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Page 1: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS, JOURNAL ARTICLES ......Mr Tim HARRIS, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London ECIR OHB, United Kingdom. Bibliography compiled by / Bibliographie











Page 2: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS, JOURNAL ARTICLES ......Mr Tim HARRIS, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London ECIR OHB, United Kingdom. Bibliography compiled by / Bibliographie

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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS, JOURNAL ARTICLES, CONFERENCE PAPERS AND OTHER PRINTED SOURCES RELATING TO ARCHIVAL BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT BIBLIOGRAPHIE DES LIVRES, ARTICLES DE REVUES, COMMUNICATIONS ET AUTRES SOURCES IMPRIMEES CONCERNANT LES BATIMENTS ET EQUIPEMENTS D’ARCHIVES This bibliography is the work of the International Council on Archives Committee on Archival Buildings in Temperate Climates. Cette bibliographie a été réalisée par le Comité sur les bâtiments d’archives dans les climats tempérés du Conseil International des Archives. Chairman / Président Mr Peter ANDERSON, The National Archives of Scotland, HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY, Scotland United Kingdom. Secretary / Secrétaire Mr Tim HARRIS, London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London ECIR OHB, United Kingdom. Bibliography compiled by / Bibliographie élaborée par: Mr Ted LING, National Archives of Australia, Queen Victoria Terrace PO Box 7425 Canberra Mail Centre, 2610 Fyshwick , ACT Australia. (2000-2003) Mr Arnold J. M. DEN TEULING, Provinciale Archiefinspectie, Provincie Drenthe, Postbus 122, 9400 AC, Assen, Netherlands. (1996-2000) DISTRIBUTION

ICA Bibliography 2 is freely available on the ICA web site. La Bibliographie no. 2 du CIA est gratuitement accessible sur le site internet du CIA. COPYRIGHT

© International Council on Archives / Conseil International des Archives, 60, rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 75003 Paris, France. REPRODUCTION & TRANSLATION / REPRODUCTION & TRADUCTION

Reproduction by translation or reprinting of the whole or of parts for non-commercial purposes is allowed on condition that due acknowledgement is made. La publication de la traduction ou la reproduction totale ou partielle des textes pour un but non lucratif est autorisée, à condition que la source soit citée.

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Bibliography of Books, Journal Articles, Conference Papers and Other Printed Sources relating to Archival Buildings and Equipment Bibliographie des livres, articles de revues, communications et autres sources imprimées concernant les bâtiments et équipements d’archives Introduction

This bibliography provides a comprehensive list of sources about archival buildings, and can be used by anyone seeking information on this topic. The bibliography formed one of the tasks set by the Committee on Archival Buildings in Temperate Climates (ICA-CBTE) during the period 1996-2000. It was largely compiled by Arnold den Teuling, provincial inspector of records and archives in the Dutch provinces of Drenthe, Friesland (Fryslân) and Groningen. It has been continued by Ted Ling, from the National Archives of Australia, during the period 2000-2004.

It has been decided that, as far as possible, the bibliography will adhere to the ICA’s principal languages of English and French, though clearly the titles of some articles are in other languages. It is intended to add to the bibliography from time to time, with the prospect of additions from Chinese, Slavic, Hispanic and German colleagues.

If you have any queries about the bibliography, or would like to see specific items added to it, or are aware of any errors that may be present, please email Ted Ling directly ([email protected]).

Cette bibliographie fournit une liste complète de références sur les bâtiments d'archives à la disposition de toute personne cherchant de l'information sur la question. Cette bibliographie a été un des projets menés par le Comité sur les bâtiments d’archives dans les climats tempérés (ICA/CBTE) pendant la période 1996-2000. Elle a été principalement élaborée par Arnold den Teuling, inspecteur provincial des archives dans les provinces hollandaises de Drenthe, Frise et Groningue. Elle a été poursuivie par Ted Ling, des Archives nationales d’Australie, pendant la période 2000-2004.

Il a été décidé que, dans la mesure du possible, la bibliographie serait dans les langues principales du CIA, l'anglais et le français, même s’il y a des titres de quelques articles dans d’autres langues. Il est prévu de la compléter de temps en temps, avec des compléments apportés par des confrères chinois, slaves, hispaniques et allemands.

Si vous avez des questions sur la bibliographie ou si vous souhaitez voir ajouter des articles spécifiques ou constatez des erreurs, merci de vous adresser directement par e-mail à Ted Ling ([email protected]).

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Classification System/Le Système de classification The classification system used in this bibliography is as follows: Le système de classification utilisé dans cette bibliographie est le suivant : 1. Whole buildings/Bâtiments pris dans leur ensemble 1.1 General/Généralités 1.2 Standards/Normes 1.3 Planning, design, layout/Programmation, design, disposition des bâtiments 1.4 Liaison with architects, builders and engineers/Dialogue avec les architects, les entrepreneurs et les ingénieurs 1.5 Construction Techniques/Construction des bâtiments 1.6 Adaptation of existing buildings/Adaptation de bâtiments existants 1.7 Occupational health and safety issues/Santé du personnel et du public 1.8 Particular buildings/Bâtiments particuliers 1.9 Issues affecting tropical countries/Problèmes des pays tropicaux 1.10 Moving Archives/Déménager les archives 2. Parts of buildings/Parties de bâtiments 2.1 Repositories/Magasins d’archives 2.2 Storage equipment (including shelving and boxes)/ Équipement des magasins 2.3 Conservation and technical laboratories/Conservation et ateliers techniques 2.4 Accommodation for staff/Bureaux 2.5 Areas open to the public/Locaux ouverts au public 3. Environmental conditions, air control and conditioning/Conditions climatiques, conditionnement de l’air 3.1 General, all types of materials/Généralités, tous les types de materiaux 3.2 Paper, Parchment, Binding Materials/Le Papier, le parchemin, les matériaux de reliure 3.3 Photographic Materials/Les matériaux photographiques 3.4 Audiovisual and Digital Materials/Les matériaux audiovisuels et numériques 4. Fire/L’incendie 4.1 Fire safety/L’incendie sécurité 4.2 Fire suppression systems (water, foam, gas, etc)/ Systèmes d’extinction incendie (l’eau, le gaz, la mousse) 4.3 Reports about Fires/Rapports sur les Incendies

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5. Security/Sécurité 5.1 All types of danger/Tous les dangers 5.2 Theft and other kinds of threats posed by humans/Le vol et les autres dangers causés par l'homme 6. Lighting and Energy Management/Economies d’énergie 6.1 General/Généralités 7. Building Maintenance/ Gestion des bâtiments 7.1 General/Généralités 8. Integrated Pest Management/ Application de la lutte intégrée contre les agents de détoriation biologique 8.1 General/Généralités 9. Disaster Preparedness and Recovery/ Prévision des sinistres et sauvetage 9.1 General/Généralités

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1. Whole buildings/Bâtiments pris dans leur ensemble 1.1 General/Généralités Classification: 1.1.01 Author: Duchein, M Title: Les bâtiments d'archives: construction et équipements Series: Place, Year: Paris 1985 Pages: Other remarks: 2nd edition; first edition published in 1966 Classification: 1.1.02 Author: Duchein, M Title: Archive Buildings and Equipment Series: Place, Year: München-New York 1988 Pages: Other remarks: 2nd edition (English version of 1.1.01) Classification: 1.1.03 Author: Rumschöttel, H Title: 25 Jahre Archivbau in Bayern 1961-1985: Zweckbauten und Adaptierung

historischen Baudenkmäler Series: Scrinium 33 Place, Year: 1985 Pages: 80-99 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.06 Author: Title: Archives Buildings and the Conservation of Archival Materials: An Expert

