bibliography 307 thebibliography does not incl ud d ... · bygdebokfor sauherad; gards- og...

BIBLIOGRAPHY 307 The bibliography does not incl ud d ' - - it include the manyletters from ingiifigusafigrs an perlodlcals’ nor does Aarbog for Nunedal. Kongsberg og omegn lag. v.1-21, 1929-1951. Aarbog for Numedal slaget, see above. AEttarbok for Aurland. GjeI'l¢W, Anna, and Anders Ohnstad. AEttebok for Aux-land fr-am til om lag 1900. 1964. AEttarbok for Granvin. Kvalem, Henrik Meyer. AEttaIbok for Granvin, 1975, AEttarbok for Kvam. Torpe, L. H. AEttarbok for Kvam, 2 v., 19574958, AEttebok for Vossestrand. Lyngvaer, Roald. AEttebok for Vossestrand, 1971, Ager. Ager, Waldemar. Ooerst Heg og hans Gutter. 1916. Amli, aett og heim. Hodne, Torgils. Amli aett og heim, 2 v., 1977_1981, Anders Mickelson Family Tree. Anderson. Anderson, Rasmus B. The First Chapter of Norwe ian I ' ' _ 1840 . 1895. g mnigration (1821 Anderson Family History. Skurdall, James. An Anderson Family History. Anderson—Krogh Genealogy. Hansen, Lester W.The Anderson—KroghGenealogy including ancestral lines. 1951. Arbok for Glamdalen. Arbok for Glfimdalen, v.1— ; 1941- Arbok for Numedalslaget (see above) Ardal. Eikeland, Sigurd. Ardal, v.1—2, 1968-1971. Aurskog og Blaker. Lillevold, Eyvind. Aurskog og Blaker. [l961—1968]. Avaldsnes. Lillehamner, Arnvid. Avaldsnes, v.1, 1991. B. A. Gullickson, Moe—Oyan. Gull ickson, Bessie A. Moe_—QV_an. Barber Genealogy. White, John Barber. Barber Genealogy. 1909. The Beckoning. McNab, Nora. The Beckoning. Bergens borgerbok. Wiesener, A. M. Bergens borgexbok, 1752-1865. 1917-1923. Billed—Magasinet, 2 v., 1869-1871. §¢_—soga. Henneseid, Stian. Bg—soga, 4 V. , 1972-1986. A Brief History of the Peterson Family. Bu, Qyfjord. Bu, Aam. K. AEttar—bok for fibyfjord. 1943.

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Page 1: BIBLIOGRAPHY 307 Thebibliography does not incl ud d ... · Bygdebokfor Sauherad; gards- og aettesoge. 5 v. , 1980-1988. Centennial Anniversary. The Chester Family. The Chester Family


The bibliography does not incl ud d ' - ­it include the manyletters from ingiifigusafigrs an perlodlcals’ nor does

Aarbog for Nunedal. Kongsberg og omegnlag. v.1-21, 1929-1951.Aarbog for Numedalslaget, see above.AEttarbok for Aurland.

GjeI'l¢W, Anna, and Anders Ohnstad. AEttebok for Aux-land fr-am til omlag 1900. 1964.

AEttarbok for Granvin.Kvalem, Henrik Meyer. AEttaIbok for Granvin, 1975,

AEttarbok for Kvam.Torpe, L. H. AEttarbok for Kvam, 2 v., 19574958,AEttebok for Vossestrand.Lyngvaer, Roald. AEttebok for Vossestrand, 1971,

Ager.Ager, Waldemar. Ooerst Heg og hans Gutter. 1916.

Amli, aett og heim.Hodne, Torgils. Amli aett og heim, 2 v., 1977_1981,

Anders Mickelson Family Tree.

Anderson.Anderson, Rasmus B. The First Chapter of Norwe ian I ' ' _1840 . 1895. g mnigration (1821

Anderson Family History.Skurdall, James. An Anderson Family History.

