bio cell survivor

Golgi Apparatus Swathi Iyer, Fiona Muegge, Tawfiq Alkeilani

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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Golgi Apparatus

Swathi Iyer, Fiona Muegge, Tawfiq Alkeilani

Page 2: Bio cell survivor

Function of Golgi Apparatus

The function of the Golgi Apparatus is to modify, sort and package proteins, and other materials from the endoplasmic

reticulum for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cell. The complex is responsible for the packaging and synthesis

molecules such proteins and lipids. Therefore, it is critical for the proper cellular functioning.

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The Golgi complex is composed of several layers of cisternae (fluid-filled membrane sacs) arranged like stacked pancakes

near the outer edges of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) near the nucleus. The Golgi complex is organized into three

distinct compartments: the cis Golgi, the Golgi Stack, and trans Golgi.

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1.Cis Golgi network

Also called the cis Golgi reticulum it is the entry area to the Golgi apparatus. It follows the 'transitional elements' which are smooth areas of the RER that are also known as the 'endoplasmic reticulum Golgi intermediate compartments' (ERGIC).

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2.Golgi stack (Main processing area)

This section is composed of flattened sacs called cisternae. The cisternae of the Golgi stack are divided into three working areas: cis cisternae, medial cisternae and trans cisternae. The Golgi body does important functions in the cellular system. After receiving proteins from the Endoplasmic Reticulum, the Golgi body acts as a factory that processes and sorts the proteins in preparation for their transfer to various locations

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3. Trans Golgi network (Goods outwards)

It is here that final reactions and sorting takes place. The concentrated biochemical are packed into sealed droplets or vesicles that form by budding off from the trans Golgi surface. The vesicles are then transported away for use in the cell and beyond.

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The Golgi complex works closely with the rough ER. When a protein is made in the ER, something called a transition vesicle is made. This vesicle floats through the cytoplasm to the Golgi apparatus and is absorbed. We want to form an alliance to be with the rough ER.

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Vote Out

We want to vote out the cytoskeleton because it only supports the cell and cell functions. It does not have its own function.