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Dear Girl Storiesiru-sama:DGS 3 (7:30)

Question from a listener: Say 3 good things about EACH OTHER.Kamiya: My turn first. HANDSOME.Ono: Oh..ah..ehmy turn? Ehhandsome.Kamiya: Huh??Ono: Hahaha.same from me.Kamiya: That sounds so fake. My turn. Nice voice.Ono: Busybody(in a positive sense).Kamiya: Sorry, only two from me.Ono: Ehh??Kamiya: Cant think of a third one.Ono: Hmmone more from me. IDOL of MALE seiyuus.Kamiya: Id rather be popular with FEMALE seiyuus.Ono: THATS IMPOSSIBLE.Kamiya: Imposs.Ono: You always say things that MALE seiyuus want to hear.Kamiya: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!Ono: Thats why YOUNG MALE seiyuus all like you.Kamiya: Well I may not be popular with girls, but I am popular with young male seiyuus, and kids, and animals.Ono: You really cant think of a 3rd one for me??Kamiya: NO.

***********************************DGS 4 (9:10)

Ono: After the first recording was over, it was late so we took taxi home separately. While in the taxi, I sent you a mail from my mobile. You complained that in the radio show, you were doing most of the talking and I should talk more. I felt bad about it so I wrote to you to apologize, and promised that I would talk more in the future etc. I was expecting a SADISTIC reply from you.but your reply was like: I was anxious about doing the show on my own. Im so glad Im doing it with you. Hummmm. Kawaii.

Kamiya: Shut up.

***********************************DGS 5 (22:10)

Kamiya: I get the feeling that my reputation is getting worse. People who listen to this radio show will think Im bullying you. Can you say something like Kamiya-san is actually very nice at each meal time?

Ono: There is no way I can say it that frequently. You arent nice that frequently.Kamiya: Hahahahahaha!!

Ono: But you are surprisingly tsundere(appears cold but is shy within). You always try to push me away but from time to time you will draw closewhich feels really good.

Kamiya: Hahaha.(starts reading program announcement in machine-gun speed).(stammers).hahaha..I give up. No more talk of tsundere!!

***********************************DGS 7 (8:50)

Ono: What if I go out with Hiroshi-sans daughter?Kamiya: ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!!Ono: .why not? WHY NOT?Kamiya: Of course NO!!Ono: I will take good care of her.Kamiya: Good care??! Huh!!??! You must be joking!! Why should I give you my daughter? Well, not that I have a daughter!!Ono: How about HIROKO?Kamiya: No way!! What Hiroko?!Ono: Please give me Hiroko.Kamiya: No way.Ono: Why not??Kamiya: Definitely NO.Ono: I will feed her well.Kamiya: No no no.Ono: Will always feed her well. I will work hard.Kamiya: Shut up.Ono: I will work hard and buy a mansion (to live comfortably with her).Kamiya: Wont do if you dont buy a big house. You need to live with her FATHER as well.Ono: Wohohohoho!! Two generations (in one house).Kamiya: Yes two generations.Ono: Dont like the idea.Kamiya: What? Then no.Ono: (complains with tongue-clucking)Kamiya: How dare you make that sound to your senpai(senior)! And your father!Ono: Hahaha..senpai and father.Kamiya: Wont give my daughter to someone like you.Ono: Ill ask her mother for permission then.Kamiya: Her mother does not exist!Ono: Its all fantasy hahaha.

***********************************DGS 19 (5:48)

A listener suggested them to try out this web-based brain maker test. You put in your name in Kanji characters, click a button, and it will show you the mental image or what your mind is made up of in terms of some single Japanese words.Nounai Maker

Kamiyas mental image is made up of:

Nayami, Shoku, Uso, Ecchi (Trouble, Food, Lies, Sex)

Kamiya: Well I am a simpleton.Ono: Mine is similar to yours.

Onos mental image is:

Sake, Uso, Ecchi, Ai (Alcohol, Lies, Sex, Love)

There is also a compatibility test where you put the names of two people to see what kind of mental image they have of each other.Site

So they tried Kamiya x Ono.Kamiyas mental image of Ono is:

100% Omou (Think)

Ono: Ehhh?? Hahahaha!!! You are always thinking about me??Kamiya: One single word occupying the whole image..very rare pattern indeed.

