big deal in iks. - chronicling...

ng folks enjoyed P. ball Tuesday Most complete linaT of felt boots artics and leggings inlsec on at the LEON REPORTER THU Kohler the jeweler Little Twelve couple of you a social dance, at the K evening DAY, DECEMBER 7, 1899. r <R SANBORH BOSTON PURELY PERSONAL. [ Persons having friends visiting them or knowing of strangers visiting In the city will confer a great favor upon the Editor by informing nlm either in person or by note, i ' Always begin with soup. It takes away the ravenous edge of the appetite and permits you to enjoy the balance of your meal with healthy composure. Rapid eating is slow suicide. Good soup is the most delightful check upon undue haste. It jiives digestion the least trouble, refreshes and invigorates. Moreover, the making of it is simple now. Jt comes to you ready for warming and that's all you have to do, Cash u rocery. Come and see*"our nice cut glass ware some of the firtiest cut designs. All to be found ajv'.l. K. Bashaw. J. H. Kling, of Davis City, was yesterday. M. L, Bevls. of Mt, in this city Friday. Ayr, had business for instance placed in hot water will provide in G minutes plenty lor six. We have a dozen soups to choose from Tomato, Mock Turtle, Chicken, Ox Tail, Consomme, Vegetable,Cream of Celery, Cream of Asparagus, Cream of Potaloe, Puree of Pet, Puree of Bean and P'iree of Lentil. 2 Weeks Until And we aie |.fepnrett' fbr" : WTcoming by selecting the finest ••f cmdies fruits, nuts, i-*«. Osindiee from 10c. to $1 00 per ponnd, nuts front 10e. t,o 2-5c. per ^jund. A glance at our stock will convince you that we not only have the best assortment but the lowest pri -es, " A goafd industrious boy living with his parents who desires "to learn the printings trade can secure a position at THK REPORTER office. The 51&t^owa Reaimental Band which has just returned from the Philippine Islands will appear at Van Werden's opera nail in this city on Dec. 13. puroc Jersey sows *i.d males at low prices to close out; also 50 head of com inn two-year old heifers. 2t B. MCCI.KU.AND. y Mary Craigo presented us yes- terday a beautiful boquet of chrysan- themums, of her raising, which for size and beauty are the equal of any grown by a city florist. Miss Margaret Young has tendered her resignation as assistant in the Leon Uieh Schools and goes to Humeston the first of the year where she has been elected assistant principal with an ad- vance of $25 per month in salary. The l<eon High School foot ball team WHS defeated by the Garden Grove team in the game played at the Grove Fridnv afternoon, the score being li to 0. For thirty-four minutes neither team scored, and theu Garden Grove got a touch down by an error and kicked goal Miss Hattie Rirfepatrick returned Satur- day from Van Wert. an d Mrs. J, L. Parrish, of Des Moines, came Thursday to spend Thanks- giving with the family of 1. N. Clark. Mr Parrish returned home Friday, Mrs. Par- few? days children remaining to visit a Mrs. Amanda Sterner, of Denver, Colo- in Leon rado, arrived in Leon the first of last week, the guest of her sister Mrs. Belle She is visiting this week in Eden township with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. Hoyer. Tbos. Teale and wife for Des Moines Friday. Miss Josie Bowman visited over with Davis City friends. were passengers Sunday A. Biddison returned Friday from a bus- iness trip to Chariton. Dr. H. R. Layton had professional busi- ness at Decatur Tuesday. R. L. Parrish had legal business at Mt. Ayr the first of the week. Dan Tew, wife and son returned to Des Moines Thursday afternoon. E, B. McClelland departed last evening on a business trip to Chicago. were over We want BUTTER, EjGGS and WILD G/VME.! J. A. CASTER. Underwear at ^Ku'» All sizf>s and so fp ol under- wear here. Re };tao to show you and quote prices. 1 IL'ltST BROS. r. it's! Our lsttle baby ha^ been very poorly lor a long time, i Mr. I). F. Avery, lias Itetyn treating n and since he com- meitfgd it hasjbeen greatly improved in health and: sleeps soundly every mailt. We know he has greatly ben- efited our little one. / MR. .1X1) MBS. O, K. Ti i,us. You Take Pills? Everybody does! But not every . one gets them as pure as those - who patronize our store. Perhaps we are a bit "cranky" about the purity of everything we sell. Might make more money ' if we substituted some harmless substances for high priced drugs, but as human life depends on the quality of our preparations we sell only the best. h I. H0NN0LD. Climax plug tobacco 35c pound. J. A. CASTER Holiday goods of every description at Alexander's. Duck coats all kinds, all prices at J<eon Cash Grocery. Two Short-horn blood, for sale. 12 fit- , ' bulls, both red, full W. B. REDMAN, DeKalb, Iowa. the * 1 We invite you to call and inspect our big line of holiday goods. The largest ever shown in i^eon. VV. A. ALEXANDER. Caster's Mill. I am grinding buckwheat every Thus- day and chop on Wednesday. J. T. Caster 2.J miles north of Leon. 14-2t Alf Bowman severely burned his right hand Thanksgiving day by falling against a hot stove at his new residence south-west of town. , From the Drovers Journal we learn that the white faced steers recently sold by J. B. Dale of Spring Valley to Beam- er Bros, of Clearfield, averaged 1270 pounds on the Chicago market and brought $0.40 per hundred,'' have The following marriage licenses lieen issued the past week. E. A. Adams 39 to Jennie McCalla 20. James Mickelson 33 to Mildred O. Avery 30. Emmet Gore 19 to Leone Sutherlin 19. Miles M. Park hurst 23 to Rosa Terry 19. James E. Bowsher 38 to Ella Carmean 27. J. B. Turner 70 to Mrs. S. E. Gillman 04. - . : A committee of the city council have contracted for the purchase of the old brick mill and an acre of ground lying justeast of town for the purpose of get- ting the water from the well for use at the electric light plant. The price is ¥600. It is proposed to use one of the old dynamos to fnrnish power to pump the water to the light house. The city council meets to-night and it is expected the deal will be closed and plans adopt- ed. - If you want something nice for's Christmas present in thiei way of bric-a-brac, fancy furni- ture, or anything in the wfty of n musical instrument you will find'it at Alexander's stores. What nicer present can you > get for your wife or daughter ihan a piano, organ, Yiolin, Knandolin or guitar, or a beautiful bed jrooiii suite, A couch, or chair. Come in »nd look over our big stock before? the [grand holiday rush. W. A. ALEXANDER. iBIankets at Hurst's! Out some things in cotton and wool blankets and com- Morts. You can't Afford to -freeze at theaiUffit'cs. Come If you want bargains in real estate see E, J.Sankey. J. R. Bashaw is headquarters for holi- day goods at bedrock prices. See Alexander's display of holiday goods. It is the largest in the city. Big presents for the big people and little presents for little people at Alexander's. Underwear,'hosiery, blankets and all heavy goods at very low prices at the Leon Cash Grocery. If you are sick try a course of treat- ment with D. F. Avery, the magnetic healer. Oflice in Finley's