biopulping of acacia mangium · i 1\' biopulping of acacia mangium . p.khiomat makluma t...

BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM Juraidah Salimun QP Bachelor of Science with Honours 519.7 (Plant Resource Science and Management) J95 2005 2005

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Page 1: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project


Juraidah Salimun

QP Bachelor of Science with Honours 5197 (Plant Resource Science and Management) J95


I 1

Biopul ping of Acacia mangium


11111111111111 11111111111 1000128301

Juraidah Salimun

T il is project is subl11 itted in paltial 0 f the requ irel11 ents for the degree 0 f Bachelor 0 f Science wit h Honours

(P lan t Resource Science and Managel11ent) faculty of Resource Sci ence and Technol ogy



No portion of the work referred to in this dissertation has been submi tted in support of an

appli cation for another degrce of qualification of this any othe r university or institution of

higher learning


Progranune 0 f Plant Resource and management

Faculty of Resources Science and Technology

University Malaysia Sarawak


First of all I would like to thank to my supervisor Mdm Wong Sin Yeng fo r guiding advice

and giving me info rmat ion that could help me to complete my fina l year projec t Bes ide that I

would like to thank everyone in Timber Resea rch Technical and Train ing Centre (TRITC) for

giv ing me the opportunity to use thei r faci lities to conduct my project especially Mr Nigel

Lim Poon Tek Mr Pek Yaw Kee and Me Chong Chiew York Withoul their he lp I probably

couldn t complete my project I also want to thank Dr Ismail Jusoh ancl Dr Awang Ahmad

Sallehin for hi s additional infonnation that he gave to me regardi ng my project Lastly I want

to thank to my family and fri ends fo r suppo ning and helping me during this projec t especia lly

Jafaruddin Ali Jess ie Blair Garon and No rlail ee Abd Malik












I 1 General review

12 Problem statement 2

13 Objective 3


2 1 Pulping methods 4



22 Biopu lping process

23 White rot fungi

24 Acacia mangium 8

25 Acacia mangium for biopulping and paper mak ing I I


3 1 Raw material s prepara ti on 12

32 Biodegrad ation process 13

33 Chemical analys is 15

34 Pulping and papennaki ng 21

35 Statistical anal ysis 23


4 1 Weight loss 24

42 Chemical analysis 25

43 Properties of pu lp and paper prod uced 31






Figure I T versicolor and P coccineus fungus



Figure 2 Overv iew of the biopulping process 14

Figure 3 Cutting patte rn of a hand sheet for testing 23

Figure 4 Percentage of weight loss of untreated and treated Acacia mangium wood chips dur ing the biodegradation period 24

Figure 5 Wood chip treated with T versicolor and wood chip treated with P coccineus for control 40 days and 60 days 25

Figure 6 Control handsheet and the hand sheet made from the pul p that treated with P coccineus 32



Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Tab le 5

Table 6

Comparison of the percentage of hot wate r solubility cold water so lubility ethanol soluble so lubility 1 NaOH so lubi lity and lignin fo r different days for d iffere nt types of fungu s exposed

Summary of ANOVA of chemical propel1ies of wood chips trea ted with T versicolor and P coccineus at 0 40 and 60 days biodegradatio n period

Percentage means of chemical analysis ofA mangium trea ted with T versicolor at different days

Percentage means of chemical analysis of A manglUm treated with P coccineus at different days

Percentage mean of chemica l analysis of A mongium treated with different fungus species

Comparison of means of handsheet properties from conlrol and wood chips lreated by P coccineus









Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 2: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

I 1

Biopul ping of Acacia mangium


11111111111111 11111111111 1000128301

Juraidah Salimun

T il is project is subl11 itted in paltial 0 f the requ irel11 ents for the degree 0 f Bachelor 0 f Science wit h Honours

(P lan t Resource Science and Managel11ent) faculty of Resource Sci ence and Technol ogy



No portion of the work referred to in this dissertation has been submi tted in support of an

appli cation for another degrce of qualification of this any othe r university or institution of

higher learning


Progranune 0 f Plant Resource and management

Faculty of Resources Science and Technology

University Malaysia Sarawak


First of all I would like to thank to my supervisor Mdm Wong Sin Yeng fo r guiding advice

and giving me info rmat ion that could help me to complete my fina l year projec t Bes ide that I

would like to thank everyone in Timber Resea rch Technical and Train ing Centre (TRITC) for

giv ing me the opportunity to use thei r faci lities to conduct my project especially Mr Nigel

Lim Poon Tek Mr Pek Yaw Kee and Me Chong Chiew York Withoul their he lp I probably

couldn t complete my project I also want to thank Dr Ismail Jusoh ancl Dr Awang Ahmad

Sallehin for hi s additional infonnation that he gave to me regardi ng my project Lastly I want

to thank to my family and fri ends fo r suppo ning and helping me during this projec t especia lly

Jafaruddin Ali Jess ie Blair Garon and No rlail ee Abd Malik












I 1 General review

12 Problem statement 2

13 Objective 3


2 1 Pulping methods 4



22 Biopu lping process

23 White rot fungi

24 Acacia mangium 8

25 Acacia mangium for biopulping and paper mak ing I I


3 1 Raw material s prepara ti on 12

32 Biodegrad ation process 13

33 Chemical analys is 15

34 Pulping and papennaki ng 21

35 Statistical anal ysis 23


4 1 Weight loss 24

42 Chemical analysis 25

43 Properties of pu lp and paper prod uced 31






Figure I T versicolor and P coccineus fungus



Figure 2 Overv iew of the biopulping process 14

Figure 3 Cutting patte rn of a hand sheet for testing 23

Figure 4 Percentage of weight loss of untreated and treated Acacia mangium wood chips dur ing the biodegradation period 24

