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The insurmountable rising cost of inorganic fertilizers is inevitably uncontrollable in the coming production years. Looking into this perspective the farmers has to look for an alternative measures to sustain his farming business profitability.

On December 27, 2005 Her Excellency President Gloria MacapagalArroyo signed Executive Order 481 on the Promotion andDevelopment of Organic Agriculture in the Philippines. Then, Former Agriculture Secretary Domingo F. Panganiban signed Administrative Order No. 9 series of 2006 or the Implementing

Rules and Regulations (IRR) of EO 481. With these development the Department of Agriculture has come up with programs and projects in support to EO 481. Thus, the Agricultural Training Institute in Region 8 made this material on bio-organic inputs in response to the program.

This material discusses steps on the preparation, the materials needed, the applications and benefits of the different bio-organic inputs. It is hope that this material will provide the needed knowhow on bio-organic inputs that would eventually help farmers improve their farming.


1. To produce homemade BIO FERTILIZERS using inexpensive basic materials.2. To identify its different use and applications.3. To make recommendations to improve the production and to maximize its effectivity.

The Bio-Organic InputsThis material discusses the following organic inputs:

1. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)2. Fermented Amino Acid (FAA)3. .Vermitea (VCT)4. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)5. Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)6. Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)7. Indigenous Microorganism (IMO)



Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widespread microorganisms which can be found in any environment rich mainly in carbohydrates, LAB are anaerobic microorganisms that decompose sugar in the absence of oxygen. Normally, they are separated and cultured with rice washed water and milk. This is how Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS) is obtained.

Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum is now used for its ability to convert waste into organic matter and basic materials. And they thrive and feed on the ammonia released in the decomposition normally associated with the foul odor (removes foul odor). Lastly, they serves as defense against pathogenic diseases such as harmful viruses and fungi.

Today LABS application can be observe on field of natural farming, livestock production, aquaculture, and even in households.

MATERIALS TO BE USED: 1kg Rice Plastic Basin

Water 1 kg of Powdered Milk

1 Kg of Molasses Strainer (or Clean cloth)

Paper and Rubber band Funnel

Jar or Container


STEP 1: Put 700 ml of water to 1 kg rice then by use of hand stir, swirl and crush the mixture until milky colored water is attained. (The water is now a rich source of carbohydrates) Obtain

rice wash by filtering the mixture using clean cloth.STEP 2: Place 500 ml rice wash to a jar and cover it with paper (use rubber band to tie the paper

covering). Leave the jar in cool dark place for 5-7 days.STEP 3: After a week, when the bran has risen and it smells a little sour and forms 3 layers. This is indicating the rice wash is infected with various microbes. Take about 100 ml of clear water

by straining again the mixture.STEP 4: Add 1 L of milk (to obtain 1:10 Water and Milk ratio). You may use skim or powdered milk, although fresh milk is the best. Cover the jar with paper same as before. Leave for 5-7

days in cool dark place.


STEP 5: After about 1 week you’ll see curds (made of carbohydrate, protein, and fat) or the white part and yellow liquid or whey, enriched with lactic acid bacteria from the fermentation

of the milk. Extract the whey by pouring through a strainerSTEP 6: Add Molasses or brown sugar in equal part to the collected whey. This is to preserve the LABS at room temperature. So, if you have 1L of serum, add 1kilo sugar or 1L molasses. Otherwise store in fridge to keep. Then place it in clean container and label it accordingly


Based on our research we summarizes the different uses of LABS: It can be used as alternative strategy to antibiotics growth promoters used in farm

animals. Because continuous use of antibiotics may increase bacterial resistance, which can threaten the health of both animals and humans. Mix 2tbsp to 1L water, then add that mixture to animal’s water at 2tbsp/L (so the animal’s water contains little less than a quarter tsp/L of lacto serum). But this is very flexible. The Lacto serum is not harmful, so it’s just about adding enough to be effective, without wasting it.

In plants, spraying diluted solution of lactic acid bacteria serum (2tbsp. /1 liter of water) to the plant and soil helps plant growth and makes them healthier. As it is applied to the soil or the leaves, these beneficial bacteria aid in the decomposition process, thus allowing more food to be available and assimilated by the plant. And it is also known to produce enzymes and natural antibiotics aiding effective digestion and has antibacterial properties that serves as defense against fungi and viruses.

In Aquaculture, with regular addition of this beneficial organism to poor quality water (because of high amount of ammonia that pollutes water) ammonia problem is minimized and helps hasten or complete the denitrification or converting wastes into forms not harmful to fish. Add lacto at roughly 1L per 700m3 of fish-containing water.