block. Our line of holiday books, bibles, booklets, fancy books are the very best variety to be found. J. R. BASHAW, The Iowa Steam Laundry is the largest and best equipped in Iowa, J. A. Caster is agent. Send on Tuesday, deliver on Thursday. We need three copies of TUB REPOR TER of Nov. 9th. Will any of our readers who have this issue please bring them to eur office. Two good Poland-China boar pigs, old enough for service. If taken at once will be sold at a price. See them, W. II. HAZMTT. Elsie Clark, of north-west of town, was in Leon Friday having his shoulder dressed. His team ran away with him a couple of weeks before and his collar bone was broken. Take your Laundry to J. A. Caster. OJIIS and toys, the biggest stock in Leon, at Alexander's. Anything you want for boot wear at the I .eon Cash Grocery. A.O.Ingram, the big Mt. Ayr mer- pant who had stores at Mt. Ayr, jfinnon City, and Allendale, made an ?nment last Saturday. His liabili- [are considerable ove'r $100,01)0 with its of about li;i0,0(X). The creditors ^principally wholesale houses and I: will be lucky if they realize 25 per 1 of their claim. ••I NOTICE! Have your watch cleaned an.I ed by Kohler the jeweler. repair- J, R. Bashaw's stock of albums and scratch books is complete. Henry Johnson has leased the barber shop owned by Mrs. F. Bobbitt. Silverware novelties, knives, forks, spoons, nut picks, fruits and knives, at J. li. Bashaw's. We will be under obligations to any of our subscribers who can furnisli us a copy of THK REPORTER of Nov. 9. Toys, thousands of them for the little folks at Alexander's store. Call and make your selections, and have them laid awav. I hi yei counl 1st. l.havi |ire all my customers whom accommodated the past LCall and settle their ac- J ^y cash or note before Jan |ase£acc6mmodate:me as 2 M.MAYER. S !••••••••••••••••• At the Lodge, M officers were* C. C—J. V. C.—Em Prelate—Dri K. of R. and" M. of E —W. 1 M. of W—U. M. at A.—Eln I. G.—W. L. O. G.—Lyss Jen! Trustees—Geo Dr. H. R. Layton ar meeting of Hesperia y night the, following ted for the coming year: ites. Gardner. A, Bowman. J. J.-Evans. M yers. Benefield. ^Jhaucller.-wnsi^ kiV "l. iurst, II. .1. Yugt, | Special Sale ot Ladles Wraps; . MI I All go at 75 cents on the dollar, to close them out. All new and stylish jackets. Save one-iourth of your money, HAMILTON & GAMMILI,. Don't forget the O. K. barber shop, which was started by Charley Peugh last week, when you want a good shave and hair cut. First door north of Biggs' new building. County attorney Baker was called to Davis City Monday, to prosecute a couple of small boys who had entered a house and stolen a few small articles. Owing to the youthfulness of the boys the county attorney decided not to prosecute them as long as they were on good behavior. Here we are again with the largest and best select- ed stock of holiday goods ever shown in Leon. Any- thing you want for Xmas presents can be found at this store. Toys, books pictures, fine furniture and a hundred other articles to select from at W. A. Alexander's. A well known Leon young lady will remember Thanksgiving day for several weeks. 8nme person who deserves, to be tarred and feathered had placed a brick in an innocent-looking shoe box on the pavement in front of the Ex- change Bank. It was too tempting and the young lady could not resist the temptation to kick it but what a sur- prise party it was for her as she limped on up the street- K : Leon chapter No. 33 R. A. M. has elected the following officers for the en- suing year: * H. P.—A. Bidtlison. - King—J. E. Penniwell. <C, Scribe—J. N. Gates. V Treasurer—M. A. Gammili, Secretary—C. W. Beck. C. H.—H. Farquhar. P. S.—W. E. Myers. R. A. C.—Geo. W. Sears. M. 3d V—D. A. Buell. M. 2d Y.—SI E. Bowman. M. 1st V.—J. J. Evans. ^ Guard—Q. M. Lindsej. Capt. J. C. Gammili, of Frontier coun- ty Nebraska, was an over Sunday visitor in this city with hlB brother M. A, Gammili.. At the recent election, Capt. Gammili was the republican candidate for county clerk, and when the votes were counted it was found there was a tie between him and Mr. Roach. his op- ponent. It was decided to draw lota for the office, so six gun wada were plac- ed in a hat five of tnem blank and one with the word clerk written on it. Oapt. Gammili was given the first draw and he drew a blank, aodid Roach, then Gam- mill drew another blank and so did Roacfa. There were now only two wad* left and on the ttyra draw: 6aj»t. Gam- Idrew the l«u*>wari. Hia opponent Mrs. Elizabeth Horn, widow of the late Elisha Horn, of Pleasanton, was last week granted a widow's pension of $S per month. D. F. Avery, magnetic healer, has op- pened an office in Finley's block and is treatingall kinds of diseases by mag- netic treatment. .-''yJ Farmers' initltutel January 111 Wli be Held In Leon. ' nd 2. 1900- The Executive con tur County Farmed this city last Friday' Watckl Before you bu v a watch be sure to get Kohier's prices, A. Merwin's team ran away with him last. Saturday near Wjn. Vanostrand's residence, but btffore they had run over, twenty feet ran into the rear of a lum- ber wagon and were stopped, the only damage being a broken tongue. E. B. McClelland and J. P. Wharton have closed a deal for the purchase of the Gates Cigar Factory, and will take possession Jan. 1st. They are contem- plating removing to St. Joe, but this has not yet been definitely decided. WANTEO-A good ~Indus- trious boy. who lives with his parents, and two young ladies to learn to set type. Apply at THE IREPORTER office. The annual sale of lands on which the taxes are delinquent was held at the Treasurer's office Monday. About 175 sales were made, the principal buyers being Marion F. Stookey, J. W. Harvey, S. Varga, 8. A. Gates, l\ W. Hoffman and Refine HarVey. Rubber Shoes! Believe we can fit .you in newer and better rubbers than you'll find elsewhere at ^ our prices: H URST BROS. We qoticed a fine coop of R. C. B. Leghorns at the depot one day last week, pll 'decorated with ribbons cap- tured at the Cainsville poultry show. They were tfie prbperty of L. E. Sprague and he feels elated as he captured 1st prize for best cockerel, and 1st, 2nd 3rd on pullets. They were very fine indeed. _______ One of Leon's mighty hunters who put in Tbanksgiying day tramping through the wet fields in a vain linnt for quails bad the nerve to start out again the-next morning. But before starting he went toT W. P. Clark & Co. and purchased a half dozen birds which he proudlv exhibited to his friends when he returned in the afternoon.' Do 11 you know who it was? ; Don't forget to visit the big stores of W. A. Alexan- der when you go to make your selections of Xmas presents. He has anything you want no matter bow small or how large your pocket book is. He has the goods,don't propose to have any left after the holidays. Call and inspect 1)is stock. There are three big store rooms crowded with suitable things for the holidays. Christmas Hdk'fs! Just opened 90 doeen new " ones—Most all sorts and - suegeat th&t yon make lection nowjbeforethecri HURST BR' las t e j,| ace f or Lul th t j me j ftn. lees ire select- J. W. |iituijee of the Deca- 8 •'stitute met in ing the institute the year' h ° ld ' *1* was VreMea over bv Ralph Baker, presicflent an(i ij0hflrt McCaull, secretary. 