bio degradable paddy


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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Conventional plastic is made from oil. Oil can take up to 300 million years to form.

Oil based plastic packaging that is not recyclable will usually end up in landfill sites or be washed out to sea.

Plastic packaging can take up to 1000 years to "degrade" naturally. Poisonous toxins and particles released over time pollute our rivers, harm wildlife and landfill sites scar our once beautiful landscape.

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So What's the alternative?

Packaging made from natural plant materials like corn,sugarcane and paddy uses up to 70% less CO2 to produce than conventional plastic.

Unlike oil based plastic, packaging made from plants can be turned into natural compost after use in just 24 weeks.

By switching to sustainable packaging, your business can substantially reduce its carbon footprint and . Waste packaging previously destined to landfill sites could be composted or recycled instead, greatly lowering the environmental impact.

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The term "Biodegradable" refers to a material that breaks down naturally into organic components as a result of exposure to moisture, heat and naturally occurring micro-organisms. The time it takes a material to degrade depends on it's size, genetic make-up and the level of exposure it has to these three factors.

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The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) defines materials as "compostable" if they can degrade in a compost site. They must break down into carbon dioxide, water and organic matter at a similar rate to other naturally occurring materials (e.g. cellulose in plants). Disintegration is important - the resulting particles must be very small. They must also leave no toxic residue. The compost must not contain heavy metals or other toxins, and be useful as organic fertilizer.

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All our biodegradable products conform to European standard EN13432. This is the most stringent of all the standards requiring 90% biodegradation within 90 days and requires the product to be within the allowable levels of toxins.

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Not only can switching to biodegradable packaging help to distinguish your product, it can also increase brand recognition and build loyalty with the increasing number of environmentally aware consumers.

Many consumers feel increasingly guilty when buying items wrapped in excessive oil-based plastic packaging, as they know it will end up in landfill. In today's competitive environment, your business success may depend on your products' ability to stand out from the competition and the loyalty of your customers.

Our customers often use this opportunity to re-design their packaging or label designs to include the statement "100% Biodegradable Packaging". The introduction of biodegradable packaging across your product range is also a great PR opportunity and demonstrates to customers that your brand is committed to a more sustainable environment.

An increasing number of forward-thinking business owners are turning to biodegradable packaging as an environmentally responsible alternative to conventional plastic. Leading technology giant Apple recently made the decision to supply all it's new iPhones in 100% biodegradable packaging.

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Wood Cotton Wool Straw Plastic made of sugar canes or corn starch Food leftovers

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Foam Plastic Glass Metals