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Biology 1030 Winter 2009 1 Scott circa 2009 Animal Diversity Chapters 32, 33 and 34 (select pages) Three Domains of life Bacteria Archaea Living Organisms Archaea Eukarya True nucleus True organelles Heterotrophic Animals Scott circa 2009 Fungi Protists Autotrophic Plants Protists

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Biology 1030 Winter 2009


Scott circa 2009

Animal DiversityChapters 32, 33 and 34 (select pages)

• Three Domains of life– Bacteria

– Archaea

Living Organisms

– Archaea

– Eukarya• True nucleus

• True organelles

• Heterotrophic– Animals

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– Fungi

– Protists

• Autotrophic– Plants

– Protists

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Heterotrophic Protists• Paraphyletic grouping

– Lack chloroplasts

• Protozoans– Unicellular

• Animal-like protists– Diplomonads (Giardia)

– Ciliates (Paramecium)

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– Unikonta

• Amoebozoans

– (Amoeba)

• Opisthokonta

– (Choanoflagelates)


• Predecessor of all

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• Predecessor of all animals

• Colonial protists

• Collared cells

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What is an Animal?• Animals are characterized by multiple traits:

M lti ll l– Multicellular

• Cells interconnected through various junctions

– Lack cell walls

– Heterotrophic

– Directional motion

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– Diplontic life cycle

– Tissues develop fromgerm layers

Animal Diversity• Over 1.5 million

described species of animalsanimals– Insects– Underestimate

• Two large, general groups of animals:

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groups of animals:

1. Invertebrates

2. Vertebrates

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Phyla• A large taxonomic grouping of related


• 30-35 total phyla

• 10 ‘major’ phyla

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Phyla You Need to Know• Porifera

• Cnidaria

• Echinodermata

• Chordata

• Nematoda

• Arthropoda

• Platyhelminthes

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• Brachiopoda

• Annelida

• Mollusca

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Animal Classification• To classify animals, we ask the following questions:

1. Are there true tissues?

2. If yes, how many layers?

3. What is the pattern of development?

4. How do they grow?

4b. Special structure?

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5. Is there body symmetry?

6. Is there a body cavity?

1. Are Tissues Present?• What is a tissue?

– A group of cells

– If one or a few cells are removed:• They cannot perform their task

• They will eventually die

• Two major groups– Parazoa

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Parazoa• Phylum Porifera

– Eumetazoa• Everything else

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Ph. Porifera• The Sponges

• The first animals

C l i l ti t– Colonial protists (Choanoflagellates)

• All are aquatic and benthic

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Poriferan Body Plan• Sponges have no true

tissuesThree layers of cells only– Three layers of cells only• Pinacoderm

– Pinacocytes– Porocytes

• Mesohyl– ‘Spongocytes’

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• Choanoderm– Choanocytes

• But…– Why not true tissues?– Totipotency

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Poriferan Body Plan• Each cell is totipotent

– Not dependent on each other

Abl t h– Able to change

– Useful for asexual reproduction

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2. How Many Tissue Layers?

• Animals with true tissues

• Invagination of a hollow ball of cells

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– Ectoderm outside

– Endoderm inside

= Diploblastic

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How Many Tissue Layers?• In most animals

– Ectoderm

– Endoderm

– Mesoderm forms between

• Two major groups:

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Two major groups:

– Diploblastic

– Triploblastic

Phylum Cnidaria• Jelly fish, anemones,


• Diploblastic– Ectoderm (epidermis)

– Endoderm (gastrodermis)

– Space between is filled with mesoglea

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• 2 basic body shapes– Medusa

– Polyp

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• Nematocysts

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• Specialized stinging cell– Highly venomous

– Paralyzes prey

Cnidarian Body Plan• Colonial cnidarians

– All individuals are clones

• Corals– Autozooids are similar in


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Cnidarian Body Plan• Specialized colony

membersDactylozooid– Dactylozooid

– Gastrozooid– Gonozooid

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3. What Type of Development?• Animal development

• Diplontic life cycle

• The zygote– Undergoes cleavage

• The morula

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– A solid ball of cells

• The blastula– A hollow ball of cells

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Gastrulation• Arranges the tissue layers correctly

• Forms the primitive digestive tract or archenteron

• Creates an opening (blastopore)

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3. What Type of Development?• Fates of the blastopore:

1. Formation of the mouth

• Protostome development (mouth first)

2. Formation of the anus

• Mouth forms later

• Deuterostome

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• Deuterostomedevelopment (mouth second)

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The Deuterostomes• Radial cleavage

I d t i t d l t• Indeterminate development

• Enterocoelous– Outpockets from archenteron

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• Echinodermata

• Chordata

The Protostomes• Spiral cleavage

D t i t d l t• Determinate development

• Schizocoelous– Splitting of solid masses of mesoderm

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• The remaining phyla

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Phylum Echinodermata• Divided into 5 major classes

– Class Crinoidea

– Class Asteroidea

– Class Ophiroidea

– Class Echinoidea

– Class Holothuroidea

• All species are marine

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Echinoderm Body Plan• Larvae have bilateral


• Pentaradial (secondary) symmetry as adults

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Echinoderm Body Plan• The water vascular system

– LocomotionGas exchange– Gas exchange

– Circulation– Prey capture

• An adaptation of their coeloms!

