biomat distributor's training legal disclaimer. information provided is for informational...

BIOMAT DISTRIBUTOR'S TRAINING Legal Disclaimer. Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should consult a medical professional regarding any health concerns.

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Legal Disclaimer. Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should consult a medical professional regarding any health concerns.

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I. Product information

II. Health Benefits

III. The Business

A. Becoming a Distributor

B. Getting Orders

C. Marketing

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A powerful healing tool utilizing the TRIAD of

Far Infrared Rays (Heat/Light)

Amethyst Negative Crystals Ions

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What is Far Infrared Rays (FIR)?

Far Infrared Rays penetrate deeply into the body with a uniform warming effect. Specifically, FIR penetrates 6-8 inches into the innermost recesses of the body.

See the next page photos contrasting a regular heating pad (left) versus the BioMat (right).

FIR’s deep penetrating heat raises the body temperature, inducing an artificial fever. Combined with the elimination of toxins and waste produced by sweating, your overall health and resistance to disease is increased; your immune system is strengthened by combating the “fever.”

As the BioMat warms up your body, Far Infrared Rays change your physical condition by:

Facilitating blood circulation and increasing delivery of oxygen-rich blood to muscles.

Stimulating your cells.

Activating more than 3000 essential enzymes, including the release and discharge of harmful materials in the body.

Heating the body from the inside out.

Shifting the brain waves to a Delta state, promoting deep relaxation.

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H ea tin g P ad P ro fess io n a l B io M at

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Positive ions make you feel slow and sluggish … negative ions make you feel good, providing natural euphoria!

The freshness of the air in nature comes from negative ions and there’s a high concentration of negative ions near the ocean, in the mountains, in pine forests or around waterfalls – no wonder these are popular vacation spots!

The BioMat emits negative ions, as well as transforms positive ions to negative ions in the body. The negative ions generated by the BioMat are absorbed by the breath and into the skin.

Negative ions open “cell channels” and activate the body’s entire communication system.

In 1991, two scientists received the Nobel Prize for Medicine when they discovered there are cell channels connecting over 60 trillion cells in the human body.

Without negative ions, your cell channels do not open.

When cell channels are closed, nutrients cannot be passed to the parts of the body that are blocked, reducing essential cell activity. This creates pain. Also, wastes aren’t excreted, accumulating in the body to cause adverse health effects.

Negative ions give the body a massage at the “molecular level,” deepening and cleansing all bodily functions.

While positive ions increase acidity, negative ions balance the body’s pH by increasing alkalinity.

The benefits of negative ions include purifying the blood, facilitating cellular metabolism, enhancing vitality, improving the immune system, reducing pain and distributing nutrients.

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Amethyst delivers the steadiest, most powerful delivery of healthy Far Infrared Rays and the highest vibrational frequencies to the body.

Amethyst is a gem of alchemy. It has transmutational powers because it works at 1) physical, 2) emotional, and 3) spiritual dimensions.

Physical – Where toxins are accumulated, blood circulation is blocked and cellular energy flow is impaired. Amethyst is a powerful detox as it clears certain types of blockages and aligns the chakras, carrying energy freely through the bloodstream. Amethyst also soothes those who have engaged in rigorous mental activity, calming and protecting the mind.

Emotional – Amethyst has been called “nature’s tranquilizer.” It relaxes the mind, reduces negativity, alleviates anxiety, and calms the nervous system.

Spiritual – Amethyst is a helpful aid in meditation and transforms lower energies into higher consciousness. It has the capability to balance and stabilize energies.

Gemisphere (tools of gemstone energy medicine) says, “Amethyst helps you attain wisdom by reminding every aspect of your being of its inherent spiritual nature. And it helps support the health of your nervous system.”

Additional information about detoxing: When toxins are excreted from the body, you may not feel well and your physical condition may decline. If you know you are intensively detoxing, use the BioMat on a low temperature for short periods of time. Your body will likely begin to recover (it is a good thing to eliminate toxins).

