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    BIRDS EYE VIEWon the Local Body Elections

    PREAMBLEThe Tamil Nadu State Election Commission takes pride in

    saying that it is a mind-boggling exercise to conduct Ordinary

    Elections for more than 1,30,000 posts all over Tamil Nadu. It is a

    Herculean task to engage nearly 5,00,000 Government servants for

    the conduct of Local Body Elections. This election process has to

    be conducted meticulously and it supervised vividly with all faith

    and sincerity. The State Election Commission is like a good watch.

    It has an open face; busy hands; well regulated with efficient


    The Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act, 1994 envisages the

    establishment of a three-tier structure of Panchayats viz. Village

    Panchayats, Panchayat Unions and District Panchayats. It also

    provides for the creation of Grama Sabha for enhancing peoplesparticipation and establishment of District Planning Committee for

    local bodies. There are separate rules framed under the Panchayat

    Act, 1994 which contemplates the fixation of the strength,

    delimitation of wards and reservation of seats. Tamil Nadu

    Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 speaks out the rules and

    procedures to be followed in the conduct of Rural Local Body

    Elections. Similarly, the District Municipal Act, 1920, the Chennai

    City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, the Madurai City Municipal

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    Corporation Act, 1971, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation

    Act, 1971 and various other Acts and Rules made thereunder

    contemplate the Constitution, delimitation of wards and reservationof seats for Urban Local Bodies. The Tamil Nadu Town

    Panchayats, Municipalities, Third Grade Municipalities and

    Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006 envisage the rules and

    procedures to be followed in Urban Local Body Elections. The

    Birds Eye View on Local Body Elections highlights all the vital

    provisions of the said Acts and Rules as a ready reckoner.

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    Salient Features of the 73rd and

    74th Amendments to theConstitution Of India

    The 73rd

    and 74th

    Amendment to the Constitution of India is

    an epoch-making history in the process of establishing democratic

    decentralised administration through local bodies and taking

    administration to the doorsteps of the people to ensure economic

    and social justice. The process of conducting elections to the localbodies has become a constitutional obligation after the

    promulgation of the above said amendments.

    Features of 73rd

    Constitutional Amendment Act


    1. Formation of Grama Sabha in every village with powers ofgeneral supervision over the elected village panchayat and the

    power to accord approval to the annual plans of the panchayats.

    2. Formation of a three tier Panchayats i.e., District Panchayats,Panchayat Unions and Village Panchayats made obligatory.

    3. More or less a uniform composition of Panchayats at each levelthroughout the country.

    4. Reservation of seats for the weaker sections of the public i.e.SCs, STs and for Women, not only in the offices of members of

    panchayats but also in the offices of Chairperson.

    5. The duration of office of the elected bodies is fixed rigidly asfive years uniformly and election to Panchayats is brought

    under the supervision, direction and control of an independentconstitutional authority viz., the State Election Commission.

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    6. Vesture of adequate powers and responsibilities.7. Powers to impose taxes and provision for grants, assignments

    etc. from Government funds through constitution of a State

    Finance Commission.

    Features of 74th

    Constitutional Amendment Act

    (urban local bodies)

    1. Devolution of more functions and taxation powers.2. Revenue sharing with State Government funds.3. Regular conduct of elections.4. Reservation of seats for SCs, STs and for women.5. Uniform composition of the Urban Local bodies throughout the


    6. Prescription of criteria for categorizing the urban local bodieslike Town Panchayats, Municipalities and the City Municipal


    7. Restriction on the formation of townships only to industrialareas where the entire municipal services are provided or

    proposed to be provided by the industry itself.

    8. Formation of the District Planning and Metropolitan PlanningCommittee.

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    Number of Offices of

    Local Bodies in Tamil Nadu -Conduct of Elections

    Rural Local Body Elections

    The number of wards and the number of offices under the

    three categories of rural local bodies are as follows: -

    Total number of OfficesRural Local


    No. ofLocal


    TotalNo. of






    Panchayat12,618 40,879 97,458 12,618


    Union385 6,570 6,570 385


    Panchayat29 656 656 29

    Total 13032 48,105 1,04,684 13,032

    Direct Elections:

    In Rural Local Bodies, the following offices are filled up by

    direct elections (i.e.) the representatives are elected directly by thepublic.

    1. District Panchayat Ward Members2. Panchayat Union Ward Members3. Village Panchayat Presidents and4. Village Panchayat Ward Members

    Indirect Elections:

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    In Rural Local Bodies, the following posts are filled by

    indirect elections i.e. the candidates to the offices are elected from

    among the members elected directly.

    The District Election Officer shall conduct Indirect Election

    for the posts of

    1. Chairman, District Panchayat,2. Vice-Chairman, District Panchayat,3. Chairman, Panchayat Union,4. Vice-Chairman, Panchayat Union and5. Vice President, Village Panchayat.

    Party based Election in Panchayats

    The Tamil Nadu State Election Commission will notify

    from time to time as to which of the Panchayat Elections will be

    held on party-basis. At present, the elections to the Offices of the

    District Panchayat Ward Members and the Panchayat Union Ward

    Members are held on party basis. The elections to the Offices ofthe Village Panchayat Presidents and the Village Panchayat Ward

    Members are held on Non-Party basis.

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    Urban Local Body Elections

    The number of various offices in Urban Local Bodies are asfollows:-

    Total Number of Total Number ofUrban Local


    No. of




    Wards Members Councillors Mayors Chairman


    Corporations10 670 - 670 10 -

    Municipalities 98 3196 - 3196 - 98

    Third Grade

    Municipalities50 987 987 - - 50


    Panchayats561 8807 8807 - - 561

    Total 719 13660 13660 719

    All Direct elections in urban local bodies are held on Party


    Direct Elections:

    In Urban Local Bodies, the following offices are filled up

    by direct election:

    The offices of-

    1. Councillors of Municipal Corporations2. Councillors of Municipalities3. Ward Members of Third Grade Municipalities and4. Ward Members of Town Panchayats

    Indirect Elections:

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    The following offices are filled up by indirect election:

    1. Mayors and Deputy Mayors of Municipal Corporations.2. Chairman / Vice-Chairman of Municipalities, Third Grade

    Municipalities and Town Panchayats

    3. Chairman of Wards Committees4. Chairman and Members of the Standing Committees5.

    Member, Appointment Committee of Corporations

    6. Members of Taxation Appeals Committee, AppointmentCommittee and contract Committee of Municipalities

    7. Members of Taxation Appeals Committee and AppointmentCommittee of Third Grade Municipalities / Town


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    Duration of Local Bodies

    The duration of local bodies shall be FOR A PERIOD OFFIVE YEARS, unless sooner dissolved under any law for the

    time being in force.

    Every Village Panchayat/Panchayat Union Council/DistrictPanchayat unless sooner dissolved, shall continue for five years

    from the date appointed for its first meeting after each ordinaryelection and no longer.

    Where a Village Panchayat/ Panchayat Union Council/DistrictPanchayat is dissolved before the expiry of the said period of

    five years, election to constitute such Village Panchayat/

    Panchayat Union Council/District Panchayat shall be completed

    in any case before the expiry of a period of six months from the

    date of such dissolution;

    Provided that, where a village panchayat / Panchayat Union

    Council / District Panchayat is dissolved, within six months before

    the expiration of the said period of five years, it shall not be

    necessary to hold any election to such village panchayat.

    Article 243E of the Constitution of IndiaSec. 9, 18 and 31 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994

    Sec. 214, 215 and 216 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994

    Every Town Panchayat/Third Grade Municipality/ Municipalityunless sooner dissolved, shall continue for five years beginning

    from the date appointed for its first meeting after each ordinary

    election and no longer and the expiry of the said period of five

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    years shall operate as dissolution of the town panchayat / third

    grade municipality/municipality.