Other applications: Used for its odor killing ability in animal wastes, clogged drains, foul odor of canals and addition to beneficial organism in composts.


We recommend that:1. Use LABS in morning, to avoid exposure to direct sunlight with UV that may kill or reduce their effectivity.2. Avoid store milk that have antibiotic components. 3. During production and storage keep away the container from rainwater for this may cause contamination. Also keep it safe from wild animals.4. Do not use plastic lids or covering that will prevent aeration. That’s why we use paper.5. Use gloves and protective gears, aside from LAB it is possible that it contains harmfull organism that may enter your body through exposed body parts (ex. wounds)



Ikeda, David M. et al. Sustainable Agriculture, “Farming: Lactic Acid Bacteria”.August 2013, CTHR. Minoa, Hawaii

Gilliland, S. E., 1990. Health and nutritional benefits from lactic acid bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Rev. 1990 Sep;7(1-2):175-88.

Lim, A. K., 2005. Handout on natural farming system and technology seminar. Davao: Tribal Mission Foundation International, Inc.

Guolong Zhang, The Use of Lactic Acid Bacteria as a Probiotic in Swine Diets, Mar. 2015 URL:

Rory Turnbull, DIY Lacto Bacillus Culture, Jan. 2013 URL:

Gil and Patrick, 2016 URL:

Dugas, J., n.d. Lactic acid bacteria. URL: .



In “Natural Farming” natural materials are used instead of chemical inputs. One of the important tools used in Natural farming is Fish Amino Acid or FAA. These kind of bio fertilizers are easily made and prepared and help to reduce expenses of farmers.

The Fish Amino Acid (FAA) is a liquid made from fish. FAA is of great value to both plants and microorganisms in their growth, because it contains various types of amino acids and abundant amount of nutrients. Studies have proved that Amino Acids can directly or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant. Amino Acids are also supplied to plant by incorporating them into the soil. It helps in improving the micro flora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.

FAA is produced by fermenting fresh fish by-products (bones, head, skin, and other tankage parts) with brown sugar. Fresh fish scraps is collected and composted in a bucket added with molasses to the mixture to help build up microbes, and speed up decomposition. The brown matter molasses controls the odor and absorbs organic nitrogen from the fish. The bucket of fish is then made to rot for at least one week. The liquid is used to breed beneficial microbes and supply extra proteins to the emulsion. It provides an NPK ratio of 4-1-1 and is most often used as foliar feed to provide a quick nitrogen boost.


1. 1 kilo of Fish trash (head, bone, intestines, scales, gills, etc)2. 1 kilo of molasses3. Jar or Contatiner4. Paper and String/Rubber Band5. Bottle for storage


1. Collect a kilo of Fish Trash. And cut into pieces 2. Place the Fish Trash inside the Jar.3. Put in a kilo of molasses in the Jar and mix.4. Cover the Jar with paper and tie it with the string.5. Place the jar in a cool dry place. Away from sunlight and rain. Leave it there for 20 days.6. After 20 days, separate the liquid from the solids. The liquid has the Fish Amino Acids

(FAA).7. Transfer liquid into clean plastic bottles.



Plants- Aside from organic nitrogen sources, they also supply phosphorus, potassium, amino acids, proteins and trace elements or micro-nutrients that are really needed to provide deep nutrition to your soil community and plants. One of the benefits of fish emulsion is that they provide a slower release of nutrients into the soil without over-feeding all at once.

What more, using fish emulsion as our foliar spray helps us get rid of pests too. They hate the fishy smell, no matter how miniscule.

Soil – (1) Use as a soil drench as opposed to foliar spray. Whenever we drench the soil with fish, we build up the soil’s microbial activities, supplying lots of nitrogen to the roots and topsoil. (2) Inoculate compost to boost fungal population. (3) (4) Mix in water when watering plants, as a natural fish fertilizer and to enhance populations of micro-organisms in the soil

Animals- Mix with water for an effective protein/lacto boost for your animals. They'll love or hate it

TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS The bucket is stirred daily to get air into the mixture. Remember air allows for better

decomposition and better aerobic microbial growth. You will likely be able to get fish scraps or wastes in places where fish is cleaned prior

selling or consumption. The fish section of the wet market will usually have traders removing fish parts like intestines, gills, liver, gall bladder, heart, fins, tail, scales and even bones. Typically, these are thrown away and so you could just ask them for free.

