bids - nys historic newspapers · 2019-11-21 · a direct, tax "would tarnish the honor oi the...

/} $ /1 1 \ t .u W u (I M / \1 *\/i i rh i M, /r < fy I n, 4 fv' ; 'I »> I 'f J I'V f -J.«(7,i< < •*flp**> mmtmim^m^mm J=H. '-'•'" , "—~T~" -"'i» ——«-- * —"i-- 1 —-a*-- 1 ———T—-•—>~* —4~ W.A. BOrKTOBr. JSattor mWt ifsopetlsWt SuMljShea every tmursaay Biona.N. T. TBRM9, «.oo. tt pMrt atorlotay in »a ntnge, •Interna tli the poat-Otflce, at Hwnmdna, W. Y asaecona-ciaas man matter. y TUUltSDAY,SEl»T.i:5. 1013. ^C**" V>; /* • Assemblyman i&lnnmn pointed out specific instances of nj§h$4y gjcaft a^gr^i^;^ei/?'^)0^\ hsdviijne ip ^sat^nfc pjiiily^bout., 'ot#tenm = '> :6f" • • :t'fae, '• "^Mi&qts." ••'. .-- * •'" "•' "tn ' M a r i h i * ' : "' ''4' r \ ', •: \;|pto ; ^; ; #3^^/as-^^ififtipt ; ; '^£S|fie. .goiej#>r% ^pni^ii&e $&- .'•M|iaiiyi reperieij, <%ite r >''?hN^ %ipui$ feature; of letting cot*- ' trafcts afepjear^to bay:eybe^.tjbj0'.-. practice p£4a^ardtog cont^fiis for repair^ ^ i t h p ^ ashing fP£. ; .c^iiipelitt¥e'biasi" ' '-.*'l- : "\ .''/" - - - - In April. • - • • _'- '- ; 1 John lifv Carlisle.leasiippplnti|!4. ; r commissionerof lilgnwaj'§7 "T^TT" prove Wd' ; i^i*i|qi@.;-j^K- : "W^v TV^rk" aw^iaitt. .^ttfeut;. «9,Y#fi^ '->• infe for jMit ' • '":• ('. ••-' ^'.' : •:,. ; >:, quest of Politician*. . -- •0*$$ $i$$^ : :t[£$i§ t ^ s t e e s -of pi>b- ^';^ip^ii^^%4. i^'iost., to awa*i '^^j^^'^tS^/i^fe^loir Vork' charge-. $i(^'•?> :qdniii§ifehi&kg&t r 'w^ ^ passeot *S§ei^ iAtflng [&oj(;e^jior • Glynii p^ ^fledi: for the first time, anil, SpeaKjsr Contractors cleclarcSI, that the state l i ^ ^ ^ a - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and ai^pya! hypocrisy of those who are now in divided control 1s - ;, - -v' RFf 0§X ,••: . r l W!'.'j-• '•"'.,'• ilNNINRf !|i|||l|l|l i ^-•-^s'. ••.,"-: - [Efll I -ttl tijie-peopleviiaye^'aii oppdriunjitiy toB.«»; , >•«.-*»„••.• •* s to-thw.'ndUs..;jTfi}s 'w4il'-cdm : e'-'.eaay ; ;lil' Ifo^'i !> igctofl^/Ji^fp] . yeinberi; ;^hen ^aemblyifleji *UlVBe el"©?*- eov Whe <lq#ei; iiou^e 6t, tnV-Tattnhiany le^yistlurei ^111 .'ife^teS' '0*it ST 6yo!i®hehTui« ing%. .aiid\ tfila wjll fee Ifhe; beginning pt l^a end oir$a^^ai^r misrule ;in tijeatafe •--iCe^B'u^'-Ne^' ' ''- s ". •. ','.'•*;: ''.•-. ", ; ;iP*|T^iefrM!iwpBiF"flgl&tHhas^SsgUsted; a?i BeinOctiatft. ' tPhe -feeUnjgf that t)ie Jsi- '• i&iiy' ^sit^SSofi has*pnly TSeen partly *«•; pealed:,' la app^enti^Singhatnton, Sep\»h-r •"Iic^nlj..;•'., < ; •' -/'' : " S %T' "•^--•;-- : . ' - -ro.-; » ;:RiepuWicans h a f ei had IheErfluarrels,hut Chey: "ne,ve|' la -..jail' tbtoj* long control, rev: " v^alefit' ^cit'r6ttennesw and bprruptldii 4s haa= -been eiybsed -since th& iJetnocratlc; party :has^een;,Jn po^ei)? ln'thlH ^tate-j !EEie present Sfembcratlo flght,'-is disgust in^.-^fiujt£|o pommerclai, "What ^«-b?ay_l]idp6\and'. ipeajBottab^ ex-j "pect is l4»at this factional fight in, ; »I?am:; /^a^-'3|^°jig^'^^iesp^^i : |d^^ic^^; | a d i and pawy graft odious and impossi^ 'hl&^Stochiester 1 ' 'Rkti-BxjpreAt.''' "•'.'"." ''". it faTttniprijinjat* thjat A ^o*erno*:fctnot •> V-fitected. : t}M^^k-4^> i * t *»:Jii*i'-' ; ifeu«Mrt:|w^ -^^^n^ssz ^Republican would overwhelmingly the contractors •elg-btfijaf, '''ktn : a>jHie; gsea*' *(tittd.^f<$$&# v * ^ f < , -'l^buTd agajnj Sasa*'Uiio; 'aii-vOir|iiBriy' iitia" q$% . 'Cert£'prd$e4ti,f^ of. 'gby|ad^eiit^S^tcn'ei-;; l'fferiiGlobe.> ^' •• ^-l;-- l|V - ;;"-,:;' '• ,;, ; '.^' .'•'•';i' : '' i^ 'la gb-vernpient by invective-^persorial i and' partisan politics disguised as public duty.' ihe' electors are •weary^^ to death Of , .^lJth^e~^«moci!atic- factions,... with their charges and counter charges of graft, and at .the first. opportunity will give them ample leisure to fall In again and medi- tate t on the folfly which led them to Rfck oncetfhey had- -waxed fat~;a,t -tho sptilil , trough.—Buffalo Express. ""'."-? ' " ; After, all, the Tammany legislature: ,18 fe§uj[2er.3f9»jwiai^iha4toguaf& of. its^^4mbers;-w6u7d-boiBf^ted?M a "snltcher"—one wW "sijuealed on' the gang."-^Klngston Freeinan. i- l Ji~ ROUGH MARRIAGE KUOTS. i^_^—_ Pledges Under Which They Were Tied In Medieval Times. Ttie matrimonial eddtfact today iA » thousand tiiaes more pdiite than it vta* in the middle ages. It has lost the en- gaging frankness of its medieval brig-•• inals. , J n the good old days \yhen the; bride ipfts taken^Ifpr Mrer 4 fprfdtoerjlfpr better, fbr /worse,?