bill who the plaintiff

BILL WHO, THE PLAINNTIFF Chrysler, Compuware and Combustion Components Associates blacklists engineer, 14 years of joblessness/homelessness The following contains the perils that these companies have put me through due to the blacklisting. They stated that they had no record of my employment. Witness from combustion components lies under oath 3 times! Courts? Bill Butler [Pick the date]

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blacklisted by three companies and jobles and homeless for 14 year...inclosed is what i have been through


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Chrysler, Compuware and Combustion Components Associates blacklists engineer, 14 years of joblessness/homelessness The following contains the perils that these companies have put me through due to the blacklisting. They stated that they had no record of my employment. Witness from combustion components lies under oath 3 times! Courts? Bill Butler [Pick the date]

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This page informs the public that

this book will not be edited by any

one as to show what kind of

stress and strain I am under for

the last 14 years and continue to

be. I am sorry if it is not up to

your standard of reading and it is

my hope that I get my message

across to the public…

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The Companies__________________________6


A Bit Technical_________________________19

My Chrysler Performance


The Event.. A Dismissal_________________30

Job Search Part 1_______________________32

The Private Investigator__________________35

Job Search Part 2 ______________________37

The Attorney___Mine?___________________38

The Witness ____________________________41

The Newspaper Reporter, The Media ____48

My Evidence Submitted To The


The Courts ____________________________63

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The Final Offer They Made

To Settle My Case____________________104

Internet ______________________________108

My Theory on Why They

Did This To Me ______________________121

The Politicians_______________________124

The US Post Office___________________137

ACLU Boston Office__________________143

The Survival_________________________145

Places To Eat, Soup Kitchens_________203

Food Pantries________________________205

Food Stamps_________________________207

My Current Income____________________207

My Personal Transportation___________208


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Chrysler Corporation Headquarters …Auburn Hills, Mich.


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Corporate offices of combustion components

associates at the time of my interview



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I was born in small town in Massachusetts with a

big name, you might have heard of it, Concord,

and I do not mean grapes. You know where our

forefathers fought the British to gain our freedom

from England in 1776 at the old north bridge.

Concord has preserved the site very nicely and it is

visited by people from all over the world, if you ever

get a chance to visit go, it is place that very dear to


Well it was a cold winter morning in Concord

at the Emerson hospital when my mother went into

labor at 7:45 AM on Thursday December 31, 1953.

Everything went well so they told me. I grew up in

one of the neighboring towns called Maynard where

we lived away from the crowded center. My

schooling years were normal, I was quite shy

though and stayed away from people in general,

women especially they scared me the most, oh do

not worry I cured myself of that and now talk to

them on a daily basis. When it came time for me to

go to high school I had choices to make on what

curriculum should I take? Well my parents stated

that there would not be any funds to send me to

college so I decided to take the industrial arts

curriculum at Maynard high school, our class was

the centennial class, that is we graduated 100

years after the town was incorpated in 1871.

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Next I met an inspiring supervisor at the

Brunswick Corporation (textile mill in westboro, ma

it long gone these days) where I got a job as a

janitor. He noticed that I was more than a janitor

and he did his best to give me other jobs. He had

me welding, running a lathe, operating a milling

machine and building equipment for the company.

They hired another janitor after a while. One day my

supervisor cane by to introduce us to a new janitor

and we all said hello and in a few minutes he came

by again asking if we had saw the new guy. We all

said no. He stated that the turned to look at him

and he was gone. We chucked the rest of the day.

It was a textile mill and the noise was so high you

had to wear ear plugs all day.

I like all those jobs they were interesting to

me and along with his inspiration, I decide to give a

college a try. I wanted his job so I set out to

increase my education…remember I had no college

prep classes. I had to find a prep school where I

could catch up and then enter college…my goal

was to become a mechanical design engineer.

Which was not the job that my supervisor had, he

was a industrial engineer/plant engineer.

The company just got some new carding

machines in and I was picked to learn how to set

them up and maintain them, they even sent me to

South Carolina to take class at the company that

made them. I also would run tests on them, trying

out new materials hence a new supervisor. I

chatted with him about getting more schooling and

told him of my dilemma. He suggested a prep

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school in Boston called Newman Prep and I

attended it in the evenings after work for the next

year to take my college classes, like pre-algebra

math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and


Great, I was going to prep school and then

college, maybe. I felt like I was on the top over the

world. I knew it was going to be a long road, but if

it did not go, the time would go by anyway. So I

gas up my little Chevy Vega and headed off to

Boston, mind you at night, remember I was a shy

country boy! It was a difficult time I had a lot of

worries, was I going to pass, was the car going to

last, was my dad going to throw me out his house,

and when I finished prep school what if I did get a

student loan to enter college. I was surprised that I

even learn anything in prep school with all those

worries, I made the dean’s list, with A’s and B’s

every semester.

My Chevy Vega, bless its soul, where ever it

is today. It is probably part of another car or cars

due to recycling. It used to make so much noise. I

just turn the radio up not to hear the noise, phew I

was glad the radio did not die and then I figured

out that if it stopped making nose, it would have

stopped running so then I was happy to hear the


I remember one winter I was driving home, it

was the night of the big nor’easter that came to

New England in ‘78. I am sure everyone here in the

northeast remembers it, the state was closed for

several days. Well I was driving home that night

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and I approached the famous Belmont hill, it is a

hill on route 2 coming out of Boston, it has to be 2

miles long, a challenge for any 4 cylinder car never

mind my little Vega. Was I going to make or was

this where it was all going to end no car no school

well that what I thought at the time. I was chugging

along and I was half way up the hill when a car

blew his/her horn at me to get out of the way, sure

where was I go into the ditch and get stuck there I

do think so. I guess he/she just blew it to let me

know he/she was passing. He/she passed me and

I continue to chugging along. I reached the top of

the hill and over to the side of the road was the

same car in the ditch. I drove by him/her and

tooted my little horn, smiling and that night I made

it home and I then knew that my little Vega was it in

for the long run. It lasted me thru prep school, 2

years of college in Boston and 3 years in college in

Hartford. Good Job Chevrolet/GMC.

My 73 Chevrolet Vega all used up

I manage to get thru prep school with a few

problems that still haunt me today. Oh I have

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solved them but the still haunt me. Like I had one

problem in physics, it was about a tiger on the run

and a man firing a gun at the tiger. The question

was how many bullets it would will take to stop the

tiger. I read it as how many will it take to kill the

tiger, well the answer would be one. But the answer

to stopping the tiger is simple. You take the mass

of the tiger and it velocity multiply it together and

you have what is called momentum. Knowing the

velocity of the bullet and the mass of each bullet

them you divide it in the tiger momentum and it

give how many bullets you need to stopped the

tiger and kill it. There were some geometry

problems too but I have managed to forget them

over the years.

I did good got a’s and b’s and got accepted

to Wentworth institute and got my student loan so I

finished in the summer of ‘77 and entered

Wentworth in the fall of ‘77 for two years of study.

Wentworth was difficult but I was committed.

remember I had a father that was not supportive. I

made the dean’s list every semester and almost

made the president’s list the last semester I was

there. I quit my day job and went to Wentworth

days and I met many people from all over. My

class at first was kind of distant; we all had our on

little circles and stayed pretty much within those

circles. The school had it’s annual open house and

the dorms had the traditional keg party. That day

our class met each other and we all became

friends, helping each other thru each day with class

work, it was great.

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I thought I was in heaven I was learning

things I often wondered about, like the strength of

materials, i.e. steel, aluminum, copper and many

other materials. I remember my lab reports in

strength of materials. The teacher use to grade on

a fraction the denominator was the highest grade

you could get and the numerator was what you got.

My numerator was always higher the denominator,

the teacher would give extra credit because my lab

reports we really good. My classmates got angry at

first then they turned it into a competition and we

could not wait to see who got the most extra credit.

It was fun and they learn how to do a better lab

report but of course they would say I was the one

that needed to learn, ha ha.

Another time in drafting, the teacher graded

on a scale of 1 to 10 and he never gave out a ten.

I went to him and told him that I going to do a

drawing of this gate valve but I was going to put a

lot of detail in it. Normally an assembly drawing

only shows the bare minimum just to get the part

assembled. I told him that with all the detail I could

get practice on drawing all the different parts and

techniques …..he agreed. I worked on it for several

weeks learning all kind of things I need to, it was

great. I drew castings, threads, machining,

bushings and shafts. I finally finished and turn it in

it was my masterpiece, drawn in pencil and on

vellum. When I got it back the guys were really

curious to see what grade was, I got a 10. I was in

shock the first one I ever saw. The boys were upset

one complained to the teacher stating that an

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assembly drawing never shows that much detail.

The teacher explained my drive and stated that I

deserved the grade and that was that.

Another memory that stays with me is in

thermodynamics, it was time for the final exam and

we all were worried if we were going to pass. Well

we all took the test and the usual complaints of

how hard it was and I was real nervous because the

night before I did not study, I watched TV with my

mom and sis. Later in the week, I was walking

across campus and ran into my friends; they stuck

the nose up at me. What is wrong with you all, I

asked? They post the grades by your social security

number and yes we knew each others. They had

already saw the posting and saw that my grade

was the second highest of the class and they were

ribbing me. I had nothing to say but, some of us

have it and some of us don’t. I was ribbing them

back of course. I was pleased with myself that

whole night and better part of the next morning.

Jumping ahead it was late in my last year

at Wentworth and companies were coming in the

school to interview candidates for jobs after we

graduated. I was pretty cool, all you had to do is

put your name on the list and show up if you

missed it the give you another chance, how could

you go wrong. I signed up for Pratt & Whitney

Aircraft, I knew nothing of them. I took the interview

and the interviewer asked me if I knew anything

about the company, I stated no. He then said well I

will start from the beginning. We talked about the

company for about ten minutes he, then excitedly

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told about the life in Hartford, Connecticut

especially the nightlife and the lasted for the

duration of the interview.

I consulted my class advisor and he said that

they got you there will be an offer in the mail soon

since they were trying to sell you on the life in

Connecticut. He was right 3 weeks later I had an

offer to start after I graduated as a senior

draftsman for the pay of 1034 a month, that is

about 6.00/hr. that was double my pay in the

factory and I was in a office nice and clean wearing

a white shirt and tie..yay. I grabbed it and left for

Connecticut right after graduation. My mom was

sad she, like all other moms did not want me to


I arrived in Connecticut and got a room at a

boarding hose until I found my way around town

and later got an apartment. My first day at the job,

I was nervous, so it did not help me when they

walked me out to a test cell and showed me a

F-100 engine running with full after burner on.

That’s the engine they put in the f-16 aircraft. The

first thought that went thru my head was what have

you got yourself into now, I should have listened to

my mom and not take this job. There was 20 feet

of flame coming out of that engine and there was

only a wall between me and that bomb that they

called an engine, so I thought at the time. It had a

window with some kind of glass or plastic that you

could look through see if it was going to explode or

something, it was many inches thick but, I still did

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not feel safe. The next day it all got better and I

stayed there for over 9 years.

I took the summer off from school that first

year and in the fall I started at the University of

Hartford going nights to get my full degree, a

BSME. It was a little more difficult for me. I transfer

my credits and lost more than half and two as

much to make up. I was looking at more than 6

years but it had to be done. So, I started and took

two classes per semester and one in the summer a

total of five per year.

One semester I was studying psychology and

was reading about introverts and extroverts. I label

myself as an introvert immediately. I slammed the

book shut and began talking to anyone in my site. I

made a lot of mistakes it the first conversations

because I had no experience, however I go better

as time went on and today I am still improving on

my conversation with others. Now people have said

to me you talk to everyone you meet, I reply pretty

much. I enjoy psychology so much I took several

classes in it, general 1,2, child and abnormal.

Abnormal was interesting aside from learning all

the phobias, every time we had a test the sky was

clear and it was a full moon………….woe go figure.

Chemistry another test of my wit, I jumped

into it without taking any prep classes in high or

prep school. It was cool though I really like the labs

doing all the different experiments and helping

others that did not understand. I manage to get a

B in the class, well that boosted my ego to

continue until the final goal was reached.

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I have one thing to say about vibrations and

that is, I am still shaking after all these years.

After six tough years I graduated, I did not

know if I was until the day before because my last

class did not post my grade until the last minute…I

made and graduation was a go. The family came

down from Boston and went to my graduation yes

even my non supportive father the one that did not

want to feed me when I was living at his house.

The president of the University of Hartford

during graduation asked the following question of

the audience, all the parents that helped the sons

or daughters thru school please stand up. Well my

proud father stood up and all the other family

members were quite upset. No one told me until 3

months later, I was furious, I was fit to be tied, he

never helped me, he just made it harder.

After working at Pratt & Whitney for six years

as an engineer assistant, pretty much everyone still

thinks of you as an assistant even though you have

a full degree. In fact I went to my current boss and

told him that I was graduating and he said ok and

that was time to get back to work.

I went to personnel and they found me

another job and I got a 38.3% increase in my

salary. My current boss came over and looked at

me and said 38.8% raise and shook his head as to

say no and then walked away. The new job was ok

but I was not getting challenged so I had to make a

move and I got a job in Michigan at Williams

International working on cruise missile engines and

I not at liberty to say anything else about it, it was

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classified. Before I went to work as a contractor at

Chrysler I worked for Ford also as a design


It was my intent with this back ground to give

my reader an idea of me and I hope I have

accomplished it. Now let me go to the real reason

for this publication.

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A BIT TECHNICAL I got a contract job at Chrysler Corporation in

Auburn Hills Michigan as a mechanical design

engineer. I was schedule to work on oil pumps but

when I show up things changed. I was in charge of

the PCV system and within a few months I had al lot

more than the PCV system I had about 10 different

parts I was responsible for. I did not care I was

working again and that was the important part.

Let’s talk PCV positive crankcase ventilation.

The functions of this valve it to regulate the amount

of engine vacuum that is applied to the oil system to

remove the hot oil fumes. Let me explain when the

oil in the oil pan heats up it give of fumes similar to

when you are deep frying fench fried potatoes on the

stove. In the sixties we use to dump it overboard

through a breather tube now it is fed back the engine

to be burned through the PCV system. If you take a

cigarette and light it, a stream of smoke will come

out of it. Place a lit match in the smoke stream and

the smoke will

disappear above the match because it is being

burn, a similar thing happens with the PCV system.

When I investigated their current PCV system,

by testing it at Chrysler’s proving grounds in Chelsea,

Michigan, this is what they had. A PCV valve than

was a designed for a V8 engine and I valve cover

design that allow ¾ of a quart of oil pull over every

7500 miles (Chrysler’s recommended oil change


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Chrysler’s SOHC valves cover neon,

baffle plate removed

Oil pullover it the amount of oil that is pulled

out of the engine thru the PCV system’s vacuum

over the recommended oil change interval. Pullover

depends on several parameters, the flow of the

PCV valve, the blow by of the piston rings, the

design of the valve cover and it’s ability to trap the

oil in the engine as it pulls out the oil fumes.

I was responsible for the design of PCV

configuration in the valve cover and I had to give

direction to another engineer since he was

responsible for the entire valve cover. I came up

with a concept and had a prototype made at the

local shop. I don’t have a picture of the prototype

but recently I went to the used auto yard and

purchased a production version of the part

Illustrated in the following picture,

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I also set up a test at Chrysler labs to reduce

the flow of the valve since it was to be used for

four cylinder engine. I would vary the engine’s rpm

and adjust the flow of the valve so that we would

get the same amount of vacuum in the valve cover

at all engine RPM. It produced a curve and I

submitted it to an outside vendor. They produced a

valve that followed the curve precisely, my Chrysler

supervisor was impressed. Chrysler previously was

producing the valve in house and was having

trouble with it. Chrysler decided to give the vendor

the business.

With the new valve and valve cover I schedule a

test at the proving grounds. I put it through

everything test I could think of, up the hills, over the

rough roads, around the high speed corners and on

the flat curves. Guess what happen to the pullover

it went down to only a few grams of oil. It was so

good my supervisor required that I test it with other

engineer’s test plan, it passed them all. I could not

believe it myself so I tested it several times

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Chrysler’s proving grounds Chelsea, mi


Chrysler’s small car engine group made me

champion of the PCV engineer group because of my

work on the 2.0l SOHC PCV system and it’s success.

We would have monthly meetings to discuss issues

and ideas with each other. Most of the other

engineers were having problem with their designs.

One engineer stated that he went up the hill and a

stream of smoke came out of the tail pipe. I think he

called it a mosquito killer since it filled the whole test

area with smoke. Here is a picture of their proving

grounds (above) in Chelsea, Michigan.

You can see all the different courses an engineer

can test his/hers design. They have a garage there

and union mechanics to work on your car. I would

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drive the neon over to the garage from where I

worked in the office and a mechanic would change

the valve cover then drive the car on the proving

grounds. Engineers could get a license to drive on

the proving grounds themselves. I could not see any

sense in it because I had to reserve a mechanic to

install the valve cover as it was a union shop they

would not even let me touch the car. Was I

supposed to change the valve cover at the local

hamburger shop where they all ate and then when I

went to the proving grounds, I would get into trouble

with the union?

My supervisor never understood that he just

wanted me to get the license. He would always give

me some grief about this.

