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Scrocfaiy aciflo8l lO-T_-Dff ofi and: issage. agW >nS.denl meri-aj ad, -?1. .v.t-:-d _ laobco lestran _evess« iat ha I .ported on Hem bout 40 i canny ressed i teantim en* 01/-.4 s.-c<_ ' ftaa At oil the -NoriB K!«arj?'e*T!e» ana too Jersey ussy J 0 **- >'~,'.-'-__ J Two st PHB EA^T.F/l^ WASHINGTON A_YD ALBANY, have bee PHE EAGLE oan be found chi sole in Wa-_"trj«_-on a* T)Rt>7 in enow* stand* ie the Arlington Hotel and Ws:!ord*s; iL, ._ , id in A_b.-7.y-it -__•*» now s #t*n a in She f>.!»van House. " a-WuOi WASHINGTON SEWS BUKEA0. W M W) _S Fourteen _ «<<New<«T>*p<>r R o w ) . W a s h i n g t o n , D . O. ,,. _.„ T ^ THE EAGLEINJEUROPE. , Cbar.es I •SI EAOI*S«&s b«obt»to«xJ»tjtti«American Exehsnifo, City, on S> Strand; Grig's United Sttftea Exchange. 9 Strand,, j _ " rtrt AringCroS*; American Trailers* Reading Room*, -1 ! KiO.UUW SBghani place, and A. K. O. K .change Ci:«b, '175 Now | rficeivOfl i nd strews, London. A. - so»at:t5 Boulevard doe Ca^ti- ) „ , , . , 7 _ IK.-. Miiaroe A Co.'_,7 Kw Sfcrib., .-nd Anglo-Air*-.:- ! JJOtQWMM i B^nsi..!.- Con>.oi.y*f_, C'i»i«*v- d'As.!*- and Kn« j work» in 9r»rbe«.*, Pnrls; JarrwsT. Ba£->.t*Co.. G««i]t>v*,Swifter- , c , r d.aJK- •••be UoTTiiar. Transatlantic Kaebange. ?8 £ nod- « «<>" »" fa.tr>>>so. Berlin, W. - t ronndfd " ...'" . ':"". ."" " . J ' ' 'ing, A do< to TO COB8eSP0W»X.X«. origina... ^m .. ••" "•—— worn doTt WtUasswn&l that contriSntlions tmacc&mpanlea ^jd,,^ j Kt^tampea^nveiowjt to 'Jttarantee their return, burning < Y^EitwCL are not reoarOM __/ tftHr irrritersas Ian was w Wm/t recovering. Tfte ____.dL_. cannot undertake in the do< life id cov. ^tna oaci: sttch mamtscrlx^s. * *&*&«* P •':,. AaCSEJIMTS TflJS KTESI5G. teff&tTto^ [ B_-.ooxx.-_r. _ngin_>id A-*_*_iio_. ACAHKM7—?au»t< body was Bsoosx.'irs TSEATE»—True I *__> Hearts. ' "; mainiiiK GAIXTT TarKATSB—Varleiio*. - , ,i j GXAjroTsnsATB*—Drama ana Variaiy. , , W J 1J:K AVESLK Tasuxx^-iittjle lord Faaotlaroy. 8€nt» tae 3*A»;K TKKATST^—©ockstadoT * Minstroln. Zxw*s CASISC*—Mairio. ^ ' J SKWTOtS. ., . B u o n TEKAtty.a—Xatnral GJ s. OcdtTTi BaiOAnWAX/THBATKif-^Tk* C olab...--,«• CASINO—Tfne Brijfandi DALY'S IfeATTR—A Poor R iJalion. Jnsticci B»J2» MJCSSCB—Waa 'WorJia a >d 3!u*»a. ettinffini EtPTH AvrSCXTHZATJEK—I !»o^i. ? j nj v }j B ^ j FotfSi^ESTn SXRXZT THKA rKii-Fairies' Wall- TirtV.rtJ BfSAJTrf OPXXA HorSS-StiD Alarm. \ t?f rf tTex^MTHXATCR-Lord Cfciim!«7. J1CJU CO U KAO^pjt SQWAKX TiWATxa- -Bootloa* Baby. French. ij Susie's GAJCDZX—Autiopo. ••:;•.. street, wj ?A£bfER*s THKATER—CIOVBT InsaffO. j ^ocxoaV TsstAiis—Tb» G raas .MeiropoSio. . Lizzie] *. " ^~ to answef LVSTALLE1> A SI ir PA2>TOC Calder'**i Eev. X Vt. Sbippen was tllia afternoon instaDed ^ 'T^L^ (astorof the Presbyteriarf Chnrch. at- Shinne- ,£• t ock. I OT«GeA *-4 t o ansiwtfl JACK DKHPSETf soil COJUXO HOXS. AHndip —! 1 some tiia Notwithstanding the- 1 *re|>orte to the effect that other, " iack Deinpsoy is on hi> way home, it may be promptly totod ihathe will not bo in the .East, before the inrarcd^ >eginnhi2 of the year. 1 he manasje? of I>emp- teyJJaw York Saloon sz id thi« xapraJna that ^ Tack vfonld makejin, extOB tied tonr ol the "West >efor« rotnrnin^FhoEQO- - A New' J •.,— 1 Mayor Gl (• BATH BEACH JKWEKAGE. P ^<,<) I n : , : ?%vo iljiwiJroU Xhounaail Dollixr* t o b e made by 1 Spout on a sy!,:«•!». atrainnt'^1 Jnry begi The Bath Beueh Sewer C'ommisaion, consisting tsrdayaf if A. V. B. Voorheea, presic ent: John V. Van Pelt. Mayor Gl reaanrer; (Jornelins Fnrjneaon, Jr., secretary; injftheel frederick DeJInn<l, 3f. !>., and George E. No*- so that he rand, have decided on a plan for- the- sewerage A, concitiii >f.Bath Beach and Bensor i;nrst.. Tise sysfcom is .' . » be in forking order ;»y May 1,1800, with a j 3 >enalty of 31 OO.a day'for t very day beyond that ;i,me. Dwrjng the past Sai imer, in company witn Two yo Engineer Saranel H. McE roy, they v&jtcd New "Wolfahrt, iondon, Oo*an Grove, A*b ary Bark and Atlantic Seibert, < 3ity to learn their systems Tha pla!> adopted is Etnshii^g ike that of Ocean Grove, New I^dndoa and As- light wa; >nry ^ark. sad isknowh a t the direct? drainage the whole lystem*' The emptying mains will ran sevea beenplac randred feet oat into Grt vesen.3, Bay* The di»- person. ' riot to be sewered will coi aprise allthat between, they were fifteenth streetbn the^noithwest, Eisbty-fonrtb Spiegel; c itreet on the northeast, Twenty-third street on the picion of otitheastandGravesentljBay on the southwest, [neontletpipe i=»to be of] iron and Iff inches in Uaxneter. and'•will ran to a depth of D feet in low rater. The system as no4 provided for will raja k a s t ni< leven miles and will-cost 505,000. Many of the .Mill in th treets within the district fixed upon are aot to by Mr. Si © sewered. The entire system projected for mill was r Sath Beach and Eensonh irst will require forty no fire in liles of rania* and cost about S2';0,000. This at a loss* t ystem is espocSed to car: y off the sewage for a He th'mb ppulatioa of 100,000. v •; others tbi »| ' v ing. BOUNB FOE BEMPSTEAB. &Q Lrrrtugciu^ntH rompt.eted HOT U»e F i r e - Thefiii menVTnVJextWwk. tion at;B The special meeting of the Volunteer Firemen onTues<h istnight was called to oraer by Jnage Courtney, 9* »be rtui rho stated that he wantejd them td present a s t a n d yoai farong front and neat apj«aranco on iheir trip e^h»bvtloi o Hempstead next Wednesday. 