* and pronjlied *¥o: be buiom and bonny" to her hnsband^ her father gave tie brMegrdomoiie\oi the bride's "shoes as; a to^en djtjite iranster of .authority. The brid^ ^iras •made to feel the-^hange-by-a-blovK^n-' the head duly administered with the shoe, Hdw much more significantJ}n;d •eldfluent a use df the artiefe than >piir "refined*' custom of throwing? it aft^r -aie.JiatfHageL The husMndJ^ffikjolffi W^t-*^myr^ ^-* Wv "^*-rr wywy CAPITOL SCANDAL VERY MUCH ALIVE -*j, —. Fresh Charges of irregularity ., at Meeting of. Trustees, of Public Buildings. Of Contract to. ^t(p^|)||!>^.'' ; f , .reBCo4fe. .'|Wiw«M|j!f Vii*$;j^% ji/U!»iQW to. D«t«—Contractor Put Men on at Ro- of Efficiency and Economy Belaney, Ipepujgr Attorney general KgUogg apd ^ i t e Ai^liitect Pilc„her.„ iyere present. 3eclafea. ;fipna cdrre^ltly, and it was claimed that ^ % ^ ^ ^ e a b e r 0. Plat** the gov- ^iji|br?i'fl#creta*yv;-.;openedbids improp- %j^^a$%'•i^o|fty''o£ the' 'boarfi was jipt "pifesent.1 Protests were made zmz mmtmmmm~m i "l»*HI'» mmn GiwyEtiTioN. r:" ^ i •• j f f (ioughtvMe \N[sln on \\\e Phone. J *'^hem, Minnie^" yoi* aire gohigtp get another physicinn tnsteadj l&t the >pld healtliln^feforri-'^ - ^ - C - i , , ^ r M i i M bare been made by 'J^^^JgS'S!^ «E the Sepubltaan state committee y0& %S£5J hfSSiv B IlS f tile trunk lines of railed tlu-oughoat f^n^ov* he m&rt7£^wt tteistatewhefeBiexeuvslan tickets to tJ & 1 ^ Who is itJ-^Uegetide Biat- JsTetv toik, fat the contention will be sdld at the rfttfe pt a, f&ce and a halt; tor ,tbe ro^nd m& Tbpngb. it lis mot expected that th& conyention ^vvllt last more than one day^ the tickets will be good for Teturfc uatil the 2^h. - / ^-pj*s|derit^ehurman. j»f_ Corneil^j^Jh-Oi, has ^ust rpturned frdm.a year's absence 4s minister to-©re«ije and Montenegvoj ?3s|ll'ser^p a,s temporary chairman and ;|^l|y#"an. address. T Senator Root, es:- S^iator^Depew and other prominent* ; R^ubUcans are expected to attend ,and wjil deliver speeches THE DIREGT M LEVI . ter,^ •1 i i ! ;Mother-0!i> WjtlJ[Ie, y f ou natigtiiy boy, yotf have been iiglitijig agalfr and jlost two ot your teethj" W«Ue—3STo, I ain't l&otlier; they are in my '"pocket.—Ijop ^on Answers, u, J ^ » She Might Be Rjght. ft 1 Think of it being iJecessary for the gpv- ernor'of the Empire State to issus a per-t sonal appeal to tljejpieinhers of the legis- lature^ to attend a session so that a bill may bypassed, providing for the levying of a fak' 'itt: meet payments of interest on. «the st$,<«> sinklpg fbiv^s |n order to avoid 'default, wilicK 'Vduid tajfnish the hono» fdf; t;be s&te'' ^Salamanca Republican- BiEesS;-' -.' .- • •• '•'». •) : A « l n g Qovernpr JvSrtlh H Glynn has •saving the houor, the' credit and tho good name of the state." Appeals to save the, honor^o^ the state. ; con\e with exceeding HI graee from; the lips of Tammany's full J accredited representatives Gloversville » something moj:e than a party shame ft •- [ is dr reproach upon, a great commonwealth. How long shall this endure?—Goshen pem- ocrat The disorganization of the state govern- ment would seem to be complete when the against the award of a cfontract to Cal-' -acUng governor is compelled to make a 'Sanan^A<"Hbwo&k>M.'"«rti» SOKO <M5ft na r w - personal appeal to the members of tho !^»lP^ ! ' f t l .P¥'W. a S . f leerlsiature for tho nurnose of Bf i.«r!n«, pmineh^iea^by-the state architect, ; by # e | ^ y ; & She^hatii who bid $243,147, and the MartJle Arch company, which bid $256,000. . , •^.'••'v,. ;$te'i|ii|d;ii(: -Af**iF • /Seandal. scandaltocpn-^ ^|i|!l^^^^^|h^'' > ^6stipxatlba of the 'i^ed ; >^o^d^^;%;;#e'. capitpl.' Ba^t .'^p;i^^j^^|m^l^an'.A^ler (Rephb- ;liieafi),M6n|h%^'iti^W : 'th«>' wprk, out of; 5rMics:'.^via&d^ciced.« biii to cbm- ^le^^ : 'fiJf:wb^vi&y•' cpntract .awarded' ^t^b S^pemi^ blcliiing; ,^Dhe bill wai j ^ e d byvjihe Democratic ihajprjty "in^e^teselibTy^FPndwin^^ revie% of jthP capitpl -jtfprk.^ date; - ! # a r ^ 20,,lM, west wiMPt state; capitol at Albany^gu^^i *W ^re-^Walls jpi^cticWiUy, I n t a c t v^ '$'- ' Appropriated; idic repairs uliaer •Goveriior D i * «... 11*600,000 A,^proprlaiei for • sa^ne under ' Governor Sulier .................. 