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Page 1: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on
Page 2: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on

What Does The Church of Jesus Christ Believe?

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God

and is the SOLE authority on every subject. We believe that

Jesus Christ is the Almighty God. Rev. 1:8, “I am Alpha and

Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is,

and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put

on a robe of flesh and walked here on earth for 33 years to

fulfill prophecy for the New Testament Church, which is The

Church of Jesus Christ. According to the Word, John 1:1, “In

the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and

the Word was God.” John 1:14, “And the Word was made

flesh, and dwelt among us….” The Church of Jesus Christ

believes that everyone must take His word seriously, John

8:24, “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins:

for if ye believe not that I Am He, ye shall die in your sins.”

We follow God’s plan of salvation. Acts 2:38,

“…Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of

Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the

gift of the Holy Ghost.” Baptism is by immersion in water

only. The evidence of the infilling of the Holy Ghost is

according to Acts 2:4, “And they were all filled with the Holy

Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit

gave them utterance.” John 3:5 states, “Jesus answered,

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water

and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

We must then live a clean, holy, and dedicated life to Jesus

Christ thereafter taking diligent heed to the Word.

The Church of Jesus Christ must be found faithful to

His Word. We must be partakers of Communion service. This

service consists of the Lord’s Supper and Foot Washing. 1

Cor. 11:24, 25, “And when he had given thanks, he brake it,

and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you:

this do in remembrance of me. (25) After the same manner

also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, “This cup is

the New Testament in my blood: this do ye oft as ye drink it, in

remembrance of me.” John 13:14, 15, “If I then, your Lord

and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one

another’s feet. (15) For I have given you an example that ye

should do as I have done to you.”

Watch, pray, forsake not the assembling of yourselves

together, give your tithes and offerings, so that YOU can be

counted among the faithful when our one and only Savior,

Jesus Christ, comes back in a “cloud with power and great


Executive Board of Bishops

Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop

2298 Fern Street

Portage, Indiana 46368

Phone 219-762-7492

Bishop Tommy Johnson, Asst. Presiding Bishop

P.O. Box 505

Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

Phone 731-285-9200

Bishop Paul Rose, Secretary/Treasurer

P.O. Box 344

Cabin Creek, West Virginia 25035

Phone 304-595-5640

,ational Youth Leaders

Bro. Jarret & Sis. Caryn Spence

804 Pennsylvania Avenue

LaPorte, IN 46350

Phone 219-325-3904

Bro. Travis & Sis. ,ora Hensley, Assistants

437 Tecumseh Street

Warsaw, IN 46582

Phone 574-551-4487

Bishop of Jamaica

Bishop Orville Rodney

199 Catherene Mount

Albion P. A.

Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica, W. I.

Phone 876-952-6676

Bishop of Canada

Bishop Mathias Gooden

75 Dunlop St., Apt. 406

Richmond Hills, ON L4C 2M7


Phone 905-883-8543

State Bishops

Bishop Charles Hays, Sr.

409 Fitch Street

Albion, Michigan 49224

Phone 517-629-7053

Bishop Danny Walls

P.O. Box 216

Ingalls, Indiana 46048

Phone 317-485-4105

United We Stand

Divided We Fall

The Church Of Jesus Christ

Headquarters: 2797 Bryant St. Portage, IN 46368

Phone: 219-763-1049


Message of Hope

Official Organ, owned by: The Church of Jesus Christ

Editor of the Message of Hope:

Sis. Wendy Leslie

Please send all articles to:


236 Southwind Dr. Valparaiso, IN 46385

[email protected]

Articles and Pictures due: September 1, 2008

Page 3: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 5235 East Van Ness Road, Pierceton, IN. 46562

(574) 594-2337

Host Pastor: Bishop Robert O’Dell

Is Announcing:

Tent Revival Service Times:

Thursday and Friday at 7:00 P.M.

Saturday at 6:00 P.M.

