binderictl year2

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  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2










    ICT Literacy for Primary Schools

    Curriculum Development Centre

    Ministry of Education Malaysia

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Cetakan Pertama 2006 Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum

    Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia 2006

    Tidak dibenarkan mengeluar ulang mana-mana bahagian artikel, ilustrasi, dan isi

    kandungan buku ini dalam apa-apa juga bentuk dengan apa cara pun sama ada

    secara elektronik, fotokopi, mekanik, rakaman, atau lain-lain cara sebelum

    mendapat kebenaran bertulis daripada Pengarah Pusat Perkembangan

    Kurikulum, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Aras 4-8, Blok E9, Kompleks

    Kerajaan Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62604 Putrajaya.

    Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Data Pengkatalogan dalam Penerbitan Malaysia.

    Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum

    ICT Letaracy for Primary School. Teaching Guide

    Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia

    ISBN 983-2717-83-3

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Contents Page

    Foreword i

    Rukun Negara ii

    National Philosophy of Education iii

    Introduction 1

    Aims and Objectives 2

    Implementation in School 3

    ICTL Framework 4

    Content Specification 5

    Teaching and Learning Modules

    Preliminary 13

    Module A Monitor 15

    Module B Keyboard 23

    Module C Supportive Hardware 31

    Module D Operating System 38

    Module E Text Utility/Software 46

    Module F Graphic Utility 56

    Module G ReadPlease 72

    Module H HangMan 86

    Module I Learn Letters 96

    Module J Custom Test 102


    Preliminary 114Sample 1 116

    Sample 2 126

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Malaysia intends to transform its educational system, in accordancewith the nations drive to realize Vision 2020. This vision calls for

    continued, productivity-driven growth, which will be achievable onlywith a technologically literate, critically thinking work force equippedto participate fully in the global economy of the 21st century.

    In line with this new development, many ICT programmes have beenintroduced in schools. These programmes have expanded throughthe Ministrys computer laboratory projects implemented in schoolsthroughout Malaysia. Through these programmes, all pupils inprimary and secondary schools are able to acquire ICT skills, whichwill prepare them for the challenges of the Information Age.

    The ICTL programme for primary schools has been implemented forYear 1 in 2005. It will progress in stages until the pupils reach Year 6.This programme consists of a new educational approach, whichaims at preparing the child for the logic, the concepts and the way ofreasoning imposed by the use of technologies and communication.

    In this respect, the Curriculum Development Centre has producedthis teaching guide entitled ICT Literacy for Primary School:Teaching Guide to assist teachers in carrying out this programmeand providing a variety of methods for teaching and learning in theclassroom. In implementing this programme, teachers must have aclear and thorough understanding of what ICTL is all about. Theyalso need to equip themselves with sufficient ICT knowledge to assistthe pupils effectively.

    In conclusion, the Curriculum Development Centre would like toextend its appreciation to all individuals who have sacrificed theirtime and energy in making the ICTL programme a success. It is ourhope that the teaching guide benefits all teachers who will beteaching this new programme.

    (MAHZAN BIN BAKAR SMP,AMP)DirectorCurriculum Development CentreMinistry of EducationMALAYSIA

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    BAHAWASANYA negara kita Malaysia mendukung cita-cita untuk mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan

    seluruh masyarakatnya; memelihara satu cara hidup

    demokratik; mencipta masyarakat yang adil bagi

    kemakmuran negara yang akan dapat dinikmati bersama

    secara adil dan saksama; menjamin satu cara yang liberalterhadap tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai-bagai

    corak; membina satu masyarakat progesif yang akanmenggunakan sains dan teknologi moden;

    MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan

    seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita

    tersebut berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:-






  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards

    further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic

    and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who

    are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically

    balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and

    devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce

    Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent,

    who possess high moral standards, and who are

    responsible and capable of achieving a high level of

    personal well being as well as being able to contribute to

    the harmony and betterment of the family, society and

    nation at large.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    The importance of information and communication technology (ICT)

    worldwide has placed special emphasis on the varied roles of ICT ineducation. ICT is used as a tool for teaching and learning. It also serves

    as a means to increase productivity and efficiency of educational

    institutions. Furthermore, ICT offers a cluster of basic generic skills

    necessary for all students in their educational pursuit. As such, there is

    much endeavour by the Ministry of Education to make available ICT

    facilities for all students. This is also a step towards closing the digital

    divide between those who have and those who cannot afford to enjoy

    such technology.

    A well-accepted and sound practice in education is to utilise ICT as a

    vital pedagogical tool to spearhead the efficacy of teaching and learning.

    ICT helps transform learning within the confines of printed books and

    classroom walls to learning from a plethora of enriched environment

    beyond school. Although there is debate on the danger of technology

    learning at the expense of authentic learning, such concern is unfounded.

    As a tool and enabler, ICT cannot replace but augment meaningful


    ICT Literacy (ICTL) for Primary School is a programme designed to lay

    the foundation for all students to develop their ICT capabilities in future

    years. Here, basic ICT skills are packaged in various teaching andlearning modules appropriate for students according to their primary

    school year level. ICTL programme contains ICT skills that are

    fundamental and necessary in order to use computer hardware and

    software applications. Similar to numeracy skills, these basic ICT

    literacy skills are delineated to ensure students acquire a minimum

    content of functional knowledge and understanding of ICT. Although

    the integrated approach can be adopted to infuse the learning of ICT into

    the curricula of existing school subjects, ICTL programme is developed

    as a separate package. Such a move ensures all students, starting from

    primary school year one, are provided allotted school time to learn and

    master these ICT literacy skills.

    The ICTL Teaching Guide provides teachers information on the scope

    and depth of ICTL content to be learned for a particular primary school

    year. The content specifications describe the learning areas, learning

    outcomes and suggested learning activities. The teaching guide also

    contains relevant teaching and learning modules to assist the teacher in

    implementing the programme. The modules for Primary Year 2 build on

    and extend upon the skills introduced in Year 1. Where appropriate,

    these modules are also differentiated by tasks and learning outcomes to

    accommodate students of differing abilities. Furthermore, where certain

    students may require more teacher guidance, the teacher is encouraged touse his or her discretion to facilitate students learning of the ICT skills.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    The primary school system comprises two stages of schooling, Stage

    1(Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3) and Stage 2 (Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6).