1,500,000 legislature for tho purpose of sejcurJnGt their .attendance at an adjourned session In-order that a direct tax may bo levied to prevent defaulting on the Interest of the state's bonds,—Jamestown Post failure to pass legislation authorizing; a direct, tax "would tarnish the honor oi the state," declares Acting r Governor Glynn. -The. honor of thfe state is so be- smeared with mud that ( we very much doubt if, i t could show tarnish even if this tax levy,failed. But direct taxation and i misgo^ernment are twin evils always "to be foWnd In the'train of Democratic 1 ad- ministration.—Loekport Journal, t v- fota? for capitol repair^ to d a t e . , t^M0.^W \ CiBJr^rreirfprTrep«yi» atinlrlteatP Cal- ianatt*?Kii&0i^ •- - -r-,. ''.'.. :\... .'! (i^flt' ' p ^ ^ ^ b O ^ Q h ^ : 4hjrl : iflai^ri^; iEp^ibedv ;<,';;': : v .; : ,; ^;;;.•.:. .'rV.'i.-' •*'•'• .j^fy&Pjfoft -Cdlw<'ro'i^r»«? Booki. •'] Wm(iyi& Callanan ^ P r i s c b t t oii con? M e t iStpV 3515; $1,10Q,GOO tbs Jan. 1, 191% divided is foiiows: fc'or labori $$fa0% Us mterto,; $i20o;ooo; ^tet contractor's^^ percintage, 5 $l0O,QO0. Paid to same contractors, on same basis, under same contract, from Jan. % 19137^ fuiil $ 4i94s> #89,809.96. . Statement of Executive Auditor. J^®MlPl^Plls-^^^^d?ea>l On; the; electrical job- they show that some of yeeSj-4Behiding Timekeeper Gaffney, coUeeted. pay for twenty > >y S* i ' r y^ < u to ixeat his wife well, in fatlnre of which she might leave him. A^a^Pint of hdhdr* however, he was allowed ltd "bestow on his wife and apprenticea- mdderate castigatioh." _^ An old Welsh law lays''i|.down that three blows with a broomstthk "on any part of the person except the head is a 'fairallowance," while another~provideS that the stick "be not longer than the busband's arm nor thicker than his middle Snger." 4?he bride, hpwever, had her privi- leges. In certain countries it was her accepted right the morning after the wedding day to ask for any sum of money or any estate that she pleased, and her husband "could not in honor refuse.- A man had to be pretty sure of bis bride's "intentidhs*' te run such a i'lak. These old time marriages were often bard driven bargains, which unblush- ingty displayed, a good deal pf,unlovely human selfishness. Yet the rough knots that were tied a thousand years ago held faster than many of the be- ribboned and bejeweled bonds we so genteely adjust today.—New York .World. ^ j < -• Between Friends. Kan-DI(l you inotice hpw dreadfully that piano needed tuning? Pan^Wby. jnp, dearj Si thdught it harmonteed per- fectly with yonr voice.—CWeago Trlh' jjuae,' hours' work "per day In twenty-seven consecutive days." Statement of Governor Sutzer. .. , "The recSieaS Indirference to outward appearances was shown in the hills put in. ' TJhd^p a previous state aTchi- tect the percentage of labor was $1>89 to $1 of materials. From the middle of October to the 27th of November there was absolutely^ no attempt to ipay•" attention to the conventions, flie hills coaming that if tdok |3,002 worth of labor to pnt $138 of materials in :p1ace." '' '" ;•"' ' Estimated Watte on Capitol Repairs, jttalf'A hillilon dollars to date. Toitimony of Contractor Before Com- mittee of Inquiry. : Ikllr. eaUanan-r-I have fburteen*wati0h- men bn the |bb. ? Counsel—Why do you need so many? ^—^jfyj^t^gjlanau;—"Bi ble-toduck opt If there wasn't a riian. fo .waf^h ¥h'ey might duck out and come back in''time to put in their check at" night- They might be quite coni- fprtabie in some/of those committee rooms asleep, for instance Counsel—How many men have you put on at the request of politicians. I'. B. McCabe, for instance? Mr. Oallanan—I couldn't tell you. Quite a good many. k TEST OF, HONESTY. The Democratic candidates for the court of appeals will be se- lected by the state committee chosen eighteen months age, the Progressive candidates by a state committee which was nev- er selected at all,, and the Re- publican candidates will be chosen by delegates elected at --the "primaries on Tuesday next These delegates will reflect the sentiment pf |b<ft-pariy pn pres- ent questions/ Which is the bet- ter way, and which puts the most power in the, hands,* of the people? Which party Is the most honest fo if» position?