biraogo vs phil truth commission

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  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    G.R. No. 192935 December 7, 2010

    LOUIS "BAROK" C. BIRAOGO, Petitioner,vs.T! ILIIN! TRUT CO##ISSION O$ 2010, Respondent.

    x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

    G.R. No. 19303%

    R!. !DC!L C. LAG#AN, R!. RODOL$O B. ALBANO, &R., R!. SI#!ON A. DATU#ANONG, and R!. ORLANDO B. $UA,SR., Petitioners,vs.!'!CUTI(! S!CR!TAR) A*UITO N. OCOA, &R. +- D!ART#!NT O$ BUDG!T AND #ANAG!#!NT

    S!CR!TAR) $LOR!NCIO B. ABAD, Respondents.

    D E C I S I O N

    #!NDOA, J.:

    When the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional boundaries, it does not assert any superiority over

    the other departments; it does not in reality nullify or invalidate an act of the legislature, but only asserts

    the solemn and sacred obligation assigned to it by the Constitution to determine conflicting claims of

    authority under the Constitution and to establish for the parties in an actual controversy the rights which

    that instrument secures and guarantees to them.

    --- Justice Jose P. Laurel1

    !e role o" t!e Constitution cannot #e overloo$ed. It is t!rou%! t!e Constitution t!at t!e "unda&ental po'ers o" %overn&ent are esta#lis!ed, li&ited and de"ined, and #( '!ic! t!ese po'ers are distri#uteda&on% t!e several depart&ents.) !e Constitution is t!e #asic and para&ount la' to '!ic! all ot!er la's

    &ust con"or& and to '!ic! all persons, includin% t!e !i%!est o""icials o" t!e land, &ust de"er.* Constitutional doctrines &ust re&ain stead"ast no &atter '!at &a( #e t!e tides o" ti&e. It cannot #esi&pl( &ade to s'a( and acco&&odate t!e call o" situations and &uc! &ore tailor itsel" to t!e '!i&s andcaprices o" %overn&ent and t!e people '!o run it.+ 

    or consideration #e"ore t!e Court are t'o consolidated cases  #ot! o" '!ic! essentiall( assail t!evalidit( and constitutionalit( o" Executive Order No. 1, dated Jul( *, )1, entitled /Creatin% t!eP!ilippine rut! Co&&ission o" )1./

    !e "irst case is 0.R. No. 1)*, a special civil action "or pro!i#ition instituted #( petitioner Louis2irao%o 32irao%o4 in !is capacit( as a citi5en and taxpa(er. 2irao%o assails Executive Order No. 1 "or #ein% violative o" t!e le%islative po'er o" Con%ress under Section 1, 6rticle 7I o" t!e Constitution8 as itusurps t!e constitutional aut!orit( o" t!e le%islature to create a pu#lic o""ice and to appropriate "undst!ere"or.9

    !e second case, 0.R. No. 1**8, is a special civil action "or certiorari and pro!i#ition "iled #( petitioners Edcel C. La%&an, Rodol"o 2. 6l#ano Jr., Si&eon 6. Datu&anon%, and Orlando 2. ua, Sr.3petitioners-le%islators4 as incuent &eers o" t!e :ouse o" Representatives.

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    !e %enesis o" t!e "ore%oin% cases can #e traced to t!e events prior to t!e !istoric ;a( )1 elections,'!en t!en Senator 2eni%no Si&eon 6

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    t!at s!oc$ and o""end t!e &oral and et!ical sensi#ilities o" t!e people, co&&itted #( pu#lic o""icers ande&plo(ees, t!eir co-principals, acco&plices and accessories "ro& t!e private sector, i" an(, durin% t!e previous ad&inistrationA and t!erea"ter reco&&end t!e appropriate action or &easure to #e ta$en t!ereonto ensure t!at t!e "ull &easure o" =ustice s!all #e served 'it!out "ear or "avor.

    !e Co&&ission s!all #e co&posed o" a C!air&an and "our 3+4 &eers '!o 'ill act as an independent

    colle%ial #od(.

    S!CTION 2. o4er +- $co.  !e Co&&ission, '!ic! s!all !ave all t!e po'ers o" aninvesti%ative #od( under Section *9, C!apter , 2oo$ I o" t!e 6d&inistrative Code o" 1@9, is pri&aril(tas$ed to conduct a t!orou%! "act-"indin% investi%ation o" reported cases o" %ra"t and corruption re"erredto in Section 1, involvin% t!ird level pu#lic o""icers and !i%!er, t!eir co-principals, acco&plices andaccessories "ro& t!e private sector, i" an(, durin% t!e previous ad&inistration and t!erea"ter su#&it its"indin% and reco&&endations to t!e President, Con%ress and t!e Ouds&an.

    In particular, it s!all>

    a4 Identi"( and deter&ine t!e reported cases o" suc! %ra"t and corruption '!ic! it 'illinvesti%ateA

     #4 Collect, receive, revie' and evaluate evidence related to or re%ardin% t!e cases o" lar%escale corruption '!ic! it !as c!osen to investi%ate, and to t!is end re

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    Co&&ission, "or suc! assistance and cooperation as it &a( re

  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    S!CTION 17. S:ec+ roo Cocer6 #+-+e. I" and '!en in t!e =ud%&ent o" t!e Presidentt!ere is a need to expand t!e &andate o" t!e Co&&ission as de"ined in Section 1 !ereo" to include t!einvesti%ation o" cases and instances o" %ra"t and corruption durin% t!e prior ad&inistrations, suc! &andate&a( #e so extended accordin%l( #( 'a( o" a supple&ental Executive Order.

    S!CTION 1@. Se:+r+b; C+e. I" an( provision o" t!is Order is declared unconstitutional, t!e sa&e

    s!all not a""ect t!e validit( and e""ectivit( o" t!e ot!er provisions !ereo".

    S!CTION 19. !ec;.  !is Executive Order s!all ta$e e""ect i&&ediatel(.

    DONE in t!e Cit( o" ;anila, P!ilippines, t!is *t! da( o" Jul( )1.


    2( t!e President>

    SGD. A*UITO N. OCOA, &R.

    Executive Secretar(

     Nature o" t!e rut! Co&&ission

    6s can #e %leaned "ro& t!e a#ove- 314 t!e(exa&ine onl( past eventsA 3)4 t!e( investi%ate patterns o" a#use co&&itted over a period o" ti&e, asopposed to a particular eventA 3*4 t!e( are te&porar( #odies t!at "inis! t!eir 'or$ 'it! t!e su#&ission o"a report containin% conclusions and reco&&endationsA and 3+4 t!e( are o""iciall( sanctioned, aut!ori5edor e&po'ered #( t!e State.1 /Co&&issionBs &eers are usuall( e&po'ered to conduct researc!,support victi&s, and propose polic( reco&&endations to prevent recurrence o" cri&es. !rou%! t!eirinvesti%ations, t!e co&&issions &a( ai& to discover and learn &ore a#out past a#uses, or "or&all(

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    ac$no'led%e t!e&. !e( &a( ai& to prepare t!e 'a( "or prosecutions and reco&&end institutionalre"or&s./11

    !us, t!eir &ain %oals ran%e "ro& retri#ution to reconciliation. !e Nureur% and o$(o 'ar cri&etri#unals are exa&ples o" a retri#utor( or vindicator( #od( set up to tr( and punis! t!ose responsi#le "orcri&es a%ainst !u&anit(. 6 "or& o" a reconciliator( tri#unal is t!e rut! and Reconciliation Co&&ission

    o" Sout! 6"rica, t!e principal "unction o" '!ic! 'as to !eal t!e 'ounds o" past violence and to prevent"uture con"lict #( providin% a cat!artic experience "or victi&s.

    !e PC is a "ar cr( "ro& Sout! 6"ricaBs &odel. !e latter placed &ore e&p!asis on reconciliation t!anon =udicial retri#ution, '!ile t!e &arc!in% order o" t!e PC is t!e identi"ication and punis!&ent o" perpetrators. 6s one 'riter 1) puts it>

    !e order ruled out reconciliation. It translated t!e Draconian code spelled out #( 6 /o t!ose '!o tal$ a#out reconciliation, i" t!e( &ean t!at t!e( 'ould li$e us to si&pl( "or%eta#out t!e 'ron%s t!at t!e( !ave co&&itted in t!e past, 'e !ave t!is to sa(> !ere can #e no reconciliation'it!out =ustice. !en 'e allo' cri&es to %o unpunis!ed, 'e %ive consent to t!eir occurrin% over andover a%ain./

    !e !rusts o" t!e Petitions

    2arel( a &ont! a"ter t!e issuance o" Executive Order No. 1, t!e petitioners as$ed t!e Court to declare itunconstitutional and to en=oin t!e PC "ro& per"or&in% its "unctions. 6 perusal o" t!e ar%u&ents o" t!e petitioners in #ot! cases s!o's t!at t!e( are essentiall( t!e sa&e. !e petitioners-le%islators su&&ari5edt!e& in t!e "ollo'in% &anner>

    3a4 E.O. No. 1 violates t!e separation o" po'ers as it arro%ates t!e po'er o" t!e Con%ress tocreate a pu#lic o""ice and appropriate "unds "or its operation.

    3#4 !e provision o" 2oo$ III, C!apter 1, Section *1 o" t!e 6d&inistrative Code o" 1@9 cannotle%iti&i5e E.O. No. 1 #ecause t!e dele%ated aut!orit( o" t!e President to structurall( reor%ani5et!e O""ice o" t!e President to ac!ieve econo&(, si&plicit( and e""icienc( does not include t!e po'er to create an entirel( ne' pu#lic o""ice '!ic! 'as !it!erto inexistent li$e t!e /rut!Co&&ission./

    3c4 E.O. No. 1 ille%all( a&ended t!e Constitution and pertinent statutes '!en it vested t!e /rut!Co&&ission/ 'it!

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    3"4 !e creation o" t!e /rut! Co&&ission/ is an exercise in "utilit(, an adventure in partisan!ostilit(, a launc!in% pad "or trialFconviction #( pu#licit( and a &ere populist propa%anda to&ista$enl( i&press t!e people t!at 'idespread povert( 'ill alto%et!er vanis! i" corruption iseli&inated 'it!out even addressin% t!e ot!er &a=or causes o" povert(.

    3%4 !e &ere "act t!at previous co&&issions 'ere not constitutionall( c!allen%ed is o" no

    &o&ent #ecause neit!er lac!es nor estoppel can #ar an eventual

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    +. !et!er or not Executive Order No. 1 violates t!e e

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    allocation and dis#urse&ent o" "unds "or t!e co&&ission 'ill not entail con%ressional action #ut 'illsi&pl( #e an exercise o" t!e PresidentBs po'er over contin%ent "unds.

    6s correctl( pointed out #( t!e OS0, 2irao%o !as not s!o'n t!at !e sustained, or is in dan%er o"sustainin%, an( personal and direct in=ur( attri#uta#le to t!e i&ple&entation o" Executive Order No. 1. No'!ere in !is petition is an assertion o" a clear ri%!t t!at &a( =usti"( !is cla&or "or t!e Court to exercise

     =udicial po'er and to 'ield t!e axe over presidential issuances in de"ense o" t!e Constitution. !e case o"David v. 6rro(o)+ explained t!e deep-seated rules on locus standi. !us>

     (ocus standi is de"ined as /a ri%!t o" appearance in a court o" =ustice on a %iven

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    t!e pu#lic interest so re

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    %overn&ent, possesses t!e in!erent aut!orit( to create "act-"indin% co&&ittees to assist it in t!e per"or&ance o" its constitutionall( &andated "unctions and in t!e exercise o" its ad&inistrative"unctions.*@ !is po'er, as t!e OS0 explains it, is #ut an ad=unct o" t!e plenar( po'ers 'ielded #( t!ePresident under Section 1 and !is po'er o" control under Section 19, #ot! o" 6rticle 7II o" t!eConstitution.*

    It contends t!at t!e President is necessaril( vested 'it! t!e po'er to conduct "act-"indin% investi%ations, pursuant to !is dut( to ensure t!at all la's are en"orced #( pu#lic o""icials and e&plo(ees o" !isdepart&ent and in t!e exercise o" !is aut!orit( to assu&e directl( t!e "unctions o" t!e executivedepart&ent, #ureau and o""ice, or inter"ere 'it! t!e discretion o" !is o""icials.+ !e po'er o" t!ePresident to investi%ate is not li&ited to t!e exercise o" !is po'er o" control over !is su#ordinates in t!eexecutive #ranc!, #ut extends "urt!er in t!e exercise o" !is ot!er po'ers, suc! as !is po'er to disciplinesu#ordinates,+1 !is po'er "or rule &a$in%, ad=udication and licensin% purposes+) and in order to #ein"or&ed on &atters '!ic! !e is entitled to $no'.+* 

    !e OS0 also cites t!e recent case o" 2anda v. Er&ita,++ '!ere it 'as !eld t!at t!e President !as t!e po'er to reor%ani5e t!e o""ices and a%encies in t!e executive depart&ent in line 'it! !is constitutionall(%ranted po'er o" control and #( virtue o" a valid dele%ation o" t!e le%islative po'er to reor%ani5e

    executive o""ices under existin% statutes.

    !us, t!e OS0 concludes t!at t!e po'er o" control necessaril( includes t!e po'er to create o""ices. ort!e OS0, t!e President &a( create t!e PC in order to, a&on% ot!ers, put a closure to t!e reported lar%escale %ra"t and corruption in t!e %overn&ent.+

    !e Does t!e creation o" t!e PC "all 'it!in t!e ait o" t!e po'er to reor%ani5e as expressed in Section *1 o" t!e Revised 6d&inistrative Code Section *1conte&plates /reor%ani5ation/ as li&ited #( t!e "ollo'in% "unctional and structural lines> 314 restructurin%t!e internal or%ani5ation o" t!e O""ice o" t!e President Proper #( a#olis!in%, consolidatin% or &er%in%units t!ereo" or trans"errin% "unctions "ro& one unit to anot!erA 3)4 trans"errin% an( "unction under t!eO""ice o" t!e President to an( ot!er Depart&entF6%enc( or vice versaA or 3*4 trans"errin% an( a%enc(under t!e O""ice o" t!e President to an( ot!er Depart&entF6%enc( or vice versa. Clearl(, t!e provisionre"ers to reduction o" personnel, consolidation o" o""ices, or a#olition t!ereo" #( reason o" econo&( orredundanc( o" "unctions. !ese point to situations '!ere a #od( or an o""ice is alread( existent #ut a&odi"ication or alteration t!ereo" !as to #e e""ected. !e creation o" an o""ice is no'!ere &entioned,&uc! less envisioned in said provision. 6ccordin%l(, t!e ans'er to t!e

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    consolidation o" o""ices, or a#olition t!ereo" #( reason o" econo&( or redundanc( o" "unctions./ It ta$es place '!en t!ere is an alteration o" t!e existin% structure o" %overn&ent o""ices or units t!erein, includin%t!e lines o" control, aut!orit( and responsi#ilit( #et'een t!e&. !e EII2 is a #ureau attac!ed to t!eDepart&ent o" inance. It "alls under t!e O""ice o" t!e President. :ence, it is su#=ect to t!e PresidentBscontinuin% aut!orit( to reor%ani5e. KE&p!asis SuppliedG

    In t!e sa&e vein, t!e creation o" t!e PC is not =usti"ied #( t!e PresidentBs po'er o" control. Control isessentiall( t!e po'er to alter or &odi"( or nulli"( or set aside '!at a su#ordinate o""icer !ad done in t!e per"or&ance o" !is duties and to su#stitute t!e =ud%&ent o" t!e "or&er 'it! t!at o" t!e latter.+9 Clearl(, t!e po'er o" control is entirel( di""erent "ro& t!e po'er to create pu#lic o""ices. !e "or&er is in!erent in t!eExecutive, '!ile t!e latter "inds #asis "ro& eit!er a valid dele%ation "ro& Con%ress, or !is in!erent dut(to "ait!"ull( execute t!e la's.


    :ERE6S, t!e transition to'ards t!e parlia&entar( "or& o" %overn&ent 'ill necessitate "lexi#ilit( int!e or%ani5ation o" t!e national %overn&ent.

    Clearl(, as it 'as onl( "or t!e purpose o" providin% &ana%ea#ilit( and resilienc( durin% t!e interi&, P.D. No. 1+18, as a&ended #( P.D. No. 199), #eca&e "unctus o"icio upon t!e convenin% o" t!e irst Con%ress,as expressl( provided in Section 8, 6rticle ?7III o" t!e 1@9 Constitution. In "act, even t!e Solicitor0eneral a%rees 'it! t!is vie'. !us>

    6SSOCI6E JSICE C6RPIO> 2ecause P.D. 1+18 'as enacted 'as t!e last '!ereas clause o" P.D.1+18 sa(s /it 'as enacted to prepare t!e transition "ro& presidential to parlia&entar(. No', in a parlia&entar( "or& o" %overn&ent, t!e le%islative and executive po'ers are "used, correct

    SOLICIOR 0ENER6L C6DI> es, our :onor.

    6SSOCI6E JSICE C6RPIO> !at is '!(, t!at P.D. 1+18 'as issued. No' 'ould (ou a%ree 'it! &et!at P.D. 1+18 s!ould not #e considered e""ective an(&ore upon t!e pro&ul%ation, adoption, rati"icationo" t!e 1@9 Constitution.

    SOLICIOR 0ENER6L C6DI> Not t!e '!ole o" P.D. KNo.G 1+18, our :onor.

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    6SSOCI6E JSICE C6RPIO> !e po'er o" t!e President to reor%ani5e t!e entire National0overn&ent is dee&ed repealed, at least, upon t!e adoption o" t!e 1@9 Constitution, correct.

    SOLICIOR 0ENER6L C6DI> es, our :onor .

    !ile t!e po'er to create a trut! co&&ission cannot pass &uster on t!e #asis o" P.D. No. 1+18 asa&ended #( P.D. No. 199), t!e creation o" t!e PC "inds =usti"ication under Section 19, 6rticle 7II o" t!eConstitution, i&posin% upon t!e President t!e dut( to ensure t!at t!e la's are "ait!"ull( executed. Section19 reads>

    Section 19. !e President s!all !ave control o" all t!e executive depart&ents, #ureaus, and o""ices. :es!all ensure t!at t!e la's #e "ait!"ull( executed. 3E&p!asis supplied4.

    6s correctl( pointed out #( t!e respondents, t!e allocation o" po'er in t!e t!ree principal #ranc!es o"%overn&ent is a %rant o" all po'ers in!erent in t!e&. !e PresidentBs po'er to conduct investi%ations toaid !i& in ensurin% t!e "ait!"ul execution o" la's in t!is case, "unda&ental la's on pu#licaccounta#ilit( and transparenc( is in!erent in t!e PresidentBs po'ers as t!e C!ie" Executive. !at t!eaut!orit( o" t!e President to conduct investi%ations and to create #odies to execute t!is po'er is notexplicitl( &entioned in t!e Constitution or in statutes does not &ean t!at !e is #ere"t o" suc! aut!orit(.1 6s explained in t!e land&ar$ case o" ;arcos v. ;an%lapus>)

    x x x. !e 1@9 Constitution, !o'ever, #rou%!t #ac$ t!e presidential s(ste& o" %overn&ent and restoredt!e separation o" le%islative, executive and =udicial po'ers #( t!eir actual distri#ution a&on% t!reedistinct #ranc!es o" %overn&ent 'it! provision "or c!ec$s and #alances.

    It 'ould not #e accurate, !o'ever, to state t!at /executive po'er/ is t!e po'er to en"orce t!e la's, "or t!ePresident is !ead o" state as 'ell as !ead o" %overn&ent and '!atever po'ers in!ere in suc! positions pertain to t!e o""ice unless t!e Constitution itsel" 'it!!olds it. urt!er&ore, t!e Constitution itsel" provides t!at t!e execution o" t!e la's is onl( one o" t!e po'ers o" t!e President. It also %rants t!e

    President ot!er po'ers t!at do not involve t!e execution o" an( provision o" la', e.%., !is po'er over t!ecountr(s "orei%n relations.

    On t!ese pre&ises, 'e !old t!e vie' t!at alt!ou%! t!e 1@9 Constitution i&poses li&itations on t!eexercise o" :ecc po'ers o" t!e President, it &aintains intact '!at is traditionall( considered as 'it!int!e scope o" /executive po'er./ Corollaril(, t!e po'ers o" t!e President cannot #e said to #e li&ited onl(to t!e speci"ic po'ers enu&erated in t!e Constitution. In ot!er 'ords, executive po'er is &ore t!an t!esu& o" speci"ic po'ers so enu&erated.

    It !as #een advanced t!at '!atever po'er in!erent in t!e %overn&ent t!at is neit!er le%islative nor =udicial !as to #e executive. x x x.

    Indeed, t!e Executive is %iven &uc! lee'a( in ensurin% t!at our la's are "ait!"ull( executed. 6s stateda#ove, t!e po'ers o" t!e President are not li&ited to t!ose speci"ic po'ers under t!e Constitution.* Oneo" t!e reco%ni5ed po'ers o" t!e President %ranted pursuant to t!is constitutionall(-&andated dut( is t!e po'er to create ad !oc co&&ittees. !is "lo's "ro& t!e o#vious need to ascertain "acts and deter&ine i"la's !ave #een "ait!"ull( executed. !us, in 3epartment of 1ealth v. Camposano,+ t!e aut!orit( o" t!ePresident to issue 6d&inistrative Order No. )@, creatin% an investi%ative co&&ittee to loo$ into t!ead&inistrative c!ar%es "iled a%ainst t!e e&plo(ees o" t!e Depart&ent o" :ealt! "or t!e ano&alous purc!ase o" &edicines 'as up!eld. In said case, it 'as ruled>

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    T=e C=e !

    "6nvestigate," co&&onl( understood, &eans to exa&ine, explore, in in /to searc! or in x x to su#=ect to an o""icial pro#e x x> to conduct an o""icialin

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    !e le%al &eanin% o" /investi%ate/ is essentiall( t!e sa&e> /3t4o "ollo' up step #( step #( patient in

    !is po'er o" investi%ation %ranted to t!e Ouds&an #( t!e 1@9 Constitution and !e Ouds&an

    6ct is not exclusive #ut is s!ared 'it! ot!er si&ilarl( aut!ori5ed %overn&ent a%encies suc! as t!e PC00and =ud%es o" &unicipal trial courts and &unicipal circuit trial courts. !e po'er to conduct preli&inar(investi%ation on c!ar%es a%ainst pu#lic e&plo(ees and o""icials is li$e'ise concurrentl( s!ared 'it! t!eDepart&ent o" Justice. Despite t!e passa%e o" t!e Local 0overn&ent Code in 11, t!e Ouds&anretains concurrent =urisdiction 'it! t!e O""ice o" t!e President and t!e local San%%unians to investi%ateco&plaints a%ainst local elective o""icials. KE&p!asis suppliedG.

    6lso, Executive Order No. 1 cannot contravene t!e po'er o" t!e Ouds&an to investi%ate cri&inalcases under Section 1 314 o" R.6. No. 899, '!ic! states>

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    314 Investi%ate and prosecute on its o'n or on co&plaint #( an( person, an( act or o&ission o" an( pu#lico""icer or e&plo(ee, o""ice or a%enc(, '!en suc! act or o&ission appears to #e ille%al, un=ust, i&proper or ine""icient. It !as pri&ar( =urisdiction over cases co%ni5a#le #( t!e Sandi%an#a(an and, in t!e exercise o"its pri&ar( =urisdiction, it &a( ta$e over, at an( sta%e, "ro& an( investi%ator( a%enc( o" %overn&ent, t!einvesti%ation o" suc! cases. KE&p!ases suppliedG

    !e act o" investi%ation #( t!e Ouds&an as enunciated a#ove conte&plates t!e conduct o" a preli&inar( investi%ation or t!e deter&ination o" t!e existence o" pro#a#le cause. !is is cate%oricall( outo" t!e PCBs sp!ere o" "unctions. Its po'er to investi%ate is li&ited to o#tainin% "acts so t!at it can adviseand %uide t!e President in t!e per"or&ance o" !is duties relative to t!e execution and en"orce&ent o" t!ela's o" t!e land. In t!is re%ard, t!e PC co&&its no act o" usurpation o" t!e Ouds&anBs pri&ordialduties.

    !e sa&e !olds true 'it! respect to t!e DOJ. Its aut!orit( under Section * 3)4, C!apter 1, itle III, 2oo$I7 in t!e Revised 6d&inistrative Code is #( no &eans exclusive and, t!us, can #e s!ared 'it! a #od(li$e'ise tas$ed to investi%ate t!e co&&ission o" cri&es.

    inall(, no'!ere in Executive Order No. 1 can it #e in"erred t!at t!e "indin%s o" t!e PC are to #eaccorded conclusiveness. ;uc! li$e its predecessors, t!e Davide Co&&ission, t!e eliciano Co&&issionand t!e enarosa Co&&ission, its "indin%s 'ould, at #est, #e reco&&endator( in nature. 6nd #ein% so,t!e Ouds&an and t!e DOJ !ave a 'ider de%ree o" latitude to decide '!et!er or not to re=ect t!ereco&&endation. !ese o""ices, t!ere"ore, are not deprived o" t!eir &andated duties #ut 'ill instead #eaided #( t!e reports o" t!e PC "or possi#le indict&ents "or violations o" %ra"t la's.

    7iolation o" t!e E

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    Position o" respondents

    6ccordin% to respondents, '!ile Executive Order No. 1 identi"ies t!e /previous ad&inistration/ as t!einitial su#=ect o" t!e investi%ation, "ollo'in% Section 19 t!ereo", t!e PC 'ill not con"ine itsel" to cases o" lar%e scale %ra"t and corruption solel( durin% t!e said ad&inistration.91 6ssu&in% ar%uendo t!at t!eco&&ission 'ould con"ine its proceedin%s to o""icials o" t!e previous ad&inistration, t!e petitioners

    ar%ue t!at no o""ense is co&&itted a%ainst t!e e

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    /6ccordin% to a lon% line o" decisions, e

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    !e e

  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    !e pu#lic needs to #e enli%!tened '!( Executive Order No. 1 c!ooses to li&it t!e scope o" t!e intendedinvesti%ation to t!e previous ad&inistration onl(. !e OS0 ventures to opine t!at /to include ot!er pastad&inistrations, at t!is point, &a( unnecessaril( over#urden t!e co&&ission and lead it to lose itse""ectiveness./@ !e reason %iven is specious. It is 'it!out dou#t irrelevant to t!e le%iti&ate and no#leo#=ective o" t!e PC to sta&p out or /end corruption and t!e evil it #reeds./

    !e pro#a#ilit( t!at t!ere 'ould #e di""icult( in uneart!in% evidence or t!at t!e earlier reports involvin%t!e earlier ad&inistrations 'ere alread( in

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    urt!er&ore, in Section +3)4 t!ereo", it is vested 'it! t!e po'er o" =udicial revie' '!ic! is t!e po'er todeclare a treat(, international or executive a%ree&ent, la', presidential decree, procla&ation, order,instruction, ordinance, or re%ulation unconstitutional. !is po'er also includes t!e dut( to rule on t!econstitutionalit( o" t!e application, or operation o" presidential decrees, procla&ations, orders,instructions, ordinances, and ot!er re%ulations. !ese provisions, !o'ever, !ave #een "ertile %rounds o"con"lict #et'een t!e Supre&e Court, on one !and, and t!e t'o co-e

  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    E CONCR>


    C!ie" Justice

    ANTONIO T. CARIO6ssociate Justice CONCITA CARIO #ORAL!S6ssociate Justice

    R!SBIT!RO &. (!LASCO, &R.

    6ssociate Justice



    6ssociate Justice



    6ssociate Justice


    6ssociate Justice


    6ssociate JusticeLUCAS . B!RSA#IN

    6ssociate Justice


    6ssociate JusticeROB!RTO A. ABAD

    6ssociate Justice

    #ARTIN S. (ILLARA#A, &R.6ssociate Justice

    &OS! ORTUGAL !R!6ssociate Justice


    6ssociate Justice

    C E R I I C 6 I O N

    Pursuant to Section 1*, 6rticle 7III o" t!e Constitution, I certi"( t!at t!e conclusions in t!e a#oveDecision !ad #een reac!ed in consultation #e"ore t!e case 'as assi%ned to t!e 'riter o" t!eopinion o" t!e Court.


    C!ie" Justice

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    1 6n%ara v. !e Electoral Co&&ission, 8* P!il. 1*, 1@ 31*84.

    ) 2ernas, !e 1@9 Constitution o" t!e Repu#lic o" t!e P!ilippinesA 6 Co&&entar(, 18

    ed., p. xxxiv, citin% 0iller , Lectures on t!e Constitution o" t!e nited States 8+ 31@*4A 1Sc!'art5, !e Po'ers o" 0overn&ent 1 318*4.

    * Cru5, P!ilippine Political la', )) ed. p. 1).

    + Id.

     Resolution dated 6u%ust )+, )1 consolidatin% 0.R. No. 1)* 'it! 0.R. No.1**8, rollo, pp. @9-@@.

    8 Section 1. !e le%islative po'er s!all #e vested in t!e Con%ress o" t!e P!ilippines

    '!ic! s!all consist o" a Senate and a :ouse o" Representatives, except to t!e extentreserved to t!e people #( t!e provision on initiative and re"erendu&.

    9 2irao%o Petition, p. , rollo, p. 9.

    @ Salvador Laurel v. :on. Desierto, 0.R. No. 1+*8@, 6pril 1), )), citin% .R.;ec!e&, 6 reatise On !e La' o" Pu#lic O""ices and O""icers.

     International Center "or ransitional Justice, !ttp>FF'''.ict=.or%FenFt=F1*@.!t&lvisited Noveer ), )1.


    ree&an, !e rut! Co&&ission and Procedural airness, )8 Ed., p. 1), citin% 1ayner, nspea*ableruths7 4acing the Challenge of ruth Commissions.

    11International Center "or ransitional Justice, supra note .

    1) %rmando 3oronila, Philippine 3aily 6n8uirer, 6u%ust ), )1.


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    19 Ot!er'ise $no'n as t!e 0eneral 6ppropriations 6ct o" )1.

    1@ OS0 Consolidated Co&&ent, p. **, rollo, p. 1*, citin% y v. andiganbayan, 0.R. Nos. 18-9, ;arc! ), )1, *+ SCR6 81, 88-881.


     Senate o" t!e P!ilippines v. Er&ita, 0.R. No. 18999, 6pril ), )8, +@@ SCR6 1, *Aand 4rancisco v. 1ouse of 'epresentatives, +8 P!il. @*, @+) 3)*4.

    ) OS0 ;e&orandu&, p. ), rollo, p. *+@.

    )1 0.R. No. 11*1, 6u%ust 1, 1+, )* SCR6 8, ).

    )) Supra note 1, citin% Pimentel -r., v. &+ecutive ecretary, 0.R. No. 1@@@, Jul( 8,), +8) SCR6 8)*, 8*1-8*).

    )* OS0 ;e&orandu&, p. *, rollo, p. *+.

    )+ 0.R. No. 191*8, ;a( *, )8, +@ SCR6 18, )18-)1@.

    ) Social Justice Societ( 3SJS4 v. Dan%erous Dru%s 2oard and P!ilippine Dru%En"orce&ent 6%enc(, 0.R. No. 19@9, Noveer *, )@, 9 SCR6 +1, +)1A atad v.Secretar( o" t!e Depart&ent o" Ener%(, *+8 P!il *)1 3194A De 0uia v. CO;ELEC,0.R. No. 1+91), ;a( 8, 1), )@ SCR6 +), +)).

    )8 0.R. 1*))9, Jul( ), ), +8 SCR6 +9, 8).

    )9 @+ P!il. *8@, *9* 31+4.

    )@ /314 t!e c!aracter o" t!e "unds or ot!er assets involved in t!e caseA 3)4 t!e presence o" aclear case o" disre%ard o" a constitutional or statutor( pro!i#ition #( t!e pu#licrespondent a%enc( or instru&entalit( o" t!e %overn&entA and, 3*4 t!e lac$ o" an( ot!er part( 'it! a &ore direct and speci"ic interest in t!e

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    *8 La%&an ;e&orandu&, 0.R. No 1**8, pp. 1-11, rollo, pp. )9-)91.

    *9 OS0 ;e&orandu&, p. *), rollo, p. *1.

    *@ Id. at **, rollo, p. *).

    * OS0 Consolidated Co&&ent, p. )+, rollo, p. 1++.

    + OS0 ;e&orandu&, pp. *@-*, rollo, pp. *9-*@.

    +1 Citin% Depart&ent o" :ealt! v. Ca&posano, 0.R. No. 198@+, 6pril )9, ), +9SCR6 +*@, +.

    +) Citin% Evan%elista v. Jarencio, No. L-)9)9+, Noveer )9, 19, 8@ SCR6 , 1+.

    +* Citin% Rodri%ue5 v. Santos Dia5, No. L-1*, e#ruar( ), 18+, 1 SCR6 ++1, ++.

    ++ 0.R. No. 1888), 6pril ), )1.

    + Consolidated Co&&ent, p. +, rollo, p. 18.

    +8 0.R. Nos. 1+)@1-@), Jul( 1, )1, *8 SCR6 91@, also cited in 2anda, supra.

    +9 !e 7eterans ederation o" t!e P!ilippines v. Re(es, 0. R. No. 1)9, e#ruar( )@,)8, +@* SCR6 )8, 8+A DOC v. ;a#alot, +)@ P!il. 1+, 18+-18 3))4A ;ondanov. Silvosa, 9 P!il. 1+* 314.


     OS0 ;e&orandu&, p. 8, rollo, p. *9.+ 0.R. No. 11)9+, Octo#er 18, 19, )@ SCR6 91*, 9*.

     SN, Septeer )@, )1, pp. )-)9.

    1 OS0 ;e&orandu&, p. *9, rollo, p.*8.

    ) 0.R. @@)11, Septeer 1, 1@, 199 SCR6 8@@.

    * Id. at 81.

    + +8 P!il. @@8, @8-@9 3)4.

     Consolidated Co&&ent, p. +@A rollo, p. 18@.

    8 Section 19. !e President s!all !ave control o" all t!e executive depart&ents, #ureaus,and o""ices. :e s!all ensure t!at t!e la's #e "ait!"ull( executed.

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    9 Ople v. orres, *+ P!il. +@, 89 31@4.

    @ S&art Co&&unications, Inc. et al. v. National eleco&&unications Co&&ission, +8P!il. 1+, 18 3)*4.

     0.R. No. 88@1, Deceer ), 11, )+ SCR6 +@*.8 Id. at +).

    81 SN, Septeer )@, )1, pp. *-++ and OS0 ;e&orandu&, p. 89, rollo, p. **.

    8) OS0 Consolidated Co&&ent, p.  , rollo, p. 19.

    8* Id. at 8, rollo, p. 198.

    8+ Id.

    8 0.R. No. 189911, Octo#er 1, )@, 8@ SCR6 *)9, **.

    88 La%&an Petition, pp. +*, -), rollo, pp. 1, -8.

    89 La%&an ;e&orandu&, 0.R. 1**8, pp. )@-), rollo, pp. *+9-*+@.

    8@ La%&an Petition, p. *1, rollo, p. *.

    8 Id. at )@-), rollo, pp. *8-*9.


     Id. at ), rollo, p. *9.91 OS0 ;e&orandu&, p. @@; rollo, p. +9.

    9) OS0 Consolidated Co&&ent. p. 8@, rollo, p. 1@@.

    9* OS0 ;e&orandu&, pp. -*, rollo, pp. +-+1).

    9+ he Philippine -udges %ssociation v. 1on. Pardo, 0.R. No. 1*91, Noveer 11,1*, ))9 SCR6 9*, 911.


     Id. at 91), citin% Ic!on% v. :ernande5, 11 P!il. 11 3194A Sison, Jr. v. 6nc!eta, No.L-+*1, Jul( ), 1@+, 1* SCR6 8+A 6ssociation o" S&all Lando'ners in t!eP!ilippines v. Secretar( o" 6%rarian Re"or&, 0.R. No. 9@+), Jul( 1+, 1@, 19 SCR6*+*, *9.

    98 #uino v. en*ows*i, + *d 1 3)d. Cir. 14 cited in 6&. Jur, )d, 7ol. 18 3#4, p.*).

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    99  &dward /alves, 6nc. v. Wa*e Country, *+* N.C. +)8 cited in 6&. Jur. )d, 7ol. 18 3#4, p.**.

    9@  (ehr v. 'obertson, +8* S )+@, 1* cited in 6&. Jur. )d, 7ol. 18 3#4, p. **.


     See Columbus )d. of &d. v. Penic*, ++* S ++ cited 6&. Jur. )d, 7ol. 18 3#4, pp. *18-*19.

    @ See (ombard v. tate of (a., *9* S )89 cited in 6&. Jur. )d, 7ol. 18 3#4, p. *18.

    @1 2eltran v. Secretar( o" :ealt!, 1) P!il 8, @* 3)4.

    @) Cru5, Constitutional La', )* ed., p. 1)@.

    @*  0c&rlain v. aylor , )9 Ind. )+ cited in 6&. Jur. )d, 7ol. 18 3#4, p. *89.


     Cru5, Constitutional La', )* ed., pp. 1*-1*8.@ No. L-))+8, SCR6 +, 99-9@ 3Septeer 1), 19+4.

    @8  )asa v. 4ederacion !brera de la 6ndustria aba8uera y !tros rabajadores de 4ilipinas 4!6%4$, No. L-)911*, Noveer 1, 19+, 81 SCR6 *, 11-111A %nuncension v. 9ational (abor nion, No. L-)89, Noveer ), 199, @ SCR6 *,*9)-*9*A /illegas v. 1iu Chiong sai Pao 1o, No. L-)8+8, Noveer 1, 19@, @8SCR6 )9, )9A 3umlao v. Comelec, No. L-))+, Januar( )), 1@, SCR6 *),++A Ceni:a v. Comelec, No. L-)*+, Januar( )@, 1@, SCR6 98*, 99)-99*A 1imagan v. People, 0.R. No. 11*@11, Octo#er 9, 1+, )*9 SCR6 *@A he Conference

    of 0aritime 0anning %gencies, 6nc. v. P!&%, 0.R. No. 11+91+, 6pril )1, 1, )+*SCR6 888, 899A -00 Promotion and 0anagement, 6nc. v. Court of %ppeals, 0.R. No.1), 6u%ust , 18, )8 SCR6 *1, **1**)A and iu v. Court of %ppeals, 0.R. No.1)9+1, Januar( ), 1, *1 SCR6 )9@, )@@-)@. ee also 6chong v. 1ernande:, No.L-9, 11 P!il. 11 3194A /era v. Cuevas, Nos. L-**8*-+, ;a( *1, 19, SCR6 *9, *@@A and olentino v. ecretary of 4inance, 0.R. Nos. 11+, 11),11+*, 11++, 119+, 119@1, 11@), 11@9*, and 11*1, 6u%ust ), 1+, )*SCR6 8*, 8@+.

    @9 9t! !ereas clause, Executive Order No. 1.


     Cru5, Constitutional La', )* ed., p. 1)@.@ OS0, ;e&orandu&, p. @, rollo, p. +@.

     8t! !ereas clause, Executive Order No. 1

    1 Lee, :and#oo$ o" Le%al ;axi&s, )) Ed., p.

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    ) 11@ S *9, !ttp>FFcasela'.lp."indla'.co&FscriptsF%etcase.plcourtTusUvolT11@UinvolT* accessed on Deceer +, )1.

    * ;acalintal v. CO;ELEC, 0.R. No. 191*, Jul( 1, )*, + SCR6 81+, pp. 8*1-8*)A 0anila Prince 1otel vs. #6 , ** P!il. @), 11 3194.

    + Id. at 8*).

     98 . Supp. *@@, N.. D. Ind., 11, Jan *, 11, Cri& No. :CR -+)A also!ttp>FFin."!F'"r&Doc7ie'er.aspxFx

  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    11 Repu#lic v. Sout!side :o&eo'ners 6ssociation, 0.R. No. 181, Septeer )),)8.

    !e La'p!il Pro=ect - 6rellano La' oundation


    CORONA, C.J.:

    O" rut! and rut! Co&&issions

    !e "unda&ental #ase upon '!ic! a trut! co&&ission is created is t!e ri%!t to t!e trut!.1

     !ilet!e ri%!t to t!e trut! is (et to #e esta#lis!ed as a ri%!t under custo&ar( la') or as a %eneral principle o" international la',* it !as nevert!eless e&er%ed as a /le%al concept at t!e national,re%ional and international levels, and relates to t!e o#li%ation o" t!e state to provide in"or&ationto victi&s or to t!eir "a&ilies or even societ( as a '!ole a#out t!e circu&stances surroundin%serious violations o" !u&an ri%!ts./+

    6 trut! co&&ission !as #een %enerall( de"ined as a /#od( set up to investi%ate a past !istor( o"violations o" !u&an ri%!ts in a particular countr( ...,/8 and includes "our ele&ents>

    ... irst, a trut! co&&ission "ocuses on t!e past. Second, a trut! co&&ission is not "ocused on a

    speci"ic event, #ut atte&pts to paint t!e overall picture o" certain !u&an ri%!ts a#uses, orviolations o" international !u&anitarian la', over a period o" ti&e. !ird, a trut! co&&issionusuall( exists te&poraril( and "or a pre-de"ined period o" ti&e, ceasin% to exist 'it! t!esu#&ission o" a report o" its "indin%s. inall(, a trut! co&&ission is al'a(s vested 'it! so&esort o" aut!orit(, #( 'a( o" its sponsor, t!at allo's it %reater access to in"or&ation, %reatersecurit( or protection to di% into sensitive issues, and a %reater i&pact 'it! its report.9

    6s reported #( 6&nest( International,@ t!ere are at least ** trut! co&&issions esta#lis!ed in )@countries "ro& 19+ to )9 and t!is includes t!e P!ilippines, '!ic! created t!e PresidentialCo&&ittee on :u&an Ri%!ts 3PC:R4 in 1@8 under t!e post-;arcos ad&inistration o" Pres.Cora5on C. 6

  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    P!ilippines or a#road, includin% t!e ta$eover or se

    Section *1. Continuin% 6ut!orit( o" t!e President to Reor%ani5e !is O""ice. W !e President,su#=ect to t!e polic( in t!e Executive O""ice and in order to ac!ieve si&plicit(, econo&( ande""icienc(, s!all !ave continuin% aut!orit( to reor%ani5e t!e ad&inistrative structure o" t!e O""iceo" t!e President. or t!is purpose, !e &a( ta$e an( o" t!e "ollo'in% actions>

    314 Restructure t!e internal or%ani5ation o" t!e O""ice o" t!e President Proper, includin%t!e i&&ediate O""ices, t!e Presidential Special 6ssistantsF6dvisers S(ste& and t!eCo&&on Sta"" Support S(ste&, #( a#olis!in%, consolidatin%, or &er%in% units t!ereo" ortrans"errin% "unctions "ro& one unit to anot!erA

    3)4 rans"er an( "unction under t!e O""ice o" t!e President to an( ot!er Depart&ent or6%enc( as 'ell as trans"er "unctions to t!e O""ice o" t!e President "ro& ot!erDepart&ents and 6%enciesA and

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    3*4 rans"er an( a%enc( under t!e O""ice o" t!e President to an( ot!er depart&ent ora%enc( as 'ell as trans"er a%encies to t!e O""ice o" t!e President "ro& ot!er depart&entsor a%encies. 3E&p!asis supplied4

    !is provision pertains to t!e PresidentBs continuin% dele%ated po'er to reor%ani5e t!e O""ice o"

    t!e President. !e 'ell-settled principle is t!at t!e President !as t!e po'er to reor%ani5e t!eo""ices and a%encies in t!e executive depart&ent in line 'it! !is constitutionall( %ranted po'ero" control over executive o""ices and #( virtue o" !is dele%ated le%islative po'er to reor%ani5et!e& under existin% statutes.19  Needless to state, suc! po'er &ust al'a(s #e in accordance 'it!t!e Constitution, relevant la's and prevailin% =urisprudence.1@

    In creatin% t!e rut! Co&&ission, did t!e President &erel( exercise !is continuin% aut!orit( toreor%ani5e t!e executive depart&ent No.

    Considerin% t!at t!e President 'as exercisin% a dele%ated po'er, !is actions s!ould !avecon"or&ed to t!e standards set #( t!e la', t!at is, t!at t!e reor%ani5ation #e in t!e interest o"

    /si&plicit(, econo&( and e""icienc(./ ere suc! o#=ectives &et !e( 'ere not. !e rut!Co&&ission clearl( duplicates and supplants t!e "unctions and po'ers o" t!e O""ice o" t!eOuds&an andFor t!e Depart&ent o" Justice, as 'ill #e discussed in detail later. :o' can t!ecreation o" a ne' co&&ission 'it! t!e sa&e duplicative "unctions as t!ose o" alread( existin%o""ices result in econo&( or a &ore e""icient #ureaucrac(1 Suc! a creation #eco&es even &ore

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    t!at t!e classi"ication s!ould #e #ased on su#stantial distinctions '!ic! &a$e "or real di""erences,t!at it &ust #e %er&ane to t!e purpose o" t!e la'A t!at it &ust not #e li&ited to existin%conditions onl(A and t!at it &ust appl( e

  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    appropriate action to #e ta$en to ensure t!at t!e "ull &easure o" =ustice s!all #e served 'it!out"ear or "avor.

    Section ). Po'ers and unctions. !e Co&&ission, '!ic! s!all !ave t!e po'ers o" aninvesti%ative #od( under Section *9, C!apter , 2oo$ I o" t!e 6d&inistrative Code o" 1@9, is

     pri&aril( tas$ed to conduct a t!orou%! "act-"indin% investi%ation o" reported cases o" %ra"t andcorruption re"erred to in Section 1, involvin% t!ird level pu#lic o""icers and !i%!er, t!eir co- principals, acco&plices and accessories "ro& t!e private sector, i" an( durin% t!e previousad&inistration and t!erea"ter su#&it its "indin%s and reco&&endations to t!e President, Con%ressand t!e Ouds&an. x x x/ 3E&p!asis supplied4

     Not'it!standin% Section 19, '!ic! provides>

    I" and '!en in t!e =ud%&ent o" t!e President t!ere is a need to expand t!e &andate o" t!eCo&&ission as de"ined in Section 1 !ereo" to include t!e investi%ation o" cases and instances o"%ra"t and corruption durin% t!e prior ad&inistration, suc! &andate &a( #e so extended

    accordin%l( #( 'a( o" supple&ental Executive Order./ 3E&p!asis supplied4,suc! expanded &andate o" t!e rut! Co&&ission 'ill still depend on t!e '!i& and caprice o"t!e President. I" t!e President decides not to expand t!e covera%e o" t!e investi%ation, t!en t!erut! Co&&issionBs sole directive is t!e investi%ation o" o""icials and e&plo(ees o" t!e 6rro(oad&inistration.

    0iven t!e indu#ita#l( clear &andate o" E.O. No. 1, does t!e identi"ication o" t!e 6rro(oad&inistration as t!e su#=ect o" t!e rut! Co&&issionBs investi%ation pass t!e =urisprudential testo" reasona#leness Stated di""erentl(, does t!e &andate o" E.O. No. 1 violate t!e e

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    In t!e li%!t o" t!e un&ista$a#le purpose o" E.O. No. 1, t!e classi"ication o" t!e past re%i&e asseparate "ro& t!e past ad&inistrations is not %er&ane to t!e purpose o" t!e la'. Corruption didnot occur onl( in t!e past ad&inistration. o sta&p out corruption, 'e &ust %o #e(ond t!e "aXadeo" eac! ad&inistration and investi%ate all pu#lic o""icials and e&plo(ees alle%ed to !aveco&&itted %ra"t in an( previous ad&inistration.

    3*4 E.O. No. 1 does Not 6ppl( to uture Conditions  

    6s correctl( pointed out #( petitioners, t!e classi"ication does not even re"er to presentconditions, &uc! &ore to "uture conditions vis-avis t!e co&&ission o" %ra"t and corruption. It isli&ited to a particular past ad&inistration and not to all past ad&inistrations.) 

    e %o #ac$ to t!e text o" t!e executive order in

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    act-indin% or Investi%ation

    !e nature o" t!e po'ers and "unctions allocated #( t!e President to t!e rut! Co&&ission #(virtue o" E.O. No. 1 is investi%ator(,* 'it! t!e purposes o" deter&inin% pro#a#le cause o" t!eco&&ission o" /%ra"t and corruption under pertinent applica#le la's/ and re"errin% suc! "indin%

    and evidence to t!e proper aut!orities "or prosecution.*1


    !e respondents pass o"" t!ese po'ers and "unctions as &erel( "act-"indin%, s!ort o"investi%ator(. I do not t!in$ so. Su%ar-coatin% t!e description o" t!e rut! Co&&issionBs processes and "unctions so as to &a$e it /sound !ar&less/ "alls s!ort o" constitutionalre

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    :o'ever, even as t!e Constitution !as %ranted to t!e Ouds&an t!e po'er to investi%ate ot!er pu#lic o""icials and e&plo(ees, suc! po'er is not a#solute and exclusive. Con%ress !as t!e po'er to "urt!er de"ine t!e po'ers o" t!e Ouds&an and, i&pliedl(, to aut!ori5e ot!er o""icesto conduct suc! investi%ation over t!eir respective o""icials and personnel.*@ 

    T=e Coo =+ ee- Co6re +oe =e :o4er o 6r+ o +; oce cocrre Er-co 4= =e Omb-m+ o co-c :rem+r; e6+o o c+e o 6r+

    +- corr:o.

    In a &(riad o" cases, t!is Court !as reco%ni5ed t!e concurrent =urisdiction o" ot!er #odies vis-Y-vis t!e Ouds&an to conduct preli&inar( investi%ation o" co&plaints o" %ra"t and corruption as+=ore- b; +4, &eanin%, "or an( ot!er person or a%enc( to #e a#le to conduct suc!investi%ations, t!ere &ust #e a la' aut!ori5in% !i& or it to do so.

    In !mbudsman v. #alicia 3cited in t!e ponencia4 as 'ell as !mbudsman v. &standarte,* t!eCourt reco%ni5ed t!e concurrent =urisdiction o" t!e Division Sc!ool Superintendent vis-Y-vis t!e

    Ouds&an to conduct preli&inar( investi%ation o" co&plaints o" %ra"t and corruptionco&&itted #( pu#lic sc!ool teac!ers. Suc! concurrent =urisdiction o" t!e Division Sc!oolSuperintendent 'as %ranted #( la', speci"icall( R6 +89 or t!e 0agna Carta "or Pu#lic Sc!ooleac!ers.+ 

    Li$e'ise, in !mbudsman v. 0edrano+1 t!e Court !eld t!at #( virtue o" R6 +89 t!e Depart&ento" Education Investi%atin% Co&&ittee !as concurrent =urisdiction 'it! t!e Ouds&an toconduct a preli&inar( investi%ation o" co&plaints a%ainst pu#lic sc!ool teac!ers.

    Even t!e San%%unian% Panlun%sod !as concurrent =urisdiction 'it! t!e Ouds&an to loo$ intoco&plaints a%ainst t!e punon% #aran%a(.+) Suc! concurrent aut!orit( is "ound in R6 918 or t!e

    Local 0overn&ent Code.!e Depart&ent o" Justice is anot!er a%enc( 'it! =urisdiction concurrent 'it! t!e Ouds&anto conduct preli&inar( investi%ation o" pu#lic o""icials and e&plo(ees.+* Its concurrent =urisdiction is #ased on t!e 1@9 6d&inistrative Code.

    Certainl(, t!ere is a la', t!e 6d&inistrative Code, '!ic! aut!ori5ed t!e O""ice o" t!e President toexercise =urisdiction concurrent 'it! t!e Ouds&an to conduct preli&inar( investi%ation o"%ra"t and corruption cases. :o'ever, t!e scope and "ocus o" its preli&inar( investi%ation arerestricted. nder t!e principle t!at t!e po'er to appoint includes t!e po'er to re&ove, eac!President !as !ad !is or !er o'n version o" a presidential co&&ittee to investi%ate %ra"t and

    corruption, t!e last #ein% President 0loria ;acapa%al 6rro(oBs Presidential 6nti-0ra"tCo&&ission 3P60C4 under E.O. No. )8@. !e P60C exercised concurrent aut!orit( 'it! t!eOuds&an to investi%ate co&plaints o" %ra"t and corruption a%ainst presidential appointees'!o are not i&peac!a#le o""icers and non-presidential appointees in conspirac( 'it! t!e latter. Itis in t!is li%!t t!at 3!1 v. Camposano, et al .++ as cited in t!e ponencia s!ould #e understood. 6tt!at ti&e, t!e PC60C 3no' de"unct4 !ad no investi%ator( po'er over non-presidentialappointeesA !ence t!e President created an ad-!oc co&&ittee to investi%ate #ot! t!e principalrespondent '!o 'as a presidential appointee and !er co-conspirators '!o 'ere non-presidential

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    appointees. !e P60C 3no' also de"unct4, !o'ever, 'as aut!ori5ed to investi%ate #ot! presidential appointees and non-presidential appointees '!o 'ere in conspirac( 'it! eac! ot!er.

    :o'ever, alt!ou%! pursuant to !is po'er o" control t!e President &a( supplant and directl(exercise t!e investi%ator( "unctions o" depart&ents and a%encies 'it!in t!e executive


     !is po'er o" control under t!e Constitution and t!e 6d&inistrative Code iscon"ined onl( to t!e executive depart&ent.+8 it!out an( la' aut!ori5in% !i&, t!e Presidentcannot le%all( create a co&&ittee to extend !is investi%ator( reac! across t!e #oundaries o" t!eexecutive depart&ent to /pu#lic o""icers and e&plo(ees, t!eir co-principals, acco&plices andaccessories "ro& t!e private sector, i" an(, durin% t!e previous ad&inistration/ 'it!out settin%apart t!ose '!o are still in t!e executive depart&ent "ro& t!ose '!o are not. Onl( t!eOuds&an !as t!e investi%ator( =urisdiction over t!e& under 6rticle ?I, Section 1*. !ere isno la' %rantin% to t!e President t!e aut!orit( to create a co&&ittee 'it! concurrent investi%ator( =urisdiction o" t!is nature.

    !e President acted in violation o" t!e Constitution and 'it!out aut!orit( o" la' '!en !e created

    a rut! Co&&ission under E.O. No. 1 to exercise concurrent =urisdiction 'it! t!e Ouds&anto conduct t!e preli&inar( investi%ation o" co&plaints o" %ra"t and corruption a%ainst pu#lico""icers and e&plo(ees, t!eir co-principals, acco&plices and accessories "ro& t!e private sector,i" an(, durin% t!e previous ad&inistration.

    Ie6+o or *+HA-E-c+o

    Respondents ar%ue t!at t!e rut! Co&&ission is &erel( an investi%ative and "act-"indin% #od(tas$ed to %at!er "acts, dra' conclusions t!ere"ro& and reco&&end t!e appropriate actions or&easures to #e ta$en. Petitioners, !o'ever, ar%ue t!at t!e rut! Co&&ission is vested 'it!

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    ad&inistrative "unction, t!e exercise o" '!ic! ordinaril( does not re

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    as t!e a#ilit( to &a$e decisions '!ic! represent a responsi#le c!oice and "or '!ic! anunderstandin% o" '!at is la'"ul, ri%!t or 'ise &a( #e presupposed. 

    It is t!e /t!e act or t!e li#ert( to decide, accordin% to t!e principles o" =ustice and oneBs ideas o"'!at is ri%!t and proper under t!e circu&stances, 'it!out 'ill"ulness or "avor./1 

    Li$e'ise, t!e po'er to esta#lis! i" t!ere is reasona#le %round to #elieve t!at certain persons arelia#le "or %ra"t and corruption under pertinent applica#le la's is

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    1 Pro&otion and Protection o" :u&an Ri%!ts 3Stud( on t!e Ri%!t to t!e rut!4> Report o"t!e O""ice o" t!e nited Nations :i%! Co&&issioner "or :u&an Ri%!ts, nited NationsEcono&ic and Social Council 3EFCN.+F)8F14, @ e#ruar( )8.

    ) See as&in Na Carid%e niversit( PressAE.:.R.L.R., )@, ), )+-)9G de"ines a trut! co&&ission as an /ad !oc, autono&ous,and victi&-centered co&&ission o" in

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    s!all continue to exercise le%islative po'er until a le%islature is elected and convenedunder a ne' constitution x x x.

    1* 6n%ara v. Electoral Co&&ission, 8@ P!il. 1*, 18 31*84.


     Secretar( o" Justice v. Lantion, 0.R. No. 1*+8, 19 Octo#er ).1  %na* 0indanao Party5(ist #roup v. he &+ecutive ecretary, 0.R. No. 188), )6u%ust )9.

    18 Eu%enio v. Civil Service Co&&ission, *1) P!il. 11+, 11) 314 citin% 6; JR )don Pu#lic O""icers and E&plo(ees.

    19 2anda v. Er&ita, 0.R. No. 1888), 6pril ), )1.

    1@ I#id.

    1 2u$lod n% Ma'anian% EII2 v. Sec. a&ora, +1* P!il. )@1, ).

    ) O""ice o" t!e Ouds&an v. Sa&anie%o, 0.R. No. 199*, 11 Septeer )@.

    )1 C!aer o" Real Estate and 2uildersB 6ssociations, Inc. v. Executive Secretar( 6l#ertoRo&ulo 30.R. No. 1898, )14

    )) uinto v. Co&elec 30.R. No. 1@8@, )4

    )* 6#a$ada 0uro v. :on. Cesar 7. Purisi&a 30.R. No. 18891, )@4

    )+  SCR6 +, 19+.

    ) Lea%ue o" Cities o" t!e P!ilippines v. CO;ELEC 30.R. No. 1981A 0.R. No. 199+A)@A 0.R. No. 19@8, )@4

    )8 Par. 8, La%&an, et alBs Petition

    )9 Par. 89, La%&an, et alBs Petition

    )@ OS0 ;e&orandu&, pp. @@-.

    ) Par. 9*, La%&an, et alBs Petition

    * Section ). xxx #4 Collect, receive, revie' and evaluate evidence related to or re%ardin%t!e cases o" lar%e scale corruption '!ic! it !as c!osen to investi%ate, and to t!is endre

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    *1 Section ). xxx %4 urn over "ro& ti&e to ti&e, "or expeditious prosecution, to t!eappropriate prosecutorial aut!orities, #( &eans o" a special or interi& report andreco&&endation, all evidence on corruption o" pu#lic o""icers and e&plo(ees and t!eir private sector co-principals, acco&plices or accessories, i" an(, '!en in t!e course o" itsinvesti%ation t!e Co&&ission "inds t!at t!ere is reasona#le %round to #elieve t!at t!e(

    are lia#le "or %ra"t and corruption under pertinent applica#le la's xxx.*) Id.

    ** Section 19. !e President s!all !ave control o" all t!e executive depart&ents, #ureaus,and o""ices. :e s!all ensure t!at t!e la's #e "ait!"ull( executed.

    *+ 8@ SCR6 *)9 3)@4

    * Joson v. Executive Secretar(, et al., 0.R. No. 1*1), ;a( ), 1@A 7illalu5 v.aldivar, et al. 3En 2anc4, 0.R. No. L-))9+, Deceer *1, 18.

    *8 Ru"ino v. Endri%a, 0.R. No. 1*+, Jul( )1, )8.

    *9 6n%-6n%co v. :on. Natalio Castillo, et al., 0.R. No. L-1918, Noveer *, 18*.

    *@ 6rticle ?I states>

    Section 1*. !e O""ice o" t!e Ouds&an s!all !ave t!e "ollo'in% po'ers, "unctions,and duties>

    x x x

    3@4 x x x exercise suc! ot!er po'ers or per"or& suc! "unctions or duties as &a( #e provided #( la'.

    * 0.R. No. 18@89, 6pril 1*, )9, )1 SCR6 1.

    + See also &min v. 3e (eon 30.R. No. 1*9+, e#ruar( )9, )), *9@ SCR6 1+*4 on t!econcurrent aut!orit( o" t!e Civil Service Co&&ission and t!e DEPED Investi%atin%Co&&ittee under R6 +89. See "urt!er Puse v. antos5Puse 30.R. No. 1@*89@, ;arc!1, )14 '!ere t!e Court !eld t!at t!e concurrent =urisdiction o" t!e DEPED and CSC tocause preli&inar( investi%ation is also s!ared #( t!e 2oard o" Pro"essional eac!ers

    under R6 9@*8 or P!ilippine eac!ers Pro"essionali5ation 6ct o" 1+.+1 0.R. No. 199@, Octo#er 19, )@.

    +) See !mbudsman v. 'olson 'odrigue: , 0.R. No. 19)9, Jul( )*, )1 citin% (a+ina,r. v.!mbudsman, 0.R. No. 1*1, * Septeer ), +91 SCR6 +).

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    +* evilla 3ecin v. P!< 0el:asar ayco, et al ., 0.R. No. 1+1, e#ruar( 1+, )9A 1onasan 66 v. he Panel of 6nvestigating Prosecutors of the 3epartment of -ustice, 0.R. No. 19+9,6pril 1*, )+.


     0.R. No. 198@+. 6pril )9, ).+ See 'eview Center %ssociation of the Philippines v. &+ecutive ecretary &duardo &rmita, et al ., 0.R. No. 1@+8 , 6pril ), )A )ermude: v. &+ecutive ecretary, 0.R. No. 1*1+), 6u%ust +, 1.

    +8 M; v. Director 0eneral, et al., 0.R. No. 1899@, 6pril 1, )8.

    +9 0.R. No. 88@1, ) Deceer 11, )+ SCR6 +@*.

    +@ Id., pp. +-+8.

    +  3ole Philippines 6nc. v. &steva, 0.R. No. 18111, * Noveer )8, SCR6 **),*8-*9.

     ;anotoc v. Court o" 6ppeals, 0.R. No. 1*9+, 18 6u%ust )8.

    1 P!ilippine Lon% Distance elep!one Co. Inc. v. ;an%%a%a'a n% Mo&uni$as(on saPilipinas, 0.R. No. 18)9@*, 1+ Jul( ).

    ) Co=uan%co, Jr. v. Presidential Co&&ission on 0ood 0overn&ent, 0.R. Nos. )*1-),) Octo#er ), 1. !is is an En 2anc case t!at !ad #een reiterated in t'o ot!er En 2anc

    cases, na&el(, Olivas v. O""ice o" t!e Ouds&an 30.R. No. 1)+), ) Deceer1+4 and ( v. O""ice o" t!e Ouds&an 30.R. Nos. 18*-+, )9 June )@, 8SCR6 9*4. !us it cannot #e said to !ave #een overturned #( 2alan%auan v. Court "6ppeals, Special Nineteent! Division, Ce#u Cit( 30.R. No. 19+*, 1* 6u%ust )@, 8)SCR6 1@+4 a decision o" t!e Court t!rou%! t!e !ird Division '!erein t!e Courtdeclared> /It &ust #e re&eered t!at a preli&inar( investi%ation is not a

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    BRION, J.J

    I concur, t!rou%! t!is Separate Opinion, 'it! t!e conclusion t!at t!e Executive Order No. 1 3EO1 or EO4 creatin% t!e rut! Co&&ission is "atall( de"ective and t!us s!ould #e struc$ do'n.

    I #ase &( conclusion>

    314 On due process %roundsA

    3)4 On t!e unconstitutional i&pact o" t!e EO on t!e esta#lis!ed le%al "ra&e'or$ o" t!ecri&inal =ustice s(ste&A

    3*4 On t!e violation o" t!e rule on separation o" po'ersA

    3+4 On t!e violations o" t!e personal ri%!ts o" t!e investi%ated persons and t!eirconstitutional ri%!t to a "air trialA1 and

    34 On t!e violation o" t!e e

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     persons o" t!e sa&e class, '!et!er natural or =uridical, are treated e

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    report '!ic! s!all #e pu#lis!ed.1+ itnesses or resource persons are %iven t!e ri%!t to counsel,1 as 'ell as securit( protection to #e provided #( %overn&ent police a%encies. 18 

    !e Rules o" Procedure o" t!e P!ilippine rut! Co&&ission o" )1 3Rules4, pro&ul%ated pursuant to Section )3=4 o" EO 1, "urt!er "les! out t!e operations o" t!e Co&&ission.19 Section +

    assures t!at /due process s!all at all ti&es #e o#served in t!e application o" t!e Rules./ It provides "or "or&al co&plaints t!at &a( #e "iled #e"ore it,1@ and t!at a"ter evaluation, t!e parties'!o appear responsi#le under t!e co&plaints s!all #e provided copies o" t!e co&plaints andsupportin% docu&ents, and #e re

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     No international la' can also prevent a soverei%n countr( "ro& usin% t!e ter& as t!e title o" a #od( tas$ed to investi%ate %ra"t and corruption a""ectin% its citi5ens 'it!in its #orders. 6t t!esa&e ti&e, international la' cannot #e invo$ed as a source o" le%iti&ac( "or t!e use o" t!e title'!en it is not #ased on t!e internationall(-reco%ni5ed conditions o" its use.

     No local la' li$e'ise speci"icall( pro!i#its or re%ulates t!e use o" t!e ter& /trut! co&&ission./6part "ro& t!e procedural /deviation/ a#ove adverted to, '!at &a( render t!e use o" t!e ter&le%all( o#=ectiona#le is t!e standard o" reason, applica#le to all %overn&ent actions, as applied tot!e attendant circu&stances surroundin% t!e use in t!e EO o" t!e title rut! Co&&ission.) !euse o" t!is standard is unavoida#le since t!e title rut! Co&&ission is used in a pu#licinstru&ent t!at de"ines t!e Co&&issionBs "unctions and a""ects #ot! t!e %overn&ent and private parties.* !e Co&&issionBs 'or$ a""ects t!ird parties as it is speci"icall( tas$ed to investi%ateand prosecute o""icials and e&plo(ees o" t!e previous ad&inistration. !is line o" 'or$e""ectivel( relates it to t!e processes o" t!e cri&inal =ustice s(ste&.

    In t!e si&plest due process ter&s, t!e EO as a %overn&ental action &ust !ave a reasona#le

    o#=ective and &ust use e

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    Solicitor 0eneral Cadi5> our :onor, o" course our people 'ill "ind closure i" aside "ro& t!etrut! "indin% o" "acts, =oe 4=o =+e bee o- b; =e bo-; o =+e comme- 6r+ +-corr:o 4 be :roece- #( t!e Ouds&an. It is. . .our :onor, t!ere is a cri&eco&&itted and t!ere"ore punis!&ent &ust #e &eted out. :o'ever, our :onor, r=He6:+r, =e mere +rr+o o +c, =e e6 o =e r=, 4 e4e I = o + cer+

    -e6ree, +; or :eo:e.

    Justice Sereno> 6re (ou sa(in% t!ere"ore t!e trut!-tellin%, t!at t!e narration li$e t!e ot!ernarrations in t!e past co&&issions !as an independent value apart "ro& t!e reco&&endations toindict '!ic! particular persons

    Solicitor 0eneral Cadi5> I a%ree our :onor. 6nd it is certainl(, as t!e EO sa(s, itBs a rut!Co&&ission =e +rr+o o +c b; =e member o =e Commo, I =, 4 be+::rec+e- b; =e :eo:e -e:e-e o =e -cme =+ e

  • 8/18/2019 Biraogo vs Phil Truth Commission


    8 o" t!e EO "ull( supports trut!-tellin%, as it opens up t!e Co&&issionBs !earin%s or proceedin%sto t!e pu#lic 3and !ence, to t!e &ass &edia4, su#=ect onl( to an executive session /'!ere &atterso" national securit( or pu#lic sa"et( are involved or '!en t!e personal sa"et( o" t!e 'itness'arrants t!e !oldin% o" suc! executive or closed-door session !earin%./

    !ese separate "oru&s are not distin%uis!ed &erel( "or purposes o" acade&ic stud(A t!e( aret!ere, plainl( "ro& t!e ter&s o" t!e EO, and carr( clear distinctions "ro& '!ic! separate le%alconse

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    !e "irst pro#le& o" t!e EO is its use o" t!e title /rut! Co&&ission/ and its o#=ective o" trut!-tellin%A t!ese assu&e t!at '!at t!e rut! Co&&ission spea$s o" is t!e /trut!/ #ecause o" its titleand o" its trut!-tellin% "unctionA t!us, an(t!in% ot!er t!an '!at t!e Co&&ission reports 'ouldeit!er #e a distortion o" t!e trut!, or &a( even #e an /untrut!./

    !is pro#le& sur"aced durin% t!e oral ar%u&ents on

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    !e /!o ears t!e rut!/ ar%u&ents, on t!e ot!er !and, co&pletel( &iss t!e point o" t!isSeparate Opinion. his !pinion does not dispute that past graft and corruption must investigated and fully e+posed A an( state&ent to t!e contrar( in t!e Dissent are un"ounded r!etoric 'rittensolel( "or its o'n partisan audience. !at t!is Opinion clearl( posits as le%all( o#=ectiona#le ist!e %overn&entBs &anner o" /tellin%A/ an( suc! action #( %overn&ent &ust #e &ade accordin% to

    t!e nor&s and li&its o" t!e Constitution to '!ic! all depart&ents o" %overn&ent includin% t!eExecutive are su#=ect. Speci"icall(, t!e Executive cannot #e le"t unc!ec$ed '!en its &et!ods%rossl( violate t!e Constitution. !is &atter is discussed in "ull #elo'.