    Stage 1


    The aim of ICT Literacy Programme for Stage 1 is to enable pupils to

    use basic computer applications and devices.


    By the end of the programme, pupils should be able to:

    identify the main parts of a computer system explain the concept of operating system and computer


    use basic operating system and computer application use function keys on a keyboard use basic typing techniques do basic maintenance work

    Stage 2


    The aim of ICT Literacy Programme for Stage 2 is to enable pupils to

    master the use of basic computer applications, Internet skill and

    webpage building.


    By the end of the programme, pupils should be able to:

    perform the steps in maintaining computer system and handlingdata

    use computer in proper manners develop a basic webpage carry out internet activities abide by and practise netiquette and copyright policy

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    ICTL programme in national (SK) and national type schools

    (SJK) is introduced after the Transition Programme in Year 1.

    The programme is implemented from Year 1 to Year 6, for 780

    minutes per year in a continuous three-month duration. Two

    periods or 60 minutes of the timetable are allocated for this

    programme. This programme is to be carried out during the

    English period for SK and the Pupils Own Language (mother

    tongue) period for SJK.


    The success of the programme depends highly on teachers

    readiness and the availability of ICT facilities. For Year 2 pupils,

    teachers need to supervise the pupils during computer classes.

    With appropriate pedagogies and approaches, pupil interaction

    with the computer will be enhanced. To ensure maximum pupil

    interaction with computers, teachers should switch on the

    computers before pupils enter the class.


    This teaching guide provides recommended practices for teachers

    to conduct school based assessment. In assessing the pupils, both

    formative and summative assessment methodologies are used.

    Each module ends with an assessment task. Teachers can

    duplicate and distribute the task for pupil completion. Pupils will

    be assessed for the competencies outlined in the learning

    outcomes of the individual modules. Teachers will grade these

    tasks that will form part of the pupils portfolio.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Stage 1 Stage 2


    Computer LabLocation


    The content of ICTL programme includes topics on Computer

    Lab Management, Computer Hardware and Computer Software,

    Computer Maintenance, Internet, and Webpage. Stage 1 pupils

    will acquire basic knowledge in Computer Lab Management,Computer Hardware and Computer Software. Pupils in Stage 2

    will also acquire knowledge in Computer Lab Management,

    Computer Hardware and Computer Software, but at a much

    higher level. In addition, they will also be exposed to suitable

    learning experiences on the Internet, Computer Maintenance and


    Computer Lab Plan Computer Lab



    Computer Parts Alphabet and Numeric

    Keys Function Keys Input and Output



    Operating System/Application Software


    Advance ComputerLab Management


    Computer Parts andComponents

    Alphabet and NumericKeys

    Function Keys Input and Output



    Operating System Application Software


    Netiquette Search Engine



    Virus Scan Disk Defragmentation Drive Clean Scandisk


    Creating Webpage

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    What is it ?The ICTL content specifications contain the basic requirements for

    primary school pupils to attain computer literacy. The level of literacy

    differs from year to year as children progress from Year 1 to Year 6.

    Some topics will be repeated with differing levels of complexities.

    This Content Specifications cover three main domains. The domains

    covered are Computer Lab Management, Computer Hardware andComputer Software. Each domain is further divided into various

    learning areas.

    How is it


    The domain is presented in three sections. The sections are Learning

    Area, Learning Outcomes and Suggested Learning Activities. The

    activities suggested in the Suggested Learning Activities section are

    only suggestions or recommendations by the Ministry. Teachers can

    devise their own activities if necessary. However, teachers have to

    adhere to the topics and content prescribed in the specifications.

    The Ministry of Education teaching and learning modules are meant

    to serve as a guide for teachers. These modules are developed with the

    aim to help teachers deliver the specified knowledge to pupils

    effectively. Teachers are encouraged to produce learning modules

    suited to pupils' ability as well as devise innovative activities that

    develop pupils thinking skills.


    should we


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    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Lea

    1. Computer Lab Plan

    1.1 Who is your friend?

    1.2 Workstation Arrangement

    (Location of Computers in the


    1.1.1 State the name of a friend sitting beside ornearby.

    1.1.2 Identify the workstation.1.1.3 Practise tolerance and cooperation.

    1.2.1 Identify the workstations in the lab.1.2.2 Identify teachers computer and server.

    1.2.3 Rearrange the chairs before leaving the

    computer lab.

    Label the layout othe plan provided

    State pupils seatiICT lab on the pla

    Take turns to use groups.

    Count the numberworkstations.

    Label the workstaprovided.

    State the location computer and ser

    Draw the locationMake sure the pup

    same group or woby the teacher or

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Lea

    2. Computer Lab Organisation

    2.1 Responsibility of a Computer


    2.2 Computer Class Timetable


    2.3 Sharing

    Respect Others

    2.4 Log Books:


    2.1.1 List the duties and responsibilities of lab

    committee members.2.1.2 State the rules of using computers.2.1.3 Follow the rules of using computers.

    2.1.4 State the pupils duty according to the lab

    duty roster.

    2.2.1 Identify the days to use the computer lab.2.2.2 State the days when they are not using the

    computer lab.

    2.2.3 State the importance to abide by thetimetable.

    2.3.1 State the importance of respecting others

    rights.2.3.2 Practise tolerance and cooperation.

    2.4.1 Identify the log books.2.4.2 Study the contents of the log books.

    2.4.3 Record details properly and neatly.

    2.4.4 Handle the log books with care.

    Match the duties tmembers in the o

    Sequence the ruleprovided in the ch

    Colour the correctheir computer lab

    List the other clas

    Identify the valuecooperation.

    Look at the samplab.

    Record details in book.

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    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Lea1. Monitor

    1.1 Switch

    1.2 Monitor Display Control

    1.1.1 Switch on and switch off the monitor.

    1.1.2 Maintain the cleanliness of the computers.

    1.2.1 Use the buttons and identify their


    1.2.2 Press the button as instructed by the


    Label the switch bin a worksheet pr

    Switch on and swcarefully.