-* Delaware Express. DESTRUCTIVE ONLY. The Progressive bosses are making, the wreck pf their party complete by ."Uniting wherever possible with the Democratic party hi making nomina- tions. This may be an effective way of defeating Republican candidates if ^hatis the only pbjject, but It ts a mighty poor ffqydf Building np a new tarty ,-Jamestown Journal. ^ S ,In the opinion of the average wi liter husband'ought to^ciQjnore^oJJUs ^ottomizhlg -away from home^ChK fbgo Record-Herald. ' .1 - 4 \ x ;P SUMMER DRESS GOODS 6t every description,- They are \well w p W , yoi^r consider$ti6;h:. ;1 V - ^ J l N J ' We ar^.ofierinfe thefinesrfcline pf Svmttier underwear ever^s-hdwn^n-tjks-market-and^ very moderate'prices. ., ; " "^liTofir Rtig aid Carpet stock.we Iceop it replenish rigfet up ^ to our high standardfl>r 4 q[ualityvquanity aiid, values which m «on- s side,r the best in Northern New YQrk. A \^ 66 FORD STREET, OGDfcNSBUBf; N, ~% ^JOA deposited in bn interest pay- ing-bank—Meu-of-wealth to-day got their start from money made in this way. 1 * , »\ ? This*bank pays^Three per cent Interest on-savings^-itsafeguards every dollar deposited. ^ j Why; not start your money Earn- interest hereto-day? ANDREW IRVING, President. 'I - ' JAMES E^KELLY, Treasurer. ST. UW. 73 State St. GO. SAVINGS BANK Ogdensburg, N. Y. Bowers Brds,,, Ogdensburg, N H -SEIil,- Monuments, "Headstones and Markers / NO MIDDLEMEN OR AGENTS, BUY DIRECT~ AND GET THE DISCOUNT. - ' WRITE OR CALL I *, * s106~108 Ford St: The. Hats we display will give you an. idea/ of what is beingVorn ijrrthefashion centers. Here you will $nd aU ^haji is New—Bis* tinctiVe, Superior Style*-! at Reasonable Prides, ^ Girls' School Hats Ladies' Street Hats JONES & BACKUS. it fl|OUOcl» 'f is nothing quite sosweettotheearsyf . /ft bride as sterlingsilver. Apart from inequality—wtiieh is high here, and Jhe ch&steness T \ of the patterns—which can be. aeett at a glance, it is important to know that the prices are not extravagant. * Our jewelry store is the best place in-the county to get suggestions for wedding presents. We have made a study of this "gift question?' It is our ., business to know-what is suitable for^various gift occasions. Choose Yoixr GiUs^Here i ' ' ' '>.•' '• ' '"'k 1 !'' r Oar stock is varied and so are the prictB^ Every"iaBte^and" every pocket book is aure' ia be suited* We havw 1 v many Inexpensive but' dainty little jiovelties here • besides silverware which will make excellent gifts. f. * . i * "*• ^ * ' Thl* U a Jewelry etere where you can get Just wh»t $ you are looking for at the price you want to pay. Everything in pur flue line of silverware, gem», Jewelry, wtatcnea, etc., contain* noththe but real, tangible value*. w ._, . ....... . j r .._ Wi- A V G. H WYLL1E. .coupled with up-to«date atylet. i- Drop in 1 and let ui eiiUtyou chooainir your wedding gifte-let us j»re^4 <« you that!her« (• a ' jewelry atore that \k ^worthy efyoui! trade X A Complete Line of Stoves,, Ranges and ^ Heaters -At- S \ W. T. Stiles, Hammond, N. Y Visitors to Ogdensburg's Great Fair & Horse Show THE SURPRISE The Store of Certain Satisfaction. Bids •*>* **"-. ** And invites you to make our Store your Headquarters when in the "city. Here you can leave your wraps and par- cels-where they will be looked after free of charge. Use our telephonies and meet yowr friends who 1 will be gathered here from all over jSTorthern New York and adjoining Canada. s Inspect Our nammoth Fall and Winter Stocks of Ladies' and Misses' r^Sirits, ' Coajs, Dresses, Rain Coats] Millinery, and Furs. Infants' and Children's Wearing Apparell7Tfen'3 and Boys' Cloth- f-inland HFootweair foi^threrBiiti Family Offered at the Lowest Prices in Our History. I Our stores resemble a vast Exposit- ion m their display of new wearables for the comins: Season. "We cordially incite you to look* you will not l5e urged to buy. SPECIAL: pit or Boat fare Air lowed out-of-town purchasers of $10.00 or over. »«... A, The Surprise Aids. Co. Northern KewYork^s greatest Shopping Center Red Front ' ', ^1042-i4^oi;d Street , Bett^lock^, 00DpNS3URQ, ? N. Yt f ••»••••»•••••••»•»••»••»•••••••••»••»••••••»••»»•»»> A ~v=- * -/• ^ \ ,.U... 14 i t m. < i •M t . r \ w Y r * KS A . 1 i 1 Wvf J >»" * % ! *i 11 /'/ .~r-**i i •»/ A' % ti tW I