Anderson—Krogh Genealogy.Hansen, Lester W. The Anderson—KroghGenealogy including ancestrallines. 1951.

Arbok for Glamdalen.Arbok for Glfimdalen, v.1— ; 1941­

Arbok for Numedalslaget (see above)Ardal.

Eikeland, Sigurd. Ardal, v.1—2, 1968-1971.Aurskog og Blaker.

Lillevold, Eyvind. Aurskog og Blaker. [l961—1968].Avaldsnes.Lillehamner, Arnvid. Avaldsnes, v.1, 1991.

B. A. Gullickson, Moe—Oyan.Gull ickson, Bessie A. Moe_—QV_an.

Barber Genealogy.White, John Barber. Barber Genealogy. 1909.

The Beckoning.McNab, Nora. The Beckoning.

Bergens borgerbok.Wiesener, A. M. Bergens borgexbok, 1752-1865. 1917-1923.

Billed—Magasinet, 2 v., 1869-1871.§¢_—soga.

Henneseid, Stian. Bg—soga, 4 V. , 1972-1986.A Brief History of the Peterson Family.

Bu, Qyfjord.Bu, Aam. K. AEttar—bok for fibyfjord. 1943.

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Bu, Ulvik.Bu, Aam. A. AEttarbok for Ulvik. 1944.

Buslett.Buslett, O. A. Det FemtendeRegiment Wisconsin Frivillige. [n.d.]

Bygdabok for Vik i Sogn.Hoprekstad, Olav. Bygdabok for Vik i Sogn. 3 v. in 4. 1951-1958.

Bygdebok for Banble.Schilbred, C.S. Bygdebok for Banble. 2 v. , 1968-1975. (Vol.2 by Z.

Zakariassen ) .Bygdebok for Sauherad.

Bygdebokfor Sauherad; gards- og aettesoge. 5 v. , 1980-1988.Centennial Anniversary.

The Chester Family.The Chester Family in Norway and America; 100 years in the United

States, 1845-1945. 1945.Chronicle of Old Muskego.

Bache, S¢ren. A Chronicle of Old Muskego; the Diary of S¢ren Bache,1839-1847, translated and edited by Clarence A. Clausen and AndreasElviken, 1951.

Cleng Peerson.Hauge, Alfred. Cleng Peerson. 1975.

CommemorativeBiographical Record for Racine.CommemorativeBiographical Record of Prominent and Representative Men

of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin. 1906.Corrmemorative Biographical Record of Upper Wis.

CommemorativeBiograflical Record of the upper Wisconsin counties ofWaupaca, Portage, Wood,Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langladeand Shawano. 1895.

CoonPrairie .Holand, Hjalnar R. CoonPrairie; en historisk beretning omDenNorske

Evangeliske Lutherske Menighet paa Coon Prairie. 1927.. Coon Valley.

Holand, Hjalmar R. CoonValley; en historisk beretning omde norske me­nigheter i CoonValley. 1928.

CrowRiver Hist.Gunderson, Carl M. A history of CrowRiver Lutheran Church, Belgrade,

Minnesota , 1861-1961. [1961?]Curtiss—Wedge, Hist. of Dunn Co.

Curtiss—Wedge, F. History of Dunn County, Wisconsin. 1925.Curtiss—Wedge,History of Fillmore County.

Curtiss—Wedge,Franklyn. History of Fillmore County, Minnesota. 1912.Curtiss-Wedge, History of Trempealeau Co.

Curtiss—Wedge, Franklyn. History of Trempealeau County, Wisconsin. 1917Diet. of Amer. Biog.

Dictionary of American Biography, ed. by Allen Johnson. 20 v. , [1928].Qggsfald i Bergen.

Wiesener, A. M. D¢dsfald i Bergen, 1765-1850. 1925.Drangedal med T¢rdal .