    Try each button towith the teachers

    Match the buttonsthe diagram.

    (Module A- Mon

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Lea

    2. Keyboard2.1 Arrows, Caps Lock, Shift and Tab


    3. Mouse

    3.1 Types of Mouse

    3.2 Click and Drag

    4. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

    4.1 Function and Location of the Switch

    4.2 CD Drive and Floppy Drive

    2.1.1 State the functions of the Arrows,Caps Lock, Shift and Tab keys.

    2.1.2 Use correct position of fingers on thekeyboard.

    2.1.3 Press the keys carefully.

    3.1.1 Name the types of Mouse.

    3.1.2 Use the mouse pad as a means to

    maintain the mouse in goodcondition.

    3.2.1 Click and drag the mouse correctly.

    3.2.2 State the effect of Click and Drag.

    4.1.1 Switch on.

    4.2.1 Insert and eject the CD or diskette

    correctly.4.2.2 Maintain the CD and diskette in good


    State the positionArrows, Caps Lo

    and Tab keys. Colour the keys in

    provided.Note: Module Freewar

    can be used to gain the

    Name the types odiagrams. (E.g. T

    Scroll Mouse, Op

    Cordless Mouse)

    Show how to clic Perform click and

    Switch on the CP Demonstrate how

    CD from the drive

    correct procedure

    Store the CD and and safe place.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Lea

    5. Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR).5.1 Functions of AVR

    5.2 Plug and Switch

    6. Computer Peripherals

    6.1 Functions

    Output DevicesInput Devices

    6.2 Switch

    5.1.1 State the functions of AVR.

    5.2.1 State the importance of unpluggingthe AVR.

    5.2.2 State the position of the AVR switch.

    6.1.1 State the functions of the speaker,

    headphone and microphone.

    6.1.2 Use the speaker, headphone andmicrophone.

    6.2.1 Switch on and switch off the speaker.

    6.2.2 Adjust the volume level.

    6.2.3 Tune the volume to a suitable level.

    Discuss the functi Solve a jigsaw pu

    picture provided.

    Discuss the plug afunction.

    Switch on/off the Discuss the functi

    headphone and m

    Match the functio

    Switch on/off the Adjust the volum Use the micropho

    headphone to liste

    (Module C- Suppo

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Lea

    1. Operating System

    1.1 Operating System 1.1.1 Identify the OS (Operating System)used.

    1.1.2 Identify the desktop display ofdifferent OS.

    1.1.3 Shut down the computer properly.1.1.4 Explain the implication of not

    shutting down the computerproperly.

    1.1.5 Open and close a programmeaccording to the procedures.

    Start the OS accoprocedure.

    Get to know the Ooperating systems

    interface(e.g: win

    Say what is showdisplay (desktop)

    Move the mouse tshortcut.

    Open and close pusing different me

    menu, Taskbar, ic

    1.2 Icon and Button Function

    2. Text Utility / Software Application

    1.2.1 Identify menu bar functions and

    icons.1.2.2 State the functions of Minimize,

    Maximize and Close buttons.

    1.2.3 Close the existing programmeaccording to the procedures.

    1.2.4 Left click, right click and doubleclick the icon on the desktop.

    1.2.5 Use the computer carefully.

    2.1.1 State the functions of text utility.

    Use the Start buttprogramme in it.

    Demonstrate the uMaximize and Cl

    (Module D- Opera

    Demonstrate howprogramme accor

    Discuss the implicomputer is not p

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    2.1 Save and Exit

    2.2 Editing

    2.3 Graphic Utility

    3. Courseware

    3.1 Courseware for Year 2

    2.1.2 Open and close the programme.2.1.3 Type simple sentences using the

    correct typing skill.

    2.1.4 Save a new file in the diskette.

    2.1.5 Open the existing document.

    2.2.1 Edit the text.

    2.3.1 State the functions of graphic utility.

    2.3.2 Edit graphics. (Cut, Drag and Drop)

    3.1.1 Open the courseware (interactiveCD).

    3.1.2 Follow instructions using the

    courseware.3.1.3 Close the courseware.

    Brainstorming onUtility.

    Type words as inusing the correct p

    the keyboard. Open and save in

    icons in the toolb

    Correct the spellinsize, and edit the

    (Module E- Text

    Explain the functiutility.

    Cut, Drag and Drto edit the picture

    **Example of graphi(Module F- Graph

    Carry out program Take out the CD f

    store in a case. Ke

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    The ICTL Programme for Year 2 will further extend basic computing

    skills among the pupils. It is appropriate to focus on extending

    computing skills as a continuation from Year 1 to further develop pupils

    interest in computer use. Apart from developing interest, the programme

    aims to enable the pupils to know and use the computers to help them intheir daily lives.

    Schools throughout the country are equipped with computers which are

    pre-installed with word processing programmes such as MicrosoftWord, WordPadand basic graphic utility programme such asPaint. Forthe purpose of the Year 2 ICTL programme, the pupils will further

    explore WordPad and Paint. In addition, the teaching of other word

    processing and graphic utility programmes is also encouraged as long as

    the teachers adhere to the guidelines supplied.

    For the word processing modules, teachers may choose from the

    WordPad or Microsoft Wordmodules supplied in this guidebook. The

    graphic illustrations presented will help the classroom instructors to

    compare and explain these modules more clearly.

    This teaching and learning module serves as a guideline for teachers to

    help them teach the necessary ICT skills more effectively. Teachers are

    also encouraged to apply suitable teaching methods and approaches in

    the classroom.

    It is hoped that the teachers would be able to effectively train the pupils

    in the ICT skills using this module.

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    NIN G




    Primary SchoolWhere Experts Begin!!

    computer hardware

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Computer Hardware

    Lea rning Areas : 1. Monitor

    1.2 Disp lay Co ntrol on the


    Lea rning Outc om es : 1.2.1 Use the butto ns and identify its


    1.2.2 Press the button as instruc tedby the teac her.

    Module Ob jec tives : By the end of the lesson, pup ils

    will be able to:

    1. identify the monitor buttons.2. know the functions of the

    mo nitor buttons.