Figure 5 Wood chip treated with T versicolor and wood chip treated with P coccineus for control 40 days and 60 days 25

Figure 6 Control handsheet and the hand sheet made from the pul p that treated with P coccineus 32



Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Tab le 5

Table 6

Comparison of the percentage of hot wate r solubility cold water so lubility ethanol soluble so lubility 1 NaOH so lubi lity and lignin fo r different days for d iffere nt types of fungu s exposed

Summary of ANOVA of chemical propel1ies of wood chips trea ted with T versicolor and P coccineus at 0 40 and 60 days biodegradatio n period

Percentage means of chemical analysis ofA mangium trea ted with T versicolor at different days

Percentage means of chemical analysis of A manglUm treated with P coccineus at different days

Percentage mean of chemica l analysis of A mongium treated with different fungus species

Comparison of means of handsheet properties from conlrol and wood chips lreated by P coccineus









Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 3: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project


No portion of the work referred to in this dissertation has been submi tted in support of an

appli cation for another degrce of qualification of this any othe r university or institution of

higher learning


Progranune 0 f Plant Resource and management

Faculty of Resources Science and Technology

University Malaysia Sarawak


First of all I would like to thank to my supervisor Mdm Wong Sin Yeng fo r guiding advice

and giving me info rmat ion that could help me to complete my fina l year projec t Bes ide that I

would like to thank everyone in Timber Resea rch Technical and Train ing Centre (TRITC) for

giv ing me the opportunity to use thei r faci lities to conduct my project especially Mr Nigel

Lim Poon Tek Mr Pek Yaw Kee and Me Chong Chiew York Withoul their he lp I probably

couldn t complete my project I also want to thank Dr Ismail Jusoh ancl Dr Awang Ahmad

Sallehin for hi s additional infonnation that he gave to me regardi ng my project Lastly I want

to thank to my family and fri ends fo r suppo ning and helping me during this projec t especia lly

Jafaruddin Ali Jess ie Blair Garon and No rlail ee Abd Malik












I 1 General review

12 Problem statement 2

13 Objective 3


2 1 Pulping methods 4



22 Biopu lping process

23 White rot fungi

24 Acacia mangium 8

25 Acacia mangium for biopulping and paper mak ing I I


3 1 Raw material s prepara ti on 12

32 Biodegrad ation process 13

33 Chemical analys is 15

34 Pulping and papennaki ng 21

35 Statistical anal ysis 23


4 1 Weight loss 24

42 Chemical analysis 25

43 Properties of pu lp and paper prod uced 31






Figure I T versicolor and P coccineus fungus



Figure 2 Overv iew of the biopulping process 14

Figure 3 Cutting patte rn of a hand sheet for testing 23

Figure 4 Percentage of weight loss of untreated and treated Acacia mangium wood chips dur ing the biodegradation period 24

Figure 5 Wood chip treated with T versicolor and wood chip treated with P coccineus for control 40 days and 60 days 25

Figure 6 Control handsheet and the hand sheet made from the pul p that treated with P coccineus 32



Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Tab le 5

Table 6

Comparison of the percentage of hot wate r solubility cold water so lubility ethanol soluble so lubility 1 NaOH so lubi lity and lignin fo r different days for d iffere nt types of fungu s exposed

Summary of ANOVA of chemical propel1ies of wood chips trea ted with T versicolor and P coccineus at 0 40 and 60 days biodegradatio n period

Percentage means of chemical analysis ofA mangium trea ted with T versicolor at different days

Percentage means of chemical analysis of A manglUm treated with P coccineus at different days

Percentage mean of chemica l analysis of A mongium treated with different fungus species

Comparison of means of handsheet properties from conlrol and wood chips lreated by P coccineus









Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 4: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project


First of all I would like to thank to my supervisor Mdm Wong Sin Yeng fo r guiding advice

and giving me info rmat ion that could help me to complete my fina l year projec t Bes ide that I

would like to thank everyone in Timber Resea rch Technical and Train ing Centre (TRITC) for

giv ing me the opportunity to use thei r faci lities to conduct my project especially Mr Nigel

Lim Poon Tek Mr Pek Yaw Kee and Me Chong Chiew York Withoul their he lp I probably

couldn t complete my project I also want to thank Dr Ismail Jusoh ancl Dr Awang Ahmad

Sallehin for hi s additional infonnation that he gave to me regardi ng my project Lastly I want

to thank to my family and fri ends fo r suppo ning and helping me during this projec t especia lly