1 v T J a John Bray, from the Committee on Trausporta- hAV0 i>e& ^ km, stated that a train consisting of three cars cover and nd a fiat to carry their enkine was engaged and rouMboin readiness at th& Flatbnab avenue Jonsa-rc epoton the morning of t ic l-Stblat 0 o'clock. » r9 soUioj; The temporary secretary said ^oat there wore s ^ K! J r ' ?*"! 16 names on the list of; hose going and that ']^,t*Jl*J bey had paid $2 each. A." Hour, i John Jones stated it as h s opinion that Hemp- . teadwas not much of a town, as ho was there Tire W nee aud could not see m« h of a place. inWtatuinn E. J. Thomas thought th> gentJeman must be nowt<yi«»4 listakon, as there were a c umber of good hotels Wsusxtn, 2 the town and the beer w is excellent. After considerable debat<| in regard to the mo- jy jg a | jentons question as to wh£ib-3r it.was necessary am at Go*. >r the officers to wear coatB or not, and in which gk; n «oft. w Iderman Murphy, TommjiO'Conoor and Eddie homas took part, A was dqcided that they should . WOXES 3orn themselves with thojgarmoats,^ flpiestion, TObjwttoh ad the meeting adfournedT rmno^od by ——H SONS OF SkLTA. \ . ±—; CT>ARK3 ; Banquet aitd Jopificatioa at «»« 1S8». at s Clarendon. GEORCHER! Over one hnndred "of the Knights of St John .Tobnsoo. nd Malta gathered last right in. an upper room w«dn««tay f tha Clarendon Hotel t 'if- discuss an elaborate iJ?Xi.iZ anquet provide<l by the J ew York and Brooklyn briW» W lembers of the order fos the newjy elected offi- ^£t?u£% ers of *M delegates to th > annual convocation KAYS-S f sir knights from all pas ts of the United States 8- GKOBSK nd Canada which has leen in session for the - "'CXFTRX ist two < lay3 in Brooklyn. The banquet was therwiidon< lore particularly in hon >r of the newly elected *7 :b .'». ^•'t £5ccrs of the Chapter General of America, who i&Srr&ad re as follows': M E. Gra ad Commander C. Am- ruster, of New York: B E. Lieutenant Com- mander Alexander, ; ol V ilmiagton, BeL: Y.E. K\-RKV*F aptain of Guards NelsonPerkiaa Kane, of Pena- JIKTT, »K«d jivania; V.E.Private V'. A. Carter,of Brook-' .^""Jf"* 1 rn: V. E. Chancellor J. L. McElroy, of XCT York: JVidVa* s '. E Assistant Chancellor C. Merriott, of New \ OARMSI ork: V.-E. Jtlmoner J. M. Goodenough. New "4^™$ ork: V. E. Herald &£Anc j W. H. Goff, Brooklyn: on Tbor^a ;. E Sward Beartr, J. Hoage* Brooklyn; Y. tJ&%£l L Marshal Thomas Bf wley, Toronto, Ont.; t«nd. lnta '. E First Guard P. Hlig, of Morri3ania: OAL-IE* '. E. Second Guard J. B. SuraS, Brooklyn: V. E. j^S«nS« lusical Director Vf, Y. Bdlynd, New York; V. E. Kidd«*. ft tedical Director B.' W. Dyer. Mi D.. New York; * tSSl'S : :EfWart!.en M. D. Hamiton,New York: V. E. JAMHO$ entinelAYilHam D-Bussoll, Allegheny, Pa-: V. . R * 1 »« , **f t Grand Trustee B. E. A. Land, Canada; V. E !«4 T Ky»T»i 0 ; rand Trustee A-'Dt Smi h, Brooklyn r V. E At- t«"i>*nta|. >rney J. Lv? Shirley, New York- Beside these c<>mnao*£ antlemen there were delegates from all parts of Ry»rson»t. menca present. "—?*? ' Oon.nifcutio In the mystic language e f the order, the "Jfoa r ; jgrecs were worked" yesi er'day andto-day the GRREXt istallation of officers will take place! It was n LOCISK few clock before thoso ceren onie3 were concluded ^t?"*?.*'!,; id the lenzghts bad filed Into tha dimngroom.; are incited. William K. Gear, chairioan of the Beception -M?^ 11 ?- immittee, welcomed the doiogates, while iter V^'uevr, ere still standing, in a ne at speech? He referred Prii>ad.» m the work of the Chapter General of America ^onu-'l iring the past few days in glowing term3 and CT53, in'be?: •nciaded by turning over the office of presri- ' B y *"* , a S j* I »ntof the dinner to Eminent District Deputy t«mbeif?3i' rand Prior Henry C. Sieg cnann, who happily re- HOWU: arked that the honor ha 1 been conferred upon U K^i^»''(j mtokeephim fromeati »g,aspresidingofficers. {»**..ati; l' are obliged to spend all iheir time in talking. HYDE—p > did not propose-to follow tlds programme. Kn„exa! t" j called upon-the Grand 5 *reiato to ask a bless- flowers- s upon the feast, which ? r as immediately there- - . JOHSs<): ter begun... fun^ai » Lt was not long before j Residing officer Sieg- 5||S*,*|*SSS ann was moved to propo*e a toast to "Oar Or- Tl \i' ,!222 r." to which be called up >n Past Grand Com- *Z5& £ X. ^nder li. A. Land to respc nd. That gemleman ^""'/„'.,,[ id ajvann tribute to the Knights of St- John* Ean«ra) \s a Malta- and prophesioi i in the; coming years Cbareb. Ja> inaea«c of the membership from 1,400 to arere»p<M:/ WQOO and then to X40.0C 0 in America. Gemeteryca rhe cjwinaaa then eallei [• opoa Past Eminont I/YONS-i rand Cpmaaander Wariiu to respond to a toast £**,***?