bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. catagni m.a., lovisetti l

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  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Bipolar fixation in the treatment ofdistal radius fractures

    Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.

    Ospedale A.ManzoniLecco-Italia

    Bipolar fixation in the treatment ofBipolar fixation in the treatment ofdistal radius fracturesdistal radius fractures

    CatagniCatagni M.A., Lovisetti L.M.A., Lovisetti L.

    OspedaleOspedale A.ManzoniA.ManzoniLeccoLecco--ItaliaItalia

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Fractures of distal radius

    Greatest frequency in women between 60 and69 years

    Fractures of distal radiusFractures of distal radius

    Greatest frequency in women between 60 andGreatest frequency in women between 60 and69 years69 years

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    I Bending (Colles, Smith)

    II Shearing (Bartons, reversed Bartons, simple

    articular fracture)

    III Compression (intra articular comminutedfractures ,die punch)

    IV Avulsion (radio carpal fracture dislocation)

    V Combinations (high energy injuries)

    I BendingI Bending ((CollesColles, Smith), Smith)

    II ShearingII Shearing (Barton(Bartons, reversed Bartons, reversed Bartons, simples, simplearticulararticular fracture)fracture)

    III CompressionIII Compression (intra(intra articulararticular comminutedcomminutedfractures ,die punch)fractures ,die punch)

    IV AvulsionIV Avulsion (radio carpal fracture dislocation)(radio carpal fracture dislocation)

    V CombinationsV Combinations (high energy injuries)(high energy injuries)

    Fernandez Jupiter Classification of distal radiusfractures ( 1997)

    Mechanism of injury

    Fernandez Jupiter Classification of distal radiusFernandez Jupiter Classification of distal radiusfractures ( 1997)fractures ( 1997)

    Mechanism of injuryMechanism of injury

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Traditional treatmentClosed reduction and plaster

    TraditionalTraditional treatmenttreatmentClosedClosed reductionreduction andand plasterplaster

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    The plaster becomes larger after resolution of oedemaTheThe plasterplaster becomesbecomes largerlarger afterafter resolutionresolution ofofoedemaoedema

    Manteining reduction is difficult50-70% secondary displacementsManteiningManteining reductionreduction isis difficultdifficult5050--70%70% secondarysecondary displacementsdisplacements

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    External skeletal fixationExternalExternal skeletalskeletal fixationfixation

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    radial length and inclination are re-established and maintained with


    More difficult is to restore the palmar tilt(palmar radiocarpal ligaments reach maximum length

    before the dorsal ligaments )

    Bartosh and Saldana 1990

    radial length and inclination are reradial length and inclination are re--established and maintained withestablished and maintained with


    More difficult is to restore theMore difficult is to restore the palmarpalmar tilttilt((palmarpalmar radiocarpalradiocarpal ligaments reach maximum lengthligaments reach maximum length

    before the dorsal ligaments )before the dorsal ligaments )

    BartoshBartosh and Saldana 1990and Saldana 1990

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Better articular congruity onradiographic follow up

    Harley et al. J Hand Surg (Am) 2004

    BetterBetter articulararticular congruitycongruity ononradiographicradiographic followfollow upup

    HarleyHarley etet JJ HandHand SurgSurg ((AmAm) 2004) 2004

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Low risk of complications

    pin track infectionPin loosening

    reflex simpathetic disthrophystiffness

    radial shorteningloss of radial tilt

    Radial sensory neuritis

    Low risk of complicationsLow risk of complications

    pin track infectionpin track infectionPin looseningPin loosening

    reflexreflex simpatheticsimpathetic disthrophydisthrophystiffnessstiffness

    radial shorteningradial shorteningloss of radial tiltloss of radial tilt

    Radial sensory neuritisRadial sensory neuritis

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    New trend:Internal fixation

    New trend:New trend:InternalInternal fixationfixation

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.



    1(1%)Intra articular screwdisplacement


    Screw loosening

    5(4%)1(3%)3(6%)Complex regional painsyndrome

    3(3%)Delayed fracturehealing

    3(3%)1(2%)Carpal tunnelsyndrome

    4(4%)1(2%)Extensor tendontenosynovitis

    9(8%)2(5%)Flexor tendontenosynovitis

    2(2%)1(12%)Roptured tendonextensor pollicislongus

    2(2%)6 (12%)Roptured tendon flexorpollicis longus


    Arora et al2007

    Kamano etal 2005

    Drobetz et al2003

    Rozentalet al 2006

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    there is a need for well designed clinical,biomechanical and cost benefit studies to compare

    locking plate systems with other treatments.Ultimately, the current enthusiasm for

    volar fixed angle plates should be

    tempered until outomes andadvantages are securely validated byhard sience.

    Management of distal radial fracturesNeal C. Chen, Jesse B. JupiterJ Bone Joint Surg Am 2007

    there is a need for well designed clinical,biomechanical and cost benefit studies to compare

    locking plate systems with other treatments.Ultimately, the current enthusiasm for

    volar fixed angle plates should betempered until outomes and

    advantages are securely validated byhard sience.

    Management of distal radial fracturesNeal C. Chen, Jesse B. JupiterJ Bone Joint Surg Am 2007

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Our treatment of distal radiusfractures

    Severe open fractures

    External skeletal


    Our treatment of distal radiusOur treatment of distal radiusfracturesfractures

    Severe openSevere open fracturesfractures

    ExternalExternal skeletalskeletal


    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Severe open fracture of forearm ( 2Severe open fracture of forearm ( 2) associated to humeral fracure) associated to humeral fracurewith radial nerve palsywith radial nerve palsy

    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Debridement, open reduction and K.Debridement, open reduction and K.Wire intramedullary fixationWire intramedullary fixation

    Sintesi omero con chiodo di SeidelSintesi omero con chiodo di Seidel

    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    External fixation with Ilizarov frameExternal fixation with Ilizarov frame

    Hand support for radial nerve palsyHand support for radial nerve palsy

    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Post operative X raysPost operative X rays

    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    After 165 days removal of frame and internal fixation withAfter 165 days removal of frame and internal fixation withplating and grafting because of delay of unionplating and grafting because of delay of union

    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lecco Ilizarov UnitLecco Ilizarov Unit

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Closed fracturesExternal fixation plaster


    Closed fracturesClosed fracturesExternal fixationExternal fixation plasterplaster


  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lorenz Boehler (1885-1973)Bipolar fixation 1929

    LorenzLorenz BoehlerBoehler (1885(1885--1973)1973)Bipolar fixation 1929Bipolar fixation 1929

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Pin and plaster methods since Boehlers original description in 1929Pin and plaster methods sincePin and plaster methods since BoehlerBoehlerss original description in 1929original description in 1929

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Lembrochage des fracturesinfrieures du radius

    A.Ledoux, A.Rauis et M.Van der GhinstBruxelles

    Revue de Chirurgie Orthopdique 1973, 59, 427-438

    LLembrochageembrochage des fracturesdes fracturesinfinfrieuresrieures du radiusdu radius

    A.LedouxA.Ledoux,, A.RauisA.Rauis etet M.VanM.Van derder GhinstGhinstBruxellesBruxelles

    Revue deRevue de ChirurgieChirurgie OrthopOrthopdiquedique 1973, 59, 4271973, 59, 427--438438

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.



  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Simplicit dexecution,

    innocuit, efficacitLow cost

    SimplicitSimplicit ddexecutionexecution,,

    innocuitinnocuit,, efficacitefficacitLow costLow cost

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Fracture III type ( compression)Fracture III type ( compression)

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    R d i d i

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Reduction and tractionReduction and tractionReduction and traction

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    K i i i iK i i i i

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    K, wires positioningK, wires positioningK, wires positioning

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    Pl i l di K iPl i l di K iPl t i l di K i

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Plaster including K wiresPlaster including K wiresPlaster including K wires

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    D i l hil i iD i l t hil t ti iD i l t hil t ti i

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Doing plaster while traction ismanteined

    Doing plaster while traction isDoing plaster while traction ismanteinedmanteined

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    P.O. X raysP.O. X rays

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    From 2000 more than 800 cases

    Review of 75 cases treated in 2006

    54 women 21 men

    Type I 58Type II 3Type III 11

    Type IV -Type V 3

    From 2000 more than 800 cases

    Review of 75 cases treated in 2006

    54 women 21 men

    Type I 58Type II 3Type III 11

    Type IV -Type V 3

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Radial inclination( averages 23)

    RadialRadial inclinationinclination(( averagesaverages 2323))

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Palmar tilt( averages 11)

    PalmarPalmar tilttilt(( averagesaverages 1111))

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Radial length( averages 11mm)

    RadialRadial lengthlength(( averagesaverages 11mm)11mm)

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni


  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Type III(compression)

    Type III(compression)

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    P iP t ti

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Post operativePost operative

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Radial inclinationPalmar tilt

    Radial inclinationPalmar tilt

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    F llFollow up

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Follow upFollow up

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Pronation and supinationPronation and supination

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    Type I ( bending)Type I ( bending)

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Type I ( bending)Type I ( bending)

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    P O X raysP O X rays

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    P.O. X raysP.O. X rays

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    Radiological evaluationRadiological evaluation

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Radiological evaluationRadiological evaluation

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    P O X raysP O X rays

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    P.O. X raysP.O. X rays

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    P.O. X raysP.O. X rays

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Type III ( compression)Type III ( compression)

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    P.O. X raysP.O. X rays

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    R di l i l l tiRadiological evaluation

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Radiological evaluationRadiological evaluation

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    Type I ( bending)Type I ( bending)

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Type I ( bending)Type I ( bending)

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    P.O. X raysP.O. X rays

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    P.O. X raysy

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    At follow up 6 monthsAt follow up 6 months

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    Follow upFollow up

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Follow upFollow up

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni


  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.



    Infections (radial wire) 2/75(Healed with removal of wire and antibiotic therapy)

    Algodysthrophy (recovery with Rehabilitation )


    Loss of radial tilt 7/75

    Radial shortening 4/75


    Infections (radial wire) 2/75(Healed with removal of wire and antibiotic therapy)

    Algodysthrophy (recovery with Rehabilitation )

    8/75Loss of radial tilt 7/75

    Radial shortening 4/75

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.


    Radiological Results (according toCastaings criteria)

    Very good reduction 53/75

    Good reduction 19/75Bad reduction 3/75

    Radiological Results (according toCastaings criteria)

    Very good reduction 53/75

    Good reduction 19/75Bad reduction 3/75

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni

    Functional Results

  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.




    625867Very good



  • 8/6/2019 Bipolar fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Catagni M.A., Lovisetti L.



    Bipolar fixation of fractures ofdistal radius prevents secondarydisplacements within the cast, is

    simple method, free of severecomplications and with a low cost


    Bipolar fixation of fractures ofdistal radius prevents secondarydisplacements within the cast, is

    simple method, free of severecomplications and with a low cost

    M. A. CatagniM. A. CatagniM. A. Catagni