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Chrysler’s plastic valve cover

The issue from a PCV engineer’s point of

view was the edge of the plate indicated by the

arrow in the above figure was not touching the

valve cover and it would flood the PCV chamber

with oil, keeping the PCV from working properly. I

pleaded with them over and over again, asking to

at least seal with some kind of high temperature

sealer but they simply refused. I guess they wanted

to keep the cost down. However I was also involved

in Chrysler’s 2.4 liter DOHC engine valve, but I was

asked to leave before it went into production I

recently bought one and removed the baffle plate

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and guess what IT WAS SEALED WITH SEALER!!!!

Just like I requested?

Chrysler’s 2.4 Liter DOHC valve cover

The valve covers that were shipped to

Canada for the cold weather test had huge gaps

between the baffle plate and the valve cover. They

pulled over lots of oil as the filming indicated. I

took off the baffle plate and seal the edge and that

did the trick no pullover,

My supervisor was not pleased with my

test results; he made me do a test in the cold room

at Chrysler, as he stated that, I did not test the

production intent. The test showed the same thing

as the test did in Canada.

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One day I was sitting at my desk and two

gentlemen spoke up to get my attention and asked

me to explain my design. I turn and one introduces

me to the other as I knew one. He was a manager

and he had brought a manager from another

engine group and wanted to explain my design. I

was glad to. They were both impressed and just as

I finished my supervisor spoke up and she said that

we not sure it works yet. Obviously it did it went into

production for 5 years.

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written by

My Chrysler supervisor

My contract was on a yearly basis and I was

to get a performance review at the end of each

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year. The first year came and I got o great review

and got a raise. My contract supervisor (as opposed

to my Chrysler supervisor) was very pleased. My

Chrysler supervisor chatted with me one day and

stated, Wow you are what you said you were at the

time of the interview. In other words you can do all

the things you said that you could do. I was

shocked and said that you mean they are people

that are not what they same on their resume. He

replied I could not believe that.

Time went on and things we not going good

between me and the engineer of the valve cover. I

never get parts on time; he would do things without

asking me like change my design to accommodate

the manufacture of the valve cover. The

relationship between him and my supervisor was

growing strength. That is the were both hunters and

they were building quite a bond especially on

Mondays they would trade weekend hunting

stories….you know what each other had killed and

how many. I use have lunch with the valve cover

engineer but I grew tired of learn how many

animals he killed each weekend, so I ate lunch at

my desk.

I remember one day the leader in the other

group was going to Canada to test the neon in the

cold weather and they wanted me to go. I did not

have a credit card to secure the hotel so I asked

my supervisor to secure the hotel room and I would

pay for it when I got there. Not so good to be in

place where it is 37 degrees below zero without a

place to sleep. Well the leader of the other group

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kept putting pressure on my supervisor wanting me

to go. I said I did not have a place to stay up in

there in the cold. Finally one day my supervisor

took me out in the hall and said “Chrysler was

looking for a PCV engineer before you came along

and if you don’t go on this trip Chrysler will be

looking for PCV engineer again, understand!” I

settled down, then I talked to the leader of the

other group to get the hotel number and gave them

a call. They said no problem you don’t need a card

you get a room. We will just save you one. Peace

was restored in the office I was going on the trip

and everyone was happy.

The cars were trucked up to Thompson

Manitoba Canada while we flew there and yes I did

not get the valve cover in time to review it so I had

no idea what I was testing. I was in the dark,

because I did not know what kind of parts I was

getting. I had camera equipment in installed in the

car with a monitor so that I could see what was

going on under the valve cover while I was testing


The biggest issue with the valve cover was the

attachment of the baffle plate to the valve cover.

The valve cover was an aluminum piece pre 2000

model year and for the 2000 model year the

changed it to plastic. First they molded studs on

the valve cover and attached the plate with clips

but the studs wore out and the changed to screws

as shown:

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THE EVENT…a dismissal

Chrysler had hired another engineer to help

me with all the parts I had. I believe he took over

the heater tubes and the asked to show him the

ropes until he came up to speed. What I really was

doing is training my replacement. I had gotten my

performance review after the first year but never got

one for the second year. I asked around and no

one would say anything. Finally my contract

supervisor stated that Friday 3:00am on October 31

1998 that I would get my performance review, only

a year and half late. I went to the office at Chrysler

and my Chrysler supervisor was not there she was

nowhere to be found, she obviously new of the

event. That was sad because I had written a review

for her so she could become a supervisor. They

told me the contract was over and they were not

going to renew it. They also said that they would

look for another contract for me, I laughed to

myself because I knew that would never happen. I

said ok, they started to tell me why but I stopped

them. I did not want to hear their lies. I left the

Chrysler office never to return. They wanted my

pager that I had left home that day, the next week I

returned it my contract company with my pager

and asked them for the 2 weeks vacation pay they

owed me. It was next to impossible to get it. Finally

I went to the office again and talked to the

president, yes I screamed at him and I did get my


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A year later I called my contract supervisor to

find out why the dismissed me and he said the

quantity of your work was insufficient. Yeah I was

right they lied, because I also called a co-worker of

mine that sat next to me and he told me that they

hired two engineers to do my job.

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136 job applications, 8 interviews, no second interviews and no offers, just rejections!!!!!!!!!!

My intent was to move back east to New

England and find a job there since that was I was

from; outside of Boston, Massachusetts and my

family was all there. My first interview was with a

well know company it was with Pratt &Whitney

aircraft. I went thru a recruiter and he set up

everything, interview schedule, hotel to stay at,

where to eat dinner etc.

I arrive at the schedule time and checked

into the hotel clean up and waited for dinner. I was

supposed to meet the manager of the group, I was

interviewing with the next day for dinner. The time

came to go to dinner and I went to the dining room

of the hotel and sat at the table and waited and

waited and waited, he never showed, yes he stood

me up and didn’t even call with an excuse. The

next day at the interview I met with everybody on

the list but I never saw him, and no one ever said a

word even after I asked about it, they all just

shrugged the shoulders and said I just don’t know.

The interview went well I knew just about everyone

on the list as I had worked there for 9 years before

left for Michigan. I even said hi to all my old co-


I called the recruiter and he stated that they

loved you on the interview however you have no

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~ 33 ~

technical background so there is no job offer. I was

amazed, I told the recruiter what I worked for them

for 9 years; I had 4 years with Ford and 2.5 yrs with

Chrysler as a contractor which was on some of the

job requirements that I had read. I even told him

that the manager stood me up for dinner and I

never meet him the next day. He responded in awe

and said that what they told me. I was never able

to contact that recruiter again, he never return any

of my calls or emails.

Here is my thoughts did personnel called

Chrysler and they stated no record of my

employment (as they did to my private investigator

and newspaper reporter, I will get into it later in the

book) and they told the manger and recruiter. Is

that why the manager did not meet me for dinner

at the hotel and the recruiter cut all

communications off with me? Did they think I was

a lair because of what Chrysler and Compuware


I did not contact my private investigator at

the time of this interview.

My second interview was obtained through

Wentworth Institute, they had a list of alumni that

were available for employment and companies

would gain excess to your resume. The company is

called Combustion Components Associates in

Monroe Connecticut. This is the one because the

official that manage my interview became a

witness in the case for the defense. I went to the

interview and I enjoyed I a lot, I told them that I had

a couple of weaknesses, that is no experience in

Page 34: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 34 ~

combustion and computer graphics. They told not

to worry that they would train me in both of my

concerns. I went to lunch with this official at the

local seafood restaurant and had a wonderful time.

We chatted about a lot of things many of my

hobbies; she told she had a loom for weaving and I

told her that I use to weave as a job. We even

talked about dating. We finished lunch and as we

left the car to go back into the office she

commented that she could not remember the last

time she enjoy an interview with a candidate like

she had enjoyed it with me.

I left with their statement saying that we

interviewing other candidates and that they would

get back with me. I will get into more detail under

the title, the witness, stay tuned lol.

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~ 35 ~


I was visiting my niece in Worcester,

Massachusetts and wondering if I ever was going

to work again. I was thumbing thru the yellow

pages and came across a page label private

investigators and they were advertising: find out

what you last employer is saying about you. I had

conservation with him to learn what they had to

offer. They said for a minimum fee of 400 dollars

they would do the investigation, I agreed and met

with the gentleman in a parking lot at the local

shopping center. I was nervous and I did not want

him to find out to much about me, so I gave my

info and he went to work. He was very nice to me;

he could tell I was very nervous.

He reported that MIS International (the

contract company I worked for) got bought by the

Compuware Corporation. He stated that MIS

international got renamed to professional services

which stated it had no record of my employment.

The Compuware Corporation stated they had

records of a William T. Butler who was terminated

in 1988 his social security number was different

than mine so that result in no records of my

employment. The Chrysler corporation their

contract division stated they had no record of my

employment. At first my investigator gave me the

report and I was in shock, no wonder I did not get

a job. I file a case with a lawyer in Oakland county

Page 36: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 36 ~

circuit court and submitted his report. Now here is

the funny thing after the case was filed, I contacted

him with a question and he was downright rude with

me, he barely even wanted to talk with me. That

made me wonder who else had talked to

him……you decide.

My private investigator’s report

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~ 37 ~


The next company I interviewed with was a

bearing company in Connecticut. I had another good

interview. I enjoyed meeting with these people, they

challenged me asking me to figure out some

complex assemblies without knowing anything about

bearings and I got feedback right there. They said I

did ok for not having any bearing experience. I went

to the machine shop and they were impressed with

my knowledge of the machines, I knew them all

except one or two. They ask me if I had issues and I

said that I did not have any bearing design

background and they replied don’t worry we will

teach you.

The last meeting was with the personnel official

and I told her what had at Chrysler and she wrote it

all down and then shook my hand and sent me on

my way.

A short time later I received a letter stating that I

was denied a job offer because I had no bearing

experience, yes that is what they said they would

teach me.

Did the official from personnel check on me and

determined it just was not worth it or did she check

and they stated that they had no record of my

employment and she label me as a lair.

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~ 38 ~


I was searching for a lawyer and meet with

one in Worcester, Ma, I told her my scoop and she

headed in her supervisor’s office making me wait.

They both came and said that it would cost a lot of

money to litigate this case, and asked me how

much I thought, I had no answer. The top lawyer

stated the it would have cost 200,000 dollars. They

were not prepared to spend that much, they just

did not want the case, the search continued.

I talked with a Michigan lawyer on the phone

and he said to write each company asking for the

reason for my job denial and if they did not

respond to me. I would pay him 1500 dollars and

he would write a letter stating that we are opening

an age discrimination case and that they are all a

part of it. Then maybe they would tell the truth on

what really happened and we would have a case. I

wrote the letters and they just got ignored me

except for the bearing company and they just sent

me a carbon copy of the first one they sent me.

This lawyer did not seem interested in the case so

the search went on.

I found another lawyer in Michigan to take

the case, I faxed him all my info I had and mailed

him a check for $1500. He filed a case against

Chrysler and Compuware in Oakland county circuit

court. I had to go back to Michigan to follow the

Page 39: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 39 ~

case. Let me say right now, he did nothing and at

the risk of be rude I repeat myself he did nothing.

1. He did not contact any of the companies

I interview with

2. He did not get it in the newspaper

3. He did not contact the phone company

for the witness’s phone records

4. He did very little discovery

5. He even wrote his first brief wrong

I got in the newspaper, the witness stated

she never talked to Chrysler I asked my attorney

are you going after the phone records, he said that

they probably were not available. I called phone

company and they said they were, all they need

was a saponia from my lawyer, I asked him for one

and he stated that, they are out of state they

probably would not honor his saponia. I said I will

call you back. I called the phone company and

they said they would. My lawyer sent the saponia

and we received the phone records showing the

witness I did call Chrysler.

I talked to the bar association about my

lawyer they recommend that I look for another one

so I had him put a package together for another

lawyer to look at, he got angry. He stated that what

is it going to be me or the other lawyer, since the

other lawyer said he was doing ok then (I wonder if

they chatted) I said it is going to be you.

From this point on anything I recommend he

shot down, I told him about contacting the

companies and he stated that would not help. I

Page 40: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 40 ~

said contact unemployment office and he said they

would not have any info. I told him my theory why

they did this (which I will explain later) and

immediately he shot it down. My lawyer????

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~ 41 ~

THE WITNESS……Connecticut

The witness which I identified quickly

became a witness of the defense..what gives? She

provided the court with a affidavit and a telephone

deposition. Well she lies under oath in both

documents. In her affidavit she states page 2,

statement 8, which reads I was never told by

Chrysler Corporation that Mr. Butler had not worked

at Chrysler. On her telephone deposition page 8

statements 12 and 14 state I never talked to

Chrysler and I never talked to anyone at Chrysler.

She said it twice. Phone records indicate that she

telephoned Chrysler personnel and the line was

open for 2.12 minutes, this was verified by my


Well if she never talked to Chrysler then why

does her phone records indicate that she did. The

phone records do not prove that she talked about

me, however the call was placed directly after she

talked to my Ford supervisor which she admitted

calling. In the month phone we obtained those

were the only two calls made to Detroit area. She

could have talked about someone else or the call

never got thru, if this was the case then why did

she not say that on her affidavit and telephone

deposition she provided to the courts. What was

her reason for hiding the truth by not saying she did

make a call? Did she get the old statement

record of his employment?

Page 42: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 42 ~

How is it that I went from some that they

were very interested in to not offering me

employment for the following reasons?(page 3

witnesses affidavit)

1. His perceived technical ability

2. His salary expectation

3. The expenses would be incurred in

relocating him

4. A former employer was seeking to return

to work

I just moved from Michigan so everything

was packed so the cost will minimum and I

discussed it with her and she agreed. When I spoke

of my salary to the head official he gave the

impression that it was not a problem.

My technical ability, they stated that they had

no problem training me in the combustion field and

computer graphics. A former employee returning,

wow that was the first I ever heard of it, on her

affidavit and I called her several times to check on

my potential employment status, hell even my

lawyer questioned that.

Page 43: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 43 ~

The witnesses invition to appear for an interview

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~ 44 ~

Page 1 of the witness affdavit

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~ 45 ~

Page 2 of the witness’s affidavit

Page 46: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 46 ~

The page of here telephone deposition that the witness

states she never called Chrysler, twice

Page 47: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 47 ~

Witness’s phone records indicating she talked to

Chrysler personnel for 2.12 min verified by my lawyer

number 96

Page 48: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 48 ~



Since my case was stuck in circuit court and

all the judge would say is ‘I will take it under

advisement and contact counsel at a later date’. I

thought that a newspaper article would pressure the

companies into settling with me. I contacted

several newspapers in the Detroit area. I met with a

reporter from the Detroit news at MacDonald’s on

Woodward Ave. in Ferndale. I went through my

whole story telling her every detail we spoke for an

hour. At the end of the hour she looked right at me

and said there is no story here. I was furious with


It took some time for me to recover from

that meeting, I did. I contacted the Observer and

Eccentric newspaper in Westland, Michigan. A staff

writer asked to come down and chat with her. She

was really nice and at the end of the interview she

stated, stay in touch I want to do a follow up

article. I said I would, thanked her and left, hoping

they would print my story. Sometime later she

called and stated that on Sunday September 17,

2000 on the second page my story was

printed…….no story the Detroit news


Well the story came out so I rushed down to

buy some many copies and to my surprise she

called the companies and got similar results that

my private investigator got. So she became a

Page 49: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 49 ~

witness in the case too (more on that later). The

case was already filed in court and they still are

saying no record of my employment, one of the

grounds they used to dismiss the case was

absence of malice. Well what are they saying now?

I said to my lawyer.

After the defense lawyers got a copy of my

newspaper article, you should been there they even

asked the judge where the copy room was, I was

never able to contact the staff writer ever again.

Wonder why?

In 2007 I was introduced to a newspaper

here in Boston called the Spare Change News, a

friend contacted me through federal court (she

found me as I had a case filed there at the time) It

is a paper that is sold by the homeless and the way

it works is that you write your article and submit it

to them and if they like it they will print it. Then they

will send out a newspaper reporter to do a follow

up article as they did with my friend. They never

contacted me again___wonder why?

Countless times of the TV stations just

ignoring me, both in Detroit, Boston and New York!

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~ 50 ~

First newspaper article reporter becomes a


Page 51: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 51 ~

Article print in Boston’s Spare Change News

sold by the homeless for $1

Page 52: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 52 ~

I got the following email from a local news

show here in Boston it call Chronicle it is quite

popular and as you it was dated April 17, 2008,

well do you think they are still thinking of me or did

they just deny me. Dear Bill, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'll keep the idea on file, and if we find an opportunity to follow up, we'll be sure to contact you. We appreciate your interest in Chronicle. D----- C----- Chronicle WCVB-TV

I also contacted FRONTLINE here in Boston

thinking that they do not have Chrysler sponsored

adds so maybe they would do my story well wrong


I also contacted S----- S-------- / M---

-- L--- at dream works and a got a letter back

from their legal department, returning my letter

stating that they can’t accept unsolicited materials

and that they are returning my material unread and

asked that I did not send them anymore. Just one

thing when I opened their letter, my letter was

open___ yes my letter was enclosed however it was

opened , repeating myself!!!

