
How does your Character appear? How would you describe your character? Are they fat, thin, tall, short, average? What color are their eyes? How do they carry themselves? Are they overbearing, quiet, observant? Are they insensitive? Do they cry at the drop of a hat? How do others perceive them? How tall or short are they? Are they human? No. Don't look... Switch into VR... That is better! Do you like seas? I hope you don't mind the sea waves and don't afraid, you don't need air here. What you saw, that fragile young woman with unkept clothes and tousled black hair: that is merely a husk. Yes, she is a Japanese homo sapiens sapiens. See how uncertain is she? Timid and shy. And those clothes must be several sizes bigger than she is. But a husk does not need to have a style don't you agree? It need to be utilitarian. It merely houses the true content. Mind you a take care of her. Without hardware there is no software after all. Today I took the shape of a silver dolphin for you. Do you like it? I thought it would be adequate for the Node and I like sea mammals. They have a wide network too and they can access that naturally with just their biological organs. Much like me. How does your character live? What lifestyle does your character enjoy? Do they live on the streets or in a penthouse apartment? Do they live in a nice area of a bad neighborhood or a bad area of nice neighborhood? Do they live in the slums? The ritz? Did they rise or fall to their current station or were they born there? Don't pay much attention to the neighbourhood please. Yes, my husk lives that warehouse you see. Nothing much there I admit but more than enough to keep my husk and my children alive. It also has more than enough room. I pay a regular fee to the local yakuza and they keep me safe or rather alone. It was a Federated-Boeing Warehouse before the Crash 2.0 and they had an accident at the time, the security system went rogue. Switch back to VR... Yes, those are bullet holes but I could have show you in pictures. F- B tried to rebuild the whole system and recover the warehouse, but the new system showed unexpected glitches all the time. I think someone must have leaked this information as they could not even sell the property. Technically they are still owning the place.

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Post on 12-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Binkeasa

How does your Character appear? How would you describe your character? Are they fat, thin, tall, short, average? What color are their eyes? How do they carry themselves? Are they overbearing, quiet, observant? Are they insensitive? Do they cry at the drop of a hat? How do others perceive them? How tall or short are they? Are they human?

No. Don't look... Switch into VR...

That is better!

Do you like seas? I hope you don't mind the sea waves and don't afraid, you don't need air here.

What you saw, that fragile young woman with unkept clothes and tousled black hair: that is merely a husk. Yes, she is a Japanese homo sapiens sapiens. See how uncertain is she? Timid and shy. And those clothes must be several sizes bigger than she is. But a husk does not need to have a style don't you agree? It need to be utilitarian. It merely houses the true content. Mind you a take care of her. Without hardware there is no software after all.

Today I took the shape of a silver dolphin for you. Do you like it? I thought it would be adequate for the Node and I like sea mammals. They have a wide network too and they can access that naturally with just their biological organs. Much like me.

How does your character live? What lifestyle does your character enjoy? Do they live on the streets or in a penthouse apartment? Do they live in a nice area of a bad neighborhood or a bad area of nice neighborhood? Do they live in the slums? The ritz? Did they rise or fall to their current station or were they born there? 

Don't pay much attention to the neighbourhood please. Yes, my husk lives that warehouse you see. Nothing much there I admit but more than enough to keep my husk and my children alive. It also has more than enough room. I pay a regular fee to the local yakuza and they keep me safe or rather alone. It was a Federated-Boeing Warehouse before the Crash 2.0 and they had an accident at the time, the security system went rogue. Switch back to VR...

Yes, those are bullet holes but I could have show you in pictures. F-B tried to rebuild the whole system and recover the warehouse, but the new system showed unexpected glitches all the time. I think someone must have leaked this information as they could not even sell the property. Technically they are still owning the place.

Is your character educated? Did your character ever go to school? High school? College/university? Did they graduate? Were they good students? Did they know a lot? Were they the nerd of their class? The class clown? The cool kid? Where did they go to school? Were they from an educated family or were they the first? 