%} ^^i 6 ' h ^ lx l} of v? Io 5* , E »*n^«t Grand Com- £? l S r °* g Ind^r S^ttV i$L%$&t' characterized Com- t£Z?<t«™ ^fv* at ^»•' *io*tl!»f ermgterm* and con- day.'Sop-teiai nde<.l by presensdig the si ibject of h;s remarks. McCAPKJf ^txRTt^t^-*? 1 }^ the room. w,th a P ? n i a J.: Y&iHt^ty 1 * *™*h% ol hi* wnk. Cheers R«l«iw < llowed and the recipient after a modest speech Mwc ' T < A ->- thanks retired. »»*^cvi» from hisJ»t« J» Cowan, of Toronto, sp >ke to the sentimfint. ° OT { ^* , y of 0'"Siriaaghtsor- Bro,>l iy,„" prftig;'„g iXtty MOIXES6 o hospitality of the sir \ in ght* of the City of ?JSi,»^S5 tiurches and of >tew lori City. vi?uV-?, Dbairman of the P.e.eept; >aCommittee, William SotiJo^ir f. Gear, got even wub tie Canadian by teiitng NUt.TY-> the glorious tnp ho had had to Toronto with a Brooklyn. .\j ilrti* regiment some yc<ars aeo. Mr. GeorKe <ntbo5:wy, ren spoke to the toast, "Xho Press." Speeches Pij«ad»ai» ,te also mad© by Messrk Ambraster, ConKhn, ,h *!; "V^'i . Alexander, JonasJL. McElroy. J. Goodenou«h, J*?* 1 f*Jt McKelvey, WiHiam GoiTMr.Dean axtd Ean- S^?X&2 nt Sir Knight Murphy. . . . K« £t was a late hour whoa the parry broke n^ *it«d t* att thmutual^eB wishes. J „...„ ^ 5H> H:«"«- E2ie Beceptioa Committeo were William K. F -- 1 *- •arTofCoeiir de Lion C^nimandery; V. K. Cai- „PENN-IST( n, of Xoribandy Commahdery: T. £. Bowno, of *?S2S®S tusder CSamandery: W. D. Murphy of Pal- thto%£& meComuiaodery: Wiliiim BacKett.of Brook- ROUTH-4* t CommaSdery; John Pack* ot Golden Cross Rocra. 8<8 mraaade/y. Xnt«no«nt , .... ':( " 'goo; passage on too awpwiiij; omw VA «V 7 H af. the State Ifine,lying|a4 the foot of b«irofpaue e ireist. While he was ot|;the dock this employed er ,a ; stranger engaged ,bim in conversa- %-^-rmi jnformedbim that hotoohad engaged tyy ^ ^ ttrtho steamer, and waafalso bound for at theiraom ; After a* while tho atraager hecarne n'lttexwKn tial and askodBbwei tolethimhaye'soaio time: iay ro! a money, adding that all|his cash was in x ° d ° < ?^ of *fi England notes. Bow©, ijrho is decidedly ^ n d Caegtm oniptly turned over *ll|-the"money he, 55 in stolfi* and Hhei stranger lo^t ••••-•. '•-.'• ik making himself I scarce.. Bowe V^ANl i tie deck for him patiently a long time, %ll*p*S woo auspicious of his aransactlon witttt \^7" A ^i'^ gor. and informed one of the oTEcersof m M t gieep'j I of what had transpiron. He waatoW J^*-?^?.?. 8 iadjUndonbtedlyheen svlindled, and he "SJCT'ANT the case at the Fifteenth Precinct Stai R J d ViUin^l se.| The swindler is described asbeir/g 'years,of age. 5 feet 7 icfehoa in haight, a?, branch, complexion, hair and mustache, aadwas cu; n dark clothing. He wdreablack ca> ^±.':^ JO are on the outlook fir Mm. - la the V V 1*M e Bbwo is nearly franticjover his'loss. ! ply for two < j '' ''• trandav. G THE STANDARD On. COaPiXY. j W ^ -. y:\ j peteetandb So hpay S25,0OO on il.cceunt of a apdaUffridi [• nnzmtluK StniJ' . ] XSTANT __________ T T wan ijts'for damagos, aggregating $25,000; 5^£_^ li broughtagaiasttbs Sta ^dardOil Cora^ offleg. •the Supreme Court, ly Morr_ and,' -rxrAin: ilse. For the death of Jaa aes Nolan, who T ? walttr k$ bs- the explosion ofj an oil still al ^Jf^SJ gait's Empire Oil Works in Loag Island: -ejrfj^Krr Mjreh 30 last, $5,000 is asked, audi yV and^ is the estimate placed nw >n the iajuriesi be neat and In tho-eamooccasioaby'Thomas Creem. \ to .^V M , y ^vrero minors and were e: aployod at the j , ': C< fixing a pipe leadingto> -another still, w » r ANT B No! 3 exploded. Th« still was sror- yy , ann &y a wall iu which was ( nly one open- throe days a irway. The still, it is al eged, although | ^T^ANT | of three-oighth inch iron, had been I TV a»i Tvtt the thinness of tin aad had been S^L^SS h several places. The ^ ill was faU of I y y ™ >il. and at tho time of tl o explosion No- \Swodoprofa wking iaside the wall tad Cream was H-BTn-ANT irway. Creomran screaming across the ;| TT and fred with burning oil. afll ime from head i?