Jafaruddin Ali Jess ie Blair Garon and No rlail ee Abd Malik












I 1 General review

12 Problem statement 2

13 Objective 3


2 1 Pulping methods 4



22 Biopu lping process

23 White rot fungi

24 Acacia mangium 8

25 Acacia mangium for biopulping and paper mak ing I I


3 1 Raw material s prepara ti on 12

32 Biodegrad ation process 13

33 Chemical analys is 15

34 Pulping and papennaki ng 21

35 Statistical anal ysis 23


4 1 Weight loss 24

42 Chemical analysis 25

43 Properties of pu lp and paper prod uced 31






Figure I T versicolor and P coccineus fungus



Figure 2 Overv iew of the biopulping process 14

Figure 3 Cutting patte rn of a hand sheet for testing 23

Figure 4 Percentage of weight loss of untreated and treated Acacia mangium wood chips dur ing the biodegradation period 24

Figure 5 Wood chip treated with T versicolor and wood chip treated with P coccineus for control 40 days and 60 days 25

Figure 6 Control handsheet and the hand sheet made from the pul p that treated with P coccineus 32



Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Tab le 5

Table 6

Comparison of the percentage of hot wate r solubility cold water so lubility ethanol soluble so lubility 1 NaOH so lubi lity and lignin fo r different days for d iffere nt types of fungu s exposed

Summary of ANOVA of chemical propel1ies of wood chips trea ted with T versicolor and P coccineus at 0 40 and 60 days biodegradatio n period

Percentage means of chemical analysis ofA mangium trea ted with T versicolor at different days

Percentage means of chemical analysis of A manglUm treated with P coccineus at different days

Percentage mean of chemica l analysis of A mongium treated with different fungus species

Comparison of means of handsheet properties from conlrol and wood chips lreated by P coccineus









Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 5: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project











I 1 General review

12 Problem statement 2

13 Objective 3


2 1 Pulping methods 4



22 Biopu lping process

23 White rot fungi

24 Acacia mangium 8

25 Acacia mangium for biopulping and paper mak ing I I


3 1 Raw material s prepara ti on 12

32 Biodegrad ation process 13

33 Chemical analys is 15

34 Pulping and papennaki ng 21

35 Statistical anal ysis 23


4 1 Weight loss 24

42 Chemical analysis 25

43 Properties of pu lp and paper prod uced 31






Figure I T versicolor and P coccineus fungus



Figure 2 Overv iew of the biopulping process 14

Figure 3 Cutting patte rn of a hand sheet for testing 23

Figure 4 Percentage of weight loss of untreated and treated Acacia mangium wood chips dur ing the biodegradation period 24

Figure 5 Wood chip treated with T versicolor and wood chip treated with P coccineus for control 40 days and 60 days 25

Figure 6 Control handsheet and the hand sheet made from the pul p that treated with P coccineus 32



Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Tab le 5

Table 6

Comparison of the percentage of hot wate r solubility cold water so lubility ethanol soluble so lubility 1 NaOH so lubi lity and lignin fo r different days for d iffere nt types of fungu s exposed

Summary of ANOVA of chemical propel1ies of wood chips trea ted with T versicolor and P coccineus at 0 40 and 60 days biodegradatio n period

Percentage means of chemical analysis ofA mangium trea ted with T versicolor at different days

Percentage means of chemical analysis of A manglUm treated with P coccineus at different days

Percentage mean of chemica l analysis of A mongium treated with different fungus species

Comparison of means of handsheet properties from conlrol and wood chips lreated by P coccineus









Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 6: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project


Figure I T versicolor and P coccineus fungus



Figure 2 Overv iew of the biopulping process 14

Figure 3 Cutting patte rn of a hand sheet for testing 23

Figure 4 Percentage of weight loss of untreated and treated Acacia mangium wood chips dur ing the biodegradation period 24

Figure 5 Wood chip treated with T versicolor and wood chip treated with P coccineus for control 40 days and 60 days 25

Figure 6 Control handsheet and the hand sheet made from the pul p that treated with P coccineus 32



Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Tab le 5

Table 6

Comparison of the percentage of hot wate r solubility cold water so lubility ethanol soluble so lubility 1 NaOH so lubi lity and lignin fo r different days for d iffere nt types of fungu s exposed

Summary of ANOVA of chemical propel1ies of wood chips trea ted with T versicolor and P coccineus at 0 40 and 60 days biodegradatio n period

Percentage means of chemical analysis ofA mangium trea ted with T versicolor at different days

Percentage means of chemical analysis of A manglUm treated with P coccineus at different days

Percentage mean of chemica l analysis of A mongium treated with different fungus species

Comparison of means of handsheet properties from conlrol and wood chips lreated by P coccineus









Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 7: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project


Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Tab le 5

Table 6

Comparison of the percentage of hot wate r solubility cold water so lubility ethanol soluble so lubility 1 NaOH so lubi lity and lignin fo r different days for d iffere nt types of fungu s exposed

Summary of ANOVA of chemical propel1ies of wood chips trea ted with T versicolor and P coccineus at 0 40 and 60 days biodegradatio n period

Percentage means of chemical analysis ofA mangium trea ted with T versicolor at different days

Percentage means of chemical analysis of A manglUm treated with P coccineus at different days

Percentage mean of chemica l analysis of A mongium treated with different fungus species

Comparison of means of handsheet properties from conlrol and wood chips lreated by P coccineus









Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 8: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

Biopulping of Acacia mangiu11

Juraidab Salimun

Plant Resource Sc ience and Technology Faculty of Reso urc e Science and Tech no logy

