bibliographical record....9o bibliographical record. continuedfrompage64. thedateof...

9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continued from page 64. The date of publication here given in brackets ], murks the time at which the work was received by the Editor vnless an earlier date of publication is known to him. An asterisk before u title is the Recorder’s certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor- rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. B. PICK:MA:N MA:N:N. hYos. 855 to 860 are from :Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. Terr., vol. * 855. C. R. OSTEN SACKEN. Western Diptera: De- scriptions of New Genera and Species of Diptera from the Region west of’ the Mississippi and especially from Calitbrnia. t ). 189-354. [_May, 1877.] Definition of" the localities in which collections have been made. Describes Ades fuscus (from Mass.) [Clicidae, C].asmatonotus bimac- ulatus (from N.Y.) Chironomidac], 6 gulls of Cecidomyidue, Gnoriste megarrhina [MycctophilidaeJ, Blepharocera yosemite [Blepharoceridae-] Limnobia sciophil, Elliptera clausa, Erioptera dulcis, E. bipartita, Limno- phila damula, Fhyllolabis, Ph. claviger Ph. encausta Trichocera trichoptera, Eriocera californica, E. brachycera (from White Mrs.), Pedicia obtusa, Ptychoptera lenis, Protoplasta vipio, Tipula beatula, \ spernax, Pachyrrhia altissima [Tipulidae’], Rachicerus honestus [Xylophagidae], Oxycera crotchi, Clitellaria rustica [-_Stratiomyidael, Pangonia hera, Tabanus procyon, T. sonomensis, T. phaen,ps, T. insuetus, T. aegrotus, Cltrysops noctifer, Ch. fulvaster, Ch. proclivis, Ch. surdus [Tabnidae], Hirmoneura clausa (from Texus) [Nemestrinldae-], Exoprosopa sima, E. dorcctdion, E. titubans, E. dodrans, E. doris, E. eremita, Dipflta, D. serpentina, Anthrax alpha, A rgy- ramoeba fur, Triodites [/: mus, Bombylius metopium, B. aurifer, B. cachin- hans, B. lancifer, Anastoechus, A. barbatus, Systoechus oreas, Pantarbes, P. capito, Comastes, C. robustus, Lordotus planus, Ploas fenestrata, P. rufula, P. amabilis, Phthiria scolopazc, Ph. humilis, Toxophora virgata, Epibates, E. funestus, E. luctifer, E. muricatus, E. marginatus, E. magnus, E. harrisi (from Eastern ’? U. S.) [Bombylidae], Thereva vialis [There- vidae], Scenopinus bulbosus (from Mo.) [Scenopinidae-], Eulonc]us sapphi- rinus, E. marginatus, Pterodontia misella, Ocnaea helluo (from Tex.), Opse- bius diligens, O. paucus, Oncodes incultus (from White Mrs.) [Cyrtidae], Rhaphiomidas, Rh. episcopus, Apiocera haruspex [Midaidae], Laphria (Dasyllh’) a.tur, L. vultur, L. rapax, Lampria fells, Ceraturgus lobicornis Dioctria, Ablautatus mimus, Ospriocerus minos, Clavator sabulonum, Pycnopogon cirrlatus, Cyrtopogon cymbalista, C. plausor, C. aurifex, C. princeps, C. cretaceus, C. Drofusus, C. evidens, C. rejectus, C. nugator, C. positivus C. sudator, C. rattus, C. cerussatus, C. nebulo, Daulopogon areni- cola [ Asilidae], Itygroceleuthus crentu., H. aictus, Doliclopus corax, D. pollex, Tachytrecltus sanus, Polymcdon, P..flabelli./’er, Liancalus querulus,

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Page 1: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an


BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD.Continuedfrom page 64.

The date of publication here given in brackets ], murks the time at which thework was received by the Editor vnless an earlier date of publication is known to him.An asterisk before u title is the Recorder’s certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor-rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. B. PICK:MA:N MA:N:N.

hYos. 855 to 860 are from :Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr.Surv. Terr., vol.

* 855. C. R. OSTEN SACKEN. Western Diptera: De-scriptions of New Genera and Species of Diptera from theRegion west of’ the Mississippi and especially from Calitbrnia.

t). 189-354. [_May, 1877.]Definition of" the localities in which collections have been made.

