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Herald (Karachi)

Holiday (Dhaka)

India Today (New Delhi)

Newsline (Karachi)

Prothom Alo (First Light) (Bengali Daily, Dhaka and Murshidabad)

Sangbad (Bengali Daily)

The Daily Janakantha (Bengali Daily, Dhaka)

The Dawn (Karachi)

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The Hindu (New Delhi)

The Hindustan Times (New Delhi)

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Amnesty International,

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Bangladesh Development Gateway,


Country Data -

Government of India

Human Rights Watch World Report 2003: Pakistan,

International Crisis Group

Jammat website,

Madrassas in South Asia

Markaz al Dawa allrshad

Ministry of Home Affairs,


Muslim Aids in Bangladesh,

News from Bangladesh, http://www/bangladesh-web.coml

Pakistan Government's Website,

South Asia Terrorism Portal,

Terror in South Asia



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