Onos mental image of Kamiya:

40% Omou (Think)60% Yoku (DESIRE)

K&O: Wahahahahaha!!!Kamiya: Hey what does it mean?!!!Ono: Im being thought of 100% by Kamiya, while I have about 60% of desire for Kamiya? What kind of desire?? Money?? Im after Kamiya-sans small change??Kamiya: Hey I have quite a lot of small change!!

Sugita Tomokazu was the guest the week before so they did the same test using his name.

Sugitas mental image is:

A bit less than half: Nayami (Trouble)A bit more than half: Aku (EVIL)

K&O: Wahahahahaha!!!Kamiya: Is he troubling over whether he should do something evil??Ono: Or he has turned evil after going through some internal struggle.

Compatibility test for Sugita and Ono.Sugitas mental image of Ono:

100% Omou (Think)

Kamiya: Wow Ono-kun is being thought of by many people.

Onos mental image of Sugita:

50% Suki (Like)50% Kirai (Hate)

K&O: Wahahahahaha!!!Ono: Otome-Gokoro(the heart of a girl)!!Kamiya: Its so embarassing.

Compatibility test for Kamiya and Sugita.Kamiyas mental image of Sugita:

50% Ai (Love)

Ono: Hmm love from a senpai. Good good. And the other half is,

50% Ecchi (Sex)

Kamiya: What?? So Im starving for sex?? Idiot!!

Sugitas mental image of Kamiya:

80% Tomo (Friend)10% Suki (Like)

Ono: And the remaining is,

10% Teki (Enemy)

K&O: Wahahahahaha!!!Kamiya: The result is very SugitaOno: So it is like, Tomo Tomo Tomo Tomo Tomo Tomo.Suki Suki TEKI TEKI.K&O: Wahahahahaha!!!Ono: (Thats so mean of him) considering Kamiya-san is giving him Love and Sex.Kamiya: Yeah I am giving him my HEART and my BODY!! But for him, I am a bit of an ENEMY.

If anyone is interested in the actual results of the nounai maker they did, Ive uploaded here:

***********************************DGS.23 (1:30)

Ono is a Buddha Statue maniac.Ono: There is a Buddha statue that I really want to see. It is in Ushiku.Kamiya: Oh!!!!!!Ono: A 120m high Buddha statue. I want to see it.Kamiya: Why dont you go and see it then?Ono: It is a bit far.Kamiya: It is only about one and a half hour by car.Ono: It is the biggest Buddha statue in the world.Kamiya: It is like a building.Ono: Apparently you can go inside the statue.Kamiya: Yeah you can.Ono: Oh? Youve been to see it before?Kamiya: Ushiku is my home town.Ono: .Ushiku is your home town?!! Seriously?!Kamiya: Yeah. (starts to explain the surrounding of the Buddha statue).Ono: Why are you drawing pictures? (DGS is a RADIO) Only I can see it. Kamiya-san, lets visit it together.Kamiya: Eventually I will go into the family grave there.K&O: Ahahahahahaha!!!!Ono: LETS GO IN TOGETHER.Kamiya: What are you talking about?Ono: (sheepish noise)

Check out Ushiku statue

(16:10)Ono and Kamiya were asked to try the smelly fruit durian. They went outside to the roof of the studio, built a Durian Field(from plastic umbrella) to shield the smell, kicked Ono inside the field and made him eat the durian by himself. Kamiya was safely outside the field and reported what was happening.Ono: It stinks!! It stinks!! IT STINKS!!Ono puked.(CHAOS)Kamiya tried some.Kamiya: It is not nice! Its not nice! ITS NOT NICE!!!!!(CHAOS)Kamiya: So how was the durian?Ono: CREAMY.They called it Durian Panic or Duriangelion and concluded that durian could be used as (bio-)weapon.

***********************************DGS 27

(8:20)Question: What would you like to eat if a girl is cooking for you?

