bikenow: a pervasive application for crowdsourcing bicycle...

BikeNow: A Pervasive Application for Crowdsourcing Bicycle Traffic Data Sven Fröhlich Insitute for Intelligent Transportation Systems Technical University of Dresden Germany [email protected] Sebastian Pape Insitute for Intelligent Transportation Systems Technical University of Dresden Germany Thomas Springer Institue for System Architecture Technical University of Dresden Germany [email protected] Alexander Schill Institue for System Architecture Technical University of Dresden Germany Stephan Dinter Technical University of Dresden Germany [email protected] Jürgen Krimmling Insitute for Intelligent Transportation Systems Technical University of Dresden Germany Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Ubicomp/ISWC’16 Adjunct , September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany ACM 978-1-4503-4462-3/16/09. Abstract Pervasive urban applications are an upcoming domain in the context of open data and smart cities. They can be considered as applications with a purpose closing the loop from the provision of valuable services for citizens based on available data sets to the motivation of citizens to participate in the collection of new data. In this paper, we present BikeNow, an application that supports cyclists during their ride to minimize the stopping time at red traf- fic lights. BikeNow predicts the next green light phases of traffic lights along the track of cyclists and provides a sug- gestion to keep or change the current speed. The purpose of BikeNow is to motivate cyclists to allow the submission of ride related data like current time, position and speed that is of high value for traffic evaluation, prediction and future planing of cycle paths. The evaluation is based on a pre- liminary survey with 79 participants to study the target user group and a user study with 14 participants to assess the usability of the application. In addition we analyze the value of collectible data for urban traffic analysis and cycle path network planning. Author Keywords Bicycle; Driver Assistance System; Crowdsourcing; Traffic; Speed Suggestions; City Planning; Pervasive Application;

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Page 1: BikeNow: A Pervasive Application for Crowdsourcing Bicycle about traffic density, vehicle location, etc

BikeNow: A Pervasive Application forCrowdsourcing Bicycle Traffic Data

Sven FröhlichInsitute for IntelligentTransportation SystemsTechnical University of [email protected]

Sebastian PapeInsitute for IntelligentTransportation SystemsTechnical University of DresdenGermany

Thomas SpringerInstitue for System ArchitectureTechnical University of [email protected]

Alexander SchillInstitue for System ArchitectureTechnical University of DresdenGermany

Stephan DinterTechnical University of [email protected]

Jürgen KrimmlingInsitute for IntelligentTransportation SystemsTechnical University of DresdenGermany

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author.Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).Ubicomp/ISWC’16 Adjunct , September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, GermanyACM 978-1-4503-4462-3/16/09.

AbstractPervasive urban applications are an upcoming domainin the context of open data and smart cities. They canbe considered as applications with a purpose closing theloop from the provision of valuable services for citizensbased on available data sets to the motivation of citizensto participate in the collection of new data. In this paper,we present BikeNow, an application that supports cyclistsduring their ride to minimize the stopping time at red traf-fic lights. BikeNow predicts the next green light phases oftraffic lights along the track of cyclists and provides a sug-gestion to keep or change the current speed. The purposeof BikeNow is to motivate cyclists to allow the submission ofride related data like current time, position and speed thatis of high value for traffic evaluation, prediction and futureplaning of cycle paths. The evaluation is based on a pre-liminary survey with 79 participants to study the target usergroup and a user study with 14 participants to assess theusability of the application. In addition we analyze the valueof collectible data for urban traffic analysis and cycle pathnetwork planning.

Author KeywordsBicycle; Driver Assistance System; Crowdsourcing; Traffic;Speed Suggestions; City Planning; Pervasive Application;

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ACM Classification KeywordsH.5.3 [Information Systems]: Group and Organization Inter-faces – Collaborative computing

IntroductionSmart mobility is one of the big challenges for future cities.Since solutions for traffic management and planning heavilyrely on up-to-date traffic information, collecting high qualitytraffic data in an efficient and cheap manner is of high sig-nificance. Established traffic management and informationsystems mostly use stationary detectors to collect informa-tion about traffic density, vehicle location, etc. Floating cardata (FCD) captured by on-board devices or smartphonesis an efficient and cheap complement to an expensive de-tector infrastructure. Applications like Waze1 or GoogleMaps2 demonstrate the potential of data collection basedon crowdsourcing. Anyway, most of the today’s efforts arefocused on motorized transport.