Meeting, held in Vienna, Austria, October 30-November 1, 1985 Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 197-289 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.07 Author: Title: La conservation des archives: bâtiments et sécurité: colloque international de

Vienne, 1985 Series: Place, Year: Paris 1988 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.08 Author: Yao Yu-Cheng Title: China's Archive Buildings: Past and Present Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 218-220

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Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.09 Author: Werner, W.F. ed Title: 3. Fortbildungsveranstaltung im Bundesarchiv in Koblenz. Archivbau Series: Der Archivar 41 Place, Year: 1988 Pages: Spalten 275-281 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.10 Author: Title: Bâtiments d'archives: vingt ans d'architecture française, 1965-1985 Series: Place, Year: Paris 1986 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.11 Author: Carmen Pescador del Hoyo, M. del Title: El Archivo instalación y conservación Series: Place, Year: 1988 Pages: Other remarks: Vol. II Classification: 1.1.12 Author: Thomas, David Title: Archive buildings: international comparisons Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 9 Place, Year: 1988 Pages: 38-44 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.13 Author: Cunha, G.M. Title: Current trends in preservation research and development Series: American Archivist 53 Place, Year: 1990 Pages: 192-202 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.14 Author: Kitching, Christopher Title: Archive Buildings in the United Kingdom 1977-1992 Series: Place, Year: London 1993 Pages: Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.1.15 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: Les bâtiments d'archives: evolution du concept et des techniques Series: Favier, J., Neirinck, D., La pratique archivistique française Place, Year: Paris 1993 Pages: 535-572 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.16 Author: Title: Conservation préventive du patrimoine documentaire: archives, livres,

photographies, arts graphiques Series: Place, Year: Arles 1995 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.17 Author: Haspel, B. Title: Contracting versus self services in archives Series: Janus Place, Year: 1995.2 Pages: 98-100 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.18 Author: Lorenzen-Schmidt, K.J. Title: Moderner Archivzweckbau in Deutschland: Die Entwicklung 1970-1995 anhand

des Hamburger Beispiels Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 109-115 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.19 Author: Ling, Ted Title: Solid, Safe, Secure: Building Archives Repositories in Australia Series: Place, Year: Canberra 1998 Pages: Other remarks: National Archives of Australia Classification: 1.1.20 Author: MacKenzie, G.P. Title: Establishing a preservation programme Series: Janus Place, Year: 1996.1 Pages: 86-99 Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.1.21 Author: Benoit, G., Neirinck, Danielle Title: Prescriptions minimales pour l'aménagement d'un petit service d'archives Series: Janus Place, Year: 1997.2 Pages: 115-117 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.22 Author: Ballantyne, Derek Title: Planning new facilities - building from experience Series: The Archivist 19 Place, Year: 1992, vol. 19, no. 2 Pages: 18-19 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.23 Author: Metcalf, Keyes Title: Planning Academic and Research Library Buildings Series: Place, Year: New York, 1965 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.24 Author: Buchmann, Wolf Title: Preservation: buildings and equipment Series: Janus Place, Year: 1998.1 Pages: 49-62 Other remarks: Classification: 1.1.25 Author: Buchmann, Wolf Title: Preservation: buildings and equipment Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 20 Place, Year: April 1999 Pages: 5-23 Other remarks: Modified version of 1.1.22 Classification: 1.1.26 Author: Hughes, Susan Title: Managing the Preservation of Library and Archive Collections in Historic

Buildings Series: National Preservation Office Occasional Paper Preservation Guidance series Place, Year: London 2002 Pages: Other remarks:

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1.2 Standards/Normes Classification: 1.2.01 Author: British Standard Institution Title: BS 5454 recommendations for the storage and exhibition of archival documents Series: Place, Year: London 2000 Pages: Other remarks: Earlier editions were published in 1977 and 1989 Classification: 1.2.02 Author: Kitching, Christopher Title: BS 5454: a commentary on the revised 2000 edition Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 21 Place, Year: October 2000, vol. 21, no. 2 Pages: 159-167 Other remarks: Classification: 1.2.03 Author: Standards Australia Title: Records Management: Part 6 Storage Series: AS4390.1996 Part 6 Place, Year: Sydney, 1996 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.2.04 Author: Society of Archivists Irish Region Title: Standards for the Development of Archives Services in Ireland in 1997, ‘The

Repository’ Series: Place, Year: 1997 Pages: 35-55 Other remarks: Classification: 1.2.05 Author: Shepilova, I.G. Title: Aspects of the Policies and Technologies for Ensuring the Preservation of

Documents Series: Restaurator 10 Place, Year: 1989 Pages: 112-122 Other remarks: Classification: 1.2.06 Author: Smith, B.S. Title: A standard for record repositories Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 12 Place, Year: April 1991 Pages: 114-122 Other remarks: Published as a separate document in 1997

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Classification: 1.2.07 Author: Simonet Barrio, J.E. Title: Recomendaciones para la edificación de archivos Series: Place, Year: Madrid 1992 Pages: Other remarks: Ministerio de Cultura Classification: 1.2.08 Author: Title: Requirements for the building and equipment of repositories and the

refurbishment or adaptation of buildings or parts of buildings for repositories Series: Place, Year: 1994 Pages: Other remarks: Regulations edited by Landelijk overleg van provinciale archiefinspecteurs, The

Netherlands; editor: A.J.M. den Teuling, translation: E. Pouwels typed paper/dactylographié

Classification: 1.2.09 Author: International Standards Organisation Title: ISO/DIS 11799: Information and Documentation - Document storage

requirements for archive and library materials Series: Place, Year: 1998 Pages: Other remarks: Draft standard, now lapsed 1.3 Planning, design, layout/Programmation, design, disposition des bâtiments Classification: 1.3.01 Author: Thomas, David Title: Architectural Design and Technical Equipment for the Physical Protection and

Conservation of Documents Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 233-251 Other remarks: Classification: 1.3.02 Author: Thomas, David Title: Dispositions architecturales et équipements techniques pour la protection

physique et la conservation des documents Series: La conservation des archives. Bâtiments et sécurité. Colloque international de

Vienne, 1985 Place, Year: Paris 1988 Pages: 41-56 Other remarks: Classification: 1.3.03 Author: Gänser, G. Title: Archivfunktion und architektonische Gestalltung Series: Atlanti 5

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Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 84-93 Other remarks: Classification: 1.3.04 Author: Cova, U. Title: Neue und alte Archive: Anmerkungen zur Funktionstüchtigkeit von einigen

Italienischen Staatsarchiven Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 94-100 Other remarks: Classification: 1.3.05 Author: Cleyet-Michaud, Rosine Title: Des conséquences de la numérisation sur l'aménagement des bâtiments d'archives Series: Atlanti 8 Place, Year: 1998 Pages: 41-44 Other remarks: Classification: 1.3.06 Author: Horsman, P Title: Smart Archival Buildings: Information and Communication Technology in

Archives Series: Atlanti 8 Place, Year: 1998 Pages: 73-81 Other remarks: 1.4 Liaison with architects, builders and engineers/Dialogue avec les architects, lesentrepreneurs et les ingénieurs Classification: 1.4.01 Author: Schoenberner, Robert A. Title: What the architect needs to know about archives Series: American Archivist 27 Place, Year: 1964, vol. 27, no. 4 Pages: 491-493 Other remarks: Classification: 1.4.02 Author: Wright, N. O. Title: What the construction company needs to know about archives Series: American Archivist 27 Place, Year: 1964, vol. 27, no. 4 Pages: 467-484 Other remarks: Classification: 1.4.03 Author: Buchmann, Wolf

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Title: La programmation d'un bâtiment d'archives: La cooperation entre l'architecte et

l'archiviste Series: La conservation des archives. Bâtiments et sécurité. Colloque international de