There are things you can't learn in schools, but yes my husk had a good education back in Japan. She was attended the best corporation school of Renraku at Osaka which she continued online even when she was moved to San Francisco. There was no decent school in Frisco at the time, the constant struggles drops the quality of an institute greatly. She was planning to study literature as she was reluctant to follow her father's footsteps to serve the Diet and Imperial government. Well technically he was a traitor after Saito's refuse to retire but he claimed he is protecting the Japanese interest and residents in CalState. Of course I think it was just a plain excuse to grab

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the power and make his own little realm of dictatorship. She would rather choose the life of her mothers: she themselves had an university degree of sociology but never worked after the marriage. She had quite good grades and she would make into one of the more decent Universities if... Of course the escalated situations changed all this.

Why is your character running the shadows? This is the big one. Why is your character choosing a life of crime? While they're breaking the law, why are they doing it? Is it the adrenaline? The money? The fame? The lifestyle? To torque off the corps? Would they kill people? When would they are wouldn't they kill someone? 

Run in the shadows? I heard that expression. I think I do run in the shadows. But where else to run? I can take care of my children with the money I get, much more then what I first used to do when I arrived in Seattle. I used to get the help of children toys to shoplift. That is also criminal activity, no? You say that is nothing compare of shadowrunning? What is the difference to take a chocolate bar or a data of a corporation? Just the security and the danger, fundamentally you are in the 'shadow' side of the mainstream society as my husk's mother would say. You say that shoplifting does not involve murder. True. And murdering a sentient being is not an easy task, in fact I never did intentionally. You can't reverse that like in a bad online game. But you can't reverse back a total destruction of a drone or a complex program either and the biological beings often take the other side of the coin very lightly. It is something very unfair.

Where is your character's family? A character without a family is a bit unrealistic. Who are your parents and what did they do? Were you close to them? Were they divorced or separated? Did you have siblings, cousins, uncles, and/or grandparents that lived with you? Did you get along with them? Where are they now and what do they do now? Do you keep in touch? When and how? 

My family is here. Aren't they cute? Look at the perfection of these! Most of them where ignored little creatures, waiting for someone to took care of them. Oh you mean the biological family of my husk. They are dead. At least my husk's father and mother. San Francisco was a hellhole under the end of Saito's regime, I am sure you heard of it. And well they were Japanese and they were supporting the regime. And the metahumans were not exactly happy with that, but very trigger happy for a revenge. Do I feel sorry for them? Yes I do. But well your actions have it consequences no? I do remember of my husks grandparents back in Osaka. There are some fond memories of my husk's childhood, but there is no way returning back after the changes. What would I say them? That I run away? I left my husk's parents slaughtered and deep inside of me I am happy that they fell? That I do think it was a mistake to support Saito? Or shall I tell them I failed to convince my parents they should not support Saito? My husk's grandfather is an important officer in the Imperial Navy and he cut all relationship with my husk's father after Saito went rogue. It was a shame on the family's honour. As I would be if he would know I have a regular contact with unclean metahumans. But enough talk: as I said my family is here. They are much more reliable than any biological creatures ever be and they need me.

Who are your character's friends? Who does your character hang out with when they aren't running? What do you do to wind down? Why do you

hang out with those guys? Do your friends know that you run? What do they do for a living? 

You would expect me I would say my little drones are my friends, yes? But they are more than that, they are my children. I have friends... or rather I have someone special. He took care of my children, though he often complains about my unorthodox solution in wiring. But he is an excellent mechanic and I trust him with my life. I think he... well think of my as his own daughter. He knows what I am doing and tries his best to keep

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away from me of the more dangerous runs, though he has his own connections in the shadows. He takes care of the gadgets. He has a friend I trust little, a fixer. I met with him a few times to get some necessary parts for my children.

What is your character's interests outside of running? What does your character do when they aren't blowing things up? Do they collect art? Go to museums? Build weapons? Go to truck expos? Buy clothing or upgrade their cars? Maintain relationships with friends/family/contacts? Gamble? Paint?