Uni vers ity Malaysia Sarawa k


A Id(1(I manglUm IS Iommercia l y used J ltgt) S(lUfCe or fin materia l in l ilt [m lp and paper I1ld ll s lry The production uf ptllp Ilnd plpc-f 1ram A fI1rll1gillfn ultual ly Li se ci1cm icli pulping process Hov tvtl th e Cill lllica l rocess cau ~t 11Igh consum pt ion o r chenlical and produced low pulp Yie ld Thi Sstudy was ca rried oullO dc(clI1l1 ne tile effect fbiopulpmg 011 A mVl1glllm ood cilip 1 he ludy involved 40 and 60 days incuballon o f A mangiuIn wood lttlips Willi two spLI les o f whi tt 101 IU lJ~us framcles versicolor an d Pycnoporus cocclfleus -nlC pre l reJlrn ~ n l hZl s n uctd thl cIgIU and chcmica l rro p(rt ic~ such 1S li~Ii n itnd exlraclm comen t in lhe sample Avera ~e weight luss ran ~cd from 862 10 1 () 51(l ~ (or hlodegrad ~ tiol1 pe riod 40 to 60 dClYS 101 T ersicolor an d from 753 to 83 J ~f1 fo r P corcmells DLlrin g l l~ 40 days and 6U da~ ~ A mllll1Stunl trcHtllclI l ~ ith T vcrs ic olor the ~o l u bilily of J Sodium hyd rox ide was 1107 and 975 respectively Mean-hik tht -wunys md 60 l IYS biodegradatlon or A 1II11nglllrH treOl~d with P coccinells thl so lubil ity of I sodium hyd roxid was 1352 ~ u ltlll d 11 62 respectively A mangillm tnltltmenb with P coccinells caused the red uction of lignin rcrCCJlI)gc which as 30_55 ~(I

(0 1 776 dUring 40 days biodegradation p~ rj oJ and 10 2666 dUri ng 60 daygt ofb it)JfC-radntion ptT lod [n o~u l ati on of mt1ilglllm wood chips v ith T vI~lcolor causd extracti ves reduction about 152 ann 2 02 ~ ltJ lower eompltJJl d to Ihe co ntr(ll IHCh was 524 dnn ng 40 and 60 days of biodegradation M~anwhde by trea ting A mallgilln wood ch ips l- nh P coccineus lhc rercenlage of ex trac tives tcnJs to dccr~~~ aboul I OO~ and) 55 lower (hall 1he cumro ] during -10 dys J lJd 60 t1a~ s rc~pccti ve l y Duri ng d B chfmi~a l pulping Lhe wood ch irs prclreaunem with p ( l XhlllfS had produced high ptJlr yield freeness br ightness and t~ar InJcx ilS complre (0 Ihe unlrltJtu wood d UllS However tht I L n~ l l c have rClJl led k) w value as compltlrd 10 thc unt rea ted woodch ir s_ Th- Isult cI~rly sho wed that IhtO fun gus PICll ccltmcnl of-1 mangitlfn chips produced beller pulp and hanu sh~el as comparcu 10 the conventiona l chemIcal pu lping

Keyword s AcaCia mangllJ lrl biopulp ll1g wh ite rot fungu s chem ica l prope rt ies ha ndsheet rropenies


Acm 1O malg ium merupalwn b(Jhan menloh unuk pcng hasian pulpa riCin kerras Pengitunol1 pdpa dall he-riGS d(mpadIJ 1

nim glflm selahmya menggll l7a Jan p rok JIJI(1 Wa ulliJagOll1lonapun po~tr$ kUllla l rs rbaf 1II1-ampRUIWknn jllmlllt than

l jmta yang Ilnggl don menllflsilkon )llmal pulpa (IIg rtldoh Kaiw fI InJ dijolanJwrt unruA tnl1 l1i(li i ~~ al1 biufJlilpllfg

Iirhadap Jwyu cfllP A flangll ll K(yion mi mefborkofl pengeraman sefama 40 dan 6n hori hifi m j lfng us 101111 TramLttS verSIcolor dan Pycnoporus coccmeus 10)(117 rnendapot rQ-OIU1 awol fill1gl reali rn enguyoIIg411n hrc1 dOll tsJa klima seperll eksrrakrtjdan Ilgmn yOI1f ada (Ii dalam kU1rf Purola kehdang(11 berm adalall dlom Il ilol 81j2)~ In I () 59~~ w uuA 40 dan 60 hon raworan delgo1 T ISlcolor dan - 539 (0 8 31 linu k P vci ncus_ Semasa If) dan 60 hal rail ( lon ko u clllp 1 mongiwn clengalt T versicolor peraru_~ lulhrloru on 1 sodIUm hydrox ide adaall SlbCIIl)(lJ II OJ dan 975 Horwlw(Ipero us ke rlarllran I ~~ SOdlll1l1 Irylrorrie un uk 40 dan 60 han rQII(fon knvu Chlp1 IIclJrium drngan P l tJO jI1CIIS adoa ft 13 52 dan 116]( A lIIanglitJ11 _M g dir(llvQI del1gan P cotcfnellS m CII_lthllhkoY p nl8l r o l lJo f l hFfUn wlpttda 30 55 kljXJda 27 76 lIn ll O han l1IaS(1 bOd~gradasi dun kRpada6 66 (I) 1 f 1( I~ 6) Jw ri Ulu aran 10)11 111p