    An election to constitute a town panchayat/third grademunicipality/municipality shall be completed:

    before the expiry of its duration i.e., 5 year period.

    before the expiry of a period of six months from the date of its


    Provided that where the remainder of the period for which

    the dissolved Town Panchayat/Third Grade Municipality/

    Municipality should have continued is less than six months, it shall

    not be necessary to hold any election for constituting the Town

    Panchayat/Third Grade Municipality/Municipality for such period

    The respective Corporation Laws also envisage the same

    provisions in respect of duration of the respective Corporations.

    Sec 3G, 3U and 5 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920

    Article 243U of the Constitution of India

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    Election MachineryThe State Election Officer, the District Election Officer,

    Electoral Registration Officer, Returning Officer, Assistant

    Returning Officer, Presiding Officer, Polling Officer and any other

    officer appointed for the conduct of any election and any police

    officer posted for election duty shall be deemed to be on deputation

    to the State Election Commission for the period commencing on

    and from the date of preparation of electoral rolls till its completion

    and from the date of notification calling for such elections and

    ending with the date of completion of such election. Such officer

    shall, during the period, be subject to control, superintendence and

    discipline of the State Election Commission.

    rule 5(3) of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 5(3) of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third GradeMunicipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Election to Rural Local Bodies

    State Election Officer:

    The Director of Rural Development will be the State

    Election Officer for the conduct of Rural Local Body Elections.

    The State Election Officer shall co-ordinate and supervise

    the preparation and publication of Panchayat Electoral roll and also

    the conduct of election to the offices of Members/Presidents / Vice-

    Presidents / Chairpersons / Vice Chairpersons of Rural Local

    Bodies. He / She shall also perform such other functions as may be

    entrusted to him by the State Election Commission from time totime.

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    rule 6 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    District Election Officer:

    The District Collector shall be appointed as District

    Election Officer.

    rule 6(2) of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    Electoral Registration Officer:

    The Panchayat Union Commissioner shall be the Panchayat

    Electoral Registration Officer for the purpose of preparing and

    publishing Panchayat Electoral Rolls in respect of wards of the

    Panchayats in his jurisdiction.

    sub-section (2) of Sec. 30 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994;

    rule 7 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    Returning Officer

    (a)Election of Member of District Panchayat

    An officer of the Government not below the rank of DistrictPanchayat Secretary will be the Returning Officer for the conduct

    of election of Territorial Ward Member of the District Panchayat.

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    (b)Election of Member of Panchayat Union Council

    A Government officer not below the rank of AssistantDirector of Rural Development will be the Returning Officer for

    the conduct of election of Ward Member of Panchayat Union


    (c) Election of Member or Members of Ward and President of

    Village Panchayat

    An officer not below the rank of Block DevelopmentOfficer shall be appointed as Returning Officer for the election of

    Member and President of Village Panchayat. Normally, the

    Panchayat Union Commissioner of particular Panchayat Union will

    be the Returning Officer for the conduct of election of Member and

    Presidents of Village Panchayats in that Panchayat Union.

    rule 8 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    Assistant Returning Officer

    One or more persons may be appointed as Assistant

    Returning Officers to perform all or any of the duties and functions

    of the Returning Officer as may be directed by the State Election

    Commission or the District Election Officer from time to time:

    Provided that every such person shall be an officer of the

    Government not below the rank of an Assistant in the ministerial


    The Assistant Returning Officer shall, subject to control of

    Returning Officer, be competent to perform all duties and functions

    of Returning Officers except the following:

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    rule 6 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    District Election Officer

    The respective District Collector shall be the District

    Election Officer except in Chennai District.

    The Commissioner of Chennai City Municipal Corporationshall be the District Election Officer for Chennai Corporation.

    rule 7 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Electoral Registration Officer

    The State Election Commission shall authorise therespective Executive Officer of Town Panchayat or Third Grade

    Municipality or the Commissioner of Municipality or Corporation

    or any other officer, as the case may be, as the Electoral

    Registration Officer under the Act, for the purposes of preparing

    and publishing the electoral rolls of the Town Panchayats or the

    Third Grade Municipalities or the Municipalities or the

    Corporations and in respect of the Wards in their jurisdictions.

    As far as Chennai Corporation is concerned, the Revenue

    Officer is the Electoral Registration Officer.

    rule 8 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    S.O. No. 37/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 29.08.2006

    Returning Officer

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    The State Election Commission or the State Election

    Officer or the District Election Officer except the District Election

    Officer of Chennai Municipal Corporation if specifically directed

    by the State Election Commission, shall appoint the Executive

    Officer of the Town Panchayat or Third Grade Municipality or the

    Commissioner of the Municipality or Corporation or any other

    officer of the Government as Returning Officer for the conduct of


    The Commissioner of Chennai City Municipal Corporationis the Returning Officer for conduct of election to the Councillors

    of Chennai City Municipal Corporation.

    rule 9 of Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    S.O. No. 39/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 29.08.2006 and

    S.O. No. 40/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 29.08.2006

    Assistant Returning Officer

    The State Election Commission or the State Election

    Officer or the District Election Officer, if so specifically authorised

    by the State Election Commission, may appoint one or more

    officers as Assistant Returning Officers to assist any Returning

    Officer in the performance of all or any of his/her duties and


    Provided that every such Assistant Returning Officer shall

    be an officer of the Government or of the Town Panchayat or Third

    Grade Municipality or Municipality or Corporation, as the case

    may be, not below the rank of an Assistant in respect of Town

    Panchayat or Third Grade Municipality and Superintendent in

    respect of Municipality or Corporation.

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    The Tamil Nadu State Election Commission has authorised

    the District Election Officer except in the District of Chennai to

    appoint the Assistant Returning Officers within their respectiveJurisdiction. As far as Chennai Corporation is concerned, the

    Assistant Returning Officers are appointed by the Commission.

    The Assistant Returning Officer shall, subject to control of

    Returning Officer, be competent to perform all duties and functions

    of Returning Officers except the following:

    (i) Issue of notice of election and(ii) Declaration of result other than the election to the office of

    Councillor of Corporation.

    rule 11 of Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    S.O.No. 41/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 30.8.2006 and

    S.O.No. 53/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 4.9.2006

    Presiding Officers and Polling Officers

    The Returning Officer shall appoint a Presiding Officer and

    Polling Officers in accordance with the scale as specified by the

    State Election Commission for each polling station.

    The Tamil Nadu State Election Commission has authorised

    that the number of Polling Officers to be appointed for each polling

    station shall be four (4) in respect to election to Municipality.

    Provided that only officers or servants of the Government,

    or local authorities except the employees of the Town Panchayats

    or Third Grade Municipalities or Municipalities or Corporations

    concerned shall be appointed as Presiding Officers. All employees

    of the State Government, local authorities the undertakings owned

    by the State Government or aided schools may also be appointed as

    Polling Officers.

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    rule 13 ofTamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    S.O.No.47/2006/TNSEC/PE, dated 4.9.2006

    Appointment of Observers

    The Observers are appointed by Tamil Nadu State Election

    Commission for the purpose of supervising and overseeing the

    conduct of local body elections. The observers work is an unique

    opportunity given to the I.A.S. officers during the time of local

    body elections. They will discharge their functions during the timeof local body elections under the direction of Tamil Nadu State

    Election Commission. They are expected to act as

    Golden mean between the Tamil Nadu State Election

    Commission and the District Election Authorities. The Observers

    will act as eyes and ears of the Tamil Nadu State Election

    Commission and provide direct inputs to the Commission with an

    emphasis that election rules are strictly and impartially complied

    with by all concerned.

    The Observer nominated shall have the power to direct the

    Returning Officers concerned, to stop the counting of votes at any

    time before the declaration of the result or not to declare the result.

    If in the opinion of the Observer, booth capturing has taken place at

    a large number of polling stations or at places fixed for the poll or

    counting of votes or any ballot papers or electronic votingmachines used at a polling station or at a place fixed for the poll are

    unlawfully taken out of the custody of the Presiding Officer or the

    Returning Officer or if at any time before the counting of the votes

    is completed, ballot papers or electronic voting machines used at a

    polling station are unlawfully taken out of the custody of the

    Returning Officer or are accidentally or intentionally destroyed or

    lost or damaged or tampered with to such an extent that the result

    of the poll at that polling station or place cannot be ascertained.

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    Where an Observer has directed the Returning Officer

    under this rule to stop counting of votes or not to declare the result,

    the Observer shall forthwith report the matter to the DistrictElection Officer, State Election Officer and the State Election

    Commission and thereupon the State Election Commission or the

    State Election Officer as the case may be, shall after taking all

    material circumstances into account, issue appropriate direction to

    conduct fresh poll.

    Explanation : Observer shall include any officer of the State

    Election Commission as has been assigned the duty of watching theconduct of election or elections of local bodies by the State

    Election Commission.

    rule 6-A of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    rule 10 of Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

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    Qualification and DisqualificationQualification of Candidates

    A person shall be qualified for election as a Member /

    Councillor or President / Chairperson of local body, if

    a) his/her name appears on the electoral roll of the

    local body concerned,

    b) he/she has completed twenty-one years of age.

    Sec. 33 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994, Sec 48 of Tamil Nadu

    District Municipalities Act, 1920 and relevant sections in the respective

    Corporation Acts

    Disqualification of officers and servants of

    Government and Local Bodies etc.

    No Village Administrative Officer or Village servant and no

    other officer or servant of the State or Central Government or of

    any Local Body or any Industrial Township or of a Cantonment or

    of any body Corporate, owned and controlled by State or Central

    Government shall be qualified for contesting in Local Body

    election or for holding office as a Member / Chairperson in any

    Local Body.

    Sec. 34 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994, Sec. 48 of Tamil Nadu

    District Municipalities Act, 1920 and relevant sections in the respective

    Corporation Acts

    A Government servant who has been dismissed for

    corruption or for disloyalty to the Government shall be disqualified

    for election and holding office in any local body for a period of 5years from the date of such dismissal.

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    sub-section (2) of Sec. 34 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994

    Disqualification of persons convicted of electionoffences

    A person convicted of an offence punishable under relevant

    sections of the Rural and Urban Local Bodies Acts, or under

    Chapter IX-A of the Indian Penal Code (Central Act XLV of 1860),

    or is so disqualified by or under any law for the time being in force

    for the purposes of election to the Legislative Assembly of the

    State or is disqualified from voting or from being elected in any

    election to which these Acts apply or from holding the office of

    Chairperson or member of a local body for a period of six years

    from the date of his conviction.

    Sec. 35 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 and

    Sec. 60 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 and

    relevant sections in the respective Corporation Acts

    Disqualification of voters

    The following persons are disqualified to vote in the


    a) who is of unsound mind and declared so by the

    competent court,

    b) who is convicted and disqualified for election offences.

    Sec. 36 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act, 1994 and

    Sec. 47 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 and

    relevant section in the respective Corporation Acts

    Disqualification of Candidates

    A person convicted of an offence punishable under variousActs as described in sub sec (1) of Sec 37 of the Tamil Nadu

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    Panchayats Act, 1994 shall be disqualified for election where a

    convicted person is sentenced to

    (i) Only fine, for a period of six years from the date ofconviction

    (ii) Imprisonment, from the date of conviction and a further

    period of six years from the date of release.

    A person convicted of any offence and sentenced to

    imprisonment for not less than two years other than any offence

    referred to in sub-section (1) shall be disqualified for election as a

    member from the date of such conviction and shall continue to be

    disqualified for a further period of six years since his/her release.

    A person disqualified for being a member under clause (e)

    of sub-section (3) of section 38 shall be disqualified for election as

    a member for a period of six years from the date of such


    Sec. 37 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994

    A person who has been sentenced by a criminal court or to

    imprisonment for a period of more than two years in the case of

    Panchayats and more than 6 months in the case of Municipality

    shall be disqualified for election from the date of conviction and for

    a further period of six years since his release.

    Sec. 37 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 andSec. 49 of Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 and

    other relevant section of respective Corporation Acts

    The other disqualification are, if a person is -

    of unsound mind, a deaf mute

    applies to be adjudicated or adjudicated as insolvent.

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    Acquires any interest in subsisting contract with any localbody except as shareholder,

    not belonging to SC/ST in the case of reserved seats, fails to pay any kind of due to Local Body, employed as paid legal practitioner on behalf of or against the

    local body.

    Sec. 37 (3) and (4) of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 and

    Sec. 49 (2) and (2-A) of the Tamil NaduDistrict Municipalities Act, 1920

    Disqualification of a Member

    A member shall cease to hold the office if he/she -

    possesses any one of the disqualifications prescribed abovefor the candidates

    absents himself from the meetings of the council for a periodof three consecutive months reckoned from the date of

    commencement of his/her term of office, or of the last

    meeting he/she attended, or of his/her restoration to office as

    a member or within the said period, less than three

    consecutive meetings held after the said date.

    fails to lodge election expenses accounts within 30 days fromthe date of declaration of result or in the manner prescribed

    under the Act disqualified for a period of three years from

    the date of the order by the Tamil Nadu State Election


    Sec. 38 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 and

    Sec. 50 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 and

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    Election of the same person

    for more than one wardElection of the same person for more than one ward is

    strictly prohibited in the Rural Local Body elections.

    no person shall be eligible to be elected as a member of morethan one ward in the same Village Panchayat / Panchayat Union

    / District Panchayat or as a Member of more than one Village

    Panchayat / Panchayat Union / District Panchayat,

    a Member of a Village Panchayat shall not be eligible to contestfor election as President of a Village Panchayat, a Member of a

    Panchayat Union Council or a Member of a District Panchayat

    and vice versa.

    Sec. 10, 19 and 26 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994

    In the case of Urban Local Body election, if a person hasbeen elected for two or more wards, he/she shall, within seven days

    from the date of completion of such election, intimate to the

    Executive Officer / Commissioner, the ward for which he/she

    chooses to serve.

    In default of such intimation, the Commissioner/Executive

    Officer shall determine by lot and notify the ward for which such

    person shall serve.

    The said person shall be deemed to have been elected only

    for the ward so chosen and the vacancies will be filled by fresh


    Sec. 43-A of Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 and

    relevant sections of respective Corporation Acts

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    Fixation of Strength and

    Delimitation of Wards Determining and fixing the strength of the Councillors in every

    local body and delimitation of the area of the local body into

    different wards are the preliminary steps in conducting

    elections and constituting a body for a local area.

    The power of fixing the strength and delimitation of wards ofthe local body are vested with the State Government.

    The members to be elected from the wards in every VillagePanchayat shall be fixed with reference to the population of

    such Panchayat Village as per the scale given below:-

    Population No. of Members

    500 - 2000 6

    2000 - 6000 9

    6000 - 10000 12Over 10,000 15

    The number of members to be elected from the wards in everyPanchayat Union Council shall be fixed at the rate of one

    member for every 5000 population of that Panchayat Union


    The number of members to be elected from the Territorialwards of every District Panchayat shall be fixed at the rate of

    one member for every 50,000 population of that District

    Panchayat area.

    The Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Fixation of strength of members,

    Division of wards) Rules, 1995 and Sec. 8,12, 15, 17,19, 27 and 28 of the

    Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994

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    The strength of Councillors in the Corporation Council isdetermined and fixed in the respective statute i.e. in the

    respective Corporation Act itself. (G.O.Ms.No. 134 MA &WS Dept., Dated 10.6.96).

    In the case of Municipalities, the Government have prescribedthe following scale to determine the number of Councillors in a

    Municipal Council.

    Municipalities with populationNo. of

    CouncillorsNot exceeding 20,000 at the last census 21

    Exceeding 20,000 but not exceeding 30,000 24

    Exceeding 30,000 but not exceeding 40,000 27

    Exceeding 40,000 but not exceeding 50,000 30

    Exceeding 50,000 but not exceeding 70,000 33

    Exceeding 70,000 but not exceeding 90,000 36

    Exceeding 90,000 but not exceeding 1,15,000 39

    Exceeding 1,15,000 but not exceeding 1,40,000 42

    Exceeding 1,40,000 but not exceeding 1,65,000 45

    Exceeding 1,65,000 but not exceeding 1,90,000 48

    Exceeding 1,90,000 but not exceeding 2,15,000 51

    Exceeding 2,15,000 population 52

    In the case of Town Panchayats the following Table is adoptedto fix the strength of ward members of Town Panchayat.

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    Reservation of Seats

    The provisions in Article 243D and 243T of the

    Constitution of India provide for the Reservation of seats of

    Member/Councillor and President/Chairpersons in Rural Local

    body and Urban Local body respectively.

    The Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Reservation of seats and Rotationof Reserved seats) Rules, 1995 and the Tamil Nadu Town

    Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations (Delimitation of

    wards or Division and Reservation) Rules, 1996 laid down the

    norms and procedures for determining the number of seats to be

    reserved and allocation of wards, where the reserved seats are

    to be fixed.

    The power of Reservation of seats to Rural and Urban localbodies is vested with the Government.

    Seats shall be reserved for persons belonging to SCs and STs. Not less than one third of seats reserved for SCs and STs shall

    be reserved for women belonging to SCs & STs.

    Not less than one third (including the seats reserved for womenbelonging to SC/ST) of the total number of seats shall be

    reserved for women.


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    The reserved seats shall be allotted by rotation at the expiry

    of every 10 years and re-allotted to other wards where the

    percentage of population of SC or ST or women as the case may beis next larger to the total population.

    Sec. 11, 20, 32 and 57 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994

    Sec 3-W and Sec 7 (5), 7 (6), 7 (7), 7 (8) and 7 (9) of the Tamil Nadu

    District Municipalities Act, 1920 and relevant section of the respective

    Corporation Acts

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    Election ProcessEvery election activity will necessarily be backed by

    statutory provision. We can broadly discuss the election processes

    into three stages as described below:-

    (i) Pre-election process.(ii)Election Process during election.(iii)Post-election Process.

    (i) Pre-election Processes

    a) Preparation of Electoral rolls

    Since the power of Delimitation of wards and Reservationof seats are vested with Government and the same not coming

    under the purview of the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission,

    the role of the Commission in conducting Local Body Elections

    commences from the process of preparation of Electoral rolls.

    The Electoral roll of local body shall be the same as the

    current electoral roll of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly

    Constituency pertaining to that local body area. The electoral rollfor the Legislative Assembly Constituency is prepared and revised

    in accordance with the provision of the Representation of People

    Act, 1950 and the Registration of Electoral Rules, 1960. By

    adopting the entries in the Legislative Assembly rolls pertaining to

    the area covered by each local body, the Electoral Registration

    Officer of the local body concerned prepares the electoral roll of

    the local body. This is done by integrating the particulars in thevarious entries available in such part or portion thereof of the

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    current electoral roll of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly and

    the various amendments issued to it from time to time as they relate

    to the ward/local body or a portion thereof. Preparation of electoralrolls of the local body is done under the superintendence, direction

    and control of the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission and in

    accordance with the periodical instructions issued and as per the

    programme prescribed by the Commission.

    Preparation of Electoral rolls before every Casual Elections

    The electoral rolls shall be prepared afresh before everyOrdinary or Casual elections.

    The Tamil Nadu State Election Commission shall fix from timeto time the sale price of the local body electoral roll. At

    present, the rate is fixed as Rs.5 per printed page.

    S.O. No. 52/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 4.9.2006

    The sale proceeds of the Electoral roll shall be remitted into theTreasury of the local body then and there.

    Two copies of Electoral roll shall be supplied free of cost toRecognised Political Parties.

    The Electoral roll shall be kept for sale in the respective localbody office.

    The copies of electoral rolls and connected documents shall bekept in safe custody in the Panchayat Union office/the office ofrespective urban local body for a period of six years from the

    date of its publication or till a new roll is published whichever

    is earlier.

    The procedures to be followed in preparation of electoral rollsof the local body are broadly explained in the handbook. viz.,

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    thf;Fr;rhtofs; mikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay;thf;Fr;rhtofs; mikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay;thf;Fr;rhtofs; mikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay;thf;Fr;rhtofs; mikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay;

    jahhpj;jYf;fhd mwpt[iufs;jahhpj;jYf;fhd mwpt[iufs;jahhpj;jYf;fhd mwpt[iufs;jahhpj;jYf;fhd mwpt[iufs; issued separately for both

    Rural and Urban local body by the Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission.

    Sec. 23 and 30 Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act, 1994

    Sec 3-L of Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920

    rule 14-23 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Election) Rules,1995

    rule 15 and 21 ofTamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    b) Allotment of symbols

    Tamil Nadu State Election Commission issues Local bodiesElection symbol Order before every ordinary local body

    elections as per The Tamil Nadu Local Body Election symbols

    (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 2006 which is currently in


    Every political party which has been recognized by the ElectionCommission of India as a National Party or as a State Party in the

    State of Tamil Nadu under the Election Symbol (Reservation and

    Allotment) Order, 1968 will be a recognized Political Party.

    The list of Registered but unrecognized Political Parties whichare entitled for preference over independents in the matter of

    allotment of free symbols has been notified by the Tamil Nadu

    State Election Commission from time to time.

    In an election held on party basis, every candidate set up by arecognized political party will be allotted with the reserved

    symbol of that party.

    c) Provision of Polling Stations

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    The Returning Officer shall with the approval of the District

    Election Officer, provide sufficient number of Polling Stations in

    every local body in such a manner as the State ElectionCommission may direct and shall publish the same in such place or

    places and in such a manner as the State Election Commission may

    direct a list, in the language or languages in which the electoral roll

    of the area is prepared, showing the names of Polling Stations, the

    Polling area or areas or group of voters for which they have been


    rule 11 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules 1995 andrule 12 of theTamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    The detailed procedures and instructions to be followed for

    location of Polling Station for the purpose of conducting Poll is laid

    down in the Instruction Booklet -2006 titled thf;Fr; rhtofs;thf;Fr; rhtofs;thf;Fr; rhtofs;thf;Fr; rhtofs;

    mikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay; jahhpj;jYf;fhdmikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay; jahhpj;jYf;fhdmikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay; jahhpj;jYf;fhdmikj;jy; kw;Wk; thf;fhsh; gl;oay; jahhpj;jYf;fhd

    mwpt[iufs;mwpt[iufs;mwpt[iufs;mwpt[iufs; issued by the Commission for Rural and UrbanLocal Body Elections separately.

    (ii) Election Processes during election:

    Notification of Programme of Election

    For the purpose of filling up of ordinary and casual vacancies,the State Election Commission shall in consultation with the

    Government publish one or more notifications calling up the

    electors for the election on such date or dates specified


    The notification shall specify :-a) The date of publication of election notice.

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    Notice of Election

    As soon as the Election Notifications are published by TamilNadu State Election Commission, on the day specified for

    election notice, the Returning Officer should give public notice

    of election in the Form prescribed under Rule,

    (Form 2 A for District Panchayat and Panchayat Union Ward

    Member elections; Form 2 B for Village Panchayat Ward

    Member & President Elections. Form 2 for Urban Local

    Bodies Elections) to which he has been appointed as Returning


    The Notice of Election shall contain the following details:-(i) The ward or wards for which elections are to be held.

    (ii) Whether the ward is reserved or not.

    (iii) the date, place and time for presentation of nominationpaper.

    (iv) By whom the nomination papers will be received

    (v) the date, place and time fixed for scrutiny.

    (vi) the last date for withdrawal of nomination.

    (vii) the date and hour of poll.

    (viii) the date, hour and place of counting.

    (ix) the date before which election shall be completed.

    (x) the date of conduct of meeting of the newly elected Ward


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    The election notice will be published

    (i) on the notice board of the office of the Returning Officer.

    (ii) on the notice board of the office of the Local body


    (iii) in one or two conspicuous places in the wards concerned.

    (iv) will be announced by Tom Tom in the case of Village

    Panchayat elections.

    The notice of the election should not be published in the

    newspaper as Advertisements published in the Government


    rule 25 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995,

    rule 23 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Presentation of Nomination Paper

    The Returning Officer /Assistant Returning Officer will receivethe nominations for elections, on the date and time fixed for the

    presentation of Nomination Paper.

    Any candidate who is qualified to contest in election canpresent the nomination paper in Form 3 prescribed under Rules,

    either in person or by his/her proposer at the place and during

    the hours specified in the election notice.

    The nomination Paper shall be signed by the candidate and byhis/her proposer.

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    No Nomination Paper shall be delivered to Returning Officeron Public holiday.

    The candidates of a Ward of a local body need not be an electorof that Ward. However, he should be an elector of that local


    If the seat is reserved for SC or ST, a candidate shall furnish inthe Nomination Form, a declaration that he belongs to SC or


    The names and electoral roll numbers entered by a candidate inthe nomination form shall be as same as the entries in the

    electoral roll.

    Not more than four nominations shall be presented by or onbehalf of any candidate for any one election.

    In the case of Urban local bodies, any person wishing to contestas a candidate for more than one ward, shall present separate

    Nomination papers.

    An elector who wishes to contest as a candidate for an electionshall not sign any nomination paper as a proposer except for the

    election of Member of multi member ward of the Village


    A candidate in a multi member ward of a Village Panchayatmay propose other candidate, provided the maximum number

    of nomination papers signed by him/her as proposer shall be

    one less than number of members to be elected to that ward .

    rule 26 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

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    rule 24 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006


    Rural Local Body Elections

    (a) for election of member of village Panchayat .Rs. 200

    (b) for election of President of Village Panchayat Rs. 600

    (c) for election of Member of a Panchayat Union Rs. 600

    (d) for election of Member of a District Panchayat Rs.1000

    Where the candidate is member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled


    (a) for election of member of Village Panchayat Rs. 100

    (b) for election of President of Village Panchayat Rs. 300

    (c) for election of member of a Panchayat Union Rs. 300

    (d) for election of member of a District Panchayat Rs. 500

    Urban Local Body Elections

    (a) for election of Ward Member of Town Panchayat

    or Third Grade MunicipalityRs. 500

    (b) for election of Ward member of Municipality Rs.1000

    (c) for election of Ward member of Corporation Rs.2000

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    Where the candidate is a member of a Scheduled Caste or

    Scheduled Tribe :-

    (a) for election of Ward Member of Town Panchayat

    or Third Grade MunicipalityRs. 250

    (b) for election of Ward member of Municipality Rs.500

    (c) for election of Ward member of Corporation Rs.1000

    Where a candidate has been nominated by more than onenomination paper for a seat or office, not more than one

    deposit shall be required.

    The deposit made unless forfeited, shall be returned to thecandidate, his legal representative or a person authorised by

    him on his behalf, as soon as practicable after thedeclaration of result.

    Where a candidate is not shown in the list of contestingcandidates or dies before the commencement of Poll, thedeposit shall be returned as soon as practicable after the

    publication of the list or after his/her death as the case may

    be. If the candidate is not elected and the votes polled by

    him does not exceed one sixth of the total number of validvotes polled in that ward of the local body, the deposit made

    by him shall be forfeited to Government.

    The Returning Officer shall maintain a Register in the formprescribed by the State Election Commission, to account for

    the deposits made.

    rule 27 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

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    rule 25 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    On close of time for receiving of nominations on each day,the Returning Officer shall cause to be affixed in

    conspicuous places in his office a notice in Form 4 of all

    nomination papers delivered on that day.

    On the last day the Returning Officer shall affix aconsolidated notice in Form 5 of all the nomination papers

    received within the time, furnishing the date, time and placefixed for scrutiny of nomination.

    rule28 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 26 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    As soon as a nomination paper is presented, the ReturningOfficer/Assistant Returning Officer shall fill in the serial number,

    date and time of scrutiny in the Receipt for nomination paper and

    Notice of incorporated at the end of nomination paper, detach that

    part and hand it over to the candidate as acknowledgement for

    receipt of nomination.

    Scrutiny of nomination

    All the nomination papers prescribed by the candidate to theReturning Officer/Assistant Returning Officer should be

    taken up for scrutiny.

    The candidate, one of his/her proposers and one otherperson duly authorised by him, but no other person may

    attend the scrutiny.

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    If any person objects to any nomination, he/she shall do soeither orally or in writing.

    The grounds for rejection of nomination paper by theReturning Officer/Assistant Returning Officers :

    a) that the candidate is not qualified for being elected on the

    last date for filing of nomination.

    b) that the nomination is not in the prescribed form.

    c) the nomination paper is not signed by the candidate or byhis/her proposer and the signature is not genuine.

    d) that the candidate does not belong to SC or ST or Women tocontest the seat reserved for SC/ST or women.

    e) that the proper deposit has not been made.

    The Returning Officer shall not reject any nomination paperon the ground of any defect which is not of a substantial


    In case, a candidate has filed more than one nominationpaper, the Returning Officer shall take all the nominations

    filed by that candidate for scrutiny together, for the sake ofconvenience. If there is any defect or lacuna in any one of

    the nomination papers, it can be made up with the correct

    particulars given in another nomination paper of the same


    Where a person has signed as proposer for more nominationpapers, only that nomination paper first received shall be

    accepted, if it is otherwise valid and others rejected.

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    The Returning Officer shall not adjourn the proceedings ofscrutiny except when such proceedings are interrupted orobstructed by riot, or open violence etc.,

    If any objection is raised by the Returning Officer or madeby any person, the candidate concerned may be allowed

    time to rebut it not later than 11.00 a.m on the next day but

    on the following date fixed for scrutiny. The Returning

    Officer shall give his/her decision on the nomination on the

    adjourned date.

    The Returning Officer shall endorse his/her decision oneach nomination paper whether it is accepted or rejected.

    If the nomination paper is rejected, the Returning Officershall record in writing the brief statement of his/her reason

    for such rejections and finalise the same to the candidates


    On completion of scrutiny, the Returning Officer shallprepare the list of valid nominated candidates in Form 6 and

    publish the same at the place notified for receipt of


    The list of candidates should be drawn up in the order ofTamil alphabet.

    rule 29 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 27 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Withdrawal of Candidature

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    A validly nominated candidate may withdraw his/hercandidature by giving a notice duly signed by him in Form

    7 to the Returning Officer before 3.00 p.m of the last datefixed for such withdrawal.

    On receipt of such notice, the Returning Officer shall notethereon the date and time at which it has been delivered.

    Once a candidate has validly withdrawn his/her candidature,he/she shall not be allowed to cancel such withdrawal and

    to continue as a candidate.

    The Returning Officer shall after 3.00 p.m of each day fixedfor withdrawal of candidature, prepare a notice showing the

    list of candidates who have withdrawn their candidature in

    Form 8 and affix the same on the notice board of his/her


    If a person who has filed nomination for more than oneelection in the case of Rural Local Bodies, fails or refuses towithdraw nominations for all other elections before the time

    fixed, the Returning Officer shall immediately after the

    expiry of such time, determine by lot drawn in the presence

    of other candidates, the election to which such person shall

    contest, other nominations shall be deemed to be withdrawn

    in respect of other elections.

    rule 30 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 28 of theTamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    List of contesting candidates

    Immediately after 3.00 p.m. on the last day fixed for

    withdrawal of candidatures the Returning Officer shall prepare the

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    list of contesting candidates in Form 9, whose nominations were

    found to be valid.

    The names in the said list shall be in the order of TamilAlphabet and addresses of the contesting candidates as given in the

    nomination paper.

    rule 31 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 29 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

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    Procedure in Contested and Uncontested Election

    Immediately after the expiry of the preparation of list ofcontesting candidates, the Returning Officer shall adopt the

    procedure specified there under and determine the office in respect

    of which poll is necessary.

    a) If there is only one contesting candidate, the Returning Officershall cause copy of the list of contesting candidate in Form 9 to

    be affixed in the notice board of his/her office / office of that

    Local Body and declare the candidate to be duly elected.

    b) If the number of contesting candidates exceed one, a poll shallbe taken; and

    c) If there is no contesting candidate, a report shall be sent to theState Election Commission and the District Election Officer for

    commencing the election proceedings afresh in all respects as if

    for a new election to fill up the seat.

    The declaration referred above shall be in Form 25 in

    respect of election of District Panchayat Ward Member, Panchayat

    Union Ward Member and Village Panchayat President, in Form 26

    in respect of Village Panchayat Ward Member and in Form 27 in

    respect of Urban Local body election.

    The procedure to be followed for contested and uncontested

    election in respect of Village Panchayat Ward Member election has

    been explained in rule 32(3) and 32(4) of the Tamil Nadu

    Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 in detail.

    rule 32 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 30 of Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Death of candidate before the Poll

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    If a candidate setup by a recognized political party

    a) dies at any time after 11.00 a.m. on the last date for makingnomination and his/her nomination is found valid on scrutiny

    b) whose nomination is valid on scrutiny and who has notwithdrawn his/her candidature and in either case the report of

    his/her death is received at any time before the publication of

    the list of contesting candidates

    c) If a contesting candidate dies and the report of his/her death isreceived before the commencement of poll, the Returning

    Officer shall by order adjourn the poll and report the fact to the

    State Election Commission, State Election Officer and District

    Election Officer to conduct fresh election.

    No such order of adjournment of poll shall be made if thecandidate dies before 11.00 a.m. on the last date for making

    nomination or before the time fixed for scrutiny ofnominations.

    All candidates including those who have withdrawn theirnominations are eligible to contest in the fresh election.

    No fresh nomination is necessary in case of a person whowas a contesting candidate at the time of adjournment of


    rule 36 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 34 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    During the time of Poll:

    The persons who are allowed to enter into the polling station:-

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    a. the electorb. the contesting candidate, their election agent and one polling

    agent at a time for each contesting candidate

    c. a child in the arms accompanying the electord. a person accompanying a blind or an infirm electore. such other persons admitted by Returning Officer or the

    Presiding Officer for the purpose of helping in identification

    of electors or in searching woman elector

    f. public servant on duty in the electiong. such other person as may be authorized by State Election

    Commission or the District Election Officer.

    Election Agent:

    A candidate may appoint any one person to be his/her

    election agent. Such appointment may be made by the candidate in

    Form 10. The candidate shall forward Form 10 in duplicate to the

    Returning Officer who shall return one copy after affixing his/her

    seal and signature in token of his/her approval of the appointment.

    rule 38 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 36 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third GradeMunicipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Appointment of Polling Agents:

    Each contesting candidate or his election agent may appoint

    one polling agent and one or two relief polling agents at each

    polling station.

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    The appointment to be made in Form 11 and shall be handedover to the Polling Agent for production at the Polling


    rule 40 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and rule

    38 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Arrangements at Polling Station:

    The State Election Commission has prescribed that the numberof voting compartments at each polling station shall be three in

    number in respect of election to Panchayats and two in respect

    of election to the Municipalities.

    The voting compartments shall be set up at each polling station. Sufficient number of Ballot boxes, relevant part of the electoralroll, instrument for stamping the distinguishing mark on ballot

    papers and other instruments for election to mark the ballot

    papers to be provided at each polling station.

    At the entrance of each polling station, the following shall bedisplayed prominently :

    a) a notice showing the number of contesting candidates aspublished in Form 9 and the distinctive symbol assigned to

    each candidate.

    b) a notice showing the polling area and the groups of electorswho are entitled to vote at that polling station.

    rule 41 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

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    rule 39 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Preparation of Ballot Boxes for Poll:

    The day before the poll, the Presiding Officer shall prepare

    the Ballot Boxes for poll, following the procedure laid down in the

    Rules and the following points to be borne mind :

    Signing in the reverse side of the paper seal and getting thesignature of the polling agents.

    Fixing of paper seal in the ballot box. Attaching the address tags at both inside and outside of the

    ballot box

    Ensuring and establishing that the ballot box is empty to thepersons present at the polling station. Closing, sealing and securing the Ballot box and place it for full

    view of the Presiding Officer and Polling Agents.

    Signing declaration in Form 12 and obtaining the signatures ofthe Polling Agents.

    Reading the relevant provision of the Act about maintaining thesecrecy of the election to such persons present at the polling


    rule 42 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 40 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

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    The Tamil Nadu State Election Commission has prescribed thatone number of marked copy of electoral roll to be used in eachPolling Station in respect of each election.

    S.O.No.50/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 4.9.2006

    Challenging of Identity:

    Any Polling Agent may challenge the identity of an electorby depositing a sum of Rs.10 in the case of Urban Local

    Body elections and Rs.2 in the case of Rural Local Body

    elections in cash, with the Presiding Officer.

    The Presiding Officer shall hold summary inquiry. After inquiry, if the challenge has not been established,

    he/she shall allow the person challenged to vote.

    If his/her challenge has been established, he/she shall debarthe person challenged from voting besides taking

    appropriate action against him/her.

    If the challenge is frivolous or not in good faith, thePresiding Officer shall forfeit the deposit amount to the

    local body concerned. In any other case, the depositamount will be returned to the challenger at the conclusion

    of enquiry.

    rule 45 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 43 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Safeguards against impersonation :-

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    With a view to preventing impersonation of electors and

    facilitating the electors identification at the time of poll, everyelector shall produce the documentary evidences as prescribed by

    the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission vide S.O.No.

    85/2009/TNSEC/MEI, dated 17.9.2009.

    rule 47 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 45 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Right to vote:

    The following persons shall not be entitled to vote:

    a) who is of unsound mind and declared so by a competentcourt;

    b) whose name is not entered in the electoral rollc) who is subject to any of the disqualifications referred to in

    Sec.16 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 and

    relevant Sections of the Act.

    d) who is confined in a prison whether under a sentence ofimprisonment or otherwise, provided that this rule shall notapply to a person, subject to preventive detention under any

    law for the time being in force.

    e) who is convicted for election offences punishable under theAct.

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    No person at an election shall vote in more than one ward ormore than once in the same ward. If so, all his votes in the

    ward / wards shall be void.

    Sec. 35 and 36 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 and

    rule 48 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995,

    Sec. 47 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 and

    rule 46 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Ballot Papers:

    The colour, size and other specifications of Ballot papers to

    be used in the local body election have been determined and

    prescribed by the Tamil Nadu State Election vide

    S.O.No.37/2001/TNSEC/ME-2, dated 04.09.2006.

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    The colour of the Ballot paper for different elections shall be as


    1. Village Panchayat Ward Member - White

    2. Village Panchayat President - Pink

    3. Panchayat Union Ward Member - Green

    4. District Panchayat Ward Member - Yellow

    5. Urban Local Body Elections - White

    The detailed instructions for printing of the Ballot papersare provided in Chapter 12 of Handbook for Returning Officers for

    urban local body elections and in chapter 7 of ifnaL ? 2

    midj;J njh;jy; elj;Jk; mYtyh;. cjtp njh;jy;

    elj;Jk; mYtyh; kw;Wk; Cuhl;rp xd;wpa

    Mizah;fSf;fhd mwpt[iuf; ifnaL ? 2006 in respect of

    Rural local body election.

    rule 49 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and rule

    47 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,

    Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Voting Procedure for Electors on Election Duty

    When an elector is drafted for election duty and is unable tovote, he/she may send a request in Form 15 along with acopy of his/her appointment order to the Returning Officer

    concerned, where he is entitled to record his vote atleast

    seven days before the poll.

    The Returning Officer upon satisfying himself/herself thatthe applicant is entitled to vote, shall forward to the

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    applicant an EDC (Election Duty Certificate) in Form 16

    and a ballot paper.

    On receiving the ballot paper, the elector on election dutyshall record his/her vote by marking a tick mark on the

    ballot paper against the candidate to whom he/she intends to

    vote, enclose the declaration in Form 17 and send it to the

    Returning Officer before 5.00 p.m. on the day before the


    rule 52 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 50 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    The Returning Officer shall maintain a Register for issuingElection Duty certificates

    Voting by Blind and infirm voters:-

    If the Presiding Officer is satisfied that owing to blindness orother physical infirmity, an elector is unable to record his voteon the ballot paper, he/she shall permit the elector to take with

    him/her a companion not less than 18 years of age for recording

    the vote on his/her behalf and in accordance with his/her


    No person shall be permitted to act as the companion for morethan one election at any polling station on the same day.

    The Presiding Officer shall get the signature / thumb imprisonof the companion in Form 18.

    rule 53 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 51 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

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    Tendered votes:

    If a person represented himself/herself to be a particularelector applies for a ballot paper, after another person has already

    voted as such elector, before being supplied with tendered ballot

    paper, he shall affix his signature in Form 19 and in the

    counterfoil of the ballot paper.

    The elector after marking his/her vote in the tendered ballotpaper shall fold it and give it to the Presiding Officer

    instead of putting it into the Ballot box. The PresidingOfficer shall place it in a separate cover superscribed as

    Tendered vote

    rule 55 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 53 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Adjournment of Poll in emergencies

    If the proceedings of the poll at the polling station areinterrupted or obstructed in a polling station, the Presiding

    Officer of such polling station shall stop the poll, inform

    through the Returning Officer to the District Election

    Officer, State Election Officer and State Election


    The fact that the poll has been stopped to be informed to thepersons present at the polling station.

    The Presiding Officer shall make a full report of thecircumstances and send the ballot and other packets

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    containing marked copy of electoral roll, counterfoils of

    Ballot papers etc., to the Returning Officer.

    The Returning Officer shall report the matter to the DistrictElection Officer.

    The District Election Officer shall thereupon order(i) the date on which and the hours between which such

    adjourned poll shall be held and

    (ii)the date, place and hours of counting of votes. The Returning Officer shall inform the fact to the contesting

    candidates or his/her election agents.

    A notice shall be affixed on the notice board of the office ofthe local body informing the date and time fixed for theadjourned poll. Beat of tom-tom shall also be made in the

    Village areas.

    The Returning Officer shall not count the votes cast at suchelection until the adjourned poll is completed

    If the adjournment of poll is ordered for the number ofhours for which it was not held on previous occasion, thePresiding Officer shall open the said packets just before the

    commencement of the Poll and commence such adjourned

    poll precisely at the hours fixed therefor.

    Such voters who have not cast their votes on the previousoccasion shall only be allowed to vote in the adjourned poll.

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    If the poll is adjourned for full number of hours, theReturning Officer shall proceed afresh in accordance with

    the rules in all respects, as if it is being held at pollingstation for the first time. There shall be no fresh


    In respect of party based elections, if a contesting candidatesponsored by a recognized political party or any contesting

    candidate in respect of non-party based election dies before

    the commencement of adjourned poll, the Returning Officer

    shall stop the poll and report the fact to the District ElectionOfficer, State Election Officer and State Election

    Commission. The State Election Commission shall order to

    start proceedings afresh in all respects as if it were a new

    election, provided fresh nominations shall not be necessary

    in the case of remaining contesting candidates.

    rule 56 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 andrule 54 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Fresh Poll:

    If at any election -

    a) the ballot box is taken out of the custody of the ReturningOfficer or the Presiding Officer or is accidentally or

    intentionally destroyed or is tampered with to the extent that

    the result of poll at that polling station cannot be ascertained


    b) any error or irregularity in procedure as is likely to vitiate the

    poll is committed

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    The Returning Officer shall forthwith report the fact to the

    State Election Commission, State Election Officer and District

    Election Officer.The District Election Officer in the case of Rural Local

    Body election and the State Election Commission or State Election

    Officer in the case of Urban Local Body election, taking all

    materials circumstances into account shall declare the poll at that

    polling station void and order fresh poll.

    rule 57of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 55 and 80 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Closing of Poll:

    The Presiding Officer shall close the poll at the pollingstation at the hour fixed in that behalf.

    all electors present at the polling station before the close ofpoll shall be allowed to cast their vote.

    No person shall be allowed to cast his/her vote after theclose of poll.

    The Presiding Officer shall close, seal and secure the ballotbox / boxes as provided in the Rules.

    The Presiding Officer shall put the following into a separatecover, seal it and all the candidates or election agents to

    affix their own seal, if so desire

    (i) marked copy of the electoral roll(ii) unused and cancelled ballot paper(iii) tendered ballot papers and tendered voters list

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    (iv) the unused and damaged paper seals(v) the receipt of challenge fee, statement of deposit on

    challenged votes, list of challenged votes

    The following covers are also to be prepared by the PresidingOfficer

    covers containing

    (i) Ballot paper account in Form 20(ii) Paper seal account(iii) Presiding Officer diary(iv) Record of blind and infirm voters and the declaration of

    their companions

    Miscellaneous covers containing the following shall also to bemade(i) Reference copy of electoral roll(ii) Declaration by Presiding Officer(iii) Appointment letter of polling agents(iv)

    Unused stationery

    (v) Pusher(vi) Other polling material like drawing pins, badges etc. The Presiding Officer shall provide a true copy of the entries

    made in the ballot paper account to every polling agent present

    at the close of poll.

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    rule 58 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 56 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    The Presiding Officer shall then deliver the ballot box or boxesand all the covers containing the said records, all other papers

    and cash if any to the Returning Officer

    rule 59 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 57 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs):

    Necessary provisions have been made for the use of EVMs

    in Urban Local Body elections vide Sec.43-D of Tamil Nadu

    District Municipalities Act, 1920. Necessary provisions have also

    been made in the respective Corporations Acts.

    The election procedure for voting by EVMs have been

    provided in Rules 58 to 80 of Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third

    Grade Municipalities, Municipalities, Corporations (Elections)

    Rules, 2006, and counting procedure for election where EVMs are

    used are also explained vide rule 92-A, 92-AA and 92-AAA of the

    said Rules.

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    Counting of Votes:

    The counting shall take place on the day at the place and hourappointed in that behalf. Tamil Nadu State Election Commission has specified that one

    counting agent to be appointed per counting Table, by the

    candidate or his/her election agent in writing in Form 21 in

    respect of Rural Local Bodies and in Form 24 in respect of

    Urban Local Bodies (S.O.No. 55/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated


    The following persons shall alone be permitted in the countingcentre during the time of counting.

    i) Counting Supervisors and counting Assistants appointed byReturning Officer to assist him/her in the counting of votes.

    ii) Public servants on duty in connection with the elections.iii)Press persons including photographers, T.V. Camera persons


    iv)such other person, if the situation so warrantsrule 60 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995

    and rule 81 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third GradeMunicipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    S.O. No. 58/2006/TNSEC/ME, dated 4.9.2006

    Before, the counting, the Returning Officer shall read theprovisions of Act relating to the secrecy of election to such

    persons present in the counting centre.

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    The Postal ballot papers shall be counted first before taking upthe counting of votes recorded at the polling station. The postal

    ballot paper received after 5.00 p.m. on the day of Poll shall notbe counted. They should be treated as rejected.

    The Ballot boxes relating to each polling station shall be takenup for counting. The Returning Officer shall satisfy himself

    that none of the ballot boxes has been tampered with. The

    Returning Officer shall verify the Ballot paper account and

    allow the candidates and their agents to inspect the rejected

    ballot papers.

    rule 61 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 85 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    If at any time before the counting of votes is completed,

    ballot papers / ballot boxes used at a polling station are unlawfully

    taken out of the custody of the Returning Officer or accidentally

    destroyed or tampered with, to certain extent that the result of the

    poll cannot be ascertained, the Returning Officer shall forthwith

    report the matter to the District Election Officer, State Election

    Commission and State Election Officer. The District Election

    Officer in the case of Rural Local Body Elections and the State

    Elections Commission in the case of Urban Local Body Elections

    shall after taking all materials circumstances into account either tostop the counting of votes and order for fresh poll or order for

    resumption and completion of the counting.

    rule 62 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 84 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

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    During counting, the ballot papers shall be rejected on the

    following grounds:

    a) if it bears any mark or writing by which the election cannotbe identified

    b) if no vote is recorded thereonc) if votes are given in favour of more than one candidated)

    if the mark indicating the vote thereon is doubtful to whichcandidate, the vote has been given

    e) if it is a spurious ballot paperf) if it is so damaged or mutilatedg) if it bears a serial number or design different from the ballot

    paper authorized for the particular polling station

    h) if it does not bear the distinguishing mark and or the signatureof the Presiding Officer and the Words E.D.C on the postal

    ballot papers

    All rejected ballot papers shall be made into a separate bundle.

    For rejecting the ballot papers, the decision of the ReturningOfficer shall be final, subject to the decision of the competent court

    or an election petition.

    rule 63 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 85 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities aad Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

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    No cover containing the tendered ballot papers shall be

    opened and no votes recorded thereon shall be counted

    rule 86 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    After the counting of all valid ballot papers is completed,

    the Returning Officer shall enter the result of the counting in Form

    II of ballot paper account (Form 20). It shall be signed by the

    Returning Officer and the counting supervisor, then the Returning

    Officer will prepare the Result sheet. (Form 22 in the case of RuralLocal Body Election and Form 25 in the case of Urban Local Body

    Election). Then all the valid ballot papers and postal ballot papers

    should be bundled together and kept in a separate packet along with

    the bundle of rejected ballot papers and should be sealed.

    The particulars of Local Body, Polling station and the date

    of counting shall be recorded on the above bundles.

    rule 64 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules,1995 and

    rule 86 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade Municipalities,Municipalities and Corporations(Elections)Rules, 2006

    The procedures for counting of votes when electronic

    voting machines are used are explained in detail vide rule 92, 92A,

    92AA and 92 AAA of Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third

    Grade Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations

    (Elections) Rules, 2006.

    Recount of votes:

    o The contesting candidate or his/her agent may apply forrecounting in writing before the declaration of result of the

    election is made.

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    o On such application, the Returning Officer shall decide thematters and may allow the application in whole or in part or

    may reject it in toto if it appears to be unreasonable.o Every decision of the Returning Officer shall be in writing

    and contain the reasons thereof.

    After such recount has been completed, the Returning

    Officer shall amend the result sheet to the extent necessary, sign it

    and announce the result. No application for a recount shall be

    entertained thereafter.

    rule 66 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 88 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities, Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    Declaration of Result of election :

    After the completion of counting of votes, the Returning

    Officer shall declare the contesting candidate to whom the largest

    number of votes have been polled as elected. He/She shall

    complete and sign the return in the Form as specified below and

    send it to the District Election Officer, State Election Officer and

    State Election Commission.

    (i) For the election of member of District Panchayat,

    Panchayat Union Councils and Village PanchayatPresident Form 23

    (ii) For the election of Village Panchayat Ward Member Form 24

    (iii) Urban Local Body Election Form 26

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    The Returning Officer shall forthwith cause to be affixed acopy of the said form in his/her office, in the notice board of the

    local body concerned.

    If there is an equality of votes between two or more contestingcandidates, the Returning Officer shall decide between these

    candidates by lot and the candidate to whom the lot falls shall

    be deemed to have received an additional vote.

    Any contesting candidate or his election agent or his/hercounting agent, on application, be permitted to take a copy oran extract from the Result sheet.

    rule 67 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 89 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

    The procedures and illustrations for declaring the winningcandidate in case, if one or more seats of Village Panchayat

    are reserved for SC or ST are explained in rule 67(3) of the

    Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995.

    (iii) Post-election Processes

    Immediately after the declaration of the result of the election,the Returning Officer shall retain in his/her custody, or cause tobe deposited in the custody of Treasury/Sub-Treasury, the

    bundles of all Ballot papers, whether counted, rejected,

    cancelled or unused, the sealed packets containing the

    declaration of result and marked copy of Electoral rolls. These

    packets shall not be opened and the contents shall not be

    inspected or produced except under the orders of a competent


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    All the above election records shall be retained in the custodyof Returning Officer or the Treasury/Sub-Treasury for a period

    of six months and shall thereon after unless otherwise directedby the Competent Court, cause to be destroyed.

    rule 68 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995 and

    rule 90 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Third Grade

    Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006

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    Publication of the Names of

    Successful CandidatesThe names of the candidates duly elected shall be published

    as follows:-


    NoName of the Election

    Authority by whom

    the result to be


    Nature of


    State ElectionCommission Tamil NaduGovernment Gazette1.

    District Panchayat

    Ward Members District Election

    OfficerDistrict Gazette

    2.Panchayat Union Ward


    District Election

    OfficerDistrict Gazette

    3.Village Panchayat


    District Election

    OfficerDistrict Gazette

    4.Village Panchayat

    Ward MembersReturning Officer

    In the Notice Board

    of the Office ofReturning Officer,

    office of Village

    Panchayat concerned

    and any conspicuous

    place in the Village


    5.Councillors of

    Municipal Corporations

    State Election


    Tamil Nadu

    Government Gazette


    Councillors ofMunicipalities and

    Ward Members of

    Third Grade


    State ElectionOfficer/Commissioner

    of Municipal


    Tamil Nadu

    Government Gazette

    7.Ward Members of

    Town Panchayats

    State Election