^ 06 - ..... He was caught by workm. >n and stripped | \?T7"AN1 >tting, shoes aad stockings. He is al- ^ernnce'l save boen severely bun ed. Nolau, be- nrxyAjfl f the wall, was unable to escape, and his . i Vv and ! !btjraed to a crisp, only a few buttons re- jatafofoeen I 'JThe issues of tho two ; aits are joined, fCSTANi (taiidard Company hast se -vod its answer, ^J J a- A ] *" neilixonce. Congreasmc a Covert repre- fw-TrT^N 1 ! 'dofenise. ''.'iW *eh j i •• . . » : T^ithb«st_of 3IS BEPOKTEBS' NOTE BOOK. XTTANT . ... ... .j- * T droa.', tuhxa Ol I_t«rcs»t i a J3 roolslyxt anfl plyat"283_C : .• ****** -., W^ Ebnna officiated in place of Justice Go- ™*»- awgji lie Lee avenue police co irt this morn- Cumberland found little to do. TPKTANT Gatos, of 250 Sonthj Foi irth street, was ,Y V and i, nilwer to-morrow for broking the $35 gjggK; lirrorof Walter Mcpov|rn. 38S Grand _ s _ r A N T iiSa iu the -act of assaulting his own ,.~$y ]_ OD !«b.atnbcrrr:ai Richardson, of 13 Khshitro^ was hold -^fegfj?] •on Moaday the cbapgo bf s' \king Ann •'•«'»T'A„T oii. of- 203 Grand stie|t, o-'thehoad, ^fV wash. e sharp instrument. 1 ..\, -i&S*?*^ .( * , i i L3.«i—— . p«t^nt ana . oleman. who yesterday drove his toanx, >|_|h^a». rj[c Burke, causing bis death, was held :vjrrAN1 On Monday. ' I I v V drc» iKtto a suspicions fijra fliich occurred ' J^^^jl e'ago. One court lawyer mquirod of an- lioPterropi What was the cantwri "No cause." _«o<*- darno tho answer, "fcxce*t that it was TSTANT [suppose." j {••; j tU.t^Z .;{'••' 8 "| thoroa«hJy <.' -• to-morrow (' TpCSTlGATIXG BAYOB-GKBASOX. Ryorion»t.j Yprk morning paper! male an attack on ..; casoD aad District Aftonley Fleming, of IS, ^T-ANT T<iunty. The latter was fk.ii\to have re- W* work Resent to the Grand JaVy the charges ^WJt^. the Aldermen of Lonk Island City .T/S^ANT te Mayor. Theifactps t3at the Grand riondod. W< Ca in an investigation (ff t«e charges yes- XTSTANT tei-noon aad examined soreral witnesses. , Wy wort «ja«on was largely instrumental ia hav-. refcrencojo- larges laid with the! coniity inquisitors "Vf/'ANT may have an opportnnit f to meet them. . ^ ^L. £° ri ijon will be roachetl sc-dolr- ^T_rANT I ' T - !~~ W / ' wori fiELfl FOB HOBSK SXBA1.I50. 26 S^ Jam* *-• i ' ' "'ITET'ANT aag men, eiviag t^eir names as John yty wo ^!c,. ,'of 4i>S Jefferson street, and Michael to.ia^ )f i44 George street, Uronght to tho "lA^ANT iiveauo Police Station yesfcerday a horse, f __*. # ^"J* :on. lap robe aad other jtlriviag tackle, ^-xr^-xT i'valued at $500,which|thoysaid had yy worl od m their possessiori by i lome anknowa 238jDoi_mb Jheir statements, being|uasatisfaotory TTITANT J on comnlasnt of tthe owner, Gustavo » _ work. >J 1,007 Bergen strfljot, tfctamed on sus- -j V y \ \ T having taken tho prorpert! f themselves. y y ^ orJ " —:— .'. J—~""j, ., once. _Call n A GRIST HILL BPR5BD. . \^AJSiT —t- j Tf worl t fire destroyed the S4ra Biver Grist in c.v>kin(r : Village of Pstobogae. It was owaed ^ ° ° * C7.7. Tho less is abotfe $3,000. The yV^£ an by water powor. JTbofe having been a ^d ha» KCKX the building for monttttlMr. Sweezy is ^BJ^ANT o account for tho taigAi of .tho blaze. JT work t, an incen:liary did the Tinsiness, while RM_. AI>P1 '" nk that lightningstjmcH theold build- 4^V^-J; ', V fi wwk 15*1. jlnQpir CGB wg_TilBB KOEt THE PAIS. ^hBTANT [of tho Long Island Livo|Stock Associa- plntb.* A T pj Huntington, which shonlifl have opened .GjtiJtTav.Tiei iy, was again postponed lo- day because vmrANTi i. The roof was blpwn| off tho grand Y J '*£$£ terday. Tho gronndji %ri flooded. The •cili arSss^J i will open to-morrow/ if Etho weather is 'VSTANT ad continue thrco dajil The judges Ty wort i examining the exhibits ^hat aro under eA^f c_la j some awards have b^en made. ; ^^yANT wy, wor ], >x BROS., Brooklyn's* popular grocers, f_&_^_? for accommodation off famllio.i half barrel •4f_-^~rvTrrV .rter chest to*, and tent podnd can coff««at ' y^V» ANT. pttoes. Also, for a f»w dfiys, "Pillsbary's ^%gg„ . * C 2 5 barrel, and, Oor jRolIfr Proc«a» "Pat. corner o: Oj ^^ t>aT7Cl - tl -i .. W&IM west stylos of wedding and reception »i*'-l irouor'a , vision.' card*, mono/drami. cre«;», etc. are V_5? e:n ?.PI a ?* sen at the atationnry dap-u tment of A. A. TEXT A N T Ik Co.. *40Tn\toa *t;ttioo'A*. J J w ° r!c - j:ood cook an - : :* I ' Apply_t40; i established fact that She contianous VVT'ANT. XTXi's BZSZOTS Cos_UTI<9 SOAP keeps tho _ _ T work j v. .. „v.»_, whoisaKOo-.! h 4 6eaadheal_if_. | ; . .- _. fetrod; liben * ' '.'.''.'•* aV, corner M< frem their sedoatar^ ha t>its are often ")T^A_rT ,ea-.:»che and const ipxtijn. These are qajekiy W : . work i CARTER'S _rrxc_ LTVER PILLS. ?'l e<! _ ), o r G '• . laandreas an: 1 " ' • I J ••• 2S7 Ryorson ,TTAKRIE1>. VrTANT J-PEOK-Cra mdnowiajr. September 11. ]_J_ w . ork ew Haven, by the Re-r. a T p . Nichols,.PASSU: c °° k ;washer lauKhter of H(«>r7 P«K*. oi New Haven, to "yj.i w< > cfl !^ EHFIXLI) CLARKE, of Ndw Y4r_ No cards. 