1 IIIcmg lllm dengan r tYSICOOl rclah m IIyenurallglwn fu mlail eksrakfl I 52 f dan 2 OIi) I~Nh yeudall danpodo kOlI ulull ran mempunym 11101 dSlrakfise banlOk _ ~4 semasa 40 dan 60 JlWS(I hl ildegrad(ls i 1Ij1kaifI r~llI 0 ((111 JO) 11 flip ct(CIO IIItJri(owm dengan P ocnneus mrllyebabkon peratus eksrrakl tj herklNmg _t-l I(1I11ak I Oil 1 and I 5j lehrh 11ldulJ d(lrlpata kawoan senasa 40 dan 60 han maw biodegrodasl Proses pongha ~I((n er(CII SiClra A imw rI)h fJl cHuniuHtIl )UIIUlllJ rowaan owu kall cllf) dengan P L occmeus re(h mengwsilkun flu i pII pO nr-1liss bn jlrrnemiddotJmiddot dUJf Nor i lUk

lI7ng lingg berhanding km1ol(l1 IJdaurmgOlll1olllfpun v kllo tall tnsil adaJr1l IdlJa llUbtllJdIJg ~tllIt1lul -Iuil daupJdo IIJlon yang diw n l1kan menunjuJJal rQl1atan (lwol (imgl trrlurdap ~a u clup A_ m(wgilUll menghaiall plllfln do

Arrtas )(II1g Ihill bwk hlrbonulng denic1n reJsJin ltiwl ~eros dlmpada prosls klmlO ycmg hwsa

Karel Jtltci AcacCI m(llgillIl hiOpIlfJlIlg hue tOI jimglls Slj(Jmiddotsljiu ~ II I I(j slat-s101 Ic rr(]~

V i



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 9: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project



10 General review

In the past decade the pulp and paper industry have showed their important role in the

deve lopment of the world s economy Accordi ng to Kuusisto (1997) paper and paperboard

consumption in the Asia-Pacifi c region totaled 86 million tons in 1996 of which Japan

accounted for 36 and China for about one third Consumption in the ASEAN co untries

amounted to 8 8 million tonnes or 10 of the regional total This figure is expected to rise

further with the increasing world popu la ti on and qua lity of life

There are man y methods of processing wood to become pu lp and paper The con ve ntiona l

methods are mec hanical or chemica l pulping methods or a combinati on of the two methods

The la test in the industrial biotec hno logy of pulp and paper is called biopu lping Accordin g to

Akhtar el of (1997) biopulping can be defined as the treatment of wood chips with fungi

prio r to pulping There are a few basic process of biopulping Wood ~h ips are decontaminated

by steaming m aintain ing a high temperature for suffi cient time to decontaminate the wood

chip surfaces and then coo led so that the fungu s can be applied The chips are then placed in

piles that can be ventil ated to maintain the proper temperature humidity and moi sture content

for fungal growth and subsequent biopulping T he retention time in the pile is one to four

weeks (A khtar er ai 1998)

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 10: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

An important group of fu ngi in vo lved in thi s process is the white-rot fungi The whi te -rot

fung i arc we ll known as wood rooti ng fungi which to any extent can atlack a ll the components

of plant celJ walls The example of whi te-rot fungi are Trameles versicolor Phlebia radiala

Ceriporiopsis subvermiIpora and Phelfinus pini (Kuhad el 01 1997)

The biopulping had been applied widely in the pulp and paper industry becau se it can improve

the paper s trength and propeI1ies such as burst tensile and tear indices (Chen el 01 1998)

Furthermore the biopu lping process itself is environmentally beni gn w hich natural reso urces

are used and no additi onal waste s teams are generated

12 Problem statement

Kraft Or sulphate pulping is the dominant method of pu lp producti on in the world This

process involves boiling wood chips in sod ium hydroxide and sodium sul fide According to

Biermann (1993) kraft pUlping is a fu ll chemical pulping method using sodium hydrox ide and

sodium sulfIde The main drawbacks of kraft pulping are (he odour prob lem lower yields than

sulfite pUlping the dark colour of the unbleached pulp and high cost of implementation

(Fengel and Wegener 1983)

Kline (i 982) al so stated that full chemical pulps remove 11l1)le hemicab ( lignin and

hem icellulose) and produce a much lower yield In ord er to overcome those problems

biopu lping should be appl ied Based on the biokraft pUlping ofkenaf it had resulted about 8

increased in brightness level (Aziz el al 1998) These mean that the chemical consumptions

that require for bleaching wi ll b~ reduced The biopulping process of A 11angium is a new


industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 11: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

industrial pul ping technology by Llsing fungus to pre-treat the wood chips before making it

into pulp and paper This new method on A mangium has limited and insuffici ent informati on

because little work or research related has being cond ucted

13 Objectives

Therefore the objecti ves of this study are as fol lows

bull To identify the suitable fungus for biopulping orA mangilll11

bull To iden tify the c haracter istic of A mangiul11 pulp and paper resulted from the

biopulping process



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 12: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project



