biogeography of some eocene larger … · biogeography of some eocene larger foraminifera, and...

Palaeontologia Electronica Lunt, Peter. 2003. Biogeography of Some Eocene Larger Foraminifera, and Their Application in Distinguishing Geological Plates. Palaeontologia Electronica 6(1): 22, 1.3MB; BIOGEOGRAPHY OF SOME EOCENE LARGER FORAMINIFERA, AND THEIR APPLICATION IN DISTINGUISHING GEOLOGICAL PLATES Peter Lunt ABSTRACT Indo-Pacific Eocene carbonate sediments can be divided into two groups based on the presence of certain larger foraminifera. One of these faunal groups is associ- ated with the Sundaland craton, the geological core of western Indonesia and is also found on low latitude Pacific islands as well as low latitude western Tethyan regions. The second fauna is found on the Australian Plate, and the micro-plate terrains have been derived from it since the Eocene. This correlation leads to the hypothesis that the Middle and Late Eocene Sunda- land fauna, identified by the three, probably related genera: Assilina, Pellatispira, and Biplanispira [hereafter abbreviated to "APB"] indicate a low latitude, shallow marine fauna, able to cross oceanic migration barriers but restricted from migrating far outside the tropics. In contrast, the fauna identified by the genus Lacazinella, which has about the same stratigraphic range as the APB lineage, is thought to be a higher latitude fauna centered on the Australian continent. This faunal difference occurred at a time of maximum separation of the Sunda and Australian plates. Therefore, subsequent Tertiary collision of these plates can be iden- tified by the present complex distribution of previously separate faunas, and a tectonic suture can be plotted for the collision area in Eastern Indonesia/Papua, which gener- ally agrees with other geological data. To partially test this hypothesis some Eocene limestone samples from Christmas Island were collected and studied. This oceanic guyot is now slightly closer to Indone- sia than Australia, but in Eocene times it would have been much further south. In this location neither APB or Lacazinella were found. Instead the fauna is dominated by small Discocyclina and Grzybowskia, the first record of the latter genus in the Indo- Pacific area. The few known species of Grzybowskia are recorded from the Boreal region of Europe, in strata usually assigned to the Late Eocene. This new record sug- gests Grzybowskia is, somewhat like Lacazinella, a higher latitude form but with repre- sentatives on both sides of the Eocene equator. A new species, Grzybowskia jasoni sp. nov. is described. Peter Lunt. Lundin Oil & Gas B.V., Plaza Great River 8th Floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav X-2 No. 1, Jakarta 12950. Indonesia. [email protected] KEY WORDS: foraminifera, Eocene, palaeogeography, biogeography, Christmas Island, Indonesia, south- east Asia, Ocean Drilling Program Copyright: Palaeontological Association - 19 December 2003 Submission: 11 March 2003 - Acceptance: 3 December 2003

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Page 1: BIOGEOGRAPHY OF SOME EOCENE LARGER … · Biogeography of Some Eocene Larger Foraminifera, and Their Application in ... THEIR APPLICATION IN DISTINGUISHING GEOLOGICAL ... samples

Palaeontologia Electronica

Lunt, Peter. 2003. Biogeography of Some Eocene Larger Foraminifera, and Their Application in Distinguishing Geological Plates. Palaeontologia Electronica 6(1): 22, 1.3MB;


Peter Lunt


Indo-Pacific Eocene carbonate sediments can be divided into two groups basedon the presence of certain larger foraminifera. One of these faunal groups is associ-ated with the Sundaland craton, the geological core of western Indonesia and is alsofound on low latitude Pacific islands as well as low latitude western Tethyan regions.The second fauna is found on the Australian Plate, and the micro-plate terrains havebeen derived from it since the Eocene.

This correlation leads to the hypothesis that the Middle and Late Eocene Sunda-land fauna, identified by the three, probably related genera: Assilina, Pellatispira, andBiplanispira [hereafter abbreviated to "APB"] indicate a low latitude, shallow marinefauna, able to cross oceanic migration barriers but restricted from migrating far outsidethe tropics. In contrast, the fauna identified by the genus Lacazinella, which has aboutthe same stratigraphic range as the APB lineage, is thought to be a higher latitudefauna centered on the Australian continent.

This faunal difference occurred at a time of maximum separation of the Sunda andAustralian plates. Therefore, subsequent Tertiary collision of these plates can be iden-tified by the present complex distribution of previously separate faunas, and a tectonicsuture can be plotted for the collision area in Eastern Indonesia/Papua, which gener-ally agrees with other geological data.

To partially test this hypothesis some Eocene limestone samples from ChristmasIsland were collected and studied. This oceanic guyot is now slightly closer to Indone-sia than Australia, but in Eocene times it would have been much further south. In thislocation neither APB or Lacazinella were found. Instead the fauna is dominated bysmall Discocyclina and Grzybowskia, the first record of the latter genus in the Indo-Pacific area. The few known species of Grzybowskia are recorded from the Borealregion of Europe, in strata usually assigned to the Late Eocene. This new record sug-gests Grzybowskia is, somewhat like Lacazinella, a higher latitude form but with repre-sentatives on both sides of the Eocene equator.

A new species, Grzybowskia jasoni sp. nov. is described.

Peter Lunt. Lundin Oil & Gas B.V., Plaza Great River 8th Floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav X-2 No. 1,Jakarta 12950. Indonesia. [email protected]

KEY WORDS: foraminifera, Eocene, palaeogeography, biogeography, Christmas Island, Indonesia, south-east Asia, Ocean Drilling ProgramCopyright: Palaeontological Association - 19 December 2003Submission: 11 March 2003 - Acceptance: 3 December 2003

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After many years examining field and wellsamples of Nummulites and Discocyclina domi-nated limestones (Eocene, generally shallowmarine) from eastern Indonesia, an association ofsecondary larger foraminifera was noted to corre-late with plate tectonic divisions. A review of pub-lished data and proprietary industry recordsstrengthened and extended this palaeogeographiccorrelation.

In order to partly test this hypothesis, a visitwas made to Eocene limestones of ChristmasIsland. Christmas Island faunas occur between thetwo aforementioned faunas but had not yet beendescribed in detail. The short accounts availablementioned neither of the palaeogeographic markertaxa. The new samples showed that the apparentlow diversity implied by previous summaries wasreal and not just a limitation of effort in study. Thelarge number of polished and thin sections madefor this study made it possible to identify that anabundant Heterostegine form was quite distinctand unusual, being a new species of the Borealgenus Grzybowskia. This is the first record of thisgenus in the Indo-Pacific area or the southernhemisphere, and a summary of the distribution ofthis taxon also shows a strong palaeogeographiccontrol. The reasons for including this species inGrzybowskia, and hence for adding an additional

palaeogeographic index taxa to the biogeographicreconstruction, are discussed below.

A few reports of the APB fauna from the Aus-tralian plate in oil industry biostratigraphy studies(mostly from western Papua) have been investi-gated and, when original thin sections were stillavailable, found to be incorrect. It should be notedthat the APB genera have some difficulties in iden-tification, especially in random thin sections.

Assilina can be confused for flat forms ofOperculina, and the usually distinctive Pellatispirahas been confused with ornamented rotaliid forms,especially by industry biostratigraphers who areaccustomed to examining planktonic foraminifera.Lacazinella is strikingly unique and hard to mis-take.

In the records discussed here no attempt hasbeen made to distinguish Assilina d'Orbigny 1839from Planocamerinoides Cole 1957, in the sense ofHaynes (1988) and others, who place fully evoluteforms (in the adult stages, Figure 1.4) in Assilina,and quasi-evolute forms (with spiral sheets extend-ing over the previous whorls) in the latter genus(e.g., Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3). Both taxa occur inthe Indo-Pacific region, but most work was doneduring prior to the original or revised definitions ofPlanocamerinoides. Not all records are illustrated,and therefore new taxonomies cannot be sug-gested.