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This powerful stone resonates at a high spiritual vibration. It transforms negative energy into love, enhancing serenity and higher states of consciousness. Its ability to transform makes it potent in developing psychic abilities, mental dexterity and emotional balance. It alleviates stress caused by unfocused, scattered thought and assists in overcoming addictions and blockages. It promotes the use of clear thinking with spiritual insight, allowing us to make decisions, achieve goals and heal.

Its spiritual potency opens our self to the higher realms of divine love, encouraging selflessness and wisdom. It promotes spiritual development, especially in the realms of meditation and astral travelling. It helps link the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with the spiritual. It cleanses the aura and helps to bring balance and a sense of spiritual connectedness. It is also useful in raising the energies of a partnership to a higher vibration.

Healing: Exceptional cleansing properties for the body, emotions, mind and spirit (detox). Works on balancing and tuning the endocrine system and assisting with cleansing the digestive organs and the blood. It also helps with headaches and tension. Good for injuries, hearing disorders, insomnia and anything to do with breath.

Color: Purple to lavender

Key Words: Mental Powers, Divine Love, Balance, Spiritual Partnership

Note about the BioMat: The Professional-size BioMat is filled with amethyst.

Excerpted from “the CRYSTAL deck,” Amanda Samson, 2006.

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CONDITIONSAcid reflux or heartburn, chronicAnxietyBrain, any complaintDisconnection from selfEmotional imbalance or extremesHeadacheIrritabilityLetting go, difficulty withNervous system conditionParalysisParkinson’s disease and other palsiesPublic speaking, discomfort withSelf-expression, difficulty withStress, chronic or acute

GOALS AND DESIRESAwareness or consciousness, expandedInner guidance, improvedLife goals, desire to clarifySpiritual developmentVoice, desire to strengthen

Excerpted from Gemisphere (

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Both the MiniMat and the Pillow are filled with half tourmaline.

Tourmaline’s beneficial properties include:

Emits natural negative ions.

Increases mental alertness and clears confusion.

(Note: Many people sleep on the pillow with increased mental clarity; the MiniMat is frequently used in offices where the benefit of thinking clearly increases productivity.)

Relieves stress.

Enhances the body’s immune function.

Purifies the blood and improves circulation.

Deflects and repels negative energy.

Helps break up energy blockages, thus bringing new clarity of purpose by integrating the physical and spiritual worlds.

Promotes sound sleep.

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Love energies are most often realized through their expression. Tourmaline helps to overcome grief, sorrow and other traumatic memories. It encourages unity of male and female energies to bring about balance and steadiness. Balancing the yin and yang, Tourmaline works strongly with the meridians of the body as well as the chakras. At a mental level, it assists in the balancing of the hemispheres of the brain to enable us to transcend the mundane and achieve unity with the cosmos. It is especially useful for shamanic and trance work.

Tourmaline’s protective nature helps ground spiritual practice, cleanses and purifies the auric field and aligns the chakras. It encourages journeys into the self to bring deeper understanding of your connection with the whole. It is good at opening us to the cycles of nature. It brings a clear sense of understanding, colored with the energy of universal love.

Healing: Tourmaline encourages and stimulates the energy flows in and around the body to promote overall healing. Good for calming nervous tension and releasing stress. Very useful when working with psychosomatic manifestations of imbalance and disease.

Color: Black, blue, green, red, yellow, pink

Key Words: Unity, Love, Protection

Note about the BioMat: Both the MiniMat and the Pillow are filled with half tourmaline.

Excerpted from “the CRYSTAL deck,” Amanda Samson, 2006.

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CONDITIONSDisempowerment, sense of (men)Edema (men)Endocrine imbalance (men)Energy, low or sluggish (men)Fear (men)Gender-related imbalanceGland, any complaint (men)Hormonal imbalance (men)ImpotenceIneffectiveness or difficulty putting ideas into action (men)Infertility (men)Libido issue (men)Prostate condition or weaknessReproductive disorder or weakness (men)Self-esteem, low (men)Sense of self, weak or confused (men)Sexual dysfunction (men)Weakness, physical (men)

GOALS AND DESIRESAthletic performance, improvedEndurance, improvedMuscle strength, improvedRelationship with mate, desire to enhance (men)Sexual health (men)Vitality, increased (men)

Excerpted from Gemisphere (

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AMETHYST PILLOWBelow are some thoughts about the Amethyst Pillow.  Many of you wonder if the pillow is

necessary? Why the Pillow? 