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Page 1: Bids - NYS Historic Newspapers · 2019-11-21 · a direct, tax "would tarnish the honor oi the state," declares Acting r Governor Glynn. -The. honor of thfe state is so be smeared

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— 4 ~ W . A . BOrKTOBr. JSattor mWt ifsopetlsWt

SuMljShea every tmursaay T. TBRM9, «.oo. tt pMrt atorlotay in »a ntnge,

•Interna tli the poat-Otflce, at Hwnmdna, W. Y asaecona-ciaas man matter. y

TUUltSDAY,SEl»T.i:5. 1013.



/ *

• Assemblyman i&lnnmn pointed out specific instances of nj§h$4y gjcaft a ^ g r ^ i ^ ; ^ e i / ? ' ^ ) 0 ^ \

hsdviijne ip ^sat^nfc pjiiily^bout., 'ot#tenm='> :6f" • • :t'fae, '• "^Mi&qts."

••'. .-- * •'" "•' "tn 'Marihi*': "' ''4'r\ ', •: \;|pto;^;;#3^^/as-^^ififtipt;; '^£S|fie. .goiej#>r% ^pni^ii&e $&-.'•M|iaiiyi reperieij, <%iter>''?hN^ %ipui$ feature; of letting cot*-

' trafcts afepjear^to bay:eybe^.tjbj0'.-. practice p£4a^ardtog cont^fiis for repair^ ^ i t h p ^ ashing fP£.

;.c^iiipelitt¥e'biasi" ' '-.*'l- :"\ .''/" - - - - In April. • - • • _'- '-; 1 John lifv Carlisle.leasiippplnti|!4.;r

commissionerof lilgnwaj'§7 "T^TT"

prove Wd';i^i*i|qi@.;-j^K-: "W^v TV rk" aw^iaitt. .^ttfeut;. «9,Y#fi^ '->• infe for jMit • ' • '":• ('. ••-' '.': •:,.; >:,

quest of Politician*. . --

•0*$$ $i$$^::t[£$i§ t^s tees -of pi>b-^';^ip^ii^^%4. i^'iost., to awa*i '^^j^^'^tS^/i^fe^loir Vork' charge-. $i(^'•?> :qdniii§ifehi&kg&t •r'w^ ^ passeot *S§ei^ iAtflng [&oj(;e jior • Glynii p ^ ^fledi: for the first time, anil, SpeaKjsr

Contractors cleclarcSI, that the state l i ^ ^ ^ a - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and ai^pya! hypocrisy of

those who are now in divided control 1s

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-ttl tijie-peopleviiaye^'aii oppdriunjitiy toB.«»; , >•«.-*»„••.• •* s to-thw.'ndUs..;jTfi}s 'w4il'-cdm:e'-'.eaay;;lil' Ifo 'i !> i gc to f l^ /J i^fp]

. yeinberi; ;^hen ^aemblyifleji *UlVBe el"©?*-eov Whe <lq#ei; iiou^e 6t, tnV-Tattnhiany le^yistlurei ^111 .'ife^teS' '0*itST6yo!i®hehTui« ing%. .aiid\ tfila wjll fee Ifhe; beginning pt l^a end oir$a^^ai^r misrule ;in tijeatafe

• • - - iCe^B'u^' -Ne^' ' ''-s". •. ','.'•*;: ''.•-. ", ; ;iP*|T^iefrM!iwpBiF" flgl&tHhas SsgUsted;

• a?i BeinOctiatft. ' tPhe -feeUnjgf that t)ie Jsi-'• i&iiy' ^sit^SSofi has*pnly TSeen partly *«•;

pealed:,' la app^enti^Singhatnton, Sep\»h-r •"Iic^nlj..;•'., <; •' -/'':"S%T' "•^--•;--:. ' - -ro.-; » ;:RiepuWicans haf ei had IheEr fluarrels, hut Chey: "ne,ve|' la -..jail' tbtoj* long control, rev:

" v^alefit' ^cit'r6ttennesw and bprruptldii 4 s haa= -been eiybsed -since th& iJetnocratlc; party :has^een;,Jn po^ei)? ln'thlH ^tate-j !EEie present Sfembcratlo flght,'-is disgust in^.-^fiujt£|o pommerclai,

"What ^«-b?ay_l]idp6\and'. ipeajBottab^ ex-j "pect i s l4»at this factional fight in,;»I?am:;

/ ^ a ^ - ' 3 | ^ ° j i g ^ ' ^ ^ i e s p ^ ^ i : | d ^ ^ i c ^ ^ ; | a d i and pawy graft odious and impossi^ 'hl&^Stochiester1' 'Rkti-BxjpreAt.''' "•'.'"." ''".

it faTttniprijinjat* thjat A ^o*erno*: fct not•> V-fitected. :t}M^^k-4^> i*t*»:Jii*i'-' ; i feu«Mrt: |w^ -^^^n^ssz

^Republican would b« overwhelmingly the contractors •elg-btfijaf, '''ktn:a>jHie; gsea*' *(tittd.^f<$$&# v * ^ f <