Ono: Since I like noodles..I like a girl who can make noodles (as in from scratch involving dough-kneading and dough-beating etc.).Kamiya: Hahaha.Ono: Like, BANG! BANG! BANG! (dough beating sound)Kamiya: Very authentic!Ono: BANG! BANG! RYON~~~~~(dough stretching sound)!! PITAN!! PITAN!!Kamiya: Hahaha!! Like, RYON~~~~BANG!! RYON~~~~BANG! That is professional!!Ono: Also Toshomen. At home.Kamiya: What is Toshomen?Ono: For Toshomen, you put the kneaded dough on the shoulder, hold a knife and go SHO! SHO! SHO! SHO! and rapidly shave strips of dough into a boiling pot of water.Kamiya: Ah! I know that! I know that!Ono: Apparently if you are not a noodle EXPERT, you cant make it. Not many chefs have the skill to make it even in China.Kamiya: If there arent that many people in China who can do it, you wont find them in Japan!!Ono: What do you think of a girl who can do that? Hiroshi, we are having Toshomen tonight~~~SHO! SHO! SHO! SHO!~~~~SHO! SHO! SHO! SHO!

(18:30)Ono doesnt like cats that much while Kamiya is a lover of cats. Kamiya gave Ono a cat toy which can make all kind of cat sound to show its emotion. Ono was to learn how to communicate with a cat by playing with the toy.

Kamiya: START!Ono: (To the cat toy) What are you doing in the rain?Kamiya: What kind of situation is that?

Ono: Let me use my finger to scratch you. How is it? (Cat toy squeals) What does this sound mean? Cant tell what it means! You like the smell of my finger? (Squeals) I just used this finger to rub my nose.

Ono: I will feed you this MAX coffee. Its sweet. (Happy squeals) Oh! You like it? You like it?Kamiya: Try to hold it.Ono: What is your name? (Squeal)Kamiya: It is Sylph.Ono: Sylph-chan! Female? Male? (Peep) It is female! (Squeal) I dont understand its response! But you are so cute. You are so cute.(Cat suddenly stopped squealing)Ono: What happened? What happened?.(Still no sound).Sylph!!.SYLPH~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kamiya: Hahahahahaha!! FINISH!Ono: PhewKamiya: Ono-san, what happened in the end?Ono: died.Kamiya: Died.

***********************************DGS 32 (22:40)

To answer the question addressed to OnoD(= Ono Daisuke) & HiroC(= Kamiya Hiroshi): Who is better in acting? They did this etude thingy where they were given a theme and they had to make up a dialogue on the spot(ad lib).

Theme: Onos (female) manager from Mausu production is secretly going out with Kamiyas (male) manager from Aoni production.

So OnoD and HiroC will pretend to be their respective managers. OnoD talks in a feminine tone while HiroC talks in a persuasive and manly tone because he is courting a girl.

OnoD: Im not sure about this..we are in different production companies.HiroC: What are you talking about? It is great that we are in different companies. Office love in the same company can be tough.OnoD: Hmm.HIroC: Our relationship can be the bridge between the two companies.OnoD: Bridge?HiroC: Yes. You and me will be the bridge.OnoD: Hmm.HiroC: Our relation will become the relation between Aoni and Mausu.OnoD: Really?HiroC: Yeah. So dont be all denial about it.OnoD: okay. So if I ask you to come to Mausu production, will you come?HiroC: Thats not what we are talking about.OnoD: Then.then.lets end our relationship!HiroC: Remember we were talking about putting Ono into Aoni production? He always talks bad things about Mausu production, like he wants to quit, and he cant stand it anymore etc.OnoD: .he is trying very hard already..wait, did he really say stuff like that?HiroC: If he is coming to Aoni with you at the same time, then that could be a problem.OnoD: Hmm, yeahHiroC: So lets shift the timing when you will come to Aoni..OnoD: What happened to the talks about giving me Hiroshi??HiroC: Kamiya??? That is impossible.OnoD: Why?? You dont love him??HiroC: He ishe isOnoD: If you love me, then you will give me Hiroshi, right??HiroC: Eh.OnoD: No actually.I LOVE Hiroshi!!HiroC: Eh..? Wait..wait!!!OnoD: I LOVE HIROSHI!!!!!!!!HiroC: Right, thats it. I am going to say it too.OnoD: Yeah, go ahead and say it.HiroC: I..OnoD: Hmm.HiroC: More than (I love you).OnoD: Hmm.HiroC: I LOVE MYSELF!!!OnoD: AHAHAHAHA!!!