Figure 1. Images of some of the the key genera discussed in thisreport. 1.1. Axial section of Pellatispira Boussac 1906 from a samplefrom the east arm of Halmahera near Bicoli (Bitjoli). Image is 3 mmacross. 1.2. In the same thin section as Pellatispira left are specimensof Alveolina d’Orbigny 1939 and Assilina d’Orbigny 1926 [s.l., this formreferrable to Planocamerinoides Cole 1957 of some authors]. This isthe flattened microfossil left of center in this image. 1.3. Assilinad’Orbigny 1926 [sensu lato, this form referrable to PlanocamerinoidesCole 1957 of some authors]. Sample from the Bagelen Beds at Worowari, Central Java, personal collection. 1.4. Reproduced out of Douvillé 1912, from Nias. Assilina sp. This is now considered Assilina s.swith no spiral sheets extending to the umbonal areas.

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Environmental range of the genera

Both the APB and Lacazinella larger foramin-ifera usually occur as minor components in Eocenecarbonates where the cosmopolitan genera Disco-cyclina and Nummulites are dominant. This similarminority role suggests that the presence orabsence of either of the markers is probably notrelated to gross lithologic or sedimentologicaleffects. However, the genera Assilina, Pellatispira,and Biplanispira usually occur only in a sub-set ofsamples from any particular Eocene locality, sug-gesting there is some local environmental controlon its distribution.

Lacazinella has a different local distributionpattern, occuring commonly in low diversity assem-blages (e.g., Figure 6), interbedded with more cor-alline limestones without Lacazinella but containingDiscocyclina and Nummulites. Because of thismore stratified distribution, and the fact that it is amiliolid form, Lacazinella has been interpreted asan indicator of back-reef facies. In my experience Ihave never observed more than a trace of plank-tonic foraminifera in the micritic limestone thathosts the most abundant Lacazinella faunas. How-ever, Lacazinella is reported from several locationson the Onin Peninsular area of west Papua (Visserand Hermes 1962) and nearby Pisang Islands(Rutten 1936), in a facies trend mapped by Visserand Hermes (enc. 10, part V) as "open marine, ..non reefal aphanitic limestones with predominanceof planktonic foraminifera." Also Apthorpe (1988)describes the widespread Hibernia limestone of theAustralian Northwest shelf as being characterisedby monospecific Lacazinella assemblages - a widedistribution not typical for restricted back-reeffacies. Other supposed back reef miliolid indicatorssuch as Alveolina are found in some Australian T.astage (Middle Eocene) limestones but usually withNummulites and not with Lacazinella faunas. Allthis information suggests the Lacazinella assem-blages may have occupied a much more widelydeveloped environmental setting than restrictedback reefs habitats. More methodical observationsare needed to clarify this hypothesis.

Stratigraphic range of the genera

In the Indo-Pacific area Assilina is used toidentify Middle Eocene carbonates, and a shortoverlap with Pellatispira then occurs during latestMiddle Eocene followed by Pellatispira andBiplanispira in later Eocene carbonates (pers. obs.,in contrast to Adams 1970). This biostratigraphy isone of the fundamental components in identifyingLetter Stages T.a and T.b (Figure 2; van der Vlerkand Umbgrove 1927 and later revisions).

Dating Australian shallow marine carbonatesusing the Indo-Pacific Letter Stages is therefore dif-ficult in the absence of the APB lineage.Lacazinella is reported from beds considered asT.a (approximates Middle Eocene) on the basis ofassociated Nummulites species such as N. bage-lensis or large forms with meandrine septal traces[Rutten 1936, Crespin 1962, and possibly Bain andBinnekamp 1973]. The other T.a age index genus,Alveolina, is found in both Sundaland and Austra-lian regions but it is an uncommon form, suspectedto be environmentally restricted (see notes above).

Lacazinella continues through T.b (LateEocene) and appears to share the same abruptextinction as general Eocene forms such as Disco-cyclina. However, Bursch (1947) describedLacazinella occurring with reticulate Nummulites inKai Besar (Figure 3, location 3 on map). Adams(1970) confirmed Nummulites fichteli withLacazinella in Bursch's material, which thereforeappears to extend the range of the genus into Let-ter Stage T.c, Early Oligocene.

Figure 2. The stratigraphic ranges of the taxa dis-cussed plotted against a time scale based on Berggrenet al. (1995), with larger foraminifera Letter Stages cal-ibrated based on unpublished data.

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Lacazinella has been reported from the LatePaleocene of Oman by White (1994), but the signif-icance of this temporally and geographically iso-lated species in not known.

Geographic range of the genera

Figure 3, Figure 4, Appendix 1, and Appendix2 illustrate the geographic spread of records of thegenera.

To summarise here I need only to stress thatthere is just a single known exception to the mutu-ally exclusive distribution of the two faunas (Cre-spin 1938, in the Chimbu Gorge of Papua NewGuinea). Even if this exception is evidence that theAPB fauna could migrate in small numbers to thenorthern fringes of the high palaeo-latitude Austra-lian plate, it is a minor exception and unrelated tothe total absence of Lacazinella from low latitudesin the Eocene.

Taxonomic considerations of the APB fauna

Both Boussac (1906) and Umbgrove (1928)considered Pellatispira (which then still includedBiplanispira) and Assilina sensu lato as being"closely allied" taxa, with the implication that thethick-walled assiline (Planocamerinid) forms couldbe both stratigraphically and morphologically theancestor to the pellatispirine types. Since then nomissing link such as a pellatispirine species associ-ated with an assiline juvenile stage has beenfound. Furthermore, the most recent work of Hot-

tinger et al. 1991 on pellatispirines has increasedthe morphologic differences between the two taxaby clearly showing the so-called marginal cord ofPellatispira is a very different structure from thenummulitic cord (although some evolutionary linkbetween the two features cannot be ruled out). Thesimilar latitudinal association of the taxa presentedhere is weak data supporting the idea of a phyloge-netic link between the two forms.

The work of Hottinger et al. 1991 clearlyshows the close relationship of Pellatispira andBiplanispira, as emphasised by the adult of theformer often forming the juvenile stage of the latter.


A wide range of data, most directly oxygenisotopic measurements (Pearson et al 2001) indi-cate that in the Eocene the global climate waswarmer than it is now. From this data we canextrapolate that what we now consider "tropical"faunas would have occupied a wider latitudinalzone (the astronomically defined Tropics of Cancerand Capricorn being unchanged). Therefore warmwater, photic foraminifera with larger tests wouldprobably have been major rock- forming organismsat higher latitudes than they were in later Tertiary ormodern times.

In the Eocene, the northern edge of the Aus-tralian plate would have been around 2,000 kms to

Figure 3. Summary of Assilina/Pellatispira/Biplanispira and Lacazinella faunas in the Indo-Pacific realm. GlobalSea floor Topography from Satellite Altimetry, by Smith, W.H.F.and Sandwell, D.T. 1997. Available on the NationalGeophysics Data Center introductory page, with the image below being an extract from this file.

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2,800 km further south of its current location,based on 5 to 7 cm of drift per year over 40 Ma (LePichon 1968, Veevers et al. 1991) (Fig. 5). Underthe prevailing warm Eocene climate even thissoutherly location was obviously quite capable ofsupporting highly active biohermal organisms, andmany hundreds of feet of carbonate rocks weredeposited over a huge shelf area.

The records of Eocene carbonate faunas fromthe widely spaced Pacific islands show that theAPB genera were able to migrate over large dis-

tances of open ocean (This also applies to theassociated genera Nummulites, Discocyclina, andothers.). Therefore, there is no reason to thinkthere were any significant migration barriers tocause the differentiation of the APB andLacazinella faunas. There is still no data indicatingthat Lacazinella was able to migrate over oceanicdistances, although reports of this genus from theLate Paleocene of the Middle East (White 1994)might have impact on this subject. It is possiblethat the APB-Lacazinella faunal differentiation was

Figure 4. Grouping of foraminiferal faunas around the northern margin of the Australian Plate.