Page 53: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 53 ~

Letter from Frontlines

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~ 54 ~

Letter from DreamWorks legal department

Page 55: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 55 ~


Submitted to court

I provided the following evidence, a

printout from social security showing the

wages I earned from MIS International

(bought by Compuware and renamed

professional services) 2 copies of W2 forms

showing the wages and tax paid while

working there, a copy of a employee

identification badge, a private investigator’s

report stating all three offices had no record

of my employment, a newspaper article that

called the said companies and got similar

result as did my private investigator did,

phone records of the witnesses office

showing she did contact Chrysler, a

performance review written by my Chrysler

supervisor shown as follows:

Page 56: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 56 ~

My social security print out

Page 57: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 57 ~

My w2 forms, remember MIS international was bought

by Compuware and renamed professional services

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~ 58 ~

My employee I.D. badge

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~ 59 ~

My newspaper article

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~ 60 ~

My private investigator report!

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~ 61 ~

Witnesses phone records

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~ 62 ~

My resume

Page 63: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 63 ~


My lawyer filed my case in Oakland county

circuit court, the judge just did not want to make a

decision in the case he had it for 2 years. Every

motion hearing that he had, the answer was still he

will take it under advisement and contact counsel

at a later date. Motion hearing after motion

hearing. One day I went to the court to hear my

case and they never discussed it. Yeah you ask

around and no one knows anything except for the

judge and you can’t talk to him.

I learn thru my lawyer that the judge put the

case to mediation where three lawyers determine

what the case is worth. My lawyer did not even

show, he sent one of his colleagues. One of the

lawyers had to dismiss himself because of a

conflict of interest. They quibble for about an hour

and his colleague came out and I asked how much

was the mediation valve she said “a $1000 and that

I should be happy it would have been lower if the

other lawyer did not dismiss himself since he was a

defense lawyer. The judge remanded it to district

court I found out later ignoring paragraph 11.53

which states, there is no longer any rule providing

for the remand of cases from circuit court to

district court because the mediation award is less

than the jurisdictional limit . January 1 1997. Why

did the judge ignore this rule? Wondering again?

Page 64: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 64 ~

Oakland county circuit court

Page 65: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 65 ~

Remand to district court para 11.53

Page 66: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 66 ~


My lawyer told me the date when my case

was to be heard in 50th district court for a hearing, I

was angry, the most you could get is 25,000

dollars I was out of work for close to 2 years. He

asked me if I would be happy with that, I stated

absolutely not. The trial open and the judge stated

to counsel that we don’t have juries this week.

There to have been some mistake made by the

assignment clerk in scheduling this matter.

Wondering again? All parties agree to take this

opportunity to treat this matter as a pretrial except

for me.

After discussing the case in court, the judge

and lawyers continued to discuss my case in

chambers. They came out and my lawyer

Page 67: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 67 ~

whispered to me that the judge was going to

dismiss the case! My anger rose higher! The judge

came out and called the court to order swung the

gavel down and said that he was remanding my

case back to circuit court to the very judge that

remanded it to district court and order my lawyer to

prepare the paper work.

Back to circuit court it went I lost it for a week

or two, I was told it went to a visiting judge and

that judge did not want it so it finally went back to

the original judge. Meanwhile I found a department

in the court where the judges had to answer to

called court administration.

I met with the court administration and

complained that the judge refuse to do any in my

case he has had for close to two years. I stated

that hearing after hearing he would state the same


continue not to make a decision in the case, I was

desperate I have be out of work for two years and

nothing still was happening. I called my lawyer (he

never called me only one time telling me my case

was dismissed) and he stated that if you complain

to court administration again then the judge is

liable to dismiss the case. The next business day I

went to court administration and complained again.

My lawyer was right for the first since I hired him

the judge did dismiss my case.

This is what he said. Assuming this letter is

admissible, it does not support plaintiff’s allegation

the defendant companies reported such

Page 68: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 68 ~

information to his prospective employers. The

same is true of a newspaper article submitted by

the plaintiff, where a staff writer states that her

calls by her newspaper yielded similar results..

Ok, just for sake of conservation, pretend for

a moment that you are the human resource official

at Chrysler or Compuware and you get a call

asking about me. You say who is this because if

you are a newspaper reporter or a private

investigator then we have not records of Bill Butler,

however if you are a potential employer then we

can tell you something different…Well what do you

think/ Wondering again?

Why would any human resources official tell a

newspaper reporter that they had no record of my

employment that risks a lawsuit? As for my private

investigator he had it set up so they could not tell

he was one, it showed that he was just a company

calling. According to him he called over a period

of a week at different times of the day, to speak to

different human resources officials and got the

same response from all of them, no record of his employment

Page 69: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 69 ~

Transcript of proceedings in 50th district court

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~ 70 ~

Transcript of proceedings in 50th district court

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~ 71 ~

Transcript of proceedings in 50th district court

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~ 72 ~

Transcript of 50th district court

Page 73: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 73 ~

In a coffee room in the court house my

lawyer, the defense attorney and I discussed me

accepting the mediation value of a thousand

dollars. My lawyer said if I wanted he probably

could get 1500 out of Chrysler’s in house lawyer

and I would break even( it cost me 1500 dollars to

retain him). Really you think I will be even, what

about 2 years of unemployment and my savings

that I lost. I DON’T THINK SO!


My lawyer wanted some adsorbent fee for

taking my case to the court of appeals. I did some

research and learned that I could appeal it myself

which I did and as a matter of fact I took the case

to the rest of the courts. Exactly to the day you wait

1 ½ years. I went over several times pleading with

the clerk, telling her I have been out of work for

more than two years, no success. Finally after I got

their ruling, they stated that the plaintiff (me) failed

to provide evidence to support his claim.

Really what about my private investigators

report, my newspaper article, and all the rest of my


They did not even address it; they did not

even say it was no good; they chose to say nothing

about it. Wondering again?

Page 74: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 74 ~

You go on the internet today and even back

then and you can find hundred of firms, for a fee

that will check on what previous employers are

saying about you. Why would anyone pay all that

money to get your previous employer statements

and have it dismissed in court? Wondering again?

Page 75: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 75 ~

order denying my appeal

Page 76: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 76 ~


Again another failure, this is an interesting

one! In Supreme Court in the state of Michigan you

can provide an extra 150 dollars and they will

review it immediately but will not take any action.

Here is the interesting part I mailed my info to

the court and the receive it on a Friday the

following Monday I received a letter from the court

stating the following, your application for leave to

appeal in the above-referenced matter has been

reviewed and filed by this office and will be

submitted to the court for it consideration on

January 05, 2004. I was excited never had a court

moved as fast as this one did, wow they got it on

Friday and Monday I got a response. Maybe I am

going to win..Yay!

Not so fast Bill, 21 days later I received an

order from the Supreme Court denied my appeal

because they were not persuaded that the

questions presented should be reviewed by this

court. Well the information that granted immediate

consideration quickly did not persuade them to

review my questions…….wondering again?

Page 77: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 77 ~

Letter from Michigan’s Supreme Court granting

immediate consideration

A copy of the letter that granted me immediate

consideration was also sent to the defense

attorneys. still wondering?

Page 78: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 78 ~

Michigan Supreme Court denies my appeal

Page 79: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 79 ~



Detroit’s Federal Court

I was invited to an oral argument in federal

court before a magistrate judge, wow I thought I

may be getting somewhere now. I prepared myself,

I got a dark blue shirt from the second had store

and a pair of black pants, I was ready. I got onto

the bus and went down to Detroit hours before I

was schedule to appear in court , for two reasons,

one I did not anything to go wrong, I had to be

there and I needed to get copies of a case I just

found on the internet the night before,

Page 80: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 80 ~

I got everything done and had a time to get

lunch. I found a little and I do mean little burger

shop. The cook was friendly and I chatted with him

about my case and he was quite supportive and

asked me to return to inform him of my results, I

agreed and the burger was not bad also. I

proceeded to the court, I got through security and I

had an hour to wait, just looking at the interior of

the court was enough to scare anyone never mind

someone getting in front of a federal magistrate

judge without a lawyer, but I kept it together.

I got to the court room and met the defense

lawyers on from Chrysler and one for Compuware.

A funny thing all through state court the

Compuware lawyer took the lead and as soon as

we went to federal court the Chrysler lawyer took

the lead, was Chrysler worried.

The judge called court to order and I think I

was the second case. I stated my case, telling her

about how the defendant companies blacklisted

me, by stating they had not record of my

employment. I asked if I could submit a reference

case to the court and she agreed. I asked for

permission to approach and she granted it, so I

handed a copy to everyone in the court, yes even

the defense and everyone became quiet, that

scared me, then I realized that they were reading

the case I just handed to them.

The judge asked why I thought I did not get a

justice in state court. I told the judge all the issues

in the stated courts, like how the first judge state

that my potential employers would have got a

Page 81: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 81 ~

different response than my private investigator and

later my newspaper reporter, how the court of

appeals simply refused to address my evidence

and how the supreme court granted me immediate

consideration over the weekend and 21 days later

they stated I did not convince them that they

should review my questions and denied me.

Immediately I said that the defense should know

about what happen in the Supreme Court because

they got a copy of the letter. I look over at the

defense attorneys at this point and the look liked

the just swallow a cat…guilty and they had nothing

to say, what they did to get it denied in Supreme

Court, I guess we will never know….

The judge agreed with me by saying I know what

you mean not being able to get a job. I have to

write a recommendation to district judge and you

will get a copy mailed to the address on file. I

thanked the judge and turned to leave and as I did

a lawyer from another case said to me with his

face covered so the judge would not hear him

GOOD JOB, I was excited.

I went back to the burger shop and the owner

immediately asked me how it went. With a big

smile on my face I told him every detail, especially

how the lawyer said good job. He was excited and

he wanted me to tell him what the response was

from the judge would be.

Well the usual thirty days went by and I

received a copy of the report from the magistrate

judge. Well she did a great job, 13 pages to the

report she cited case after case, explain res

Page 82: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 82 ~

judicata to me and how I could not go to federal

court because it had been in state court, however

she failed to do one thing address anything I said

in her court, she left out everything it was like I was

not even there, why invite me then, I also receive

and order from the district judge dismissing the

case. Here are the documents I left of the

magistrate judge report it is 13 pages long.

Wondering again?

Page 83: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 83 ~

Order from Detroit’s federal court

I went back to the internet at the library in

Oak Park, Michigan where you could find me there

often. I got to be good friends with the director.

Page 84: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 84 ~

every time he saw me he would say,’ you New

Englanders never ever give up do you’. I always

responded if we did you would be bowing to the

queen of England right now and we both would

laugh. I was searching the net and I found that you

can filed a complaint against judge for judicial

misconduct thru the circuit executive ,just as the

oak park library director came over. I showed it to

him and he smiled and said it again, you New

Englanders never give up do you!

I filed a complaint of judicial misconduct with

the sixth circuit executive and he submits it to the

chief judge for his review. Another 30 days and the

chief judge dismisses my complaint stating no

judicial misconduct, however the circuit executive

informs me that I can complain to the judicial

council of my case.

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

Page 85: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 85 ~

Here is how a complaint to the judicial

council of judicial misconduct in the sixth circuit


You send you complaint to the circuit

executive and he sends a copy to all members of

the council to review you case before the judicial

council meeting. If all council (appellate judges)

members on there own state no judicial

misconduct then it is a dead issue. If at least one

member stated that there was judicial misconduct

the council must discuss you complain in the next

council meeting.

Well my case was discussed at the next

meeting and 30 days later I received a letter stating

that all members that were present ruled no


happened to the member that stated there was a

misconduct to get it into the council meeting was

he even invited to the meeting or it he no mining

coal in Tennessee, lol .Also I receive a letter

dismissing my case in federal court of appeals..

Here are the documents:

Page 86: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 86 ~

Judicial misconduct denied by chief judge

Page 87: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 87 ~

6th circuit executive letter

Page 88: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 88 ~

Order from the sixth circuit judicial denying judicial


Page 89: Bill Who the plaintiff

~ 89 ~

United States Supreme Court

I sent my case to the Supreme Court in

Washington and they sent it back stating to follow

the enclosed instructions. They retain my fee

indicating that they knew I would be successful with

the rework and return it to them. You have to

submit you brief on paper 6.125x9.3125 and you

need to submit I think 30 copies. That requires that

you have to rework all you word processing to fit on

that format the make 30 copies. Then you go to

the copy store and they don' have paper of that

size so you need to print it on 8.5x11 and have it

cut down. Well with 50 to 75 pages and 30-40

copies you end up with a maximum of 6000 pieces

and with to recycle you just don’t want to throw

them out I gave them to some children I knew to

color on then we recycled them. I mail all thirty

copies to the court. In thirty days I got an order

from the Supreme Court my writ of certiorari was

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Letter from the Supreme Court adding my case to the


added to the docket and denied with no


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Order from the U.S. Supreme court denying me

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I was informed that the judge of my case in

Oakland county circuit court retired so I motion the

court to reopen the case and the new judge

dismissed the case before he received the defense

response to my motion. Notice the dates on the

judge’s order dates February 6 and the defenses

response is dated February 7 a day later and I was

not made aware of session in his court or I would

attend. Here are the documents:

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~ 93 ~

Page 1 of judge’s order to deny my motion

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~ 94 ~

Page 2 of judge’s order to deny my motion

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~ 95 ~

Last page of defenses opposition to my motion notice the date

and compare it with the date on the judge’s order to dismiss my

motion to reopen the case

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~ 96 ~

Boston’s federal court

Well what do I do now there are no more

courts to go to, oh wait there is a world court but I

not a country.

I thought and thought and maybe if I could

get a change of venue, I wrote to the chief judge

in Boston federal court explaining the situation I

was in. Well it was a long shot but I had nothing to

lose. Wow I go a response from him stating I did

not have a case in his courthouse. I could fix that, I

move to Boston and files a case in his court a

week later. The defense was quite angry; they sent

me an order from the federal judge in Detroit

stating that I could not open a case in another

federal court. Looked kind of fake to me not judge

signature or clerk of the courts stamp, so I

continue. I went to the court to file my case and

the clerk asked me if I had the money to pay the

fee, I said yes with a question on my face. How did

she know that I did not have any money who

informed her?

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The defense files a motion to dismiss the case and

I made a mistake thinking that they were

responding to and he denied the very next day.

Here it what he sent to me, I will not cloud you

thoughts, for your own opinion on how this hit me!

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~ 98 ~

Federal judge’s response in Boston

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~ 99 ~

Federal judge’s response in Boston

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~ 100 ~

The following letter was received by me from

Chrysler’s defense attorney sent me the following

letter which states that enjoins me from going to

another court. I did not believe this document as

everything was typed on it. all my other court

documents have a stamped from the clerk of the

court stating that this is a true copy, so in my

opinion any one could have typed this up just to

scare me. I not even sure that a federal judge from

one circuit has such power. I would think that such

a document would have to come from the Supreme

Court in Washington, DC and it did not!

Any I stop going to court because of the finical

burden on me and they judge refused to grant me

justice here is the letter, what do you think?

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~ 101 ~

Letter from Chrysler’s defense attorney claiming that the

federal judge in Detroit stops me from going to another court

page 1

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Letter from Chrysler’s defense attorney claiming that the

federal judge in Detroit stops me from going to another court

page 2

I decide to petition the judge to reopen the

case, so I made up a nice little sign and went to

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~ 103 ~

the Boston common, a town down the cape and

then I got really bold I went to the Chrysler

dealership. I was quite nervous so I did not stay on

the common very long but I tried several days

returning frustrated more than the day before. I

even went to the old north bridge in concord and

tried to get permission to collect signatures there

but I could not get their permission. I remember the

sending me everywhere, the ranger house, visitor’s

center I was riding my bike around concord for

hours and did not get anywhere. .but here is a

sample of my some of my signatures

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While I was petitioning the federal judge to reopen the

case I did petition in front of one of Chrysler’s dealers

and sent them a photo of it. They had their high

powered lawyer contact me to discuss an offer. He

asked me to mail him something to I thought would

settle the case, as I recall; I think it was this way it was

a while back anyway here is my settlement list and

what their response was:

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My settlement list submitted to the Chrysler hired lawyer

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Chrysler hired lawyer letter of response

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As you can see by the letter they continue to offer

2000 dollars. On the phone call I had with their

lawyer I tolded him, I just go a bill in the mail for

$7000 (since I did not pay it for 10 years at the

time) what would $2000 do for me. He hummed

then replied if you change your mind contact me.

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My first video

Based on how quick the defense attorneys

took my newspaper article and how mysteriously

the staff writer refuses to chat with me again after

that. I decided to go public with my story which is

very differcult. The newspapers, TV stations and

radio stations will not talk to me; they just ignore

anything I send them.

I was in the career center in town and

chatted with an official and he stated you could put

your story out on the internet. I had to go and get

an education about the internet.

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~ 109 ~

The above was the first video I put on the

internet to informing the public what the three

companies did to me in hopes that it will pressure

them to settle with me. I was quite nervous and

where, I had it filmed it just happened to be 98

degrees in the studio and I was sweating heavily. It

has done quite well, and people have taken it of

YouTube and load it on many other sites from

around the world. On the other hand a difficulty I

have to deal with is that many sites have label my

story as spam and simply delete it. I guess they

just don’t want to be involved with these

companies, ah you known how big they are. Also

they could be getting support dollars from these

companies, one never knows.

The Framingham public library is where I

started I go on their computer for 45 minutes in the

morning and if it was not busy the system would

give an extension of 20 minutes twice. If it was

busy then you had to come back in 2 hours. Wow it

was so differcult to get anything done. I went to the

Natick library to get more internet time and was

surprised the let you on for an hour and with two 20

minutes extensions. But I had to ride 10 miles

round trip on the bicycle.