***********************************DG5(unofficial) is Yasumoto Hiroki, Nakamura Yuuichi, Sugita Tomokazu, Ono Daisuke, Kamiya Hiroshi.Near the end of the year 2007. Instead of talking about their own goal for 2008, they were setting the goal for each other.

DGS 39 (8:25)

Kamiya: So NEXT! Lets decide Sugita Tomokazus goal for 2008!!Nakamura: Lets first list up things that were missing in Sugitas life in 2007.Yasumoto: I think he should talk in a louder voice.Nakamura: Hey dont be so serious.Yasumoto: I wish he would speak clearly.Nakamura: Sugita-kuns face is getting pale now.Ono: Ah~ but I am like that too. I kinda murmur too, so people probably cant hear me clearly on the radio.Kamiya: Apparently Sugita-kun HAS NOT SQUEEZED ANY WOMANS BREASTS RECENTLY.All: AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!Nakamura: Why are you exposing it?! Why are you exposing it?!Sugita: Not recently, it has been quite a while..All: AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!Yasumoto: We should stopwe should stop..Nakamura: Sugita-kun, either you talk louder, or get closer to the microphone.Sugita: (closer to the mic) Not recently, it has been quite a while.Ono: Too close!Yasumoto: (to Sugita) Will your company be okay with this?Kamiya: But he said that to me very seriously!! (using a Sugita-ish tone) Niisan(= Kamiya), I havent squeezed any womans breasts recently. Can I squeeze Niisans breasts?All: AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!Kamiya: He said that to me at work!!Nakamura: So when you get as desperate as he is, you dont really care what kind of breasts they are.Yasumoto: If that is what troubling him, then lets set it as his goal.Nakamura & Ono: Yeah lets do that.Sugita: .Nakamura, you are about B-CUP(size of a bra), right??Nakamura: Me?!!!!All: AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!Nakamura: No, this year should be different!! This year you should squeeze WOMANs breasts.Kamiya: GAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Nakamura: Last year you squeezed Kamiya-sans breasts.Sugita: Yes.Nakamura: This year you should aim for womans breasts.Yasumoto: Thats an improvement.

Sugita formally announces his new year goal for 2008:This year I will squeeze female breasts, even non-human ones will do.

All: AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!Nakamura: He doesnt care if it is human or not.Yasumoto: He is bringing down the level of his goal.Nakamura: He is bringing it down TOO MUCH!!Ono: So animals will do.Kamiya: (laughing and unable to talk)Nakamura: Kamiya-sans Nyanko-sensei(his cat) is female?Kamiya: Male, male. (laugh)Yasumoto: Too bad. Ah! My dog is female.Sugita: Then lend me Ginkos breastsOno: Dont try to achieve your goal like that!!Yasumoto: But she did a surgery to remove her xxx, so she has no sex.Kamiya: This radio is terribleNakamura: Sugita-kun, Ganbatte ne(Try your best)!!

(21:45)Ono: The last one, everybody. Let us decide HiroCs new year goalKamiya: (cutting Ono off) So now we have decided our new year goal for all five of usAll: Wai.wait!!!!!Nakamura: Dont think you can stay CLEAN on your own!!Kamiya: What do you want..Ono: Yeah! It is your turn! The most important one! Main event!Kamiya: why dont you just decide my goal whatever you like then?Yasumoto: Why are in a bad mood? Please dont sulk!Nakamura: We havent done anything to you yet, have we?Sugita: Yeah, even though I got dirty enough alreadyAll: Hahahahahahah!!!!Nakamura: Seriously there is some weight in your words.Yasumoto: Today he acts like a real man.Nakamura: Its great to see this side of Sugita-kun.Kamiya: Aahaha..