    3. use the monitor buttonscorrec tly to ad just the

    brightness to suit their own



    1. Tea chers are a dvised to fo cus on the b rightness, contrast andcolour func tions/ menu.

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    2. The c om puter monitor in schoo l com puter labs might b e

    d ifferent from the one in this mod ule. Tea cher should a d just

    accordingly to suit the ac tivities.

    1. Knowing your monitor.Step 1 : Introd uce a mo nitor.

    Pic ture 1

    Step 2 : Introduc ing monitor butto ns.

    Pic ture 2


    Dec (-) Inc (+) Func .

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    2. Introduce the functions of each button(s). (Bright, Contrast andColour)

    Step 1 : Press the menu button.

    Pic ture 3

    Step 2 : The menu box will appea r on the

    sc reen. Press the Inc rease(+) or Dec rease(-)

    button to select bright, contrast or colour.

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    Pic ture 4

    For exam ple if you wa nt to ad just the brightness of the


    1. Press (+)inc rease o r (-)dec rease to selec t brightness.

    2. Press menu button to confirm your selec tion. The level o f

    brightness will appear on the screen.

    3. Press (+) or (-) to increase or decrease the monitor brightness.

    4.Press the menu button aga in if you have d ec ided to a cc ep t

    the setting.

    Note : Rep ea t the same step s for contrast and colour.

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    3. Steps to exit display control menu.

    Step 1 : Press the (-)dec rea se and (+)

    inc rea se button at the sam e time for 2 to 3


    Press a t

    the same


    Pic ture 6

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Name : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    Co lour the monitor.

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    Name : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    Label the monitor buttons.

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    Module : Computer Hardwa re

    Lea rning Area s : 2. Keyb oard

    2.1 Arrows, Caps Lock, Shift andTab keys.

    Lea rning Outcom es : 2.1.1 Sta te the func tions of the

    Arrows, Caps Lock, Shift and

    Tab keys.

    Module Ob jec tives : By the end of the lesson, pup ils

    will be a b le to sta te the p ositions and

    func tions of :

    1. Arrow keys.2. Ca ps Loc k key.3. Shift keys.4. Tab key.

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    1. State the keys func tions.Step 1 : Tea c her show s the keyboa rd and the

    position of the follow ing keys: Arrows,

    Caps Lock, Shift and Tab keys.

    Step 2 : Tea c her exp lains the func tions of the

    keys :-

    a. Caps Loc k : To type words in c ap italletters.


    Without using the Ca ps Loc k key

    Using the Ca ps Loc k key


    keysTab Caps



    Picture 1



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    b. Shift : 1. To c ap italize the a lphabet(s) bypressing the Shift key toge ther

    with the a lpha be t key.

    2. To type basic symbol(s) on the

    keyboa rd by pressing the Shift

    key together with the symb ol


    c . Tab : To mo ve the cursor ac c ording tothe indent.

    before pressing the Tab key

    Picture 2

    after pressing the Tab key

    Picture 3

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    d. Arrow keys :

    To m ove the c ursor to the left.

    To mo ve the cursor to the right.

    To mo ve the cursor upwa rds.

    To move the cursor downwards.

    Step 3 : Pup ils c arry out the ta sks g iven by the teac her.

    Suggested ta sks :

    Task 1 - Worksheet 1, 2, and 3

    Task 2 Worksheet 4

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    Na me : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Na me : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Na me : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Na me : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    Ma tc h the keys with their func tions:

    Key Function

    To mo ve the c ursor

    to the left.

    To mo ve the c ursor


    To mo ve the c ursor

    to the right.

    To mo ve the c ursor


    To mo ve the c ursor

    ac c ording to the


    To typ e words in

    capital letters.

    To c ap ita lize the


    Tab I




  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Suppo rtive hardware

    Learning Area : 6.1 Function

    Output Peripherals Input Peripherals

    Learning Outcome : 6.1.2 Use the speaker, headphone and


    Module Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

    1. identify the usage of the button shown onthe sound recorder window.

    2. record the reading text.

    What is Sound Rec order

    Sound Recorder is a program to record sounds. It must be used with

    an input device such as the microphone. Before using this program

    make sure the microphone is connected to your PC/laptop.

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    How to open Sound Rec order

    1. Click All ProgramAccessoriesEntertainment




    1 2

    Picture 1

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    How to rec ord sound using Sound Rec orde r

    1. Before using Sound Recorder, make sure microphone isconnected to the computer and turned on.

    2. When you open the program, a window as shown in Picture 2 willappear.

    rewind forward play stop record

    Picture 2

    3. To start recording, click therecord button. (Picture 3)

    Picture 3 Click therecord

    button to start


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    4. Using the microphone, read the text below torecord.

    Forexample :

    The c loc k in the c lass,

    Goes tic k, tic k, tic k.

    The c radle in the room,

    Goes c rick , c rick ,c rick

    5. To stop recording, click the stopbutton as in Picture 4.

    6. When recording stop, the window will appear as shown in Picture5. Clickplay button to listen to what you have recorded.

    Click here to stop


    Picture 5

    Picture 4

    Click here and listen to

    your recording.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Worksheet 1

    Label the buttons.

    forward rewind record

    play stop

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Worksheet 2

    Number the pictures in the correct order.

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    NIN G




    Primary SchoolWhere Experts Begin!!

    computer software

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Com puter Software

    Lea rning Area : 1. Op erating System

    Lea rning Outcom e : 1.1 Operat ing System

    1.1.3 Shut dow n the c om puter


    Module Ob jec tive : By the end of the lesson, pup ils

    will be a ble to :

    1. shut down the comp uterproperly.

    1. Steps to shut down the c om puter.

    Step 1 : Move the mouse pointer to the button

    and c lic k once .

    Step 2 : Clic k onc e on the button.

    Step 3 : Clic k onc e on the button and the

    compute r will be shut down.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Ste 1 Ste 2 Ste 3

    Pic ture 1

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Com puter Software

    Lea rning Areas : 1.2 Ic on and Button Func tion.

    Lea rning Outcom es : 1.2.2 Sta te the func tion of Minimize,

    Ma ximize a nd C lose buttons

    Mo dule Ob jec tives : By the end of the lesson, pup ils

    should be ab le to :

    1. minimize a nd ma ximize a do cumentin MS Word.