1 an(J KoDert Leon was selected holding the institute a uary 11 and 12, 1900. The following commit 6(1! Program.—Emmet Gfardm. Keeler and Robert McCawll. General Arrangements.A-Capkin T n Brown, George E. Hurst, IS. A Gates Millard F. Stookev and O.IE. H,u ' We are pleased that the \instinta will be held in this city. It Ks a Leetine which every farmer in the colantywoui ( f profit by attending. A spfcendii pro- gram will be prepared, which wu be published later, and... the clitizeis 0f Leon will do all in their powelr to , iRke and add to the pleasure of tlhose vho attend. I^et every farmer in tKie county commence and arrange his business so that he ean attend both days. ^He is he one for whom the institute is hrtld a-id who will receive the benefit. Tbe\peopi e of Leon cannot compel the farnner to attend, and the meeting cdnnot be\ madp a success unless the farmers do alttend. It rests with the farmers wliethelr the institute of 1900 is to be a successful one. v The creamery a Success- The Leon creamery has now been in operation eight months. When the pro- ect was first talked of many people dis- couraged it and said it could not be made a success here, but the Messrs. Doran, the proprietors were not dis- discouraged. They came, looked over the field, purchased property and equipped it with the very oest. of ma- chinery. The result has been a surprise to both themselves and the farmers who have been selling them cream. In the eight months they have been doiag businesi almost $7,000 in cold cash hi ~ been paid out to the farmers for creai At the present time they are paying the 1 equivalent of 22 cents per pound for butter, the farmer's wife does n't have to care for the milk or wear herself out churning, and the farmer has the skim- med milk returned to him for hog feed It has been reported that the creamery will shut down during the winter months, but this is a mistake; they will run the year around and in the spring will add another separator i n I establish several skimming stations at points where it is too far to haul the cream to Leon. The proprietors are men of. means and they have paid the farmers promptly the cash for their cream, and there has been no complaints from those who sell cream. We are indeed pleased that the creamery has made such a splendid showing and believe that the coming year many more farm- ers will sell their cream. For Sale. > A restaurant for sale in a good Enquire at this office. Farm for Sate or RmtE town. 7-tf 241 acres of improi & W. R. R. 2 hoi granary and land on the K, good barn, cribs, fenced, for further lam (J, Toovey, Ltur county. 14113 er, posts and GABDN*B, ; Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Gates Sunday visitors at Davis City. Miss Alta Morgan went to Humeston yesterday to visit a few days. Uncle Jim Wakefield returned Friday from a visit at Montevallo, Mo. D. F. Nicholson and son Harry of La- moni, had business in this city. Frank Tew and family returned f" " ieir home in Des Moines last Frida-- Miss Grace McCaull _r«-'-- i ^ ne d to her home at Garden Grojf Monday. R. U Parrish legal business at. Des Moines the Irsier part of last week. *iretchen Myers returned Monday fiom a few days visit in Des Moines. Mrs. H. .1. Close returned yesterday from a week's visit at Mt. Pleasant, Miss Alice Sullivan returned yesterday from a week's visit with friends at Albia. Miss Mamie Allen went to Lamoni Fri- day to visit a couple of days with her mother. Dell Hilliker and family, of Mt., Ayr, are visiting his parents and many friends in this city. J. W. Delk departed Tuesday to visit friends at various places north of here for a few weeks. Mrs. J. I J. Young and daughters Marg- aret and Helen spent Sunday with friends at Garden Grove. Miss Ora Sankey and little Freda Teale went to Lamoni Thursday to spend a few days with friends. Miss Maude Watkins, of Albany, Mo., came Saturday for a visit with her sister Mrs. S. B. Johnson. Lyss Gibson and family, of New Hamp- ton, Mo., visited over Sunday with his parents in this city. J. D. Hull and Miss Nellie Cavin, of Des Moines, were Thanksgiving guests of the family of O. E. Hull. Miss Bessie Read was at Davis City the latter part of last week canvassing for the Ladies Home Journal. Mrs. W. H. Albaugh accompanied her daughtei Mrs. Orra Teale to Lamoni Tues- day for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Orra Teale, of Lamoni visited over Sunday in this city with W. H. Albaugh and family. Miss Lenna Green returned to Corydon yesterday after visiting a few days with her mother in this city. F. D. Close returned Saturday evening from a three week's trip to Port Arthur and other points in Texas. Mrs. W. H. Jennings, of Garden Grove, was the guest of the family of J. J. Evans in this city last Thursday. Mrs. Ed. Moore, of Kellertan, is spend- ing a week in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Elliott. Mrs. Mary Robertsl returned Monday from a few days visit at New Hampton, Mo., with her son George. R. P. Warwick, of St Louis, an old fam- ily fiiend, was the guest of the family of Dr. Waight Thanks giving. D. E. Musselmen and family \iBited a couple of days with friends at Van Wert the latter part of last week. C. B. Hall, the Davis City merchant, passed through Leon Thursday on his way to Osceola to visit his wife. Mrs. J. F. Penniwell went to Derby Tuesday to visit a few days with her daughter Mrs. Dr. Throckmorton. J. E. Vail, of Garden Grove, through Leon Monday enroute to Lamoni to show a customer some real estate. Mrs. S. J. Hendricks went to Leon Sun- day to see her father, Francis Smith, who was quite sick.—Bethany Republican. S. D. Hickman, of Chariton, passed through Leon Friday going to Davis City where he owns considerable property. Mrs. J. H. Fitch and mother, Mrs. Ar- thur, left Tuesday for Ft. Dodge, where they will visit uutil after the holidays. Robert Good went to Osceola Tuesday to appear before the board of pension ex- aminers for an increase of his pension. Mrs. Jonathan Hamilton departed Thursday afternoon for Pella, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. R. R. Hop- ton. Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Rush and baby, of Burlington, visited with relatives in this city and at Blythedale the latter part of last week. C. L. Rudibaugh and J. B. Atkins, two .of the good farmers residing sonth of 'avis City, were over night visitors in this Ity Monday. . Ed. H. Sharp departed Saturday evening far Washington, D. C. to resume his duties as\ assistant door keeper of the lower holuseof congress. }r. H. B. McKlveen, who is visiting i his wife at the home of Dr. DeKalb, keKalb, was in Leon Friday the guest 1 Van Werden. K. and Mrs. Harkness, of Fairfield, frs. D. D. Humeston, of Humeston, visiting with Capt. and Mrs. J. D. i over Sunday. Zola Bruner, one of tbe.teachers in Moines public schools, came lay to spend Thanksgiving with her i east of town. |h Lily, of pes Moines, came Satur- oin his family who have been vis- ka week , with the family of bis {orris J. Gardner. S. Johnson and children, of irove, came Saturday mornini oyer Sunday in this city witl ~rs. J. D. Brown. ibertson, of Lamoni, passed a last Thursday enroute to a of Des Moines where he was business matters. !rs. J. R. Bowshar and son rs. Robert Bowsfaer departed train yesterday morning for a is trip in California. ibson and family, who have m Dr. Baker's farm just north ' * overland yesterday for ere they will locate. avidson returned Monday Lt Macon, 111., after a visit of In this county with her iggs and other relatives, r came down from Oska- t Thanksgiving with his ity. He has been engaged ent sidewalks in Oskaloosa "g th been of Okl Mi to he: several brotbe] John" loosa ai mother ii in buildli the past V. R. and joying a visit brother B. A.' Ohio, who is wholesale gi Sr W - ? Smi tb, of Webb City, Mo., came^uesday afternoon on a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Albaugh. Mrs. Smith has many varm friends in this eitv who will be pleased to see her after an absence ot several years. F. M. Cunninbam, the tax expert who Is now working io Clarke county spent Thanksgiving with bis wife in this city. He has about two weeks more work at Osceola and will then come to Leon and push the work in this county. F. E. Thompson came in off the road Thursday and remained until Monday. This week closes his work on the road for Marshall Field & Co., and next Sunday be goes into Ch.cago to remain in the house until the first of the year, when he starts on the road again. _ <u«i> er Hot Coming Attractions' 51st Iowa, Regimental Band. Thursday, Dec. 14. mi SEATS NOW MeGinnis have been en- B past week from their |Ginnis, of Frazeysbnrg, sveling salesman for iflrm. Kalph Baker Robert McCaull, pres- ident andaeereUr^of the Deeatur County Warmer's Institute here in Leon Friday »™ n C^ M VtflflJ"uatitute to be bela hew on Jr Mrs. M. Mayer surprised 'from last Thursday by retur-CH^ ThMXseiv- Springs, Ark., in time ,^ ^3 accomDl- nifd bv n Mr W ind h *»- RoBenthal of^St, Louis Mrs M --' r ' a mBn J' friend8 will be nteasfcd to 1% she ^ as entirely recover- ed fmm - ^ attack of rheumatism from slie suflered so long. Dr. and Mrs. c.. W. Rowell and little son nud Mrs. Adda E. Curry went to Afton Tuesday afternoon to be present yesterday at the 40th anniversary of the wedding of Dr. Rowell's parents, which was celebrat- ed lsst evening. Judge and Mrs. N. W, Rowell have many warm friends in this uity who extend congratulations on this occasion and hope they may continue in good health and live to celebrate their golden wedding ten years hence. Leather Shoes! Wesell'etnon mi^ht.y slim margins but sell a lor of them. Let us show you the goods and figures. HURST 'BROS. A few good bargains in improved farms. & SMITH, Van Wert, Iowa. l-l-4t At J. 11. Bashaw's you will see the best stock of watches, chains, charms, rings, chain bracelets and all things in the jewelry line found in southern Iowa. WASTED—A reliable man to sell fine Liquors to consumers and deaiers on commission. Big prolit to hard work- ers. Reference required. Address A. 11 RUM ANN &, Co. Ili-I't Gladstone, 111. Cheap one way colonist excursion rates, efleclive at once and until further notice. Tickets will be 011 sale to points in the west., northwest and Pacific coast C.. M. KKTCIIAM. Seasoned native lumber, dimension stuff and bridge plank, material for barns and barn frames always on hand. F. D. CI.OSE. At J. Ii. Bashaw's you will find a ereat variety of China ware, Havelin, Dresden and a great many other beauti- ful novelties. Mather—the 30 years dentist of over 30 years experience is at Leon on the morning of the 27th and will remain until the last of everv month. Notice. There will be a meeting of the Leon Womens Relief Corps Sat. Dec, 9th, at the G. A. R. llall, at the usual hour, for the election of officers for the ensueing year. All members are requested to be present. ANNA ALLEN President. CLARA BROWN Secretary, LEON CASH GROCERY. Big Deal in Iks. 30 dozen from H. C. Godman, of Columbus, Ohio. ALL WARRANTED. Ladies $2 00 Kangaroo Calf at 1.85 Kangaroo Calf at 2.00 Dongola Kid at 1.85 Dongola Kid at Misses.' $l.t>"> Kangaroo Calf at .... 1.35 Kangaroo Calf at .... ... 1.65 Dongola Kid at 1.35 Dongola Kid at ... 51.50 .. 1.35 .... 1.50 1.35 ...$1.25 .... 1.10 ...1.25 1.10 MATRIMONIAL. MICKELSON AVBRV, Mr. .James Mickelson, of Big Pinev Wyoming and Miss Mildred O. A verv 0 this my were united in marriage at IT v l'< m t"*\v 11 ^ NDE ' 8 P ARENTS >N this •it} last W ednesday evening, the cere- mony being perforpietLbv- Rw \v H llsley pftfti/am' -— friehVil}' Uvitnesl sumptuous wedi immediately afti Tne bride is t io need any worl born in this it all her life. S relined youn. L musician, and > warm friend*. The groom is pressed ;;!! who n| man ot sterling w< ranchman who 01 catile interests in Mr. aud Mrs. Mj eveninu for Om spend a couple o: their home at Bi Many frieDds heartv congratul long life of wedd -(ARMEAFL An interesting Wednesday morl o'clock, at the ho| when the Rev. the words whicli James Rush Bowsi Carmean, These? among the best in groom is one ot til youug business met member of the' & Biddison, wbill prepossessing youq personal charms. was over the guests, e i the immediate rela with sumptuous ret] buoyant spirits and f the future this happy] on the early morning tended honeymoon skies of San Francisil tend hearty congratu| them '"Bon Vovat'e" life. MKLTWIN-SL Mr. John Merwin Smith were united in o'clock last evening at{ bride's motber on n<1 Kev. Joseph Stephen, E. church officiating, diate families were pred some wedding supperl which all did ample jus The groom is one of / industrious young ml partner with his fathel shop. His bride is a lady, a graduate of ' school and will make the man who has won Many warm friends congratulations to Mr., Merwin. MARRIED—At the blide's parents Mr. Terry in New Buda, Iov Sunday December 3, Campbell officating, Mrl hurst, of Harrison count] Miss Rosa B. Terry, of Nl After the congratulatio intimate friends that had to be present were over\ was soon seated around a| with a sumptuous repast] did ample justice. This] start on life's journey wit pects and the best wishes! of friends. On Saturday Deceml court house the Rev. J J united in the bonds of we[ Gore and Leone Suthel Davis City. We wish tl and prosperous future. Bring Us Your Produce LEON C/VSHr GROCERY. To Cure La Qrlppe In I Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qn| All druggists refund the i to cure. Ii. W. GROVE'S every box. 25c. Bashaw's line of dolls, shooflys, doll go-carts, sle trains, and games of everv 1 complete. Smoke Lawn City and guaranteed band made and Manufactured by Bobbitl Winterset, Iowa. We announce our first special wrap sale for the season Special low prices will be made on ments in stock and a saving of 25 per cent, anteed. Plush Capes $3.00 to $10.00. Ladies' Jackets $3.50 to $10.00.] Children's Jackets $1.50 to $3.j There are no traveling men's commissi on these wraps. We have them in stock. A*.