I then found the Sudbury library and the first

time I went there it was really cool they did not

even want to know who you were, just sit down and

get you stuff done with no limit. However it was a

20 mile round trip on the bicycle.

Back to the Framingham library, on day a

librarian state that you could check out a laptop for

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~ 110 ~

three hours. Some librarians enter a contest and

the won two laptops and donated them to the

library; I use those for quite a while 3 hours a day

every day. However you could not save anything.

I manage to save a few dollars doing some

odd jobs, fixing my niece’s car and I charged her

only because I need a laptop. I managed to save

enough to buy a modest laptop. Cool now I could

save anything I wanted and I could be on for more

than three hours! So I went to town and putout 6

videos and placed my story on over 370 websites

My second video


Well after listening to my first video I saw

many flaws in it so I decided to put another one out

that was much more refined, but I could not delete

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~ 111 ~

the first one since people were already exposed to

it. That is, they maybe telling their friends about it

and when their friends go to look at it, it not there

well we can’t have that!

Back to the Framingham library they have room

for just one person to study what a great place to

film a video but I needed some help on how to

create one. The librarian came to the rescue and

taught me how to film myself using my laptop’s

web cam and hot to save to load in to different

websites for other people to view, all over the

world. This video is the most popular one of all six

of them.

I loaded it on websites and as I Google

Chrysler and Compuware blacklisted engineer I

found it on websites that I never loaded it on. That

made me feel good other people were helping me

get my story out that had a much more vas

knowledge of the internet than I did. I found it on a

site in England that has to do with painting art, and

another site that had to do with drag racing in

Canada, another in a insurance in San Francisco,


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My third video

My third video was filmed in Boston,

Massachusetts in front of the state house to drum

up some more viewers on the internet. I just set up

my sign and people were so interested it what was

going on. This is the place that you got to get

people’s attention and most people in Boston

know that. In fact a gentleman stopped his car

right in front of the state house and got out to ask

me what I was doing. I gave him my info and he

said he would help spread the word.

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My forth video

My forth video was an effort to make

students at MIT( Massachusetts Institute of

Technology) aware of what Chrysler and

Compuware can and will do to you. I got attention

of many people as my banner seems to be an eye

catcher, One gentleman stop and chatter with me

giving me an avenue to get a job but when he

heard what happen to me he simply shrug his

shoulders indicating he did not know what to do,

wished me luck and walked away. A few others

commented as they walked by.

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My fifth video

My fifth video is quite interesting. I contact

the communication group at Chrysler and their

number was given to another group however the

lady was nice and she got me a new number. I

called it and the lady was not at her office so her

voicemail gave me here mobile number so I called

it. She answered and said she wad driving down

the highway and could not do anything right now I

said I would recall her office and leave my contact

information for her, she agreed and then stated

would call me back. About a week later some

security specialist contacted me and said that I

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~ 115 ~

need to contact Chrysler’s Boston legal

department. I asked how I would find that

information he said that he would get that info for

me. About a half an hour later he gave me the

mailing address and who to contact and stated

that we need to resolve this issue. I mailed my info

to them and the rejected it stating the need the

precise name of the division of Chrysler in order to

process it. I called the security specialist back and

got the info and remailed to Boston nothing

happened, so I called the specialist back and got

no response. So I called him on a weekly basis to

inform of my internet video viewer count. He

picked the phone after a week or two and stated

that if I did not quit calling and emailing the

communications group, that Chrysler would have

to take me to court for harassment since he felt I

was boarding it. I thought that you are doing

nothing for me so I said I never call you again,

however my internet campaign will not stop till I

die, he hummed and said he had to go.

I thought it was quite funny that I was

contacting Chrysler legal department in Boston if

the headquarters wanted to stop my internet

campaign why wouldn’t they have the legal

department in Boston contact me. What kind of

game were they playing? I decide the public

needed to know what kind of progress I was


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My Sixth video

I was biking in a nearby town and went into

the hardware store to purchase a bolt. I was talking

to the sales clerk about my story and he was quite

interested. He asked why they did this to me and

told him I had a theory. I explained to him about

the steel baffle plate being attached to the plastic

valve cover by sheet metal screws. He understood

since he sold fasters. He suggested that I do a

video showing the public the actual part in question

that was a great idea. I went to the nearby junkyard

and found one . I took it of the car and brought it

back where I stay. I was very nervous taking of the

baffle plate, maybe they change the design after

they asked me to leave. Woo, they did not change

the design it was exactly like I left it. So I put the

above video out.

Chrysler has gotten quite angry with me no

very angry with me, recently I found that the CEO

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~ 117 ~

of Chrysler has a facebook page and I attached a

link to my video and the next day my viewer count

of that video went up by one. It is a new video so

not to many people were looking at so I feel some

one at Chrysler looked at it. As a result this is what

happened I have been banned for leaving comment

on all three facebook pages Chrysler

communications, and the CEO of Chrysler as

shown below. Compuware has stop me from living

a comment too.

This is what I get when I logged on to

facebook with my user ID, this is a blog from

Chrysler communications. Notice there is no

window that opens so I can leave a comment, they

use to be

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Chrysler ‘s CEO facebook page again no window for

leaving a comment, my current friends have checked this out

and they can leave a comment on the same page.

Chrysler has also blocked me on YouTube as


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The latest as 9/21/11 on facebook when I use their

name it will not post my message. it puts the word

undefined where my post should go. when I don’t

use their name, Chrysler and Compuware it posts


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Let’s not forget the forums where people just read

your post and tell their friends here at some

samples, as of 9/11/11 the names are purposely

left off, viewer count is:




A video 69,890




As you can see by the above numbers people that

read about my story tell all their friends!!!!!!!!!

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~ 121 ~


TO ME As I have said before but now I will get into

more detail now. I was responsible for the design

of the PCV system and another engineer was

responsible for the valve cover design. During my

prototype testing I attached the baffle plate with

sheet metal screws and the all fell out of the valve

cover. I know that my prototype was a made of

aluminum and I had different screws however,

you have to inform the players of what happen.

You see when designing parts for the public, the

last thing as an engineer you want to happen it is

a failure in the field. This is extremely costly and

must be avoid at all times.

I informed the engineer of the valve cover and he

seemed not to concern. I them chatted with his

supplier and they told me not to worry it would be

fine. I them informed my supervisor on my

concern. I just listen to ne and show his head in

agreement. In other word he just blew me off.

Here are some pictures:

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~ 122 ~

Steel baffle plate 2.0l SOHC engine

Steel baffle plate with sheet metal screw shown

10 in total

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~ 123 ~

Close up of sheet metal screw installed

Size of Sheet metal screw in relation us dime!

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~ 124 ~


Massachusetts and Washington, DC

Numerous politicians stated time and again we

can’t get involved in with your case, in the state of

Michigan. When I move to Massachusetts and got

nowhere with the federal court, so I went to ask the

late Senator Kennedy for help. I of course did not

meet with him, I met with his aide. I gave here my

story and she said that would they do anything this

office could do but, she needed a week to review

my case and asked me to call back, ok. I called in

a week and they would not even let me talk with

her. They said that she was a new aide and she

should have not told me that the senator could get


I called Kerry office on the phone and they

connected me with an aide and she stated the she

need a letter of permission from me to get involved

with my case, ok. I sent her a letter and that was

the end I could never get in touch with her again.

The governor of Massachusetts, I had a sign

made as shown below and I was showing it off in

front of the state house. I got a student Wentworth

Institute that happened to be on the Boston

common to take my picture for me. After that I

walked my banner right into the governor’s office

and sat down with his aide and rolled it out on the

floor, it about 7 feet long, we were discussing my

case when her supervisor walked by and asked her

if everything was ok the aide replied yes. She told

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~ 125 ~

me, that the governor’s office could not get

involved in my case but could help with services to

support my life. I said that I am ok and I was all set

up. Well it just happened that I was just awarded

social security disability and the cut my food

stamps down to $4 a month, I said nothing of this

to the governor’s aide. A week later I got a letter

from the food stamp program indicating that my

food stamps will raised to $150 dollars. Did the

governor’s office do this?

The next politician was congressman Markey

he had an office here in town, I never met him I

worked with his aide for 5 weeks and she produced

nothing, I ask the congressman to write a private

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bill in congress and his reply through his aide was

no, they do not go anywhere….great!.

I went to the US attorney office here in

Boston and asked them to file a criminal case

against Chrysler and Compuware. The next day I

got all my paper work sent back to me with a note

stating that they did not break any federal law. I

searched the federal laws at the local library and

found one, law 29 CFR 516.5 and states that they

need to keep employee records 2-3 years.

I went back to the U.S. attorney’s office and

showed them a copy of the law. I receive a phone

message from the assistant U.S attorney stating

“go away we told you we can’t do anything for you

and don’t come back!” wow I was shocked!

Here is the law: notice it states they must

retain my records of employment for 2 years and

have them available, my private investigator’s

report is 14 months after my termination. So they

did break the federal law and this law is under the

department of labor!

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Federal Law the companies broke

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~ 128 ~

I contacted the white house, at first I

faxed them a letter as I stated before I asked

congressman Markey’s aide help to find the

faxed letter at the white house. She could not

even find the fax number! I then sent a copy of

the letter to the white house and guess what I

got a response, here is the letter

Letter from the White House

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~ 129 ~

It was from a M------ K-------, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential

Correspondence. It stated that he took the liberty to

forward my information to the department of labor. I

received a letter from a H---- C. O’----- an official

from the department of labor here in Boston stating

that I should go get a job and she even provided

directions where to go, wow!

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My letter faxed to the president

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~ 131 ~

Fax cover sheet to the president of the United


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~ 132 ~

Letter from the department of labor

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~ 133 ~

Letter from the department of labor

I was quite upset with the government, it fails to

help me again, but it has no problem taking my

money when I was working. I wrote and told her

that it was next to impossible to get a job in

1998 because of this injustice/blacklisting, why

did she think that it would be easier 11 years

later, wondering again.

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~ 134 ~

My letter to the official at the department of labor

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~ 135 ~

My letter to the official at the department of labor

I never heard from her again so I decide to fax

the president again and continued till the shut

off the fax, no they just blocked my fax

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Second letter fax to the president of the United States

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~ 137 ~


As you inspect I sent both Chrysler and

Compuware a letter to inform them of my internet

campaign and how well it is doing. I would mail a

letter two ways certified and certified return

receipt. On certified letter you just type in you

number they give you when you pay and it tells you

where you letter is, you do the same for return

receipt however the mail you back a green card

that is supposed to be signed by the party you

mailed it to. The last two letters I mailed just

disappeared the computer showed they were

received but never got delivered

And my letter with the return receipt, well I

never got the little green card that I filled out. We

have two post office in the town I live in I went the

one in town and they checked the computer and

said they could not help and suggested that I to

go the main branch. I talked to the manager there

he checked the computer also and he said he did

not know where it went and later he would call the

Detroit post office and check and to come back.

When I went back he said no one knows where

your letters are.

I contacted the post office consumer

affairs in Boston and she looked for me and came

up short and gave me a nice letter to make me go

away, well I did not. I contacted the post master

general in Washington dc as I had trouble with this

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~ 138 ~

situation before so I knew who to contact. She

contacted Boston and asked them to look again.

Here it the result the Boston office sent me

a green card with the information I gave them and

the wrote the word duplicate on the card and with

that, I was supposed to be happy that the

company received my letter.

What kind of idiot do they think I am, if the

letter was delivered what happened to my green

card, why do they just say what the US attorney

said “go away and do come back we can’t do any

for you”.

I must add the local postal workers were very

supportive in my situation and are very much

today, hats of f to them!

Emails between me and post office officials

my address

bill butler

110 Arlington street


mail to

Legal Department

Chrysler corporation

1000 Chrysler drive

auburn hills, MI 48236

--- On Thu, 12/11/08, D----, D------ F - Washington, DC

<-------------------------> wrote:

From: D-----, D------ F - Washington, DC ------------------

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~ 139 ~


Subject: Not signing for package Certified


To: [email protected]

Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 8:56 AM

Dear Mr. Butler, Your email to the Postmaster General was forwarded to this office for handling. In order to appropriately investigate your request, please email your complete mailing address, including the address where your Certified letter was sent, in Gross Pointe, Michigan. Sincerely, D. D---- Consumer Research Analyst Postal Service Headquarters [email protected]



[email protected]

Message flagged

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:44 AM

Dear Mr. Butler:

Your email to the Postmaster General regarding a Certified package, Article Number 70071490000422614555.

We will be working with our managers in review of this issue as they have the local knowledge vital to such evaluation.

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~ 140 ~

Please understand we remain involved, but the managers with immediate authority over your local area will be able to move swiftly to review this matter and develop a response. For any future Postal Service issues, please feel free to contact the Consumer Affairs Office nearest you at (978) 664-7641.

Thank you for contacting the United States Postal Service.


D. D---- Postal Service Headquarters


February 16, 2011

Dear Mr. Bill Butler,

This acknowledges your inquiry to the Postal Service

regarding your certified package


We regret learning of the situation you outlined in your

inquiry. Certainly, such a report is not good news to us

and does not reflect the service we want to provide to

you. We are always concerned when a customer has

had an experience that does not meet their expectations.

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~ 141 ~

We realize your situation will require the knowledge of

management officials overseeing the Post Offices in

your service area. Accordingly, I have forwarded the

information to your local Consumer Affairs Manager

for appropriate action. Please understand referral does

not reduce the scope of the review. The managers who

will receive your inquiry are those with both the

authority and responsibility to ensure their local

customer’s issues are addressed.

To discuss this or any future Postal related issues, please feel free to contact the Consumer Affairs Office at 25 Dorchester Avenue, Room

4009, Boston, MA 02205-9631; Phone: 617-654-5740, as they have the ability to respond to local issues in a timely and efficient manner.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


Here is a letter from the United Post office,

Boston Consumer affairs, in the official state ”I

think it is important to explain that Certified Mail

provides a receipt to the mailer at the point of

mailing and it is dispatched and handled in transit

as ordinary mail with no definitive tracking


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Print out from the U. S. post office

showing tracking of certified mail…this

contradicts the statement made by the official

in the previous letter.

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~ 143 ~

ACLU Boston Office

The ACLU that’s, the American Civil

liberties Union, I contacted them twice and I

even went to Boston and they said sorry can’t

help you shaking the head no. Then you come

home and on the news you see the fighting for

somebody else’s case, but they can’t help you.

They did send a letter recommending me to go

to the NELA here is the letter;

I contacted them and they said it would

cost me 250 dollars for an hour and at the end

they may say we can’t help you……without any

money at the time this was out of the question.

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~ 144 ~

Letter from the ACLU

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~ 145 ~


As I sit here remembering what I have gone

thru in the last 14 yrs, I know that my teeth are

rotting away I almost feel the falling apart since

Massachusetts heath stop repairing teeth, they just

pull them out when the cause a problem. I should

not complain though, they have fixed a lot of other

stuff, and probably will fix a lot more before it all


Let’s start out this part of the book with

something positive ok, it was the summer of 1998

and I decided to go on a nice vacation for a

change. Instead of rental a car and driving around

New England, I decided to go wind jamming off

the coast of Maine and booked it for September.

For those of you who do not know what wind

jamming is well, it is sailing in an 85 ft schooner. I

had a lovely time the food was great, it was all

cooked on a wood stove and there was plenty of

it. I helped raise the anchor, sails and

centerboard, one day I was feeling a bit sluggish

and did not help raise the center board and the 2nd

mate spoke up and said are you helping today or

what….well ok.

We went to an uninhabited island and had a

lobster bake there on the shore in maine They had

potatoes, corn, onions and of course the lobster,

all you can eat. The record according to the

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~ 146 ~

captain was nine; I ate seven of them and then I

could not move. Well the trip ended and I went to

visit my uncle as he lived in the area. I only stay a

day as I had to get back to Detroit and go back to

work. This was my last vacation before Chrysler

and Compuware dismissed me.

I stayed in Detroit for about a month, I had

conversations with my sister about moving back to

New England and she said I could stay with her

until I get a job. I needed some convincing though

as I knew there would be trouble if I had to stay

there a long time. Well after several conservations I

agreed to move and I would put all my possessions

in storage while I stay with my sister.

I called my friend in Connecticut she was

excited that I was coming back to New England as

a matter of fact she made me an offer I could not

refuse. She stated that if I flew her out to Detroit

she would drive one of my cars back to New

England, I agreed. I had a 70 corvette and 91

Grand Am. I sent her a ticket and then met her at

the airport in Detroit. I had rented a truck and trailer

and was ready when she arrived so I thought. She

did not like the way I packed the car so she took

out everything and repacked it oh well at lease she

was not happy. I had bought a pair of two way

radios so we could keep in touch as we drove to

New England.

It was a scary adventure for me as I never drove

a truck before, especially one that had a trailer

attached with my antique corvette that I just

finished restoring on it. I remember going through

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~ 147 ~

Toledo, Ohio the first big city I had to drive through

cars coming from every direction and because you

are driving the truck slow they all cut in front of you

and they cut it close enough so the only think you

can do it stop.

I manage to get through it all and then get

slammed onto the Ohio turnpike, let me tell you I

think the whole country’s trucks are on that stretch

of road. I also think this is where the word convoy

was created just miles and miles of trucks one right

after another non-stop all the way to Cleveland.