55 ^r_V' lr ' w ^T-CONCKI-IN-By the Rav. D. V. St "«JOANT PAUL HOCUART to CC<RA U CoscKLry on , yly! work . September 11, 1830J at i P. M.„ at real- do pl-lin sawi »bride's brothor, 5}35 Franklin av. rwaiUed. Ap LN—MARTINEZ—At «h» residence of th<> SoAjnth avs._ rata. 4 7 S J.»xinjrton Mr, N >w York City, on -«'_--- A VT ; the 116b, W. 1.0HO—AN, Js ...to RLiZAuaxir. %'»/; x , ' •..-..:•:-. .Martinez. J i r w S r ' < MITH-In Brooklyn oa Sn;iday. Septornbor. 5?rTh_rsd W. KAXS to BX8* M, SMldu. only dauxhter „„Lr and tho late John Smith. ^^S ?s? i-BUCHANAN—Wcdoeadj,y. 11th Inst..at AA/jANX se of Nelson K. Buchanan, A i onry Park. N.J.. Tli work t>. O. Madook-C-osoiS W. JTEAnxs. JB.. of pirl; mnat be i. Y.. to E1.LA B., eldwiit 'daughter of Captain havB*oferon< lanan. of PtokafciU. N. Y. N > earda. No*tTjind av. ——-'—f- 5 >- : W ^ ^ *»**>: coUWeS'Sc T— O n Tneaday, September ip. SA JTCKL BAU- irona?; wage 62 years, a natire of Kpkowdy. Scotland. "WilfouKhby « -o respectfnlly invit«l n>at:end his funeral __r_ JLTgrn te resid«nc«. QZi. ityiilct «v, Brooklyn, oa WWi'^^ »: o'clock P.M. , - _*Tl work .K-On Monday. Septemoer S. NELSOS OAR- __rth|Ive 8 ci t) »rvice» at bia late reeidenc^ t. 4 9 S t . Felix st, __$___S! y. September 12. at 8 o^cloc: P. M. Friends < y anrf m o m i w s of Monta.uk !A>df;eand-I{oth- ter, I. O. <>. P., aro reapectfcU* mvated to at- 1 T _ 1 "ATTT^ •ment at WUmington. fibl, V y ^ t ^ j -On Wednesday, Septimbt! r ll.HAVrD _.. g- oetr Conl tho Ultth year of hi* aite.! ready in city •om the house of his brothor in law, Stephen nevor beoi at W Atlantic av. cm Friday, tho 13tb,a* 2 "Pl^lgg 0 -^^ ^RICK -On Wednesday. Septombcr 11, : . \\ TVA >*ed husband of Mary Fltzpi itrick. ^"ST'ANTl and rriond* of the farfjily aro respectfnlly . W E~£~J. attend the foneTal fror* hti late residence. JL__5rf~.!T! ,?*. 0, J. Pri<V. September i;',. at 2 P. M. In- TS^*TANT1 Ho'y Crosa Cometer/. Flitbu ih. V V i W m ^ VOLCXXXKK PlBEXlK-a ASSOCJATIOS— •" - --•" Yo-J aro hereby notiflftl to aiwomhSeatSS T^LT>VNTI on Friday, September I B , a,, 2 o'otook P. M., |V • boy s he f!inerai_ of JA_ES -inn PATRICK, lato of frtreet.i n En«ino No. 7. _.- _™J tr o /. Joint Codit-r: rjrr. President. . WT^ANTl F. BACEB, Corrospondjcfc * cretary. y Y : goner ,KAP—In Brooklyn, SeiUniber 11. MART ApplyatING ows. aged 74 years, wife] of k.bner Oreenleaf. TS"_ ; T ; "A"V v r : T iernc<K» at hor late resl.loc ce. &4 Sterlintc W W , iy evening a t 8 o'clock. Vrit nds and relatives •••!, 5_ v 80 ?,'^ Interment Satorday at Ore >nwood. . •*P p ' 7 .*L* 17 -On September 11, 18ii0, bia resTJonce. "V^Ti-NTI it. SAMCBL »_sar, tbdbolorod husband, of TT lyn k T ' _. - . . ' - • - .. . .1 "' > p.-acti«aandt ro respwjtrnily invited to a: t « n d his ianoral' It, Eagle offic Satorday. September 14Jat '.: P. M. f % V - r « Sj/r^t Y -On Tuesday. Septemlier .1.0. EJOCA r1iAS- v VV . . v k_s»ye*r, only and beloiied c aughter of John^ . T _T, to - ho ! laie Prances Hollely. TT i? WrP,?' wo ° her father's reaidencJB, 4 TS Park »v, Sep- 1ACTCR1NG it P. M. ! • "_YTANTJ <tv_On the i llth inst IjANJAnH.. widow Of W i bnsin nn Howland. of .\«w Bwdforfl.Mass. par»nfe. who r ? ,a , ^t? *'*-' iKc "*• Bniokl rn, Friday, 13tb to do any kini clock P. M. Interment it > ew Bedford. and h_yo goofi .t her- home, Hempsteadi I_ •:.. Mrs. Joaif S. toworX Add brancq. riday. 13th inst., at 3:30 P.M. Plcaao omit z=^.=zh=z S—On September 1 1. J.JLIIE O. JonNso*, ^jrTtri&vv the late Achim and Maitf Ji no Johnson. w s / T" 1 orvice Fr<d«y evening, at J o'clock, inter- "™ 'prove lay morning. Relatives and friends respect- girl, rojiding I. ,1 . . avenue-. - S BERG-At heT residence. I K> Sands at. this TXTANTi :er a short il!no*s, CAraf_c rs A. KSATZSJI- -yy | c i sss •rvicos at T P. M. at Mslflower Mission ' ?_i^_ !' ba * ex; Jrt, between Sands andfHijb. Hor friends y__- > ally invited to attend. Into mont private at ' > the Bverirreens. . '< _ ibis city, on Wednesday September 41. \TTANTI ixrt, a native of the Pariah ' /'arry-Kedmoad. ' Y T ! or won ^ingford. Ireland, i n t i e C Sth year of hor , bo aeon; at 1,0 f the late Peter .Lyons. } , Srirr a tirvi and friends aro reoaeltod to attond her Vl/ I J iher tato reeidence, 325tHui»on av.on Fri- T T 4 and s Ul3,at 2:30 P.M. SlfS^SS tEY-On Wednesday. S«pt«nbor 11. 1S80. yS__g?*H! McCArrxmr. a.-ed 37. f _ X^TANTl: _ d friend*, also members of Our Lady of yy to C ht]< B. Society, are invited td at end bia Iunerat by a respvjctal residence. 110 BeKalb »v. « the Oharch of second tloor. b Mercy, Friday, September 13,at 10o'clock. -^_^fcn^ N—On Thursday morniag. ifter a short Ml- V^/-?