biology games : jeopardy chapter 1 introduction to biology (revision)

20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt Cells to Systems Organs The Digestive Process Healthy Digestion Circulator System

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Biology Form 4 Chapter 1 : Introduction to Biology


Blank Jeopardy

When cells work together, they are called Groups of Tissues that work together are known as Name an Organ System ofthe bodyWhat areTissues?What are Organs?This organ takes9 hours to squeezefood through its longnarrow tube mixing withdigestive juices.The Digestive Processbegins here as the foodis broken into smallerpieces.These glands moisten yourfood and make it easyto swallow.Foods move down this long tube bybeing squeezed by strong musclesand end up in thestomach.Blood cells take thenutrients from here to all parts of the body. This organ removes theunused food and water which will then leave the body as waste.These typesof foods cause a buildup of plaque inyour arteries

Name the material that fruits and vegetables contain that willkeep the Digestive System healthy. What do Dairy Productscontain that make the bones and teeth strong and healthy?Where does thebody get the Energy to do all thethings it wants to do?What helps the food we eat to be digested more easily? The Circulatory System transports these two things from one part of the body to another.Name the kind of cells that helps fight GermsName the topChambers of the heart.

Blood Vessels thatcarry Blood awayfrom the Heart. Blood Vessels that Carry blood to theHeart.This is the smallest part of the Human Body

What is theEsophagus ?

Where is theSmall Intestine?What is theLarge Intestine?

What areFatty Foods?

What isFiber?

What isCalcium?

What is from digesting healthy foods ?

What is Exercise?

What isFood and Oxygen?

What areWhite Blood Cells?

What are the RightAnd Left Atrium ?

What areArteries ?

What areVeins?