21 Pulping methods

The term o f pulping is used to describe the vari ous processes by which wood is reduced to its

component fibres s uch as cellu lose and he micellu lose (Wal ker 1993) T hi s process is

important because the fibers that left behind are used to produce paper This can be done

mechanicall y thermally chemically o r by combustion treatments Generall y the existing

commercial processes are classifi ed as mechanical (groundwood pulping refi ner mechanical

pulping and therma l mechanica l pulping) c hem ica l pUlping (Kraft or a lkaline pul pi ng sulfite

o r ac idic pulp ing) o r semichemical and rece ntl y biopulping

2 11 Mechanical pulping

Mec hanica l pulping is a process where the wood di sintegrated into fibrous state entirel y by

mec hanica l means wit l10ut a id of chemicals (Negi 1997) This process has advantages and

di sadvantages The advantages of thi s process a re little materia l is lost in the pulping process

because the fibre separati on is achieved by pulling apm1 or rending the wood chips Hence

hi gh fiber re covery is obtained (around 95-99 recovery) whic h result high pu lp yield The

disadvantage of this process is the resulting pu lp q uality is lower The mechan ica l process

breaks th e cellulose libe lS when tea rin g them apart whi ch decreases pu lp strengt h As a result

the paper has a weak fiber network The pulps also have high li gnin content because of the

little losses which cause it to darken when exposed to sunlight


212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 13: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

212 Chemical pulping

In chemical pulping chemical are used fo r dissol ving amI removing the lignin that holds the

fibers together thus causing the wood to disintegrate into its com ponent fibers (McGovern

1980) There are two types or chemical pulping namel y kraft pUlping and sulfite pulping

Both process received their names from the chemical which was used in the process [n this

process wood chips are placed in tIle chemical so lution and heated in th e pressuri zed di gester

Fibre separation occurs as cell to cell cementing lignin is dissol ved Because no mechanical

actions occur chemica lly produced pulp is com posed of smooth and largely undamaged fibres

Moreover since high proporti on of lignin is removed thus eliminating fibre stiffness and

redu ced ye ll owing in bleached fini shed paper pulp quality is hi gh The drawbac ks of this

process low pulp yie ld are obtained and th e chemical rel ease fro m this process can cause

environmental po llution (water pollution)

213 Biopulping

Biopulping is a process that invo lved fungus pretrea tment to the wood chips pr ior to

mechanical o r chemi ca l pulping (Akhtar 1997) Tbe fungus which wide ly used is the whiteshy

rot fungus such as Phlebia radioa Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phellinus p ini The

biolog ical acti on of the white-rot fungi caused a swelling and soften ing of wood cell wa ll s as

a result of the modi fi cation and depolymerization of the ligni n The advantages of thi s process

are to reduce the chemical consumption du ring chemical pUlpi ng have less impact to the

environme nt and have good potential to save energy during mechani ca l pulping


22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 14: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

22 lJio pulping process

Biopulping is a solid - substrate fermentati on (SSF) process where li gnoce llulos ic mate ri a ls

are treated with fun g i prior to pulping in order to reduce energy during mechanical pulping or

to reduce chemical consumpti on d uring chemi ca l pulping processes (WoldaaI1 Undated) In

the biopulping process the wood chips we re decontamina ted by steaming to induce increased

release of vo la tile or solub le compound from wood chips (eg ex tractives carboh ydra te) into

air or water (Kallionen el C1i 2002) A fter that the chips a re coo led so th a t the fungal

inoculum can be applied

Temperat ure humidity and mois ture content fo r the fungal growth and bi op ulping can be

mainta ined by placin g the wood chi ps in the piles th a t have good ae ratio n T he wood chips

will be kept in the p iles until a cel1ain time us ually 90 to 120 days After that time the fun gus

w ill be removed from the wood chips Then the treated wood c hip will b clean before it

undergo mechanical or chemical pulping T he m ost important benefit o f biopulping is the

reduction in e lectrical energy during mechanica l de fiberization or refining w hich is be li eved

to res ult lignin modifi ca ti on allow ing fi bers to separated (Chen el al 1999) In addition the

bi opulping al so improves paper strength redu ces the pitch content and reduces the

environmental impact of pulping (Akhtar (998)


23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 15: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

23 Whi te rot fungi

Fungi are eukaryoti c spore bearing heterotrophic organism that produce extra ce llular

enzymes and absorb thei r nutrition Most fun gi that produce enzyme for degradation of wood

are belong to the fa mily Ascomycetes Deuteromyce tes or Basidiom ycetes White rot fungi

belong to the famil y of Basidiomycetes and have the ability to degrade the en tire ce ll wall

components includi ng li gnin (Akhtar 1997)

T versicolor and P cocc ineus are fungi that are classified as white rot fungi and belong to the

famil y basidiomycetes T versicolor is one of the commo n fungi found in the woods and

belongs to the family Polyporaceae According to Yolk (1997) the co lors of the bands can be

quite vari able depending on the genetics of the organism and its environment Mos t of the

bands are dark to li ght brown in co lor alternating with light co lored bands of white to tan

with still more bands of blue orange maroon and other Kuhad ef 01 (1 997) have repoJ1ed

that T versicolor have unselecti ve mode of wood degrad ati on ie they degrade ce llulose

hemicellulose and lignin

P coccineus be long to the ge nes polypore look like bri ght reddi sh-orange brackets and are

idespread on dead wood It has a med icinal value which can be used to cure so re mouth by

the Aboriginal The se lecti ve degradation and or modification of nati ve lign in in cod by

white rot fungi can facilitate its removal or softenin g in subsequent pUlping process

(Mendonca ef 01 2002)