    2. c lose a doc ume nt in MS Word .

    1. Steps to minimize a document.

    Step 1 : Open a Microsoft Word doc ument.

    Step 2 : On the right hand side of the Mic rosoft

    Word doc ument , you w ill find three buttons.

    Move the mouse pointer to the minimize

    button .

    Step 3 : Clic k onc e on this button.

    ( On the taskba r the d oc ume nt will be minimize

    titled 'Doc ument 1.)

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Before Minimized After minimized

    Pic ture 2

    2. Step to ma ximize a document.

    Step 1 : Clic k the minimized Doc ument 1 tab on

    the taskba r below . The d ocument w ill restore

    to its orig ina l size.

    3. Steps to c lose a document.

    Step 1 : Move the mo use pointer to the c lose


    Step 2 : Clic k the button onc e. The doc ument will


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Name : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    A. Match the following correc tly.

    1.Sta rt button

    2. Turn off b utton

    B . Numb er the steps in co rrec t orde r to shut down a computer


    Step ___

    Step ___Step ____

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Name : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    1. Circ le the button used to minimize a doc ument.

    2. Circ le the button used to ma ximize a d oc ument.

    3. Circ le the b utton used to c lose a do c ument.

    Name the fo llow ing buttons correc tly







  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Name : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    Number the step s in correc t order to shut do wn a doc ument.

    Click the button.

    Move the mouse p ointer and c lic k the

    button on the taskba r.

    Clic k the button and the compute r will be shut


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Name : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    a . Number the step s in correc t orde r to minimize a doc ument.

    Clic k the Minimize button.

    Move the m ouse p ointer to the M inimize

    button on the right hand side of the title b ar.

    b . Number the step s in c orrec t order to c lose a doc ument.

    Move the mouse p ointer to the c lose b utton.

    Clic k the c lose button.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Com puter Software

    Learning a reas : 2. Text Utility/ Softw are


    2.2 Editing

    Learning outc ome s : 2.2.1 Text ed iting

    Module ob jec tives : By the end of the lesson, pup ils

    will be a ble to :

    1. ed it the te xt b y using backspaceanddelete keysand type in the correc t


    2. save a d oc ument in WordPad .

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    1. Steps to start Wordpad.

    Step 1 : Clic k the button on the taskba r.

    Step 2 : When the Sta rt Menu is d isp layed , point to

    All Programs

    Step 3 : Then c lic k once on Accessories

    Step 4 : Look for Wordpad and c lic k on it onc e , as

    shown in the p ic ture b elow,

    Pic ture 1



    All Programs

    Pic ture 2

    Step 5 :You can sta rt using the p rog ram.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    2. Steps to type the tex t in Wordpad.Sample text:

    I an Sab rina. I heve too friends. My friends are Siti ann Anuar.

    Siti si a girl. Siti is eigdt years oll.

    Anua r is a b oi. Anuar is sick yea s old .

    * There are 10 mista kes in the text.

    Step 1 : Type the text in WordPad .

    Step 2 : Save the doc ument in the WordPad follow ing the g iven

    steps .

    3. Steps to save the text.Step 1 ; Clic k the File iconon the menu toolba r.

    Then, c lic k Save As.

    Picture 2

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 2 : In the pull dow n menu, c lick the d rive where you wa nt to

    save the file.

    For example: Floppy A if you w ant to save it in a floppy d isk.

    Step 3 : Type a name for the file in the File namebox.

    For exam ple -siti.

    Picture 3

    Picture 4

    Step 4 : Clic k Save.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    4. Steps to edit the text.To e d it a text, we can either use the backspacekey or deletekey.

    4.1 Steps to edit the text b y using the backspacekey.


    Step 1 : Place the cursor next to the pa rticular lette r tha t we want to

    ed it and c lic k once .


    The cursor is behind of the lette r n

    Picture 5

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 2 : Press the backspacekey to remove the letter n .

    Step 3 : Type the correc t letter -m .


    3.2 Steps to edit the text by using the deletekey.



    Step 1 : Place the cursor in front of the pa rticular lette r tha t we

    wa nt to edit and c lic k once .

    The c ursor is in front of the let te r n

    Picture 6

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 2 : Press the deletekey to remove the letter n.

    Step 3 : Type the correc t letter -m .

    This is a sample of an ed ited text.

    Picture 7

    When all the ed iting is d one , p lea se save the fa il.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Worksheet 1

    Na me: _________________________________ C lass ________________

    Fill in missing let te rs to form correc t words.

    I a Sabrina. I h ve

    t o friends. My friends

    are Siti an Anuar.

    Siti i a g irl. Siti is eig t

    years ol .Anuar is a bo

    . Anuar is si yea s old.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Worksheet 2

    Name: __________________________________ Cla ss: __________________

    Arrange the wo rds to form correc t sentences.

    Sabrina am . I

    1. ____________________________________________________________and Siti a re my Anua r . friend s

    2. ____________________________________________________________

    is years Anua r . o ld six

    3. ____________________________________________________________years eight Siti . is old

    4. ____________________________________________________________

    a is Anua r . boy

    5. ____________________________________________________________

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Com puter Software

    Learning Areas : 2. Text Utility/ Software


    2.3 Graphic Utility

    Lea rning Outcom es : 2.3.2 Ed it graphic. (Cut , Drag and


    Mo dule Ob jec tives : By the end of the lesson, pup ils will

    be a ble to:

    1. Use the select and free form

    select tool to cut, drag and


    2. Make some changes to

    pictures by using cut, drag

    and d rop.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    1. Steps to start Graphic Editor (Paint).

    Step 1 : Clic k Start, choose All Programs,

    choose Accessories, and c lic k Paint .

    Pic ture 1





    Step 2 : You c an sta rt using Paint.

    Pic ture 2

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    2. Steps to open a p ic ture.

    Step 1 : Go to File from the menu bar and c lic k Open

    The w indow below w ill be d isp layed .

    1. Click Sample Pictures

    2. Click Open

    Step 2 : Clic k Sample Pictures and clic k Open.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 3 : Clic k Water lilies and c lick Open

    The window below w ill be d isp layed .