Is it Necessary?  No

Should you use it?  Yes, it offers so much more than support for the neck.

For example, the Amethyst Pillow is based on the Ayurvedic concept of “Cool Head, Warm Body.” The Pillow allows the head to be cool so your body can take higher therapeutic temperatures more comfortably.  Since your head is your thermostat, if it is cool, your body thinks it is cool.

By unzipping the pillow, it becomes a wrap:

Use it as a wrap or “poultice.” You can wrap it around an injured or bruised limb - leg, knee or arm. 

If you have a stomach ache, you can lay it on top of your stomach to soothe it.

If you have cramps, it will help them dissolve.

If you lay it across your chest, it can facilitate opening your congested lungs and airways.

Lay your head on it and it helps open the sinuses.


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The combination of Far Infrared Rays, negative ions and amethyst crystals helps to:

1. Soothe the autonomic nervous system (ANS) – the ANS controls homeostasis (the body’s constancy of heart pumping, body temperature, breathing, fluid volume, etc.)

Boosts the immune system

Increases body temperature which expands blood vessels and increases blood flow in the body

Helps you move and breathe easier (relieves pain and joint stiffness, and reduces inflammation).

2. Stimulate the circulatory system (body is in “flow” finding balance, rejuvenation and wellness)

Increases blood circulation

Removes waste and toxins.

3. Promote relaxation

Induces deep Delta state of relaxation

Improves sleep.

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Im a g es tak en 1 0 -1 0 -0 8

Im a g es tak en 1 0 -2 5 -0 8 a fte r b e in g o n th e P ro fess io n a l B io M at

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The Harvard Medical School found that cancer cells are vulnerable to heat and are destroyed at temperatures over 107.6º F. (42º C.). The rise in body temperature weakens cancer cell activities.

Dr. N. Yoshimizu, MD, PhD states, “Exposure to Far Infrared Rays is the key to preventing metastatic cancers and strengthening the immune system.”

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Do you have cold hands and feet? This is called “cold hypersensitivity” when areas far away from the heart get cold. The BioMat enhances the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation, reducing cold hands and feet by raising the overall body temperature.

A blood cell example: The photo on the left is coagulated red blood cells before using the BioMat. After a 30-minute session, you can see how the blood cells changed to healthy and ideal for carrying oxygen (photo on the right).

Dr. Naohisa Ishibashi, MD at Kobe Medical Institute states, “Low body temperature causes bad circulation due to the stiffening of red blood cells. This disturbs the process of excreting waste and toxic matters from the body and therefore, causes various kinds of disease.”

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In a clinical trial by Dr. George Gant, 12 patients used the BioMat for one hour per day to find out if it efficiently reduced stress levels. The results showed stress hormones, including cortisol, decreased by 78%.

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If your body temp rises approximately 2º F, enzyme activities increase approximately 40% and the immune system will be enhanced. In contrast, if your body temp drops by approximately 2º F, enzyme activities decrease by 50% and your immunity will be greatly decreased.

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From Teresa Lopez:

One of my nephews has an Autism diagnosis. Two years ago, while spending the night at my cousin’s home, her son, who was seven, woke up screaming in the middle of the night. Thinking at first he had fallen and broken something, I ran into his room. His parents said, "He's okay, this is normal." The next morning, I learned that he had been experiencing night terrors for the past 18 months.

My cousin agreed to allow him to sleep on a mini BioMat that I provided. My nephew is now nine and has been sleeping on the BioMat for two years. Since the first day of receiving the BioMat, he has not experienced any night terrors, except once when I took his mini BioMat for an Expo. After three nights not having his BioMat, the night terrors began again, only to be eliminated once he got the BioMat back.

Also, my nephew is able to communicate more accurately; he is calm and less frustrated.

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How does the BioMat affect children with disabilities like Autism?

A woman who has an autistic son and cares for five other autistic children three days a week told me that she has seen significant positive changes in behavioral patterns using the BioMat with her son. She has also had reports from the other parents that their children's behavior patterns have shifted positively. She is also engaging them in short yoga stories and helping them relax on the BioMat afterwards. Her son uses the BioMat to “ground” when he has had a rough day at school. If the children are really frustrated, it acts as a safe zone when they need it and gives them attention they might need in any given moment.