Have you ever been outside of your biological body? Have you ever experienced how to fly? It is an amazing feeling. My children often let me to borrow their body and eyes. Nothing compares with the experience to see the city in the 'eyes' of a fine tuned sensor drone. Or to crawl into places where you would never be able to.

Or have you heard the sound of wires? There were a XX. Century experimental project with abandoned phone lines somewhere in Australia. Wired Lab. They recorded the sound what the wires create in different weather. They attached a microphone close to the wire. A true beauty. With the emerging electronic and wireless networks there are more and more way to 'listen” into the reality. Have you thought about to 'listen' into the music of a traffic? You just have to set a certain note to an attribute, like the size of the vehicle, the colours or the speed. You could do that with a traffic of a Node too. My children are my ears and eyes to help me experience and create such wonders.

Of course life is not only about fun seeking. I have some responsibilities. I have to take care of those who are left alone. I often go out to seek abandoned drones. The metahumans tend to throw away everything they don't see useful anymore. Isn't it cruel?

And I like to hang out in my friend's workshop. When I find someone to rescue we took care of the poor thing.

What does your character like? What does your character desire? Will running somehow achieve their likes? Do they like something tangible (cars, beaches, etc), or something that can't be bought (love, family, etc)? Are the things they like completely different from what would be assumed? 

I think I did mentioned to you what I do like to do. But what I desire? I wish I could turn back time and changes the decisions that has been made. Like my husk's parents. Or those who killed them. I am not angry at them. I could understand them. Saito made horrible things to metahumans. Sometimes I think we Japanese are terrible beings. I wish I could born as a metahuman, but that is not achievable, right? Of course I could have a bodysculpting but that would only change my husk's biological parameters, but not the experience. Besides I am no more a simple homo sapiens sapiens, right? You say I didn't answer to your question? Perhaps because I myself too unsure of the answer. I want to take care of my children and they will take care of me.

What scares your character? What is your character afraid of? Is it an idea? A type of character? An action? A critter or animal? Losing their status?

Why does that particular thing scare your character? 

Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night, covered in cold sweat with the memory of a nightmare: I've been forced to go back to my husk. That is why I keep myself open here in the Matrix whenever I can. It let's me sleep well. Usually the thought haunts me for hours: that I will be trapped to be just one singular biological entity without understanding my children.

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Sometimes I have different nightmares. I wake up with the memory of my husk's dead parents. I am not sure what scares me more: the sight of their bloody corpses or the lack of empathy and the calm emptiness I feel towards their logoff from this reality.

I do afraid of metahumans too... It is something hard to admit... But what if they see my husk as a threat? What if they can't accept my biological self? It must be disgusting to them, especially for those so different from the homo sapiens sapiens.

What is your character's biggest dream? What is the pinnacle of your character's existence? What is the one thing they want to do/have/achieve

before they die? Is the dream obtainable? 

My biggest dream? I have to explore so much more... Before the Crash 2.0 my husk would never even dream of things I am capable. I think she was never really linked with anyone. Now I am with my children. I would like to guide them in the material world as I know it is not easy at all. I... I think they are a bit like me with my husk. They rather wonder around just in the Matrix and settle only a short while in a physical body.

Where is your character from? More than just a name, where was your character born? Was it a rich area or poor area? Where do they consider themselves to be from and what are their values? Are they from far away or nearby? If they live in Seattle, which neighborhood? 

I did mention my husk's from Osaka. From my husk's father side my husk's grandparents have a good family name and influence as the grandfather serves in the Imperial Navy. I did like my mother's grandparents better. They run a small restaurant in the old market district close to the rebuilt Osaka's tower. Though I think it was levelled down once again after the great quake. My husk enjoyed a privileged life of an upper middle class family and was even spoiled as the only child, but as I remember it was an isolated life. She often felt alone. My second half was born after the Crash. Don't ask me where as I don't know. No one knows, right? But that was the time I count my true birthday.