(22:25)Yasumoto: (to Kamiya) What you think you didnt have enough this year?Kamiya: So next year I should try to get what was not enough this year.Sugita: You should build some muscle.Kamiya: Build muscle. Hmm.Nakamura: (to Sugita)You.he made such a fool out of you, how do you manage to say nice things like that?Kamiya: GAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Yasumoto: You are such a nice guy.Nakamura: Just amazing. Are you a god?

***********************************DGS 40(20:15)

Question: Do you think you can handle a long distance relationship?

Kamiya & Ono: Oh!!!!!!!!!Ono: We have a very Dear-Girl-ish question today!Kamiya: (using his best voice) Yes indeed..weve been talking about relationships a lot in this show.Ono: Your voice!! Hahaha!!!Kamiya: Relatiionship, long distance relationship.Ono: Yes, relationship.Kamiya: OnoD, have you been in a long distance relationship before?Ono: Hmm, unfortunately, I havent.what about HiroC?Kamiya: Me neither.Ono: We both have no experience.Kamiya: what should we do?(Staff laughing in the background)Ono: Did you just say What should we do?.haha.Kamiya: btw, how far is long distance?Ono: Hmm, well, I am from Kouchi.Kamiya: Oh, Kouchi. I am from Ibaraki. How about between Ibaraki and Kouchi?Ono: I think that is long distance.Kamiya: Really.Ono: How bitter-sweet.Kamiya: I have never been to Kouchi.Ono:, you jerkwell I havent been to Ibaraki.Kamiya:what should we do?Ono: What should we do? Hahaha!!

Somehow the topic has become long distance relationship between HiroC and OnoD.Meaningless info: Between Ibaraki(Ushiku) and Kouchi, it costs 20180yen(one way) and takes 8 hours by bullet train plus local train, or 33620yen and 5 hours by plane.

More talk on long distance relationship.Kamiya: I think I dont mind if it is only for one year or so. If you dont know how long you will be separated, then it is a bit difficult.Ono: Is there a maximum or minimum distance for long distance relationship?Kamiya: I dont know..whether you can make a round trip in one day?Ono: But nowadays it doesnt take long to get to places like Korea.Kamiya: That is the REAL long distance relationship!! Different countries!!Ono: But you can make a round trip to Korea in one day.Kamiya: Yes it is possible. It is possible, BUT!!Ono: Okinawa is surprisingly far.Kamiya: Eh.what? You have a woman in Okinawa???Ono: HUH?Kamiya: Actually, when you decided to leave Kouchi, you said to your women(plural): Im going to be a BIG STAR in Tokyo so let us break up.Ono: Hey!!! That sounds so mean!!Kamiya: You said that you will become a big star in Tokyo so you cant go out with them anymore, didnt you?Ono: Ah.yes.Kamiya: I was right!!!!K&O: Hahahaha!!!Ono: NO! NO! Hahaha!! I never went out with a girl before I left Kouchi.Kamiya: Oh!!Ono: Yeah.Kamiya: Shocking news!!!Ono: Shocking news? Isnt it normal?Kamiya: I guess it is normal.Ono: Well I left Kouchi when I was 18.

***********************************DGS 43

3 guests came to the show and they did the etude thing again.

Theme: Assume you are a detective. If your buddy is being kidnapped, how do you save him in a high-tension and kakkoi(cool) way?

As expected, Kamiya made Ono go first.while Kamiya easily evaded doing it himself.

Kamiya: When you think you have successfully saved your buddy, please ring the bell yourself to end it. Are you ready? So I am being kidnapped now, Ono-kun please save me.Ono: Let me show you my (manly) way!!

(20:00)START!Kamiya: Wah~~~help me~~~!!!

Ono: Hiroshi!!! HIROSHI~~~~!!! Hey, you criminal!!! Let go of Hiroshi!!Cant you see he hates it?!! Ah?!! What?!! Im not carrying any weapon!!Cant you tell?!!Okay, Im going to take off my clothes one by one.Are you happy now?! (stripping sound effect by OnoD) Are you happy now?!!(more stripping sound) Are you happy?! (more stripping sound) Are you happy?!?!!!.you see I dont have any weapon!! Cant you see?!!!!Look!! Look at me!! LOOK AT MY EVERYTHING!!! Dont have weapon!!!!Okay okay okay. Please listen. Im going to sing a song of your hometown.(cough, prepare to sing)..Wait!!! Dont lay your hands on Hiroshi!!!..Im singing nowOkasan(mother)~~~

Kamiya: That is enough. (Kamiya rings the bell)FINISH!

All: Hahahaha!!Kamiya: Please take this as the lower bound.Guests: This is the lower bound?!!Kamiya: If I didnt cut him off, he would go on forever.Ono: But it was just getting good..

***********************************DGS 45

At Kamiyas mansion = Kamiya House = Kamiya Studio = Kami Sta(1:15)Ping-pong! (Door bell)Kamiya:(through the intercom) ..yes?Ono: Hehe.we are here.Kamiya: Who is it?Ono: It is OnoD. Ah, from Bunka Housou(broadcasting company of DGS).Kamiya: (Treating Ono as if he was a SALESMAN) We dont need anything.(Intercom switched off.)Ono: Hey!!!(Muffled laughs from staff.)Ping-pong! Ping-pong! (Not giving up and pushing the door bell again)Kamiya: yes?Ono: Sorry to keep you waiting.Kamiya:.who is it?Ono: It is OnoD. From Bunka Housou.Kamiya: .what did you come here for?Ono: Eheh, recording?Kamiya: Oh..will you quit it? I will formally file a request through Aoni production to make you quit this..Ono: Okay, okay, we will send it by fax later.(Turning the door knob) (Knocking the door)Ono: Please open the door! Please open the door!

(3:07)(Door lock opened.)Ono: ..wait. The door is still locked with the chain.Kamiya: (still treating Ono like a salesman) We dont need anything.Ono: You dont needKamiya: I told you already. I am going to stop this through Aoni production..Ono: Eh.we will get ex-post-facto approval!!Kamiya: Eh? Ahahaha..Ono: We are here already! It is cold outside! Its cold! Its very cold!!Kamiya: Alright(Finally, chain unlocked.)Ono: Very nice of you, just as I expected.Kamiya: Wah!! So many staff!!!Ono: Ono Daisuke, COMMENCE INTERVENTION!!(The large army of staff marched in.)(7:38)Ono fishing around Kamiyas living room and finding lots of game/anime collection.Ono: What is this place? Second graders room? (Middle schools second grade is about 13-14 years old)Kamiya: Yeah I was told often that this is like a kids room.(8:00)Kamiya: Hey, what are you opening?! It is all BLCD inside!!Ono: Oh so this is the BL BOX.Kamiya: Stop opening it!Ono: They are all kept here. Lets open them all..look at these drawers!! They are full of games and BLCDs!!(10:10)Ono: Everybody, lets check out THE BEDROOM!! (knocks on the bedroom door)Kamiya: There is no one inside.Ono: No one inside.Kamiya: What are you doing?Ono: (whisper) Excuse me.Kamiya: You are going into my bedroom too?!Ono: It is pitch-dark inside. Can I go in? Can I go in?Kamiya: To make the living room look tidy..I dumped a lot of stuff into the just stop it!!(Heavy breathing sound from Ono.)Kamiya: ..hey, you are so gross!!(Ono went in and found lots of Gundum toy.)(11:10)Kamiya: ..hey you!!! Why are you lying down?!!(Staff all burst into laughters.)Kamiya: DO NOT SLEEP ON MY BED!!!Ono: Ah~~~this is so good~~~Kamiya: This is NOT good!!Ono: Your bed is so big.Kamiya: It is semi-double size.Ono: Semi-double?Kamiya: Apparently this size is just right for a guy.Ono: It is the right size. Okay..Im going to sleep with the cat now.Kamiya: Get up!!! Quick!! Quickly get up!! Quick!!(Sound of Kamiya kicking Ono furiously.)Ono: Ouch!! Ouch!!Staff: Hahahaha!!!Kamiya: What the hell are you doing?! Seriously! People who listen wont know what is happening!Ono: Right now I am being kicked at. And now, Nyanko-sensei is walking across my body which has just been kicked at.

