bip- greedy dog

Greedy Dog Once in a village . As usual one day he went searching for his food. From morning till afternoon he didn't get even a pea size food.  Dog: Ah God why this treatment for me today . Hunger ills me. !et me start my search again.  "he dog waled down t he street and suddenly his mouth watered as he saw a mutton stall. Dog: #ow$ meat... how grateful % will &e if the man throws me a &one.  "he Dog was standing looing at t he meat. eeing this( the shop owner threw a &one which fell near the dog.  Dog: Hmm.... )uicy &one. !et me go to the other side of the river and what a good time % will have eating this meat.  "he dog was a&out to pic a meat when he heard a gr owling sound. "here he saw another dog ready to pic the &one. Dog: Oh my God $ A competitor for me. % should get rid of him.  "he other dog came near the &one. Dog: Hey you. "hat's mine. *al out. Other dog: % see. if you want to +ght me and tae it. Dog: % am ready.  "hey &oth fought and +nally g reedy dog succeeded. Dog: %f you would have waled out( you would not have su,ered wounds.  "he dog happily pic ed up the &one and started waling. "he dog waled for some time and suddenly he stopped. Dog: -y conscious says that someone is following me.  "he dog turned only t o see a small dog following him. "he +er ce sight of the dog made the small one to trem&le and it ran away . "he dog again continued his wal. "o go to the other side of the river he has to cross a small &ridge. *hile crossing the river his head turned down slowly . uddenly he stopped and looed down into the water . "here he saw his shadow. On seeing the shadow he thought. Dog: Hey that dog has got a larger piece of &one than me. How lovely it will &e if % have that too. % will have it. !et me frighten him. He will run away leaving the &one. "hen it will &e mine.

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7/25/2019 Bip- Greedy Dog 1/3

Greedy Dog

Once in a village . As usual one day he went searching for his food. From morning

till afternoon he didn't get even a pea size food.

 Dog: Ah God why this treatment for me today. Hunger ills me. !et me start mysearch again.

 "he dog waled down the street and suddenly his mouth watered as he saw a

mutton stall.

Dog: #ow$ meat... how grateful % will &e if the man throws me a &one.

 "he Dog was standing looing at the meat. eeing this( the shop owner threw a

&one which fell near the dog.

 Dog: Hmm.... )uicy &one. !et me go to the other side of the river and what a

good time % will have eating this meat.

 "he dog was a&out to pic a meat when he heard a growling sound. "here he

saw another dog ready to pic the &one.

Dog: Oh my God $ A competitor for me. % should get rid of him.

 "he other dog came near the &one.

Dog: Hey you. "hat's mine. *al out.

Other dog: % see. if you want to +ght me and tae it.

Dog: % am ready.

 "hey &oth fought and +nally greedy dog succeeded.

Dog: %f you would have waled out( you would not have su,ered wounds.

 "he dog happily piced up the &one and started waling. "he dog waled for

some time and suddenly he stopped.

Dog: -y conscious says that someone is following me.

 "he dog turned only to see a small dog following him. "he +erce sight of the dog

made the small one to trem&le and it ran away. "he dog again continued his

wal. "o go to the other side of the river he has to cross a small &ridge. *hile

crossing the river his head turned down slowly. uddenly he stopped and looed

down into the water. "here he saw his shadow. On seeing the shadow he


Dog: Hey that dog has got a larger piece of &one than me. How lovely it will &e if

% have that too. % will have it. !et me frighten him. He will run away leaving the

&one. "hen it will &e mine.

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He +rst made growling and moved his &ody as if he is a&out to pounce. "he

shadow too moved... "he dog thought.

Dog: How dare he( it seems he is determined not to loose his meat.

 "he greed made him lose his thought. He started &aring.

Dog: ow wow &ow wow...

 "he moment he opened his mouth the &one slipped from his mouth into the river

and slowly started to sin to the river &ed. eeing this the dog realized how

foolish he was. "he dog was already hungry... now lost his meat too.

Dog: hmm. % should have &een contended with what % had. /ow % have lost the

meat which was the only lunch for me.

-oral: Dont't &e greedy

Artinya :

Dog Greedy

Setelah di sebuah desa . Seperti biasa suatu hari ia pergi mencari makanan . Dari pagi sampai

sore dia tidak mendapatkan bahkan makanan ukuran kacang polong .

 Dog : Ah Tuhan mengapa perawatan ini untuk saya hari ini . Kelaparan membunuh saya .

Mari saya mulai pencarian saya lagi .Anjing itu berjalan menyusuri jalan dan tibatiba mulutnya disiram saat ia melihat kios

daging kambing .

Dog: Sumpah ! daging ... betapa bersyukurnya aku akan jika orang itu melempar saya tulang .

The Dog berdiri melihat daging . Melihat ini" pemilik toko melemparkan tulang yang jatuh di

dekat anjing .

 Dog: #mm .... tulang juicy. $iarkan aku pergi ke sisi lain dari sungai dan apa waktu yang

 baik saya akan makan daging ini .

Anjing hendak memilih daging ketika ia mendengar suara menggeram . Di sana ia melihat

anjing lain siap untuk memilih tulang .

Dog: %h my God! Sebuah pesaing bagi saya . Aku harus menyingkirkannya .

Anjing lain datang dekat tulang .Dog: #ey Anda . &tu milikku . $erjalan keluar .

Anjing lain : Saya melihat . jika Anda ingin melawan saya dan mengambilnya .

Dog: Saya siap .

 Mereka berdua berjuang dan akhirnya anjing serakah berhasil .

Dog: 'ika Anda akan berjalan " Anda tidak akan menderita luka .

Anjing bahagia mengambil tulang dan mulai berjalan . Anjing itu berjalan selama beberapa

waktu dan tibatiba dia berhenti .

Dog: saya sadar mengatakan bahwa seseorang mengikutiku .

Anjing berbalik hanya untuk melihat anjing kecil mengikutinya . (emandangan sengit anjing

membuat yang kecil gemetar dan lari . Anjing kembali melanjutkan perjalanannya . )ntuk

 pergi ke sisi lain dari sungai ia harus menyeberangi sebuah jembatan kecil . Sementara

menyeberangi sungai kepalanya ditolak perlahanlahan . Tibatiba ia berhenti dan menunduk

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ke dalam air . Di sana ia melihat bayangannya . (ada melihat bayangan pikirnya.

Dog : #ey anjing yang telah mendapat bagian yang lebih besar dari tulang dari saya . $etapa

indah itu akan jika saya memiliki juga . Aku akan memilikinya . $iarkan aku menakut

nakutinya . Dia akan lari meninggalkan tulang . Maka akan menjadi milikku .

Dia pertama kali dibuat menggeram dan pindah tubuhnya seolaholah ia adalah tentang untuk 

menerkam . $ayangan itu juga bergerak ... (ikiran anjing .Dog: $eraninya dia " tampaknya ia bertekad untuk tidak kehilangan daging .

Keserakahan itu membuatnya kehilangan pikirannya . Dia mulai menggonggong .

Dog : $ow wow wow busur ...

Saat ia membuka mulutnya tulang terlepas dari mulutnya ke sungai dan perlahanlahan mulai

tenggelam ke dasar sungai . Melihat ini anjing menyadari betapa bodohnya dia . Anjing sudah

lapar ... sekarang hilang daging juga.

Dog: hmm . Saya harus telah bertengkar dengan apa yang saya miliki . Sekarang aku telah

kehilangan daging yang merupakan satusatunya makan siang untuk saya .

Moral : Dont*t serakah