big idea mastermind

Big Idea Mastermind A life changing opportunity… Do you want to be part of something big? The World RichesSociety is looking for new students who are willing to learn how to make money online. 1/10/2013

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Do you want to be part of something big? We are about to change the whole internet industry learn how...


Page 1: Big Idea Mastermind

Big Idea Mastermind A life changing opportunity…

Do you want to be part of something big? The World Riches’ Society is looking for new

students who are willing to learn how to make money online.


Page 2: Big Idea Mastermind

Big Idea Mastermind “BIM”

id you know that 98% of all online marketers earn less $100/month?

78% of all marketers don’t manage to make any money at all. Every

30 second someone decides to start a business online. What do you

think that chance of him succeed are? Nobody wants to join this crowd and

follow this chain of failure. The statistics are shocking and we have to do

something about it.

Hi, I have a question for you:

If you’re into online business marketing, or if you already have an

online business set up, how successful are you?

Are you in the exact place where you want to be right now, with full

assurance that you have a 100% success rate? Or perhaps, you have been thinking about starting an online business

for a while but never really looked into it or were afraid to invest in


Perhaps you want extra income, or you want to make an entirely new

career out of working online.

Or maybe you are a work at home mom, a busy mom who takes care how their children and are looking for an extra income to give your

child a future.

Ok… so let me explain to you why so many marketers

do not succeed in this industry

The reason why so many marketers do not make money online is that many

marketers do not actually receive a step by step teaching. A good teaching should take you from point A to point B with all the steps between the

letters. It is not about teaching you some tips and tricks; they should teach

you every single step. Many gurus make a lot of money just because they

make their clients work hard for very low commissions. Isn’t that a modern

way of slavery? How sad. You have to know how to start, where to start, which product to promote, how to capture visitors that land on your website,

how to actually drive traffic to your website.

Some marketers actually know all that but they are promoting a product that

doesn’t give them very high commissions or do not convert very well. You

have to know how to identify a good product on the market, then, you can actually start earning at least 3 figures a month. You have to develop a nose

of a good marketer. It’s like the guys who work at the auctions. They look at

the paining and know straight away whether it is worth promoting or just a

worthless piece of art. And you would be surprised how many marketers

actually know all that. They have a good product; they have a good system


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and sadly no substantial income. Well, if there are another 60,000 marketers

who do exactly the same thing, you will have a very low chance to earn


Many gurus teach you strategies that are good and advice you to sell their

product that should sell well but do not tell you that it used to sell well

maybe 1 year ago or 2 years ago when not many marketers were doing

exactly the same thing.

What Does Big Idea Mastermind Team Offer?

Big Idea Mastermind Team is a brand new strategically designed

automated marketing system

Big Idea is a mastermind whose main objective is to make every beginner or

experience online promoter earn a steady income. It’s not like any other

mastermind group out there. All members of Big Idea Mastermind have

access to a one of a kind automated marketing system which their ultimate

goal is to help 1,000 people make at least $5000 per month income within 30 to 60 days and then be able to double it in the next 60 days after that! All

with 100% Success Rate now that is a Big Idea Mastermind!

Now that’s a Big Idea Mastermind goal, this is a one in a lifetime opportunity

for you to play and earn like big boys.

As a member of Big Idea Mastermind you’ll also be provided with step-by-

step tutorials guiding you every step of the way through different levels of

modules, from beginners to intermediate, to advanced levels, all step by step

walking with you to assure your success !.

You also get access to super successful people who will share their personal

knowledge of marketing, traffic generation techniques, personal development

tips, and also discover some of the best new web traffic techniques available,

such as:

What are the most powerful Internet advertising platforms and how to use them on daily basis to generate highly-targeted website traffic?

How to utilize and access advance advertising data and technology

used by giant company

How to keep your-self in the money when its comes to paid traffic

strategies, and free traffic methods

What is the best product to promote to guarantee success, etc.

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Let’s Get Serious How Are We Going To Do That?

Simply put. We use Empower Network as a vehicle and Big Idea Mastermind

is a driving force (the engine) that will power this vehicle and make it move

faster than anything you’ve ever seen before! I am confident we will make a

huge difference in the industry and change a LOT of lives for the better…

starting with YOU.

Is BIM or Empower Network an MLM?

OK, let’s just get straight to the facts: BIM and Empower Network are NOT

an MLM. They are an Affiliate Program that pays out 100% commissions.

There is NO selling, NO home meetings, NO hitting up your friends and family, NO calling your warm market, NO cold calling lists, NO calling

PERIOD, NO monthly Recruiting Seminars, NO Monthly PV, NO pressure, NO

hype and NO measly commissions.

Why Use Empower Network as a Vehicle?

Empower Network is considered the most popular vehicle in this particular

moment in time and also the system is in their growth stage, so it’s reliable. We selected Empower Network for three significant reasons:

1. 100% Commissions

2. High quality products

3. Powerful and steady leadership

Empower Network Compensation Plan Pays You 100% COMMISSIONS

Not only do you earn 100% commissions on the Empower Network products,

which until now was unheard of in this business, but all you have to do is

market this system to one person and you get 100% of your money back

(less the merchant account processing fee).