Vienne, 1985 Place, Year: Paris 1988 Pages: 13-24 Other remarks: Classification: 1.4.04 Author: Buchmann, Wolf Title: Planning an archive building: the cooperation between architect and archivist Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 202-217 Other remarks: Classification: 1.4.05 Author: Saarenheimo, J. Title: The role of the archivist in the different phases of an archival building project Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 116-121 Other remarks: Classification: 1.4.06 Author: Jost, Hans-Peter Title: La collaboration entre archivistes et concepteurs au cours des études et de la

réalisation de bâtiments d'archives Series: Janus Place, Year: 1997.1 Pages: 125-132 Other remarks: 1.5 Construction Techniques/Construction des bâtiments Classification: 1.5.01 Author: Cunningham, M.J. Title: Effective penetration depth and effective resistance in moisture transfer Series: Building and Environment 27 Place, Year: 1992 Pages: 379-386 Other remarks: Classification: 1.5.02 Author: Buchmann, Wolf Title: Archives and environment: the impact of pollution and of regulations to protect

the environment on the construction and equipment of archives buildings Series: Proceedings of the Shanghai International Symposium on Archives Preservation Place, Year: Shanghai 1993 Pages: Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.5.03 Author: Rombauts, W. Title: Quelques problèmes concernant la construction des bâtiments d'archives et des

matériaux utilisés en Europe Series: Janus Place, Year: 1996.2 Pages: 87-96 Other remarks: Classification: 1.5.04 Author: Jost, Host-Peter et Schwarz, J. Title: Constructions écologiques de bâtiments d'archives Series: Janus Place, Year: 1996.2 Pages: 97-108 Other remarks: Classification: 1.5.05 Author: Tató, G. Title: Insulation of archival buildings in Italy Series: Atlanti 7 Place, Year: 1997 Pages: 64-71 Other remarks: Classification: 1.5.06 Author: Pferschy, G. Title: Bautechnische Reaktionen auf äußere klimatische Einflüsse Series: Atlanti 7 Place, Year: 1997 Pages: 77-81 Other remarks: Classification: 1.5.07 Author: Jecelj, I. Title: Hydroisolation problems in constructing archives basements Series: Atlanti 7 Place, Year: 1997 Pages: 82-90 Other remarks: Classification: 1.5.08 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: The Role of the Technical Service of the Direction des Archives in the

Construction of Archival Buildings in France Series: American Archivist 53 Place, Year: 1990, vol. 53, no. 1 Pages: 140-146 Other remarks:

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1.6 Adaptation of existing buildings/Adaptation de bâtiments existants Classification: 1.6.01 Author: Hammond, Jay Title: Adaptive reuse of old buildings for archives Series: American Archivist 1982 Place, Year: Vol. 1, no 1 Pages: 11-18 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.02 Author: Usón, C. Title: Adaptation of ancient buildings as archives repositories in Spain Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 221-227 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.03 Author: Usón, C. Title: L'adaptation des bâtiments existants en dépôts d'archives Series: La conservation des archives. Bâtiments et sécurité. Colloque international de

Vienne, 1985 Place, Year: Paris 1988 Pages: 31-35 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.04 Author: Carassi, M., Massabo-Ricci, I. Title: Italian experiences in the adaptation of ancient buildings Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 228-229 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.05 Author: Harrach, E. Title: Hungarian Experiences in the Adaptation of ancient Buildings Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 230-232 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.06 Author: Title: Rehabilitación del Palacio de Montefuerte para Museo de las Instituciones vascas

y del Ayuntamiento de Lumo como archivo de Vizcaya en Guernica Series: Place, Year: Madrid 1990 Pages: Other remarks: Dragados y construcciones

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Classification: 1.6.07 Author: Klasinc, Peter Pavel Title: Grundfragen der Adaptationen bestehender Bauten für Archivzwecke Series: Atlanti 1 Place, Year: 1991 Pages: 17-21 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.08 Author: Cova, U. Title: Die Lage der Adaptierten Gebäude in Italien Series: Atlanti 1 Place, Year: 1991 Pages: 22-24 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.09 Author: Carassi, M. en Massabo-Ricci, I. Title: Adapting an ancient archive building in Turin Series: Atlanti 1 Place, Year: 1991 Pages: 24-30 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.10 Author: Gänser, G. Title: Zur Adaptierung von Altbauten für archivalische Zwecke Series: Atlanti 1 Place, Year: 1991 Pages: 31-33 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.11 Author: Maršal, J. Title: Bau und Adaptierung von Archivgebäuden und Räumen der Betriebsarchive Series: Atlanti 1 Place, Year: 1991 Pages: 38-41 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.12 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: L'aménagement des bâtiments anciens en bâtiments d'archives en France Series: Atlanti 1 Place, Year: 1991 Pages: 42-47 Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.6.13 Author: International Council on Archives Title: Proceedings of the 1989 meeting of ICA/CBQ on the adaptation of existing

buildings for archival needs/Actes de la réunion du CIA/CBQ de 1989 sur l'adaptation des bâtiments existants pour les archives

Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 49-86 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.14 Author: Benoit, Gerard Title: Pour ou contre l'utilisation des bâtiments anciens pour les archives Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 52-57 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.15 Author: Principe, L. Title: The administrative procedures for the adaptation of existing buildings for

archives, the Italian case Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 58-61 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.16 Author: Carassi, M., Massabo-Ricci, I., Pagliero, R. and Trucco, S Title: Two ancient archives buildings in Turin: the restoration project Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 73-78 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.17 Author: Paillard, P. Title: Un ancien garage reamenagé pour les archives à Chambéry Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 79-81 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.18 Author: Klasinc, Peter Pavel Title: Archival functions and the adaptation of existing buildings for the archival needs Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 101-104 Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.6.19 Author: Kübler, T. Title: Das ehemalige Hospital St. Spiritus als neues Domizil des Kreis- und

Stadtarchives Haldensleben Series: Der Archivar 48 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: Spalten 91-94 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.20 Author: Linazasoro, J.I. Title: Restauración del Hospital del Rey en Melilla Series: Diseño Interior 60 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 70-77 Other remarks: Classification: 1.6.21 Author: Linazasoro, J.I. Title: Intervención en el Hospital del Rey, Melilla Series: Diseño 181 Place, Year: 1997 Pages: 106-117 Other remarks: 1.7 Occupational health and safety issues/Santé du personnel et du public Classification: 1.7.01 Author: Folette, L. la Title: Help: we can't breathe in here! The effects of limited air circulation within mobile

shelving units Series: Records Management Quarterly Place, Year: April 1991 Pages: 24-27 Other remarks: Classification: 1.7.02 Author: Neuheuser, H.P. Title: Gesundheitsvorsorge in Archiven. Zum Problem der Schimmelpilz-

Kontamination Series: Der Archivar 46 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: Spalten 364-366 Other remarks: Classification: 1.7.03 Author: Neuheuser, H.P., Schata, M. Title: Gesundheitsvorsorge in Archiven. Zur Gefährdung durch Schimmelpilz-

Kontamination im Umgang mit Archivgut Series: Der Archivar 47 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: Spalten 119-120 Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.7.04 Author: Schata, M. Title: Bericht über die mikrobiologischen und allergologischen Untersuchungen von

Archivalien und Archivräumen Series: Der Archivar 47 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: Spalten 120-126 Other remarks: Classification: 1.7.05 Author: Vogel, A. und Stein, W.H. Title: Sick building syndrome in Archiven und Bibliotheken Series: Der Archivar 47 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: Spalten 289-298 Other remarks: Classification: 1.7.06 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: La sécurité dans les ateliers de restauration et les risques d'intoxication Series: Atlanti 6 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 94-98 Other remarks: 1.8 Particular buildings/Bâtiments particuliers Classification: 1.8.01 Author: Kartous, P. Title: Neubau des Staatlichen Zentralarchivs der Slowakischen Sozialistischen Republik

in Bratislava Pressburg Series: Der Archivar 37 Place, Year: 1984 Pages: Spalten 272-276 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.02 Author: Booms, B. Title: Der Neubau für das Bundesarchiv. Ein Archivzweckbau im Entstehen Series: Der Archivar 37 Place, Year: 1984 Pages: Spalten 195-202 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.03 Author: Didier, J.J., Wehdorn, M., Zbiorczyk, L. Title: Das Gebäude des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs am Minoritenplatz in Wien.