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Page 1: Big Deal in Iks. - Chronicling · We have a dozen soups to choose from Tomato, Mock Turtle, Chicken, Ox

ng folks enjoyed • P. ball Tuesday

Most complete linaT of felt boots artics and leggings in lsec on at the

LEON REPORTER THU Kohler the jeweler

Little Twelve couple of you a social dance, at the K evening

DAY, DECEMBER 7, 1899.





[ Persons having friends visiting them or knowing of strangers visiting In the city will confer a great favor upon the Editor by informing nlm either in person or by note, i '

Always begin with soup. It takes away the ravenous edge of the appetite and permits you to enjoy the balance of your meal with healthy composure. Rapid eating is slow suicide. Good soup is the most delightful check upon undue haste. It jiives digestion the least trouble, refreshes and invigorates. Moreover, the making of it is simple now. Jt comes to you ready for warming and that's all you have to do,

Cash u rocery.

Come and see*"our nice cut glass ware some of the firtiest cut designs. All to be found ajv'.l. K. Bashaw.

J. H. Kling, of Davis City, was yesterday.

M. L, Bevls. of Mt, in this city Friday.

Ayr, had business

for instance placed in hot water will provide in G minutes plenty lor six. We have a dozen soups to choose from Tomato, Mock Turtle, Chicken, Ox Tail, Consomme, Vegetable,Cream of Celery, Cream of Asparagus, Cream of Potaloe, Puree of Pet, Puree of Bean and P'iree of Lentil.

2 Weeks Until

And we aie |.fepnrett' fbr":WTcoming by selecting the finest ••f cmdies fruits, nuts, i-*«. Osindiee from 10c. to $1 00 per ponnd, nuts front 10e. t,o 2-5c. per ^jund. A glance at our stock will convince you that we not only have the best assortment but the lowest pri -es, "

A goafd industrious boy living with his parents who desires "to learn the printings trade can secure a position at THK REPORTER office.

The 51&t^owa Reaimental Band which has just returned from the Philippine Islands will appear at Van Werden's opera nail in this city on Dec. 13.

puroc Jersey sows *i.d males at low prices to close out; also 50 head of com inn two-year old heifers.

2t • B. MCCI.KU.AND. y

Mary Craigo presented us yes­terday a beautiful boquet of chrysan­themums, of her raising, which for size and beauty are the equal of any grown by a city florist.

Miss Margaret Young has tendered her resignation as assistant in the Leon Uieh Schools and goes to Humeston the first of the year where she has been elected assistant principal with an ad­vance of $25 per month in salary.

The l<eon High School foot ball team WHS defeated by the Garden Grove team in the game played at the Grove Fridnv afternoon, the score being li to 0. For thirty-four minutes neither team scored, and theu Garden Grove got a touch down by an error and kicked goal

Miss Hattie Rirfepatrick returned Satur­day from Van Wert.

„ and Mrs. J, L. Parrish, of Des Moines, came Thursday to spend Thanks­giving with the family of 1. N. Clark. Mr Parrish returned home Friday, Mrs. Par-few? days children remaining to visit a

Mrs. Amanda Sterner, of Denver, Colo-in Leon rado, arrived in Leon the first of last

week, the guest of her sister Mrs. Belle She is visiting this week in Eden

township with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. Hoyer.

Tbos. Teale and wife for Des Moines Friday.

Miss Josie Bowman visited over with Davis City friends.

were passengers


A. Biddison returned Friday from a bus­iness trip to Chariton.

Dr. H. R. Layton had professional busi­ness at Decatur Tuesday.

R. L. Parrish had legal business at Mt. Ayr the first of the week.

Dan Tew, wife and son returned to Des Moines Thursday afternoon.

E, B. McClelland departed last evening on a business trip to Chicago.

were over

We want



Underwear at ^Ku'» All sizf>s and so fp ol under­wear here. Re };tao to show you and quote prices. 1




Our lsttle baby ha^ been very poorly lor a long time, i Mr. I). F. Avery, lias Itetyn treating n and since he com-meitfgd it hasjbeen greatly improved in health and: sleeps soundly every mailt. We know he has greatly ben­efited our little one. / MR. .1X1) MBS. O, K. Ti i,us.

You Take Pills? Everybody does! But not every

. one gets them as pure as those - who patronize our store. Perhaps we are a bit "cranky" about the purity of everything we sell. Might make more money

' if we substituted some harmless substances for high priced drugs, but as human life depends on the quality of our preparations we sell only the best.

h I. H0NN0LD.

Climax plug tobacco 35c pound. J. A. CASTER

Holiday goods of every description at Alexander's.

Duck coats all kinds, all prices at J<eon Cash Grocery.

Two Short-horn blood, for sale. 12 fit- • , '

bulls, both red, full W. B. REDMAN,

DeKalb, Iowa.

the * 1

We invite you to call and inspect our big line of holiday goods. The largest ever shown in i^eon. VV. A. ALEXANDER.

Caster's Mill.

I am grinding buckwheat every Thus-day and chop on Wednesday. J. T. Caster 2.J miles north of Leon. 14-2t

Alf Bowman severely burned his right hand Thanksgiving day by falling against a hot stove at his new residence south-west of town.

, From the Drovers Journal we learn that the white faced steers recently sold by J. B. Dale of Spring Valley to Beam-er Bros, of Clearfield, averaged 1270 pounds on the Chicago market and brought $0.40 per hundred,''

have The following marriage licenses lieen issued the past week.

E. A. Adams 39 to Jennie McCalla 20. James Mickelson 33 to Mildred O.

Avery 30. Emmet Gore 19 to Leone Sutherlin 19. Miles M. Park hurst 23 to Rosa Terry

19. James E. Bowsher 38 to Ella Carmean

27. J. B. Turner 70 to Mrs. S. E. Gillman

04. - . :

A committee of the city council have contracted for the purchase of the old brick mill and an acre of ground lying justeast of town for the purpose of get­ting the water from the well for use at the electric light plant. The price is ¥600. It is proposed to use one of the old dynamos to fnrnish power to pump the water to the light house. The city council meets to-night and it is expected the deal will be closed and plans adopt­ed. -

If you want something nice for's Christmas present in thiei way of bric-a-brac, fancy furni­ture, or anything in the wfty of n musical instrument you will find'it at Alexander's stores. What nicer present can you

> get for your wife or daughter ihan a piano, organ, Yiol in , Knandolin or guitar, or a beautiful bed j rooi i i suite, A couch, or chair . Come in »nd look over our big stock before? the

[grand holiday rush. W. A. ALEXANDER.

iBIankets at Hurst's! Out some things in cotton and wool blankets and com-

Morts. You can't Afford to -freeze at theaiUffit'cs. Come

If you want bargains in real estate see E, J.Sankey.

J. R. Bashaw is headquarters for holi­day goods at bedrock prices.

See Alexander's display of holiday goods. It is the largest in the city.

Big presents for the big people and little presents for little people at Alexander's.

Underwear,'hosiery, blankets and all heavy goods at very low prices at the Leon Cash Grocery.

If you are sick try a course of treat­ment with D. F. Avery, the magnetic healer. Oflice in Finley's block.