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    2. Steps to cut using Selec t Too l

    Step 1: Move your cursor to Select butto n from the Too l Box Menu

    and Click it. Your cursor will change to=== =

    Step 2 : Clic k and drag your mouse to the d esired

    area / picture. You w ill see a do tted line a round the

    pic ture you have c hosen.

    Step 3 : Press the Delete key on your keyb oa rd. You will ge t the

    d isp lay show n below.


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 4 : Save your file by c lic king File on the

    menu ba r, choo se Save As and name d the file as lily1 in My

    Documents folder.

    1. Save As

    3. Choose My Documents

    2. File name : lily1

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    3. Steps to cut using Free Form Selec t Too l

    Step 1: Move your c ursor to Free-form Select button from

    the Too l Box Menu a nd Click it.

    Your cursor will c hange to=== =

    Step 2 : Clic k and drag your mouse to the outline of the desired

    area / picture (as shown below).

    ou w ill see a dotted line a round the p ic ture you ha ve c hosen.Y

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 3 : Press the Delete key on your keyb oa rd .

    You w ill get the d isplay show n below.

    Step 4 : Save your file by c lic king File on the m enu bar, choose Save

    As and named the file as lily2 in My Doc uments folder.

    1. Save As

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    3. Choose My Documents

    2. File name : lily2

    5. Steps to drag and drop using Selec t tool.

    Step 1: Move your cursor to Select butto n from the Too l Box Menu

    and Click it. Your cursor will change to

    === =

    Step 2 : Clic k and d rag your mo use to the desired area / p ic ture.

    Step 3 : Clic k, hold and d rag the selected area to a new loc a tion.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 4 : Save your file by c lic king File on the m enu bar, choose Save

    As and named the file as lily3 in My Doc uments folder.

    Steps to drag and drop using Free- form Selec t tool.

    Step 1: Move your cursor to Free-form Select button from the Too l

    Box Menu and Click it. Your cursor will change to

    === =

    Step 2 : Clic k and drag your mouse to the outline of the desired

    area / picture (as shown below).

    ou w ill see a dotted line a round the p ic ture you ha ve c hosen.



    Step 3 : Clic k, hold and d rag the selected area to a new loc a tion

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 4 : Save your file by c lic king File on the m enu bar, choose Save

    As and named the file as lily4 in My Doc uments folder.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Look at the p ic ture g iven in your graphic utility. Use c ut, drag and

    drop to ed it this p ic ture.

    Follow these instruc tions:

    1. Use Free -Form Selec t to ol from the tool bar. Drag the

    bougainvilleas from A to B.

    2. Cut the pic ture o f the o ther trees.

    3. Save the p icture as a new file.



    Move the


    from A to B

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2



    Name : __________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 _______________ Da te : ____/ ____/ ____

    Tools : Pic ture , Sc issors, Glue .

    Look at the p ic ture given.

    1. Cut this p icture into basic shapes to make a jigsaw puzzle.

    a ) Circ le

    b) Square

    c ) Rec tangle

    d ) Triang le

    e) Crescent

    2. Solve the puzzle. Paste on a piec e of paper.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Join and paste the entire puzzle. See what you w ill get !

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    The implementation of the ICTL programme requires suitable

    software for teachers and pupils to use in schools. Some

    freeware from the internet has been tested for suitability at the

    ministry level. The freeware has been piloted in a number of

    schools by teachers and pupils. This freeware is supplied to all

    schools together with the module for teachers and pupils.

    For Year Two, the freeware which has been identified, are

    ReadPlease 2003,HangMan, Learn Letters and Custom Test.

    There are other suitable freeware which can be downloaded

    from the internet. The use of this freeware is not compulsory.

    Teachers are allowed to use their own software to enhance the

    teaching of ICTL.

    The freeware can be used incorporation with other subjects if

    teachers are creative to devise lessons using the freeware. Its

    usage is not only for ICTL lessons.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2







    NIN G




    Primary SchoolWhere Experts Begin!!


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : ReadPlease 2003

    Mod ule Ob jec tive : By the end of this module, tea cher

    will be a ble to

    1. install the Read Plea se 2003correctly

    2. know the function of theReadPlea se 2003

    3. use the softw are correc tly4. com plete the task to suit the ir

    own needed.

    How to install this softwa re.

    To b e a b le to use this softw are you m ay downloa d from the CD given.

    1. Doub le c lick on this icon.

    2. You will ge t a d isp lay a s show n in p icture 1. Click Next>button.

    Picture 1

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    3. Follow a ll the instruc tion unt il you see a d isp lay

    as shown in p icture 2.

    Clic k the


    to continue.

    Ac tivate this


    be fore c lic k

    the Next


    4. You will get a d isp lay as show n in p icture 3. Click Next>button to


    Picture 2

    Picture 3

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    5. You will ge t a d isp lay a s show n in p icture 4.

    Click Next>button to continue.

    Picture 4

    6. Wait fo r the Setup to insta ll Rea dPlease 2003 on your c om puter.7. Follow all the instruct ions until you get a window tha t te ll you a re

    finish. Clic k Finish to exit setup .

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    How to use Rea dPlease 2003.

    1. Doub le c lick on this icon.

    2. You will ge t a d isp lay as show n in p icture 12.

    Picture 5

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    3. Launc h Rea dPlease2003, selec t Filefrom the

    menu and c lic k New.

    Picture 6

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    4. You w ill get the p icture a s shown.


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    5. Type the w ord / wo rds that you want ReadPleaseto read for you.

    Examp le : responsible



    Picture 8

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    6. Press the green Rea dPleasePlaybutton.

    You hear the words being read .

    Picture 9

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    7. You c an a lso a djust the rea ding speed by d rag ging the speed level as

    shown in the Picture 10.


    Picture 10

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    8. You c an a lso a d just the font size b y d ragging the Font size level as

    shown in the Picture 11.



    Picture 11

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    9. You c an also c hange the vo ic e by clic king the button a s show n in the

    Picture 12.


    Picture 12

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    10. To q uit the p rog ramm e, c lick

    or selec t Fileand c lic k Exitas shown in Pic ture 13.

    Picture 13


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2







    NIN G




    Primary SchoolWhere Experts Begin!!


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : HANGMAN

    Mod ule Ob jec tive : By the end of this module, tea cher

    will be a ble to:

    1. use this freeware effic iently.2. c rea te the ir ow n sub jec t materia ls.

    Note : Ma ke sure the prog ramm e is a lrea dy insta lled in your com puter to

    ena b le you to use this prog ramm e.

    How to use

    Step 1

    1. Click , choose butto n andclick.

    2. Wait unt il the sc reen d isp lays this:-

    Picture 1

    Step 2

    1. Choose button and c lic k.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 3

    1. Choose button that youwa nt to play.

    2. Example :

    Picture 2

    Step 4

    After you have chosen the ca teg ory, this sc reen will appea r.

    Picture 3

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Click or type the

    a l habet

    Picture 4

    Step 5

    1. Try to guess the anima l by typ ing or c lic king the a lphabet show non the sc reen.

    2. There are 110 po ints ava ilab le a nd 10 points will be d ed uc ted foreach m istake.

    Step 6

    1. If your answer is c orrec t, yesmessagewill be shown.

    Picture 5

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    2. If your answer is incorrect, Sorry Try Aga inmessagewill be shownand the hanging stag e w ill be ap pearing step by step .

    Picture 6

    3. After 11 incorrect answers, the complete hanging stage willappea r. Example like this :

    Picture 7

    Step 6

    1. The score w ill inc rea se with any c orrec t


  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    How to c reate yo ur own c atego ry.

    Step 1

    1. On the front pa ge of the Hangm an g am e selec tby c lic king the button .

    Picture 11

    2. The sc reen will appea r like the shown p icture.

    Picture 12

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    2. Type the list of the new categ ory that youwa nt to crea te as ma ny word as you want.


    4. Click to save the list and the save c hanges box will

    Picture 13

    appea r. Then c lick Yes.

    Picture 14

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    5. Save a ca teg ory box will appea r like the p icture 15 show n, type the

    ca tegory in the file nam e field. Clic k Save.

    Example: Parts of bod y

    6. You will ge t a d isp lay a s shown in the p icture 16. Then c lick q uit.

    Picture 15

    Picture 16

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    7. You may play the game by follow ing the first

    instruc tion. Then selec t the new categ ory tha t you have ma de.

    Picture 17

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2







    NIN G




    Primary SchoolWhere Experts Begin!!

    Learn Letters

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Lea rn Let ters

    Module Ob jec tives : To guide tea chers how to use the


    Note: Plea se insta ll the p rog ram from the CD g iven.

    1. How to use the Program.

    Step 1 : Clic k the icon.

    Step 2 : Bring the c ursor to the All Programs icon

    and do uble c lic k at the Learn Letters


    All Programs icon Lea rn letters iconPicture 1

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Then the Learn Letters Windo w will appea r.

    Picture 2

    There a re three levels. To sta rt the game , you ha ve to

    selec t the leve l. (Leve l 1, Leve l II or Leve l III)

    2. How to play the gam e.Level I

    Step 1 : Bring the c ursor to Level I then Clic k.

    Picture 3

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 2 : Bring the c ursor to Start and Click.

    Picture 4

    The outline o f the letter will appea r and so a s the sound of

    the lette r.

    Picture 5

    Step 3 : Choose, Clic k and d rag the shape into

    the box.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 4 : Assem ble the shapes to c onstruc t a

    let ter. The c om plete letter will turn blac k

    and insert itself in the a lphabets a t the

    botto m o f the sc reen. If the shape is

    wrong it will simp ly slide b ac k to w here

    it was on the sc reen. You c an selec t

    another shapes.

    Picture 6

    Step 5 : Press Esc butto n on the keyboa rd to

    go to the ma in menu or to exit the ga me.

    Esc button

    Picture 7

    Step 6 : For Leve l II and Leve l III, fo llow the same steps.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2







    NIN G




    Primary SchoolWhere Experts Begin!!

    Custom Test

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Module : Custom Test

    Objectives : To ena b le the tea chers to insta ll, to use and to

    c rea te a simp le te st using the custom test software

    in their ICTL lesson.

    Note : Plea se insta ll the p rog ramm e from the CD g iven.

    To Crea te a test using CTest ( For Teachers Only )

    Step 1 : Click . Bring the c ursor to the All

    Programs ic on and choose Custom Test. Then c lic k

    Crea te A Test.

    Picture 1

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 2 :

    Test Name : Write the


    of the test.

    Eg. Grammar


    Test Author :Tea chers


    Description :What is the test


    Click to show answer attime up.

    (* if you wa nt it to be time


    Questions :Numbers of


    Click Add .

    Picture 2

    Picture 3

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 3 : Choose the Question type ,

    either Multiple Choice or

    Question Entry.

    Step 4 : Click the timer setting if you wa nt to have a time


    Type the time limit in sec ond s ( as needed )

    eg . 10 sec ond s per question.

    Step 5

    Pull dow n


    Picture 4

    Step 5 : In the Question Text box, write the question. If the

    question is too long , c lick the Add Line box.

    Step 6 : Und er Op tions;

    a ) type in the a nswers for your questions.b )

    do not forget to choose the correc t answer .

    **Choo se the correc t answers from the c orrec t

    answers pull down menu.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Based on the op tions selec t the c orrec t answe r

    from the pull do wn menu

    Picture 5

    Ste p 7 : Then Click OK to end your first q uestion.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 8 : To Ad d the next question

    click Add .

    Picture 6

    Step 9 : Question 2 box will be d isp layed . You can choose either

    Multiple Choice or Question Entry for your next question.

    Picture 7

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 10 : Write your question in line 1 . Then

    type the correc t answer in the co rrect answer column.

    Then c lick ok

    Step 11 : If you a re satisfied , Clic k Save This Test button.

    At the Save Test File type your own File name.Then, Clic k Save . Your file will be saved.

    Picture 8

    Picture 9

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Picture 10

    Click the Exit button to exit this prog ram.


    * To c reate ano ther test, you need to exit the c urrent Custom Test

    Creator then reopen the program again from the start menu.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Using and Taking A Test Using CTest For Pup ils.