Kamiya: You are opening that too?? Stop it!!Ono: It is the closet.Kamiya: It is just all clothes.Ono: Clothes.Kamiya: Ono-kun, why are taking off your jacket? Close the closet!oh that is stajum(Stadium Jumper=American style sporty jacket)..why are you wearing my stajum?!!!Ono: Not hiding any porn?Kamiya: No such thing!Ono: How about under the bed?Kamiya: Nothing there!Ono: How about under the mattress? (Sound of knocking on wood)Kamiya: Stop it!Ono: Oh!! (Found an idols photo book) SEXY!! (Found another idols photo book) SEXY!! (Found a knitting magazine for women) SEXY!!Staff: Hahahahaha!!!Ono: I really dont understand your definition of sexy.Ono: How come you have this? How to knit a shawl, cape and Poncho - For beginners.Kamiya: I was just curious about how to knit.Ono: You are knitting??Kamiya: I am not..I was curious about how you can make those things from a thread of yarn.Ono: You have a strong sense of curiosity!!

DGS #58, Kamiyas and Onos menu.DGS #58, Kamiyas and Onos menu.DGS #58, Kamiyas and Onos menu.

vellath:Kamiya and Ono's MenuKAMIYAS MENU

Morning = Rice, Miso soup, Grilled fish, Pickled vegetables, Natto(fermented soybeans). A typical Japanese breakfast.

Lunch = Bread. Coffee. Very simple.

Dinner = Hamburger(not the American kind but the round Japanese kind that you eat with rice). Pasta. Deep-fried things.(According to Ono, Kamiya is smirking while day-dreaming about this)-ONOS MENU

Morning = French toast. Milk Tea.Ono: She will be wearing a long knit (jumper? I assume Ono is imaging the girl to be wearing the long knit and no bottom) and she will say to me You will oversleep~~

Lunch = Oyako-don(Chicken and egg on rice)

Dinner = Omelette.

DGS #45DGS #45Ono:Not hiding any porn?Kamiya:No such thing!Ono:How about under the bed?Kamiya:Nothing there!Ono:How about under the mattress? (Sound of knocking on wood)Kamiya:Stop it!Ono:Oh!! (Found an idol's photo book) SEXY!! (Found another idol's photo book) SEXY!! (Found a knitting magazine for women) SEXY!!

DGS #45. I cut it...DGS #45 I cut it

Ping-pong! (Door bell)Kamiya:(through the intercom) .....yes?Ono:Hehe....we are here.Kamiya:Who is it?Ono:It is OnoD. Ah, from Bunka Housou(broadcasting company of DGS).Kamiya:(Treating Ono as if he was a SALESMAN) We don't need anything.(Intercom switched off.)Ono:Hey!!!(Muffled laughs from staff.)Ping-pong! Ping-pong! (Not giving up and pushing the door bell again)Kamiya:......yes?Ono:Sorry to keep you waiting.Kamiya:.......who is it?Ono:It is OnoD. From Bunka Housou.Kamiya:.......what did you come here for?, recording?Kamiya:Oh........will you quit it? I will formally file a request through Aoni production to make you quit this.....Ono:Okay, okay, we will send it by fax later.(Turning the door knob) (Knocking the door)Ono:Please open the door! Please open the door!DGS #32. I cut it again DGS 32OnoD:If you love me, then you will give me Hiroshi, right??HiroC:Eh....OnoD:No actually....I LOVE Hiroshi!!HiroC:Eh.....? Wait.....wait!!!OnoD:I LOVE HIROSHI!!!!!!!!HiroC:Right, that's it. I am going to say it too.OnoD:Yeah, go ahead and say it.HiroC:I.....OnoD:Hmm.HiroC:More than (I love you)....OnoD:Hmm.HiroC:I LOVE MYSELF!!!

Cute?Cute?OnoD:Ne, Hiroshi-san...HiroC:Hm?OnoD:Am I cute?HiroC:You're the cutest one... If you're the only one human in the world.OnoD:Meanie...Love Me Back?Love me back?OnoD:I love youHiroC:HmOnoD:Will you love me back?HiroC:I won'tOnoD:Will you love me back?HiroC:...I won'tOnoD:Will you love me back?HiroC:Shut up! I won't love you back -angry-OnoD:Hiroshi-san kawaii! Now will you love me back?HiroC:-facepalm- Whateva...OnoD:I know, you love me.