The pulp that will be left behind after extracting and collecting the fish emulsion is not wasted. It may be used as a good starter mix for the next batch of fish emulsion, because of its state of decomposition. It may also be used to feed a compost pile that can later be applied and mixed into your garden soil.

Never use directly to plant leaves or soil, you should dilute it with water. you should dilute fish amino acid with water.

It is not recommendable to use FAA during the period of reproductive growth, because it may induce over growth.

The optimum temperature for storage ranges between 23-250C andNo direct sunlight. Acool place is recommended.





The presence of earthworms in soil ecosystems is an indicator of the well- being of a system. Earthworms have the unique ability to convert elements such as minerals, nutrients and microbes from the soil or composting systems into an excretion that contains the vastest amount of plant nutrients, microbes and growth elements that do exist. The excretion is called vermicast or vermicompost.

Vermicompost is a compost that has been digested by worms (vermi) and does not need to be turned, because worms "turn" the organic matter in their digestive tract, eliminating work for gardeners.

Vermicompost tea is a liquid derived from soaking and or brewing compost in water and is used as a foliar and soil application to plants. Vermicompost tea protected the leaves and stems of plants from the top down and not only from the soil. Direct application on the plant dramatically boosted its growth and vitality. The extract was rich in microbes, which helps restore plants after being exposed to pesticides and other environmental damage. It can contain the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen in the form of nitrate or ammonium (N03 and NH4); phosphorus (P); and potassium (K).


1. Large clean bucket, 2. High quality vermicompost / worm castings3. Some type of permeable bag like nylon material (such as nylon stockings) for holding

the compost;4. Aged water – if you are using tap water you should let it sit for a day or two so as to

remove the chlorine. Preferably, use some rainwater or pond water if you have some on hand.


1. Dissolve 2kg of molasses on the 200L water placed in a container2. Put 10kg vermicast in a nylon stocking or similar permeable bag. .3. Tie off nylon, and dip and submerged in water-molasses mixture. Cover the

container to keep away from insect and animals. Place the brewing in a shaded area out of direct sunlight

4. After 3 days remove the vermicast sack. Mix the water mixture and this will be the Vermitea. Harvest and transfer to clean containers.


Use a ratio of 10 parts water to 1 part tea


Disease- For disease suppression on fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, applications can be made as often as every 5 to ten days.

As A Root Drench- Can be used unfiltered by applying directly to the soil area around a plant. The tea will step down into the root system. Root feeding is not affected by rainy weather.

Root Zone- Spray it over the root zone to feed the plant through the roots. I prefer to put compost tea in a watering can and water the leaves. A good amount drips off to enrich the soil. This is fast, easy, and effective.

Transplant Solution- Another great use for compost tea: use it as a transplant solution, to help your plants in transitioning to their new environment

Compost Pile- If you have any tea left over, consider putting it on your compost pile. This can help accelerate the microbial activity of your compost pile, which means quicker composting!

Plant. - Compost Tea can be applied about every two weeks to your garden plants once plants and transplants have become established. By established, we simply mean that they have been in the ground 7 to 10 days and are over the initial shock of transplant.


Apply VCT early in the day, to allow the foliage to dry before night, which reduces the chance of foliar diseases

Use well-aged, finished compost Unfinished compost may contain harmful pathogens and compost that is too old may be

nutritionally deficient. COMPOST TEA and MANURE TEA ARE NOT THE SAME THING! Manure teas may be made in the same way but are not generally recommended as foliar sprays and are not as nutritionally well-balanced.)

If molasses are not readily available, you can use brown sugar. Best if you put out the sack of vermicast 3 times a day. Water your garden as you normally would Water your houseplants Use the worm compost tea to water seedlings or baby plants Cover a whole plant with worm compost tea including the leaves. Many people believe

that the beneficial microbes in worm tea help protect plants from diseases. A sprayer or spray bottle works well. Be sure to strain the worm compost tea before adding it to the spray bottle.

Serve worm compost tea at your next tea party.




Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN), a fermented extract of herbs, is used in Natural Farming to provide plants and soil microorganisms with micro-nutrients, which may optimize their resilience to environmental stresses (wind, heat, drought, etc.). OHN is a mixture of edible, aromatic herbs extracted with alcohol and fermented with brown sugar. It is used to discourage the growth of anaerobic, potentially pathogenic microbes and encourage beneficial aerobic microbes in the soil and on plants.). These herbs are used in the

creation of OHN.


