biology introduction


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Page 1: Biology introduction


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What is biology?

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Biology is the branch of science which deals withthe study of living organisms.

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The term biology is derived from two Greekwords;“Bios” means life“logos” means knowledge.Thus biology is science oflife.

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It is an organized study of living things and of theories that men have devised to describe and explain the world of life

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What is the significance of biology?

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Biology helps us to understand ourlives and the world we live in, ithas made enormous impact on human welfare

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An ever increasing human population require more and more food. Food productioncan be increased by careful study of plants and soil and improved techniques in animal

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Biology has enabled man to realize the importance ofbalanced diet.

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Biological studies have also helped to control pest

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It is through advancement in biology that man has able to control diseases with the consequence that mortality rate has decreased and individuals live longer and lead healthy life

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In the field of health the discovery of antibiotics and vaccines isnote worthy. These remedies have been revolutionary in controlling epidemic diseases

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Although biology is a distinct branch of science, its method is similar to that of its other branches.

Biological Methods

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Identification of problem

It is scientific guess on the basis of observation. it needs experimental verification

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The proposed hypothesis is examined by experiments designedespecially for this purpose

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If hypothesis is verified by experiments it given a status of theory

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Like other subjects of science, Biology also has got definite way of investigation for the exploration and discovery of new facts. The scientific way of study and exploration of facts in biology is called Biological Method.

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The first logical statement given by scientist about workunder study is the hypothesis. It is fairly reliable and simplified version of facts


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Hypothesis is then tested experimentally, results are recorded and certainadditions or deductions are made accordingly

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After performing a number of experiments, the results are summarized andIf majority of results and observations are in favour, a “theory” is established

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If a theory is tested and always found correct, it is accepted world over asa rule or Law

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Islamic View about the Origin of Life

The Holy Quran throws adequate light o the origin of life. The most important in the teaching of Quran is that Allah is ultimate creator of everything.

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        ﴿ م� ل�ي ع� ء ي� ع �� ل ك� ل� ع� ك� ع� �  ء ي� ع ع�� ك� ع� ع� ع� ع� �  م� �ع �ل ع�ا ك ع! ي" ك� ع# ي� ع! ع� م$ ع! ع� ك ع! ك% ك�� ع& ى' )� ع ع+* �  ل, ي- ع+. ي/ ع�* ل0 ع�* ع1ا ع�2 !* ك3 ل$& ١٠١ع� ﴾

“He is the creator of the heavens and the earth” (sura Ana’m 6, Ayah 101)

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ي� ك� ك�� ع- ك ��ـ ع !* ك� ك� ل! ع�   �ىع8 ك� ./� ع ل9* ع ىع! ل9* ك:   �ع/. ك$� �ك ي� ع;ا ء ي� ع �� ل ك� ك� ل! م�   �ع�ا ل�ي ع� ء ي� ع �� ل ك� ى' ع� ع� ع� ك� ع�

“That is Allah your lord. There is no god but Him. Therefore, serve Him He is theGuardian of all things.” (Sura Ana’m 6,Ayah 102)

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“We did create man from essence of clay.” (Surah Al-Marium 23,Ayah 12)

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Main Branchesof


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The branch of biology which deals with the study of plants

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The branch of biology which deals with the study of animals

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Some of the important branches of biology commonto botany and zoology

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It deals with the study of external structures of animals and plants

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It deals with the study of tissues of plants and animals undermicroscope

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It is the study of the cell and its organ

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It is the study of working of various systems of living organisms

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It is the study of relationship of living organisms with theirenvironment

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The branch which deals with classification and naming of livingorganisms

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It deals with the study of inheritance of character from onegeneration to another

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It deals with the study of microscopic organismssuch as virus, bacteria and protozoans

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It deals with the application of biological processes for the benefit of mankind

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Quranic Teaching about animals and plant life

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م�ا ه� م�ا ق� م م م� ق�ا ق م� ما م� م�ا م� ق� م�� ق� م�ا ت� م�ا م�ا م�� ال �م� م�ا ه��ا م م� �م ت ي �ل م ا �م مي ق! مل م� ي�$   "م�ا م& ي' ق$ م) م�( ه� ت' م�ا قل ا �م ت* م�ا ق+ م, م- م�   "م� ه�و ت* ق/ هي م1ا م� م�ا  

“We made from every living thing. Will they not then believe? Surah Anbiyah 21, Ayah 30

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ء ع=ا ي" ل= ء� �� ع ع<* ع�� ك� ع� ع� ء3   �ع� ع� ي- ع+* ى' ع� ع� ل?� ي1 ع& ي" ع= ي� ك@ Aي ل= ع� ل" يي ع� Bي ل- ى' ع� ع� ل?� ي1 ع& ي" ع= ي� ك@ Aي ل= ع� ل Aل Cي ع� ى' ع� ع� ل?� ي1 ع& ي" ع= ي� ك@ Aي ل1 ك   �ع; ع?ا ع& ع=ا ك ��ـ ع !* ك� ك� Dي ع    �ع& ��ـ ع !* ع�% ل9* Eم ل$& Fع ء ي� ع �� ل ك� ى' ع� ع�  

“And Allah created every animal from water. Of them these are some that creep on their bellies. Some that walk on two legs and some that walk on four Allah creates what he pleases. He has power over all things. (Surah Nur 24, Ayah 45)

