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  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


    Big Brother HAS gone too far ... and that's an ex-spy chief talking

    By Matthew HickleyLast updated at 1:16 AM on 02nd June 2009

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    Warning: Sir Richard Dearlove is concerned about the loss of liberties in 'Big Brother' Britain

    The former head of MI6 has hit out at 'striking and disturbing' invasions of privacy by the BigBrother state.

    Sir Richard Dearlove, who led the Secret Intelligence Service from 1999 to 2004, claimedsome were an 'abuse' of the law.

    He attacked the 'loss of liberties' caused by expanding surveillance powers and describedsome police operations as 'mind-boggling.'

    The former spy chief joins a growing number of high-profile critics warning that individualfreedom and privacy are being seriously eroded by the Government's disproportionate effortsto guard against terrorism.

    Sir Richard was particularly critical of what he claimed were inadequate laws to regulatesome surveillance powers.

    Commenting on the massive surge in police use of stop-and-search powers in London, he

    highlighted the fact that Scotland Yard officers have carried out more than 150,000 searchessince 2007.

    This compared with fewer than 300 in Manchester. Sir Richard said: 'That is a mind-bogglingstatistic. That may well be an abuse of the law.

    'I am a great believer in proportionality and as a citizen I worry about the loss of my liberties.'

    He questioned the legal constraints on the use of millions of CCTV cameras across Britain,saying: 'We have constructed a society which has great technical competence - and some ofthat competence isn't particularly regulated.


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  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


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    'I think the important thing in the UK is that there should be very strict legislation and strict

    legislative oversight.'Sir Richard, who spoke out during a question-and-answer appearance in front of 800 peopleat the Hay on Wye Festival, was a career intelligence officer who joined MI6 in 1966.

    He was in charge of the agency at the time of the September 11 attacks, and oversaw theresponse to the emerging threat from Al Qaeda.

    'Mind-boggling': The former head of MI6 said he was staggered by the number of stop andsearches made by the Metropolitan Police (file picture)

    When he left MI6 and became Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, officials said he

    would not be giving interviews or making public appearances.But in recent months he has spoken at a number of events.

    Sir Richard's remarks echo concerns voiced recently by terrorism watchdog Lord Carlile whocriticised the number of stopandsearches and said it risked gravely undermining relationswith the Muslim community.

    The House of Lords Constitution Committee recently called for the state's Big Brotherpowers to be rolled back, while Information Commissioner Richard Thomas has condemnedthe spread of surveillance, particularly the UK's 4.5million CCTV cameras.

    He said Home Office plans for a vast internet surveillance database were 'a step too far forthe British way of life'.

    Sir Richard said he believed the U.S. response to September 11 had been disproportionate.

    George Bush's administration detained and tortured hundreds of suspected terrorists inforeign jails under the extraordinary rendition programme. Sir Richard said: 'I'm a great

    believer in proportionality, and while what happened on 9/11 was a dreadful and seriousevent, in no way did it threaten the integrity of western civilisation.'

    Asked about Britain's involvement in the CIA's rendition programme, Sir Richard told thefestival audience that MI6 would have sought ministerial approval of any cases involvingBritish citizens or residents.

    He said: 'The intelligence and security community act in sensitive situations with politicalcover'.
  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


    Sir Richard admitted he had been aware of a number of rendition cases while he was head ofMI6, but claimed the Americans had not passed on lists of names. He added: 'Yes, I think wewere certainly aware. I mean we were not aware of the detail, we were aware of someindividual cases.'

    He said he had known of no cases involving British nationals, and dismissed suggestions that

    the UK had run its own rendition programme to move terror suspects abroad to be questionedand tortured.

    The former spy chief said: 'No British minister would ever have agreed a rendition action byus because I think the legal advice in the UK would have been that under common law thiswas very questionable. U.S. lawyers gave different advice.'

    Sir Richard insisted Britain's position condemning torture remained secure, adding: 'I do notknow of any violations.

    'We don't use torture and in instances where we know that, let's say, a foreign government isnot handling a case in line with our legal procedures then we would express our disagreementand our disapproval.'