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an effect related to the difference in latitude inEocene times, such as a variation in light intensi-tyor tolerance of seasonality. Seasonal variation isan environmental factor that greatly increases out-side the true geographic tropics and is thereforenot a condition seen as clearly in younger Tertiaryor modern biohermal carbonate facies that arerestricted to the true tropics. It is therefore possiblethat Lacazinella was adapted to warm water condi-tions but also a summer-winter (solstice to solstice)cycle, and it may have been this, or a related fac-tor, that kept the APB fauna from establishing itselfin the south. More work on the northern Indo-Pacific distribution of APB faunas would shedsome light on this hypothesis, if enough Eocenecarbonates can be found and studied.


The modern distribution of rocks containingAustralian (Lacazinella) and Sundaland to widerTethyan (APB) microfossil faunas on the whole fol-lows expected patterns, with ophiolite complexesand major fault zones occurring along zones of col-lision between these once separate plates (e.g. inPapua, see Figure 3, modified from Hamilton1979). The identity and tectonic evolution of themajor plate units are not in doubt. It is in assigningSundaland or Australian origins to the minor platefragments that these fossils will be of most use.

Many islands that make up the Banda Arc,including Sumba, parts of Timor, and Seram have

Figure 5. Middle and Late Eocene plates and climatic zones (Scotese 2001) with locations of "APB" fauna in red,Lacazinella fauna in blue, and the genus Grzybowskia. In shallow marine carbonate facies the APB fauna appears todominate the tropics but can occur locally at higher latitudes, whereas Lacazinella is a high latitude Austral index.Grzybowskia is also a high latitude form mostly known from the Boreal region but now recorded from the southernhemisphere. Letters and numbers in the map are explained in Appendix 1. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn aremarked at 23.45 north and south, respectively:

G1: Type location Grzybowskia, Polish Carpathian MG2: Type location Grzybowskia reticulata (Rütimeyer 1850), SwitzerlandG3: Hungary, Jambor-Kness 1988, H. reticulata RütimeyerG4: Nr. Trento N. Italy, Bonneau 1969G5: NW. Sicily, Montanari 1969G6: Western Pelóponnisos, Dercourt et al. 1970G7: Syria, Ejel 1969G8: Armenia and Georgia, (Gabrieljian), Kacharava and Kacharava 1962G9: Christmas Island, this report

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records of the APB fauna. This similarity indicatesthat they were separate from the Australian plateand at low latitudes in Eocene times. Assuming thepalaeomagnetic anomaly "M25", end mid-Jurassicrift-drift event was the last known cause for separa-tion of micro-plate fragments from the Australianmargin (cf. Veevers et al. 1991), then these frag-ments would have been carried north and becomeaccreted onto the subducting margin south of Sun-daland within the Cretaceous. Such a model doesnot match tectonic histories proposed in manyrecent publications. For example, Hall (1996)reconstructed Seram but did not display Sumba.Subsequent models by Hall (2001), however, incor-porated Sumba as a fragment of Sundaland basedon geological criteria, which is consistent with thefaunal data presented here. Other areas are morehotly contested, with differing geological interpreta-tions. For instance there are many proposed tec-tonic models for Timor, which can be tested withthe biogeographic model proposed here. TheEocene fossil data favors the model of mixed Sun-daland terrains over-thrusting the colliding Austra-

lian plate, as discussed in the many papers ofAudley-Charles (1968) and Barber. This modelcontrasts with those having Timor as a wholly Aus-tralian derived fragment, such as that of Chama-laun and Grady (1978), which concluded that"there should be continuity between the stratigra-phy of Timor and that of the Sahul Shelf" (p. 107op.cit); - a summary inconsistent with the data pre-sented here.


An obvious omission to the data set was theEocene of Christmas Island in the Indian Oceansouth of Java, on the oceanic plate bordering theAustralian plate (Figure 6). This locality is fixed tothe northern flank of the Australian Plate and hasdrifted north towards Java at the same rate. In theEocene it would have been at equivalent latitudesto the Northwest shelf of Australia and furthersouth than many parts of Papua/PNG. Eocenestrata are known from this area from the work ofJones and Chapman (Andrews 1900), who identi-fied Discocyclina here. Later work on the older Ter-

Figure 6. The location of the Eocene samples from Christmas Island. Sketch of the island (right), Flying Fish Coveenlarged (left) in a geology map from Andrews (1900, p. 281). Key below. Lower page: sketches from Andrews (p.272) of the Flying Fish Cove outcrops. "A" is the south cliff, "B" is the north cliff, although this NE part of the cove isnow obscured by port facilities.

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tiary faunas is limited, so samples were collectedfor me in November 2001 by J. Jaworski and arethe subject of this review.


The fauna does not vary much from thatdescribed by Jones and Chapman, with Discocy-clina and a large Heterostegine, named here asGrzybowskia jasoni dominating all the older Ter-tiary samples collected. None of the previous work-ers have described any other Eocene assemblage.A typical view of the whole rock and fauna is shownin Figure 7.

History of Study

Jones and Chapman studied samples col-lected by Andrews (1900) and reported Discocy-clina and common large Heterostegines, butequally noted the absence of Nummulites. At thistime the definitions of the Eocene and Oligocenewere not precise, so these early workers assigneda broad Oligocene or Eocene age to the Discocy-clina-bearing beds. In 1926 Nuttall studied the Orb-itoides of Christmas Island and established thenew species Discocyclina oceanica in the Eocene,defined at the same location as the samples stud-ied here, but he did not study the Nummulitacea. In1965 Ludbrook wrote a short account of the Ter-tiary foraminifera, in which the oldest limestones ofAndrews (called "A" and "B") were grouped as oneunit and described as having the same lithologicand faunal composition. The fauna was describedas consisting of Discocyclina oceanica, "Heteroste-gina sp. cf. H. saipanensis," or sometimes just H.saipanensis - a form that had been defined by Colein 1953 on Saipan Island in the Pacific - with asso-ciated Sphaerogypsina globula, species of Pararo-talia, Amphistegina, and rare Nummulites

[apparently a single occurrence] seen only in a"natural section on one of the samples" from FlyingFish Cove.

Most recently Adams and Belford (1974) stud-ied a large number of samples from ChristmasIsland, but this work was focused on the Oligo-Miocene limestones, and the occurrence ofEocene was only noted in passing. In the mostfamous Eocene outcrop at Flying Fish Cove thereis a natural geological break between these twolimestone groups in the form of a basalt flow thatoverlies the Eocene, and this basalt is the base ofthe section Adams and Belford studied. The age ofthis basalt has been determined by J. Hamilton ofCSIRO as

K = 0.82 wt%Rad. 40Ar = 4.7116E-11 (mol/g)

Rad. 40Ar = 36.05 (%)Age = 32.8 Ma, analytical error 0.8 Ma.

This Early Oligocene age is consistent with itsstratigraphic position between Eocene limestoneand the lower Te (Late Oligocene) limestonereported by Adams and Belford (1974).

In 2001, a wide range of samples were col-lected at the Flying Fish Cove site, from both theyellow and the white limestone facies (see Figure6). Andrews (1900) described this site as "by farthe most important exposure of the central core ofthe island." The limestone here is about 50 ft thick,although the base is not visible. Limestone sam-ples were slabbed and polished to provide a largestudy area in reflected light, while 21 large formatthin sections from different samples provided atotal estimated area of about 350 sq cm of thin-sectioned rock. This sample set is thought to give arepresentative view of the Eocene larger foramfauna at Flying Fish Cove.