Held at the Washington

Township Park in Pierceton, Indiana



2575 E. Center Street

Warsaw, IN. 46580

Phone: (574) 267- 3344

Reservation: 1-800-325-2525


3014 Frontage Rd.

Warsaw, IN. 46580

Phone: (574) 268-2888

Reservation: 1-800-800-8000

Holiday Inn Express

3825 Lake City Highway

Warsaw, IN. 46580

Phone: (574) 268-1600

Reservation: 1-800-95-FOCUS

Hampton Inn&Suites

3328 E. Center Street

Warsaw, IN. 46580

Phone: (574) 269-6655

Ramada Plaza

2519 E. Center Street

Warsaw, IN. 46580

Phone: (574) 269-2323

Page 4: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on

Full Circle

This is My Life’s Testimony

On Oct. 8, 1978, my children’s father ceased. He did not die

or desert them, but as a caterpillar makes a transformation to

a butterfly, I turned into something all together different from

their father to becoming their pastor. My wife’s husband,

who had always been her husband, now became her pastor. I

missed some anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas holidays,

and probably many other things that a father or a husband

would loved to been there for, in order to become a pastor.

However, God had called me to pastor. I have been

privileged to have had a wife who understood and knew that

God had to be first, husband second.

In order to pastor others, I had to pastor my own wife and

children first, because if I did not know how to pastor them,

how could I pastor the saints of God? When my children

would want their father’s love and understanding, I had to

love them enough to tell them what the right thing was.

Many times, it was not what they wanted to hear.

Preacher’s kids do not have it easy. They are a focal point

for criticism. Backbiters try to use them to get to the pastor.

When troubles hit a church like waves pounding on a beach,

only the strong survive. So to all fathers, if that is your role

in life, be a good one. Be the example that God called you to

be. To pastors, you are still a father for the Lord. Be strong

in the power of His might. He leads through dry valleys and

places that life holds. He will never leave you nor forsake

you, and He sure won’t run out like some will.

Whenever I started pasturing, I had some tell me when I took

the church that they would stay with me. But some left

within six months, some a year later, but each time God

would send others in. The church would become stronger

and stronger each time. Because the gates of hell shall not

prevail against God’s church. The Bible says, “Who stand in

his holy place”? He that hath clean hands shall be stronger

and stronger.

Our President has a great responsibility. He looks out for the

fleshly man, which is only dust. But your pastor looks after

your soul, which is eternal. So parents love your children,

and pastors love your flock. There are more good memories

than bad, more sunshiny days than rain. As with all of us, if

we could change some things we would, but time marches


I thank God for a wife who did not understand me all the

time, but who knew that I was praying and fasting and

searching for the mind of God. I thank God for children who

would crawl into daddy’s lap, who had to tell them the right

thing, when many times; it wasn’t the thing that they wanted

to hear at the time. I could go on and on, but like as our life,

all things must come to a close.

In closing, as I retired from pasturing, my wife’s husband

came back home and my children’s father returned back to

being Dad, even though they are grown and have children of

their own now. So let us all search our hearts and souls.

Truly, I feel as I have come full circle in life; as my windows

are becoming dim, and my grinders are few. I pray that I

have past the test of life, which is only a vapor. As one-man

use to sing, “I’ll face nobody’s record but my own.” So keep

the faith and be strong in God.

Bishop Tommy Johnson

Pastor, Elder Mickey Dodd

The Church of Jesus Christ

Dyersburg, TN

The Story of Pearls

Pearls are a product of pain. When a grain of sand pierces

the shell of an oyster, all the otherwise dormant resources

within the tiny oyster respond to the foreign irritant by caring

for that sensitive spot. Over time, the

sand particle is covered by healing fluids, and the wound

becomes a pearl.

That is true for you, too. When hardships invade your life,

allow God's Spirit to shape your response. Do not be bitter.

Do not rush ahead of His plan. Rest in Him. Allow Him time

to turn that irritation into an

opportunity for your growth - and watch a beautiful pearl

emerge from your set of circumstances.

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers

temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith

worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that

you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." –

James 1:2-4 (KJV)

"When you flee temptation, be sure you don't leave a

forwarding address."

Submitted By: Sis Judy Spence

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

“Where there is hope there can be faith, where there is faith

miracles can occur.”