You're sobbing...You are sobbing...Kamiya:So *sobs* what should we do?Ono:You're sobbing...Kamiya:*sobs* what?Ono:KAWAII~~~!!Kamiya:Shut up! *punch*I cut it.I cut itOnoD:No actually....I LOVE Hiroshi!!HiroC:Eh.....? Wait.....wait!!!OnoD:I LOVE HIROSHI!!!!!!!!HiroC:Right, that's it. I am going to say it too.OnoD:Yeah, go ahead and say it.HiroC:I.....OnoD:Hmm. HiroC: More than (I love you)....OnoD:Hmm.HiroC:I LOVE MYSELF!!!OnoD:AHAHAHAHA!!!

Precious moments.Precious momentHiroC:"Chateau Kamiya is probably a date spot."OnoD:"You don't mind going with me?"HiroC:"There will be staff too."Omg, Ono! Do you want to be kissed by Kamiya?Kamiya:(reads letter) "I had my first kiss when I was in third grade" No way!! "Inside an empty classroom after school."Ono:Ouch!!!! Ouch!!!!Kamiya:Empty classroom after school. How nice.Ono:Did you do it too? Did you do it too?Kamiya:No!! Classroom is for studying!Ono:STUDY?Kamiya:I can't talk to a girl alone in class at all! Can you?Ono:I can. I can. I can.Kamiya:What do you talk about? I will just stare at the breasts!Ono:I will look at the butts from her behind.Kamiya:Don't know how to start a conversation with a girl!Ono:Yeah can't have a conversation!Kamiya:I can't exactly say, "Oh your breasts are so big", right?!Ono:No you can't.Kamiya:Right?!Ono:Have you kissed before?Kamiya:This person has his first kiss in third grade!Ono:HiroC, have you kissed a girl before?Kamiya:(ignore) That is so awesome.Ono:I haven't. I haven't kissed even once.Kamiya:(ignore) So jealous! %# ('&(($'&!!Creo que Hiro C nuca ha estado con una mujer, jajaja.

OnoD wants go out with HiroC's daughterOno:What if I go out with Hiroshi-san's daughter?Kamiya:ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!!Ono:.......why not? WHY NOT?Kamiya:Of course NO!!Ono:I will take good care of her.Kamiya:Good care??! Huh!!??! You must be joking!! Why should I give you my daughter? Well, not that I have a daughter!!Ono:How about HIROKO?Kamiya:No way!! What Hiroko?!Ono:Please give me Hiroko.Kamiya:No way.Ono:Why not??Kamiya:Definitely NO.Ono:I will feed her well.Kamiya:No no no.Ono:Will always feed her well. I will work hard.Kamiya:Shut up.Ono:I will work hard and buy a mansion (to live comfortably with her).Kamiya:Won't do if you don't buy a big house. You need to live with her FATHER as well.Ono:Wohohohoho!! Two generations (in one house).Kamiya:Yes two generations.Ono:Don't like the idea.Kamiya:What? Then no.Ono:(complains with tongue- clucking)Kamiya:How dare you make that sound to your senpai! And your father!Ono:Hahaha.....senpai and father.Kamiya:Won't give my daughter to someone like you.Ono:I'll ask her mother for permission then.Kamiya:Her mother does not exist!Ono:It's all fantasy hahaha.Lol. Ono desperately wants to go with Kamiyan? 8DKamiya:Would be nice to go and see firework show (in summer).Ono:Firework show........(whispher) with who?Kamiya:Isn't it obvious?Ono:With me?Kamiya:With cute female seiyuu of course.Ono:With me?Kamiya:Not you..........NOT YOU!!!!Ono:HAHAHAHAHA!!! Said it twice, and your face at the second time. HAHAHA. Enough already. I-I-I got it.Kamiya:(whisper) Not you.......Sent using Sony Ericsson Cedar