Sannes, Olav. Drangedal med T¢rdal , ei bygdesoga. 1924.Ems­

Danielsen,Daniel. 1965.

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Eighty Years at the Gopher Hole.Tapping, Minnie. Eighty years at the Gopher Hole; the saga of a Minne­

sota pioneer, 1867-1947. [1958]Eminent Pioneers.

Ylvisaker, Erl ing. Eminent Pioneers; Norwegian—AmericanPioneerSketches.Eher Anderson Family.

Ener Anderson Family, 1836-1973.Etne-soga.

Dyrvik, Stale. Etne-soga. 2 v., 1968-1972.Evanger boka.

Schjaerven, Lars, and Johannes Gjerdaker. Evanger—boka;gards— ogaettesoge. 2 V., 1982-1984.The Everson Family History.

The Family from Bruvollen.

Family History, Descendants of Nils Landru.The Family History of the Berge Family.

The Family History of the Berge Family, 1839-1971.First Chapter. (See Anderson)Flaa, Hallingdal.

Hegna, Hans. Flaa, Hallingdal, 1920. 1921.Fladby, Lier.

Fladby, Rolf. Liers historie. 5 v., 1953-1963.F1esberg—boka.

Vinger, Sigurd. Flesberg-boka, v.1—2, 1989-1990.Flesberg fra dei eldste tidir til no.

Flatin, Tov. Flesberg fréi dei eldste tidir til no. 4 V., 1917-1947.Flom.

Flom, George T. A History of Norwegian Immigration to the United StatesFrom the Earliest Beginning downto the Year 1848. 1909.

Folk og fortid i Hol.Reinton, Lars, and Sigurd S. Reinton. Folk og fortid i H01, 8 v. ,1938-1982.

Fra det gamle Skien.Schneider, J. A. Fra det gamle Skien; skildringer og aktstykker til

byens historie. 3 V., 1914-1924.Fra Fjon til Fusa. ,

Fra Fjon til Fusa; arbok for Nord—og Midhordland Sogelag, v.1- ,1948­Fra Indianernes La.nde.

Helgeson, T. Fra Indianernes Lande. 2 v., [n.d.]From the Indian Land.

Rosholt, Malcolm. From the Indian Land; First-hand Account of CentralWisconsin's Pioneer Life. 1985.lfyresdal .

Veum,Bendik. Fyresdal, aettebok, 1943. v.1, 1943.Gard og aett i Sola.

Refheim, Sigurd. Gard og aett i Sola. 1974.Gard-—og Slektshistorie. ‘

Lid, Kr. G§rd- og Slektshistorie fra Gjerpens sydlige del. 1941.

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Gards—og slektshistorien for Eidanger.Schilbred, C. S. G§rds—og slektshistorien for Eidanger, 3 v., 1984.

Gjerpen, en bygdebok.Qvisling, Jon Lauritz. Gjerpen, en bygdebok. 3 v., 1917-1921.

Gjestal.Arneson, S¢ren. Gards- og aettesoga for Gjestal. 1964.

Grace Lutheran Centennial.WGraceLutheran church of Winchester, Wisconsin, one hundredth anniver­

sary, October 25th, 1850-1950. 1950.Gransheradsoga. 1977.Granvin.

Kvalem, Henrik Meyer. AEttarbok for Granvin. 1975.Hallingen.

Hallingen, utgivet af Hallinglaget i Amerika, 1912­Hans Halvorsen SmedsrudFamily Tree (no title-page).Haus i soga og segg.

Edna, Lars Martinusson. Haus i soga og segg, 4 v., 1958-1964.Hist. of Clayton Co.

Price, Realto. History of Clayton County, Iowa, 2 v., 1916.Hist. of Dane Co.

' History of Dane County, biographical and genealogical. 3 v., 1906.Hist. of Dane Co., 1880.

History of Dane County, Wisconsin. 1880.Hist. of Norw. in Ill.