Figure 7. Thin section from yellow limestone.Grzybowskia jasoni. The size of the protoconch is105 ±5 µm, which is smaller than the modal size,possibly because this section is not through thecenter of the test, particularly on the side in con-tact with the deuteroconch. (Most "A" generationprotoconch chambers are in the range of 150 µmto 200 µm.) In this specimen, there is one postembryonic whorls before the adult stage beginswith the acquisition of secondary chamberlets.Just before reaching two whorls, at the pointmarked "A," the rate of whorl expansion appearsto increase, but passes out of the plane of thissection. At this point, the secondary chamberletsbecome more numerous.Thin section FFC 4B shows the maximum dimen-sion is 1.54 mm.

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Two samples of the white limestone were analysed for whole rock strontium isotopic dating by T. Allan of CSIRO. Results were: 87Sr/86Sr = 0.707630, 2

sem 0.0016%0.707683, 2 sem 0.0013%

87Sr/86Sr ratios normalized to 86Sr/88Sr = 0.119487Sr/86Sr ratios normalized to NBS987 87Sr/86Sr =

0.710235Measured NBS987 87Sr/86Sr = 0.710232

2 sem - 2 standard errors of the mean (2s/n)Modern seawater (Mobil) 87Sr/86Sr = 0.709168

Attempts were made to find some of the other,much smaller Eocene locations reported byAndrews but with no success. The analyses ofJones and Chapman (1900) suggested the faunaof these other areas was similar to that seen at Fly-ing Fish Cove.The results were similar, but areslightly below most published minimum values forTertiary seawater calibration curves. It is possiblethat the overlying oceanic basalt has contaminatedthe limestone. However, the results are within mea-surement error of a Late Eocene limestone fromJava (unpublished, Gamping Barat location, samelabs; 0.707637, 2sem 0.0012%). These results areall slightly lower than Middle Eocene bioclasts withexcellent preservation from the Nanggulan sectionon Java (same labs; 0.707722, 2 sem 0.0017%).This additional data is also courtesy of T. Allan andCSIRO, who have observed similar low ratios inthe Eocene of PNG. Therefore, it may be that thevalues measured in Flying Fish Cove do reflecttrue Sr ratios of the original limestone, and it is thecorrelation from these ratios to a time scale thatneeds more attention.


The fauna recorded in this material is consis-tent with the summary of Ludbrook (1965). Disco-cyclina and the Heterosteginid form dominate, withfrequent Sphaerogypsina globula and Amphiste-gina. There is no discernable difference in faunabetween the white, slightly porous limestone andthe more massive (no visible porosity) yellow-orange limestones, both of which are classified asforaminiferal packstones to wackestones. Thematrix in both types of rock is composed of limemud, fragments of rhodolithic algae and small cal-careous foraminifera, brozoan and echinoid debris.The rhodolithic algae appears to be varied, but onlyrarely does it appear to encrust any bioclasts, andthen usually only bryozoan fragments. Only veryrare planktonic foraminifera were recorded, andthese examples were considered juvenile Globige-rina forms. Miliolid foraminfera are rare and repre-sented only by small, thin-walled, Quinqueloculina/

Triloculina types. Most of the bioclastic debris isless than 2 mm in size, with the exception of theDiscocylinids and Heterosteginids. The Discocy-clina oceanica are about 2 mm in diameter, a crite-ria used by Nuttall to distinguishing this speciesfrom the larger D. dispansa Sowerby, to which theChristmas Island forms had originally beenassigned by Jones and Chapman. The Grzy-bowskia specimens range as large as 5 mm, andthe Sphaerogypsina globula to 1.4 mm.

For brevity only the new form Grzybowskiajasoni is described here. Flying Fish Cove was thetype location for the only other common form Dis-cocyclina oceanica Nuttall, and the specimens Isaw were entirely consistent with Nuttall's (1926)original detailed notes.


Family NUMMULITIDAE de Blainville, 1825Genus Grzybowskia Bieda 1950

Type species: Grzybowskia multifida Bieda 1950

Grzybowskia jasoni sp. nov.not Heterostegina reticulata Rütimeyer 1850;

Jambor-Kness 1988, pl. 40. Grzybowskia reticulata (Rütimeyer); Banner and Hodgkinson, 1991, p.

272.not Heterostegina reticulata Rütimeyer; van der

Vlerk 1929, p. 16, figs. 7 and 26.not Heterostegina saipanensis Cole; Ludbrook

1965, p. 288, 291, 293, pl. 22, figs. 4 and 6.Type specimen: Figure 8 herein. Paratypes in Fig-ure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11, Figure 12, Figure 13,Figure 14, and Figure 15. The sample containingthe holotype, and samples and thin sections shownas paratypes, and other paratypic material is storedat the GRDC Museum in Bandung. Type location: Flying Fish Cove, Christmas Island.Limestone by the road into the cove, below basalt,mostly of light yellow colour, GPS location105.666680°E, 10.429940°S (estimated accuracyability). Derivation of name: At the request of the collectorof these samples, John Jaworski, after JasonJaworski. Description: Test free, calcitic, planispiral, lenticu-lar, bilaterally symmetrical and involute, with canal-iculated periphery. Rapidly expanding whorls,especially in late adult phase, which ultimately pro-duces a thin gerontic flange. Test remains involutethroughout (not maturo-evolute). Alar prolonga-tions are well developed and present throughout,although reduced in gerontic stage. The overall

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size for adult tests is around three to four mm forthe more common A forms, with such a test com-prising about four whorls. Axial thickness is about0.8 to 1.0 mm. The microspheric B forms are onlyslightly larger than the A generation, the few foundbeing 4 to 5 mm with protoconch diametersbetween 20 and 30

The Nummulitic cord and related canal sys-tems are apparently fine and hard to describe inany detail. A typical Nummulitid intercameral fora-men, in a median basal position, is present in allgrowth stages.

In equatorial sections three stages of growthcan be recognized. The first stage lasts about oneto two whorls and can be compared with an "oper-culine" phase in other heterosteginids, although inthis involute form is closest to a Palaeonummulitestest, with simple, radial septa becoming back-wards-curved outside the alar prolongation. Thisstage typically has a maximum size of about 1 mm.

In the adult stage the septa for each instar ofgrowth consist of a radial septum enclosing the alarprolongation, which extends only part way up theouter face of the previous instar. This septum,

Figure 8. Images of some of the key genera discussedin this report. 8.1. Lacazinella wichmanni (Schlum-berger 1894), in hand specimen (left) and same samplein thin section to right, from one of the small islandssoutheast of Misool, near Papua (ex. Irian Jaya). Thehand specimen has been wetted, and each whiteLacazinella is about 2 mm in diameter (same scale asthin section below). 8.2. This limestone is typical ofmany occurrences of Lacazinella, in a low diversityassemblage dominated by this single genus of foramin-ifera.

Figure 9. Holotype of Grzybowskia jasoni polished sur-face of hand specimen showing development of adultand gerontic stages. Alignment of primary chamberletsof equal height (three of which are marked with blacksquares) produces a spiral within the adult whorl. In thefinal, gerontic stage the multiple and irregular chamber-lets form a more rapidly expanding rate of growth. Handspecimen number FFC H1. Maximum dimension on thisspecimen is 3.1 mm. Flying Fish Cove, ChristmasIsland.

Figure 10. Whole rock thin section from yellow lime-stone showing a number of sections of Grzybowskiajasoni roughly parallel to the axis of coiling. The com-pletely involute nature of the tests is visible. The resem-blance of the juvenile part of the test toPalaeonummulites can be seen, lasting until theincreasing height of the whorls forms a flange withslightly concave sides. In the central specimen thegerontic stage is distinguishable by its great whorlheight, flat and thinner lateral walls and multiple subdi-visions. Thin section FFC 3A. The maximum dimensionof the largest (central) test is 4.71 mm. Flying FishCove, Christmas Island.