Describes Ades fuscus (from Mass.) [Clicidae, C].asmatonotus bimac-ulatus (from N.Y.) Chironomidac], 6 gulls of Cecidomyidue, Gnoristemegarrhina [MycctophilidaeJ, Blepharocera yosemite [Blepharoceridae-]Limnobia sciophil, Elliptera clausa, Erioptera dulcis, E. bipartita, Limno-

phila damula, Fhyllolabis, Ph. claviger Ph. encausta Trichocera trichoptera,Eriocera californica, E. brachycera (from White Mrs.), Pedicia obtusa,Ptychoptera lenis, Protoplasta vipio, Tipula beatula, \ spernax, Pachyrrhiaaltissima [Tipulidae’], Rachicerus honestus [Xylophagidae], Oxycera crotchi,Clitellaria rustica [-_Stratiomyidael, Pangonia hera, Tabanus procyon, T.sonomensis, T. phaen,ps, T. insuetus, T. aegrotus, Cltrysops noctifer, Ch.

fulvaster, Ch. proclivis, Ch. surdus [Tabnidae], Hirmoneura clausa (fromTexus) [Nemestrinldae-], Exoprosopa sima, E. dorcctdion, E. titubans, E.dodrans, E. doris, E. eremita, Dipflta, D. serpentina, Anthrax alpha, Argy-ramoeba fur, Triodites [/: mus, Bombylius metopium, B. aurifer, B. cachin-

hans, B. lancifer, Anastoechus, A. barbatus, Systoechus oreas, Pantarbes,P. capito, Comastes, C. robustus, Lordotus planus, Ploas fenestrata, P.rufula, P. amabilis, Phthiria scolopazc, Ph. humilis, Toxophora virgata,Epibates, E. funestus, E. luctifer, E. muricatus, E. marginatus, E. magnus,E. harrisi (from Eastern ’? U. S.) [Bombylidae], Thereva vialis [There-vidae], Scenopinus bulbosus (from Mo.) [Scenopinidae-], Eulonc]us sapphi-rinus, E. marginatus, Pterodontia misella, Ocnaea helluo (from Tex.), Opse-bius diligens, O. paucus, Oncodes incultus (from White Mrs.) [Cyrtidae],Rhaphiomidas, Rh. episcopus, Apiocera haruspex [Midaidae], Laphria(Dasyllh’) a.tur, L. vultur, L. rapax, Lampria fells, Ceraturgus lobicornisDioctria, Ablautatus mimus, Ospriocerus minos, Clavator sabulonum,Pycnopogon cirrlatus, Cyrtopogon cymbalista, C. plausor, C. aurifex, C.princeps, C. cretaceus, C. Drofusus, C. evidens, C. rejectus, C. nugator, C.positivus C. sudator, C. rattus, C. cerussatus, C. nebulo, Daulopogon areni-

cola [ Asilidae], Itygroceleuthus crentu., H. aictus, Doliclopus corax, D.pollex, Tachytrecltus sanus, Polymcdon, P..flabelli./’er, Liancalus querulus,

Page 2: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an


Scellus vigil, S. monstrosus [Dolichopodidae], Melanostoma tqrir,a, Syrphusintrudens, S. opinator, S. protritus, Eupeodes, E. volucris, Sphaerophoriamicrura, A llograpta fracta, Baccha lemur, B. angusta, Volucella aida, V.satur, Temnocera setigera, Eristalis stipator, Pocota alopex, P. cyanella,C’hrysocMamys dives (from Ky.), Ch. nigripes (iom Mass.), Ch. croesus,Sphecomyia brevicornis [Syrphidae], De]eania vexatrix [Tachinidae., Pyr-gota debilis (from Ky.) [Ortalidae], Trypeta (Oedicarena) pers’aasa, T.(Acidia) fausta (from White Mts.), T. (Oedaspis) penelope (from N. Y.),T. (Eutreta) diana (from Mo.), T. (Zoosema) basiolum (from Mass.)[Trypetidae- 10 n. gen., 136 n. spp.; describes in part also numerousunnamed species; re-describes Silvius gigantulu. Therioplectes, Atylotus,Tabanus rhombicus, Chrysopila humilis, Argyramoeba pluto, Toxophoraamphitea, T. fulva, Epibates niger, Leptomidas pantherinus, Laphria (Dasyl-lis) columbica, Cyrtopogon cal!ipedilus, C. montaus, C leucozonus, C. longi-manus, Dolichopus canaliculatus, Arctoplila flagrans Eristalis hirtus, Chrys-ochlamys buccata; introduces the generic names Protoplastu to replaceProtoplasa (O. S. 1859), for no authorized reason [presumably for classicalpurityJ, Chloromyi (Duncan, 1837) to replace Chrysomyi (Macq., 1834)pre-occupied, Pracosmus to replace Allocotus (Loew, Ccntur. x) pre-occupied, Pseudatrichiu to replace Atrichia (Loew, 1866 [Schrancl, 1803])pro-occupied; gives a list of all the known species of Blepharoceridae, ofN. A. Rachicerus, of N. A. (north of Mex.) Anthrax, of U. S. Argyra-moeba, o[ U. S. Bombylius, of q. A. Geron, of :N. A. Epibates, besideslists of lesser groups, and analytical tables of the :N. A. (north ot Mex.)gener, of Bombylidae of the U. S. spp. of Exoprosopa, of the Cal. spp. ofCyrtopogon and of lesser groups. Especial attention is paid to the classi-fication of the Tipulidae brcvipalpi, Tabnidae, Bombylidae Asilidae,Dsypogonina, Syrphde, to the geographical distribution of the more