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    Jury: CIA Involved in JFKAssassinationNot a single major newspaper nor any national news broadcast has everreported that on Feb. 6, 1985, a jury in Miami concluded that the CIA wasinvolved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    This is remarkable, if only because the verdict came in a court casefeaturing two international celebrities: Water gate burglar E. Howard Hunt-- perhaps the most infamous CIA operative in history -- and his courtroomnemesis -- attorney Mark Lane. Lane's ground-break ing best-seller,Rush

    to Judgment, had convinced millions of readers there had been a conspiracyin the JFK assassination, the Warren Commission's claims notwithstanding.
  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


    Scattered news reports did mention Hunt had lost a libel case against TheSPOTLIGHT. However, no media reported what the jury forewoman hadtold the press:

    Mr. Lane was asking us to do something very difficult. He was asking us tobelieve John Kennedy had been killed by our own government. Yet whenwe examined the evidence closely, we were compelled to conclude that theCIA had indeed killed President Kennedy.

    Until 1992, when Lane recounted the trial inPlausible Denialand put forthadditional compelling evidence of CIA complicity in the crime, the onlysubstantive news reports about the trial appeared in The SPOTLIGHT. Inissue No. 7 for 1985 (Feb. 18), The SPOTLIGHT announced its victory,detailing the remarkable events that led to the trial.

    The affair was set in motion on Aug. 14, 1978, when The SPOTLIGHTpublished an article by former CIA official Victor Marchetti who revealedthe CIA intended to publicly "admit" Hunt had been involved in the JFK

    assassination, acting as a "rogue" agent without CIA sanction.

    A top CIA liaison to anti-Castro Cuban exiles in the early 1960s, Hunt wasunknown to the public until the Watergate scandal that toppled President

    Nixon in 1974 brought Hunt ill fame. Then, after Watergate, when theRockefeller Commission investigated CIA misdeeds, two eccentric writersalleged Hunt was one of three "tramps" photographed in Dallas minutesafter the JFK assassination.

    Subsequent investigation refuted the "Hunt as tramp" theory. However,scandal sheets had hyped the story and many came to believe Hunt had a

    hand in Dallas.

    In 1976, growing skepticism about the Warren Commission's claim that a"lone assassin" had killed JFK forced the House of Representatives toconvene a new assassination inquiry.

    In the midst of the House investigation, an unusual development occurred:

    As Marchetti's SPOTLIGHT article reported, an in-house CIA memo,ostensibly written in 1966 -- some 12 years previously -- was leaked tocongressional investigators.

    The memo stated Hunt had been in Dallas on the day of the JFKassassination, and that CIA officials were concerned the agency would oneday have to explain Hunt's presence there.

    The SPOTLIGHT subsequently learned CIA Director Richard Helms andthe CIA's chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, had signed off onthe memo.

    Marchetti suggested that because the CIA perceived Hunt to be a villain inthe public's eye as a consequence of Watergate, the CIA had decided tosacrifice Hunt and "admit" he had been involved in the assassination.

    The CIA would claim Hunt was acting on his own and that the CIA, as aninstitution, had no part in the president's murder. This would satisfy publicdemand for a resolution of the JFK controversy and the CIA itself would beabsolved. Hunt would be left to fend for himself.

  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


    The SPOTLIGHT felt the article served as warning to Hunt about CIAintentions and Hunt himself admitted the story seemed plausible. Yet, Huntstill filed suit against The SPOTLIGHT.

    When the case went to trial in federal court in Miami, the jury found inHunt's favor, ordering The SPOTLIGHT to pay Hunt $650,000 in damages.However, an error in the jury instructions resulted in the verdict beingoverturned. After the case was ordered for retrial, Lane stepped in for TheSPOTLIGHT's defense.

    The highlight of the trial was when Lane presented the jury the testimonyof Marita Lorenz, an ex-CIA operative who had worked with Hunt in plotsagainst Fidel Castro.