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Echinoderm Body Plan• All have a calcareous endoskeleton of several

plates or ossicles

– Microscopic remnants

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Echinoderm Regeneration

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Phylum Chordata• Characteristics

– Dorsal hollow nerve cord

– Notochord

– Post-anal tail

– Pharayngeal gill arches/slits

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Phylum Chordata• Three major subphyla

– Subphylum Cephalochordata

– Subphylum Urochordata

– Subphylum Vertebrata

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Pharyngeal Gill Arches• Highly modified in the

more derived h d tchordates– Ancestral uses

– Form the jaws (arch 1)

– Form the inner ear(arches 1 & 2)

– Form the cartilages of

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Form the cartilages of the throat (arches 4 & 5)

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Subphylum Cephalochordata• The lancelets

• Small, fish-like animals

O l 25 i• Only 25 species

• Filter-feeders, catching food in their 100+ gill arches

• Believed to be the earliest chordates

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– Fossils found in the Burgess Shale and Chengjiang deposits

Subphylum Urochordata • The tunicates

• Defining characteristics only in the larval stages of developmentlarval stages of development

• Most are filter-feeders, but one is an active predator

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Subphylum Vertebrata

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Recall the Protostomes• Spiral cleavage

D t i t d l t• Determinate development

• Schizocoelous– Splitting of solid masses of mesoderm

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• The remaining phyla

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4. What Type of Growth Pattern?• Two different methods of growth

– Growth by continually extending their skeletons

– Growth by moulting body coverings

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– Growth by moulting body coverings

The Lophotrochozoans• Growth by extension of

their skeletons

• A common larval form– Trochophore larva

– Annelids & Mollusks

• A feeding structureLophophore

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– Lophophore

– Brachiopods

• Neither– Platyhelminths

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The Ecdysozoans• These animals are covered

by a hard covering

• Growth occurs by moultingor shedding their cuticle or exoskeleton– Ecdysis

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• Nematodes& Arthropods

Phylum Nematoda• The round worms

• The most abundant group of the Eumetazoa– Found in all habitats

– Free-living and parasitic forms

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Nematode Body Plan• Free-living species are

generally small, interstitial worms – µm – mm scale

• Parasitic species can be very large– cm – m scale!

D l

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• Dracunculus can grow over 1m!

Nematode Body Plan• Body covering is a cuticle

– A clear, tough but flexible, non-living covering

– Not an exoskeleton

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Free-Living Nematodes

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Parasitic Nematodes

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Phylum Arthropoda• Well over 1,000,000

species described!

• It has been said that if the creationist view of the origin of species was

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correct, then God had an inordinate love of beetles – There are more species of

beetles than all other animals combined!

Phylum Arthropoda• Well over 1,000,000 species described!

• All arthropods are characterized by:

E k l t ith j i t d d• Exoskeleton with jointed appendages

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• Segmentation is obvious– Generally each segment has a pair of appendages

Arthropod Body Plan

– Similar segments are grouped into body

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regaions or tagmata

Phylum Arthropoda• Divided into multiple Subphyla including:

– Subphylum Myriapoda

– Subphylum Cheliceriformes

– Subphylum Hexapoda

– Subphylum Crustacea

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• Centipedes and millipedes

Myriapod Body Plan

• Homonomoussegmentation– Except for the head region

• Legs are simple unbranched– The major difference is the number of legs per

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The major difference is the number of legs per segment

~30 segments × 2 legs/segment =

~190 segments × 4 legs/segment =

Cheliceriform Body Plan• The spiders, mites, scorpions and ticks

• Segments are grouped into 2 tagmata

A t i h l th– Anterior cephalothorax

– Posterior abdomen

• The chelicerae (chelicera sing.)