Analyse eines technischen Denkmals Series: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege 38 Place, Year: 1984 Pages: 56-63

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Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.04 Author: Booms, B. Title: Der Neubau für das Bundesarchiv. Ein Bericht über Anlage und Fertigstellung Series: Der Archivar 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: Spalten 199-224, 475-476 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.05 Author: Schöning, D. Title: Neubau vom Bundesarchiv Koblenz Series: Place, Year: Koblenz 1987 Pages: Other remarks: Staatsbauamt Koblenz-Nord Classification: 1.8.06 Author: Schöning, D. Title: Bundesarchiv Koblenz Series: Die Bauverwaltung Place, Year: 1987 Pages: 228-234 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.07 Author: Brandes, H. Title: Sicherheitstechnik, Lagertechnik und Energietechnik beim Neubau des

Bundesarchivs am Beispiel des Filmarchivs Series: Der Archivar 41 Place, Year: 1988 Pages: Spalten 351-360 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.08 Author: Peball, K. Title: Der Neubau des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs Series: Scrinium 34 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 135-143 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.09 Author: Weill, G., Charamond, P., Plessard, M. Title: Les Archives Départementales des Hautes de Seine Series: Place, Year: Nanterre 1987 Pages: Other remarks: Archives Départementales des Hautes de Seine

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Classification: 1.8.10 Author: Peball, K. Title: Das neue Österreichische Staatsarchiv: Was können seine ausländischen Benützer

von ihm erwarten? Series: Der Archivar 39 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: Spalten 115-117 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.11 Author: Duchein, Michel ed. Title: Modern Buildings of National Archives, bâtiments modernes d'archives

nationales Series: Place, Year: München-New York 1986 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.12 Author: Schüler, W. Title: Der Neubau des Hessischen Hauptstaatsarchivs in Wiesbaden Series: Der Archivar 40 Place, Year: 1987 Pages: Spalten 157-166 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.13 Author: Warmbrunn, P. Title: Nach zweimal 85 Jahren: Neubau des Landesarchivs Speyer Series: Der Archivar 41 Place, Year: 1988 Pages: Spalten 215-230 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.14 Author: Hansotte, G. Title: Le nouveau bâtiment des Archives de l'État à Liège Series: Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique/Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België 59 Place, Year: 1988 Pages: 91-95 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.15 Author: Heimers, M.P. Title: Ein neues Kapitel: Der Magazinneubau des Stadtarchivs München Series: Der Archivar 43 Place, Year: 1990 Pages: Spalten 241-252 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.16 Author: Fakhfakh, M.

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Title: Programme pour la construction du bâtiment des archives nationales Series: Place, Year: Tunis 1990 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.17 Author: Seitz, H. Title: Der Neubau des Staatsarchivs Augsburg Series: Der Archivar 44 Place, Year: 1991 Pages: Spalten 247-262 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.18 Author: Halgand, M.-P., Kerouaton, J.-L. Title: Les Archives départementales de la Mayenne Series: Arts, Recherches et Créations 31 Place, Year: 1992 Pages: 25-80 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.19 Author: Feiszt, G. Title: Das Archiv und die Lagerung van Archivgut im Komitat Vas damals und heute Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 96-99 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.20 Author: Title: Memoria / Seminario internacional ‘Las instalaciones y edificios de archivos para

la conservacion de los documentos’ Series: Place, Year: San José 1993 Pages: Other remarks: Individual buildings in the Latin American area Classification: 1.8.21 Author: Amado y Lluis Domenech, R. Title: El Archivo de la Corona de Aragon: arquitectura al servicio de la historia Series: Diseño Interior 28 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 62-73 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.22 Author: Amado y Lluis Domenech, R. Title: La Casa de la memoria: Archivo de la Corona de Aragon Series: Arquitectura Viva 32 Place, Year: 1993

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Pages: 82-86 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.23 Author: Ogris, A. Title: Der geplante Neubau für das Kärtner Landesarchiv 1993-1997: Ein Vorbericht Series: Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs, Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 43-57 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.24 Author: Catón, J.L. Title: Archivo Provincial en Vitoria Series: Revista de Arquitectura y Technologia 3 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 8-17 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.25 Author: Salmona, R. Title: Archivo general de la nación: Bogotá, Colombia Series: Periferia 13 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 68-77 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.26 Author: Title: L'Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya: una infraestructura arxivística i cultural Series: Place, Year: n.p. 1995 Pages: Other remarks: With summary in English: The Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya. An archival and

cultural infrastructure. Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura Classification: 1.8.27 Author: Rumschöttel, H. Title: Funktionalität als Kennzeichen des modernen Archivbaus: Überlegung zum

geplanten Neubau für das Staatsarchiv Landshut Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 76-83 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.28 Author: Giese, Diana Title: Meeting every challenge: the new Queensland State Archives building Series: National Library of Australia News 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 12-15 Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.8.29 Author: Hollenberg, G. Title: Neubau des Britischen Public Record Office Series: Der Archivar 49 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: Spalten 109-114 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.30 Author: Wolf, J.R. Title: Der Neubau des Hessischen Staatsarchivs Darmstadt in der Hoftheater Ruine Series: Der Archivar 49 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: Spalten 419-438 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.31 Author: Lacoste, T., Robain, A., Guieysse, C. Title: Archivos de ultramar en Francia Series: Diseño Interior 55 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 54-63 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.32 Author: Title: Archivo de la Corona de Aragón Series: Equipamientos Culturales 5 Place, Year: 1997 Pages: 35-41 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.33 Author: Title: Archives II National Archives at College Park: using technology to safeguard

archival records Series: Place, Year: College Park, MD 1997 Pages: Other remarks: National Archives and Records Administration Classification: 1.8.34 Author: Jäger, V. Title: Sächsisches Staatsarchiv Leipzig: Erster Archivzweckbau in den neuen

Bundesländern Series: Der Archivar 50 Place, Year: 1997 Pages: Spalten 61-72 Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.8.35 Author: Ouedraogo, D. Title: La construction du dépôt central des Archives Nationales du Burkina Fasso Series: Archivum 44 Place, Year: 1999 Pages: 171-182 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.36 Author: Scheschkewitz, U. Title: Um- und Erweiterungsbau des Niedersächsischen Staatsarchives in Oldenburg Series: Der Archivar 52 Place, Year: 1999 Pages: 26-31 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.37 Author: Iacovino, Livia Title: Australian Archives Victorian Office East Burwood Repository Series: Archives and Manuscripts 22 Place, Year: 1994, vol. 22, no. 2 Pages: 442-447 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.38 Author: Warden, Vicki Title: The New Queensland State Archives Building Series: Paper presented to the Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists

conference Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 48-55 Other remarks: Australian Society of Archivists conference paper Classification: 1.8.39 Author: Pacifico, Michelle Title: The National Archives at College Park Series: Government Information Quarterly 13 Place, Year: 1996, vol. 13, no. 2 Pages: 117-131 Other remarks: Classification: 1.8.40 Author: International Council on Archives Title: Modern Buildings of National Archives Series: Archivum 31 Place, Year: Munich 1986, vol XXXI Pages: Other remarks:

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1.9 Issues affecting tropical countries/Problèmes des pays tropicaux Classification: 1.9.01 Author: Teygeler, Rene Title: Preservation of Archives in Tropical Climates: an annotated bibliography Series: Place, Year: Paris 2001 Pages: Other remarks: International Council on Archives publication Classification: 1.9.02 Author: Benoit, G. et Neirinck, Danielle Title: Les moyens de conservation les plus économiques dans les bâtiments d'archives

des pays industriels et tropicaux Series: Place, Year: Paris 1987 Pages: Other remarks: RAMP-study Classification: 1.9.03 Author: Ling, Ted Title: Solid, Safe, Secure: Building Archives Repositories in Australia Series: Chapter 7, Building in the Tropics Place, Year: Canberra 1998 Pages: 105-110 Other remarks: National Archives of Australia publication Classification: 1.9.04 Author: Hurault, J. Title: La conservation des archives locales en Afrique tropicale, procédés de

construction et mobilier Series: Janus Place, Year: 1997.2 Pages: 120-128 Other remarks: Classification: 1.9.05 Author: Conté, A.S. Title: La programmation de bâtiments d'archives en Afrique Series: Janus Place, Year: 1996.1 Pages: 100-102 Other remarks: Classification: 1.9.06 Author: Horder, A. Title: Guidelines for the care and preservation of microforms in tropical countries Series: Place, Year: Paris 1990 Pages: Other remarks: RAMP-study

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Classification: 1.9.07 Author: Giese, Diana Title: Preservation in the Tropics Series: National Library of Australia News 5 Place, Year: 1995, vol. 5, no. 8 Pages: 12-15 Other remarks: Classification: 1.9.08 Author: Baish, Mary Alice Title: Special problems of preservation in the tropics Series: Conservation Administration News 31 Place, Year: October 1987 Pages: 4-5 Other remarks: Classification: 1.9.09 Author: King, Steve Title: Building for conservation: appropriate design for environmental control in the

tropics Series: Cultural Heritage in Asia and the Pacific: Conservation and Policy, Proceedings

of a Symposium Place, Year: Honolulu, 1991 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 1.9.10 Author: King, Steve., Daniel, Vinod and Pearson, Colin Title: Airconditioning small tropical museums: a technical note Series: AICCM Bulletin Place, Year: December 2000 Pages: 33-36 Other remarks: Classification: 1.9.11 Author: King, Steve., Daniel Vinod., Pearson, Colin., Cole, Ivan and Ganther, Wayne Title: Behaviour of museum buildings in tropical climates Series: Tradition and Innovation: Advances in Conservation, Proceedings of the

Melbourne IIC Congress Place, Year: London 2000 Pages: 45-50 Other remarks: Classification: 1.9.12 Author: Coote, Karen

Title: Care of Collections: Conservation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Keeping Places and Cultural Centres

Series: Place, Year: Sydney 1998 Pages: Other remarks: Australian Museum

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1.10 Moving Archives/Déménager les archives Classification: 1.10.01 Author: Morrow, Mary Frances Title: Moving an archives Series: American Archivist 53 Place, Year: Summer 1990 Pages: 420-431 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.02 Author: Grabowski, John Title: Facilities relocation is never just another move Series: Ohio Archivist Place, Year: Spring 1991 Pages: 3-5 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.03 Author: Klasinc, Peter Pavel. Title: Archives on the Move Series: Atlanti 4 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 113-117 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.04 Author: White, Kris A and Cook, Glenn S. Title: Round ‘em up, move ‘em out: How to move and preserve archive materials Series: Conservation Administration News 57 Place, Year: April 1994 Pages: 16-17 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.05 Author: Wagner, Sarah S. Title: Approaches to moving glass plate negatives Series: Topics in Photographic Preservation 6 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 130-133 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.06 Author: Wells, Marianna S. and Young, Rosemary Title: Moving and Reorganising a Library Series: Place, Year: Guildford 1997 Pages: Other remarks:

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Classification: 1.10.07 Author: Watson, Chris and McNaught, Helen Title: The best bit is when you come in and they have just made the coffee: The post-

occupancy evaluation of the National Archives building Series: Archives and Manuscripts 26 Place, Year: May 1998 Pages: 46-57 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.08 Author: Ling, Ted Title: Shifting the Sands of Time: Moving an Archive Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 23 Place, Year: Vol. 21, no. 2, October 2000 Pages: 169-181 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.09 Author: Albrecht-Kunszeri, Gabriella and Loescher, Maida H. Title: Moving Archival Records: Guidelines for Preservation Series: Comma 2001.3-4 Place, Year: 2001 Pages: 259-282 Other remarks: Classification: 1.10.10 Author: Newman, John and Jones, Walter ed. Title: Moving Archives: The Experiences of Eleven Archivists Series: Place, Year: Maryland, 2002 Pages: Other remarks: 2. Parts of buildings/Parties de bâtiments 2.1 Repositories/Magasins d’archives Classification: 2.1.01 Author: Stehkämper, H. Title: ‘Natural’ Air Conditioning of Stacks Series: Restaurator 9 Place, Year: 1988 Pages: 163-177 Other remarks: Classification: 2.1.02 Author: Stein, H.W. Title: Fragen der Anwendung des Köllner Modells im Archivbau Series: Der Archivar 45 Place, Year: 1992 Pages: Spalten 409-424 Other remarks:

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Classification: 2.1.03 Author: Christoffersen, L.D. Title: Resource saving storage of historical material Series: Place, Year: Paris 1993 Pages: 601-604 Other remarks: ICOM Committee for Conservation, tenth triennial meeting, Washington, DC, 22-

27 August 1993: preprints, vol. 2 Classification: 2.1.04 Author: Soénius, U.S. Title: Der Magazinneubau des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Wirtschaftsarchivs zu Köln Series: Der Archivar 47 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: Spalten 607-614 Other remarks: Classification: 2.1.05 Author: Weise, J. Title: Der Magazinneubau des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Wirtschaftsarchivs Köln Series: Archiv und Wirtschaft 27.3 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 101-106 Other remarks: Classification: 2.1.06 Author: Weise, J. Title: Erfahrungen mit der natürlichen Klimatisierung im Magazinneubau des

Rheinisch-Westfälischen Wirtschaftsarchivs zu Köln Series: Der Archivar 48 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: Spalten 84-86 Other remarks: Classification: 2.1.07 Author: Christoffersen, L.D. Title: ZEPHYR Passive climate controlled repositories: storage facilities for museum,

archive and library purposes Series: Place, Year: Lund 1996 Pages: Other remarks: Department of Building Physics, Lund University 2.2 Storage equipment (including shelving and boxes)/ Équipement des magasins Classification: 2.2.01 Author: Rumschöttel, H. Title: Fahrbare Kompaktanlagen in Archiven, Erfahrungen und Anforderungen Series: Archiv und Wirtschaft 19 Place, Year: 1986 Pages: 145-153 Other remarks:

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Classification: 2.2.02 Author: Rumschöttel, H. Title: Fahrbare Kompaktanlagen in Archiven: Erfahrungen und Anforderungen Series: Sodobni Arhivi Place, Year: 1985 Pages: 27-37 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.03 Author: Title: Étude du traitement des magasins de stockage Series: Place, Year: Paris 1986 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.04 Author: Bansa, H. Title: Aufbewahrung großformatiger Blätter Series: Maltechnik Restauro 93 Place, Year: 1987 Pages: 7 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.05 Author: Title: Storage systems designed to preserve important - personal and professional -

photographs, documents and artwork Series: Place, Year: Rochester 1988 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.06 Author: Lendenmann, F. Title: Erfahrungen mit Rollgestellanlagen im Archiv- und Biblioteksbereich Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 61-66 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.07 Author: Haspel, B. Title: Shelves and containers - the Israeli experience Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 67-77 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.08