1. 3 or 5 of Plant material examples are: Garlic, Ginger, Onion, Siling Labuyo, Oregano etc.2. Beer 3. Gin or Coconut Vinegar4. Brown Sugar or Molasses5. Jar or container6. Paper and Rubber Band


1. Chop equal amount of choice of herbs (Ex. 1kg of Garlic, Ginger and Onion). Any combination of the above will work. An easier way instead of chopping is pressing, hammering them to break the fibers. Place in the jar or container. Add beer to the level of the ingredients. Cover with paper and ensure with rubber band, keep in a dark, cool place. Leave for 12 hrs.

2. Add Molasses the amount of used individual herb (1kg molasses using above example) .Cover again with paper/rubber band and keep in a cool, dark place. Ferment for 7days.

3. Add Gin or Coconut Vinegar, equivalent to the amount of Beer that was used on day1. Cover again and keep in a dark, cool place.

4. After 10 days. Time to harvest the OHN. Just filter out the sludge. This is considered the first cycle

5. Repeat Step 2-4 for the 2nd cycle6. Repeat Step 2-4 for the 3rd cycle


PROPER USAGE: 1-2tsp per Liter of water

PEST AND DISEASESo It's primarily used as an IPM input. It kills PM and downy mold very well, promoting

good colonization of microbes.o Apply as a foliar spray on plants to repel insects. Apply during late afternoon or early

morning hours.o When plants have soft rot or anthracnose add water soluble calcium (WCA 1000)

to this solution.



o OHN keeps our chickens healthy. Use it 3x a week to strengthen their immune system. When the chickens are sick, they are given OHN for 3days straight. Use 2 Tablespoons for every liter of fresh water.

SOILo Apply diluted OHN as a soil drench prior to planting to activate dormant soil

microorganisms. PEST AND DISEASES

o It's primarily used as an IPM input. It kills PM and downy mold very well, promoting good colonization of microbes.

o Apply as a foliar spray on plants to repel insects. Apply during late afternoon or early morning hours.

o When plants have soft rot or anthracnose add water soluble calcium (WCA 1000) to this solution.





Fermented plant juice (FPJ) is derived from mixing the young shoots of the plants with molasses and/or crude sugar and fermented in one (1) week. The shoots of plants are difficult to dissolve in water or any kind of oil but it can be done with a little amount of alcohol. The process of fermenting the soft part of the plants with molasses/crude sugar and with the presence of microorganisms will result to a small percent of alcohol which is responsible in extracting the juice from the young parts of the plants. FPJ is rich in micro and macro-nutrients. The primary elements that FPJ can provide are nitrogen and some micro-nutrients like calcium, molybdenum, manganese, iron and carbon. The juice also contains rich microorganisms which give strength to plants and animals


1. The part of the plants used for this fermentation is the shoot because it is this part that stores a high percentage of nutrients coming from the soil and from the atmosphere. Moreover, plants used for FPJ are those that are fast growing such that, if you cut the shoot now, regeneration of a new part will take effect in a few hours. We ourselves use: Kamote, Squash, Kangkong, Alugbati, Banana, Bamboo. You may use others with same characteristics and the ones readily available in your area.

2. You can use either crude sugar or molasses or whichever is available and can be bought at a lower price.

3. You will need basin, ceramic pot or plastic pail, net bag or cloth bag, paper or cloth for cover, string, stone as weight, bolo, chopping board, marking pen and glass jars.


1. Shake off dirt from the Plants but do not wash in water. Washing will remove useful

microorganisms. If the ingredients are too big, cut them to adequate sizes, about 3 to 5 cm. This

increases contact surface area and promotes osmotic pressure.

2. Measure the weight of the ingredient and the weight of brown sugar. Brown sugar should be

between half of the weight of the ingredient.

3. Put the ingredients and brown sugar in a large wide container and mix. Cover with porous paper

and leave for 1 to 2 hours.


4. Put the mixture into the jar. It should fill up ¾ of the jar. It is important that the jar is not too full

or under full. The empty space is not empty. It is filled with air, for optimum fermentation to


5. Put on the cover and tie the jar. A cover is needed to prevent insects from getting into the

mixture. Paper is ideal because it lets the air in and out.

6. Remove the weight after 1 or 2 days. After the air has escaped, put back the cover again.

7. Put the jar in a cool and shaded place. Do not open, move or stir the ingredients during the

process of fermentation.

8. After 15 days, strain the contents of the pail and transfer liquid to a clean container. You now

have Fermented Plant Juice which is a very good fertilizer.


As seed treatment before sowing – soak the seeds in 0.2 % solution for 4 to 5 hours to facilitate germination and as a start-up solution to germinating seeds.

As a natural growth enhancer – Fermented Plant Juice made from actively growing plant parts and fast growing plants may contain natural growth hormones and mineralized nitrogen that promotes plant growth. Mix 1 teaspoon of Fermented Plant Juice per liter of water and spray on the leaves or apply directly to the soil around the plants from seedling stage up to pre-flowering stage. You can apply weekly or depending on plant vigor. Please note that with the use of Fermented Plant Juice, there is no overdose; you may use it liberally. However, the soil must be watered first before applying Fermented Plant Juice to avoid scorching of the roots.

Apply Fermented Plant Juice to the soil to serve as source of energy to accelerate activities of soil microorganism. This activity will make the nutrients available to the plants.

Give Fermented Plant Juice, as drink, to livestock at 1 tbsp/liter to increase microbial activities in gastrointestinal tracts. This would result to better absorption of nutrients.

Spray to animal beddings to hasten manure decomposition.


o The FPJ enhances growth and provides food for the indigenous microorganisms (IMO). We add it to the drinking water of our chickens and spray it all around the farm on the seedlings, vegetable plots and fruit trees.

o The most important requirement when selecting plants for making FPJ is to use the growing tips of plant species that are fast growers. Flowers, flower buds, and immature fruits can also be used. Hard or woody plant parts will yield little or no plant juice. The plants should be vigorously growing at the time of collection. Plant parts should be harvested while the plants are in respiration mode (before sunrise) and not in photosynthetic mode (during daylight), due to the effects these processes have on plant chemistry.

o Polyethylene or glass products or clay jar may be used as a container. When using glass bottles, brown glass containers must be preferred.

o Store in a cool place. Select a shaded area where there is no direct sunlight and where the temperature does not fluctuate. Direct sunlight should be avoided.


o The optimum temperature range is 1 to15ºC for storage (Use a Refrigerator if available) if you want to keep for one year. Otherwise one can use within 30 days store at room temperature.

o WHEN NOT TO USE FPJ During excessive vegetative growth or overgrowth due to prolonged rains or cloudy weather. FPJ made from the crop itself should not be used as this will promote further growth. During acidic or nitrogen-excessive crop conditions, which create a pest-attractive

environment. Conditions of too much moisture or of bad ventilation, which promotes fungal growth.




Fermented fruit juice, also known as FFJ, is a part of the ‘Natural farming method’ developed by Dr. Han Kyu Cho of South Korea. This concoction can be made at home from many common overripe sweet fruits. It uses brown (raw) sugar to extract the phytochemicals in fruits. The fermenting process takes at least a week to complete. This liquid have nutritional activation enzymes and help to increase nutrients in the soil and therefore in the plants growing in it, especially potassium levels. It is commonly used as a foliar spray to enhance flowering and fruiting stage. Now, it is also use in animal production as it gives supplemental nutrients to animals.


1. Locally produced sweet ripe fruits like mango, banana, papaya, strawberry and chico; ripe squash fruit and matured carrot; and root crops particularly camote, cassava and gabi. Citrus fruits are not recommended. You can make Fermented Fruit Juice from single material or a combination of materials. The extract from the combination of banana, papaya, and squash have been proven to be effective in flower induction and fruit setting by many organic farmers. 2. You can use either crude sugar or molasses or whichever is available or can be purchased at lower cost.3. You will also need ceramic pots or plastic pail, basin, net bag or cloth bag, paper or cloth for cover, string, stone as weight, bolo, chopping board, marking pen, and glass jars for storage.


1. Prepare the Ripe Fruit Meat by peeling the skin and removing the seed of the fruit.2. Chop the Ripe Fruit Meat into little pieces. 3. Put chopped materials in the jar and add exact amount/weight of crude sugar or molasses, and

then mix. You must make sure that all chopped materials are coated with sugar or molasses so that the juice can be extracted easily.

4. Cover the jar with paper and tie it securely with the string.5. Leave the jar in a cool and dry place for 7 days to ferment. Away from sunlight and rain. Make

sure that the storage area is not infested with cockroaches or mice, because they might feed on the mixture and contaminate the extract. In 7 days, plant juice is extracted and fermented. The fruit extract will change its color from yellow orange to brown, and will smell sweet and alcoholic.

6. After 7 days, separate the liquid from the solids. The liquid is the Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ).