important families, and to the habits of Cecidomyi Argyramoeba andSystropus. The work concludes with some general remarks on the Dipteraof the Western Region, and of California in particular, describing thelimits and physical and taunal characteristics of the region and its affinitieswith and analogies to other faunal regions.

856. P. R. UL. Report upon ,the Insects collectedby P. R. Uhler during the Explorations of 1875, includingMonographs of the Families Cydnidm and Salde, and theHemiptera collected by A. S. Packard, Jr., M.D. p. 355-475,with two plates (27, 28) [May, 1877], p. 765-801 [Aug.,

Letter of transmittal [general enumeration of the more noticeable insec,

collected with remarks on their occurrence and behavior]. Enumerates16 ram., 9 geno, 155 spp. Heeropter 6 fm., 28 gen., 42 spp. Hom.52 gen., 65 spp. Lep. 21 faro., 69 gen., 95 spp. Col. 10 faro., bout 38

gcn. over 55 spp. Dip. 12 fam, 42 gen., 61 spp. Hym. 2 faro., gen.

Page 3: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an


Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. Terr., vol. iii.8 spp. Neur.; 4 ram., 12 gen., 21 spp. 1)seudoneur.; 4 am. 24 gem, 31 spp.Orth. Describes the families Cydnidue and Saldae; describes also the

following genera and species: Cyrtomenus, C. mutabilis, C. obtusus n. sp.,Amnestus, A. spinifrons, A. pusillus, Trichocoris, T. conformis, Microporus,[. obliquus, M. testudinatus Macroporus, M. repetitus n. sp., Homalo-porus n. g., H. congruus n. sp., Aethus, A. communis n. sp., Rhytidol)orusn. g., Rh. indentatus n. sp., Cryptoporus n. g., C. compactus n. sp., 1)an

gaeus, P. bilineatus, P. rugrons, P. discrepans n. sp., P. margo, P. picea-tus, P fusiformis, P fortis, P tenuis, )/ielanaethus, M. robustus n. sp.M. picinus n. sp., M. spinolae, M. elongatus, M subglaber, Lobonotus n.g.,L. authracinus n. sp., Sehirus, S. cinctus [Cydnidae]; Liotropis n. g., L.humeralis n. sp. [’Asopidae]; Geocoris decoratus n. sp. [Geocoridae]; Phy-tocoris inops n. sp., Labopidea n. g., L. chloriza n. sp., Macrocoleus coagula-tus n. sp., Sthenarops n. g., S. chloris n. sp. S. malina n. sp., Orthopsscutellatus n. sp. (pl. 27, fig. 7), Megacoelum fasciatum n. sp., Poeciloscytussericeus n. sp., Pamerocoris n. g., P. anthocoroides n. sp., Idolocoris agilisn. sp. (pl. 28, fig. 17), Orectoderus amoenus n. sp. [Phytocoridae; Salda,S. sign ortii, S. ligata, S. confluens, S. pellita n. sp., S. sphacelata n. sp., S.hirta, S. coriacea, S. anthracina n. sp., S. crassicorzis n. sp., S. littoralis, S.