--*-*- 1 ! one, „03 Ooan st. Brooklyn, SAMUEL HOL- Y T. W « mi tsON. late of the firm of Moi! oson Broa-.Now Can b * seen avenutt^ meral hereafter. , ' j . '%"JIT5_NTE it his rwid«noe,2-46 Forty-i nghth st. South W i itntoi ivatcz NULXV. beloved ion >i Frank Nulty, tweenf 1 5 and •ar of his a«e.. ' j hoighSW rt relative* are respectfully ii.vitedto attend —.__?Si-sss So be heid- on Satorday a«2 J . M. \757}ANTE -Suddenly, en Wednesday, September 1JL' Y T j ito tai BniEX son of William an< I Mary O'Brien, girl. 1» iyoars« larofhfsage. Clinton 3t. bet nd friends of the family arc* respectfully in- »'VV£i' : v'7 , J?' *nd tho funeral lrom hi» Mate' residence, V*/C^ j:,J "r st, on Saturday. Soptemtx! r 14. at 2:30 _J.J ?•>* * fe willing and ob ™*&?&?%& lh910a * la8t - THOatA »^ wV.-SSS'SSo «nhi» late residence. 2^« CaltowhiU st. "IXT^NTJB tS.J?'?^^' ?°l>tember 32, RoszaT F. berwork^nd"' , ...l i!'- id expectations. CUTTERS. Box21.Eagle yy Jn '„ . •.'»'••• •."'•.-. " • - •" ' •'' ' j_ZS ' young, womr. 'ED—I WISH TO EMPLOY A ?§__{___* idicson salary totake charge of my bosincas "RT-TANS estentirelynnobjootionable: light; very fasci- »T care iesHtiful:notal'<ingrei:uired:permanentpo- gpectable gi M .$10 per week-ia advance; good pay for part toenth »t. ill 'orences inolude.somo of the best well known, __-_ | _ r< _-. iiievillo, Cincinnati .Pittsburg andI elsewhere." ^«rA^»-l !_ stamp. Mrs. MA&XON WALKER. Fourth yy tire it'sts, Louisville. Ky. _____ . 'by a respect i —r^ ~*~"—• " Can bo so;] > nna.n n_xt Weamstreimea. ;-:0.... ; First place. TBD—TO MTND A BABY' AND ^';..^::V"Ch p home, a girl; wages $6. 628 Qulnoy st. : V-,rV„TffT • B D ^ T O " M l N l > A- B A B Y ANT> W^»ic nbout the house, a reapeetablo yonnjr girl; goodreferou tt her own home; wages So a month.. 44 ^^gynTvrf '.5D-EXPEBIENGED MONTBXY e JcX oalff je, about end of October; must be competent __=asi~gH; to do work ot small family. Adih-ess, stating • \ A/ Ai*< 1 U SOUTH BROOKLYN. Box 8, Eagle Fifth V y bern •-. - VV, '- •••.•'.: -••- ••< ••• dren.by a ——— • • , . ., • fttloOSacki runDermntdw a.ad VYoltreuHea.; •_*«7ANT __>t-A PIBST CLASS COOK AND .,'• VV- hem dress; the best city reference required. Ap- W'S"^?™.' lays as No. l,2Cp Pacifio at, corner Nos- t'Ji 1 ?? 8 ! 0 ".' _T>4A FIBST CLASS CHAM- oald and waitress: must bethoronghly com- ,S^S?A_! ring city raferencos; Call Thursday ovenmg pioyeg-a,^_, iy at23.0 Park place. - -.•• . ' :•••-• :'••'•-. '"^HTANT KO-iASPAELOK MAID AND: TV .bora ress j itood wages will be paid .to a pleasant CSKsJsSS right -Gormant girl. Address in own hand-. •____.°**_ ;h references, DOCTOR. Box 14. Eaglo fiTSTANI ' • •• ' ' • •• ______ - •• '"-.'• . Y V bert •ED—TO DO UPSTAIRS WORK, -tableyoung ig. and assist in caro of a boy S years old. a S,':.??!: 1 roonal reference required. Apply at 114 St. X/_TANT ,________ __' YY benn ED-^TO DO UPSTAIKS WORK of a family o raiting for two in family, a young girl: must S^ffig^ , particular: refereoce wanted. Call from 4 •^i_____J riday at 285 Washington av. " rSTCTANT M>tr>J VVanliers and iroaers. . willkigand" ED—A FIRST CLASS COOK AND % ^ M dre3»: mnst have best references. Call for Vl/- ftar 3 o'clock at 564 Washington av. -Y Y bern '__»=AS A .COMPETENT"^©©*:; ?ontgirhoa rl: m;ist be neat and obliglng.and have por- at 1J Butlor ice. Ca'l^t 5fi6 Waahington av. ' •irerrA^'i 'BD—A FIRST "CLA'SS COOK ; '; W borr who will do the coarse washing; German or .ercnceaiiiB rrcd. Apply at iil4Leffert« plnco. sboro. Addi BD-AS"A~C6MPET^BNT COOK ^!gvf^- laundress, a girl. Apply at 132 Kenry ^KTAiN-A _____ •''•• v Y ' stan r ED-AS A COOK~AND LAtTN- 'gS5_5 l _? d a, a German, Swede or Norwegian, with city two days at ( 3*11 at 13 Sonth Oxford st. « _ 1 __. _ , ' ; _TirT'A'NT' 'ED-A GOOD'COOK, WASHER W .^rt ironer. Apply « once o t 5 5 South Portland girl. Adore Lafayotto and PoKa'b. . -.. • • , ; __ -YC _• A'^TT TSD-^A"FIRSt CLASS COOK AND '. \ \ fflgj ndroAs, with good city ro^orencos;. good for two days •ly at 507 Greene av, corner Tompkins. ••'• •v^T'/rSSnp JESD^-ASAFIBST CLASS COOK, W %®*U rl, Gorman or Swodish proferrod: only those ing girl. Pic city roferenoe:ijio9d applyjit 114JHicks at.. •w"_rTSrni __5=5_nA COOK AND LAIJN- W n P st a girl: must have first class references. Ap- spectable g'n lermont av. ' ' '• •. '. ••' _ Carroll and J ED-T'Q COOK, WASH AND X^rj-ANT In a small'private family for throe ox four yy upst ianr wages $ 5 a week; munt bo hi-fhly com- housoworkii furnish excellent reference. Apply at 189 and obliging st, no,_-DeKalbftv ; _ _. 102 Uegraw 'ED—ONE AS A COOK, WASHER tjrrANT ron>>r, the other osa.nur.w inagmallifamily. yy upst Kirl*. Apply at 132 St. Marks av. between sewing in a d Carlton. .- _"_ ^_ girl; is neat, ED—ONE' AS A COOK AND %________ droM", must be capable, and tho other as a •.- '.