Strand, A. E. A History of the Norwegiansof Illinois.Hist. of StephensonCo., Ill.

Fulwider, Addison L. History of Stephenson County, Illinois. 2 v., 1910Hist. of Winneshiek Co.

Sparks, Chas. H. History of Winneshiek County. 1877.History of Lasalle County.

Baldwin, Elmer. History of LaSalle County, Illinois. 1877 (reprinted1988?).

History of Lee County, Illinois.History of Lee County, together with biographical matter, statistics,

etc. 1881.History‘3i Lewis, Clark, Knoxand Scotland Counties, Missouri. 1887.The History of Rock County, Wisconsin. 1879.History of the Scandinavians.

Nelson, 0. N. History of the Scandinavians and Successful Scandinaviansin the United States. 2 v., 1893-1897.

History of the Townshipof Primrose.Zunbrunnen, Mary Hanna. History of the Township of Primose. 1990.

The History of Waukesha County, Wis. 1880.Hitterdalsboken.

Holta, O. H. Hitterdalsboken; gaarde og slegter. 1926.Hjartdalsoga.

Karlsrud, Gjertrud Kleveland. Hjartdalsga, v.1, 1987.Hjelneland skipreid.

Skiftun, Tor. Hjelmeland, skipreid, herad og kyrkjesogn gard og aett.1938.

The Hogensen Fanfily.Hogensen, Starr Gehr. HogensenFandly History 16th to 20th centuries.


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Ytterb¢e, S. Holla I (revised). 1975.Holt, en bygdebok.

Svensen, Sv. Holt, en bygdebok. 1940.Hoprekstad (see Bygdabok for Vik i Sogn).Hovin—soga.

SaUrO» H€rbJ¢Tn K-. Ole Godtfred Rue, Olav H. Urdal, Hovin—soga 1987H¢yland gards- og aettesoge. 'Aurenes, Ola. H¢yland gards—og aettesoge gjennom 400 ar 1500­1900. [1954].

Illustrated Albumof Biography of the FamousValley.Illustrated album of biography of the famous valley of the Red River of

the North and park regions .. of Minnesota and North Dakota. 1889.The Innugrant Takes His Stand.

Andersen, Arlow William. The Innugrant Takes His Stand; the Norwegian­American Press and Public Affairs, 1847-1872. 1953.

Ivar Havneros, History of St. Petri Congregation.J Havneros, Ivar. History of St. Petri Congregation, Story City, Iowa.elsa.

Fo1d¢y, Ola. Jelsa, v.1, [1967].Johnson, Spring Grove.

Johnson, 0. S. Nybyggerhistorie fra Spring Grove og omegn, Minnesota.1920.Jondal i gamal og ny tid.

Kolltveit, Olav. Jondal i gannl og ny tid. [1954].Jordan 0. Paulsrud, Family Tree.

Paulsrud, Jordan 0. Panfily Tree.Juve Families in America.

Juve, Robert D. Juve Fandlies in America. 1983.Kinsarvik.Bu, Aam. K. AEttar—bok for Kinsarvik. 2 v., 1931-1960.

The Kjos-Eggebraaten Family History.Ruen, Mrs. Howard. The Kjos~Eggebraaten Fanfily History, edition no. 3,1982.

Klepp gards- og aettesoge.

Brunes, Filing. Klepp gards—og aettesoga gjenom 400 3r, 1519-1900.[1963 .Knudsen, Eidanger.

Knudsen, Finn C. Eidanger—Porsgrund. 1932.Knudsen's Beretning.

Knudsen, Knud. Beretning omen reise fra Drannnm i Norge til NewYork iNord—America. 1986 (reprint).

Konsmoboka.Bergst¢l, Tore. Konsmoboka,v.1, 1966/

Koren Diary.Koren, Elisabeth. The Diary of Elisabeth Koren, 1853-1855, translatedand edited by David T. Nelson. 1955.