polita n. sp., S. stellata, S. lugubris, S. deplanata n. sp., S. interstitialis, S.luctuosa, S. coxali, S. pallipes, S. reperta n. sp. S. elongata n. sp., S. orbic-

ulata n. sp., S. humilis [-Saldidae] Hebrus sobrinus n. sp. [Veliidae-]; Corixa

tmida n. sp. [Corisidae] -- 18 (8 new) gen., 64 (34 new) spp. ttetero-ptera; Cicada putnami n. sp. [Cicadidae]; Stiroma inconspicua n. sp.[Fulgoridae]; Gypona cinerea n. sp., Parapholis n. g. P. peltata n. sp.[-Tettigonidae]; Glossocratus vb’idis n. sp., G. lineatu. n. sp., G. vulneratusn. sp., G.fenestratus n. sp., Bythoscopus ramentosus n. sp. Pacbyopsis n. g.,P. laetus n. sp, P. robustus n. sp., Jassus excultus n. sp., J. ]ucundus n. sp.,J. plutonius n. sp., J. belli n. sp., jr. divisus n. sp,. Deltocephalus argenteolusn. sp., Typhlocyba aureo-viridis n. sp. [Jassidae] 2 n. gen., 18 n. spp.Homoptera Sterobothrus laetus n. sp. [Acrididae] n. sp. Ortho-ptera; Mamestra discalis n. sp. (Grote) Boris volupialis n. s[). (Grote),Zoplodia dentata n. sp. (Grote), Ecpantheria reducta n. sp. (Grote), Onco-cnemts homogena n. sp. (Grote), Plusia sackeniin, sp. (Grote) 6 n. spp.:Lepidoptera figures Nysius angustatus, Ischorcoris errans Cymus cla-

viculus, Zosmenus ciereus, Trapezonotus agrestis, Ischnorhyclus didymus,Orthops scutellatus Phygadicus behrensii Plagiognathus obscurus, Camptobro-chis nebulosu., Capsus capillaris, Stiphro.oma stygica, Rhopalotomus brachy-cerus, Aneurus inconstans, Lopidea media, Agalliastis associatus, Idolocoris

agilis Lygus annexus var. Dacota hesperia, Rhopalotomus ater Poeciloscytusur,ifasciatus, ]Ialacocoris irroratus, Fitchia aptera Calocorls rapidus24 spp. Heteroptera.

Page 4: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an


* 857. T. THORELL. Descriptions of the Aranem col-lected in Colorado n 1875 by A. S. Packard, Jr., M.D.477-528.Enumertes 31 spp. of 20 gcn. and 9 fm.; describes Tetragnatha elon.

gata [EpeiroidaeJ; Linyphia orgphila n. sp., Erigone cacumiuum n. sp., E.strabo n. sp. Steatoda distincta n. sp. [Theridioidue]; Pholcus pullulus[ScytodoidaeJ Gnaplosa conspersa n. sp. G. scudderi n. sp., ProsthesimamelancItolica n. sp. [Drassoidae]; Xysticus cunctator n. sp., Oxyptila con-

spurcata n. sI). Diaea lepida n. sp., Philodromus virescens n. sp. Ph. inquis-itor n. sp. [ThomisoidaeJ; Lycosa sternalis n. sp. Z. concinna n. sp. L.uncata n. sp. Z. tristis n. sp. Z. indagatrix n. sp. L. impavida n. sp., L.iracunda n. sp., Z. sinistra n. sp., Tarentul.a modesta n. sp. T. scalaris n. sp.[-LycosoidaeJ; Phidippus coloradesis n. sp. [Attoidae] 25 (23 new) spp.Araneae Mitopus biceps n. sp. [Fhalangioidue 1 n. sp. Opiliones.Says (on p. 504)" "I fully agree with those who think that when an authorhas named a certain species as the type of a genus proposed by him the

generic name in question ought to be kept ibr that species; to nameone or more species as examples of a genus is not the same as to declarethem to be typical species of it."

858. JAM]S H. EMRTO. Descriptions of Two :NewSpiders from Colorado. p. 528-529, fig. 18, 19.

Describes Epeira aculeata ? (fig. 18) and Drassus coloradensis (fig. 19,palpus) 2 n. spp.

* 859. S. H. SCUDDa. The First Discovered Traces ofFossil Insects in the American Tertiaries. p. 741-762.

