bio medical rules

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  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling)Rules, 1998.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) Rules

    Enforced by SPCB/CPCB.

    The responsibilities of the Companies are: To ensure that bio medical waste is handled

    without any adverse effect to human health &environment

    To have biomedical waste treatment facility.

    To have facility for segregation & labeling ofwastes .

    To submit report about categories andquantities of wastes handled & maintainrecords.

    To report any accident during handling &transporting of wastes.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) Rules


    Bio-medical waste is defined as any waste, whichis generated during the diagnosis, treatment or

    immunisation of human beings or animals or in

    research activities pertaining thereto or in the

    production or testing of living organisms.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) Rules


    To minimize the production/ generation of infective waste.

    Recycle the waste after treating to the extent possible.

    Treat the waste by safe and environmentally acceptable


    Adequate care in handling to prevent infection by takingSafety precautions during handling the BMW.

    The aim of these regulations is to ensure that Bio-medical

    waste is properly disposed of.

    To take all steps to ensure that bio-medical waste ishandled without any adverse effect to human health and

    the environment by the occupier/ Operator of facility.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) Rules

    Scope and Application

    The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, extendsto the whole of India.

    These rules apply to all persons who generate,

    collect, receive, store, transport, treat, dispose or

    handle bio-medical Waste in any form.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) Rules

    Important Definitions

    Animal House means a place where animals are reared /

    kept for experiments or testing purposes.

    Authorisation means permission granted by the prescribed

    authority for the generation, collection, reception,

    storage, transportation, treatment, disposal and/or anyother form of handling of bio-medical waste in accordance

    with these rules and any guidelines issued by the Central


    Authorised person means an occupier or operator

    authorised by the prescribed authority to generate,collect, receive, store, transport, treat, dispose and/or

    handle bio-medical waste in accordance with these rules

    and any guidelines issued by the Central Government.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesImportant Definitions

    Bio-medical waste treatment facility means any facility

    wherein treatment, disposal of bio-medical waste or

    processes incidental to such treatment or disposal is

    carried out. Operator of a bio-medical waste facility means a person

    who owns or controls or operates a facility for the

    collection, reception, storage, transport, treatment,

    disposal or any other form of handling of bio-medical


  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesSalient Features of BMW (M&H) Rules

    Published by Govt. of India, under Section 6 & 25 ofEnvironmental Protection Act 1986 on 20/7/98 and appearedin official gazette of India on 27/7/98.

    Application: These rules apply to all persons who generate, collect,

    receive, store, transport, treat, dispose, or handle Bio-medical waste in any form.

    Every occupier of an institution generating, collecting,receiving, storing, transporting, treating disposal and for

    handling Bio-medical waste in any other manner, exceptsuch occupier of clinics, dispensaries, pathologicallaboratories, blood banks providing treatment/service toless than 1000 patients per month and also the operators of

    Biomedical waste facility are covered under these rules.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesSalient Features of BMW (M&H) Rules

    Rule 4 specify Duty of occupier (generator) to take all steps to

    ensure that such waste is handled without any adverse effectto human health and the environment.

    The occupier must ensure that any waste is treated in amanner which is not harmful to human health or the

    environment. It is the responsibility of the occupier to set-up the requisite

    bio-medical waste treatment facilities or to ensure requisitetreatment of waste at a common waste treatment facility or

    any other waste treatment facility.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesSalient Features of BMW (M&H) Rules

    Segregation, Packaging, Transportation and Storage:

    The rules prohibit the mixing of bio-medical waste with

    other wastes. It establishes that biomedical waste shall be segregated

    into containers or bags at the point of generation prior toits storage, transportation, treatment and disposal. The

    containers must also be labeled. This must be done in accordance with Schedule III found

    in the rules. The general rule is that no untreated bio-medical waste is

    to be kept stored beyond a period of 48 hours. Measures must be taken to ensure that the waste does not

    adversely affect human health and the environment.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesSalient Features of BMW (M&H) Rules

    Treatment and Disposal:

    Bio-medical waste shall be treated and disposed of inaccordance with Schedule I, and in compliance with thestandards prescribed in Schedule V.

    Every occupier, where required, shall set up in accordancewith the time-schedule in Schedule VI, requisite bio-medicalwaste treatment facilities like incinerator, autoclave,

    microwave systemfor the treatment of waste, or, ensure requisite treatment ofwaste at a common waste treatment facility or any otherwaste treatment facility.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesAuthorisation and Reporting:

    Every occupier of an institution generating, collecting,

    receiving, storing, transporting, treating, disposing andhandling bio-medical waste except

    clinics, dispensaries,

    pathological laboratories and blood banks

    which provide treatment/service to less than 1000 patients

    per month shall make an application to the authorityestablished by the Government of the State or UnionTerritory for grant of authorisation.

    a report must be submitted by every occupier by the January

    31, every year.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesMaintenance of Records

    Every authorised person shall maintain recordsrelated to the generation, collection, reception,storage, transportation, treatment, disposal and/orany form of handling of bio-medical waste inaccordance with these rules and any guidelinesissued.