The Empower Network compensation model allows you to create and build a

substantial residual income, beyond your imagination. The plan is designed

to allow you to quickly build a team under you, whose efforts, combined with

yours, continue to benefit you and grow your wealth. This is the real reason

why this system is so exciting. It allows you to build a residual recurring

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income, which can replace your current income. Not only that, it will continue

to pay you and continue to grow, year after year, with minimal additional


“A Powerful Pass-up Compensation Model”

Here is an excerpt from the Empower Network Compensation Plan PDF

“If you’ve been hearing about the Empower Network compensation plan,

one of the things that probably caught your attention is all the excitement

about 100% commissions. It really is a big deal. No other internet marketing

plan offers 100% commissions with this type of pass-up compensation

model, and this alone sets Empower Network apart from all the rest. This is why everyone is so excited to join. Here we’ll reveal and break down the

Empower Network compensation plan and explain how it will work for you

when you decide to join.

Break even with just ONE referral. It costs $25 to join at the viral blogging system level. But as soon as your first qualified referral opts in at the $25

level, you earn 100% commissions on that sale and make up your cost. This

is also true at the $100 membership level and the other products.

When you join our team, we offer you some FREE exclusive team training to

supplement the training you receive within the various products. Why do we do this, you ask? What makes us want to help you succeed? The answer is a

Pass-Up system within the compensation plan. When you join and choose to

sell BIM and Empower Network Products, the person or group you partner

with receives commissions on some of the members you refer into BIM and

Empower Network. Likewise, you will receive some of the pass-up

commissions from the people that your team members refer.

This is a valuable support system built into Empower Network. It encourages

your team leader to help you succeed and ensures that you’re always

connected with someone who cares about your success and your

understanding of the material, methods, and techniques you’ll be learning. Let me explain in this hypothetical example: (it is assumed that you are fully

activated as an affiliate for the “blogging system” at the $25 monthly


Let’s say MARY is your first sale. MARY falls on the first position on your front

line and you receive a direct, monthly recurring commission of $25 per month from that sale. As you continue to sign up more direct affiliates, the

commissions from sales 2, 4, 6, and every 5th sale after that will pass up to

your power-line sponsor on every $25 a month product you sell. All

commissions from sales 3, 5, 7-10, 12-15, 17-20 and so on to infinity will go

to you directly.

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Now, let’s say CHARLES is your second sale (he is placed in #2 position on

your front line, which is a pass-up position to your sponsor) – even though the commission on the $25 a month blogging system passes up to your

sponsor, CHARLES will stay connected to you for future product sales as he

upgrades through the product line. The same applies to your 4th, 6th and

every subsequent 5th sale to infinity.

Now let’s take it one level deeper. MARY activates her affiliate account and she signs up LISA in her #1 position. MARY will earn the commission on

LISA. Then MARY signs up JIM in her #2 position. JIM’s commission will pass

up to YOU. As MARY continues to sell, you will receive 100% direct

commissions on her 2nd (JIM), 4th, 6th and every subsequent sale

to infinity. MARY would keep 100% commissions on her 1, 3, 5, 7-10, 12-

16, etc. sales, just like you do on your front line sales.

Below is an illustration of how the Second level, $100 a month

membership would work with both affiliates and customers in your

organization. NOTE: all products ($25 per month blogging system, $100 per

month Costa Rica Intensive, $15k Formula and Master’s retreat) are ALL stand-alone products and each one is built on this same model – meaning

each product sold by someone in your down line will pass-up to you the same

way as with the $100 Costa Rica.”

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Why becoming a member of the BIM Team Rather

than Signing Up for Empower Network Directly?

Primary, you’ll save $ 497/month since the service fees will be taken out in

the event you sign up for our team and you are going to get all the information and tools necessary to create $ 5,000 / month on the web.

There are 5 levels of access in Empower Network and it is for that reason

that this Big Idea Mastermind also offers five levels to match different needs

and possibilities for people serious about this adventure.

BIM Basic Level +/= EN Viral Blogging

BIM Silver Level +/= EN Inner Circle

BIM Gold Level +/= EN Costa Rica Intensive

BIM Platinum Level +/= EN 15K Formula Training

BIM Diamond Level +/= EN Master Retreat

When we marry that with Big Idea Mastermind, we’ll be UNSTOPPABLE.

Click Here to Learn More About Big Idea Mastermind Levels

But It’s not about a product and strategies. It’s about

people who work together.

The way Big idea mastermind works is great. Big Idea founding members are

amazing they are just normal people how will give you a warm welcome and

help you succeed online. Many of the founders of this movement are already

successful marketers. Most people are surprised because they used to work

just by their own and struggling on the way. I believe everybody needs a help from somebody who is more successful in the beginning.

You might have heard that you are not allowed to speak to the leaders unless

you are already making big profits online and have something to share, all of

this is about to change because we understand your situation you see! Once

I was just like you complaining that people who have no value to keep approaching me trying to sell stuff and personal coaching instead of giving a

personal advice. How do you want to become a good marketer if there isn’t

anybody willing to help you? If there isn’t a good community, people struggle

in isolation for a while and then they quit or try another training that is

equally bad. They become these: “internet marketing rabbits” jumping from training to training learning some bits and pieces but not actually getting the

whole picture.

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How can I join the Big Idea Mastermind group to get a

head start on the competition?

You can sign up here. Just so you know there is no additional cost to joining this group to use all of their resources, just the cost to join the

Empower Network.

You won’t regret your decision. By joining the Big Idea Mastermind group,

this will be one of the best decisions in your life.

Be a blessing.

Thank you

P.S: By enrolling our team you’ll get this $497 internet marketing software

for 100% FREE.

P.P.S: If you are already inside Empower Network and would like to use our

system. You CAN!!! Check my blog for an update how to do it at Online IncomeE

Sign Up Here: