biotin-tyramide...1 | product data sheet biotin-tyramide cat. no.: a8011 cas no.: 41994-02-9...

1 _ ZZZDSH[EWFRP Biotin-tyramide Cat. No.: $ CAS No.: Formula: &+126 M.Wt: Synonyms: %LRWLQ3KHQRO%LRWLQ 3KHQRO Target: ,PPXQRIOXRUHVFHQFH ,PPXQRKLVWRFKHPLVWU\ Pathway: 7\UDPLQH 6LJQDO $PSOLILFDWLRQ 76$ Storage: 6WRUH DW & ,Q 9LWUR ıPJP/ LQ '062 ı PJP/ LQ (W2+ ZLWK XOWUDVRQLFLQVROXEOH LQ +2 3UHSDULQJ 6WRFN 6ROXWLRQV Mass 1mg 5mg 10mg Solvent Concentration 1 mM P/ P/ P/ 5 mM P/ P/ P/ 10 mM P/ P/ P/ 3OHDVH UHIHU WR WKH VROXELOLW\ LQIRUPDWLRQ WR VHOHFW WKH DSSURSULDWH VROYHQW 6KRUWVXPPDU\ 5HDJHQW XVHG IRU W\UDPLGH VLJQDO DPSOLILFDWLRQ 76$ ,&₅₀ 7DUJHW ,Q 9LWUR Cell Viability Assay 3UHSDUDWLRQ PHWKRG˖ ,Q 9LYR Animal experiment $SSOLFDWLRQV 3URGXFW 1DPH %LRWLQW\UDPLGH 5HYLVLRQ 'DWH 3URGXFW 'DWD 6KHHW Solvent & Solubility Biological Activity Product Citations 1 _ ZZZDSH[EWFRP Biotin - tyram m m m m m m m mi i i i i i i i id d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d de e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Cat. No.: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CAS No.: Formula: &+126 M.Wt: Synonyms: %LRWLQ 3KHQRO%LRWLQ 3KHQRO T arget: ,PPXQRIOXRUHVFHQFH ,PPXQRKLVWRFKHPLVWU\ Pathway: 7\UDPLQH 6LJQD QD D QD D D QD QD QD D QD Q O O O O O O O $PSOLILFDWLRQ Q76$ Storage: 6WRUH DW & & & & & & & & & & ,Q 9LWUR ı PJP/ LQ '062 ı PJP/ LQ (W2+ ZLWK XOWUDVRQLFLQVROXEOH LQ +2 3UHSDULQJ 6WRFN 6ROXWLRQV Mass 1mg 5mg 10mg Solvent Concentration 1 mM P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P P P/ 5 mM P/ P P P/ P/ 1 0 mM P P P P P P P P P P P/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / P/ P/ 3O 3O 3O 3O 3O 3O 3 3O 3O 3O 3O 3 HDVH UHIHU WR WKH VROXELOLW\ LQIRUPDWLRQ WR VHOHFW WKH DSSURSULDWH V V V V V V V V V V VRO RO RO RO RO R R RO RO O R RO R R R Y Y Y Y Y YH Y Y Y Y Y Y Y QW 6KRUWVXPPDU\ 5HDJHQW XVHG IRU W\UDPLGH VLJQDO DPSOLILFDWLRQ 76$ ,& ₅₀ 7DUJHW ,Q 9LWUR Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce e e Ce Ce e Cell l ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll V V V V V V V V V Via ia ia ia ia ia a a a a ia a ia ia a a a a a a abi bi bi b bi bi bi b bi b bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi b bi bili li li li li li l li l li li li li l ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty t Assay 3U 3U 3U 3U 3U 3U 3U 3U 3U 3 3U UHS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS SD D D DU D D D D D D D DWLRQ PHWKRG ˖ ,Q 9LYR Animal experiment $SSOLFDWLRQV 3URGXFW1DPH %LRWLQ W\UDPLGH 5HYLVLRQ 'DWH HW 3URGXFW 'DWD 6KHH Solvent & & & & & S S S S S So o o o o o ol l l l lubility Biological Activity Product Citation s