Bicycle traffic has high potential to significantly reduce is-sues as high traffic volume, shortage of parking space aswell as high noise and air pollution caused by motorizedtraffic in city centers. To increase the attractiveness to usebicycles a high quality cycling infrastructure is required. Toanalyze existing infrastructures to detect deficits like insuf-ficient coverage or poor cycle road surface as well as lowcycling traffic quality due to long travel times or long waitingtimes at traffic lights a systematic capturing of data aboutthe cycling infrastructure and the quality of cycling trafficwould be required. However, in most cities bicycle trafficdata is by far not as detailed and accurate as it is for motor-ized traffic. Equally, information and management systemsfor bicycle traffic are still in an experimental state.

In this paper we introduce BikeNow, a system that providescyclists with speed adjustment information on smartphonesto pass the next traffic light at a green phase. The Dresdentraffic management system VAMOS [4] with more than 250traffic lights connected provides data about location andsignaling state of traffic lights. This information is used topredict a vector of future state changes of traffic lights thatis provided to the BikeNow App. Knowing the route, currentlocation and speed of the cyclist, the App determines thetraffic light, the cyclist is approaching, calculates a speedwindow, the cyclist should move within to get the next greenphase and presents the recommended speed adjustmentto the user. While cyclists are using the App traffic data(time, location, speed and route information of cyclists) isrecorded and fed back into the system.

The contribution of the paper is threefold. First, we describethe concepts and architecture of BikeNow including greentime vector prediction, calculation of speed adjustment rec-ommendations and user interface design to meet the re-quirements of cyclists. Second, we present implementationdetails of the BikeNow system with connection to the trafficmanagement system VAMOS, that is in operation to con-trol the traffic in Dresden for more than 10 years. Third, wepresent the results of a preliminary study with 79 partici-pants to analyze the target user group and a user study tovalidate the BikeNow system in practice with 14 cyclists.

The paper is organized as follows: Next, we discuss thestatus quo of traffic information systems. In section we ex-plain the objectives of the BikeNow project. In the followingsection the approach, the implementation and evaluationare presented. We conclude with a summary of the resultsachieved so far and an outlook to future work.

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Figure 1: Floating Car Data of about 200 cars in 24 hours

Status QuoIn the following we introduce the Dresden traffic manage-ment system VAMOS [4] and discuss existing approachesto crowdsource traffic information, provide speed sugges-tions and Apps for cyclists.

The Dresden traffic management system VAMOSVAMOS [4] is using about one thousand stationary sensorsto detect the road traffic condition in Dresden. This datais complemented by floating car data (FCD) of about 500taxis. Also, more than 250 traffic lights are connected tothe system, providing data about the state of signaling. Us-ing this and other sources of data, innovative and complexalgorithms for data filtering, data processing and data fu-sion are applied to gain valuable information about currentand future traffic conditions for motorized individual traffic.The obtained information is used for traffic optimization,traffic prediction and traffic information. In the following wediscuss the aspects of VAMOS relevant for the BikeNowsystem, namely the use of floating car data, the usage ofsignaling state information of traffic lights for green phaseprediction and the integration of crowdsourced data.

Floating Car Data (FCD) are tracks of data sets includinglocation, speed, travel direction and time information ofmoving vehicles. Figure 1 shows FCD tracks (blue colored),recorded by approximately 200 cars within 24 hours in thecenter of Dresden. Using this data important parametersof road traffic like travel times and congestion can be de-termined. It is also possible to map used roads and deriveinformation about the road network. As Figure 1 demon-strates an almost complete coverage of the road networkin the center of Dresden is achieved. Since their is a highsimilarity between Floating Car Data and Floating BicycleData the latter can be integrated and processed in VAMOSin a comparable way.

The VAMOS green time prediction algorithm is using dataof about 250 out connected traffic lights which send the cur-rent state of signaling to the system. Analyzing this data, aprediction algorithm is calculating the probability for futuresignaling. Prediction is required since signaling not alwaysfollows a fixed schedule but is influenced by factors like traf-fic density, bus or tram priority, etc. Predicted green lightvectors are the basis for BikeNow to calculate the speedadjustment suggestions.

The ExCELL - crowdsourcing and service plattform [3] isbeing developed in the the ExCELL research project andalready offers services to upload live tracking data collectedby mobile devices like smart phones, tablets or on boardunits in cars. The uploaded data is anonymized, filteredand stored for further processing. The calculation of Levelof Service on the basis of FCD is already in use. FloatingBicycle Data can be handled similarly.

Driver assistance for green light passingMinimizing the number of stops and starts in urban trafficsupports economic driving with respect to energy or fuelconsumption. It also contributes to an increased traffic qual-

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ity with reduced time loss at traffic lights resulting in an opti-mized travel time.

