bilingual student record for powerschool (elpatest score...

Bilingul Student Record for PowerSchool (ELPA Test Score Report) version 1.00 The Biingua Student Record ists a the student ELPA test scores and ELPA screener test scores entered in PowerSchoo. A report page is printed for each student and test. Tests are isted by student name and the test date in descending order. ELPA Test scores can be seected by individua student or by schoo buiding. Report options incude the abiity to seect active and active/inactive students. If test scores for a schoo buiding are printed, the output fie name is “pdfELPAScores <n>.PDF”, where <n> is the schoo buiding number. If a student report is seected, then the output report name is “pdfELPAStudent <n>.PDF, where <n> is the student number. Version Chnge History 1.0 May 2010 – First version

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Page 1: Bilingual Student Record for PowerSchool (ELPATest Score version 1.00 The Bilingual Student Record lists all the student ELPA

Bilingu l Student Record for PowerSchool (ELPA Test Score Report) version 1.00 The Bi ingua Student Record ists a the student ELPA test scores and ELPA screener test

scores entered in PowerSchoo . A report page is printed for each student and test. Tests are

isted by student name and the test date in descending order.

ELPA Test scores can be se ected by individua student or by schoo bui ding. Report options

inc ude the abi ity to se ect active and active/inactive students.

If test scores for a schoo bui ding are printed, the output fi e name is “pdfELPAScores

<n>.PDF”, where <n> is the schoo bui ding number. If a student report is se ected, then the

output report name is “pdfELPAStudent <n>.PDF, where <n> is the student number.

Version Ch nge History 1.0

May 2010 – First version

Page 2: Bilingual Student Record for PowerSchool (ELPATest Score version 1.00 The Bilingual Student Record lists all the student ELPA

PowerS hool requirements

The ELPA test score is expected to be entered in the a pha fie d. The report program wi rep ace

the a pha fie d with the numeric fie d va ue, when the a pha test score is b ank and the test

numeric score is greater than zero (0). The report program wi rep ace the a pha fie d with the

percentage fie d va ue, when the a pha test score is b ank and the test percentage score is greater

than zero (0).

ELPA Test S ore Report option s reen

• Identify the fi e directory where the ELPA Test Score report is created. This directory

shou d be used each time you run the program.

• Choose the schoo bui ding where the ELPA test scores are printed.

• Choose to print a the student test scores in the schoo bui ding or ELPA scores for an

individua student.

• Se ect to print active or active/inactive students.

• Se ect to print the ast ELPA test date, or a the ELPA tests and ELPA screener tests

taken by the student.

C ick on the “Browse” button to se ect and choose the output fi e directory where your PDF

report fi e is saved.

Page 3: Bilingual Student Record for PowerSchool (ELPATest Score version 1.00 The Bilingual Student Record lists all the student ELPA

Error Mess ges

Error message are disp ayed on the bottom of the screen.

Error mi ing output file directory to create the report.

P ease se ect an output fi e directory to create the report fi e.

Error a building mu t be elected for the report.

The report is run for individua schoo bui dings. Se ect a bui ding number in the combo


Error li t of grade level are required (1,2,3…).

A ist of grade eve s is required. Enter a ist of grades “0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12” to

inc ude a grades in the schoo bui ding.

Error elect a tudent to print.

The option to print an individua student is set. Se ect a student in the combo box to print

test scores for the student.

Page 4: Bilingual Student Record for PowerSchool (ELPATest Score version 1.00 The Bilingual Student Record lists all the student ELPA

Sample ELPA Test S ore Report