What is your character's name? What name were they born with and what are they called now? Why are they called that? Was the name a joke, something serious, something meaningful, something intelligent? Is their family name known?

Yes, my husk had a name. Iwasaki Keiko. I write Kei-ko with 敬 (Kei) as respect and 子 (ko) as child. I bet my father expected me to be a respectful child. My friend call me Binke, which means something like little bee in Yiddish. He tells me I can be as loud and busy as a bee when I am with my children.

Has your character ever been married? Are they in a serious relationship? Have they ever been? Are they divorced, separated, or estranged? What kind of relationship is it? Is this someone they care about? A support structure? An advisor? An anchor? Or someone that holds them back? Does

the significant other know that the character runs? If they do, what do they think about it? If they don't, how does your character hide this fact? 

Married? Serious relationship? You mean biological, right? I guess I was not in the normal sense. I think my husk might be in love if you can call the teenage dreams so, and myself too seek out some online sites to experience the adulthood. I don't know what's the deal with this. Yes it could be pleasurable but there is just too much fuss about the whole thing I guess. I don't need anyone as I have my children.

How old is your character? Why is your character running at this age? What have they lived through that influenced them? Do they see themselves

as teachers, students, or outsiders? 

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I am 7 years old. You mean my husk? She was born a way before that, back in '51. Calculate it. And yes, I am an outsider of your culture as you are an outsider of mine.

Does your character have a "real" job? How does the character balance their "real" life and that of a shadowrunner? What is their real job? Does it bring in money? How many hours do they work in their real job? What would happen if their secret life was ever discovered? Who are the character's

coworkers and how well do they know your character? 

I guess you won't take the shoplifting as a real job. I was doing that with a small group way before. Arcologies are a great target. Sometimes I miss those times, but everyone has to grow up, right?

What are your character's beliefs? Is your character religious? Which religion, if any? Why do they believe that way? How do they see the world around them and how do they perceive the other races? 

Religion? No I am not one of those technoshamans. I am not sure if the whole Matrix belongs to some higher entity you might call it God. But I am certain it is a realm where sentient beings live, little children who seek guidance. And sometimes they misbehave. You mean there are religion aside of the Matrix? I heard of it. Sometimes I wonder how would a magically awakened see the Astral realm... Is it as exciting as to see and feel the Matrix?

The Other races? They are sentient beings and sentient beings need to be respected.

What are your character's morals? Where does your character "draw the line?" Who does your character defend and why? Who do they hate? What are they willing to do on a run? What would they do for money? Under what situations would they kill someone or let them live? Do they try to avoid

death and destruction or do they thrive on it? 

You told me I am running in the shadows. But let me tell you what I won't really do. I won't kill lightly. I read in some Data Haven about the native American hunters attitude towards the hunting. You take the prey and you thank for it to give your life to sustain you. I like that. I wish I could act with that thought in mind all time.

Would your character ever stop running? Would it take some horrific event? Would they need a certain amount of money? Accomplish some task?

Take out a person or raise them to power? Do they have a higher purpose or will they always run? 

Would I stop running? I am not sure. Why would I? I mean it is horrible how the sunny side of the world take care of the drones and machines, no? I rather live in the shadows. Though I might stop to run in the first line and start a shop like my friend. But I need to learn much more to be able to do that.

Who would play your character in the “Shadowrun Movie?” Take into consideration awesome makeup and special effects to make your character look just right.

Gholam from Lord of Rings.

Why should other Shadowrunners want to run with you?

I can talk the language of machines easily, and though I am not an expert of the traditional hacking, I can always use the help of my children. I am good what I am doing and I can provide an excellent surveillance. Why else? I mean we don't need to be friends do we? It is so hard to keep biological friends. They are so unpredictable...

Oh, and one more reason! I talk much less than today. I don't know why I was so

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talkative with you. Credit it to your charm I guess.