Additionally, the BioMat is helpful to remove acidic waste and toxin deposits from the body, restoring organ, glandular, circulative, and cellular function. The disruption that toxins and heavy metals can create in cellular communication and mind-body communication is crucial to optimal function in the human body systems. Heavy metals have been linked to Autism in some studies. The BioMat reaches into deep recesses of the body, purging the heavy metals, dissolving the acidic waste solidifications, and mobilizing them into the elimination systems.

Additionally, autistic children often have a difficult time in slowing their brain waves to restorative rest and being able to do this can create whole new balances in the overall functioning of the body. The BioMat has been proven to assist in slowing the brain waves down, so in this way, it can also be beneficial for autistic children.

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Contact Tami if you are interested in a research report regarding this health challenge.


Tami's personal examples.


According to The Journal of American Medical Association, “There are 1000 times more toxic heavy metals used now than 50 years ago.” (This makes detoxing even more critical.)


The BioMat is the first thermo-therapeutic mat using Far Infrared Rays to receive FDA approval as a medical device, signifying the safety and clinical effects. The BioMat Professional is a registered FDA Medical Device #2954299.

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Must purchase $1500 to qualify to be a distributor

+ paid for a distributor kit ($65 + $15 shipping) – there is no free shipping on the distributor kit

+ fill out ISA form which includes either your ssn or fed id #

+ register with (no charge & it takes 5 minutes – see instructions below)


To register with Richway – go to and click on English. Then on the right-hand side click “Register” and follow the prompts.

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Up to $4,500 5%

$4,501 to $10,500 7% Gold

$10,501 to $16,500 10% Emerald

$16,501 + 20% Diamond

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A $400 bonus is paid after you reach Gold Level (sales volume of $4,501+) and you have 6 points on the left and 6 points on the right. (Your personal purchases are included in the $4500 to reach Gold.)

A point is worth $500. For example, a Mini BioMat is 1 point ($650) and a pro set (pillow and pro BioMat) is 4 points ($2000). A pro mat ($1650) is three points and with the pro discount ($1550), it is three points. Shipping amounts do not contribute to points.

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You want to keep track of this for your commissions/bonuses.

First name Last name Product ordered

$$ Amount RI # E-mail address

Tami Briggs Pro set $1600 RI - XXX Tami@...

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Go to

Enter English

On the right-hand side, there is a long menu.  Click on Printable Order Form

The RI number will appear – write this down and you can write it on the Order Form that you’ve printed.

To get more #s, keep clicking on Printable Order Form – every time you click on this, you will get another RI number.

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Enter the RI number in the top right-hand box.

Application Info: you will fill in the customer’s name (don’t worry about the ssn unless the person wants to be a distributor), e-mail, phone and mailing address

Sponsor Info: your name or biz name, e-mail, phone, last 4 digits of your ssn or fed id no (whichever Richway has on file)

Placement Info: call Tami for this info

Order info: item no. isn’t important, description is Mini BioMat or pro mat, pillow, etc.

No sales tax since we aren't in Hawaii

S & H – current rates are $40 for Mini; $60 for Pro Mat; $30 for Pillow.

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ORDER FORM (cont.)

Free shipping (see next slide)

Then total the amount + S/H (if relevant)

Credit Card Payment – check which credit card type, enter the number, the expiry date and the 3-4 digit code on the back of the credit card. Also the exact name on the credit card. You don’t have to have the customer sign it.

You sign in the box of the Rep’s Signature and date it.

Fax the order to attn of Doreen at 808-597-1651. You will receive your commission check 3 weeks from the Saturday that you place your order. (The reason it takes 3 weeks is Richway allows 1 week to process/ship and have the BioMat arrive at the customer's location. Then, the client has 1 week to return it for a full refund. Richway processes checks the Monday after this week and it takes 5-6 days to receive checks from Hawaii. Richway's week ends on Saturday at 2 p.m. Hawaii time. Any orders they receive after this time are counted the following week.)