    All records shall be subject to inspection andverification by the prescribed authority at any time.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesAccident Reporting:

    Where any accident occurs at any institution or

    facility then the authorised person shall report theaccident to the prescribed authority.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesCategories, Color Coding & Type of Container for Disposal of BM Waste

    Option Waste Category Treatment & Disposal

    Cat. No. 1 Human Anatomical Waste (human tissues,organs, body parts) Incineration /deepburial

    Cat. No. 2 Animal Waste Animal tissues, organs,Body parts carcasses, bleeding parts, fluid,

    blood and experimental animals used inresearch, waste generated by

    veterinary hospitals / colleges, dischargefrom hospitals, animal houses)

    Incineration /deep burial

    Cat. No. 3 Microbiology & Biotechnology waste(wastes from laboratory cultures, stocks orspecimens of micro-organisms live or

    attenuated vaccines, human and animalcell culture used in research andinfectious agents from research andindustrial laboratories, wastes from

    production of biological, toxins, dishesand devices used for transfer of cultures)

    Local autoclaving/ microwaving/ incineration

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Option Waste Category Treatment & Disposal

    Cat. No. 4 Waste Sharps (needles, syringes, scalpelsblades, glass etc. that may cause punctureand cuts. This includes both used &unused sharps)

    Disinfections (chemicaltreatment /autoclaving/micro waving andmutilation shredding

    Cat. No. 5 Discarded Medicines and Cytotoxic drugs(wastes comprising of outdated,contaminated and discarded medicines)

    Incineration /destruction & drugsdisposal in securedlandfills

    Cat. No. 6 Solid Waste (Items contaminated withblood and body fluids including cotton,dressings, soiled plaster casts,

    line beddings, other material contaminatedwith blood)

    Incineration ,autoclaving/microwaving

    Cat. No. 7 Solid Waste (waste generated fromdisposable items other than the wastesharps such as tubing, catheters,

    intravenous sets etc.)

    Disinfections bychemicaltreatment autoclaving/mi

    cro waving& mutilationshredding.

    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesCategories, Color Coding & Type of Container for Disposal of BM Waste

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesCategories, Color Coding & Type of Container for Disposal of BM Waste

    Cat. No. 8 Liquid Waste (waste generated fromlaboratory & washing, cleaning , house-keeping and disinfecting activities)

    Disinfections bychemical treatment anddischarge into drain

    Cat. No. 9 Incineration Ash (ash from incineration ofany bio-medical waste)

    Disposal in municipallandfill

    Cat. No. 10 Chemical Waste (chemicals used inproduction of biological, chemicals, usedin disinfect ion, as insecticides, etc)

    Chemical treatment &discharge into drain forliquid & secured landfillfor solids

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Color Coding & Type of Container for Disposal of Bio-Medical Waste

    Colour Coding Typeof Containers

    Waste Category Treatment Optionsas per Schedule 1

    Yellow Plastic bag 1,2,3,6 Incineration/deepburial

    Red DisinfectedContainer/ Plastic


    3,6,7 Autoclaving/Microwaving/ Chemical


    Blue/ Whitetranslucent


    proof container

    4,7 Autoclaving/Microwaving/ chemical

    treatment anddestruction/shreddi


    Black Plastic bag 5,9,10 (Solid) Disposal in secured


  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesLabel for Transport of Bio-Medical Waste Containers/Bags

    Day:______ Month _________

    Waste Category No. _________ Year ______________Waste Class Date of generation__________

    Waste Description Receiver's Name & Address

    Sender's Name & Address Phone No.:_______________

    Phone No.:_________________ Telex No. :_______________Telex No. _________________ Fax No. :________________

    Fax No. ___________________ Contact Person:____________

    Contact Person _____________

    In case of emergency please Contact:

    Name & Address:

    Phone No.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) RulesTreatment of wastes

    Disinfect: To cleanse so as to destroy or prevent the growthof disease-carrying microorganisms. A disinfectant orantiseptic is a chemical substance that kills or prevents growthof microorganisms such as disease-causing bacteria.

    Autoclave: A strong, heated container used for chemical

    reactions and other processes using high pressures andtemperatures. Autoclaving is a low heat thermal process and ituses steam for disinfection of waste.

    Autoclaves are of two types depending on the method they

    use for removal of air pockets are gravity flow autoclave and vacuum autoclave.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) Rules

    Treatment of wastes

    Mutilation: To disfigure by damaging irreparably Microwaving is a process which disinfects the waste

    by moist heat and steam generated by microwaveenergy.

  • 7/29/2019 Bio Medical Rules


    Bio-Medical Waste(Management & Handling) Rules

    Treatment of wastes

    Incineration is a waste treatment process thatinvolves the combustion of organic substances

    contained in waste materials.

    Incineration and other high temperature waste

    treatment systems are described as "thermal


    Incineration of waste materials converts thewaste into ash, flue gas, and heat. The ash is

    mostly formed by the inorganic constituents of

    the waste, and may take the form of solid lumps

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