Refers to earlier publications and makes some correctlons of them.Describes Camponotus vetus, Liometopum pingue [Formicidae]; Ichneumonpetrinus [Ichneumonidae] 3 n. spp., 3 gen., 2 fam. I-iymenoptera;Culex proavitus, Corethra exita [CulicidaeJ; Chironomus depletus, Ch. patens[ChironomidaeJ; Lasioptera recessa, Lithomyza, L. condita [Cecidomyidae]Dicranomyia stigmosa D. primitiva D. rostrata, Spiladomyia, S. simplexI)ronophlebia, P. red;viva, Cyttaromyia, C. fenestrata, Tipula decrepita, 1:tecta [Tipulidae-]; Mycetophila occultata, Sackenia, S. arcuata, Gnoriste den-toni [Mycetophilidae]; Acrocera hirsuta [Cyrtidac]; Eristalis lapideusVSyrphidac]; Musca ascarides, M. bibosa, . hydropica, M. vinculata

[Muscidae]; Heteromyza detecta [HelonyzidaeJ 24 n. spp., 17 (5 new)gen., 9 ram. Diptera; Aphana atava, Delpltax senilis [-Fulgoridae]tigonia obtecta, Bythoscopus lapMescens [Tettigonidae] 4 n. spp., 4 gen.,2 faro. I-l:omoptera; Pachymerus petrensis [Lygaeidae-} n. sp.tteteroptera; Phryganea operta [-Phryganidae] 1 n. sp. :Neuro-ptera. Besides the [numerous] insects mentioned u.nder the families, butnot referred to genera, the collection contains forty-six species," of whichsome account is given. In addition a list is given of the 9 spp. of 9 gen.of 6 ram. oi (3oleoptera, and the 3 spp. of 3 gen. of :hysopoda pre-viously describe(i from the same localities.

Page 5: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an


Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. Terr. vol. iii.

* 860. S. H. Scuu)R. Description o Two Species o’Carabi&e ound in the Interglacial Deposits of Scarboro’Heights, near Toronto, Canada. p. 763-764.

Describes Loricera glacialis and Loxandrus gelidus 2 n. spp.* 861. The Sci. Amer. [see Rec., 1o. 142], vol. xxxii,

contains the following.a. Pars Green Poisoning [and its dangers], p. 21. b. A Suicidal Scor-

pion, pp. 21, 68, 99. c. To destroy red spiders on plants, p. 9. d. CanAnts Talk?, p. 97. e. The Voices of Animals [i. e., of insects of several

kindsJ (by J. Orton), p. 117. f. Ants [’Termes mining living green-houseplantsJ (by J. Staufir), p. 149. g. Bee Keeping [removing dead beesfrom the hive], p. 152. h. Can Ants Talk? [sound of Mutilla?] (by ft. L.A. C.), p. 165. i. Fumigating Greenhouses [us done at Harvard CollegeBotanic Gardens] (by D. Zirngiebel), p. 180. j. Partnerships of Antsand Plants, p. 192-193. k. The Mission of the Fly [Musca domestica as

an eater of animalculesJ, p. 209. l. How Science is Annihilated [alludesto a criticism, in the American Garden, of Lubbock’s observations onthe relations of insects and flowers], p. 224. m. Extermination of tile

Phylloxera [figures of inibcte,1 roots and of instrument for applying alka-line sulphurets in destroying the insects; ’the Phylloxera prize], p. 242.

n. About Spiders (by E. S. Morse), p. 242. o. The Grasshopper [its ovi-positor and egg-layingJ (by J. G. Shoemaker), p. 244. p. The Plague ofFlies [modes of keeping vermin out of houses] (by C .Thompson), p. 260.

q. Parasites in the Tongues of Flies [inquiry about them] (by W. W. W.),p. 260. r. Cimex lectularius [use and habits_, p. 289. s. The Use of theMosquito, p. 326. t. The Scorpion Fly [I)anorpa?], p. 327, fig. u. TheDeath’s Head Moth [Sphinx atropos; fig. of larva], p. 327. v. Grass-hopper Inventions Wanted [mention of devices for destroying Caloptenusand request for more inventionsJ, p. 369. w. The diseases of the SilkWomn [hCrom M. Pasteur’s work; figures of pdbrire and flachrie], p. 370.x. White Ants at St. Helena [their destructiveness], p. 373. y. Discoveryof the Phylloxera remedy, p. 385. z. insect Aesthetics [ants adorn their

dwellings], p. 385. aa. Parasites in Wasp Stings, p. 388. bb. A UseBedbugs [perthmery fom Cimex] (by C. K.), p. 404.