Our line of holiday books, bibles, booklets, fancy books are the very best variety to be found. J. R. BASHAW,

The Iowa Steam Laundry is the largest and best equipped in Iowa, J. A. Caster is agent. Send on Tuesday, deliver on Thursday.

We need three copies of TUB REPOR TER of Nov. 9th. Will any of our readers who have this issue please bring them to eur office.

Two good Poland-China boar pigs, old enough for service. If taken at once will be sold at a price. See them,


Elsie Clark, of north-west of town, was in Leon Friday having his shoulder dressed. His team ran away with him a couple of weeks before and his collar bone was broken.

Take your Laundry to J. A. Caster.

OJIIS and toys, the biggest stock in Leon, at Alexander's.

Anything you want for boot wear at the I .eon Cash Grocery.

A.O.Ingram, the big Mt. Ayr mer-pant who had stores at Mt. Ayr, jfinnon City, and Allendale, made an

?nment last Saturday. His liabili-[are considerable ove'r $100,01)0 with its of about li;i0,0(X). The creditors ^principally wholesale houses and I: will be lucky if they realize 25 per 1 of their claim.



Have your watch cleaned an.I ed by Kohler the jeweler.


J, R. Bashaw's stock of albums and scratch books is complete.

Henry Johnson has leased the barber shop owned by Mrs. F. Bobbitt.

Silverware novelties, knives, forks, spoons, nut picks, fruits and knives, at J. li. Bashaw's.

We will be under obligations to any of our subscribers who can furnisli us a copy of THK REPORTER of Nov. 9.

Toys, thousands of them for the little folks at Alexander's store. Call and make your selections, and have them laid awav.

I hi yei counl 1st. l.havi

|ire all my customers whom • accommodated the past •

LCall and settle their ac- J ^y cash or note before Jan • |ase£acc6mmodate:me as 2

M.MAYER. S !•••••••••••••••••

At the Lodge, M officers were*

C. C—J. V. C.—Em Prelate—Dri K. of R. and" M. of E —W.1

M. of W—U. M. at A.—Eln I. G.—W. L. O. G.—Lyss Jen! Trustees—Geo

Dr. H. R. Layton

ar meeting of Hesperia y night the, following ted for the coming year: ites. Gardner.

A, Bowman. J. J.-Evans. M yers. Benefield. ^Jhaucller.-wnsi^

kiV "l. iurst, II. .1. Yugt,

| Special Sale ot Ladles Wraps; . MI I

All go at 75 cents on the dollar, to close them out. All new and stylish jackets. Save one-iourth of your money,


Don't forget the O. K. barber shop, which was started by Charley Peugh last week, when you want a good shave and hair cut. First door north of Biggs' new building.

County attorney Baker was called to Davis City Monday, to prosecute a couple of small boys who had entered a house and stolen a few small articles. Owing to the youthfulness of the boys the county attorney decided not to prosecute them as long as they were on good behavior.

Here we are again with the largest and best select­ed stock of holiday goods ever shown in Leon. Any­thing you want for Xmas presents can be found at this store. Toys, books pictures, fine furniture and a hundred other articles to

select from at W. A. Alexander's.

A well known Leon young lady will remember Thanksgiving day for several weeks. 8nme person who deserves, to be tarred and feathered had placed a brick in an innocent-looking shoe box on the pavement in front of the Ex­change Bank. It was too tempting and the young lady could not resist the temptation to kick it but what a sur­prise party it was for her as she limped on up the street- K :

Leon chapter No. 33 R. A. M. has elected the following officers for the en­suing year: *

H. P.—A. Bidtlison. „ -King—J. E. Penniwell. <C, Scribe—J. N. Gates. V Treasurer—M. A. Gammili, Secretary—C. W. Beck. C. H.—H. Farquhar. P. S.—W. E. Myers. R. A. C.—Geo. W. Sears. M. 3d V—D. A. Buell. M. 2d Y.—SI E. Bowman. M. 1st V.—J. J. Evans. ^ Guard—Q. M. Lindsej.

Capt. J. C. Gammili, of Frontier coun­ty Nebraska, was an over Sunday visitor in this city with hlB brother M. A, Gammili.. At the recent election, Capt. Gammili was the republican candidate for county clerk, and when the votes were counted it was found there was a tie between him and Mr. Roach. his op­ponent. It was decided to draw lota for the office, so six gun wada were plac­ed in a hat five of tnem blank and one with the word clerk written on it. Oapt. Gammili was given the first draw and he drew a blank, aodid Roach, then Gam-mill drew another blank and so did Roacfa. There were now only two wad* left and on the ttyra draw: 6aj»t. Gam-

Idrew the l«u*>wari. Hia opponent

Mrs. Elizabeth Horn, widow of the late Elisha Horn, of Pleasanton, was last week granted a widow's pension of $S per month.

D. F. Avery, magnetic healer, has op-pened an office in Finley's block and is treatingall kinds of diseases by mag­netic treatment. .-''yJ

Farmers' initltutel January 111

Wli be Held In Leon. 'nd2. 1900-

The Executive con tur County Farmed this city last Friday'


Before you bu v a watch be sure to get Kohier's prices,

A. Merwin's team ran away with him last. Saturday near Wjn. Vanostrand's residence, but btffore they had run over, twenty feet ran into the rear of a lum­ber wagon and were stopped, the only damage being a broken tongue.

E. B. McClelland and J. P. Wharton have closed a deal for the purchase of the Gates Cigar Factory, and will take possession Jan. 1st. They are contem­plating removing to St. Joe, but this has not yet been definitely decided.

WANTEO-A good ~Indus­trious boy. who lives with his parents, and two young ladies to learn to set type. Apply at THE IREPORTER office.

The annual sale of lands on which the taxes are delinquent was held at the Treasurer's office Monday. About 175 sales were made, the principal buyers being Marion F. Stookey, J. W. Harvey, S. Varga, 8. A. Gates, l\ W. Hoffman and Refine HarVey.

Rubber Shoes! Believe we can fit .you in newer and better rubbers than you'll find elsewhere at

^ our prices: H URST BROS.

We qoticed a fine coop of R. C. B. Leghorns at the depot one day last week, pll 'decorated with ribbons cap­tured at the Cainsville poultry show. They were tfie prbperty of L. E. Sprague and he feels elated as he captured 1st prize for best cockerel, and 1st, 2nd 3rd on pullets. They were very fine indeed. _______

One of Leon's mighty hunters who put in Tbanksgiying day tramping through the wet fields in a vain linnt for quails bad the nerve to start out again the-next morning. But before starting he went toT W. P. Clark & Co. and purchased a half dozen birds which he proudlv exhibited to his friends when he returned in the afternoon.' Do11

you know who it was? ;

Don't forget to visit the big stores of W. A. Alexan­der when you go to make your selections of Xmas presents. He has anything you want no matter bow small or how large your pocket book is. He has the goods,don't propose to have

any left after the holidays. Call and inspect 1)is stock. There are three big store rooms crowded with suitable things for the holidays.