I reach Cleveland, Ohio and the pressure just

increased, the highway in that city just weaves in

and out of those tall buildings and the thoughts

that were going through my head, will the trailer be

ok did I secure the corvette to the trailer right, the

thought just did not stop. They were so many turns

in that city, I just had to stop, relax and get a soft

drink. Half an hour later I was ready go on the road

again. We got to New York was and it was time to

stop for the night. We pulled into one motel and

the rates were very reasonable so we checked in

and then went to this very nice restaurant

suggested by the motel clerk the food and service

was so country, it helped me wind down from the

drive. However I was unaware of what was

happening back at the motel.

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My 70 corvette

We got back, it was begin to rain, I did not

have a cover for my corvette that was waterproof

and this motel had a bar that was buzzing. I was

pissed all that restoration and some drunk was

going to crunch my car, the one that I put my heart

and soul into and I just got it painted, that night

was a sleepless. My friend tried to help by stating

that the drunks will stay in the bar cause it was

raining hard that night, well that helped somewhat

but not enough.

I got up in the morning and jumped to the gl

window to see my corvette, all was well and shortly

we were back on the road again. I go to

Massachusetts and it was late, my sister did not

even know where the storage place was never mind

having axis to it that night she did nothing. I still

had to bring my friend back to Connecticut where

was I going to put my corvette, I thanked my sister

with a smirk. I went up to a swanky motel in the

area and got a room, they assured me that my

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corvette would be ok so, drove my friend back to

Connecticut. I checked my corvette when I go back

and it was ok so, I was a little relieved.

The next day I had to unload the truck as I

needed to return it. I got into the storage place and

my sister and her son were nice enough to help so

I thought. I was having trouble backing the truck

and trailer up so my nephew did it for me. We

unloaded it into to storage, one for my house hold

goods and the other for my corvette it belongings,

tools, jacks and extra parts that sort of stuff. It

took us a couple of hours and it was done. Image I

had to pay my nephew, I was out of work ,thirty

dollars, my sister suggested, oh wait it even gets


I settled in with my sister only to find out she

never asked her husband if it was ok, strike one.

I got to sleep on her old couch and boy was it

uncomfortable and that was a lot of fun. After a

few months went by one of the spring came apart

and I had to repair because I got blamed for

breaking it.

When I first arrive I got sick I think it was all

the smoke, there was a layer that you could see

about 4 feet of the floor through the house, I kid

you not. The only place I had to recover for my

illness was the couch, my sister got upset that I

was laying on it to much.

Her son was remodeling someone’s living

room and they wanted to dispose of the old couch

so my sister got it through her son. I was not

allowed to sleep on it anymore since I was blamed

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for breaking last one. I went to get an air mattress

that I would put on the living room floor and sleep

there. I had to deflate every morning and blow

every night as it was in the living room. While I laid

there asleep every morning my sister would awake

me to feed here fish, by pushing the mattress aside

to get by. I asked one day can you feed you fish at

night when I don’t have the mattress blown up then

you won’t wake me every morning, I got a flat no.

I did not pay here any rent as I was not

working but I did many things for her. I remember

redoing her kitchen, sanding and refinishing all her

cabinets, removing a wall between the kitchen and

dining room and adding a new floor. When she sat

at the table the night I finished, she just dug the leg

of her chair into the new floor and when told about

it she said it is ok I don’t like the floor I going to

change it, it was never changed. I wallpapered her

bathroom and dining room. The dining room had

wallpaper that had to be removed so you could put

the new paper on. We had an argument about me

not knowing what I was doing, and I did not need r

remove the old wall paper. I did not listen and strip

the many layers of old wallpaper and paint. Some

of the wallpaper was painted before the next layer

of paper was applied it was a mess. I got it all off

right down to the bare walls and I had to do some

repairs. I prime it then I sized and installed the new

wallpaper. The new paper was the kind you could

paint it look real nice, not a peep out of my sister, I

don’t even think she said thank you. I put a stereo

in her car she got from the salvage yard, fix her

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brakes exhaust, I told her anything that I could do I


She never let me cook there so, I had to eat

out all the time luckily I was getting unemployment.

I asked her if I could make some cookies once and

said “no, what you want to do run up my electric

bill” that pissed me off after everything I did for

her, later she realized that she made a mistake and

asked me I wanted to make some cookies. I

replied “no” the damage was already done. She

use to make spare ribs and to show her power over

me, she would cut off two and give them to me

knowing I did not eat. She did feed once and a

while if she cooked a large meal like turkey or ham,

not too often though.

My sister asked if I would help her son fix his

truck as it had an exhaust leak and it could not

pass Massachusetts inspection and he could not

go to work, he repaired and installed hardwood


I looked at the problem and saw that the

stubs in the exhaust manifold were broken.rhw

manifold had to be removed from the truck and the

studs had to be drilled out and install new ones

after tapping the holes.

I t was an old truck so every was rusted and to

remove the manifold you had to remove the EGR

tube which was rusted heavily. To remove the tube

you would have to break it and buy a new one, I

told him that, he agreed. We got it all apart, drill,

tapped and installed new studs and got everything

back into the truck.

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Well he did not have the money for the new

tube…$80 dollars. I left his house and he was

quite upset, I got back to my sister’s house only to

see she was on the phone with her son and he

blame the whole thing on me. He told his mom

that I wrecked his truck and he had no was to get

to work. Huge argument everyone upset, he states

I never ask you again to help me. So to keep

peace I agreed to buy the dam tube. I bought it

installed it and every was ok again, except one

thing he said he would pay me back, 14 years later

I still waiting.

Let’s move on to the next one my sister’s

daughter and her husband liked to go to the casino

in Connecticut and invited me. I went along and

guess what I won and won and won. One night I

was down to my last coin and I won 700 dollars in

front of them. Oh boy were they all angry I could

tell by the tone of their voice. I was only able to go

with them a few more times as they stopped

inviting me. Was it because I was winning and they

were not, I guess we will never know the truth.

Next my sister love to barbeque and one day

after her work she asked if I want, ok. We were out

in the side of her apartment on the sidewalk and

shortly her husband came home, he grumbled

something as he walked by the grill and that was

the last of our communication, never said another

word to me. From this point on he would come out

of his room while I was watching TV in his

underwear, only his briefs. This nightly event, a

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discussing one at that I might add, was it done to

drive me out of the house, you bet it was.

I was wining a lot at the casino driving

myself now, so one night I decided to stay at a

motel in Connecticut, give myself a break from the

crap going on at my sister house. That trigger

everything she said she wanted 200 a month from

me to live there from now on. I said the hell with

you, you don’t let cook here, you don’t let me

shower here, you barley let me sleep here and

wake me up morning feed you dam fish, so I took

her keys and threw them at her and said have a

good life

I went to a motel in eastern, Massachusetts,

for the night, boy was I relieved, I took 13 showers

that night. It was good to remove all the smoke

and everything else obtained at my sister’s house

off and guess what, the next morning a knock on

the door. It was housekeeping they want to know if

I needed more towels, oh I thought I was in

heaven, after staying at my sister house for ten

unbearable months.

I only stayed there one night at first, as I

owed money on my car and I thought they were

after me so every night I went to another motel.

Some of them were very scarcer than others. I

remember one I enter the room and the door was

splintered like it had been broken it with a police

battering ram and they glue it back together, you

could still see where the cracks I asked for another

room, it was better I guess. I went to the restaurant

next door and they informed me of the reputation

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of that motel, they said all warrants were served at

8 pm, if you were still around at 8:01 you were ok, I

was. Boy I was glad I was just staying the one


Another place I stayed was a single cabin

and the heater in my cabin was making strange

noises like it was a signal for some mother ship.

Finally I got up and went to the office and the

manager came in and shut it off and gave me a

little space heater, wow I thought how much worst

can it get.

I stayed at another that reminded me of

being in a box made of cement all the walls were

just painted cement block, very cold.

Still another was so old I thought when I

walked across the room I thought it was going to

fall apart and when I got on the bed it just

confirmed my thoughts, it made so much noise I

did not dare to move and the lumps had lumps.

Another one was close to a prison it gave

me the creeps since I was not paying my bills, well

I think you know what I mean.

Finally I said to myself that this is too much

and I just decide to stay at one motel and I took a

room way in the back to hide my car. That was the

winter of 1999, 350 to 400 a week, there goes my

savings. I did not go anywhere just watched TV and

snuck out at night to get something to eat. I

remember one night I went to the office to chat

with the night crew and there was a flat bed

wrecker parked in the lot. I thought they had found

me and I was going to lose my transportation. I

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panic and hurry down to the office, blood pressure

rising and asked about that wrecker and they

explained that every now and then the driver wants

to get away from it all and this is where he can get

some sleep so don’t worry they have not found you

yet. She continue if there was a warrant for your

arrest they would come and get you and we here at

the office could not do anything so go relax. I went

back to my room to relax, boy was that an

experience, I will never forget; remember I always

paid my bills.

The next day was another big surprise, my

niece came over with her 4 kids and Chinese food

what a break from silence, and they were a site for

sore eyes. They brought all kinds of laughter to my

silent room, I was sure happy about that; you know

the four walls were closing in on me. She use to

take me for rides, we would go out to a department

store or to the grocery store or any other errands

she had to do, I was grateful it got me out of the

little motel room. I learn for her that my sister was

mad that I did not agree to pay her instead I chose

to pay the motel.

The winter had passed and my niece was

going on vacation and she asked if I wanted to

watch her apartment while she was away. I agreed

and moved to Worcester while she was on vacation

to Missouri. I think they were gone for about a

month. When they came back she asked me to

stay with her and her family for 100 dollars a

month, ok it was cheaper than the motel.

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One day my niece decided to get a part time

job and convinced me to try, so we went down to

the local supermarket and we both applied, some

time went by and she got hired and I go called in

for an interview. They wondered why an engineer

was applying for a part time deli job. I told them

my story about Chrysler and Compuware

blacklisting me, her response was hmmm and she

shook my hand and off I went. The following week I

received a letter from them denying me

employment in the store, Chrysler strikes again.

Summing up things I was paying my niece

100 per month, feeding her kids, putting them to

bed at night and letting her use my car to go to

work, and any other thing she might want. What a

deal she was getting, even my brother comment

how good it was.

I was trying to get the children to eat their

vegetables, yeah every night and the little one said

some sort of lie to his father and well I saw the

writing on the wall, it was time for me to leave. I

told my niece, she gave me a hug and my 100

dollars back and I got my car driving back to the

motel. She quit her job that night.

I stayed at the motel for only a week since

they went up on their rate it now was 2000 per


I went to Vermont to camp in the woods at

one of their state parks; I figured that I would be

safer there instead of just in the woods. I started

with a tent and my car which was illegal. I had to

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go back to Massachusetts to get is inspected so it

look legal. Here is my campsite and parking pass;

Parking pass

State park

The first night I must have removed enough

stones to fill a dump truck and when I told the

ranger in the morning, she smiled and thanked me.

I also tolded here that there was so much noise

that it was differcult to sleep, she said I be right

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back and brought me some ear plugs and that did

the trick.

It was fun at first building a fire and cooking

food, I guess that I like it because it was a change

from the motel room. I had to buy firewood split it

and build a fire to cook my food. That was getting

expensive, the range said that the army core of

engineers just left and they thinned out the forest

and left a lot of trees lying on the ground. If you

can get the wood back to your campsite you can

have it. I rushed to the nearby hardware store and

bought a little saw, it was tough cutting the 18 inch

green oak logs but it needed to be done so I

thought to myself suck it up and get the job done

so you can eat.

I went to by an ax to split the wood but it was

green so I need a hammer. The hammers mangled

the end of the ax, so I went to get a wedge. Yes

you guessed right, it mangle the hammer…any way

I got the wood cut and split and was able to cook

my food and stay alive.

The stay there was scary at times as during

the week I was the only one in the park because all

the weekend campers went home. I use to go to

New Hampshire to the movies to kill most of the

evening and I got to know the ticket agents. At the

time the Blair Witch Project was showing, she would

not sell me a ticket because she knew I was

sleeping in the woods. The scariest part was when I

would get back from the movies and drive down

those dirt roads with dead trees hang down over the

both sides of the road. It reminded me of a horror

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movie, once I got to my site I was ok, Chrysler

strikes again.

One afternoon this mom can by with her two

children and chatted with me a while, she made the

evening a little more pleasant. They left and I threw

another log on the fire it was just about a couple

hours before dark. I heard a little voice stating hello

there, it was her little daughter she brought me a

steak her mom had sent her, and then her son

came with more food, and now I felt special. I was

glowing more that the fire and that saying a lot. I

sent a very big thank you back with both her son

and daughter. The next morning they were gone it

was the end of the stay I did not get a chance to

thank her.

Another time the ranger came to my campsite

and said a very bad storm is coming through and I

want you pull up your tent and go to one of the

lean- to get out of the rain. She said I don’t want

you floating down the drive in the flood. Just make

sure you out first thing in the morning. I pulled up

camp and went to the lean- to and spent the night

there. The storm did not come it just blew by, not a

drop of rain. The next morning I went to a different

tent site.

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Lean-to site, state park

I was told about the air mattress so I went to

department store and bought one, I was so excited

no more stones in my back. I got back and it just

fit in my tent. I blew it up and immediately I laid

down on it, I was in heaven I could not wait to go

sleep that night. The fire went out and I was tired,

but excited to try out my new sleeping

accommodations, so i went to sleep, only to be

woken by those stones again. The mattress lost it

air, no they was no whole it, simply it would not

hold air through the night, I know I exchange it

several times and none of the lasted through the

night, so I just put up with it, it was better than

having the stones all night.

Well the rain finally came and did it rain, I had

left my cup on the picnic table and in filled right up

in minutes. The tent leaked the floor was wet along

with everything else. I just kept the air mattress full

and rode out the storm, it lasted for hours and at

times it was quite a down pour. It finally stopped I

got out to string a line and hung everything up to

dry. I was ok nothing ruin just wet and it all dry.

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The nights were getting longer and longer

every day, I did not have much money so it took a

lot of thinking. I finally cracked I went to

department store and bought a boom box. I was in

touch with the outside world again—yay. I played it

all day and at night I had a set of ear phones to

listen to those late night radio shows. It was great

and I was happy it worked and there were no

problems with it, I did not have to exchange it, I

had my fill with that dumb mattress.

I discovered an unemployment office in New

Hampshire; it wasn’t too far as I was at a state

park close to the state line. I visited it almost every

day with no results, I chatted with the official there

about what had happen to me, mentioning that I

had filed a lawsuit against them in Michigan She

convince me to go back to Michigan to fight the

lawsuit. I was getting close to my three weeks

stay,( in Vermont they allow only three week since

they don’t want you living permanently) so I

decided to go back to Michigan but first I needed a

little vacation so I went east to visit my uncle on the

coast of Maine.

I arrived and got the usual greeting, a solid

hand shake from my uncle and a warning from my

aunt; when we die we are leaving this place to my

two daughters. I got that every time I went there, I

always tolded her I don’t want anything I am just

visiting my uncle, she smiled.

The next day I awoke and went down stairs

and they were both sitting on the back porch and I

said good morning, the both laughed; it was a

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normal thing to say so I was a bit confused. I

asked them why are you all laughing. They regain

themselves and stated that it was 5 o’clock in the

afternoon and that I had slept the whole day away.

Wow, I felt grand and quite rested to, now if I could

only get about a dozen more of those days…fat

chance of that ever happening.

I told them this was not I vacation and I

would like to do some things to help them out. All

right my uncle said, first I put up a new flag pole

made from cedar post he had left in the barn, I lap

jointed two of them together, it turned out ok. Next

we erected a fence and I got emotional and he

caught me and said what was wrong, so I

explained. Hey I put up a fence on the coast of

main using cedar posts, I continue that cedar was

my favorite wood and I was in my favorite place,

the coast of Maine, and my uncle was here. How

often would this happen again, he shrugged it off

and said it is no big deal’ it was to me.

One day they surprised me, they invited

me to go to my uncle class reunion, which I found

out later it was my father too. how cool! You see

the school is so small out there the invite all

classes even the current graduating class. I got to

meet some of my dad’s classmates and oh did

they speak highly of him, except they said he was a

quiet type. I knew I was not getting the real scoop

they were just being nice, so some of the younger

people snag me to play a round of croquet, I could

not resist as I use to play it at my grandmother’s

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house every time we visited so it brought back

some memories, I had a great time.

My aunt and uncle at the time were getting

old and they could take so much of me so I only

stayed a week and went off to Michigan. I said my

good byes and they surprised me again, they gave

me 50 dollars for a motel room. Later I learn that

the past away while I was in Michigan, I glad I went

to see them for my last time.

When I departed I was sad as I did not want to

leave Maine to go back to that state of Michigan. I

traveling along and I look up in my rear view mirror

and there was a police car following me. I stiffen

as you know my car was illegal if he had stopped I

probably… well I just don’t know. In this part of

Maine all the roads are country roads and the go

on for miles, there is not place to turn off and if I

just pulled over he would stop to see if I need any

help so, I just followed the rules. He followed me

for 5 or 6 miles my blood pressure was at it max,

finally a convenient store I turn right in and he

whizzed right by me. I told the clerk in the store

that he needed to give me some time to cool down

before he could help me and he understood when I

explained. The rest of the trip I had no encounters

with the law.

