big idea day 3

The Big Idea Reclaiming the Culture We need to be clear on what our shared culture is and should be. We need to determine where our line in the sand is and stand strong behind it with our union, colleagues, communities and whanau. Table 1

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Ideas from Day 3 of: Taking Stock - Moving Forward


Page 1: Big Idea Day 3

The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



We need to be clear on what our shared culture is and should be. We

need to determine where our line in the sand is and stand strong behind it with

our union, colleagues, communities and whanau.

Table 1  

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Be clear about the values that underpin our work and

be able to articulate this clearly.

Check your actions against your values and act accordingly.

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Celebrate! Share our successes with each other, parents, and between schools.

There are lots of exciting things happening in our schools and

parents are our greatest advocates.

Encourage more researchers to work .alongside practitioners to share successes. .

Teachers can act as researchers. .

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Ensure our curriculum is fully utilised to avoid the narrowing of focus to

numeracy and literacy. Encourage creativity, fun and inquiry.

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We need to retain the culture of inclusion and respect for diversity

through a broad, rich curriculum based on children’s needs.

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Teach to the strengths, needs and aspirations of the

children in front of you.

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Teachers must ensure their discourse holds fast to

what we value and avoid being sucked into the

competitive neoliberal, market force, testing debacle.

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Focus on: • communication and relationships• that we are moving forward

collectively with all teachers and communities through confident counter-conversations.

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Highlighting and showcasing our local curriculum to our community

as evidence children’s learning.

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There is no crisis, we have a quality education system. Celebrate it,

share it, showcase it.

Build up the stories, tell parents about how schools are “strengths

based”. Keep it positive.

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Public education needs to be in the hands of the public

and is not for sale.

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



The greatest influences on students’ learning comes from the power of

things outside of the schools:

poverty, inequality, inequity

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Be true to yourself as a professional and support one another.

Support our union and act when the directive comes.

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Know what we do well, and do what we do well.

Implement the NZC and appropriate tools to support it.

The professional voice needs to be heard alongside the union voice.

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



We are drawing a line in the sand – hold on tightly to what we believe.

Maintain our collegiality – don’t lose the power of teacher voice.

Become more politically active – align ourselves with other groups who

are fighting for the same cause.

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



We need to champion our leaders – support them (recognise and empower)

as an alternative to the political spin.

Speak with child centred learning at the middle.

Protect the autonomy to allow for experiences outside the

standardised testing philosophy.

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Be brave to make time for things that empower students (the positive impact).

Be able to articulate the learning taking place.

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Keep the lines of communication open with everyone.

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Maintain our professional voice:

Collectively say no when policy-makers step over the line.

Have lots of conversations.

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Table 21  

Share/spread information about the changes that are happening

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



To reclaim the culture we have a collective and individual responsibility

to be involved, aware, active, build coalitions and promote the value of

public education and work both collegially and collaboratively.

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We must retain our professional integrity and our amazing culturally

aware and sensitive education.

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We need to explicitly expose these Government policies for what they are,

so that our colleagues and the community really understand.

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Protect our teachers, tamariki, whānau, and Aotearoa.

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Take action, talk, communicate and advocate. Pose challenging questions.

Don’t get complacent.

Think about the bigger picture of how we support students.

Show evidence of what we are achieving

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Our schools are part of the community.

Schools have children with different needs. Spend money on getting

teachers in front of these children.

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We resolve to have lots of conversations with parents, families, the public. Spread

the work and never give up!

Keep children at the heart of the matter.

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Hold onto the human aspect of our system (our culture).

The main focus needs to be on our children/tamariki.

Quality relationships are vital.

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Hold onto and use our curriculum.

Know that we are doing a fantastic job in our classrooms/centres/schools.

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Hold on to what we have got in education:

Table 31  

• Uniqueness• Values• Support systems• Whanaungatanga

(relationships with whanau, hapu, iwi, communities)

• Te Reo Maori• Creativity• What you believe in• Fun• diversity

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Focus back on the holistic NZ Curriculum.

Stay United and Stand Tall to keep knowing and doing what teachers know is right.

Use local and current research e.g. RAINS to tell the

public/community about this. …

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The GERM will prevail if good teachers do nothing.

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Relationships – trusting/quality relationships (with children, whanau,

BoT’s and professionals) will assist us to push back at a

micro- and macro- level.

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The Big IdeaReclaiming the Culture



Reclaim teaching as a profession

Be deliberatively, assertively professional• Staunch collegiality• Meaningful action research/inquiry• Professional conversations• Engagement with research• Child focussed• Community engaged• Politically active

Table 34