Page 5: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on

Family Virtue The word “FAMILY” is a common word that we all

hear and use daily. However, does it have any effect, or is it

of any great importance to us? It may sound simple to some

people, but it does play a very vital role in each and

everyone’s life. We were all born into a family. God knew

how wonderful it would have been when He created man and

woman, joining them together in order to bring family into


To be a virtuous family we all must be loving, caring,

and most of all be supportive of each other.

There is a quote which says: “The family which prays

together stays together.” This is true, as without family

support we would all suffer a disability in our homes,

churches, and schools. The institution of family is as

important to us as food is to our bodies because without the

family there can be no world or society.

God bless us all with a family! Let us cherish it!

Submitted By: Sis. Nadeen Williams


We know God Loves Us…

The moon is softly beaming

With ray’s of God’s love.

The night holds no fear

We bow down before HIM

As we kneel in prayers.

We give HIM our burdens

Each heartache and care.

We know we can trust HIM

Yet with faith complete

We do know in time

All our needs HE will meet.

We know HE loves us

That “Great” heavenly “One”

He proved it the day that

He gave HIS OW SO!

“Jesus Christ”

Phil 4:13-19

Because of Calvary,

Sis. Pittman

Batavia, ILL

Behind the Clouds

“All things are possible only believe.” Too often, many of us

give up in despair. We turn away from the hands that are

always extended to help us. The hands which hold all the

power of the ALMIGHTY. The hands of Jesus Christ.

No matter how bitter the experience or how dark the way

seems, there is always a bit of sunshine peeking from behind

the clouds. It may reveal itself in a child’s smile, or in the

pressure of a friend’s hand. In the understanding look of

one’s mate or in wise words of council spoken by one’s


God, in His infinite mercy, understands us. “His

understanding is unsearchable,” said Isaiah. A promise like

that is a bright bit of sunshine when life looks dark.

Surely, many otherwise fine Christians get the wrong idea of

life here on this problem-torn earth. They think, “If I live

completely and unreservedly for God that happiness will


Of course, we do receive much satisfaction from a life well

lived. This satisfaction is something to fall back on when

“low times” come. But Jesus Christ himself was, in the

language of the Bible, “a man of sorrows and acquainted with


What about Paul? He suffered almost every kind of hardship

and indignity that can be imagined. There must have been

many times when he felt so grieved and alone. Certainly, he

did not escape temptations. He said in Romans 7:19, “For the

good that I would I do not; but the evil which I would not,

that I do.” Paul was a fighter, especially for something he

deemed right. This to, often brought him into conflict with

his contemporaries. People then, as now, hated to be told of

their shortcomings. Paul was not one to mince words. His

words made him enemies. Paul’s words today still make

some people very uncomfortable. Life is not easy any way

we may view it. It is filled with temptations and cares. At

times, we feel that we cannot lay down our burdens. Yet,

with the help of Jesus Christ, we can find courage and needed

strength. He urges us to lay our burdens at His feet. “Cast

thy burden on the Lord and He shall sustain thee.”

Let us remember that the clouds cannot hide the sun forever.

Despair must change to gladness.

The words of Longfellow are still encouraging. “Be still, sad

heart and cease repining; behind the clouds the sun still

shining. Thy fate is the common fate of all; and to each life

some rain must fall, some days must be dark and dreary.”

Sis. Phyllis Kerley

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

Page 6: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 815 South Main Street, Business 51 South

Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

(731) 285-3194

Host Pastor: Elder Mickey Dodd


Tent Revival Service Times:

Thursday and Friday at 7:00 P.M.

Saturday at 6:00 P.M.

Make your plans today!


2600 Lake Road

Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

Phone: (731) 287-0888

Hampton Inn

2750 Mall Loop Road

Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

Phone: (731) 285-4778

Comfort Inn

Jct. I-55 & Hwy. 412

815 Reelfoot Drive

Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

Phone: (731) 285-6951

Reservation: 1-800-228-5150

Executive Inn and Suites 2331 Lake Road

Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

Phone: (731) 287-0044 or (731) 285-5673

Page 7: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on

Sis. Caryn and I would like to thank everyone who

attended Youth Camp this year. With everyone’s help, camp

turned out to be a success. I want to thank Bro. Mickey for

all of his help showing what was needed to be done to get

ready for camp. Bro. Travis and Sis. Nora also played a

major role in helping us. They had many great ideas and

camp would not have gone as smoothly without them.

I want to give a special thanks to Sis. Stephanie for

all the hard work that she did in the kitchen this year. It

wasn’t easy being her first year, but with all the help that she

received in the kitchen I believe that they all did a “GREAT


I also want to say thanks to Bro. Philip and Sis.

Amanda for doing the primary games with the help of Bro.

Jason and Sis. Misty. Bro. Paul and Sis. Amanda for the

junior games. Bro. Randy and Sis. Melissa for the senior

games. Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Christy for the carnival fun.

I also want to thank Bro. Blaine and Sis. Pam along

with Sis. Charity for taking care of all the Bible games. Bro.

Dan and Sis. Michelle for helping out.

Sis. Melanie took care of the primary choir, Bro.

Daryl the junior choir and Sis. Marilyn the senior choir. Sis.

Dee and Sis. Jessi for the sign language choir.

I want to say a special thanks to Sis. Vanessa and

those that helped her throughout the years for taking care of

the concessions. We will miss her smile and laughter when

we choose our snacks. She is passing the torch down to Bro.

Jay and Sis. Jeannette.

Sis. Patty will be turning over the reins to Sis.

LuAnne in the crafts. She has put a lot of time and effort

throughout the years, and we truly appreciate her hard work.

A thanks to Sis. Judy for the caught being good, and

Sis. Phyllis for all the thank you gifts.

Of course, the greatest part about camp this year was

the seven who received the Holy Ghost and those who were

baptized. Seeing them was worth all the hard work that was

put in this year.

We are already looking forward to next year to see

what God has in store for Youth Camp!

Bro. Jarret Spence

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

Praise Report from Portage, Indiana

We are still rejoicing from the blessed General

Convocation that was held July 4-6. The Spirit of the Lord

was felt from the opening song to the closing prayer. This

convocation was truly a soul-filling experience. I personally

rejoiced having Sis. Wilson from the church in Mississauga

Ontario Canada with us. She is such a great example to

women trying to uphold the truth through adversity. I gained

strength and was encouraged when she sang “Come Walk

with Me” and “In The Midst of the Storm.” Thank you, Sis.

Wilson and all those who have continued in the faith

grounded and settled and not moved away from the hope of

the gospel (Col. 1:23) all of these years. It is such a good

living example to us that we can make it through no matter

what we face in this life. That is what I believe was the theme

of the convocation to continue in the truth. Saturday night,

Bishop Paul Rose expounded about how the apostles rejoiced

counting themselves worthy to have been persecuted for

Christ and if they can keep going after all they suffered, then

we can too. We learned so much emphasizing truth that we

cannot help but leave the convocation built up and

encouraged to keep pressing our way down the King’s

Highway. As Numbers 20:17 reads, “We will go by the

king’s high way, we will not turn to the right hand or the left,

until we have passed thy borders.” We ate much spiritual

food during the services. Friday Night, Bro. Travis Hensley

ministered to have the mind of Christ and to earnestly

contend for the faith. Bro. Travis also mentioned on Sunday

night how we are terrorists to the devil. He truly is a steady

adversary who is like a smart bomb. He targets the things that

affect us the most but through the word, we heard during

these three days, we can surely overcome him. Saturday

through Sunday’s sermons were filled with education and

strengthening on The Name of Jesus Christ and how we need

not be ignorant of it or we will be destroyed for our lack of

knowledge. Bishop Tommy Johnson, Bro. Mickey Dodd and

Bishop Bobby O’Dell brought great messages instilling His

name IS Jesus Christ, we are part of His body, how He is the

head of the body, who makes up the family of Christ and it

takes a revelation that there is no salvation in any other name.

As Bro. Mickey stated, during his ministering, even if we

hear things over and over again we can still glean things out

of the word which we heard. The convocation ended hearing

again from Bro. Travis as he broke down Psalms 23 as the

inspiration word that is held within that chapter. Our souls

truly ran over and no one who heeded the word can say they

did not gain knowledge from this convocation.

Sis. Deanna Johnson

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

Page 8: Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop Files/Org Magazine/2008-0708 Vol 112.pdfand which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and walked here on


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Portage, Indiana 46368

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