Christmas Hdk'fs! Just opened 90 doeen new

" ones—Most all sorts and - suegeat th&t yon make

lection nowjbeforethecri HURST BR'

las te j,|ace for Lul th tjme jftn.

lees ire select-

J. W.

|iituijee of the Deca-8 •'stitute met in

ing the institute the year' h°ld' *1* was VreMea over bv

Ralph Baker, presicflent an(i ij0hflrt McCaull, secretary. 1 an(J KoDert

Leon was selected holding the institute a uary 11 and 12, 1900.

The following commit 6(1!

Program.—Emmet Gfardm. Keeler and Robert McCawll.

General Arrangements.A-Capkin T n Brown, George E. Hurst, IS. A Gates Millard F. Stookev and O.IE. H,u '

We are pleased that the \instinta will be held in this city. It Ks a Leetine which every farmer in the colantywoui(f profit by attending. A spfcendii pro­gram will be prepared, which wu be published later, and... the clitizeis 0f Leon will do all in their powelr to ,iRke and add to the pleasure of tlhose vho attend. I^et every farmer in tKie county commence and arrange his business so that he ean attend both days. ^He is he one for whom the institute is hrtld a-id who will receive the benefit. Tbe\peopie of Leon cannot compel the farnner to attend, and the meeting cdnnot be\ madp a success unless the farmers do alttend. It rests with the farmers wliethelr the institute of 1900 is to be a successful one. v

• The creamery a Success-

The Leon creamery has now been in operation eight months. When the pro-ect was first talked of many people dis­

couraged it and said it could not be made a success here, but the Messrs. Doran, the proprietors were not dis-discouraged. They came, looked over the field, purchased property and equipped it with the very oest. of ma­chinery. The result has been a surprise to both themselves and the farmers who have been selling them cream. In the eight months they have been doiag businesi almost $7,000 in cold cash hi ~ been paid out to the farmers for creai At the present time they are paying the1

equivalent of 22 cents per pound for butter, the farmer's wife does n't have to care for the milk or wear herself out churning, and the farmer has the skim­med milk returned to him for hog feed It has been reported that the creamery will shut down during the winter months, but this is a mistake; they will run the year around and in the spring will add another separator i n I establish several skimming stations at points where it is too far to haul the cream to Leon. The proprietors are men of. means and they have paid the farmers promptly the cash for their cream, and there has been no complaints from those who sell cream. We are indeed pleased that the creamery has made such a splendid showing and believe that the coming year many more farm­ers will sell their cream.

For Sale. • > A restaurant for sale in a good

Enquire at this office.

Farm for Sate or RmtE

town. 7-tf

241 acres of improi & W. R. R. 2 hoi granary and

land on the K, good barn, cribs,

fenced, for further lam (J, Toovey,

Ltur county. 14113

er, posts and GABDN*B, ;

Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Gates Sunday visitors at Davis City.

Miss Alta Morgan went to Humeston yesterday to visit a few days.

Uncle Jim Wakefield returned Friday from a visit at Montevallo, Mo.

D. F. Nicholson and son Harry of La-moni, had business in this city.

Frank Tew and family returned f" "ieir

home in Des Moines last Frida--Miss Grace McCaull _r«-'--i^ned to her

home at Garden Grojf Monday. R. U Parrish legal business at. Des

Moines the Irsier part of last week. *iretchen Myers returned Monday

fiom a few days visit in Des Moines. Mrs. H. .1. Close returned yesterday

from a week's visit at Mt. Pleasant, Miss Alice Sullivan returned yesterday

from a week's visit with friends at Albia. Miss Mamie Allen went to Lamoni Fri­

day to visit a couple of days with her mother.

Dell Hilliker and family, of Mt., Ayr, are visiting his parents and many friends in this city.

J. W. Delk departed Tuesday to visit friends at various places north of here for a few weeks.

Mrs. J. IJ. Young and daughters Marg­aret and Helen spent Sunday with friends at Garden Grove.

Miss Ora Sankey and little Freda Teale went to Lamoni Thursday to spend a few days with friends.

Miss Maude Watkins, of Albany, Mo., came Saturday for a visit with her sister Mrs. S. B. Johnson.

Lyss Gibson and family, of New Hamp­ton, Mo., visited over Sunday with his parents in this city.

J. D. Hull and Miss Nellie Cavin, of Des Moines, were Thanksgiving guests of the family of O. E. Hull.

Miss Bessie Read was at Davis City the latter part of last week canvassing for the Ladies Home Journal.

Mrs. W. H. Albaugh accompanied her daughtei Mrs. Orra Teale to Lamoni Tues­day for a few days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Orra Teale, of Lamoni visited over Sunday in this city with W. H. Albaugh and family.

Miss Lenna Green returned to Corydon yesterday after visiting a few days with her mother in this city.

F. D. Close returned Saturday evening from a three week's trip to Port Arthur and other points in Texas.

Mrs. W. H. Jennings, of Garden Grove, was the guest of the family of J. J. Evans in this city last Thursday.

Mrs. Ed. Moore, of Kellertan, is spend­ing a week in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Elliott.

Mrs. Mary Robertsl returned Monday from a few days visit at New Hampton, Mo., with her son George.

R. P. Warwick, of St Louis, an old fam­ily fiiend, was the guest of the family of Dr. Waight Thanks giving.

D. E. Musselmen and family \iBited a couple of days with friends at Van Wert the latter part of last week.

C. B. Hall, the Davis City merchant, passed through Leon Thursday on his way to Osceola to visit his wife.

Mrs. J. F. Penniwell went to Derby Tuesday to visit a few days with her daughter Mrs. Dr. Throckmorton.

J. E. Vail, of Garden Grove, through Leon Monday enroute to Lamoni to show a customer some real estate.

Mrs. S. J. Hendricks went to Leon Sun­day to see her father, Francis Smith, who was quite sick.—Bethany Republican.

S. D. Hickman, of Chariton, passed through Leon Friday going to Davis City where he owns considerable property.

Mrs. J. H. Fitch and mother, Mrs. Ar­thur, left Tuesday for Ft. Dodge, where they will visit uutil after the holidays.

Robert Good went to Osceola Tuesday to appear before the board of pension ex­aminers for an increase of his pension.

Mrs. Jonathan Hamilton departed Thursday afternoon for Pella, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. R. R. Hop-ton. •

Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Rush and baby, of Burlington, visited with relatives in this city and at Blythedale the latter part of last week.

C. L. Rudibaugh and J. B. Atkins, two .of the good farmers residing sonth of

'avis City, were over night visitors in this Ity Monday. . Ed. H. Sharp departed Saturday evening

far Washington, D. C. to resume his duties as\ assistant door keeper of the lower holuseof congress.

}r. H. B. McKlveen, who is visiting i his wife at the home of Dr. DeKalb,

keKalb, was in Leon Friday the guest 1 Van Werden.

K. and Mrs. Harkness, of Fairfield, frs. D. D. Humeston, of Humeston, visiting with Capt. and Mrs. J. D. i over Sunday. Zola Bruner, one of tbe.teachers in

Moines public schools, came lay to spend Thanksgiving with her i east of town.

|h Lily, of pes Moines, came Satur-oin his family who have been vis-ka week , with the family of bis {orris J. Gardner.

