biology unit one

Biology Unit One e watching by recording, watch for questions on the slides th ntation. Email me the answers to the questions within two da ing presented in order to receive credit for watching the rec Mrs. Pearson’s First Semester Biology

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Biology Unit One. Mrs. Pearson’s First Semester Biology. *For those watching by recording, watch for questions on the slides throughout the presentation. Email me the answers to the questions within two days of the lesson being presented in order to receive credit for watching the recording. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Biology Unit One

*For those watching by recording, watch for questions on the slides throughoutthe presentation. Email me the answers to the questions within two days of thelesson being presented in order to receive credit for watching the recording.

Mrs. Pearson’s First Semester Biology

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Is it safe to go in the water?!

The boy and girl were swimming just off the shore under the watchful eye of their mother.

Unbeknownst to them, a predator was lurking… The predator usually preferred water birds, but today it

would dine on human flesh!! Smaller than a shark, even smaller than the water birds,

these free-swimming organisms seek out waterfowl in order to breed in their intestines. Sometimes though, they encounter human skin and burrow in.

What condition do they cause? Swimmer’s Itch! The larvae of this parasitic flatworm live in

bird intestines and come out with the feces. They won’t survive long on people. If you are attacked, you will form raised spots on your skin that are very itchy. Some people also run a fever and can take as long as two weeks to recover. A brisk rubdown with a dry towel can kill the larvae before they cause a problem so… towel off after you swim!!

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Objectives Continue discussing why water is of

special importance Briefly discuss carbohydrates, lipids,

proteins, and nucleic acids as organic chemicals

Unit One

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Water shmatter… I prefer tea We talked about water in relation to acids

and bases but it has other properties that make it important for living things

Unit One

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Water shmatter… I prefer tea Energy storage

Ever walked on the shore and about burned your feet in the hot sand? Where did you go to cool your feet?

Unit One

Ever gone swimming at night?

Water holds heat energy while the sand does not.

Sand heats up quickly and cools down quickly.

It takes more energy to heat water but it also will not give it up easily.

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Water shmatter… I prefer tea Cohesion

What other words have “co-” in them? Cooperate, collaborate, collective…

Unit One

Any ideas what cohesion might mean?

We’re in this together!!

Water’s polar nature allows it to stick to itself

Water tension is one example

***Those watching by recording, include in your email the definition of cohesion.

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Water shmatter… I prefer tea Adhesion

If COhesion is something sticking to itself… What is ADhesion?

Unit One

How might adhesion come in handy for living things… like plants…

***Those watching by recording, include in your email the definition of adhesion.

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Organic Compounds Organic Compounds

Carbon Four bonding sites - versatile

Unit One

Most everything in living systems that is not water, is a compound that contains carbon.

The major groups of organic compounds are…CarbohydratesLipidsProteinsNucleic Acids

***Those watching by recording, include in your email element common in organic compounds.

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Organic Compounds Carbohydrates

These are sugars and starches Main form of energy Fruits, grains and veggies

Unit One

Chemically, they are grouped and referred to based on the number of carbons in their structures and by repeating segments

Monosaccharides – simplest sugars

Disaccharies – two monosaccharides bonded together

Polysaccharides - many

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Organic Compounds Lipids

Commonly called fats Can store energy Serve many other functions – body insulation,

cell structure

Unit One

Cholesterol is a kind of lipid – used in cell membranes

Steroids are a kind of lipid – hormones that enter the cell

***Those watching by recording, include in your email two examples of lipids.

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Organic Compounds Proteins

Made of amino acids Make up DNA – genetic information

Unit One

Function in the cell membrane

Make up muscle tissue

Collagens are a kind of protein that make up tendons, hide and cornea

Keratin is a kind of protein that makes up hair, fingernails, feathers and horns

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Organic Compounds Nucleic Acids

Important part of DNA Important part of RNA

Unit One

We will study further in our genetics unit

Four (plus one) that we will deal withAdenosineThymineGuanineCytosine(Uracil)

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Review Water is able to store significant amounts

of energy in the form of heat Adhesion and cohesion make water

especially useful to organisms Organic chemicals typically contain carbon

Carbohydrates – sugars and starches Lipids – fats Proteins – DNA, RNA, and muscle Nucleic Acids – DNA and RNA

Now you are ready for the Chemistry quiz and the unit test! Be sure you do the vocabulary review before completing the test.

Unit One

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Questions? Unit One