2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 16: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

2A Acacia lIlallgium

Acacia mal1gium is a hard wood spec ies which be long to the fa mil y of Leguminosae and the

sub-family of Mimosoideae A mal1gium was originated ITo m Papua New Guinea and

Queensland Australi a (Ong 1997) It also planted in Sabah Mal ays ia and grows ty pically

below 300 fee t elevation but can occur up to 2000 fee t According to Atipan umpai ( 1989)

Al11al1giul11 grow we ll with the max imum temperature 3 1-32 degC and the minimum

temperature 12-1 6 dc The species also favo rs high rainfall varyi ng from 1000mm to more

than 4500mm Amangiul11 has the ability to grow fas t and can be harvested within s ix to eight

years planting It also has shown much potential due to its excellent and wide adaptability to

the vari able condition of plantation identi fied (Has him 1997)

241 Characteristics of Acacia mangiwn

2411 Foliage

The mature phyllodes of A mal1giunl are large and can reach up to 25 em long and 10 cm

width T he co lour of phyllodes is dark green glabrous or slightl y scurfy T hey consist offour

conspicuous long itudiL1al main nerves run together near the base of the phyllodes a long the

dorsal margin with many fine secondary nerves A gland is conspicuous of the r hyll ode

(Kamis and Taylor 1993)


Inflorescence occurs as rathe r loose spikes up to 10 cm long s ingly or in pairs in til~ upper

ax il s The inflo rescence is composed of ma ny tiny whi te or crea m coloured flowers

Peduncles are canescent and pubescent about I em long The rachis is also canescent and


pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 17: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

pubescent Flowers are qu inquefl ora l with short obtuse lobes The coroll a is abo ut twice as

long as the ca lyx (Kamis and Taylo r 1993)

2413 Pods (Legumes)

Accordin g to Kamis and Taylo r (1 993) the seed pods are broad linear and irregul arl y co il ed

when r ipe Seed maturity is indicated by the deve lopmen t of a dark brown to black seed coat

orange to red funic le and brown ca louration of the pods after 6 to 7 mon th fl oweri ng

Ripening pods change from flexib le green to tiff and dry brown

2414 Seeds

A nongiwl1 has blac k and shiny seed with s hape ranging from longitudinal e lliptical ovate

and oblong The size of the seed norma ll y 3-5 mm x 2-3 mm The seed are attac hed to the pod

by an orange to red fo lded fu nicle connected to the a ril (Kamis and Tay lor 1993)

2415 Adult tree

Genera ll y A mangium trees can grow to 25 - 35 m he ight w ith a straight bo le The diame ter

at breast height (OBH) can be ove r 60 cm However on relati vely poor sites til grovth is no t

enco uraging According Turnbull (1 986) trees on the poor sites are llsually sma l1 e r with

average heights between 7 - 10 m The yo un g trees of A mangium have greenish smooth

bark on the uppe r pal1 of the stem and brownish bark on the lower pa rt of Ih stem Stem of

adul t trees are characterized by longi tud inal furrows and thick rough a nd hard bark with da rk

brown co lour Fluting of the lower bole often present in o ld trees


212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 18: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

212 UtiliL~tiou

A mal1Jiw1 can be used in three ways which is so lid form wood panels or pulp and papershy

mak ing industries Presentl y with high technologies the utilization of A mangium is

broadening to incl ude wood composite materials A mangium wood makes attractive furni ture

anti cabinets mold ings and door and window components (National Research Council 1983)

The timber kiln dries we ll and fairly rapid ly without serious defects when suitable kiln

schedu le are used (Razali and Mohd Hamami 1992) The wood is also su itab le for light

structural works agri cultural implements boxes and crate

A mangium has greater potential as a component of wood compos ite due to the expans ion of

technologies Composite wood products are sueh as veneer and plywood particle board and

medium density fibreboard A l11ang ium a lso has been widely used as raw mater ial for the

pulp and paper industry In Kraft pUlping with 25 sul phid ity and active alka li of 1J - J2

sulphate pulp yield were 469-496 for four year old material and 498-523 for nine year

old material s with kappa number below 25 (K hoo el al 199 1)


2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 19: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

2S Acacia malgium for biopulping and paper making

Pulp is the raw materia l for papermaking that can be obtained from the woody or non woody

li ber through the pUlping process Accord ing to Negi (1997) pulp can be defined as a semishy

fin ished product that being produced from the fibrous materials usually wood o r o ther plants

Infomlation on the po tential of A mangium fo r biopulping is insuffi cient culTentiy A

JIangium is a hardwood species Therefore the info rmation on other hardwood species such

as Populus Iremuoides (aspen tree) fo r biopulp ing can be used as references and compari so n

fir st studies of biopulping with Ceriporiopsis subverl77ispora were carried out with aspen

(Kallio inen el aI 2002 Ak htar el aI 1992) U p to 47 decrease in the refiner energy

consumption was obtai ned after four weeks treatl11ent in the labo ratory sca le Shorter

treatment also showed the efficiency of fungal trea tl11 ent (Ka lJioinen el 01 2002) Myres el 01

(2000) reported that aspen treatment with C subverl71ispora increased burst tea r and tensile

index It also saved electrical energy about 16 to 29 Inoc ul a ti on of aspen w ith