S. Johnson and children, of irove, came Saturday mornini

oyer Sunday in this city witl ~rs. J. D. Brown. ibertson, of Lamoni, passed a last Thursday enroute to a of Des Moines where he was

business matters. !rs. J. R. Bowshar and son

rs. Robert Bowsfaer departed train yesterday morning for a

is trip in California. ibson and family, who have m Dr. Baker's farm just north ' * overland yesterday for

ere they will locate. avidson returned Monday

Lt Macon, 111., after a visit of In this county with her iggs and other relatives,

r came down from Oska-t Thanksgiving with his ity. He has been engaged ent sidewalks in Oskaloosa

"g th

been of Okl

Mi to he: several brotbe]

John" loosa ai mother ii in buildli the past

V. R. and joying a visit brother B. A.' Ohio, who is wholesale gi

SrW- ? Smitb, of Webb City, Mo., came^uesday afternoon on a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Albaugh. Mrs. Smith has many varm friends in this eitv who will be pleased to see her after an absence ot several years.

F. M. Cunninbam, the tax expert who Is now working io Clarke county spent Thanksgiving with bis wife in this city. He has about two weeks more work at Osceola and will then come to Leon and push the work in this county.

F. E. Thompson came in off the road Thursday and remained until Monday. This week closes his work on the road for Marshall Field & Co., and next Sunday be goes into Ch.cago to remain in the house until the first of the year, when he starts on the road again. _

<u«i> er Hot

Coming Attractions'

51st Iowa, Regimental Band.

Thursday, Dec. 14. mi


MeGinnis have been en-B past week from their |Ginnis, of Frazeysbnrg,

sveling salesman for iflrm.

Kalph Baker a» Robert McCaull, pres­ident andaeereUr^of the Deeatur County Warmer's Institute here in Leon Friday

»™nC^MVtflflJ"uatitute to be bela hew on Jr

Mrs. M. Mayer surprised 'from last Thursday by retur-CH^ ThMXseiv-Springs, Ark., in time ,^ ^3 accomDl-nifd bvnMrWind h*»- RoBenthal of^St, Louis Mrs M --'r'a mBnJ' friend8 will be nteasfcd to 1% she ^as entirely recover­ed fmm - ^ attack of rheumatism from

slie suflered so long.

Dr. and Mrs. c.. W. Rowell and little son nud Mrs. Adda E. Curry went to Afton Tuesday afternoon to be present yesterday at the 40th anniversary of the wedding of Dr. Rowell's parents, which was celebrat­ed lsst evening. Judge and Mrs. N. W, Rowell have many warm friends in this uity who extend congratulations on this occasion and hope they may continue in good health and live to celebrate their golden wedding ten years hence.

Leather Shoes! Wesell'etnon mi^ht.y slim margins but sell a lor of them. Let us show you the goods and figures.


A few good bargains in improved farms. & SMITH, Van Wert, Iowa. l-l-4t

At J. 11. Bashaw's you will see the best stock of watches, chains, charms, rings, chain bracelets and all things in the jewelry line found in southern Iowa.

WASTED—A reliable man to sell fine Liquors to consumers and deaiers on commission. Big prolit to hard work­ers. Reference required. Address

A. 11 RUM ANN &, Co. Ili-I't Gladstone, 111.

Cheap one way colonist excursion rates, efleclive at once and until further notice. Tickets will be 011 sale to points in the west., northwest and Pacific coast


Seasoned native lumber, dimension stuff and bridge plank, material for barns and barn frames always on hand.


At J. Ii. Bashaw's you will find a ereat variety of China ware, Havelin, Dresden and a great many other beauti­ful novelties.

Mather—the 30 years dentist of over 30 years experience is at Leon on the morning of the 27th and will remain until the last of everv month.

Notice. There will be a meeting of the Leon

Womens Relief Corps Sat. Dec, 9th, at the G. A. R. llall, at the usual hour, for the election of officers for the ensueing year. All members are requested to be present. ANNA ALLEN President.

CLARA BROWN Secretary,


Big Deal in Iks. 30 dozen from H. C. Godman,

of Columbus, Ohio.


$2 00 Kangaroo Calf at 1.85 Kangaroo Calf at 2.00 Dongola Kid at 1.85 Dongola Kid at

Misses.' $l.t>"> Kangaroo Calf at.... 1.35 Kangaroo Calf at....

... 1.65 Dongola Kid at 1.35 Dongola Kid at

... 51.50 .. 1.35

.... 1.50 1.35

...$1.25 .... 1.10 ...1.25



Mr. .James Mickelson, of Big Pinev Wyoming and Miss Mildred O. A verv 0 this my were united in marriage at IT v l'<mt"*\v 11 ^NDE '8 PARENTS >N this •it} last W ednesday evening, the cere­mony being perforpietLbv- Rw \v H llsley pftfti/am' -—

friehVil}' Uvitnesl sumptuous wedi immediately afti

Tne bride is t io need any worl born in this it all her life. S relined youn. L musician, and > warm friend*.

The groom is pressed ;;!! who n| man ot sterling w< ranchman who 01 catile interests in

Mr. aud Mrs. Mj eveninu for Om spend a couple o: their home at Bi

Many frieDds heartv congratul long life of wedd

- ( A R M E A F L An interesting

Wednesday morl o'clock, at the ho| when the Rev. the words whicli James Rush Bowsi Carmean, These? among the best in groom is one ot til youug business met member of the' & Biddison, wbill prepossessing youq personal charms. was over the guests, e i the immediate rela with sumptuous ret] buoyant spirits and f the future this happy] on the early morning tended honeymoon skies of San Francisil tend hearty congratu| them '"Bon Vovat'e" life.

MKLTWIN-SL Mr. John Merwin

Smith were united in o'clock last evening at{ bride's motber on n<1 Kev. Joseph Stephen, E. church officiating, diate families were pred some wedding supperl which all did ample jus

The groom is one of / industrious young ml partner with his fathel shop. His bride is a lady, a graduate of ' school and will make the man who has won

Many warm friends congratulations to Mr., Merwin.

MARRIED—At the blide's parents Mr. Terry in New Buda, Iov Sunday December 3, Campbell officating, Mrl hurst, of Harrison count] Miss Rosa B. Terry, of Nl After the congratulatio intimate friends that had to be present were over\ was soon seated around a| with a sumptuous repast] did ample justice. This] start on life's journey wit pects and the best wishes! of friends.

On Saturday Deceml court house the Rev. J J united in the bonds of we[ Gore and Leone Suthel Davis City. We wish tl and prosperous future.

Bring Us Your Produce


To Cure La Qrlppe In I

Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qn| All druggists refund the i to cure. Ii. W. GROVE'S every box. 25c.

Bashaw's line of dolls, shooflys, doll go-carts, sle trains, and games of everv 1 complete.

Smoke Lawn City and guaranteed band made and Manufactured by Bobbitl Winterset, Iowa.

We announce our first special wrap sale for the season

Special low prices will be made on ments in stock and a saving of 25 per cent, anteed.

Plush Capes $3.00 to $10.00. Ladies' Jackets $3.50 to $10.00.] Children's Jackets $1.50 to $3.j

There are no traveling men's commissi on these wraps. We have them in stock.