As flower inducer and fruit setter – Fermented Fruit Juice made from a combination of ripe fruits of banana, papaya and squash have been proven by many organic farmers to be effective when sprayed on the leaves at the rate of 2 to 4 tbsp. /gallon of water at the onset of flowering up to fruit setting. These ripe fruits contain phosphorous and potassium which are necessary during the flowering and fruit setting stage.

As soil microorganism activity accelerator – Fermented Fruit Juice is applied directly to the soil at the rate of 1tsp/liter of water. The carbohydrates and sugar content of Fermented Fruit Juice serve as source of energy of soil microorganism, thereby, accelerating their activity. Increased microbial activities result to the availability of nutrients for plant’s uptake.

As spray to animal beddings to hasten manure decomposition – Fermented Fruit Juice contains beneficial microorganisms that help in the decomposition process.

As a nutritious drink – a 20% Fermented Fruit Juice solution makes an excellent drink for both human and livestock.


o Use any materials that are free from insect pests and diseases.o Avoid using fruits that were treated with Calcium Carbide (kalburo) or any other chemical

treatments.o Do not use white sugar.o You do not have to mix the brown sugar with water to make it liquid. The rise in temperature

due to fermentation will melt the brown sugar.o If jars are too expensive or are not readily available in your location you can use plastic water

containers.o Always leave 1/3 of the bottle empty so the liquid can “breathe”o Don not tighten the bottle lid for 2 weeks after bottling to allow gasses to escape and avoid a

sticky explosiono Solid materials from the fermentation process can be given to animals as feeds or to plants as

composto FFJ should have a pleasant smell and sweet and tangy tasteo FFJ keeps for over a year or longer if refrigerated




Indigenous Micro-Organism (IMO) is one of the most basic and important input in natural farming. IMO are naturally occurring microbes from bacterial and fungal sources that have uniquely evolved to thrive in your particular area and are collected and used to re-populate the soil's micro-sphere and the plant's surfaces - bringing them back into balance. This balance serves as the foundation for a healthy soil biology, productive nutrient recycling, and optimized plant growth/production. A large diversity of IMO can be found in forests, bamboo groves and areas with thick accumulation of plant residues. Advantages of

IMO are: (1) Organic & chemical-free Safe, (2) cheap and easy to use. (3) Nature & environmental friendly


1. Container (bamboo split open or wooden box/plastic tray about 81/2”x11”x3”)2. Manila paper3. String4. 1 kg cooked cool rice5. 1 kg molasses6. Plastic bag7. Plastic pail

STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE1. Weigh 1 kg of cooked cool rice and place inside a chosen container.2. Cover the container with clean Manila paper; tie with string then wrap with plastic bag.3. After 3 days check if there are white molds on top of the rice. If none yet, return and keep it

there until there are enough molds.4. Remove the moldy rice from the container, place in a plastic pail and add 1 kg molasses. Be sure

that the container is only 70% full.5. Cover the pail with a clean sheet of paper and store in a dry cool place, away from sunlight.

Label accordingly.6. After 7 days, the mixture will yield a mud like juice, you can remove the liquid. 7. Label with the name of the mixture, the start of the process and the date of harvest.8. Strain and bottle.



PROPER USAGE: 1-2tsp per Liter of water

Enriches Soil -Using of IMO builds up the soil’s life and diversity. Their essential work is to break down nutrients into forms that are accessible to plants and animals.

Protects crops from diseases- The more sterilized your soil is the fewer microorganisms it will have, this will invites diseases causing them to propagate explosively. A web of lively and diverse microorganisms provides the necessary checks and balances preventing this from occurring.

Plants- Apply as a foliar spray or soil drench. Greatly enhances growth and health of plants by establishing a healthy population of microbes in the soil and on leaf surfaces. Transports food to roots builds a healthy ecosystem from the ground up. This is an invaluable job and the greatest benefit of this serum. Aids disease resistance – fights pathogens, occupies spaces that could otherwise go to harmful bacteria/molds. Aid composting – massively enhances compost – there will be a whole separate post on this concept Aid organic fertilizer. Add to your nutrient solution, microbes break down organic nutrients into bio-available forms that plants can utilize directly

Animals - Boost growth by enhancing digestion and aids disease resistance. Fight the bad bacteria. Used to inoculate farmyard (spray ground) where animals occupy to maintain healthy microbial system. Used to create and maintain a healthy deep bed litter flooring. It is these micro-organisms that will help breaks down fecal matter rapidly leaving you with a fertilizer rich material whilst ensure no smells or flies