Ph(Jnerochaele chrysosporiUfIl also had shown an increasing in burst and tensile index (Chen

el aI 1999)




31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 20: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project



31 Raw materials preparation

311 Microororganism

Basidiomycetes culture that was used for A mangillm biodegradation are T versicolor and P

coccineus The pure cultures were obtained from UNlMAS fungal collecti on

312 Inoculum preparation

200ml of liquid media containing potato extract broth (24gL) (DlFCO USA) and yeast

extract (7gL) (OXOID Ltd England) was inoculated with 20 discs (8mm in diameter) of

fungus solid medium The liquid culture was maintained unshaken for 14 days at 25 - 27 degC

The grown mycelium was filtered and washed with 300ml sterile water Mycelium obtained

from the culture was blended with 150011 of sterile water in three cyc les for 15 s The

Mycelium suspension was used to inoculate or degrade the wood chips in the volumetric flask

I Figure I On the left is T versicolor and on the right is P coccineus


313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 21: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

313 Sample preparation

i IIwngium wood chips were provided by Unimas Nine vo lumetri c fla sks were loaded with

100 g A mangium wood chips The wood chips were sterilized inside th e autoclave at 121 degC

fo r 15 minutes The sterili zation was repeated for one more time after 24 hours

32 Biodegradation process

The wood chips in the volumetric fl asks were loaded with the blended mycelium and shaken

by hand After that the vo lumet ric flask s contai ning wood chips and blended mycelium were

store at 25-27 degC for 40 and 60 days Within thi s period the wood chips component wi ll be

degraded by the fungus All the vo lumetric fl asks were covered with an aluminum crate

After 40 and 60 days the fungus was removed using from the wood chips by us ing 500 ml

buffer so lution (Sodium ace tate PH 52) The wood chip had been clean with water and dried

in the oven The moisture content of the wood chips was dete1111i ned and the ca lculated initi al

and final dry we ights were used to determine weigh t losses due to fungal treatment Then dry

wood chips were analyzed fo r their chemical conte nt and in anothe r part chemical ly pulp to

produce paper Figure 2 show the overview of the biopulp ing process


I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 22: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

I Fungus I I Wood chips

1 Inoculated in 200ml of liquid med ia

I Sterili ze Iconta in ing lllait extract broth

I Maintain at 2S -27C for 14 days I I Coo ling I

Myce liul11s filtered and blend with 150ml sterile water

Inoculation of fungus woodchips with the fi ltered mycelium (0 to 60 days)


l Removing of fungus I ~

l Drying J ~

I Chemica l pulping I

~ Pul p I

I Hand shee t making and te sting I

Figure 2 Overview of the biopulping process


Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 23: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

Pusal Khirfmat fllklumat ililfmltl UI-IVIRSI11 MALA SIA SARAWAC

1) ~ Kgtu ltj bull

33 C hemical analysis

The c hemical analysis of the untreated and treated A mangium wood chi ps was performed by

using oven-d ri ed sawdus t The chemica l analysis were co ld wa ter solubility (TAPP I T 207 OS

75) hot water solubility (TAPP] T 207 OS 75) ethanol - toluene so lubility 1 sodium

hydroxide so lubility (TAPP] T 212 OS 76) and li gnin (TAPP] T 222 OS 74)

331 Determination of moisture content (TAPPI T 207 O S 75)

A small weighing bottle that bad been c leaned in an oven was we ighed on an analyt ical

ba lance to 1 0 mg 2 grams of dry sawdust was placed in the weighing bottl e and reweighed

aga in Next the sample was dried in the oven at 105degC fo r 24 ho urs Then the bott le with the

sawdust inside was taken out a nd put in desiccator fo r 15 minutes before weighed The

mo isture conte nt on the basic of air-dry we ight by di viding the loss in we ight by oven-dried

was calcu lated


Percentage of moisture content = (yx2) X 100


y = Differences between air dri ed wood chips and ovendried wood ch ips

x2 = weight of ovendried wood chips


332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)


Page 24: BIOPULPING OF ACACIA MANGIUM · I 1\' Biopulping of Acacia mangium . P.KHIOMAT MAKLUMA T AKAOEMIK UNIMAS . 11111111111111 11111111111 . 1000128301 . Juraidah Salimun . Til is project

332 Determination of cold water solubility (TAPPI T 207 OS 75)

The co ld-water solubility is a test to measure the extraneous component such as tannins gum

sugar and co louring matter in the wood This analysis was done simultaneous ly in triplicate

About 2 grams o f air-dry sawd ust to 000 I grams was weighed and placed in a we ighing

bottle Nex t the sample was trans ferred in a SOOm l Erleomeyer fl ask with s lowly added 300m l

di stilled water in the beaker The sawdust was made sure we ll in we tted initi a ll y to avo id

tendency to float

The mi xture lVas let to digest at room temperat ure w ith constant stirring for 48 ho urs After

that the material was transferred at fi Itering cru cible poros it y number 3 Then the sample was

washed with co ld di stilled wa ter a nd dri ed to constant weight at OsoC in oven The cruc ibl e

with the content was removed and put in desiccator for 15 minutes The cold water so luble on

oven dry basic was ca lculated using tb e following formula

CaJcu lati on

Percentage of co ld water so lubility = ((e-m I) e] X 100


e= Weight of ovendried sample (g)

mI = We ight of residue (g)