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therefore, encloses both new alar prolongationsand the lower part of a new chamber lumen. Moredistally are initially two or three arched septa com-pleting the formation of the instar to the distal limitsof the test. In each instar the radial septum enclos-ing the primary chamberlet continues to grow in aslow, regular manner so that the distal limit where itcurves back to terminate against the face of theprevious instar produces a spiral alignment posi-tioned slightly above the spiral of the previouswhorl (e.g., Figure 8).

The few small chamberlets that extend to thetest periphery are irregular in size and shape. Theadult stage grades into a gerontic stage but at thetransition the size of the test is typically 1.8 mmand three whorls.

The transition from adult to gerontic stagessees a multiplication of the number of small distalchamberlets in the median plane of the test. Thisincrease in the number of rather irregular chamber-lets is accompanied by a necessary increase in thespiral height. At the same time, in axial section, thelateral walls can be seen to become thinner than inprevious stages (Figure 9). The primary chamber-let maintains a fairly regular size and is still domi-nantly radial, whereas the smaller, more distal

Figure 11. Grzybowskia jasoni. Oblique median sectionthrough a microspheric specimen. The protoconch isparticularly small, at about 15 ±3 µm, but may not bethrough the centre of the sphere, as indicated by the rel-atively thick (obliquely sectioned?) enclosing wall.There are about four whorls without subdivison of thechambers [juvenile stage]. This series is followed by asingle whorl of the adult stage, with minimal subdivisionof the chambers before the onset of the gerontic stage,seen on the left edge here, where the whorl heightincreases and multiple, apparently irregular, chamber-lets occur.Thin section FFC 1C is the maximum dimension of thelargest (central) test is 2.74 mm. Whole rock thin sec-tion from yellow limestone, Flying Fish Cove, ChristmasIsland.

Figure 12. Whole rock thin section from yellow lime-stone, Flying Fish Cove, showing association withcoralline algae and rare small benthic foraminifera.The largest bioclast is a fragment of Grzybowskia jas-oni in oblique section of the gerontic stage showingthe radial septa extending into the alar prolongations.The distal end of these septa is outside the alar prolo-gations where the primary chamberlets reach a simi-lar height to form a spiral alignment. More distal tothis, the chamberlets are aligned at a high angle,curved backwards and are formed from arched unitsof irregular shape and size. In this section each instarof growth, with a radial chamberlet and a correspond-ing row of small chamberlets, can be recognised.Note that with the highly backwards curved alignmentof chamberlets, and associated high rate of whorl sizeincreases, the direction of growth of the test in thegerontic stage tends to become more radial than spi-ral.Thin section FFC 1C illustrates the maximum radialdimension of the main specimen; this specimen is1.54 mm at its widest portion.

Figure 13. Polished surface of the yellow limestonefacies from the Flying Fish Cove location, the polish-ing exaggerating the colour compared to that seen inrough hand specimen. There are numerous speci-mens of Grzybowskia jasoni sp. nov., plus Discocy-clina oceanica Nuttall near the center of the image.Flying Fish Cove is the type location for D. oceanicaNuttall. The image below is 1 cm across.

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chamberlets for the same instar are aligned at avery high angle back from the radial. The geronticmarginal flange is therefore a reticulate fan ofarched chamberlets, with the common face of eachinstar now facing far more outwards, and not in thedirection of the spial. What happens to the canalsystem derived from the marginal cord in thisgerontic stage has not been determined. Remarks: This form is placed in the genus Grzy-bowskia because it shares the distinct morphologyof the type species, G. multifeda Bieda. In particu-lar each adult instar consists of a primary chamber-let, dominantly radial and including both the alarprolongations. The same instar of growth also pro-duces multiple small chamberlets in a stronglybackwards-curved alignment, each with ratherirregularly arched chamberlet walls. This geometryproduces the bifurcations and consequent polygo-nal chamberlets that distinguish the genus. In thewords of Bieda (1950) "Dans la partie de la spirecorrespondante a l' état adulte, les bifurcations descloisons forment des loges secondaires, d'uneforme variable." This contrasts with other membersof the Heterostegininae which have a dominantouter septa, clearly defining the instar, and perpen-dicular internal septula separating the sub-rectan-gular chamberlets.

The new species illustrated here differs fromG. multifeda in the form the chamberlets take, andthe stage of growth at which they appear. In pl. 3fig. 1 of Bieda's (1950) original (reproduced as pl.808 fig 10 in Loeblich and Tappan 1987), as well as

Bieda's pl. 3 figs. 2, 3, 4, 6 and pl. 4 fig. 2, G. multi-feda shows a preferred alignment of the smallchamberlets that implies the outer, more distal oneprecedes the formation on the next inner one (inother words, the outermost wall is curved, and thenext chamberlet wall abuts upon this pre-formedcurve). Such a stacking pattern is not seen in thenew species described here. In addition the forma-tion of such secondary chamberlets begins in G.multifeda almost immediately after the embryonicstage. There may be about two "operculine" orundivided chambers after the embryont, but notlasting more than a third of a whorl. This stronglycontrasts with the ontogeny described above,especially the juvenile "operculine" stage lastingabout two whorls.

The species illustrated here is the same asthat illustrated by Ludbrook (1965, pl. 22, figs. 4and 6, from the same location in Flying Fish Cove),

Figure 14. Specimen of Grzybowskia jasoni n.sp. inbroken surface of hand specimen, in white limestonefrom the Flying Fish Cove location (See Appendix 3 forlocality data). The protoconch is 165 µm in diameter,the deuteroconch is clear, and is followed by just lessthan two whorls of growth in the form of a Palaeonum-mulites. After this series, the acquisition of the addi-tional chamberlets produces "pseudo-heterostegine"forms for just under one whorl, after which the morenumerous additional chamberlets rapidily increases theheight of the spire. The image is 3.5 mm in the widestdimension.

Figure 15. Thin section of white limestone facies show-ing a slightly oblique, slightly off-axial section throughGrzybowskia jasoni n.sp. and two specimens of thesmall species Discocyclina oceanica Nuttall. The invo-lute nature of the Grzybowskia test is clear. The first twowhorls are virtually indistinguishable from Palaeonum-mulites, but by the third to fourth whorl the rapidilyincreasing spire height and increasing numbers of septadistinguish this specimen as an involute heterostegine.Figure is 2.5 mm high.

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but is not conspecific with H. saipanensis Cole,which has sub-rectangular chamberlets appearingimmediately after the embryonic stages.

The status of Grzybowskia has a irregular his-tory due to the original definition of Bieda notingboth the distinctive non-rectangular chamberlets(and absence of a primary outer septa) and alsothe invalid status of Heterosteginella Silvestri forinvolute heterostegines. Thus later workers notonly applied the name Grzybowskia to forms withpolygonal chamberlets, but some also applied thename to specimens with rectangular chamberletsthat were involute. However as pointed out by Ban-ner and Hodgkinson (1991), in discussing a broaddefinition of Grzybowskia and related forms,"These polygonal chamberlets are restricted to theLate Eocene. No species of other ages are knownto possess them. Similarly, the distinctively broadchamberlets of the later whorls of Anastegina alsocharacterize the Late Eocene; nothing like them isknown from rocks of any other age. These featuresalone would justify the taxonomic recognition ofthese genera as phylogenetically and biostrati-graphically distinct, each allows recognition ofsamples of Late Eocene age. To confuse thesegenera with the long ranging Heterostegina(Vlerkina), just because all are wholly involutemakes no taxonomic or biostratigraphic sense."

Therefore, it can be seen that the heteroste-ginids with polygonal-irregular chamberlets are abiostratigraphically significant group and the selec-tion of this character to define a genus rather thanspecies appears logical. This degree of identity issupported by the data presented here, which indi-cates this taxon occupies a specific palaeogeo-graphic setting. The other heterostegines do notappear to have such a restrictive palaeogeography.

The Late Eocene age implied for the Christ-mas Island limestones (and later Late Eoceneimplied from text figure 1 of Banner and Hodgkin-son 1991) is not yet proven.