Once you’ve completed the order forms and have faxed them, let me know the contact's name, address, e-mail, and phone (not credit card info).

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Write this in the right hand margin of the order form to be faxed:

Free shipping as per Calvin Kim 3/27/07 MD Gail Soucy R2713162

Chanhassen, MN * November 5, 2011 * Achieving a Healthy Balance Women’s Retreat

(The last line changes with each show.)

There is NO free shipping on the distributor kit.

PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNTSSee Attached Letter dated 4/1/2012

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Fax order to Richway with NO credit card info.

Write on side margin – Medical Invoice Required.

Richway will e-mail the patient/client this invoice.

Then the patient/client takes this to their doctor. The doc writes a prescription and this paperwork gets submitted to insurance.

AIG will NOT cover the BioMat

Auto injury protection or personal injury protection (PIP) will sometimes cover

Best to submit the BioMat early in the claims process (b4 the monies have been used up with chiropractors, massages, etc.).

Richway won’t send out the BioMat until the insurance company pays. I have no idea how long this would take, but I could imagine with the insurance company’s red-tape, it would take awhile. Also, the distributor doesn’t receive commission/bonus until Richway has their money and the BioMat is sent. Then, it would go into the usual 3-week waiting cycle.

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Target Markets

Loaner Program

Loaner Agreement


Supply list, “Intro to BioMat” CD


E-Zines (e-mails)

After the sale, beginner's packet

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TARGET MARKETSThe BioMat is suitable for clinical settings and home usage:

Corporate employees (For example: Boeing, Microsoft, etc.)

Medical providers (available in hospitals for patients and families, self-care for hospital/hospice staff, etc.). Dr. Mitchell Gaynor as an example (Director of Medical Oncology & Integrative Medicine at Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center/New York Hospital)

Holistic healers – massage therapists, Healing Touch and Reiki practitioners, chiropractors, acupuncturists, etc.

Spas, retreat centers, wellness centers

Yoga studios (allows you to go deeper into postures)


Arthritis, lupus, auto-immune diseases

Cancer care/prevention (cancer cells don't like heat)

Blood circulation issues

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SUPPLY LIST FOR EVENTS_____ The BioMat and Pillow

_____ Massage table

_____ Mini Mat

_____ Retractable sign

_____ Brochures

_____ Box of Kleenex (over the eyes before placing the eye pillow)

_____ Flyers

_____ Eye pillow

_____ Lint Brush

_____ Cover throw

_____ Paper towels for the pillow

_____ Folder of info (Helga, breast images, etc.)

_____ Order forms

_____ Leg roll

_____ Timer

_____ Gemisphere catalog (good description of amethyst)

_____ User sheet for follow-up & clip board

_____ Amethyst/Tourmaline handout

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“Intro to the BioMat” CD

New “Intro to the BioMat” CD has three tracks:

1. A 15-minute guided meditation for new users trying the BioMat (This is appropriate to use either with your clients or at shows/expos. It is a mix of relaxation and education about the BioMat).

2. Surrounded by Angels – a harp solo selection from “The Healing Journey” CD (my own compositions for meditation).

3. Lullaby - a harp solo selection from “Calm as the Night” CD (for sleep).

CDs are $3.25 per CD + shipping. They are not available on any website.

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Tami’s URL is

To create your own URL, go to At the bottom of the home page, under my contact information, click on “Website Sign Up.” From there, you enter your own info and are “walked through” the process. Charge is $15/month or pay $160 per year (with the first three months free).

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HELPFUL CONTACT INFORichway’s customer service (Doreen Domingo): [email protected]

Tami Briggs: [email protected]

Teresa Lopez: [email protected]

Tiffany Maxfeldt: [email protected]

Gail Soucy: [email protected]

Joyce Carrington: [email protected]

Leslie: [email protected]. Connect with her to get on her e-zine. They give useful info each month.

Richway’s fax number: 808-597-1651 and fax to the attention of Doreen (You need to fax orders b/c they have credit card info – not safe to scan and put in an e-mail.)

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Professional BioMatPro discount



Amethyst Pillow $350.00 $30.00

Mini BioMat $670.00 $40.00