I arrived in Michigan toward the night I called a

friend and ask if I could crash for the night, she said

ok. I had every plan to camp in the woods but she

made me an offer I could not refuse, she said I

could sleep in her front room, great I took her up on

her offer, however I pointed out to her that I wanted

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to help her doing things around the house and then I

told what had happen to me, she was overwhelmed.

I started with cutting the brush in her back yard

wow it was over grown, estimated cost was about

900 dollars. I save her that money and got to meet

the neighbors she never talked too. I put new grass

in her front lawn as what she had was dead. The

neighbor saw that and asked me if I knew anything

about ceramic tile, I told yes because I had tiled my

cousin’s bathroom in his new house. He asked me

to look at his bathroom and I did. What a can of

worms, as it ended up I replace the tub, sink and

floor. Once I removed the tub and floor the sub floor

was all rotten so that had to be replaced also. The

subfloor got repaired the down went a new piece of

plywood to make the floor the same height and the

hall floor, finally it was all done and then they ask

how much did I want, I said, you mean money, yes

how much do you want. I had no idea what to

charge so I told him 2-300 hundred dollars he ok

and paid me. I was in shock and I took my friend

out to dinner. Well as it turn out I did a lot of this

neighbor, put a new front door, new ceramic tile in

the foyer, new ceramic tile in the kitchen, new tile at

the fire place, and the biggest job was finishing of

the basement. Wow I was getting paid and I had

money now to file my case in the courts.

Well out there in Michigan the houses are only

the width of the driveway apart, so you pretty much

know what you neighbor is doing. The next door

neighbor stopped by one day and said I next; I want

my kitchen to be refinished. New ceramic floor, new

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countertops, new tile on the black splash, refinish

the cabinets and new paint was the task at hand.

We went to pick out the counter top color and

she liked it, the more expensive one, she asked how

I like it and I said it is very nice, so she ordered it

and when it came I installed and it look really nice. I

also put a new ceramic floor in for her. I started the

back splash and before I could finish she

disappeared. She never answer the door, I never

seen her outside or anything. The thing is that I was

staying right across the street and a small street it

was. Six weeks later I caught her in the yard and

she complained that I spent all her money and she

could not finish the job. Really I told her, I spent

your money that is silly, you decide what to buy not

me and with that the job was never got finished.

One good thing came out of it though, another

neighbor came by and he wanted me to do his


He was gun ho and it was exciting to work with

him, he knew what he wanted and it full steam

ahead every day except Sunday until the job was

done, I liked that. We laid out the job right away he

wanted the cabinets sanded and refinished, new

counter tops, new ceramic tile on the floor and back

splash. We got it done and he loved it. Later he

gave me a job of taking out a wall to increase his

master bedroom size.

The a fourth neighbor asked if I could put

ceramic tile in her laundry, well she wanted to put

vinyl tile but I told her it would not last with all the

water from the laundry so she agreed to the

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ceramic. She also was nice and she let me do it the

job right but she did constantly complain I need you

to finish so I can clean. We are having relatives in

from Iraq, you I never saw those relatives I think

they never came.

I had so much work I could buy new tools and

also buy supplies to redo my friends house so it

would not cost her anything and did I redo it, here it

the list, new wallpaper in the hall, new wallpaper in

the bathroom, fixed all the gutters on the house,

new ceramic tile on the floor in the foyer, repaired

the living room ceiling cracks, painted the living

room both walls and ceiling, replace bathroom

faucet at 12 midnight so she could shower in the

morning, and vinyl sided the front of the house, all

with no cost to her.

Well all those neighbors that I had work on

their house had relatives and they all had work for

me to do since I not did charge a lot and they all

like the finished product. Guess what they all picked

me up and took me to the home center to get

supplies and then to their home, since the

registration on my car ran out. One lady use to

knock on the window at 10pm she wanted me to go

to the home center to get supplies for the next day.

I went each and every time she knocked on the

window just to keep the peace.

Well two of the many stick out from the rest

one was unbelievable at times. She wanted

everything done the same day she gave me the job,

and she would let you know it you were taking too


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She wanted the kitchen done new ceramic tile

and a few other things done. So she hired another

guy to work with me to get the job done quicker. I

was laughing at her every day and she knew it as

she had to scream at him every day as he did not

do a good job, he was in a hurry to get paid and go

onto another job, We put the backer board down for

the tile and if he cut it to long he would just whack it

with a hammer until it fit. You are supposed to leave

a gap between each sheet, he did not. When he laid

the tile out it was so uneven it was sad, but he had

only one thing in mind get it done and get it done


She gave him another job because she

thought I could not do it. It was to redo the back

step and she want I couple of ceramic inserts

installed, he screwed it up so bad, he had to bury

them in cement, she was very angry. It was getting

quite tiring for me to go over on a daily basis and

listen to them fight all the time. Finally I said this is

my last day let him finish the job. She said no, no,

no we want you to stay and finish, I did not like that

because she would and did ask me to fix all the

things he messed up. Well somehow we got

everything fixed and I moved on to another job,

only to return to do another job for her at a later


Well it happened sooner than I thought she

asked me back for another job as a matter of fact

she asked me back several times. I install both

front and rear doors; put in a bathroom and laundry

in the basement and extended the driveway.

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She put two really nice doors in the front entry

the main door had a lovely oval with etch glass and

the screen door was a full light. I got the front door

in and it took me the better part of a day, she

complained that it was taking too long. I looked her

right into the eye and said this is your front door

every one that comes to the house this will look at i

it, it must be prefect in every way and I don’t care

how long it takes….understand, she said nothing

and walked away. A few weeks passed and she

bought the screen door. I was taking it out of the

package on the front lawn and she was watching

me. I thought it would be good time to joke with

her, so a pulled one part out, with the instructions

in my other hand and said we don’t need this and

threw it over my shoulder. She called out my name

with her loudest voice and I turned and said I was

just joking she shook her head no and walked

away, the door was installed, worked perfectly and

they all were happy.

The next job with this same woman was to

extend the driveway 20 feet I built the forms and we

decide to mix the cement ourselves to save money.

We rented a mixer and she had her son mix the

cement while I spreaded it. If you know anything

about cement/concrete the most important part is

the mix. I got a bucket and told him for every bag

you need to put this much water in. He did that for

one or two bags, then he just fill the mixer with

water and threw in the cement. Some of the

batches were dry while others were soupy, I told

him about it and he just ignored me. I had to squirt

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it with water because it was so dry and that was

not good.The next day the surface had a thin layer

on it and you could peal it off with your hands.

When I arrived she came out and let me tell you we

were 40 miles away from Detroit and I know they

could her out there, she scream, and scream and

would not stop I started to walk off and she

stopped me. She threw her hands out and said

what you are going to do…nothing as long as you

are yelling at me, she stooped and I told her we

could rent a grinder at the home center and I would

grind the whole surface 11 ft by 20 feet, I was

pissed, because her son would not listen to me. I

ground the entire surface and it turn out lovely, she

had me edge it with red brick and then I was finish

with her for a long while.

The other lady was on the opposite end of

the stick she was really nice and as time went on

she knew what kind of work I did and how cheap I

did it for. It started that she wanted me to just paint

her bedroom. I finally got around to painting it 4

years later, oh you think I was a goof off, well you

wrong about that, she went nuts she had me redo

the whole house, I am not kidding here is the list,

New upstairs bathroom, panel and install old

kitchen cabinets in the garage, new kitchen, new

doors inside and out, new den, paint everything,

new patio floor, raised her pool house, added

foundation and a window to the pool house, fixed

her sprinkler system, installed a new vinyl fence

and finally then I did painted her bedroom

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Let talk about her kitchen, I stripped it out

completely everything was removed, installed a

ceramic floor in the kitchen that led to the dining

room, that led down the hall encompassed the

laundry, and the half bathroom then, it finally

ended in the front foyer, what a tile job. I tiled the

kitchen first so we could get it back together so she

would have a place to prepare food, then I finished

the rest of the tile later. All new cabinets in the

kitchen new counters and a breakfast bar. It came

out so sweet I was so proud of it. She then wanted

it painted it a dark pumpkin which matched the oak

cabinets lovely and may I add that the light tan

floor brought it all together.

The walls in the den were painted a dark red,

cranberry I guess, it turned out lovely, then I built a

desk and added crown molding and new base

boards all stain in oak. She added a gray carpet

with a nice chandler done in bronze. She told me

all her friends loved it and she thank for several


The raising of the pool house was scary and

fun at the same time as I never did anything like

this before. It did not have any foundation the sill of

the building sat below the pool deck so all the

water went right into the pool house and which

rotted out it the structure. I had to replace all the

sills and some of the wall studs. We then jacked

the building up 2 inch at a time starting in on

corner and then going right around the building and

when it was all up two inches we went to 4 inches

and we continued this method until we had the

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building jacked up 12 inches and then we laid the

cement block in between the wood blocks holding

up the building. After letting them dry we place a 2

inch block of wood on top of the cement block and

then jacked the building so we could remove the 12

inch wood blocks and set it doun on top of the

cement/two inch wood blocks. We did this so we

could slide cement blocks where the 12 inch wood

block were. After the entire cement blocks were in

place and the cement was hard we removed the 2

inch wood blocks and finally rested the building on

the 9 in cement block, job done. I must add one

more thing I kept say we as my assistant was her

teenage daughter, she was a excellent addition to

getting the job done, and I am still thanking her,

good job!

I don’t remember when but I think it was the

week after she pick me up from the house I was

staying like she did every weekend and I suggested

that she put a window in the pool house ,it would

be good she could open it and dry the inside if it

got wet. Well at first she rejected the idea and I

need something at the home center she stopped

on the way to her house. When I came out she

asked if I looked at the windows, I laughed and

told her that I did. I gave her the price and we both

went back in to purchase a window for her pool

house, that afternoon I finished installing it and it

brought the pool house alive! That is no more

damp musty smell and if it did get wet then it

would dry out quickly.

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I always enjoyed working for her and she

never had a problem paying me. In fact at times

she would pay me before I finished the job, unlike

some them they figured that he homeless so what

can he do if I don’t pay him. Over the 4yrs I lost 4

thousand dollars by people not paying me. I

installed a laminate wood floor and a ceramic floor

for some friends of the lady I was staying with.

Week after week they promise to pay and they

never did. Another one I was redoing his bathroom

and when I stripped the vinyl floor there was no

plywood it was rotted out. I told him that he had to

pay more but he refused and I left the job. One guy

paid me every Friday until one week he forgot and

paid me on Monday. The following Friday he did

not show I went home and the next Monday he was

looking for someone else. Then let us talk freebies

they would pay me and then add a little job figuring

that I would do it because I just got paid. Well I

would consider how the job went and how often

they yelled at me and then I would decide if I would

do the freebie or not, most of the time I did but

they were time I simply refused. Since I charged so

little and the work was top notch I was holding all

the cards, they would always call me back time

after time.

Well my friend was getting tired of me being

there so she started to make it differcult for me to

stay there. She would make little demands on me

then they would get bigger and bigger until I had a

week to leave and it was in the middle of the


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I was lucky I met a family that wanted to

redo their kitchen and other jobs. I said yes but you

have to pick me up in Pontiac about an hour away,

they questioned why, that the closest shelter. You

can stay in our basement no problem boy was I

lucky! I packed my bags and left her house leaving

my car behind figuring if she wanted to throw me

out in the winter she could get rid of the car, and

she did.

I started their kitchen before I move it and

they agreed to pay me for the kitchen, they only

paid me half. I stripped the kitchen right back to

the walls and installed all new cabinets and a

counter top and black marble floor tile with a black

and white ceramic tile black splash, it came out

really nice, it was a black and white kitchen. It did

not stop there; I replaced the floor tile in the

fireplace room with the same black marble tile in

the kitchen, sanded the hardwood floors, finished

off the basement. They never paid me for none of

it as I was staying there. The first weekend I worked

on somebody else’s job they got quit angry until I

explained, then they were ok with it. You’re not

paying me and I still pay for my storage back east

so I have to maintain a job that is paying me.

One day I came back to the house and I

went the room in the basement or as I thought of it

the dungeon because It had no window and it had

the damp musty smell. I checked my radio and

there was a tape in it that was not mine, it was in a

foreign tongue so, I checked where I keep my cash

and it was gone all 2000 dollars that I had saved. I

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said nothing as I had no place to sleep and if I did

they would throw me out. Just about the time my

money was gone they bought another car. This was

quite upsetting for me as I did not have much. I

had to keep my mouth shut and be happy every

time I was with them so they would not know I

discovered it, now it was much more differcult to

live these people, I adjusted.

I filed my case Michigan’s Supreme Court

and I need some papers notarized the gentleman

asked if I could come back at night, ok. I had to

meet the man at 7:30 pm so I got on my bike as

that was my only way of travel spring, summer, fall

and yes even winter.

My bike in the snow 14 winters so far

I got my coat on and rode up the street it

started to rain I met the man to notarized my

papers and off I went still raining, I was crossing a

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side street and a SUV took a left and hit me I went

over his front left fender and landed on my back

underneath his SUV. Everyone jump out of their

cars yelling for the man not to move his SUV as I

would have lost both my legs. The ambulance

came and I was worried about my court papers, I

got the EMT angry because I asked about the quite

often. Off to the hospital I went, lying in a bed in

the emergency room the doctor took look at my left

wrist and said he would be right back and left, a

moment later he came around the curtain and

grabbed my hand and pulled it, what are you doing

I said are you out of you mind I just had a accident

and is probably broken, he said I know and I had to

reset it, now it is ok. I had snapped my radius bone

if half and he had to stretch my arm out to get the

ends to meet again, so they could heal together.

He put my entire arm in a cast and I was on my

way. I called the people where I was staying to

come and get me but I could not get through.

About an hour later I got through and the picked up

and was in wondering what had happen to me…

was all phony I felt they did not even care

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Scar from the where the metal plate and 8 pin are

Scar from the pinched nerve

I had to go to my doctors for checkup and

they did not even asked if I needed a ride, in fact it

was snowing and I could not ride my bike, because

of my arm, so I had to walk and I did not have any

boots so my three toes on my left foot froze and

now and then the go numb on me. I had to go for

surgery and the installed a metal plate with 8 pins.

I went to physical therapy and my fingers were

going numb I asked her why and she said come

back in a week and I did, she said she was too busy

to help, and the doctor refused to answer my

question also, was it because there was a lawsuit

pending. Years later I need surgery for a pinch nerve

now I am no doctor but before the accident I never

had a problem with any of my fingers going numb.

The house was pretty much done and a year

had passed, the wife got pregnant and I guess they

did not want me around any more. To my surprise

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the yelled down the stairs one day and asked me if I

had a minute. I came up and they told me, you got

one more week, and then we would like you to

leave. Again I find myself homeless in the middle

of the winter.

Lucky again I was on a putting in some

interior stairs for a lady in the neighboring town was

cutting the wood outside and a couple was walking

their dogs as they asked me if I was available to

work on the house, again I said that I could but I

had to move to the shelter in Pontiac as I lost my

housing. They agreed for me to move in their


This was the most differcult one of my stays

in people’s basements. It seems that the wife

could talk to me more than she could her husband

and he resent that. He worked on the second shift

and she worked on the first so she would come

and chat with me. The room they put me in the

basement, it was smaller than the dungeon I just

move out of, but this had one of those cellar

windows. The biggest problem was they had two

dogs and I would be lying there on the bed and all

of a sudden one or two would come in the room at

high speed and lick you right in the face, scaring

the hell out of me, then you would hear the owner

yelling down the stairs at the dogs.

One of the dogs was a runway he was a full

grown hound and when it got loose it had one

speed full throttle he was gone it a minute and he

was impossible to catch him. I remember we

chased him to a ball field and he would run back

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and forth one side to the other side, we never did

catch him, after his run he would show back up at

the house like nothing happened. That would upset

the man of the house and if he was upset enough

with me being there, then everyone would be upset

or he would make sure you were.

When it came to my bike accident I just

wanted my medical bills to be paid, well his wife

had different ideas, she asked me to contact a

lawyer he friend recommended so I went to the

convenient store and called him, before I got back

to her house he had called me back it was about

1/4 mile. I went and met with the lawyer and guess

what he was in the same building that my lawyer

for my Chrysler/Compuware case was in. He

agreed to take my bike accident case. He then

took the better part of the hour trying to convince

me to stop from continuing my case with Chrysler

and Compuware as I told him that I had another

lawyer in this building, a mistake on my part.

Back to my survival I was eating out all the

time now, I would buy a chicken at the local super

market one of those roasted ones and have to eat

it in the park. I ate so many of those the deli clerk

knew me by my first name. I was running real low

with money down to my last 5 dollars and no food

to eat. I was at the convenient store and one of the

delivery guys just threw out 20 cakes. I went into

the trash bucket and got them out, now I had

something to eat, don’t worry they all wrapped up

and they were only in there for a few minutes. I was

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ok then and soon I would have a 401k withdrawal

coming, in a few days.

I will say that where I was living he would not

feed me, I asked him to cook me some noodles

that I bought and he agreed so I gave him three

packages and he gave me a bowl of noodles. I

was working on his basement so right after he gave

me the noodles. I ran up to ask him a question

about my work and guess what the s.o.b.. was

eating my noodles. That was the end of that I never

asked him to ever cook anything for me again.

When my 401k check came in I could eat

again. That span of time I ate so many $1.00

hamburgers, now I can’t eat them because it brings

back memories of those hard times and I want to

forget them. Someone had one the other day and

the very smell of it rushed all those memories in

that I had forgotten.