Banner and Hodgkinson (1991), citing Herb(1978) and Jambor-Kness (1988), referred the spe-cies H. reticulata Rütimeyer to the genus Grzy-bowskia. Noting "the pentagonal or hexagonalchamberlets of the early whorls of G. retculata(Rütimeyer) ... have been well illustrated by Jam-bor-Kness 1988 pl. 40)." This species has beenrecorded in Southeast Asia by van der Vlerk(1929), from the Early Oligocene, Tertiary C, ofNortheast Borneo. The illustrations of van der Vlerkclearly show that this taxon is not the speciesdescribed here, with rectangular chamberlets froma very early ontogentic stage. The original H. retic-ulata Rütimeyer was found in the Late Eocene, asare the specimens of Jambor-Kness, but again nei-

ther the original sketch of Rütimeyer nor the newillustrations of Jambor-Kness show a form like thenew species described here.

Finally a note is made regarding a possiblemorphological link between G. jasoni and Opercu-lina eniwetokensis Cole, from the Late Eocene ofEniwetok, Guam and other Pacific islands. Opercu-lina eniwetokensis has a similar slightly flattened,lenticular, involute test and rate of growth compara-ble to the juvenile of G. jasoni, although the proto-conch is half the size. Operculina eniwetokensishas a gerontic stage, after two or three whorls, inwhich a primary chamberlet develops reachingonly part way up the apertural face of the previouschamber, together with a few broad and irreguaradditional chamberlets (see especially Cole 1957,pl. 232 fig. 23, and Cole 1963, pl. 5 fig. 12). Thefragmented, and poorly preserved, nature of thegerontic stage in Cole's figures suggests it is thin-ner walled, like the gerontic stage of G. jasoni. Fol-lowing the principles of nepionic acceleration seenin many other larger foraminifera, O. eniwetokensiscould be considered a potential candidate asancestor to G. jasoni. The increase in protoconchsize, and concomitant reduction of the juvenilewhile extending the adult and gerontic stages is atypical ontogenetic pattern seen in phylogeneticreconstructions where better sequences of mate-rial are available (e.g., Cycloclypeus, Lepidocy-clina, Miogypsina). However, the scarcity of theOperculina-Grzybowskia forms, and the shortperiod of time within the Late Eocene suggests itwill be hard to find "missing links" to validate thishypothesis. Also it must be noted that O. eniweto-kensis occurs in the low latitude fauna, whereasthis paper has correlated G. jasoni with higher lati-tude assemblages.


There are two areas where there is confusionover possible overlap between the two exclusivebiogeographic markers proposed here. In theOmati to Chimbu Gorge region of Papua NewGuinea (Figure 3, area 10 and "O") there is clearlysome overlap, although this can be accomodatedin the model proposed here, and the absence ofLacazinella from known low latitude outcropsremains an independent index of biogeographicorigin. However some more work in the Eocenefaunas of this region of PNG would be useful, ifonly to establish the scarcity of the APB faunahere. Bain and Binnekamp (1973) returned to thesame area as Crespin's original samples andrecorded common Lacazinella but noted that "noPellatispira or Biplanispira ... occurs". Crespin's

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plates, however, appear clear on the matter, andthe only confusion is over the extent of overlap.

In eastern Sulawesi there is confusion oversample locations. One interpretation wholly sup-ports the model proposed here, but there is nosolid reason to believe this is the correct one. Newand accurately located Eocene samples from thisarea would clarify this issue and may better identifythe tectonic suture in this geologically complexarea.

Some notes on both these areas are given inAppendix 2.

Understudied faunas

Although not problematic to the model pro-posed here, a number of understudied Eocenerecords could be important applications of the APB- Lacazinella model in Tertiary plate reconstruc-tions. Possibly of most importance, from a geologicperspective, would be the polymict conglomerateof the Wani beds (from the Tobelo Mts.) in NorthButon, where there are records of general EoceneNummulites and Asterocyclina/Discocyclina (vanBemmelen 1949 p. 148 and 420). Identification ofAPB or Lacazinella faunas in this area would beimportant evidence regarding the origin and time ofdrift of this plate and the adjacent Tukang Besimicro-plate. Van Bemmelen (1949, p. 148) notesthat "Several large inliers of Eocene limestone areknown from Buton." presumably basing this state-ment on his main quoted source - the work of Het-zel (1936). However a review of this older work andnewer GRDC work suggests the Eocene is not aswidespread as van Bemmelen suggests, and thetask of finding Eocene pebbles in a polymict con-glomerate would be difficult.

Data from the Eocene outcrops on islandsalong the current collision zone of east Indonesiawould help geological reconstructions. The smallislands of Raijua and Rotti, described by Verbeek1908, both have carbonate faunas (cf. van Bem-melen) containing the Middle Eocene markerAlveolina but as yet neither the APB or Lacazinellafossils. In addition the Eocene larger foram facieson Buru lack any of the biogeographic markers,and more work here would substantiate the datafrom the adjacent island of Seram.

An Eocene fauna from Ocean Drilling Pro-gram (ODP) Leg 133 on the Queensland plateauhas been studied by Betzler (personal commun.1995). This Eocene carbonate contained Nummu-lites and Discocyclina but none of the biogeo-graphic markers described here.

As mentioned earlier, some more detailedwork on Late Eocene heterostegines may elabo-rate the geographic range and evolutionary rela-

tionships between Grzybowskia jasoni Lunt andOperculina eniwetokensis Cole. If more records ofG. jasoni are to be found, the work here predicts amoderately low latitude palaeogeographic range.


In a large set of data, Eocene outcrops aroundthe Sundaland craton are characterized by thepresence of the related genera Assilina d'Orbigny1939, Pellatispira Boussac 1906 and BiplanispiraUmbgrove 1937 [the "APB fauna"]. Another largeset of data shows that Eocene limestones on theAustralian margin, in south and west Papua NewGuinea, west Papua and surrounding islands arecharacterized by the genus Lacazinella Crespin1962. The record of Crespin (1938) proves that theAPB and Lacazinella faunas are not totally exclu-sive of each other. However, the occurrences of theAPB fauna on the Australian plate margin are veryrare, as Crespin's record is the only one with illus-trations. In contrast the Lacazinella fauna has notbeen observed thus far in any plate or micro-plateconsidered to have been attached to the Sunda-land craton or at low latitudes in Eocene times.Therefore, the APB fauna has a distinct preferencefor low latitude (western Tethys, Sundaland, andPacific island) locations in the Eocene, but occursrarely on parts of the Australian margin. More workin the Papua New Guinea (Omati to Chimbu area)and eastern Sulawesi areas should help quantifyhow often, or how rare, the APB fauna are found tooccur in Australian derived locations.

This model was tested by a visit to ChristmasIsland which lies between the two realms and wasnot fully documented within such a paleobiogeo-graphic context. In the process, a new Eocene bio-geographic cue was identified, as represented bythe higher latitude European form Grzybowskia.This taxon was at an estimated palaeolatitudecomparable to the northern hemisphere records.This specific distribution supports the notion of lati-tudinal variation in larger foraminiferal assem-blages in warm Eocene seas.


I wish to thank many people for their time andhelp. I am indebted to J. Jaworski for collecting alarge number of samples from Christmas Island.Thanks also to C. Cook of PT Corelabs Indonesiaand B. Meyrick of PT Geoservices who both helpedwith making multiple large format thin sections andslabbing the remaining rock. J. Hamilton of CSIROprovided the K-Ar dating. T. Allan of CSIRO carriedout Sr dating of the limestones and comparative

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material from Java. C. Scotese provided a digitalversion of the base map in Figure 6 and Figure 4.