Krggshera .M¢rch, Andreas. Krggsherad, 2 3, 1974-1976.

Krogh Fanfily History.Kvinnherad.

Vaage, Erling. Kvinnherad gards—og aettesoga. 3 v., 1972-1987.

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Kviteseid by deso e. ,?‘4?.2 ’,7,,///“’iLoupedalen, Torjus. Kvitese/id bygdesoge. 2 v. , 1956-1962.

Land of Their Choice.Blegen, Theodore C. Land of Their Choice; the Inmigrants Write Home.

Langeland.Langel and, Knud. Nordnaendene i Amerika. Nogle Optegnel ser om De

Norskes Udvandring til Amerika. 1888.Lardalsoga. 7.,’.37,2/7 L/_‘.1,-7’_.-LL,

Bakken, Olav T. dalsoga. 1978.Lars O. Lillegard, His Diaries 81Lineage, 1855-1916.LaSalle County Directory.Liers Historie, see Fladby.Life Story of Rasmus B. Anderson.

Anderson, Rasmus B. Life Story of Rasmus B. Anderson, written by him­self, with the assistance of Albert 0. Barton. 1915.

The Lund family in Denmark and Norway.Chisholm, Judith Lund. The Lund Family in Dennark and Norway.

Lundsateren Reunion.Luther Valley Centennial .

Luther Valley Centennial, 1839-1939, August 25, 26, 27, 1939, SpringenGrove, Rock County, Wisconsin. [1939].

Lyngvaer, Vossestrand.Lyngvaer, Roald. AEttebok for Vossestrand. 1971.

Maslselv bygdebok.Kiil, Alf. Malselv bygdebok, 2 v., 1981-1983.

Mobygdebok, 2 v.Modurrshistorie, 7 V. , 1941-1976.Moe—Oyan,see B. A. Gullickson.Naerbg.

Edland, Torgeir. Gards og aettesoga for Naerb¢. 1971.Naeseth—FehnFamily History.

Naeseth, Gerhard Brandt. The Naeseth—FehnFamily History, 1956 (newedition, 1984-1986).

Namsos.Aavatsmark, O. S. Nansos, gzends anlaeg og utvikling. 1914.

Neill. History of Fillmore County.Nissedal bygdesoge. 5}:/5*,;g_ /V :_ /4 L A/'

Asen, Kjell. Nissedal by/lg’desoge, 2 v. , 1976-1978.Nordb¢, Halvor. Dei :f¢rste Mandtane i Telemark.Nordnaendene i Amerika.

Ulvestad, Martin. Nordrraendenei Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord.2 v. , 1913.

Nore—Uvdal.Loftsgard, T. K. Nore—Uvda1i forn og nye, 6 v., 1973.

Norge i Texas.Syversen, OddMagnar. Norge i Texas, et bidrag til norsk emigrasjons­

historie, 1982.Norges laeger.

Kobro, I. Norges laeger, 1800-1908, 3rd ed., 1908. 2 V.Norlie, Nor . People.

Norl ie, Olaf Morgan. History of the Norwegian People in America. 1925.

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Norsk Forfatter—LeXikon.

Halvorsen, J. B. Norsk Forfatter—Lexikon, 1815-1880. 8 v., 1885.Det Norske Luther Cbllege.Bothne, Gisle. Det Norske Luther Cbllege, 1861-1897. 1897.De Norske Sett. Hist.Ikfland, Hjalnar Rued. De Norske Settlenenters Historie. 1908.

Norsk Biografish Leksikon.Norw.-Amer. Stud. and Rec.

Norwegian-AmericanStudies and Records (later, Studies and Records).published by the Norwegian—AmericanHistorical Association, v.1,1926­

Norw. Migration to America, 1825-1860.Blegen, Theodore C. Norwegian Migration to America, 1825-1860. 1931.Norw. Peo le, see Norlie.