862. The Sci. Amer., vol. xxxiii, contains the following.a. How does a Spider Make its Web ?, p. 5. b. The Animalism of

Plants [figures Sarraccnia and othersJ, p. 7. c. A Grasshopper Parasite,). 16. d. How can the Grasshoppers be Utilized? p. 19-20. e. A new

Use tbr May Bugs [for water colorsJ, p. 21. f. Tile Colorado Potato Bugp. 32-33. g. The ew Phylloxera Remedy [Dumas’ mode by use of alka-line sulpho-carbonate], p. 48-49. h. Grasshoppers in the West p. 52.

i. The Birds and the Insect Pests, p. 56. j. Cocoon of A ttacus cecropia

Record made by Mr. George Dimmock.

Page 6: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an


[from Harrls, p. 60. k. The Strength of Insects [review of and com-

ments upon t)lateau’s experiments p. 64. 1. Utilizing the Grasshoppers[’as food ibr animals], p. 68. m. Grass Planted by Grasshoppers p. 81.

n. The Currant and Raspberry Moths [description and figures of pupa ofAbraxas grossularia and of Zampronia capitella, two English moths_-l, p. 115.

o. The Colorado Potato Beetle [various plants eaten by it], p. 116. _p. TheChemical Fire-Fly [object and production of light of fire-fly-I, p. 121. q.Flies in a coffin sealed 15 years, p. 123. r. The Grasshopper Plague [lux-uriant growth of grass after grasshopper invasion] (G. 1. Zaleski), p. 132.s. The Cobweb Apple Moth [figures Hyponomeuta, an English species andits web] (from The Garden), p. 135. t. Are Potato Bugs 1)oisonous? [noteson the paper cited in Rec., No. 587], p. 153. u. A I)roposcd Insect Com-mission -recommendation of Amer. Assoc. Advanc. Sci.], p. 153. v.

Locusts ts Food [note on the paper cited in Rec., 2qo. 584] p. 153. w.Excommunicated Insects [theology against insect plagues-l, p. 166. x. In-ternal Parasites of the House Fly [from Nature], p. 241. y. Education ofthe Flea, p. 370. z. What flies do [they do not eat animalcules-], p. 388.

* 863. The 8i. Jkmor., vol. xxxiv, contains the following.a. A Neglected Industry.- Bee Culture, p. 81. b’. A New Insecticide

[-camphor in methylated spirits for killing insects on house plants], p. 134.c. The Extermination of the t)hylloxer by Alkaline Sulpho-carbonates,p. 135, fig. d. The Secret of Educating ’leas, p. 136. e. Insects addedto American Museum, New York, p. 136. f. A :New Utilization of theGrasshoppers by crushing and using them for sardine baitJ, p. 143. g.Wasps [on Vespa maculata and Sphex ic’hneumonea; extract from on articleby Prof. A. J. Cook in Annual Register of Rural Ajfairs, for 1876], p. 146.h. Electricity as an Aid to Hatching Silk-Worms, ). 271. i. ImprovedInsect-destroying Compound p. 297. 3". Two Bee Questions Answered,p. 311. k. The Grasshopper Scourge of 1876, p. 321. l. Do Bees MakeHoney? (by H. L. Eades), p. 388. m. The Grasshopper Pest (by J. F.Dunwoody) p. 388. n. Moths, p. 404. o. Exterminating Bedbugs p.405. _p. The Mygales-- Door Building Spiders, p. 407, fig.1 864. The i. $krae’., vol. xxxv, contains the following.a. The Farmer’s Foes [Colorado potato beetles and grasshoppers, and

means against thcm], p. 3. b. The Scorpions of Egypt [describes contestbetween mouse and u scorpionJ (by F. Buckland), p. 7, fig. c. The Lo-cust Pest [-efizct of water and cold on the eggs of Caloptenus Tretus] (,byC. V. Riley), p. 9. d. Various Species of Ant Lions, p. 39, fig. e. Elcc-troplating of Leaves Insects, etc., pp. 47 341. f. Ftcts about PotatoBeetles (from S. R. M., in Scientific Farmer), p. 63. g. A Few moreWords About Locusts, p. 84. h. Some Well Known British Moths [briefdescription of" (ew Sphirgidac referred to an accompanying figure onwhich arc represented British species of Argynnis only; the figure islbelled British Moths"J, p. 87. i. Potato Bug Sailors [on se weed]p. 91. 3". Killing Entomological Specimens [with ether], p. 91. k. New

Record made by Mr. George l)immock.