( i and waitroHS in a family of three adnlte, rla: good reference required. Apply 1'or.two ^_7RTANT Carlton av, Brooklyn. : ' YY and ED—ONE AS" A"GOOD COOK, e_ces._Ptea: >r and ironer. tho other as chambermaid and T_Yf7"AN_ IO cart) of children, two girls: must be com- y w , iavo good city references. Apply at 170 Rn ; a j' ( f„mtly, j ; '- ——— for two days ED—QNE AS COOK AND L AUN- ?&?¥£&$ s. the other an chambermaid and vJaitrcss. in W .„* r in tho Arlington Apartments. 02 Monta- ^J^i.1, t_S3i rirla: roust bo well recoramonded Apply at Slrence^o ant st, Friday morning, betwoen 10 and 12 _^_? 164 ; BX5—ONEAS GOOD OOOITAND \V^_nf dross, the other as chambermaid and wait- _LnJ.ii „riv leg girls, on Monday morning next: rort be igg 1 ^™ ompetent and have city references. Apply „,.„„, Friday), bcweon 10 and 3 o'clock, at 26o __°°.__- iearPeKalbav. . y^TANT General Uome^orK. , city roferenc ED-TO"DO GENERAL HOUSE- frSut" 3 . 8 '' a girl: reference rotjnired. Call at 340 Put- •w'xr-v- AN'f ED^O^D"6^ENEl_AirHOlJS^^ „Ym_n ; C £%< :.a good, smart girl: must come woll rccom- call for two< il! at ^12 President at. Lafayotto uv ED—TO Dd'GENERAL HOUSE-' "VStANT :. a girl: mnst be a good cook *nd laundress: yy 'class c luired. 204 Washington a v. referetiCo. i ED-^TO DO" GENERAL HOUSE- - n ^ a £^: r ^ 0 ' : In a private family, a girl. Apply at 422 ^fltTANT Y Y class ED-TO~D6'GENERAL HOUSE- S__S_5* ^ a girl: c:ty reference, repaired. Apply at ^r^ s _>--^ ; =, i place. _ Vw ED-TODO GENERAL HO'USE- _______ i 5 i ^ _ i Gorman or Swedish girl. Coll at 975 Ful- or address 0! ED^^OTJO^ENERXJ^HOU^^ Y^ANT :. plain cook, washer and ironer, in a small all kind of cc liging girl. 148 Gates av. ^^ roferenco fro ED—TO DO G E N E R A L H O U S E - ^TJAdoiphi :: a good Gorman girl; good wages. Call at "VJSTANT »i_st. Y class ED—TO DO G E N E R A L H O U S E - ££_S™ "5 a good girt; German preforrod; must have Friday morn oo.. j302_Pntnania«. ; j__ ^ answered. ED^TO DO G E N E R A L H O U S E - -jncfS^f :, a competent girl; ron.-it havi gooi rofer- yV vote 1347 Clinton st, nng basemec t boll. ny ^ rosi«>ctfl ED-TO DO GENER.-L'HOUSE- P»ot«c st. b : in a flat, a yonng girl with soriie experience __;_: , wages not 0,-or $10. Apply it drug store, "yj-TANT *.______ ' , TT dow: ED—TO DO GENERALS HOUSE- 'or two day in a small family, a girl who wljl si sop home _ I references. 203 Baltic st, thijd flat. _ \7|fTANT ED—TO DO GENERAtrHOtfSE-- X Y_ ^cook ., a girl; must understand oH.kmds of cook- R"^™ IaJaxl1 with reference, at 921 Groeno av, corner _reeu____ ED—TO DO*GlBNERAL HOUS_> \X7ANT in a small family, a respectable, competent w V oral oat793 Qui K ir '-__-_ clref ED^O'DO GENERAL HOUSE- 'OTANT for two in family, a tidy girl; wages 8 1 4 Dor V V I oral h >ly this evening and Friday morning at 264 city rof_r>.nc IT Franklin. ' __ _ _X_MTT : ED-^T6""Do GENERAL HOUSE- W w_t" n a family of adults, a girl; must bo a good Cranberry st and ironer; wages .•Ji6;r«feroncejroq'uirod. _ _ ~ r Af_'P lon-oest, near Marcy av. _ y y -"-'•j'-" 1 - BD=3r'0"i)6" GENERAL HOUSE- at 7_3°Atla_ : in a family of threa adults, a girl: mnst bo _r _rr~A"Kr'r md laundress and have good city rofor- __/ -"r? . 1115.CooTt st, second flat. YY or.il he E_5^TOD6~GENERAL HOUSE- S_^_l_l. , a strong, competent girl; mast be a good __/ •"-".-'•• ashor and ironer: German or Swede pre- Y.Y eralb for two da__B____272 Classon av. at 140 Fourt ED-TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- ; T^p r ANT in a small family, a girl: ranat boa good T oral and ironer. Apply at 795 Buahwick av, Pleaso call at Kolb; . . .'XT ANT El>-TO DO G E N E R A L H O U S E - V V oral j i noat. t idy girl; must be a good cook.waiber two days at S nd have good reforonce. Call at to Fort „.KTANT ED-T0"D6~G__^RA_7H0USE : i^ oUkind.'-! a young German Or Swodish girl; mast be a cific st, top fl d 1-iundiesH and have very good references. _r_r .- A_ 7 rp- . Madison „t. V W 4*< | - ED—TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- -yyl reject n a private family of four, a competent girl. Call for two c 1 cook andlaundress; German or Swede pro- _"STTAT. I T' il wates. Call for two days at 3S9 Lewis _ _ / , ; _3onough st. . "• • tat -\ ED-^TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- ______r__«t| n a small family of adults, a com peton t girl: _ _ T A "VT*1 erman preferred; must bo a good cooit and W' "^" ., i have city reference; good wages. Call at * T °_' a '' i(^n_arI_4fayotteav. ' good pook, wi ED—TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- ~^~£~ . a compotent Gorman girl; must bo a good V_/ "El i i and ironor; reference required; four in fam- _ _ _ rj**' Iren, 2 and 6 years of age; wogoa $15.! Call best of citr ri m av. near Bergen St. . . Henry at. bot ED-TO"DO GENERAL HOUSE- T^7"ANT] .a girl; also girl to aot as chambermaid and * \ v,. ora ng in a small private family, city referoncos speetawo yot piy at 117 Lincoln place, between Sixth and !