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Page 1: Biotin-tyramide...1 |  Product Data Sheet Biotin-tyramide Cat. No.: A8011 CAS No.: 41994-02-9 Formula: C18H25N3O3S M.Wt: 363.47 Synonyms: Biotin-Phenol,Biotin Phenol


Biotin-tyramideCat. No.:

CAS No.:








1mg 5mg 10mgSolvent


1 mM

5 mM

10 mM

₅₀Cell Viability Assay

Animal experiment

Solvent & Solubility

Biological Activity

Product Citations 1

Biotin-tyrammmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeCat. No.:

CAS No.:








1mg 5mg 10mgSolvent


1 mM

5 mM

10 mM

₅₀CeCeCeCeCeeeCeCeeCelllllllllllllllllllll VVVVVVVVVViaiaiaiaiaiaaaaaiaaiaiaaaaaaaabibibibbibibibbibbibibibibibibibibbibililililililillillilililil tytytytytytytytytytytyt Assay

Animal experiment

Solvent &&&&& SSSSSSooooooolllllubility

Biological Activity

Product Citations

Page 2: Biotin-tyramide...1 |  Product Data Sheet Biotin-tyramide Cat. No.: A8011 CAS No.: 41994-02-9 Formula: C18H25N3O3S M.Wt: 363.47 Synonyms: Biotin-Phenol,Biotin Phenol


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FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY.NOT FOR HUMAN, VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC OR THERAPEUTIC USE.Specific storage and handling information for each product is indicated on the product datasheet. Most APExBIO products are stable

under the recommended conditions. Products are sometimes shipped at a temperature that differs from the recommended storage

temperature. Shortterm storage of many products are stable in the short-term at temperatures that differ from that required for

long-term storage. We ensure that the product is shipped under conditions that will maintain the quality of the reagents. Upon receipt

of the product, follow the storage recommendations on the product data sheet.


7505 Fannin street, Suite 410, Houston, TX 77054. Tel: +1-832-696-8203 | Fax: +1-832-641-3177 | Email: [email protected]




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FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONONONONONONONONONONONONONLYLYLYLYLYLYLYLYLYLLLYLY.NOT FOR HUMAN, VETERRRRRRRRRRINININININININININNNNNNNNARARARARARARRRRRARRRARRRRY Y YYY Y Y Y YY DIDIDIDIDDIDIDIDIDDDD AAAAAGAAAAAAAA NOSTIC OR THERAPEUTTIC USE.Specific storage and hhhhhhhhhanananananananannanndldldldldlddldldlddlinininiinininininii g g g g g g g g ggg g inininininininnininininnnninffffoffffff rmation for each product is indicatted on the product datasheettttttttttt. MoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoMoM ststststststsstss AAAAAAAAAAAAAPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEEPP xBEE IO ble products are stab

under the recommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmenenenenenenenenennenennenennndddeeeeddeddeddeddedddededddedd d d d ddd d dd ddd cococococcococcocccc nditions. Products are sometimes shippeed at a temperature thatatatatatatattatttatatat ddddddddddddddddififififififififififfiffifffffefeffefeeeefefeffeeefefefeeefefersrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrssss fffffffffffffrorororororrrorrr m the recommended stor geag

temperature. Shortrtrtrtrtrtrtrtttteteteteteteteteteetettttt rrrrmrrrrrr storage of many products are stable in the sshort-term at temperaturesesesesessesesessss ttttttttthah t differ from that required for

long-term storage. We ensure that the product is shipped under conditions that will maintain the quality of the reagents. Up eipt on rece

of the product, follow the storage recommendations on the product ddata sheet.

APExBIO Teechnologywww.apexbt.comxbt com

7505 Fannin street, Suite 410, Houston, TX 77054.Tel: +1-832-696-8203 | Fax: +1-832-641-3177 | Email: [email protected]