Numedal 5%ok, see Aarbog.Numedalslagets Aarbok, see Aarb g.Oceana County Pioneers.

Hartwick, Louis M. Oceana County Pioneers and Business Men of To—day.1890.Odda, Ullensvang og Kinsarvik.

Kolltveit, Olav. Odda, Ullensvang og Kinsarvik i gannl og ny tid, 5 v.,1962-1974.Ole Rynning's True Account of America.

Rynning, Cue. Cfle Rynning's True Account of America, translated andedited by Theodore C. Blegen. 1926.

Olson Lineage, Past, Present, Future. 1990.Ovenstad.

Ovenstad, Cflai. Militaerbiografier den norske haers officerer fra 18.januar 1628 til 17 mai 1814, 2 v., 1948.

gyfjord.Bu, Aam. K. AEttar-bok for Oyfjord. 1943.

The Past and Present of Boone County.The Past and Present of BooneCounty, Illinois. 1877.

A Pioneer Churchnan.

Dietrichson, J. W. C. A Pioneer Churchnan; J.W.C. Dietrichson in Wis­consin, 1844-1850, edited and with an introduction by E. CliffordNelson.

Plymouth Township Centennial.Plymouth Township Centennial, Rock County, Wisconsin. [1948].

APorsgrunns historie.T¢nnessen, Joh. N. Pors ns historie, 1956-1957. 2 v.

Portrait and Biographical Albumof Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin.1892.Raelingen.

Skovhcflt, Lene. Bygdehistorien for Raelingen; bostedshistorie fra deeldste tider. 1989.The Rag Rug.

Reishus Martha. The Rag Rug. [1955].Rasmus Bj¢rn Anderson.

Hustvedt, Lloyd. RasmusBj¢rn Anderson, Pioneer Scholar. 1966.

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Records of Norw. Pioneer Assn. of Townof Deerfield.Records of NorwegianPioneer Association, Deerfield, Wisconsin, organ­

ized on Dec. 29, 1896. (Mss. in State Historical Society of Wiscon­sin)

Renne . _Sunnana, Vilhelm, and Havard Vetrhus. Rennes¢y gards- og aette—

soge, by Cflav Heskestad and Clay Sunnané. 1974.Rene.

Rene, K. A. Historie om Udvandringen fra Voss og Vossingerne i Amerika.1930.

Ringerike slekter.Lagesen, A. Ringerikske slekter; oplysninger omslekter og slekts—

gaarder. 1927-1935. 3 V.Ringsaker, Veldre og Br¢ttum historielag Arbok, 1987 to date.Rollag bygdebok.

Hoff, Knut. Rollag Bygdebok, aett og gard og grend. 1988-1990. 3 V.Rosdail, Ikdal.

Rosdail, J. Hart. The Ikdal family history. 1947.R¢yken bygd f¢r og nu.

Killingstad, A. R¢ykenbygd f¢r og nu. 1928.Rue Family Stories.

Velasquez, June Rossiter. Rue Fanfily Stories. 1987.Rygge.

Flood, Ingeborg. Rygge, garder og slekter, V. 1, 1957Saaheins MogenGenealogy.

Gullickson, Bessie A. Saaheins MbgenGenealogy, Tinn, Telemark,Norw y. 1980.

Sanband.Sanband: published by the Valdris Sanband, v.1-11, 1925-1935.

Samanger.Lauvskard, Nils. Sannanger, v.1-2. 1954-1973.

Sannidal og Skatgy, 3 v., 1949-1953.School Calendar.

Norlie, Olaf Morgan. School Calendar, 1824-1924; a Who's WhoamongTeachers in the Norwegian Lutheran Synods of America. 1924.

Seljord.Flatin, Tov. Seljord, v.1-3, 1942-1954.

Sethers.Sether, Mary, and TrumanSether. Sethers. 1966.

Densidste folkevandring.Hbland, Hjalmar Rued. Den sidste folkevandring. 1930.

Sigdal og Eggedal.M¢rch, Andreas. Sigdal og Eggedal, 5 v., 1914-1965.

Sigdalslagets Aarbog(title varies), 6 v., 1914-1949.Siljan.

Bakken, Asbj¢rn. Siljan. 1969.Skiens historie.Seierstad, Ivar, and Einar ¢stvedt. Skiens historie, 3 v., 1958-1959.

Skaneviksoga.Haugland, Anders. Skfineviksoga, v.1-4, 1981-1990.

Skudenes.Lillehanner, Arnvid. Skudenes og Skudeneshavn. 1982.

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315Eh slekt Henriksen.

Henriksen, Reidar Dick. En slekt Henriksen (Henrichsen) m.v ut éttfra Gulsplassen, Adal, Ringerike. g

Slektsbok for aetl inger av Gunnar Sem.Svensen, Ingebjgérg Sem. Slektsbok for aetl inger av Gunnar Semog

Marie Sem f. @rom. 1957.The Sloopgrs.

Rosdail. J - Hart The Sloopers. Their Ancestry and Posterity. 1961.Soga om Vats.

DYb<l1<S18;H01they Ni1S- 3083 0m V3135; Gard og aett i gamle Vats herad.SolumHistorielag Arssk.

SolumHistorielag Arsskrift, nr.1—12, 1950..1961,Standard Hist. of Portage Co.The Stondall 8: Springen Family.

CYT. Dick. and Marilyn (N€1S0I1) CYI‘- The Stondall 8: Springen FamilyHistory (beginning with Inmigrant Ancestors.Stortinget og statsraadet.

Lin<1ist¢1,Tallak. Stortinget og statsraadet, 1814-1914. 2 V. in 4.914.Story of Grovum.

Madson, Harriet A. Rye. 150 Years in "Amerika"; the story of Grovum­Ouverson/Str¢mne - Halvorson Famjlies. 1993,

Strandebarm og Varal ds¢y.

Naess, Anders, and K011tveit, Olav. Strandebarm og Vara1ds¢y i gamalog ny tid, 2. V., 1947-1950.Symra.

Symra, en aarbog for norske paa begge sider af havet,Tekamah, Neb. , Centennial Book.Telesogg, series 1, nos.1—53, 1909-1924; series 2, nos.1—5, 1938-.1953.Tellefsen, Mary Dunlava. Seeking a NewHome.Tinn soga.

Einung, H. H. Tinn sga, v.1—2, 1926-1953.Tjg_Sl1 ing bxgdebok.

Krohn—Holm,Jan. W. Tjglling bygdebok, V.l—3, 1970-1974.Torvastad.Kjetland, Birger. Torvastad. 1979.

Tunhovdbygder.Tysvaer. .

Dybda.l—Ho1the,Nils. Tysvaer, gard og a.ett, 2 v., 1990.Udlesvang.

Bu, Aam. K. AEttaI’ook for Udlesvang, 2 v., 1936-1957.Ullensvang.Ulvik gards—og aettesoga, 2 v. , 1987.Ulvik i fortid og nutid.

Olafsen, O. Ulvik i fortid og nutid, 2 v., 1925.Utvandrere fra Rogaland.Utvandringen til America.fré Rollag sokn.Vaksdal bygdebok.

Skre, Brita. Vaksdal bxgdebok, 2 v., 1974-1981.Valdris Helsing, no.1—30, 1903-1910.

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Valdres, 900—£rsskrift.Valdres 900—£rsskrift 1923.

Valle konmune.Ryningen, Alfred. Valle komnune, 6 v., 1987.

Vestby bygdebok.Martinsen, Osvald. Vestby Bygdebok, 2 v. , 1974-1976.

A Voice of Protest.Wefald, Jon. A Voice of Protest; Norwegians in AmericanPolitics,

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