This can be achieved with different approaches. The mostsimple one is to define a fixed recommended speed anda synchronization of traffic lights according to that speed.When adjusting the driving speed to the recommendation,drivers can expect to pass a sequence of traffic lights with-out stops. Such solutions are used for instance for cyclistsin Copenhagen [5]. A more flexible approach could use ad-justable traffic signs to support variable speed recommen-dations to incorporate traffic density and further influenceson traffic light schedules like bus or tram prioritization.

Another system using speed recommendations is COSEL[9] that provides speed recommendations for tram driverson certain lines in Dresden based on an Android App. Ona path from the north to the south of Dresden trams op-erate in a high frequency of up to 62 per hour. The pathincludes 19 traffic lights. To optimize the traffic on this pathdynamic scheduling of traffic lights is used. The scheduleintegrates information about tram schedules, potential con-nections as well as traffic density on roads. To optimizeenergy consumption and customer satisfaction COSELprovides recommendations when to leave a stop, max-imum/recommended acceleration and to drive with con-stant speed. COSEL as well as BikeNow are based on theDresden traffic management system VAMOS, i.e. using thesame prediction data for traffic lights.

SiBike [1] is a system for cyclists that relies on actively con-trollable traffic lights. Using GPS positions, the system de-tects if cyclists are approaching traffic lights and sends asignal to the according traffic light to switch to green orto extend the green phase. Especially, consecutive trafficlights can be synchronized. In difference to SiBike BikeNowdoes not actively influence the scheduling of traffic lights

but relies on information about predicted schedules. Fromthe cyclists point of view SiBike would be more convenientsince no interaction with an App is required except the start-ing of the App.

Crowdsourcing of traffic informationThe goal of BikeNow is to motivate cyclists to use the Appand to enable the recording of bicycle traffic information.

For motorized traffic Apps like Waze or Google Maps canbe used to get information about the current traffic con-ditions. Most of these systems collect traffic informationbased on crowdsourcing, i.e. floating car data is collectedand analyzed.

Strava [8] is a system for crowdsourcing information fromcyclists. It is a social network for cyclists and other athletes.It allows them to record, upload and share their activities byusing a GPS enabled device (e.g. smartphones or fitnesswristbands). While it’s not dedicated to cyclists it supportsthe crowdsourcing of cyclist’s GPS tracks.

Apps for cyclistsA large variety of Apps for supporting cyclists are availablein the app stores for Android and iOS. Main categories arefitness and routing apps. The latter apps usually providea bicycle mode for calculating routes and rely on data pro-vided by OpenStreetMap, Google or similar providers. BikeCitizens [2] is an iOS and Android App that is tailored tothe needs of cyclists. It provides navigation for cyclists bytaking information like type of bicycle and cycling style intoaccount. In addition to the navigation the App provides cy-clometer functions and route tracking but no support forspeed recommendations like BikeNow.

In summary, a set of Apps and systems already providessupport for speed recommendations to pass traffic lights at

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green phases and crowdsourcing of traffic information, infew cases also to crowdsource traffic light schedules. Mostof them are targeted to motorized traffic. From the group ofbicycle focused solutions BikeNow is the only system thatrelies on a traffic management system in operation.

ObjectiveIn our approach we intent to use the speed adjustment rec-ommendation as an incentive for cyclists to share their posi-tion data with the traffic management system. Analogous tofloating car data we want to collect ’Floating Bicycle Data’.

From the collected data we want to derive quality param-eters of bicycle traffic like loss times and travel times. Fur-ther, we want to extend knowledge about bicycle traffic inurban areas to answer questions like: Which routes arechosen?, What is the average driven speed on which sec-tion of the network? and What are the peak times in bicycletraffic? We also aim to collect data to enable an optimiza-tion of the bicycle infrastructure and to support planningprocesses. In the following our main objectives are listed:

Measurement of quality of bicycle traffic: FCD are usedto measure the quality of traffic flow for motorized individ-ual traffic. We want to adapt and apply these algorithmsto ’Floating Bicycle Data’ to measure the quality of bicycletraffic and focus on some characteristic variables like traveltime and loss times on traffic lights at intersections.

Measurement of quality of bicycle infrastructure: Nowa-days the planning for bicycle infrastructure like bicycle lanesis based on few data like traffic counting and assumptions.This will be still important in the future but could be comple-mented by crowdsourced data. Using crowdsourcing datait will be known, which paths cyclists really take. It will alsohelp to identify and focus on parts of the network with prob-lems like insufficient capacity or reconstruction needs.

Figure 2: Architecture of BikeNow

Identification of dangerous intersections: Currently traf-fic signaling is not optimized for bicycles in Dresden. Asa consequence, some traffic lights are ignored by cyclistsregularly. A comparison of anonymized tracks of cyclistswith records of the signaling of traffic lights could reveal hotspots of infringements against red light. This can be an in-put for traffic planners to change or optimize signaling forcyclists on the identified intersections.