Many people helped with the checking of oldoil company observations, with the proper regardfor the proprietary nature of the observations.Thanks to D. Kosasih and P. Sanyoto of the GRDCin Bandung, for generous access to their collectionof field samples from Papua and the use of theirmicroscope facilities. Thanks also to B.W. Seubertfor the translation of several type descriptions fromthe German.


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Pellatispira is common in Burma (Eames inMorley Davies (per ref) 1975) and numerous locali-ties in Sawarak and Kalimantan (A) [=the island ofBorneo], note only a selection of these Borneosites are plotted on the summary figure; cf. vanBemmelen (1949) for details. In Sumatra (B) sedi-ments of this age are very rare although van Bem-melen reports Assilina, with Discocyclina andNummulites, from a single site on the Nilam River,N. Aceh (p. 111, op cit.). A paper by Henri Douvillé(1912) on samples from the Eho River in Nias illus-trated several types of Assilina (e.g., Figure 6.4).

In West Java (C) the Bayah area has bothAssilina and Pellatispira (Koolhoven 1933, originalsample Blad 14, 356 re-examined for this study),and the sand-rich deposits at Ciletuh contain rareAssilina (Verbeek and Fennema 1896, and Duyfjes1943). Several sites in Central Java (D) containAssilina, Pellatispira, and Biplanispira (Jiwo Hills,Karangsambung, Worowari and Nanggulan – Lunt1997 and 1998 IPA Field Trip Guidebooks, and vanBemmelen, see also Figure 5.3). Offshore in theeastern East Java Sea (E) I have seen Pellatispirain cuttings and sidewall core samples from severaloil exploration wells. In the West Kangean – 1 and2 the Late Eocene, miliolid rich, carbonate is with-out Lacazinella (Seimers et al. 1993 and examina-tion of cores at IPA core workshop).


Van Bemmelen (1949) reports Pellatispirafrom west-central, east-central (i.e. the westernpart of the eastern arm) and also southernSulawesi (F and G, also reported by van Leeuwen1981, and Wilson and Bosence 1996). NearTinombo in the "neck" of the northern arm ofSulawesi (H) Brouwer (1934, 1947, described invan Bemmelen 1949) reports limestone containingAssilina.

The Banda Arc

Caudri (1934) reported and illustrated Assilinaorientalis Douvillé and several species of Pel-latispira from southern Sumba (I) in the midEocene through Oligocene shallow marine TanahRoong series. In southwestern Timor (J) the Dart-ollu limestones contains a rich Pellatispira fauna(van Bemmelen p. 156 and Audley-Charles 1968and pers. obs.). On Seram (K) there are two sepa-rate records of Pellatispira, from the northern andsouthern coasts (van Bemmelen 1949).

Papua (ex. Irian Jaya) and Iislands

The record of Pellatispira from Halmahera (L)is new, but illustrated here (Figure 1), from approxi-mately the same strata examined by Verbeek(1908), who also recorded Alveolina, Nummulites,and Discocyclina here. Visser and Hermes (1962)noted widespread and thick Eocene limestone fromthe Bird’s Head and Lengguru fold belts, but Pel-latispira and Biplanispira are notably absent. Theseauthors specifically state (p.113 op. cit.) that theonly places where these two genera are found arein the Kerkberg Mountains (M, around 137E, 220'S) and along the wrench faulting west of this area,near Manokwari = N, – see map on next page byGRDC / IJGMP (Irian Jaya Geological MappingProject) samples south of Manokwari, with con-trasting Lacazinella faunas on the other side of theRansiki Fault (Pieters et al. 1985, Ransiki quadran-gle report).

Papua New Guinea

There are many Eocene sites in PNG (O, andthe detailed version of Figure 3) a few with well andnot so well documented reports of either Pel-latispira or Biplanispira. The Chimbu limestoneyielded the first record of Biplanispira east ofBorneo, noted as such by Crespin in 1938. Rick-wood (1955) noted two locations of micro-fossilifer-ous Eocene, 8 km apart in the Chimbu area, butwith no mention of either Pellatispira orBiplanispira. Crespin’s 1938 paper included excel-lent illustrations (10 figures on plate 2), so the iden-tity of Biplanispira is not in doubt. Carey (1941, inAPC, 1961) reported Pellatispira from the Er’eriCreek northeast of the Purari River. In the KapauRiver pebbles have been found with Pellatispira(APC, 1961, p. 55). In the Eocene deposits aroundPort Moresby, van Bemmelen (p. 185) noted bothAssilina and Pellatispira (without Lacazinella).

Pacific Islands

In the Pacific islands Pellatispira and/orBiplanispira are recorded on New Caledonia (P,Grekoff and Guble, 1951), Tonga (Q), Fiji (R),Saipan (S), Bikini (T), and Eniwetok (U; Cole 1960,70, 57, 54, and 58, respectively). There are manywell-illustrated reports of Assilina, Pellatispira, andBiplanispira in the Philippines (V; e.g. Hashimoto1975).

Lacazinella fauna

North West Shelf of Australia

The Giralia Limestone (1) in outcrop and inthe wells Exmouth-1 and Rough Range South-1contains Lacazinella (Chaproniere 1981 and

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1984). The type locality of the Giralia Limestonewas reported to contain Pellatispira by Chapmanand Crespin (1935) but Haig et al. (1997) specifi-cally note that they did not find this genus in theirstudies. The reports of Assilina in the Giralia lime-stone by Condon (1968) have not yet been veri-fied. There is little other faunal data on the Tertiarylimestones of the Northwest Shelf (2) as oil wellsoften drill through this unit without taking samples.Wells that do recover samples are sometimesexamined only in older Tertiary mudstones belowthe shallow marine limestones. Apthorpe (1988)however, summarises the Eocene Hibernia Fm. ofthis area as containing monospecific assemblagesof Lacazinella wichmanni.

West Papua and surrounding islands

In 1894, Schlumberger formally described thegenus Lacazinella, - as Lacazina, type species L.wichmanni - from the 1859 collections of vonRosenberg taken from "Southwest New Guinea"and a few islands in that neighbourhood. Lacazinais the name for Lacazinella prior to the 1962 revi-sion of the genus by Irene Crespin.

In 1903, the expedition of Wichmann, the firstof four sent by the "Maatschappij ter bevorderingvan het Natuurkunding Onderzoek der Nederland-sche Koloni‘n" (Society for promotion of the scien-tific investigation of the Dutch Colonies), exploredthe north coast and the southwest coast of Papua.Foraminiferal limestones that he collected betweenthe island Namatotte and Etna Bay yielded Disco-cyclina s.l. Nummulites, Alveolina and Lacazinella,- identified in Rutten 1914; near location 7. The fol-lowing three expeditions over the next nine yearsexplored the area from the south coast to theSneeuwgebergte (Snow Mountains) in the interiorof southern New Guinea (Hubrecht 1908, and VanNouhuys 1910). From this work Rutten (1919)described Eocene Alveolina-Lacazina limestonecollected from the top of the "Wilhelmina summit"(4,750 m, north of 8).

In 1904 an expedition was undertaken onbehalf of the Kon. Nederl. Aardr. Genootschap(Royal Netherlands Geographic Society), in whichMoerman participated as geologist. He foundEocene limestones east of Etna Bay (Moerman,1908), in which Verbeek (1908) identifiedLacazinella.

Military expeditions from 1907 to 1915 some-times included geologists and, on one of these,Heldring found Eocene limestones boulders in theNoord and Noord West Rivers, described by Martin(1911) who identified Nummulites, Alveolina s. str.,Lacazinella and Heterostegina.

