul, which is a very important position to fill. Paul was a very

important man and another great man would only be able to take his spot. Paul then

reminds Philemon once more of situation that he is in for the love and faith of the gospel.

This statement would invoke a sense of gratitude and repayment for what Paul is doing

for the faith. In the next verse 15 Paul says that he does not want to force Philemon to

make any decision so that when Philemon does the good deed that Paul is suggesting it


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will be good deed credited Philemon’s in God’s eyes. Philemon then states in verse 15

that maybe Onesimus was separated from Philemon because Philemon sent him away

maybe to serve Paul. Now Paul is asking for Philemon to welcome Onesimus back to his

home and not as his slave again but something more but as an equal or beloved brother.

Paul then tell Philemon how Onesimus is an equal with them in faith thus he is their

brother and part of their flesh. In verse 17 Paul is being a little stronger and saying if you

except me then accept him also welcome him as you would me. Verse 18 Paul wants

Philemon to erase a wrong doings or debits that Onesimus may owe and make those

debits Paul’s debits now. Paul then goes on to state how he will repay the debit that

Onesimus owes but he will not mention that Philemon owes Paul a debit, which Paul is

mentioning the debit in this way to invoke a sense of guilt and owing. In verse 20 Paul

says how this, what he has asked will make the lord very happy if Philemon does this

good deed for Paul and Onesimus. Paul then states that he knows that Philemon will

perform this deed that Paul is asking and even more than Paul has asked making

Philemon feel obligated to do this request. In closing Paul says that will be joining you

soon so as not forget this letter and what he has asked of Philemon. The Paul gives his

closing and that the lord be with Philemon blessing him.

The three worlds are very help in understanding the gospel. When reading the

verses it is easier to understand the verses of the gospel by seeing them through the three

words. The historical world is described as the actual past world, the items that existed,

basically the way that life existed in that time. The historical world is seen in the

beginning of the story in verse 2; the letter is addressed to several individuals and even

the whole church. This is an example how at that time when a letter was received it was


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read publicly not in private. In this word respecting elders is a major social rule so this is

why Paul mentions himself as an old man. At this period of time slavery was also

acceptable socially this is a huge topic of this letter. In this letter Paul is trying to change

the views of slavery and give value to a slave at a time when they were on the lowest

level of society.

The literal world is the written word of the text. In this time the written and

spoken words were much different than the vocabulary that we have now. It is also very

difficult to keep the same meaning of the text when the text has been translated many

times and many languages. Though the language of the text it is obvious to realize that

the vocabulary needs to be looked and evaluated closer to create a better understanding of

the meaning of the text. The text is very pleasant to read and I feel that it is better to have

to figure out what is being said by the verses in the gospel or interpret ting what is meant.

The last world is the contemporary world in this world we look at how the text is

related to our world now, how it can be translated over to our time. In toady’s time we

would view this is as a story of forgiveness, acceptance, and faith. Philemon has to find it

in his heart to forgive Onesimus for the wrong doing that he has committed. Forgiveness

is an issue that we all at all times and in all places need to remember and try to practice

more frequently and this story is an example of how we can practice forgiveness and

apply it to our own circumstances. This story is speaking to us about acceptance because

Paul wants Onesimus to be accepted even though he is a slave and slaves are the lowest

members of society and are seen as unworthy. Paul is trying to change that view and help

individuals become more tolerant in their way of thinking of others. As for faith all the

stories have to be translated over to how this story can affect and benefit our faith as


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Christians and in God. This story I believe is telling us that in faith it does not matter

your status we are all equal in religion and in God’s eyes.

In conclusion this letter though short held so much meaning and lessons and

values within it. It is a letter for all, it is meant to teach several individuals not merely

one. How important relationships are and especially our religious relationships are, the

most important our relationship with God and our inner actions and thoughts. The value

of a person in this letter is clearly represented with Onesimus for the most part an

unimportant person according to society standards, but not by Paul’s standards and

religiously he is a great and worthy person. Paul just needs to figure a way to make all

see his importance and change the views of society with he was doing through this letter.


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Hauer, C.E., Young, W.A. (2012). An Introduction to the Bible a Journey into the Three Worlds (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.