    6.). rut!-tellin% and t!e Ouds&an

    o return to t!e scenario descri#ed a#ove, it is t!is scenario t!at 'ill con"ront t!e Ouds&an'!en t!e Co&&issionBs report is su#&itted to it. 6t t!at point, t!ere 'ould !ave #een a "ull andextended pu#lic de#ate !eavil( in"luenced #( t!e Co&&issionBs /trut!"ul/ conclusions. !us,'!en and i" t!e Ouds&an "inds t!e evidence "ro& t!e report unconvincin% or #elo' t!e levelt!at pro#a#le cause re

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    !e e""ects o" trut!-tellin% could %o #e(ond t!ose t!at a""ect t!e Ouds&an. I" t!e Ouds&anconcurs 'it! t!e Co&&ission and #rin%s t!e reco&&ended %ra"t and corruption c!ar%es #e"oret!e Sandi%an#a(an a constitutionall(-esta#lis!ed court t!is court itsel" 'ould #e su#=ect tot!e sa&e trut!-tellin% c!allen%e i" it decides to ac

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    O" t!e po'er o" "avour or pre=udice in an( sordid or vul%ar or evil sense, I !ave "ound notrace, not even t!e "aintest, a&on% t!e =ud%es '!o& I !ave $no'n. 2ut ever( da( t!ere is #ornein on &e a ne' conviction o" t!e inescapa#le relation #et'een t!e trut! 'it!out us and t!e trut!'it!in. !e spirit o" t!e a%e, as it is revealed to eac! o" us, is too o"ten onl( t!e spirit o" t!e%roup in '!ic! t!e accidents o" #irt! or education or occupation or "ello's!ip !ave %iven us

     place. No e""ort or revolution o" t!e &ind 'ill overt!ro' utterl( and at all ti&es t!e e&pire o" t!esu#conscious lo(alties. /Our #elie"s and opinions,/ sa(s Ja&es :arve( Ro#inson, /li$e ourstandards o" conduct co&e to us insensi#l( as products o" our co&panions!ip 'it! our "ello'&en, not as results o" our personal experience and t!e in"erences 'e individuall( &a$e "ro& ouro'n o#servations. e are constantl( &isled #( our extraordinar( "acult( o" Hrationali5in%B t!atis, o" devisin% plausi#le ar%u&ents #( acceptin% '!at is i&posed upon us #( t!e traditions o" t!e%roup to '!ic! 'e #elon%. e are a#=ectl( credulous #( nature, and instinctivel( accept t!everdict o" t!e %roup. e are su%%esti#le not &erel( '!en under t!e spell o" an excited &o#, or a"ervent revival, #ut 'e are ever and al'a(s listenin% to t!e still s&all voice o" t!e !erd, and areever read( to de"end and =usti"( t!e instructions and 'arnin%s, and accept t!e& as t!e &atureresults o" our o'n reasonin%./ !is 'as 'ritten, not o" =ud%es speciall(, #ut o" &en and 'o&en

    o" all classes.


     KE&p!asis suppliedG!us, Justice Cardo5o accepted t!at /su#conscious lo(alties/ to t!e /spirit/ o" t!e %roup, i.e., t!ecore #elie"s 'it!in, is a &a=or "actor t!at a""ects t!e decision o" a =ud%e. In t!e context o" EO 1,t!at /spirit/ or core #elie" is '!at a %enerall( trusted %overn&entBs9 repeated invocation o"/trut!/ apparentl( ai&s to reac!. !is %oal assu&es si%ni"icance %iven t!e Solicitor 0eneralBsstate&ent t!at trut!-tellin% is an end in itsel". Read 'it! '!at Justice Cardo5o said, t!is %oaltranslates to t!e &ore concrete and currentl( understanda#le ai& o e+b= =e "r=" +:+r o =e +cce:e- :bc bee A t!e EOBs ai& is ac!ieved irrespective o" '!at t!e pertinentad=udicator( #odies &a( conclude, as even t!e( could #e in"luenced #( t!e %enerall( accepted/trut!./

    urt!er on, Justice Cardo5o, spea$in% in t!e context o" t!e develop&ent o" case la' in co&&onla', 'ent on to sa(, @

    !en an ad!erent to a s(ste&atic "ait! is #rou%!t continuousl( in touc! 'it! in"luences andexposed to desires inconsistent 'it! t!at "ait!, a process o" unconscious cere#ration &a( ta$e place, #( '!ic! a %ro'in% store o" !ostile &ental inclinations &a( accu&ulate, stron%l(&otivatin% action and decision, #ut seldo& e&er%in% clearl( into consciousness. In t!e&eanti&e, t!e "or&ulas o" t!e old "ait! are retained and repeated #( "orce o" !a#it, until one da(t!e reali5ation co&es t!at conduct and s(&pat!ies and "unda&ental desires !ave #eco&e soinconsistent 'it! t!e lo%ical "ra&e'or$ t!at it &ust #e discarded. !en #e%ins t!e tas$ o" #uildin% up and rationali5in% a ne' "ait!.

    6lt!ou%! 'ritten in anot!er context, t!is state&ent relatin% to !o' oneBs #elie" is supplanted #( anot!er runs parallel to !o' t!e #elie" s(ste& o" an individual =ud%e can #e su#tl( a""ected #( inconsistent in"luences and !o' !e ulti&atel( succus to a ne' #elie".

    it!out dou#t, t!e process o" convertin% to a ne' #elie" is an unavoida#le and continuous process t!at ever( decision &a$er under%oes as t!e #elie" s(ste& !e started 'it!, c!an%es and

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    evolves t!rou%! in-court experiences and exposure to outside in"luences. Suc! exposure cannot #e "aulted, particularl( '!en #rou%!t on #( t!e &edia 'or$in% pursuant to its exercise o" t!e"reedo&s o" t!e press and speec!, and spea$in% in t!e course o" t!e clas! o" ideas in t!e pu#lic"oru&. !e sa&e exposure, !o'ever, is not as neutral and "ault-"ree '!en it is precipitated #( t!e%overn&ent actin% as a catal(tic a%ent to !asten t!e ac!ieve&ent o" its o'n ends, in t!is case, t!e

    disclosure o" t!e /trut!/ re%ardin% t!e alle%ed %ra"t and corruption durin% t!e previous re%i&e.

    In t!e context o" t!e EO, t!e Executive can investi%ate 'it!in t!e li&its o" its le%al para&etersand can li$e'ise pu#lici5e t!e results o" its investi%ations to t!e "ull li&it o" allo'a#letransparenc(. 2ut in so doin%, it cannot act as catal(st #( la#ellin% t!e action o" t!e Co&&issionit !as created as o""iciall(-sanctioned and aut!oritative trut!-tellin% #e"ore t!e o""iciall(-desi%nated #odies t!e Ouds&an and t!e courts !ave spo$en. !ile t!e e&er%ence o" trut!is a #asic and necessar( co&ponent o" t!e =ustice s(ste&, t!e trut!-see$in% and trut!-"indin% processes cannot #e speeded up t!rou%! steps t!at s!ortcut and #(pass processes esta#lis!ed #(t!e Constitution and t!e la's. 6s !ereto"ore &entioned, t!e international experiences t!at %averise to t!e title rut! Co&&ission 'ere transitional situations '!ere, "or peculiar reasons 3suc!

    as t!e te&porar( a#sence o" an esta#lis!ed =udicial s(ste& or t!e need to speed up t!e transitionto de&ocratic rule4, t!e use o" ad !oc co&&issions 'ere called "or. In t!e P!ilippine settin%, t!eclosest si&ilar situation 'ould #e t!e i&&ediate a"ter&at! o" t!e 1@8 EDS6 Revolution as t!ecountr( stru%%led in t!e transition "ro& aut!oritarian &artial la' re%i&e into a "ull-"led%edde&ocrac(. o #e sure, the shortcut to the emergence of truth, fashioned under the terms of E !, finds no justification after the !"#$ Constitution and its rights, freedoms and

     guarantees have been fully put in place.

    A.+.). !e E""ects on t!e Judicial S(ste&

    o "ull( appreciate t!e potential pre=udicial e""ects o" trut!-tellin% on t!e =udicial s(ste&, t!e

    e""ects o" &edia exposure "ro& t!e point o" vie' o" '!at transpires and t!e circu&stances present under trut!-tellin% and under t!e present =ustice s(ste& deserve exa&ination.

    nder t!e present =ustice s(ste&, t!e &edia &a( "ull( report, as t!e( do report, all t!e details o" areported cri&e and &a( even %ive t!e suspects detailed "ocus. !ese reports, !o'ever, are not #randed as t!e /trut!/ #ut as &atters t!at 'ill soon #e #rou%!t to t!e appropriate pu#licaut!orities "or proper investi%ation and prosecution, i" 'arranted. In t!e courts, cases are !andledon t!e #asis o" t!e rules o" evidence and 'it! due respect "or t!e constitutional ri%!ts o" t!eaccused, and are reported #ased on actual develop&ents, su#=ect onl( to =udicial re

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    not appl( to t!e Co&&ission. !e reported "acts &a( !ave also #een secured undercircu&stances violative o" t!e ri%!ts o" t!e persons investi%ated under t!e %uarantees o" t!eConstitution. !us, '!at t!e Co&&ission reports &i%!t not at all pass t!e tests o" %uilt t!at appl(under t!e present =ustice s(ste&, (et t!e( 'ill #e reported 'it! t!e "ull support o" t!e%overn&ent as t!e /trut!/ to t!e pu#lic. 6s "ull( discussed #elo', t!ese circu&stances all 'or$ to

    t!e active pre=udice o" t!e investi%ated persons '!ose reputations, at t!e ver( least, are #lac$ened once t!e( are reported #( t!e Co&&ission as participants in %ra"t and corruption, eveni" t!e courts su#se an unreasona#le &eans to a reasona#le o#=ective.

    7ie'ed "ro& t!e a#ove perspectives, '!at #eco&es plainl( evident is an EO t!at, as a &eans o""i%!tin% %ra"t and corruption, 'ill e""ectivel( and pre=udiciall( a""ect t!e parties inter-actin% 'it!t!e rut! Co&&ission. !e EO 'ill erode t!e aut!orit( and even t!e inte%rit