I work hard for this couple; I installed in the

basement a kitchen, bathroom, laundry, a tool

room a living room and a bedroom. In the

bathroom I had to break up the cement floor to

putting new plumbing in for the drain of the toilet

and shower and sink, and then I had to cement the

floor, build the walls and tile the whole room. He

wanted a design in the bathroom that I had to cut

1.25 inch triangles and boy did I have to cut a lot

of them. He also had to have a urinal in the

bathroom yes it took more plumbing but I got it all

together and finally it was ready for use. I was so

happy I could now shower downstairs and I did not

have to disturb them, what a relief.

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There was still a lot of work to do, he wanted

to build a platform close to the ceiling were he

could install his model train and he wanted it to go

through all the walls. He also wanted a model car

display case built into the wall. He got the display

case but was talked out of the train platform, let

me tell you not a happy camper and he let

everyone know about it.

During construction the neighbor down a few

houses wanted to redo his bathroom so a few

nights a week I would help him. He was a

independent fellow and he love to argue with me.

He also was not a supporter of my case with

Chrysler and Compuware, and he had no problem

letting me know about it. He said to me once, at

least I not asking someone to support me for the

rest of my life. I don’t know I think he just was an

angry old man that lost his wife. Any way we got

his bathroom done and he then kept to himself.

On day the next door neighbor had a fire in her

house and it burnt quite badly. It go so hot it

melted the vinyl siding on the house that I was

staying at, another source to make him angry. The

neighborhood smelled burnt wood for several

weeks because of that fire. They strip out

everything that was not repairable and then came

with a spray gun, covering everything else with an

oil base primer and then they rebuilt it. She hired

someone to do it boy was I glad of that. Did I

mention that I still chasing that bloody hound dog?

Well the basement was pretty much done it just

need a final coat of paint and they said that they

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could do that, so they asked me to leave. I was

excited I was going to a motel I had my 401k

money and remember that my lawyer got me

12,000 dollars for my bicycle accident, well it was

20,000 dollars but he need to take his cut. So

adding up my money I had 25,000 in cash in my

coat vest pocket riding around Detroit suburbs on

my bicycle.

I got my friend to pick me up with all my

tools and I was on my way to the motel so I

thought. He surprised me he said you going to my

house and stay in the basement while you fix it. Ok

I said if that what you want. There must have been

a huge family discussion, before the agreed to

allow me to stay there because of their culture. I

got a room in the basement and it was the smallest

yet a TV that got one channel. I remember I use to

go to the movies to stay out of that basement at

night. I would go to the show that ended at 10 pm

and ride my bike 5 miles through the night to get

back where I was staying.

It was quiet at first in the basement because

I did not finish the bathroom, once the bathroom

was finished it got real noisy, everyone was using

it. At times they would have parties all night and

never invite me. It got real noisy and there were

many people so if I had seen all the movies then I

would take a bike ride late into the night and get

back late to avoid the noise, going right to sleep, I

think I even wore ear plugs once.

They just built a bedroom on the back of the

house and they got caught hammering late at

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night, I guess one of the neighbors call the police

because of loud noise. When the police came they

found out that there was no permit and the police

got the building inspector involved. They now

needed to have it inspected to see if it was to

code. Well it was not they hired some fly by night

builder who did not even put a foundation in. We

had to dig all around the new room down over 4

feet deep by hand because he did not want the

town to know what we were doing. The rear of the

build was the toughest it had a huge tree. We had

to cut it down and then grind out the stump and

roots. We manage to get through that one. The

neighbor knew how to run the stump grinder so he

came over and did the job as he visited quite often,

he was retired. We got the tree stump all out only

to uncover a huge rock boy did my friend get

upset, he screamed out what we do now. I said we

rent a rock cutter and chop the thing up until we

can get a foundation in, he was not sure about the

plan as he had no experience with it. We went to

the home center and rented a gas powered unit

with a 12 inch diamond wheel on it. We cut the

rock in parallel cuts about a couple inches apart

and then chip out the rock until we cut it back

enough to put our foundation in. I set the forms

and we began to mix cement, wait they began to

mix cement bag after bag. They would mix it I

would pour it making sure we did not have any air

holes. One night they asked me to work late and I

ok 10 pm it the latest I would work, they all laugh it

was already 3 am. Let wrap it up. Well we got the

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foundation in with no air holes and the town passed

it and all was well.

The next task was to vinyl side the exterior of

the room, we used a white siding. It was the first

time I did siding, well it did not come out that bad

as a matter fact they all liked. We continued with

the inside and I added a ceiling joists and I wired it,

and they had to have it inspected, since they

started the addition without a permit, the town was

quite harsh on them so, they had to rewired it to

please the town. Then we dry walled, prime and

painted it and it was ready for use.

Now it was time to do the basement one of

the brothers started and I guess threw up his hands

a refused to finish it, so that was my task. It was a

mess the plumbing was all wrong, I had a problem

with building a wall between the toilet and the

exterior wall of the house since he put a clean in

the plumbing between the toilet and exterior wall.

The only place I could put the wall was within

inches of the toilet which made it uncomfortable

when you use it oh well they agreed to live with it.

The plumbing for the pedestal sink was wrong also

it came out of the floor instead of the wall, which

was all built before I came, so comprises had to be

made and the plumbing for the drain was exposed.

They agreed and the construction continued. The

sink, toilet and tub I finished I needed to put a fan,

heat and a light in the room. I managed to get

through all that and now the tile needed to installed

both on the floor and the walls it was a irregular

shaped bathroom due to being stuffed in the

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basement so I had to cut some irregular shapes in

the tile. I remember that one wall came to a point

so I had to grind the tile to a razor edge to fit right.

The floor was not level, one end had almost no tile

cement while the other was quite thick. As a matter

of fact you had to step up when you entered the

bathroom. Well I got it all finished and it was a

blessing I could shower with no problem. I went out

and bought a new towel right the next day.

I did not mention it before there was four

brothers, two sisters and the mom that living there.

One of the brothers bought a Nissan sport car one

of the z-cars. He wanted to customize it and since

I did fiber glassing on my corvette he put his bid in

with the family and they agree to stop the work on

the basement to work on his car. I got my clay,

plaster, fiber glass out and went work. He had

bought a panel for the front of the car and I

glassed in some parking lights in for him. He

wanted a spoiler and what a spoiler he wanted a

foot and a half tall. I made him one and he simply

did not like, understand I made it to what he

wanted and when I finished he did not like it. So

after some words we built another, he like this one.

I glassed it and bolted it on the car and he was

happy. I bonded and bolted all the modifications

on the car and then glassed them all they were


We now into the primer stage he jacked the

car up and took of the tires and I primer the whole

car. He wanted me to paint the car and I said no

you need a booth he insisted so I painted it and the

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day of the painting there was the stuff called

summer snow all over the driveway, hence all over

the car.

What a mess and I was angry all that work

and now we had to start all over. Later after I had

moved he brought it by the motel and showed me

it because he took it to a body shop to have it

repainted, angry again he owed me money and

claimed he did not have any. How much does it

cost to paint a car, a lot I know?

Back to the house they wanted to tile the living

room, kitchen, hall and foyer in ceramic. What a

job it was huge. I wondered am I still wondering

how I ever did it. The tiles were 18 inch square and

bags and bags of adhesive, as I write about it now

the nightmare comes back to me. I was worried as

you see this was their living room, where they

entertain all their friends and relatives so it had to

be right. More pressure just what I needed, yeah

give the clamp one more crank what the hell I can

take it. Well it again came out nice and I sure they

are still enjoying it today. With it finished the

pressure was reduced as I then went back to the


I had to finish the laundry, living, bedroom and

install an egress window in the bedroom. They was

a ceiling, walls and floor tile to install. The most

interesting part was installing an egress window, I

never did it before, and I had to cut into the

foundation which was a cool thing to do for me. I

put my 7.5 inch diamond blade in my portable

circular saw and boy did it make dust I filled the

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whole neighborhood, the mosquitoes did not come

around for days, no I am just kidding. I got the

window in and the oldest brother even comment on

how good it looked, wow he never said anything.

They had to get the town to approve it so the set

up a time and they all disappeared give the bag, to

deal with the inspector. He came looked at and

said ok, gave me a slip of paper stating everything

was ok and that was a done deal. Well things were

all getting done and everyone was happy and the

wives were coming so I need to leave.

I went to a motel just outside of Detroit, it was

the cheapest I could find and I found out why when

I moved in. The place was run down and the

owners fix only the things that need to be fixed to

continue to operate, oh well I will adjust.

It started out good, it was quiet and I go some

rest but as I go to know the people there it was like I

jumped out of the pan into the fire that is, I was going

from a basement room to this motel. They had all

kinds of walks of life there, drug addicts, ladies of the

night, alcoholics and people that were changing the

gender of life. One night the undercover police were

there and arrested people prostituting over the

internet, yes the even arrested the laptop. Another

time a father and son pulled up and a woman went in

a room. The son went after her when he came out

then the father went in, they both left. The woman

came out and went to the office wanting her money

back for the room. A day did not go by that someone

didn’t ask if I had some drugs to sell them or did I

know where to get some.

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I said to myself if I going to live in such

conditions then I going to eat well and I did. There

was a great seafood restaurant up the street and

the bread their own shrimp, jumbo as I remember

and it was so good. I ate the quit often really every

time I got depress because where I lived and what

has happened to me. I go buy a shrimp dinner and

things seem to get better even though they did not.

Seafood restaurant in Michigan

Also there was a ponderosa steak house

down the road and they had a buffet, all you could

eat that was a treat too. You could get a big feed

for 10 dollars. I liked to go there as soon as it open

that way one meal could feed you for the whole

day. They had many things to choose from as it

was a buffet which included pizza, chicken wings,

French fries, mash potatoes desserts and many


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Ponderosa steak house

There was a Cinemark Theater were, if

you went to the first show it was I think a dollar or

so. I went there often the shows were older shows

but that was ok I had not seen them. I went there

so often one of the ticket agents said to me one

day, we are going to have to charge you rent you

are here so often. I smiled and said I will pay it. I

would go to two shows a day it would kill the time

I had to spend at the motel. They also had a

arcade there where you could play games and get

tickets to cash in for prizes. I remember the day I

was leaving for New England I brought all my

tickets in and gave them to a mom and her two

kids, the mom said are you sure and I explained

that I was going to leave the state, she just smiled

and said thank you.

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A lady that was a clerk at the home center

ask me to do some work at her house as I was

always at the home center for one thing or another.

She asked me to install a laminate floor in the living

room and ceramic tile floor in the kitchen and

marble tile on the back splash. We chatted a lot

too, about her issues and about my case.

We were always laughing and having a good

time. She help me sell my tools when I left for New

England at the local use tool shop, boy did I get

ripped off there I had over thousand dollars of tools

and I had to let them go for 150.00 dollars, oh well

I could not bring them with me

As you know the best is always left for last

and in this case too I stopped all home

improvement projects except for three people. The

lady that wanted me to paint her bedroom, I was

going stick with her until I left, a lady I meet that I

met at the home center and the mother of the

friend that I first stayed with in Michigan.

The mother of the first person I stayed with

need some home improvement also, I did a lot for

her and I use to go over every Tuesday and chat

with her for an hour or so then get her job done. If

she had a fireplace you could call our chats

“fireplace chats” also lol. Oh I put a new sink in her

bathroom, new sink and tile in the kitchen, painted

the living room, paint her son’s room, reinsulated

the attic, repaint her back door and there was a

whole slew of other things too.

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She was always asking me about my case

and what was happen next. She would ask me,

what if that does not work what you are going to do

next. I always told that I had no idea, but I always

came up with something. I think at times she was

amazed with my next step. We use to say if we

only could be in the Chrysler’s lawyer office when

they learn of my next step, you know the old

classic saying “I wish I was a fly on the wall” and

then we would laugh for a while. We both agree

that they were very angry with me for all the courts

they had to go to.

She was nice she always included me for her

family Christmas, which was a lot of fun for me. I

was telling her about a girl friend I had in Grand

Blanc and how we went to a market and bought

some roast beef that we cooked at home and it

was it so good. Well she had a car and I had a

license and off we went to get some of that roast

beef for Christmas dinner, what a big hit. This was

a special one for me as I enjoyed our chats and we

still talk today.

It came time to get on the bus and depart

the lovely old state of Michigan, was I happy I was

going to Massachusetts and file a case in Boston’s

federal court. I called a friend that I had met when I

was redoing his father’s house boy was this a big

job, new bathroom, new kitchen, new floor in the

basement. He was studying to become a

mechanical engineer and he could relate to what I

was going through. My first advice for him was to

not take a job with Chrysler direct or contract no

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matter what the cost was. He dropped me of at the

bus station and said his good bye and off I went.

I went to Detroit and waited hours for the bus to

Boston, we change buses several times and in

Albany that was the last change, the bus brought

me to Worcester, Massachusetts and I then took a

cab to a local motel. One of the clerks still worked

there that was there in the winter of 99 and she

remembered me. I stayed there for a week and

wrote my brief for federal court. I moved to and

cheaper motel and the clerk knew of the place and

she said no no no do go there, I had to it was


I stayed there for a year and half. It was kind

of fun the employees were very nice, we were

always joking with each other and having a good


Well I was back in New England and I had

missed the seafood so I immediately went to the

closest seafood restaurant and some fried clams I

think it was at legal seafood. Then I found another

for another day and pretty much I ate fried clams in

every restaurant I could find, I think they were six or

seven of them, love each one of then, it is a New

England thing, we just have to have our seafood.

Now I got the seafood out of my system or

in my system i had to settled down and eat normal

stuff well cheaper food that is.

There was a Boston market in one of the

local supermarket, they had a buffet there you

could make your own plate and pay so much per

pound it usually work out to 5 to 6 dollars a meal.

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That got expensive after a while so I had to do

something else.

So the motel let me use a microwave that my

niece gave me. I could cook my own food and

save some money. At first I had a cooler to keep

my food cold I had to change the ice 2 to 3 times

a day so my food would not spoil. Did you ever

have chicken thighs that were microware and I do

not mean a warm up I mean cooked from scratch,

they are terrible, but they fill my stomach and I

guessed that what it was all about. After a while all

the food I cooked in that microwave tasted the

same or maybe my taste buds were just burnt out,

today the really have not recovered. A local

department store used to sell pizza for 1.25, I

won’t be able to tell you how many I ate of those

from the microwave.

I had a old computer and it save my files on

a 3.5 floppy disk and I did not have a printer so I

went to a office store and had to the open the file

and print them out. I got to know the clerk quite

well and I told him of my quest for fried clams and

he laugh and said you know the clam roll is better

for you than the clam dinner, I was in question and

just looked at him, he said they are better because

there are less clams in it, we both laughed and I

had a clam dinner that night.

I met a friend there at the motel and I

later learned she worked at the local grocery store,

well today we still are friends and when I need the

straight scope, that is no BS, I go and chat with


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Well lets brighten up things a bit I started to

reconnect with my family not to successful at first

but, then my niece and I got connected. She came

down to see me from the Cape Cod,

Massachusetts to introduce me to her son. What a

treat he was so smart. This was the start of a

friendship that still flourishes today. My brother I

help him fix something things on his house and we

had a good time it felt good to reconnect with him.

Since my niece lived on the cape I would

go to visit her now and then, I remember the first

time I went there, we went to the ocean and I rolled

up my pants and I put my feet into that cold water.

My feet needed to be it that cold ocean water, I

miss it so much living in Michigan, so bad it was

almost like steam was coming of them. I had been

land locked in Michigan for several years fighting

working and my case. I was home and for good

never to leave again. Here is the beach my niece

brought me to, lovely yes.

Cape Cod beach, Woods Hole

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I was the only one that put my feet in the

water that day they all claimed it was too cold for

them. At the time I did not think that I was starting

a tradition but I did. Every time I went down to the

ocean and now matter how cold the water or what

the weather was, I went to put my feet in the salt

water, it was a thing my mother use to do. I guess I

am carrying her tradition on, it is a lovely thing to


One winter it was New Years Eve (that my

birthday) I was down the cape visiting my family,

my niece and I went to the beach, I did my

tradition, to my surprise my niece decide to join

me, so there we were a few minutes before the

new year and we were in the ocean ice cold water

and a cold stiff breeze blowing in our face, an

experience that neither of us will ever forget, we still

speak of it today. She thought wow I now know

want uncle likes about putting his feet in the cold

salt water. We then went to a local restaurant to

have a warm drink and small bit to eat. Later we

visited her mom to wish her a happy new year!

Well the weekend was over and I was back

at the motel and the usual routine. Since I spent a

lot of time at the motel I got to the employees and

one called my room and said come quick to the

office the space shuttle and space lab is going to

fly by. I ran down to the office and around 9 pm we

saw it fly by wow did it go whipping by we compare

the motion of a plane; it was three time as fast.

The show only lasted 2 minutes and it was gone.

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Another event was when housekeeping

knocked on my door and asked me to come out in

the rain and she pointed out all these bits and

pieces of some paper money. I collected them all

and carefully taper them together. We had all the

pieces except of the upper right corner we could

not find it. I brought it to the bank and they gave

me a new twenty dollar bill. I gave the

housekeeping lady 5 of the twenty dollars, everyone

was happy.

A scary situation did develop two people got

to know me for whatever reason, I don’t remember

and they would visit me and they were drunk all the

time and would drink even more. Sometimes I

would get a called from the office warning me that

the where coming and I would close my room and

not answer the door, they would go away

eventually. One night they got really out of control

and I had to through them out of my room.