Value added services and user motivation: Collectingcrowdsourcing data is difficult since the crowdsourcing ap-proach often lacks a critical mass of participants. We wantto motivate cyclists to participate continuously in our crowd-sourcing by providing value added services like reduction ofwaiting times at red traffic lights and increasing comfort ofcycling to the cyclist community.

ApproachIn the following we introduce the architecture and key con-cepts of the BikeNow system, namely the prediction ofgreen time vectors, the calculation of speed adjustmentrecommendations and the design of the user interface forthe smartphone App.

ArchitectureThe architecture of the BikeNow system is depicted in Fig-ure 2. It comprises of the traffic management system VA-

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MOS, a gateway server, the BikeNow App and a Crowd-sourcing Server. The VAMOS system was already intro-duced in Section 2. Its role in BikeNow is to provide greentime vectors for the traffic lights in Dresden.

Since VAMOS is a productive system, Apps are not allowedto directly access it. Instead, the prediction vectors aretransmitted to a gateway server based on a secure connec-tion. The server stores the predictions for all available trafficlights and handles the requests from the clients. Similarly,the crowdsourced data collected by the App is not directlytransmitted to the VAMOS system. Instead a Crowdsourc-ing Server is in charge of receiving and storing the data. Inthis way the App and the functionality that belongs to the re-search system is completely decoupled from the productivesystem.

The BikeNow App is running on the cyclists smart phoneand requests the green time prediction vector for the nextintersection, using the current location. It is responsiblefor the calculation and visualization of speed adjustmentrecommendations as well as for handling user interactions.In background GPS location information is recorded andperiodically sent to the CS Server.

Predicting green time vectorsA prediction vector has a temporal resolution of 1 secondand a prediction horizon of a few minutes. It contains infor-mation about the location of the traffic light and the prob-ability of green light for a requested signal head for eachsecond within the prediction horizon. If the probability forgreen is higher than 85 percent we assume the signal headto show green in the chosen second.

Calculating speed adjustment recommendationsCombining the information from the prediction vector withthe cyclists location, speed and direction of travel, BikeNow

Figure 3: Four variants of the user interface a) minimal b) arrow c)pointer d) rectangle

is calculating a minimum and a maximum speed. With theminimum speed the cyclist will arrive at the end of the greenphase, just passing the traffic light before it switches to red.The same happens vice versa for the maximum speed andthe beginning of the green phase.

Crowdsourcing bicycle traffic dataBikeNow is a part of a crowdsourcing infrastructure. Notonly it provides value added services to users, it also col-lects important data about cycling: the cyclists location,altitude, speed, direction of travel and GPS-accuracy arerecorded and uploaded to our ExCELL - CrowdsourcingServer using a RESTful web service. On the server thedata are anonymized, filtered and stored for further pro-cessing.

In further steps the processed data will be uploaded to theVAMOS traffic management system and be used for bicycletraffic management and information systems. Providing thisdata to cyclists, the loop between the provision of valuableservices for citizens based on available data sets and themotivation of citizens to participate in the collection of newdata can be closed.

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Figure 4: Example of a green time prediction vector, NürnbergerPlatz, signal heads K1/K2

UI designA critical point for driver assistant systems is the design ofan user interface that supports minimal driver distraction.We used the approach of User-Centered Design to developthe user interface for the App. First designs were shown tousers in a preliminary survey. It was also asked which infor-mation would be essential in a driving situation. In addition,the UI needs to have a clear, contrasty appearance since itis used outdoors. Finally, four variants were designed andimplemented prior the evaluation (see Figure 3). In thesevariants different representations of traffic light informationwere examined.

On the upper side of the screen information like distanceto next traffic light, name of crossing ahead and countdowntill phase change is displayed. Several different indicatorswere developed, to show cyclists how to adjust their speed.

PrototypeWe have implemented the BikeNow system as an AndroidApp and a set of RESTful services.

For the prototype a fixed route between Albertplatz andNürnberger Platz in Dresden was defined and a gatewayserver was set up to handle the green light prediction vec-tors, pushed from the management system. A predictionvector with a prediction horizon of a few minutes contains

several green phases. Figure 4 shows a visualization of aprediction vector, were the green area indicates the predic-tion of green and the black line denotes the real signalingfor the shown signal head. [6]

The calculation of speed adaptation is carried out on theclient. Using the GPS time stamp, the client is synchronizedwith the prediction vector. Since the current position andspeed of the cyclist is known to the App as well as the lo-cation of the traffic light, an arrival time at the intersectionis calculated. Based on a comparison of the calculated ar-rival time and the predicted green phases, one of the greenphases is chosen, taking the current speed and positionof the cyclist into account. For the chosen green phase aspeed window is calculated and displayed using the UI. [7]

Figure 5 shows the data collected during a particular testride along the predefined route. Besides the cyclists lo-cation, the altitude, speed, direction of travel and GPS-accuracy are recorded by the prototype.

A short demonstration on how the application is used canbe seen in this video:

EvaluationIn order to get a better overview about the target group andthe resulting requirements, a survey was conducted. Theresults were then used to consolidate the requirements andthe UI concept.

Preliminary SurveyIn a survey, which was active for about 2 weeks, 109 partici-pants took part of which 79 people completed all questions.The survey was was divided into three sections, namely in-formation needed in a driving situation, understanding ofalready developed UI elements and questions about theuser and behavior. Based on the collected data it was pos-

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Figure 5: Speed data from a test user on the test route

sible to gain a coarse insight into the needs of the targetgroup. The age of the respondents ranged from 14 to 59years with an average of 29.4 years. 69.6% of the userswere male and 24% female. 40.5% were primarily using acity bike, followed by 36.7% which were using racing bikesand 15.2% which were using mountain bikes and it appearsthat 54.4% want to drive quickly and 41.7% even want todrive as fast as possible. The majority of 62% uses theirbike everyday or two to three times a week (30.4%). Only7.6% of the respondents were content with the signaling oftraffic lights. 70% stated that they would use an applicationthat would show them exactly when the phase change ofthe traffic light happens. This, the dissatisfaction with trafficlight coordination and the fact that driving assistance toolsare already used by cyclists indicates that BikeNow couldprovide added value for cyclists in Dresden.

Evaluation of the UI with a user studyTo evaluate the prototype 14 bicyclists tested the applica-tion in a practice. The testers had to drive the test routebetween Albertplatz and Nürnberger Platz in Dresden. Thesmartphone was mounted on the handlebar of the bike.The goal of this evaluation was to see which UI variant isthe most comprehensible and what could be changed to im-prove the overall usability. Therefore testers had to selectone of the four UI variants for each ride. An interview wasconducted after the ride, applying the method of „thinkingaloud”.

A short survey about usability had to be completed after-wards, applying the system-usability scale and personalinformation (gender, age, the used bike and the type of cy-clist) were asked. The user group showed a similar compo-sition like the one in the preliminary survey. The measuredsystem-usability scale resulted in a score of 83,9 in aver-age indicating a high usability of the BikeNow App. Ten ofthe 14 participants were male and four female. The majorityof 57% stated that the pointer view (see Figure 3c) is themost comprehensible, followed by 29% who chose the ar-row view (see Figure 3b). Seven of 14 users felt that theywere distracted by the application. This issue has to be re-solved in further iterations with the exploration of soundsand/or vibration signals. The UI was well understood by thetesters.

Conclusion and Future WorkIn this paper we presented the BikeNow system that pro-vides the added-value service of speed recommendationsfor passing crossings at green light to cyclists as a incen-tive to participate in the crowdsourcing of bicycle traffic in-formation. BikeNow does not actively influence traffic lightschedules but relies on predicted green time vectors fromthe VAMOS system, that is in operation for traffic manage-

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ment and information in Dresden. The system was fullyimplemented to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach.The field test conducted with 14 cyclists allowed us to iden-tify the pointer as the best visualization approach out of fourdifferent designs. The system-usability scale was used tomeasure the App’s usability. A score of 83,9 in average un-derpins the high usability of the BikeNow App.

As a next step the implementation of BikeNow should beadvanced to a productive system. As user tests revealedimprovements are required for the calculation of speed rec-ommendations, location accuracy and energy consumption.To cover the whole city of Dresden with our app it might beuseful to integrate a routing and navigation system.

With an improved and stable implementation, we intent toconduct a larger field test to collect an appropriate set ofcrowdsourced data. Analysis of collected data has to proveits expected value. Once we have the critical mass on usersand collected enough data we’ll start adopting FCD algo-rithms on bicycle data to measure quality of bicycle trafficand analyze bicycle paths to support the planing processesof bicycle network. Feeding back the information extractedfrom the raw crowdsourcing data, we will close the loopbetween data provision and consumption. Cycling will besmooth and comfortable in Dresden.

AcknowledgementsExCELL - Crowdsourcing and real-time analysis for a selforganizing city logistic is a research project and part of theprogram "Smart Data - innovation from data" founded bythe Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

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