, -'l buTd agajnj Sasa*'Uiio; 'aii-vOir|iiBriy' iitia" q$% . 'Cert£'prd$e4ti,f^ of. 'gby|ad^eiit^S^tcn'ei-;; l'fferiiGlobe.> ' •• -l;-- l|V- ;;"-,:;' '• ,; ,

;'.^' .'•'•';i':'' i^ 'la gb-vernpient by invective-^persorial

i and' partisan politics disguised as public duty.' i h e ' electors are •weary ^ to death Of

, .^lJth^e~^«moci!atic- factions,... with their charges and counter charges of graft, and a t .the first. opportunity will give them ample leisure to fall In again and medi­tate ton the folfly which led them to Rfck oncetfhey had- -waxed fat~;a,t -tho sptilil

, trough.—Buffalo Express. ""'."-? ' ";

After, all, the Tammany legislature: ,18 fe§uj[2er.3f9»jwiai^iha4toguaf& of. its^^4mbers;-w6u7d-boiBf^ted?M

a "snltcher"—one w W "sijuealed on' the gang."-^Klngston Freeinan.




Pledges Under Which They Were Tied In Medieval Times.

Ttie matrimonial eddtfact today iA » thousand tiiaes more pdiite than it vta* in the middle ages. I t has lost the en­gaging frankness of its medieval brig-•• inals. ,

J n the good old days \yhen the; bride ipfts taken^Ifpr Mrer4 fprfdtoerjlfpr better, fbr /worse,?* and pronjlied *¥o: be buiom and bonny" to her hnsband^ her father gave t i e brMegrdomoiie\oi the bride's "shoes as; a to^en djtjite iranster of .authority. The brid^ ^iras

•made to feel the-^hange-by-a-blovK^n-' the head duly administered with the shoe, Hdw much more significantJ}n;d •eldfluent a use df the artiefe than >piir "refined*' custom of throwing? it aft^r

-aie.JiatfHageL The husMndJ^ffikjolffi

W^t-*^myr^ -* Wv "^*-rr



-*j, — .

Fresh Charges of irregularity ., at Meeting of. Trus tees,

of Public Buildings.

Of Contract to. ^t(p^|)||!>^.'';f,.reBCo4fe. .'|Wiw«M|j!f Vii*$;j^% ji/U!»iQW to. D«t«—Contractor Put Men on at Ro­

of Efficiency and Economy Belaney, Ipepujgr Attorney general KgUogg apd ^ i t e Ai^liitect Pilc„her.„ iyere present.


;fipna cdrre^ltly, and it was claimed that

^ % ^ ^ ^ e a b e r 0. Plat** the gov-^iji|br?i' fl#creta*yv;-.;opened bids improp-%j^^a$%'•i^o|fty''o£ the' 'boarfi was jipt "pifesent.1 Protests were made

zmz mmtmmmm~m i "l»*HI'»

m m n GiwyEtiTioN. r:" ^ i •• j f f (ioughtvMe \N[sln on \\\e Phone.

J*' hem, Minnie " yoi* aire gohigtp get another physicinn tnsteadj l&t the >pld healtliln^feforri- '^ - ^ - C - i , , ^ r

M i i M bare been made by 'J^^^JgS'S!^ «E the Sepubltaan state committee y0& %S£5J h f S S i v B I l S f tile trunk lines of railed tlu-oughoat f^n^ov* he m&rt7£^wt tteistatewhefeBiexeuvslan tickets to tJ&1^ Who is i t J -^Uege t ide Biat-JsTetv toik, fat the contention will be sdld at the rfttfe pt a, f&ce and a halt; tor ,tbe ro^nd m&

Tbpngb. it lis mot expected that th& conyention vvllt last more than one day^ the tickets will be good for Teturfc uatil the 2^h. - /

^-pj*s|derit^ehurman. j»f_ Corneil j Jh-Oi, has ^ust rpturned frdm.a year's absence 4s minister to-©re«ije and Montenegvoj

?3s|ll'ser^p a,s temporary chairman and ;|^l|y#"an. address. T Senator Root, es:-S^iator^Depew and other prominent*

; R^ubUcans are expected to attend ,and wjil deliver speeches



•1 •

i i !

;Mother-0!i> WjtlJ[Ie, yfou natigtiiy boy, yotf have been iiglitijig agalfr and jlost two ot your teethj" W«Ue—3STo, I ain't l&otlier; they are in my '"pocket.—Ijop ^on Answers, u, J ^ »

She Might Be Rjght. ft

1 Think of it being iJecessary for the gpv-ernor'of the Empire State to issus a per-t sonal appeal to tljejpieinhers of the legis­lature^ to attend a session so that a bill may bypassed, providing for the levying of a fak' 'itt: meet payments of interest on.

«the st$,<«> sinklpg fbiv^s |n order to avoid 'default, wilicK 'Vduid tajfnish the hono» fdf; t;be s&te'' ^Salamanca Republican-BiEesS;-' -.' .- • •• '•'».

• ) :

• A « l n g Qovernpr JvSrtlh H Glynn has

•saving the houor, the' credit and tho good name of the state." Appeals to save the, honor^o^ the state.;con\e with exceeding HI graee from; the lips of Tammany's full J accredited representatives — Gloversville

» something moj:e than a party shame ft •- [ is dr reproach upon, a great commonwealth.