• 4 pairs of unbranchedwalking legs

• No antennae

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• Over 1,000,000 described species!– Dominate terrestrial environments

• Light weight chitinous exoskeleton

Hexapod Body Plan

• Light-weight chitinous exoskeleton

• Three tagmata

– Head – 5 segments

– Thorax – 3 segments

• Legs and wings

– Abdomen – up to 11

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Abdomen up to 11

Crustacean Body Plan• The crabs, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles, copepods

– Mostly aquatic with a few terrestrial species

H l i• Heavy calcarious carapace

• Body divided into 2 tagmata

– Cephalothorax• Biramous appendages

• Several pairs of antennae

– Abdomen – or tail

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The Lophotrochozoans• Growth by extension of

their skeletons

• A common larval form– Trochophore larva

– Annelids & Mollusks

• A feeding structureLophophore

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– Lophophore

– Brachiopods

• Neither– Platyhelminths

Phylum Platyhelminthes• The flat worms

• Possess neither a trochophore larvae or a lophophore

• 3 major classes– Class Turbellaria

– Class Cestoda

– Class Trematoda

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• They have a solid body construction

– Acoelomate

Platyhelminth Body Plan

• All flat worms exhibit bilateral symmetry

– Rudimentary light-sensitive eye-spots

• Flat worms have an incomplete, two-way gut

– The gastrovascular cavity

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Phylum Platyhelminthes

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Phylum Brachiopoda• The lamp shells

• One of a few lophophorate phyla

• Not clams!– Different plane of symmetry

– Different mode of life

– Different musculature

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Brachiopod Body Plan• Most are sessile - pedicle

– Some dig through the sand

• Valves are produced by a mantle as in the molluscs– Predominant in the fossil


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Protostome Development?• Cleavage is radial

• The second opening becomes the mouth– The blastopore disappearsp pp

• The third opening becomes the anus (if it forms)– The Inarticulata have a complete, 1-way gut

– The Articulata have an incomplete, 2-way gut

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Phylum Annelida• The segmented worms

• Three major classes

– Class Polychaeta

– Class Oligocaeta

– Class Hirudinea

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Annelid Body Plan• Obvious segmentation

– In many, the segments are all similar –hhomonomous

– Others have segments that are specialized –heteronomous

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Annelid Body Plan• Trochophore larval

• Paired setae (chaetae) on nearly all segmentsPolychaetae– Polychaetae –

– Oigochaetae –

– Hirudinea –

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Polychaete Body Plan• Predominantly marine worms with

parapodia on each segmentM ltit ki– Multitasking

• Well-developed head with palps– Multitasking

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Oligochaete Body Plan• Mainly terrestrial (some freshwater) worms

– No parapodia, & small setae or bristles• Streamline body shape

– Reduced head• No palps

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Hirudinean Body Plan• Body is dorsoventrally flattened

– Anterior and posterior suckers

• Segmentation is reduced to accommodate large blood meals

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Phylum Mollusca• All with a trochophore larval stage• Can be found in all environments marine, freshwater

and terrestrial (moist habitats)and terrestrial (moist habitats)• Four major classes

– Class Polyplacophora– Class Gastropoda– Class Bivalvia– Class Cephalopoda

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Molluscan Body Plan• Despite this variety all mollusks are

variations on a common theme

1. Muscular foot

2. Mantle

3. Radula

4. Visceral mass

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• A great example of adaptive radiation

Class Polyplacophora• The chitons

• Muscular foot for crawling

• Flexible 8-piece shell

• Tongue-like radula

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Class Gastropoda• The snails and slugs

• Crawling muscular foot

• Single spiral shell– slugs

• Tongue-like radula

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Class Bivalvia• The clams, scallops, mussels etc.

• Digging foot in some

• Shell in 2 hinged pieces

• No radula

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• The squid & octopi

• Foot modified into tentacles

Class Cephalopoda

• Shell reduced or absent

• Beak-like radula

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5. Type of Body Symmetry?• Most sponges (parazoa) are asymmetrical

– A ‘random’ growth of cells with no plane of tsymmetry

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5. Type of Body Symmetry?• The ancestral eumetazoan character trait is

radial symmetry– Where there are several planes of symmetry

– Radial animals are divided on an oral-aboral axis

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5. Type of Body Symmetry?• The more derived trait is bilateral symmetry

– Only a single plane creates two ‘equal’ halves• Bilateral animals have multiple axes or ‘sides’

– Anterior – Posterior

– Dorsal – Ventral

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Cephalization• Two major groups of animals

– Radiata– Bilateria

• The concentration of sensory organs at the anterior end

• Clustering of neurons

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g– Ganglia

– Brains

• Complex behaviours

6. Is There a Body Cavity?• The body cavity is called the coelom

– The fluid-filled space around internal organs

– Room for internal organs to expand and move

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• Only looked at in triploblastic animals

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6. Is There a Body Cavity?• Eucoelomate

– A cavity completely lined with mesodermlined with mesoderm

• Pseudocoelomate

– A cavity partially linedwith mesoderm (and endoderm)

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• Acoelomate

– No cavity

– The ‘space’ is completely filled with mesoderm

Animal Phylogeny• The traditional

phylogenetic tree –shared charactersshared characters– Anatomical features

– Developmental characters

– Embryological characters

• New technologies –molecular data

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molecular data– DNA and rRNA sequencing

• Molecular phylogeny

Read Concept 32.4