Page 7: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an


Sci. Amer., vol. xxxv.

Insect Powder Gun, 13. 99, fig. I. Bees and their Institutions [from Homeand School; gives thirteen figures of bees, hives, cells, etc. and of larvaand imago of Death’s Head Moth] (by S. B. Herrick), p. 103-105. m.Are Potato Bugs Poisonous?, p. 116. n. Potato Pest Poison" [condemn-ing some of the patent poisons for DorypIwra decendineata] (by C. V.liley) p. 116. o. Resources of Animals [treats especially of spiders], p.131. _p. Some ]Notes on Potato Beetles [criticisn of article citcd in Rec.]No. 864f1 (by C. V. Riley), p. 164. q. Singular Property of TomatoLeaves [fresh tomato leaves used to keep isects from peach trees], p. 183.r. Rat-Tailed Larvae [of EristalisJ (by R. VI.), 3. 228. s. Saw Flies[Nematus and CynipsJ, p. 231. t. To Dispose of Curculios, 13 289. u.The Hemiptera or Bugs [fig. of Pentatoma grisea], p. 295. v. The Carpet-Eating Bug [Anthrenus scrophulariae], p. 307. w. A New PhylloxeraRemedy p. 328. x. The Army Worm: Its ]Natural Histo{y Complete[figures and describes all the stages of Leucania unipuncta] (by C. V.Riley) p. 372. y. Locust Flights East of the Mississilo13i [figures Calo.pte-nus spretus and Acridium americanum] (by C. V. Rile),), 13. 392.

865. The Sci. 2kmer., vol. xxxvi, contains the following.a. Bots [on Gastrophilus equi and Hypoderma boris] (by C. V. Riles)

p. 9-10. b. A Toad-Eating :Fly [Lucilia bufonivora], p. 24. c. What it

costs to Feed Insects p. 160. d. A New Phylloxera Remedy--Decorti-cation, p. 182 fig. e. Ant Intelligence, p. 198-199. f. A Woman’s Suc-cess with Bees (by L. E. Cotton), p. 244. g. April Management of Bees[from the .Bee Keeper’s Magazine] (by Mrs. E. S. Tup13er), p. 247. lt,,

Plants and Insects [abstract of u lecture by Sir J. Lubbock], p. 248. i.]mportant observations on the Rocky Mountain Locust, or Grasshopper"Pest of the West [figures all the stages of Caloptenus spretus] (by C. V.Riley), p. 260-261. j. Bee-Keeping in the Himalayas [from the LondonAgriculture Gazette, p. 275. k. Experiments with Locust Eggs, and Con-clusions drwn therefrom (by C. V. Riley), p. 276-277. 1. A New Rem-dy for the Potato Bug [potssic sulpho-carbonate for Doryphora decemlin-

eala] (by Win. L. Billin), p. 308. m. The Seventeen Year Locusts, p. 322.

n. The Destruction of the Young Locusts [extract from Bull. U. S. Ent.Comm.; see lec., ]No. 797], ). 3.4. o. Locust Prospects (by C. V. Riley),p. 369. /9. The Cockroach Utilized [Blatta oriental@ used in Russia as

medicine], p. 391. q. The Hellgrammite [figures Corydalis cornutus in allstages] (by C. V. Riley), p. 392-393.

* 866. . St,l. Om Colorado-Skalbaggen (Chrysomeladecemlineata) en fSr Potatisodliagen hSgst skadlig Tordamer-icansk Insect, och om hans befarade 5fverfSrande till Europa.Stockholm, Norstedt, 1875. 8 vo. pg. 21, fig.

Short description (with figures) and account of Chrysomela lO-lineata, itsmigrations, natural history, ravages, a,nd the improbability of its reachingEurope or at least of its being able to maintain itself there.

Record made by Mr. George Dimmock.

Nos. 41-42 were issued March 8, 1878.

Page 8: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD....9O BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Continuedfrompage64. Thedateof publicationheregiven in brackets], murks the time atwhichthe workwasreceivedbythe Editorvnless an

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