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Author: Bright, Franklyn F. Title: Planning for a Movable Compact Shelving System Series: Library Administration and Management Association, Occasional Papers 1991 Place, Year: Chicago, USA, 1991, no. 1 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.09 Author: Teuling, A.J.M. den Title: Vertical or horizontal? Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 72-80 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.10 Author: Klasinc, Peter Pavel Title: Reconstruction of existing static shelving into a mobile system of shelving Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 81-84 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.11 Author: Tató, G. Title: The shelving of the archives: a problem solved Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 84-88 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.12 Author: Gertz, Janet Title: After the Fall Series: Conservation Administration News 1992 Place, Year: 1992, no. 51 Pages: 1-2, 30 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.13 Author: Koraknai A. Title: Traditionelle Archivregale und technische neuerungen in der Ausgestaltung von

Regalsystemen in Ungarn Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 89-95 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.14 Author: Fournier, G. Title: Moderne Lagertechnik Series: Atlanti 3

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Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 100-103 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.15 Author: Title: Descriptif des rayonnages utilisés dans les bâtiments à l'usage d'archivage définitif

par la Direction des Archives de France Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 104-108 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.16 Author: Standards Australia (Ted Ling) Title: Guidelines for mobile shelving for archives, libraries and museums Series: Place, Year: Sydney 1997 Pages: Other remarks: Standards Australia publication Classification: 2.2.17 Author: Page, S., Nixon, D.S. Title: Storing and handling oversized documents Series: Restaurator 15 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 129-141 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.18 Author: Fournier, G. Title: Transportmittel in Archiven Series: Atlanti 4 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 93-97 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.19 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: L'adaptation des transports automatiques au travail de l'archiviste: l'example des

Archives du Monde du Travail Series: Atlanti 4 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 98-107 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.20 Author: Cova, U. Title: Die Transportmittel in den Italienischen Staatsarchiven Series: Atlanti 4 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 108-112

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Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.21 Author: Strmšek, S. Title: Automated transport systems Series: Atlanti 4 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 130-135 Other remarks: Classification: 2.2.22 Author: Nitecki, Danuta A and Kendrick, Curtis L. Title: Library Off-Site Shelving: Guide for High-Density Facilities Series: Place, Year: Colorado 2001 Pages: Other remarks: 2.3 Conservation and technical laboratories/Conservation et ateliers techniques Classification: 2.3.01 Author: Woods, C. Title: Designing a conservation room: An example from Dorset Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 13 Place, Year: 1992 Pages: 132-135 Other remarks: Classification: 2.3.02 Author: Ballantyne, Derek Title: Conservation areas in the building of the National Archives of Canada Series: Janus Place, Year: 1995.2 Pages: 94-97 Other remarks: Classification: 2.3.03 Author: MacKenzie, G.P. Title: Layout and equipment in conservation areas Series: Janus Place, Year: 1995.2 Pages: 101-106 Other remarks: Classification: 2.3.04 Author: Kocks, V. Title: Restaurieren hinter alten Mauern: Die Einrichtung einer

Papierrestaurierungswerkstatt in der ehemaligen Kaserne VIII der Weseler Zitadelle

Series: Der Archivar 48 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: Spalten 87-91

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Other remarks: 2.4 Accommodation for staff/Bureaux Classification: 2.4.01 Author: Jürgensen, W. Title: Voraussetzungen für den Verwaltungs- und Benutzungsbereich in einem

landeskirchlichen Archiv Series: Der Archivar 48 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: Spalten 79-84 Other remarks: Classification: 2.4.02 Author: Bell, Lionel Title: The archivist and his accommodation Series: Archivaria 8 Place, Year: 1979, vol. 8 Pages: 83-90 Other remarks: Classification: 2.4.03 Author: Bell, Lionel Title: Archival accommodation in the United Kingdom Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 6 Place, Year: 1980, vol. 6, no. 6 Pages: 345-364 Other remarks: 2.5 Areas open to the public/Locaux ouverts au public Classification: 2.5.01 Author: Duchein, Michel ed. Title: Public areas in archive buildings/Les locaux ouverts au public dans les bâtiments

d'archives Series: Janus 1994.1 Place, Year: Pages: 118-125 Other remarks: Proceedings of the 1991 meeting of ICA/CBQ/Actes de la Réunion du CIA/CBQ

de 1991 Classification: 2.5.02 Author: Title: Les salles de lecture Series: Moniteur Architecture 55 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 54-61 Other remarks:

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Classification: 2.5.03 Author: Duchein, Michel Title: A general view on the areas open to the public in archives buildings Series: Atlanti 6 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 9-16 Other remarks: Classification: 2.5.04 Author: Ress, I. Title: Der Funktionswandel des Öffentlichkeitsbereiches in Archiven Series: Atlanti 6 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 16-19 Other remarks: Classification: 2.5.05 Author: Saarenheimo, J. Title: Architecture, furnishings and the user of archives Series: Atlanti 6 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 20-27 Other remarks: Classification: 2.5.06 Author: Baranova, G. Title: Architecture and equipment of the Lithuanian Historical State Archives Buildings

in the area open to the public Series: Atlanti 6 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 28-31 Other remarks: Classification: 2.5.07 Author: Klasinc, Peter Pavel Title: Information technology in the areas open to the public Series: Atlanti 6 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 32-36 Other remarks: Classification: 2.5.08 Author: Tató, G. Title: Areas reserved for ‘additional services’ Series: Atlanti 6 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 37-43 Other remarks:

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3. Environmental Conditions, air control and conditioning/Conditions climatiques, conditionnement de l’air 3.1 General, all types of materials/Généralités, tous les types de materiaux Classification: 3.1.01 Author: Jayot, F. Title: L'humidité dans les dépots d'archives: instruments et méthodes de mesure Series: La Gazette des Archives 123 Place, Year: 1983 Pages: 232-245 Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.02 Author: Hendriks, K.B., Morrow, G. Title: Recommended storage conditions for holdings in archives and libraries Series: Place, Year: Ottawa 1985 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.03 Author: Dalley, J. Title: Environmentally controlled collection storage at the provincial archives of

Manitoba: a case study Series: Place, Year: Ottawa 1986 Pages: 20 18 Other remarks: IIC-GC 12th annual conference May 16-18, Winnipeg 1986 Classification: 3.1.04 Author: Thomson, Gary Title: The Museum Environment Series: Place, Year: London 1986 Pages: Other remarks: 2nd edition, first edition 1977 Classification: 3.1.05 Author: Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn

Title: Archives and Manuscripts: Conservation - A Manual on Physical Care and Management

Series: Society of American Archivists Place, Year: Chicago, 1983 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.06 Author: Title: Centre interrégional des archives du monde du travail: etude du traitement

d'ambiance des magasins de stockage Series:

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Place, Year: Paris 1986 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.07 Author: Pascoe, M.W. Title: Impact of environmental pollution on the preservation of archives and records Series: Place, Year: Paris 1988 Pages: Other remarks: RAMP-study Classification: 3.1.08 Author: Pascoe, M.W. Title: La pollution de l'environnement et se effects sur les document d'archives Series: Place, Year: Paris 1988 Pages: Other remarks: RAMP-study Classification: 3.1.09 Author: Passaglia, E. Title: The characterisation of microenvironments and the degradation of archival

records Series: Restaurator 10 Place, Year: 1989 Pages: 123-150 Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.10 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: Le contrôle de l'ambiance dans les magasins Series: Préservation, conservation et conditionnement des archives avec les moyens

d'aujourd'hui. Actes du XXIXe congrès national des archivistes français, Moulins, 15 octobre 1987