How long shall this endure?—Goshen pem-ocrat

The disorganization of the state govern­ment would seem to be complete when the

against the award of a cfontract to Cal-' -acUng governor is compelled to make a 'Sanan^A<"Hbwo&k>M.'"«rti» SOKO <M5ft na rw- personal appeal to the members of tho ! ^ » l P ^ ! ' f t l . P ¥ ' W . a S . f leerlsiature for tho nurnose of Bfi.«r!n«, pmineh^iea^by-the state architect,;by # e | ^ y ; & She^hatii who bid $243,147, and the MartJle Arch company, which bid $256,000.

. , • ^ . ' • • ' v , .

;$te'i|ii|d;ii(: -Af**iF • /Seandal. •

scandal to cpn- ^|i|!l^^^^^|h^''>^6stipxatlba of the 'i^ed ;>^o^d^^;%;;#e'. capitpl.' • Ba^t . ' ^p ; i^^ j^^ |m^l^an ' .A^ler (Rephb-;liieafi),M6n|h% 'iti^W:'th«>' wprk, out of; 5rMics:'. via&d^ciced.« biii to cbm-^le^^:'fiJf:wb^vi&y•' cpntract .awarded' ^t^b S^pemi^ blcliiing; , Dhe bill wai j ^ e d byvjihe Democratic ihajprjty "in^e^teselibTy^FPndwin^^ revie% of jthP capitpl -jtfprk.^ date; -! # a r ^ 20, , lM, west w iMPt state; capitol a t Albany^gu^^i *W ^re-^Walls jpi cticWiUy, Intact v '$'- ' Appropriated; idic repairs uliaer

•Goveriior Di* «... 11*600,000 A,^proprlaiei for • sa^ne under '

Governor Sulier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000

legislature for tho purpose of sejcurJnGt their .attendance at an adjourned session In-order that a direct tax may bo levied to prevent defaulting on the Interest of the state's bonds,—Jamestown Post

failure to pass legislation authorizing; a direct, tax "would tarnish the honor o i the state," declares Acting r Governor Glynn. -The. honor of thfe state is s o be­smeared with mud that( we very much doubt if, it could show tarnish even if this tax levy,failed. But direct taxation and

i misgo^ernment are twin evils always "to be foWnd In the'train of Democratic1 ad­ministration.—Loekport Journal, t


fota? for capitol repair^ to date., t M0. W \ CiBJr^rreirfprTrep«yi» atinlrlteatP Cal-i ana t t *?Ki i&0 i^ •- - -r-,. ''.'.. :\... .'!

(i^flt' ' p ^ ^ ^ b O ^ Q h ^ :4hjrl: iflai^ri^; iEp ibedv ;<,';;'::v.;

:,; ^;;;.•.:. .'rV.'i.-' •*'•'• .j^fy&Pjfoft -Cdlw<'ro'i r»«? Booki. •'] Wm(iyi& Callanan ^ P r i s c b t t oii con?

M e t iStpV 3515; $1,10Q,GOO tbs Jan. 1, 191% divided i s foiiows: fc'or labori $$fa0% Us mterto,; $i20o;ooo; ^tet contractor's^^ percintage, 5$l0O,QO0.

Paid to same contractors, on same basis, under same contract, from Jan. % 19137^ fuiil $ 4i94s> #89,809.96.

. Statement of Executive Auditor. J^®MlPl^Plls-^^^^d?ea>l On; the; electrical job- they show that some of

yeeSj-4Behiding Timekeeper Gaffney, coUeeted. pay for twenty




i ' r


< u

to • ixeat his wife well, in fatlnre of which she might leave him. A^a^Pint of hdhdr* however, he was allowed ltd "bestow on his wife and apprenticea-mdderate castigatioh." _^

An old Welsh law lays''i|.down that three blows with a broomstthk "on any part of the person except the head is a

'fairallowance," while another~provideS that the stick "be not longer than the busband's arm nor thicker than his middle Snger."

4?he bride, hpwever, had her privi­leges. In certain countries it was her accepted right the morning after the wedding day to ask for any sum of money or any estate that she pleased, and her husband "could not in honor refuse.- A man had to be pretty sure of bis bride's "intentidhs*' te run such a i'lak.

These old time marriages were often bard driven bargains, which unblush-

ingty displayed, a good deal pf,unlovely human selfishness. Yet the rough knots that were tied a thousand years ago held faster than many of the be-ribboned and bejeweled bonds we so genteely adjust today.—New York .World. ^ j

< -• Between Friends. Kan-DI(l you inotice hpw dreadfully

that piano needed tuning? Pan^Wby. jnp, dearj Si thdught it harmonteed per­fectly with yonr voice.—CWeago Trlh' jjuae,'

hours' work "per day In twenty-seven consecutive days."

Statement of Governor Sutzer. .. , "The recSieaS Indirference to outward appearances was shown in the hills put in. ' TJhd^p a previous state aTchi-tect the percentage of labor was $1>89 to $1 of materials. From the middle of October to the 27th of November there was absolutely^ no attempt to ipay•" attention to the conventions, flie hills coaming that i f tdok |3,002 worth of labor to pnt $138 of materials in :p1ace." '' '" ;•"' '

Estimated Watte on Capitol Repairs, jttalf'A hillilon dollars to date. Toitimony of Contractor Before Com­

mittee of Inquiry. : Ikllr. eaUanan-r-I have f burteen*wati0h-men bn the |bb.?

Counsel—Why do you need so many? ^— jfyj t gjlanau;—"Bi

ble-toduck opt If there wasn't a riian. fo .waf^h ¥h'ey might duck out and come back in''time to put in their check at" night- They might be quite coni-fprtabie in some/of those committee rooms asleep, for instance

Counsel—How many men have you put on at the request of politicians. I'. B. McCabe, for instance?

Mr. Oallanan—I couldn't tell you. Quite a good many.


The Democratic candidates for the court of appeals will be se­lected by the state committee chosen eighteen months age, the Progressive candidates by a state committee which was nev­er selected at all,, and the Re­publican candidates will be chosen by delegates elected at

--the "primaries on Tuesday next These delegates will reflect the sentiment pf |b<ft-pariy pn pres­ent questions/ Which is the bet­ter way, and which puts the most power in the, hands,* of the people? Which party Is the most honest fo if» position?-* Delaware Express.


The Progressive bosses are making, the wreck pf their party complete by

."Uniting wherever possible with the Democratic party hi making nomina­tions. This may be an effective way of defeating Republican candidates if ^hat is the only pbjject, but I t ts a mighty poor ffqydf Building np a new tarty ,-Jamestown Journal. ^ S

,In the opinion of the average wi liter husband'ought to^ciQjnore^oJJUs ^ottomizhlg -away from home^ChK fbgo Record-Herald. ' .1 -4



SUMMER DRESS GOODS 6t every description,- They are \well w p W , yoi^r consider$ti6;h:. ;1 V - ^ J l

NJ' We ar^.ofierinfe the finesrfc line pf Svmttier

underwear ever^s-hdwn^n-tjks-market-and^ very moderate'prices. ., ; " "^liTofir Rtig aid Carpet stock.we Iceop it replenish rigfet up ^ to our high standard fl>r4q[ualityv quanity aiid, values which m «on-s

side,r the best in Northern New YQrk. •


\ ^


^JOA deposited in bn interest pay­ing-bank—Meu-of-wealth to-day got their start from money made in this way.1* , »\ ? This*bank pays^Three per cent Interest on-savings^-itsafeguards every dollar deposited. ^j Why; not start your money Earn-interest hereto-day? ANDREW IRVING, President. 'I - ' JAMES E^KELLY, Treasurer.

ST. UW. 73 State St.

GO. SAVINGS BANK Ogdensburg, N. Y.

Bowers Brds,,, O g d e n s b u r g , N H


Monuments, "Headstones

and Markers /





I *, * s106~108 Ford S t :

The. Hats we display will give you an. idea/ of what is beingVorn ijrrthefashion centers. Here you will $nd aU ^haji is New—Bis* tinctiVe, Superior Style*-! at Reasonable

Prides, ^

Girls' School Hats Ladies' Street Hats


it fl|OUOcl»

'f is nothing quite sosweettotheearsyf

. /ft bride as sterling silver. Apart from inequality—wtiieh

is high here, and Jhe ch&steness T\ of the patterns—which can be. aeett

at a glance, it is important to know that the prices are not extravagant .

* Our jewelry store is the best place in-the county to get suggestions for wedding presents.

We have made a study of this "gift question?' It is our ., business to know-what is suitable for various gift occasions.

Choose Yoixr GiUs^Here i ' ' ' '>.•' '• ' ' " ' k 1 ! ' ' r

Oar stock is varied and so are the prictB^ Every"iaBte^and" every pocket book is aure' ia be suited* We havw1

v many Inexpensive but ' dainty little jiovelties here • besides silverware which will make excellent gifts.

f. * . i * "*• ^ * ' Thl* U a Jewelry etere where you can get Just wh»t $

you are looking for at the price you want to pay. Everything in pur flue line of silverware,

gem», Jewelry, wtatcnea, etc., contain* noththe but real, tangible value*.w ._,. ....... . j r .._




.coupled with up-to«date atylet. i- Drop in1 and let u i e i iUtyou

chooainir your wedding gifte-let us j»re^4 <«

you that!her« (• a ' jewelry atore

t h a t \k ^worthy

efyoui! trade


A Complete Line of

Stoves,, Ranges and ^

Heaters -At- S


W. T. Stiles, Hammond, N. Y

Visitors to Ogdensburg's Great Fair & Horse Show

THE SURPRISE The Store of Certain Satisfaction.

Bids • * > * * * " - . **

And invites you to make our Store your Headquarters when in the "city. Here you can leave your wraps and par­cels-where they will be looked after free of charge. Use our telephonies and meet yowr friends who1 will be gathered here from all over jSTorthern New York and adjoining Canada.


Inspect Our nammoth Fall and Winter Stocks of Ladies' and Misses' r^Sirits, ' Coajs, Dresses, Rain Coats] Millinery, and Furs. Infants' and Children's Wearing Apparell7Tfen'3 and Boys' Cloth-

f-inland HFootweair foi^threrBiiti Family Offered at the Lowest

Prices in Our History. I Our stores resemble a vast Exposit­ion m their display of new wearables for the comins: Season. "We cordially incite you to look* you will not l5e urged to buy.

SPECIAL: pit or Boat fare Air lowed out-of-town purchasers of $10.00 or over.

»«.. . A,

The Surprise Aids. Co. Northern KewYork^s greatest Shopping Center

Red Front ' ', ^1042-i4^oi;d Street , Bett^lock^, 0 0 D p N S 3 U R Q , ? N . Yt f

• • » • • • • » • • • • • • • » • » • • » • • » • • • • • • • • • » • • » • • • • • • » • • » » • » » >


~v=- *



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