    Miss Lorenz testified that on Nov. 21, 1963 -- the day prior to the JFKassassination -- she arrived in Dallas in a two-car caravan from Miami.Accompanying her were several CIA operatives, armed with telescopicrifles, including Frank Sturgis who (years later) participated with Hunt in

    the Watergate burglary.

    She didn't know the purpose of the mission, but upon arrival, the travelersmet with Hunt, who acted as their paymaster, and also Jack Ruby who,days later, killed the accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Uncomfortable, sensing something "big, very big," was impending, she leftDallas that same day. Later Sturgis told her how big the mission had been:the assassination of President Kennedy.

    The jury listened carefully to her testimony, already suspicious of Huntafter his performance under Lane's cross-examination. Lane pointed outinconsistencies in conflicting stories by Hunt over the years about where he

    had been on Nov. 22, 1963. However, Hunt insisted to the jury that he wasin Washington, D.C. with his wife and three children that day.

    Hunt's case collapsed when he was unable to explain, when questioned byLane, why his teenage children had asked him if the rumors he wasinvolved in the events in Dallas were true.

    Obviously, if Hunt were in Washington on Nov. 22 he couldn't have been inDallas.

    Not surprisingly, the jury found in favor of The SPOTLIGHT. Yet, themajor media said nothing about the stunning, historic revelations of thistrial.

    It was clearly the CIA's counterintelligence chief, James Angleton, wholeaked the CIA memo placing Hunt in Dallas. In fact, Angleton's confidant,reporter Joe Trento (deposed by Lane in the Hunt case) has said -- basedupon what Angleton told him -- that Hunt had been in Dallas and that it wasAngleton who sent him there (Angleton's own denials notwithstanding).Three conclusions can be reached:

    The CIA had planned to throw Hunt to the wolves but evidently he andthe CIA reached an accord since Angleton's loyal, longtime deputy, NewtonMiler, was dispatched by the CIA to testify against The SPOTLIGHT inHunt's defense;

    Because The SPOTLIGHT ex posed the intended CIA scheme to "admit"Hunt's complicity in the assassination, the operation was shelved; and,

  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


    If there's anybody who knows what really happened in Dallas, it's Hunt.

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    Home > USCheney admits: No link between Saddam, 9/11Tue, 02 Jun 2009 17:25:42 GMT

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    Former US Vice President Dick CheneyFormer US Vice President says there was no Saddam Hussein involvement in 9/11 terroristattacks but that the Iraqi dictator provided terrorists with a safe haven.

    Dick Cheney, appearing at the National Press Club on Monday, said that the US intelligencetrying to link Saddam with al-Qaeda on September 11 attacks proved to be baseless.

    "I do not believe and have never seen any evidence to confirm that [Hussein] was involved in9/11. We had that reporting for a while, [but] eventually it turned out not to be true," Cheney

    conceded, according to CNN.

    Yet, the hawkish former leader insisted that Saddam was a terrorism sponsor and stronglydefended Bush's decision to invade Iraq.

    Saddam was "somebody who provided sanctuary and safe harbor and resources to terrorists.... [It] is, without question, a fact."

    "There was a relationship between al Qaeda and Iraq that stretched back 10 years. It's notsomething I made up. ... We know for a fact that Saddam Hussein was a sponsor -- a statesponsor -- of terror. It's not my judgment. That was the judgment of our [intelligence

    community] and State Department," he said.

    US-led international forces invaded Iraq in 2003 to oust Saddam regime that Washington hadclaimed was equipped with Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    But the US-led coalition body in Iraq, tasked with finding the country's alleged WMDs couldfind no such weapons.

  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


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    Below, The TNI-AU (Indonesian Air Force) MiG-27 Flanker

    sent by President Joe Jussac, Jr. to Egypt to dogfight the ZIONIST IAF!

  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far


    The IRANIAN F-14 Tom Cat! IsraHELL, WEEPS!

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    Ahh! An IAF Kurnass is BBQ-ed mid-air!

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  • 8/14/2019 Big Brother HAS Gone Too Far