I was thinking one day and I was running out

of options everyone was saying no to me so I had

the notion to contact the United Nations, human

rights department. I called New York and they

stated that the department that handles human

right is Geneva, Switzerland oh great I have get up

in the wee hours of the morning to contact these

people. I failed a couple of times and just went

back to bed on several occasions. I got through a

couple of days later and I spoke with a official over

there and told her my story and she replied go get

a lawyer. I told I did but no success and she just

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replied get another and said good bye, another

dead end.

I got antsy one day and the clerk said just go

of a bike ride, I took a ride to the next town and

found an antique shop, I was looking for a light for

my house (one I designed on paper). There was a

beautiful one there; it was from the medical

building from Harvard University in Boston. They

wanted 50,000 dollars for it and you had to hire the

owners to install the chandler. That was my

excitement for the day.

Well I have been at the motel for over a year

and half and my money was running out. I decide

to go to Boston to the federal building and talk to

the tax man. I withdrew money from my 401 k and

never dealt with the taxes. Everyone in the motel

said I was nuts if they can find you don’t go look

for them. I told what does it matter, I out of money

and I got to move to the woods. I went and sat in

front of the IRS preparer, he did all his calculation

and then he asked me to read line 25, I was

sweating. it said that they owed me $ 2500 dollars

and then we did another year and again he ask to

read line 25, like before I did, I joked with him and

said now I owe $5000 dollars right no he said we

owe you another $150 dollars. I got back to the

motel and they were all happy I did not get locked

up for not paying my taxes.

Well I did not get the money for 4 to 5

weeks so I did had to leave the motel and move

into the shelter.

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Wow this was a shock to me I had to get up

at 5 AM and be out by 6 AM and I could not come

back until after 4 PM. They would bus everyone

down to the center of town, but I had a bicycle so I

rode it down. The first day I had to leave I found

myself sitting on the steps of city hall wondering

where I was going next, wait for the town to open.

As time went on there was a guy in the

room I stayed who called his wife at 10 pm every

night, well 5am came early so we had a problem

every night as we all need to sleep. I reported him

several times to no avail. Finally we got him to the

bathroom where he could talk to his wife all night

and not disturb anyone, everyone was happy again.

One morning I was in the center of town

and I had to go to the bathroom and we are not

talking a leak behind a tree. Where was I going to

go I thought and thought finally I went to the

hospital they must be open and they were, just in

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the nick of time, it was really sad at the companies

were allowed to put me in this position.

After I did the days errands and go

something to eat I would hang out at a park and

feed the ducks and catch up on some sleep I

missed the night before. There was a hill so where I

laid down no one could see me from the street. I

would sleep right there at the base of the tree.

Park in Massachusetts

One morning it was time for me to leave and

there was a guy that was sick and throwing up and

I did not want to go by him because I knew he was

going to hit me the moment I walked by. There was

an official that was behind me edging me on and

as soon as I go close he came from behind and

startled me yelling out watch out, it was a false

alarm the official was just teasing me. A shock I

did not need at this time!

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It was not all bad at the shelter the

weekends we could sleep in and there always a

movie to watch it you liked it. One day they said

they were going to have a barbeque please come,

ok I did. There was so much food I could not eat

any more.

I still was having problems with that guy

who wanted to talk to his wife. He did not like me

after what happened. I decide to go back to the

motel, I just got my tax money so I left, I stayed

there for about a month and again I ran out of

money. I contact the director and she got me a

room, wow a room all to myself. It was nice there I

could to close my door and shut it all off. You

might know people in those places people come

and go like the weather and after a while a guy

came in and he was always joking so we had a

great time. I use to sit at the kitchen table in the

afternoon and play solitaire by myself for hours

glazing out the wind to see what was happening on

the busy street below.

I learned that the was a house manager and

every week you had to go to a house meeting when

you would discuss things about the house, making

sure it was running smooth. We all had chores to

do and would rotate each week to do a different

chore keeping the house clean.

In the summer they had a barbeque in the back

yard and I just had gotten food stamps (image a

mechanical engineer on food stamps that’s what

these companies have reduced me to). So I would

grill quite often and that was always a treat for me.

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I remember the day that my case worker bought

me a pair of sneakers as my canvas top shoes

were quite bad they had many holes in them and

were barely staying together, that meant alot to me

and I will never throw out those sneakers, my heart

was touch that day and i was never the same

again, years later I still think of those shoes and

still have them.

There I was going to the library every day to

spreading my story thru the internet, the food

pantries and soup kitchens and the doctor’s office

to keep me healthy. I even went to other towns to

use their libraries to get more internet time to

spread my story.

I had been out there for about 7 months and

just came out of the hospital from toe surgery. I

got a call from the director and she wanted to

move to another house, ok but I said It would be

differcult I just had toe surgery and I on the second

floor, she said do worry we will help you. We

loaded up the truck and there I was off to another

house just like that, it was just right down the road

a little so my life did not change much. It was away

from the center of town so things were much

quieter than where I lived before and the train

whistle also was quieter too. One day somebody

had nothing to do so he counted the number of

trains that went through in a day; he said 170 trains

with all of them blowing their whistle more than


The new house had much less people living

there so that was nice and it was a duplex so I only

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had to deal with half of them, you must understand

I was use to living alone, that all changed now. It

was good for me I continued to go to the library

every chance I got to spread my story through the


I had been at the new house for several months

and things were going smoothly when I got a call

from the director and she asked me if I wanted to

be the house manager where I lived as they were

going to ask the current one to step down, I would

like to talk to the team before I take the position.

So I went in to meet the team and it seemed that

everyone was happy with my appointment. They

move out the previous manager and I move down

to his room.

Currently I have a good bunch of guys

and that makes my position a little easier, oh now

and then the boys will be boys and the need to

open the steam valve to let some out then, they all

settle down and peace has settle in again. In

peace times I am asked to do just about anything

and you have to be quick to respond, as all 9 of

them, I think say let the house manager handle it

and so far I have. Here are some examples, last

winter one of the boys had to go to the hospital,

there were many feet of snow on the road at the

time. I called the ambulance and they came, boy

did they come a huge fire truck and the

ambulance, well we got him in the ambulance but

we had to get the fire truck out ,was which was

blocked due to one of the neighbors having the van

stuck in his driveway. I got the van un stuck which

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got the fire truck moving and the ambulance could

go to the hospital, lucky the ambulance did not

have to leave right away, they were doing some

medical stuff before they took off. Well all is good

the guy is up and running again.

Another time we smelled gas at one of the

houses so I had call the gas company and wait for

them to show up. Meanwhile I had to asked

everyone to leave the house, and do not smoke,

the gas man came and we checked all around and

no leaks, peace arrived again in the house.

Two kids in the backyard hang around a tree

looking up; well their ball got stuck in the tree and

yes I got it out for them and off they ran with a

laugh in the voice.

One of the boys got a serious flat on the

bicycle and I have a pump so he required my

services, we got it fixed and of he went as a happy

camper ready to conquer his next task.

So you can see I have to wear many hats and

have to change them in a minute notice depending

on the situation that is at hand.

But the most rewarding to me is when they

come back at the end of the day and they just want

to talk with me about their day, yes sometimes I

can help them and sometimes I just listen and that

seems good enough.

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PLACES TO EAT, SOUP KITCHENS Let us take a look at the different places that

you could go and get a meal for free in the town of

Framingham, Massachusetts. Salvation Army every

night except Saturday, on Saturday night there is a

church you go to except the third Saturday of each

month, you go to different church. At this time

there was a brunch every Saturday morning and

this was all within the town I live in now.

The Salvation Army feeds people every night

that they are schedule to. I use to go the everyday

to eat and I also would volunteer there helping wrap

the plastic forks and spoons in a napkin and then

set the tables. The food at times was good and at

times it was food to fill your stomach, my favorite

dish was the sloppy joes that they would make one

a month. You also could sign up for the food

pantry and receive food every three months.

The church that fed you on Saturday night

made a good meal and they had a small food

pantry where you could pick up some needed

items. In the basement they had a selection of

clothes and usually you could get something you


The church that fed you on the third Saturday

of each month was a real treat everyone looked

forward to that meal, and if any was left over they

would package a meal for you to take home. The

made baked chicken, meatloaf, and spaghetti to

name a few dishes. They make this wonderful drink

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that everyone loves and it is all gone before the

meal is served. I don’t know what they put in it but I

caught them pour ginger ale in it once, I think it is a

mixture of kool-aid and ginger ale, I don’t know

what else is in it.

The soup kitchen on Saturday morning closed

they was no more money to keep it open and we

all miss it dearly. A lovely women and her husband

ran it. They made meals that were grand and she

was so nice she would listen to any problem that

you had, I guess she understood what it is like to

be in the homeless position. I use to tell her about

my internet campaign and how many people were

looking at it, she always gave a positive response.

The meals, to mention some of them, meatloaf,

roast pork, ham and spaghetti they were all good

and you could have seconds and/or take a meal

home, also they would give you a bag lunch and

we use to trade the contents with each other if we

did like what we got. I use to help set up the tables

and after the meal take them down, she always

gave me an extra bag lunch.

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FOOD PANTRIES I was in the hospital due to some meds a doctor

gave for cholesterol it gave me chest pains on two

occasions, I stayed overnight and a lady came in

the next day to give a prayer. I had heard that there

was a food pantry at her church, she told me all

about it, when I got well, I went and they all knew

who I was, they even knew my name. That pantry

has help through some really tough times in

respect to what I ate. I will never forget them no

matter where I go, no matter what I do. They use

to give us whole chickens so when Sunday rolled

around I use to bake it in the oven and it would last

for a few days and give me a break from the soup

kitchens. You can go to this one once a week.

That is another pantry in Framingham that you

can go to once a month and they do a good job of

helping you out. They are very nice and want to

make you feel welcome. They give out the same

time of food also, you can go to this one a month

There were other pantries in the area that you

can go to, in the neighboring town of Sudbury you

could go to theirs once a month and get quite a

lot. The only drawback with that one is that it to a

long time so you had pretty much give up you

afternoon and it was quite far away so you could

not go on your bicycle. You needed to schedule a

rig with someone, I believe you could go the once

a month.

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In the town of Natick there is a food pantry that

you can go once every 3 months, they give you

quite a lot of food. They also have a selection of

clothes and if they have something you like and it

fits it is yours. They give out mostly the same thing

cans of food, pasta, and usually a meat, eggs, or

cheese, something of that sort.

I sure they are more food pantries around but

that is all I know of and if you to all them all you

get quite a buildup of canned food, but that ok

because we load it in a shopping cart and take it

down to the salvation army and at dinner time we

donated to all the people that get to the food

pantries and believe me they need it.

During the holidays the food pantries really go

overboard and the just give and give, turkeys and

all the fixings to go with it. I eat turkey for at least 2

weeks, stuffed just like the bird.

In the town of Framingham there is a club that

makes a turkey dinner for whoever wants to attend

and it quite a feed. The only questions they ask it

do you want whatever they are dishing out,

seconds they insist! I like to go to wish everyone a

happy thanksgiving, which makes me feel good.

At Christmas time there is a Christmas party

that we go to where there is a meal and usually a

gift and an opportunity to wish everyone a merry


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FOOD STAMPS Do you all know how embarrassing it is to buy

food at the store and whip out your little blue card

to pay for it. Everyone knows what the card stands

for but they do not know your story why you need

the card and if I may say it gives me 148 dollar per

month. On the other hand I am quite thankful for

such a program and I thank my sister all the tie for

paying her taxes, you see she is an accountant and

she is always concern about money, so it kind of a

joke…so far she says you welcome and she was

glad it is helping someone she knows as opposed

to a perfect stranger.

MY CURRENT INCOME I was trying to obtain social security benefits for

disability with my problem wrist, toe and knee I got

it but I needed to axis my pension I was entitled to

from another company. Yes because of this

blacklisting I was force to take my pension 10

years early so I only got half of what it would have

been it I applied for it when I was 65. Know I have

a little money to buy a pizza or go to a movie if I

want. They strike again.

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Lets talk about my personal transportation for

14 years I have rode a bicycle through thick and

thin. I ride through the winter, spring, summer, and

fall. At times I have enjoyed it and at times it has

made me quite bitter. One night in Michigan I had a

serious amount of ingestion and the only thing that

helps is some ginger ale. It was 2 o’clock in the

morning and I need to get some so I to got on the

bike in the middle of the winter and rode down to

the all night store. You try riding with a stomach

ache in the middle of the night to get some ginger

ale to relive you ingestion, not fun at all.

When I go food shopping I take my bike and

carry the bags on the handle bars. If I want to

do something and I can’t on my bike then I

don’t do it. When I go to the library I use my

bike, when I go to the food panties I use my

bike. In the last 2 years I have had it stolen

twice, how low can people around here be so

low, but the word around town is that we rank

pretty high on the list when it comes to bike


Now went I go for a ride on Sunday morning I

do about forty miles into Concord at the old north

bridge. It is cold in the winter but I still enjoy it.

Only once I had problem it was too much for me. I

had to stop at the hospital, don’t worry I just visited

the waiting room they had a huge heater and I was

warmed quickly. I continued and the next stop was

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at a grocery store where I could walk around to

warm up, I stopped at several of these, I made it

back alright with no problems, me or the bicycle it

was 4 below zero. It saddens me that I have been

reduced to only the use of a bicycle for my

personal transportation.

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Being trained as an engineer I am use to

give a conclusion at the end of the document as I

will in this case. Here is my life presently after

sleeping a few hours a night , I awake in the wee

hours of the morning and lay there wondering how

it is all going to end, and where will I be. 7am rolls

around and I now online collecting the number of

people that have seen my story on the internet the

night before so, I can email the companies on

Sunday on the increased amount of viewers. Then I

switch over to word to continue writing this

document in hopes it will get published and put

more pressure on these companies. I stop at noon

and fix whatever my food stamps or food pantries

have given me then it is back to writing. Around 3

pm I take a break watch a few TV shows and then

it back to writing until 6 pm where I fix something

more to eat and then I quit for the day or if I feel

good I will write some more.

When I meet some new and I often do

and I tell them my story the moment I say

homeless then the look down on me as if it is my

fault. The look at me as to say what did you do to

put yourself in this position and you just want to

start screaming at them as you did nothing, yes

nothing at all, rarely does anyone understand. They

just think that you are some kind of bum and you

should go try to find a job.

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Sometimes I rum across an individual

that really does understand as I did when I went

picking apples with my friend the other day and I

was talking to the clerk there about what they had

done to me and was she understood. She took all

my info down and looked my videos that night. She

told me about a phone company sent her a bill for

6.09 dollars. She refused to pay it and her whole

family was all nervous finally her sister sent a check

it to get rid of the bill and they sent her the money

back. So we both agreed to never ever-ever give

up. I thanked her, she smile and said goodbye.

Let us talk about what I have lost because

of this blacklisting. The most important thing I have

lost is a family of my own. When you go meet a

woman the second thing that they asked you is

what you do for work. What do you think they say

when you tell them that you are jobless/homeless

for 14 years.

I was in Detroit waiting for a bus and a

woman who just happened to come along and wait

for the same bus, we got to talking and I said I

never see you again so you can tell me the truth. I

told her if you met a man on a date and when you

asked what he did for work and he told you he

jobless/homeless, what would be you next

response. She said she would have developed a

severe headache and would have to leave, I

responded just what I thought. The injustice started

when I was 45 and now that I am 57 it is differcult

to meet anyone to start a family with, this is a lost

one they can not fix.

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Other things I have lost due to this

blacklisting, I use to ski both cross country and

downhill, lost all my equipment and no way to get

there. I use to golf, lost my clubs. I use to take

pictures of the country side lost all my camera

equipment. I took up painting lost all my brushes

and paint. I use to gourmet cook, I had all the neat

cooking equipment lost it. I use to have a antique

corvette that I restored myself gone too.

These companies destroyed my lively

hood which is directly related to my life and if it

was not for the program that I am in for chronically

homeless people it would be safe to say that I

would have perished by now, so a great big thanks

to all of them involved.

It is my intent to pressure and embarrass

these companies to the point that they want to

settle with me, so if you be so kind to look at my

videos and increase my numbers, it will pressure

and embarrass them to the point they want to

settle with me and if I am so lucky some of you

won’t buy their product, that will piss them off big

time. With 3,113,005 million viewers as of

12/12/11, they are losing a bunch of money

already. If you just take 10 percent of my viewers

you get 311,300 viewers. Multiply that by say

35,000 dollars per car,(some are cheaper and

some are more expensive), you get________

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10,895,517,500 dollars. I use to get over 30,000

viewers a night now I get a couple of hundred a

night. They continue to hide behind their big

corporate walls. Let’s see if we can break down

those big corporate walls and show them what this

country is about, the people and do not let them

forget it, after all did we not just bail them out of

going bankrupt!!!!

Look at my internet section for the addresses

to my videos, or just search



Compuware Combustion Component Associates

Blacklisted Engineer


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Trained as a mechanical design engineer

going nights to get his BSME against all

odds, with no support from his family, he

receives full degree in mechanical

engineering only to get blacklisted by three

companies and everyone he contacts to

help refuses. Jobless and homeless for 14

years he continues to fight these

corporations to regain his life.

Read inside to learn what he has gone, is

going through and that he will never give