    Step 1 : Click . Choose All Program s. Click

    Custom Test then c hoose and c lick Take A Test.

    Step 2 : From the Op en Test File Dialog box, choose your test

    file from the My Tests direc tory.

    Picture 11

    Picture 12

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 3 : Click Open. A C ustom Test

    Menu will be d isp layed .

    Step 4 : Clic k the Take this test button.

    Picture 13

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Step 5 : Start answering the questions.

    ( Multip le C hoice Question)

    Picture 14

    ( Q uestion Entry)

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    The Result!!!


    GradeTitle ofthe Test




    To quit To Print

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    It has always been a teachers responsibility to assess his/her pupils

    progress. Therefore, there are activities prepared in every module to assess

    pupils understanding formatively. However, summative questions are also

    included as a guide to the teacher at the end of the three-month teaching

    period. It would be most effective if the teacher could personally design

    questions to suit the situation in the individual school. ICTL does not aim to

    assess a students progress as in other subjects since its objectives to

    enhance and familiarize students to the technology itself.

    It is based on that principle that the marks for this assessment are not

    taken into consideration in the overall percentage for the monthly examination.

    However, although the knowledge content is at the basic level for year 2

    students, it must not be taken lightly. This is because mastery at the basic level

    ensures continuity at the higher levels.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Yea r 2 ICT Literacy TEST

    Name : ________________________________________________

    Yea r : 2 ___________ Da te : ___/___/_________

    Rea d the instructions ca refully. Answer a ll the questions.

    A. Tick ( ) the correc t and c ross ( ) the incorrect statements.

    1. Pupils are allowed to play computer ga mes.

    2. Pupils can eat and d rink while using the comp uter.

    3. Pupils must follow the instruc tions given by the teacher.

    5. Pupils are allowed to change plac es in the computer lab .

    6. Pupils must not cha nge their sitting places frequently.

    ( 12 ma rks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    B. Name the keyboard keys.

    Arrows Caps Lock Shift Tab




    1. _____________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________3. _____________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________

    ( 8 ma rks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    C. Match the keys with their functions :

    Keys Func tions

    1. to m ove the c ursor to

    the left

    2. to mo ve the cursor


    3. to m ove the c ursor to

    the right m ove the c ursor


    5. to m ove the c ursor

    ac cording to the


    6. To typ e w ords in

    capita l letters.

    7. To cap ita lize the



    Caps Lock


    ( 14 ma rks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    D. Match the c om ponents to the functions

    1 Spea ker Control elec tric


    2 Hea dphone Rec ord voices into

    the com puter.

    3 Microphone Print doc uments

    from the com puter.

    4 Printer Listen to the sounds

    from the c omputer.

    5 AVR Produc e sound


    (10 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    E. Lab el the monitor correc tly.

    Monitor screen Control buttonsOn/Off button( 6 marks )

    F. Name the comp uter hardwa re correc tly.

    ( 6 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    G. Name the buttons.


    button Maximizedbutton ClosebuttonStart button

    Turn Offbutton






    ( 10 ma rks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    H. Match the pic ture with the c orrec t function.

    To turn off the c om puter

    To minimize doc ume nt

    To m aximize d oc ument

    To c lose a doc ument

    ( 8 ma rks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    I. Circ le the correc t answer.

    1. Wha t is an AVR ?

    A. Automa tic Vehicle Reve rseB. Automatic Voltage Regula torC. Automa tic Voltag e Reve rseD. Automatic Vehic le Regula tor

    2. The correc t state ment to open a new doc ument

    A. Start All Programs Mic rosoft WordB. All Programs Mic rosoft Word Sta rtC.Mic rosoft Word Start All ProgramsD. Start Microsoft Word All Programs

    ( 4 marks)

    J. Labe l the item s of the central proc essing unit correc tly.

    CD Drive Floppy Drive Power Button

    ( 6 ma rks )

    K. Label the pictures.

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    Free from selec t Eraser Pick colour Penc il Airbrush

    Selec t Fill w ith colour Magnifier Brush Text

    ( 10 ma rks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    L. Name the typ e of Mouse

    Sc roll Mouse Two Button Mouse Optical Mouse




    ( 6 ma rks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    ICTL Assessment Year 2

    Name : .

    Year : ..

    A. Number the steps to shut down a document in correct order.

    Write the number in the boxes.





    Move the mo use pointer and c lic k

    button at the taskbar.

    Clic k and the compute r will be turned off.

    ( 6 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    B. Match A to B correctly.

    A B




    Sta rt butto n

    Turn off b utto n

    Turn off op tion

    ( 6 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    C. Answer the questions below.

    Name the fo llow ing buttons correc tly.







    Circ le the c orrec t button.

    1. minimize butto n

    2. maximize butto n

    ( 10 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    D. Label the function keys.

    Arrow keys

    Ca ps loc k



    ( 8 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    E. Tick ( ) the correct and cross (X) the incorrect statements.

    1. I must write my name in the student s log book every time

    I use the compute r in the com pute r lab . ( )

    2. I can enter the c ompute r lab a t any time . ( )

    3. I can use the Tab key to change to capita l lette rs. ( )

    4. I can c lic k and drag using the Automa tic Voltage Reg ula tor. ( )

    5. Spe aker, headp hone and microphone a re Output Devices. ( )

    ( 10 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    F. Circle the correct answer.

    1. These a re types of M ouse excep t

    A. Sc roll Mouse.

    B. Mickey Mouse.

    C. Op tical Mouse.

    D. Cord less Mouse.

    2. Arrow keys a re used to

    A. delete the text.B. change the font size.

    C. move the c ursor.

    D. edit the p ic ture.

    3. Pup ils must rea rrange the befo re lea ving the

    comp uter lab .

    A. co mputerB. monitor

    C. mouse

    D. cha irs

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


    4. These a re O utput a nd Input Devices excep t

    A. spea ker.

    B. headp hone.

    C. CD-rom .

    D. microphone.

    5. Ali wants to rec ord his voice , so he can use the

    A. microphone.

    B. headp hone.

    C. log book.

    D. keybo ard .

    (10 marks )

  • 7/31/2019 BinderICTL year2


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