Lacazinella is recorded on Misool (5), severallocations on the Bird’s Head, and elsewhere inwestern Papua, on the Onin and Kumawa peninsu-las and the Lengguru fold belt (Visser and Hermes1962, and many Irian Jaya Geological MappingProject reports e.g.: Ransiki (6), Waghete andKaimana (7). This latter quadrangle report maps alarge area of limestone annotated as theLacazinella/Discocyclina facies. The same fauna isrecorded many times in wells in these quadranglereports, which can be verified and expanded bypersonal observations including ASF-1, ASE-1,TBE-1, Besiri River-1, ASA-1, ASB-1, and SouthOeta-1 wells (8). In central Papua, Lacazinella isnoted in boulders of Faumai formation at the baseof the younger Akimeugah formation in the OtakwaRiver. In the Enclosure 10 V of Visser and Hermes,the Eocene outcrops are mapped for the west Pap-uan region. Some areas are marked as openmarine/pelagic dominated, including the Onin Pen-insula where some Lacazinella has been reported,but also several other locations, not detailed in thetext of the report, are annotated as Eocene plat-form or reefal limestones.

Rutten (1936) described Lacazinella on thePisang Islands, sometimes with Alveolina andmacrospheric Nummulites (N. bagelensis) indicat-ing a Middle Eocene age. Exploration wells in thearea noted in available reports to containLacazinella include the ASF-1, ASE-1, TBE-1,Besiri River-1, and also the ASA-1, ASB-1, andSouth Oeta-1 wells (unpublished personal obser-vations).

On Kai Besar (3) Lacazinella is reported byVerbeek (1908) and van Bemmelen (1949). Ver-beek (op cit. p.171-2) discussed in detail the previ-ous misidentification of Lacazinella ("Lacazinae")as Alveolina in "Alveolina limestones" from Kai.Bursch (1947), confirmed by Adams (1970),described the Kai Besar fauna occurring with thereticulate Nummulites fichteli thus indicating thateither Lacazinella occurs as young as the basal-most Oligocene, or these usually Oligocene Num-mulites forms are known from latest Eocene.

In more recent surveys, Lacazinella faunasare recorded many times in wells and the quadran-gle reports of the GRDC [IJGMP], e.g. Ransiki (6),Waghete and Kaimana (7). Other wells includeASF-1, ASE-1, TBE-1, Besiri River-1 [cf. reports ofthe IJGMP], and from personal observation in theASA-1, ASB-1, and South Oeta-1 wells (8). InPapua New Guinea, around OK Tedi (9) Belford[1984] reports Lacazinella. The area marked (10)covers several locations with common Lacazinella,but in one instance occurring with rare Biplanispira(See text on APB faunal distribution).

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Koolhoven (1930) reports L. cf. wichmannifrom the east arm of Sulawesi (4). Lacazinella isreported nearby in the offshore Tiaka-2 and -3wells offshore eastern Sulawesi (personal observa-tion, cited with permission Union Texas [Tomori]Ltd.).

Papua New Guinea

In the OK Tedi area (9, Telefomin and Tekinareas of Belford 1984) there are Lacazinella fau-nas. They also occur in Pupitau on the east of theKerabi Valley (APC 1961), as well as at LakeTebera-Hathor Gorge, I the area of the Pio and Puririvers, in the Kereru Range, and in the Puri-1, Bar-ikewa-1, Wana-1, Kuru-2, and –3, and Omati-1wells (as part of a re-worked assemblage in the lat-ter). The area marked (10) covers several locationswith common Lacazinella, but in one instanceoccurring with rare Biplanispira –(See text anddetail map on the Papuan area).

Eocene carbonate faunas with neither marker recorded

Christmas Island (Circled 1) is described inthis report. The small islands of Raijua and Rotti(Circled 2) described by Verbeek (1908) and vanBemmelen (1949) have Eocene carbonate faunasincluding Alveolina. Samples from a polymict con-glomerate (Wani beds) from the Tobelo Mts, inNorth Buton (Circled 3) contain Nummulites, Aster-ocyclina / Discocyclina [van Bemmelen (1949) p.420]. On the Island of Buru (Circled 4) are at leasttwo locations with Eocene larger forams [Wanner1907, Henny and Toxopeus 1922]. On WaigeoIsland (Circled 5) Brouwer (1924) found a fragmentof Eocene limestone in coarse breccias with smallNummulites, plus Discocyclina. In Central IrianJaya (Circled 6), both north and south of the zoneof imbricate melange and ophiolites are limestonesof Eocene age recorded by Visser and Hermes(1962) with Nummulites / Discocyclina assem-blages. Finally, ODP Leg 133 on the Queenslandplateau (Circled 7), has records of Nummulites andDiscocyclina (Betzler 1995, and Betzler, personal.commun. confirmed no records of APB orLacazinella).

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In Appendix 1 a very few locations are men-tioned with single records of marker taxa outsidetheir biogeographic provinces. After checkingmany other such unsubstantiated and un-illus-trated records in archives and oil company sam-ples and finding them to be misidentified, such afew single reports are not considered a concernand in most cases cannot be checked. However,there are some areas with more substantial prob-lems,which can be re-investigated. The followingare some notes should these anomalies prove wor-thy of investigation.

Eastern Sulawesi

van Bemmelen (1949) mentioned some sam-ples with ? Pellatispira and Assilina in the Unit D ofHopper (1941) as being from the eastern arm ofSulawesi. There is ambiguity whether this fauna isfrom eastern east Sulawesi, near where Koolhoven(1930) recorded Lacazinella cf wichmani. (seep.153 of vB) or in the northwest of this arm, nearBungku - Bongka. Some locations of easternSulawesi Eocene strata are shown in the map fig-ure 162 on plate 14 of van Bemmelen (1949), but itis not clear which locations have yielded which fos-sils. In light of the apparently mixed faunas in partsof PNG, it would be palaeontologically and geologi-cally important to establish how the two faunalgroups are distributed in the eastern arm ofSulawesi. The presence of Lacazinella in this area,however, indicates that some of eastern Sulawesiwas derived from the Australian margin, afterEocene times.

Papua New Guinea, the Omati to Chimbu Gorge area

Most of the Eocene records from Papua NewGuinea show clear differentiation of Lacazinella-only Australian faunas, and APB bearing facies,the latter being clearly part of terrains added laterto the modern Papuan island. However there are anumber of outcrops and wells with data that do notfit a simple dichotomous model. These sites are allin the area between the Omati Trough and theChimbu Gorge.

1. Chimbu Gorge

The paper of Crespin (1938) clearly showsBiplanispira, and in two figures there are speci-mens of Lacazinella in the same view asBiplanispira (plate 2, figs. 15 and 17). This (what?)is the only well-documented case of the two faunalgroups co-occurring. As Bain and Binnekamp(1973) and also Rickwood (1955) demonstrated,Lacazinella is common in later Eocene rocks of thisarea and noone has yet to find any more examplesof the APB lineage from this area.

2. The Barikewa-1 well

The publication of the APC (1961, p. 50), indiscussing the Eocene, states "The upper sectionof shoal limestone contained abundant Lacazina,Pellatispira, and rare Discocyclina ..."

3. The Iviri-1 well (APC, drilled 1965, open file report)

A Eocene core in Iviri-1 (core #40) wasreported to contain Biplanispira and Pellatispira.On the composite log this core is described as"Brown to dark brown, ill sorted, fine to mediumgrained calcarenite, slightly silty, much impureblack argillaceous material, glauconitic, pellets ofdark limestone and claystone which are probablyreworked Cretaceous sediments, solubility veryvariable between 40-95%, fossils few but very sig-nifican" Cores 37, 38, 39, and 41 from the sameMendi formation are light grey to brown, without thecomplex description of core 40 and despite"numerous fossils" the key fossils of Pellatispiraand Biplanispira are not recorded in these othercores. A re-examination of the cores would be use-ful.

4. The Kuru-2 and 3 wells

The publication of the APC (1961, p. 53), indiscussing the Eocene, states "The fauna in thesebores is characterised by the presence of Discocy-clina spp., Biplanispira mirabilis, Spiroclypeus ver-micularis and Operculinoides sp. over all but thebasal 120 feet. Lacazinella wichmanni supple-mented this fauna over all but the topmost 60 feet."