Place, Year: Paris 1989 Pages: 9-12 Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.11 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: Storage rooms in archive buildings and control of the atmosphere Series: Place, Year: n.p. 1991 Pages: Other remarks: International Seminar on Research in Preservation and Conservation IFLA/ICA Classification: 3.1.12 Author: Nakamura, K., Kushige, S., Kenjo, T. Title: Environmental condition within a newly-built storage and the effectiveness of

chests used Series:

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Place, Year: Tokyo 1993 Pages: 355-362 Other remarks: Biodeterioration of cultural property: proceedings of the 2nd international

conference, October 5-8, 1992, Yokohama, Japan Classification: 3.1.13 Author: Title: Advisory guideline on air quality in archives Series: Place, Year: The Hague 1994 Pages: Other remarks: Report by the Government Buildings Agency Netherlands, Department Design &

Engineering Classification: 3.1.14 Author: Title: Environnement et conservation de l'ecrit, de l'image et du son Series: Place, Year: Paris 1994 Pages: Other remarks: Nouvelles de l'ARSAG Classification: 3.1.15 Author: Thomas, A. Title: Archives II stack air distribution system, National Archives at College Park,

Maryland Series: Place, Year: College Park, Maryland 1995 Pages: Other remarks: Typed paper / dactylographié Classification: 3.1.16 Author: Witt, R. Title: Aussprache Series: Der Archivar 48 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: Spalten 94-96 Other remarks: Concerning air quality in repositories Classification: 3.1.17 Author: Teuling, A.J.M. den Title: Environmental conditions for the storage of archival materials Series: Janus Place, Year: 1996.2 Pages: 110-118 Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.18 Author: Teuling, A.J.M. den, Velsen, B. van Title: Air pollution and archives Series: Place, Year: Assen 1997

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Pages: Other remarks: typed paper / dactylographié Classification: 3.1.19 Author: Title: ASHRAE Handbook: Fundamentals Series: Place, Year: Atlanta 1997- Pages: Other remarks: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Classification: 3.1.20 Author: Haspel, B. Title: Basic requirements for adapted archive buildings with regard to climate control Series: Atlanti 7 Place, Year: 1997 Pages: 72-76 Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.21 Author: Druzik, James and Banks, Paul Title: Appropriate standards for the indoor environment Series: Conservation Administration News 1995 Place, Year: 1995, 62/63 Pages: 2-9 Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.22 Author: Padfield, Tim Title: Climate control in libraries and archives Series: Paper given to the Preservation of Library Materials Proceedings Conference held

at the National Library of Vienna, April 1986 Place, Year: New York 1986, vol. 2 Pages: 124-138 Other remarks: Classification: 3.1.23 Author: Petherbridge, Guy Title: Environmental and housing considerations for the preservation of modern records

- a guide for the records manager Series: Proceedings of the 8th National Convention of the Records Management

Association of Australia Place, Year: Darwin 1991 Pages: 122-173 Other remarks: Records Management Association of Australia Classification: 3.1.24 Author: Rowoldt, Sandra Title: The greening of archive buildings: natural air-conditioning in the Southern

African context

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Series: Janus 1993 Place, Year: 1993, vol. 2 Pages: 36-41 Other remarks: 3.2 Paper, Parchment, Binding Materials/ Le Papier, le parchemin, les matériaux de reliure Classification: 3.2.01 Author: Mathey, R.G., Faison, T.K. and Silberstein, S. Title: Air quality criteria for storage of paper-based archival records Series: Place, Year: Washington 1983 Pages: Other remarks: National Bureau of Standards Classification: 3.2.02 Author: Wilson, W.K. Title: Guidelines for environmental conditions for storage of paper-based non-

photographic records in archives and libraries Series: National Bureau of Standards Place, Year: Gaithersburg Maryland 1986 Pages: Other remarks: Draft Classification: 3.2.03 Author: Wilson, W.K. Title: Guidelines for environmental conditions in archives and libraries Series: Place, Year: Leigh 1986 Pages: D56-D59 Other remarks: New directions in paper conservation: 10th anniversary conference of the Institute

of Paper Conservation, 14-18 April 1986, Oxford Classification: 3.2.04 Author: Wilson, W.K. Title: Environmental guidelines for the storage of paper records: a technical report

sponsored by the National Information Standards Organisation, USA Series: Place, Year: Bethesda, Maryland 1995 Pages: Other remarks: NISO Technical Report 1 3.3 Photographic Materials/Les matériaux photographiques Classification: 3.3.01 Author: Rempel, S. Title: Cold and cool vault environments for the storage of historic photographic

materials Series: Conservation Administration News 38 Place, Year: July 1989 Pages: 6-7, 9 Other remarks:

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Classification: 3.3.02 Author: Clark, S. Title: The preservation of photographic material Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 11 Place, Year: 1990 Pages: 41-43 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.03 Author: Wilhelm, H. and Brower, C. Title: The permanence and care of color photographs: traditional and digital color

prints, color negatives, slides and motion pictures Series: Place, Year: Grinnell, Iowa 1993 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.04 Author: Reilly, J.M. Title: IPI Storage guide for acetate film Series: Place, Year: Rochester 1993 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.05 Author: McCormick-Goodhart, M.H., Mecklenburg, M.F. Title: Cold storage environments for photographic materials Series: Place, Year: n.p. 1993 Pages: 277-280 Other remarks: IS&T's Annual Conference Classification: 3.3.06 Author: Murphy, W.T. Title: Storage of acetate film materials: a discussion at the National Archives and

Records Administration Series: Journal of Film Preservation 23/48 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: 51-53 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.07 Author: Adelstein, P.Z., Reilly, J.M. and Nishimura, D.W. Title: Recent changes in recommended storage of photographic film Series: Place, Year: Paris 1994 Pages: Other remarks:

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Classification: 3.3.08 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: La conservation des microfilms et des photographies Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 17-24 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.09 Author: Tató, G. Title: Black and white images as documents: problems of preservation Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 25-31 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.10 Author: Hanus, J. Title: Some remarks on the protection of photographic documents Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 56-59 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.11 Author: Strmšek, S. Title: Quality equipment for storage of film and photographs Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 60-66 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.12 Author: Ljubi?, A. Title: Aufbewahrung und Schutz Slowenischer Filme Series: Atlanti 5 Place, Year: 1995 Pages: 67-73 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.13 Author: Shepilova, I. Title: Specifications for storage and preservative treatment of photographic documents Series: Sodobni arhivi XVIII/96 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 97-109 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.14 Author: McCormick-Goodhart, M.H. Title: The allowable temperature and relative humidity range for the safe use and

storage of photographic materials

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Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 17 Place, Year: 1996 Pages: 7-21 Other remarks: Classification: 3.3.15 Author: Padfield, T., Stub Johnson, J. Title: The breath of Arrhenius: Air conditioning in photographic archives Series: Place, Year: Köbenhavn 1996 Pages: 59-63 Other remarks: Research techniques in photographic conservation: proceedings of the conference

in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995 3.4 Audiovisual and Digital Materials/Les matériaux audiovisuels et numériques Classification: 3.4.01 Author: Geller, S.B. Title: Care and handling of computer magnetic storage media Series: Place, Year: Washington 1983 Pages: Other remarks: National Bureau of Standards Classification: 3.4.02 Author: Heckmann, H. Title: Storage and handling of audio and magnetic materials Series: Preservation of Library Materials Place, Year: München/New York 1987 Pages: 67-73 Other remarks: IFLA-Publications 41 Classification: 3.4.03 Author: Smith, L.E. Title: Factors governing the long term stability of polyester-based recording media Series: Place, Year: n.p. 1992 Pages: Other remarks: Library of Congress: Round Table on Preservation Research and Development -

Preliminary Conference Proceedings Classification: 3.4.04 Author: Van Bogart, J.W.C. Title: Magnetic tape storage and handling: a guide for libraries and archives Series: Place, Year: Washington 1995 Pages: Other remarks:

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4. Fire/L’incendie 4.1 Fire safety/L’incendie sécurité Classification: 4.1.01 Author: National Fire Protection Association, USA Title: NFPA 909, Standard for the Protection of Cultural Resources Libraries,

Museums, Places of Worship and Historic Properties Series: Place, Year: Quincy, MA, USA 2000 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.02 Author: Hilbert, G.S. Title: Zum Brandschutz in Archiven Series: Der Archivar 38 Place, Year: 1985 Pages: Spalten 183-194 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.03 Author: Shepilova, I., Thomas, A. Title: Main principles of fire protection in libraries and archives Series: Place, Year: Paris 1992 Pages: Other remarks: RAMP-study Classification: 4.1.04 Author: Shepilova, I. Title: Fire security in ancient buildings Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 69-72 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.05 Author: Ress, I. Title: Das Brandschutzkonzept des geplanten Ungarischen Wirtschaftsarchivs Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 32-35 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.06 Author: Cova, U. Title: Feuerschutzmaßnahmen der Archive in Italien: Rechtsordnung und technische

Bestimmungen Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 36-38 Other remarks:

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Classification: 4.1.07 Author: Crosby, J. Title: Fire precautions in archive repositories in the United Kingdom Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 38-44 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.08 Author: Bobuleschu, G. en Vireoneu, D. Title: Technical principles and criteria for fire prevention taken into account when

designing new archive buildings or adapting existing ones Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 45-47 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.09 Author: Gänser, G. Title: Brandschutz in Archiven Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 48-51 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.10 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: La protection contre l'incendie dans les bâtiments d'archives Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 52-55 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.11 Author: Maršal, J. Title: Feuergefahr und Behebung von Brandschäden im Staatlichen Zentralarchiv Prag Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 56-58 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.12 Author: Fraçki, E. Title: Brandschutz in Staatsarchiven in Polen Series: Atlanti 2 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 59-62 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.13

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Author: Benoit, G., Duchein, Michel Title: La protection contre les dégâts des eaux Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 106-109 Other remarks: Classification: 4.1.14 Author: Duchein, Michel Title: Protection of archives against water damage Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 19-23 Other remarks: 4.2 Fire suppression systems (water, foam, gas, etc)/ Systèmes d’extinction incendie (l’eau, le gaz, la mousse) Classification: 4.2.01 Author: Gänser, G. Title: Automatische Brandmeldung in Archiven Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 38-40 Other remarks: Classification: 4.2.02 Author: McKay, Roger S. Title: Fine water spray – a halon replacement option Series: Fire Surveyor Place, Year: June 1993 Pages: 16-20 Other remarks: Classification: 4.2.03 Author: Smith, David P. Title: Water mist fire suppression Series: Fire Safety Engineering Place, Year: Vol 2 no 2 1995 Pages: 10-15 Other remarks: 4.3 Reports about Fires/Rapports sur les Incendies Classification: 4.3.01 Author: Kennedy, Jean Title: Norfolk Record Office fire: an initial report Series: Journal of the Society of Archivists 16 Place, Year: 1995, vol. 16, no. 1 Pages: 3-6 Other remarks:

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5. Security/Sécurité 5.1 All types of danger/Tous les dangers Classification: 5.1.01 Author: Fennelly, Lawrence J. Title: Museum, Archive, and Library Security Series: Place, Year: Woburn, MA, USA, 1983 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.02 Author: Cova, U. Title: Die Sicherheit der Archive in Italien: Anlagen gegen unbefugtes Eindringen und

Einbruch Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 24-27 Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.03 Author: Title: Library and Archival Security Series: Place, Year: Pages: Other remarks: Periodical issued by Haworth Press, Binghamton Classification: 5.1.04 Author: International Council on Archives Title: Proceedings of the 1990 meeting of ICA/CBQ on security in archive

buildings/Actes de la réunion de 1990 du CIA/CBQ sur la sécurité dans les bâtiments d'archives

Series: Janus 1992.1 Place, Year: Pages: 87-123 Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.05 Author: Shepilova, I. Title: The basic requirements for security Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 89-100 Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.06 Author: Thomas, David Title: Security of the new Public Record Office, Kew Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 110-115

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Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.07 Author: Title: Proceedings of the Shanghai International Symposium on Archives Preservation Series: Place, Year: Shanghai 1993 Pages: Other remarks: Concerning protection against all kinds of danger Classification: 5.1.08 Author: Maršal, J. Title: Sicherheit in Archiven Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 41-44 Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.09 Author: Fraçki, E. Title: Sicherungssysteme in Archiven, einige Bemerkungen Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 45-48 Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.10 Author: Klasinc, Peter Pavel Title: Security systems in small archives Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 49-53 Other remarks: Classification: 5.1.11 Author: Trinkaus-Randall, G. Title: Protecting Your Collections: A Manual of Archival Security Series: Place, Year: Chicago 1995 Pages: Other remarks: Society of American Archivists Classification: 5.1.12 Author: Dunn, F.I. Title: Security Series: Society of Archivists Best Practice Guideline 2 Place, Year: London 1984 Pages: Other remarks: UK Society of Archivists

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5.2 Theft and other kinds of threats posed by humans/Le vol et les autres dangers causés par l'homme Classification: 5.2.01 Author: Simonet, J. Title: La protection contre le vol, l'effraction et le vandalisme dans les bâtiments

anciens Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 62-68 Other remarks: Classification: 5.2.02 Author: Simonet, J. Title: La sécurité contre le vol et l'effraction dans les bâtiments d'archives Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 101-105 Other remarks: Classification: 5.2.03 Author: Haspel, B. Title: The protection of archives in political disturbance areas Series: Janus Place, Year: 1992.1 Pages: 116-117 Other remarks: Classification: 5.2.04 Author: Neirinck, Danielle Title: La sécurité des documents: lutte contre le vol et les actes de vandalisme Series: Atlanti 3 Place, Year: 1993 Pages: 33-37 Other remarks: 6. Lighting and Energy Management/Economies d’énergie 6.1 General/Généralités Classification: 6.1.01 Author: Ted Ling Title: Solid, Safe, Secure: Building Archives Repositories in Australia Series: Chapter 3 Inside the Building Place, Year: Canberra 1998 Pages: 52-55 Other remarks:

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7. Building Maintenance/Gestion des bâtiments 7.1 General/Généralités Classification: 7.1.01 Author: Ted Ling Title: Solid, Safe, Secure: Building Archives Repositories in Australia Series: Chapter 6 Caring for the Building Place, Year: Canberra 1998 Pages: 92-95 Other remarks: 8. Integrated Pest Management/Application de la lutte intégrée contre les agents de détoriation biologique 8.1 General/Généralités Classification: 8.1.01 Author: Title: Übersicht über die Wachstumsbedingungen der archivrelevanten Schimmelpilze Series: Der Archivar 47 Place, Year: 1994 Pages: Spalten 127-128 Other remarks: Classification: 8.1.02 Author: Parker, Thomas Title: A Study on Integrated Pest Management for Libraries and Archives Series: Place, Year: Paris 1988 Pages: Other remarks: UNESCO publication 9. Disaster Preparedness and Recovery/ Prévision des sinistres et sauvetage 9.1 General/Généralités Classification: 9.1.01 Author: International Council on Archives Title: Guidelines on Disaster Preparedness and Control in Archives Series: Place, Year: Paris 1997 Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 9.1.02 Author: Doig, Judith Title: Disaster Recovery for Archives, Libraries and Records Management Systems in

Australia and New Zealand Series: Place, Year: Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga 1997

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Pages: Other remarks: Classification: 9.1.03 Author: Yorke, Stephen Title: Coping with Disaster: Strategies for the Records Manager Series: Informaa Quarterly 1997 Place, Year: Vol. 13 no. 2 Pages: 16-21 Other remarks: Records Management Association of Australia