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“He sends down water from the sky and with it brings forth the buds of every plant.from these we bring forth green foliage and close-growing grain, palm-trees ladenwith clusters of dates with in reach, vineyards and olive groves and pomegranates,(which are)alike and different. Behold their fruits when they bear fruits and ripensurely. In these there are sign for true believers. (Surah Ana’m 6, ayah 99)

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“He has made for you the earth like a carpet spread out, has enabled you to go aboutthere by roads and channels, and has send down water from sky. With it have produceddiverse pairs of plants each separate from the other.” (Surah Ta-Ha 20, Ayah 53)

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“And in the earth are tractsand diverse though neighboringgarden of vines and fields sownsome with corn and palm treesgrowing out of simple roots or otherwise. Watered within the same water. Yet some of them we make more excellent thanothers to eat.”(Surah Al Ra’d 13)

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“It is Allah who splits the seeds and the fruit stone. He bringsforth the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. Howthen can you turn away from Him.” (Surah Ana’m, Ayah 95)

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“And surely in cattle too you find an instructive sign. From what is with in their bodies, between excretion and blood, we produce for you drink mild pure and –to those who drink it. (Surah Nahal16, Ayah 66)

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“We have spread out the earth and set up on it immovable mountains. We have causedto grow in it from every ordained things. (Surah Hajar 15, Ayah 19)

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“ Glory be to Him who created pairs of all things which the earth grown and oftheir own kind and that of which they have no knowledge.”(Sura Yasin 36)

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“And your Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in men’shabitations. Then to eat of all the produce (of earth) and find with skills the spaciouspath of its Lord, their issue from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men. Surily in this is a sign for those who give thought.”Surah Nahal 16, Ayah 68-89

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Muslim Biologists

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ABDUL MALIK ASMAIHe was born in Busra in 741 AD he was regarded as specialist of this time in animalscience.Publications:He wrote many books on animals and plants. Al-Kheil: about horses Al-lbit about camels As-Shat about sheep Al-Wahoosh about wild animals Khalaqul Insan about different parts of human body

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ALI BIN RABBAN TUBRIHe was born in 775 AD in Tubristan and died in 870 AdPublication:Firdus-ul-Hikma;The book has many illustrations and detailed articles onobjects like philosophy, zoology, psychology and astronomy

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AL-FARABI (870-950 Ad)

He was renowned Hakim of Islamic world.Publications:

He wrote two well known books;Kitab-i-Nabatiat


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ABUL QASIM AL-ZAHRAVI (936-1004 AD)He was renowned surgeon of the Islamic world. He was famous for the removal of stone from the urinary bladder.

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IBN-AL-HAITHAM (965-1039 AD)

He is one of the most outstanding figures of Muslim history, being an optician of great merit and stature. Some 200 scientific works said to have been written by him on diverse subject. He was the first on to correct theGreek conception of vision, locating retina as the seat of vision.Publication:Kitabaul Manazir Mizanul Hikma

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He was born in Kharmsheen near Bukhara in 10th century AD. He wasconsidered to be one of the founders of medicine. Aside from medicine he was expert in mathematics, astronomy, physics, paleontology and music.

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Zia-ud-din Ibn Baitar of 13th centuryspecialized in the study of plants.He was highly respected among the scientists of the middle age.

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He discovered the blood circulation during13th century.

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He was greatest zoologist of his time. Hecompiled a book“Hayat-al-Haywan”during 14th centurywhich was about thousand kinds of animals

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He was a well known eye specialist of his times and worked on structure,function and diseases of eye. He wrote three volumes on this subjects inwhich he has described 130 diseases of the eye.

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He is especially known in Europe for his book on animal species

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He wrote a famous book “ Al-Haywan”. In this book he described his own observationon animals

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Impact of Biological Studies on Human Welfare

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ABIOGENESISMan had believed since ancient times that living organism arise from, clayearth and other non-living matter and not from pre-existing parents oftheir own kind. This old belief that living beings can spontaneously develop from the non-living is termed as abiogenesis.

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BIOGENESISAccording to this theory living organism can arise frompre-existing living organisms

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REDI’S EXPERIMENTSSome dead snakes were placed in a box. It was noticed that fliesgathered round the dead snakes. After three days maggots appearedin their bodies and they devoured their flesh, leaving behind only bones. After eighteen days maggots became inactive, assumed an egglike shape and transformed into pupae. Some of these pupae were then transferred to separate glass containers covered with sheet ofpaper

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OBSERVATIONAfter eight days, it was observed that a fly emerged from every pupae and all suchflies were similar to those which were seen initially to settle on the body of deadsnakes.

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CONLUSIONFrom this it was concluded that the flies had laid eggs on dead snakes. Those eggs gave rise to maggotswhich formed pupae and ultimatelyflies emerged from them.

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EXPERIMENT NO. 2Redi took eight bottles. He put dead snakes and fishes in them. Of these eight bottles,four were kept open and four covered.Observation:After a few days, maggots appeared in the first four bottles only. No maggots appearedin the bottles kept covered.Conclusion: This showed that if the flies were prevented from entering bottles, the maggots did not appear

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Method: some pieces of meat were put in a bottle whose mouth was covered withgauze. Thus air could enter the bottle while flies remained out. As further precautionthis bottle was placed in a box, the wall of which were made of netting.Observation: No maggots appeared on the piece of meat even after many days in spiteof the fact that entry of air was possible.

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These experiments provided evidence supporting the idea that only living beings giverise to living beings.