______>_ W ANT] erall •in a smalt family, a girl; must be a good J?? 1 * 3 ' ,£? s SP nd laundroiss: must have good references. ^voom ug. Mi ay and Friday at 246 Jefferson av, noor _7_TANT] - -. V V oral 1 ED—TO DO G E N E R A L H O U S E - oncos. Calif for two adutts, a good. German Protestant _________ >a good plain cook, washer and ironer and TiTTTANTl 10 from last place. 340 Clifton placo, naar W oral :—! : '! lately landed. BD—TO DO G E N E R A L H O U S E - ne_r_Eight_ t in afamily of tm-eo porsons,a girl; must %75TA.NTJ ommended and be a good cook, washer and Ww „„ii s $16 a month. Call for. two days at 54C £,_!(_ 4 ^_,. 'Z:. ; , city roforeiice SD—TO DO G E N E R A L H O U S E - SFgTANT] in a family of four adults, a noat, pleasant W i -t must bo a good plain cook and laundrwas „I_? _,„_v,„. reforenco; wagos $15. Apply at 56 Pu 8__TH__S « r Marcy av. __________ : : _7_TANT3 Ktnpioyment .\geneio.i. VV erall ED-SERVANTS-AT THE ._^.e1e._c. lyn Employment Burean. 210 Washington ond floor. :o^d (formerly 29 Concord st). Situation* __-V„-._rnri aad country. Many girls come who have Vft/AiXli anotfico. .slauagea by _______ Y Y oral he - ' i ' -— a plain waal ,rr_rep--3-_->_»-.>Y_A--_- f£g a caU . i 5D—IN ,A RESTA'URANT,. A. __TANTI uter. Apply at 229 Myrtle av. Brooklyn. '• y y cr _i _ _0-TWO GOOD BUTCHERS: 5 p ^_; b } 0 _.5 l .ncereqnh-ed- 740Borgonst. ___ J^^ 01 '* 0 ^ 5D—GOOD, SMART ERRAND _WA__S bout 16 years of ago. Apply at 374 Court VV ^ralh spectablo yon CD—AN ENGINEER T O B E pood roforcnu, ally useful in soap works; mast be sober. ______ top Hot EKSOLL'S. 108 Classon av, near Flushing. ^.TfTANTI 3D—IN A MEAT MARKET, A ' Y V oral ht V_n r Br-nt __?? mU3t *"* 8 °° d re£erCn0C ' PtoSs'Sl to -_ —_ J__—! ; _ no cards answ _D—A CLERK, IN A BROOK- %*r~AWl IW office, who thoroughly nndorstonds the VV _V il laahodo-ico experience Address A. W, . _.,"_ ._* „. .. waiting in.a BI ID—WORKMEN ACCUSTOMED __»_____> aso of carvors' too_: light Work: wages $8 __T" A "N'TTH k. WHITE, POTT_R A PAIGE MANU- __/ ^ ft CO., 415 Willooghby av. ",•. eralh _0—IN A MANUFACTURING oity'rof'ercucc oas. a boy, about 18: one residing with his. avenue. ia quick, active, intelligent and notafraid _"_T A'NTri I of work; will rcooive $5 per woek'at start W ' " ^ I \ I chance to advance if capable and willing __ __. S^ al * rossADVANCE, Box 4, Eagle Bedford f_______°_f] ; ,.,,,.,, , ,-,'.„. flight, back. B - S I T C A T I O T S - F E J I A L E S . .\TtTANT_ JD-S"rrCATION-AS A.N m b _Tonn 0 ^w b o r at dressmaking, by a respectable yonng ironer- has gr with parents. Please call at 353 OoKalb 647 Degraw si :D-SITUATION—WITH FIRST 'W'.SfS dres_iakor, by a young lady; is neat and persons, by a j UOrience. Call or addrosa 0. D..23S Pearl clnsA laundros . _. _' ' or two da ID-SITUATION-AS A NURSE, 'rBLt-W. _li Id do upstairs work, by a young girl Can cityjiroforenco IS Pacific st, socond floor,in rear. floor.. . ID—SITUATIOxV—AS A NURSE \*TAN_E eamstress, by _ rospectablo woman: will YY honso- wgoof an infant; best of city references, days a t 1 5 1 F< *__>__.- ^W-FAWTV ID— SITUATION-AS A NUKSE W housoS Iren and to assist with light ohamberwork, girl, from the >te yonng woman. Call at 273. Smith st,' oorner Carltor aok room, j , -. . .' . • ' •'•••' : . : Y - W T T O J T T T ID—SITUATION-AS A NURSE,; W hous? ddlo aged woman; i». willing and obliging. work, by a girl at present employer's, 558 Washington or's. N a l l O i ' ',./':•-. •• '•'-•.•••-- atroo te____ ;D—SITUATION—AS A NURSE iS_X7ANTE lo light chamborwork, by a yonng" girl, be-' Y Y housei 1 16. Call for two days at 19 Colombia a respectable •• - IMIIMI . •.•'-. 267 Greene ot D-SITUATION—AS A NURSE, \iSTANTE :e care of a baby, by a rospectablo young Y T light ho rf ago. Please call for two days at 335 ableyoonggir ween Harrison and Pograw. . ; dayi_at 234 0< D—SITUATION—AS A NURSE ^STXlfTE iby or children, by a respectable girl; Is YY housew liging; can do plain sewing rhas best of able yonng g Pleaso call for two days at 288 Atlantic place. Call foi r. front; ring twice. .. *• •: mgton; no car D^SITUA-TON—AS A COM- \»TANTE narse.by a woman;,nril—ug tpdooham- y V bousot lowing; best, of references. Califor two girl; 1B a good :dsoa*v, corner of Jo___oa st, Brooklyn; once. Plooeoc t TroYaadAlbai ' '- '-,' ' •• ''<.-'•' ' ' • •', •'''.'•":••'--. r'. . -';''••'.'-.'.'^ V •.'..- : '- •'':•... '•" 'ED—SITUATION—TO MIND A 5J| Washinf nt or growing childran,.' by. 'a respectal le _t). _Ser n; con tivobost cityroTerences: Ploasooill penect ai 266 Smithst; ring two:b__ll_____ _____ ^ nnr » es - tJ^^'Sl^VA^O^T(y'::TAK: E '••.-, g^ of children and make hotself. nsef nl. by oi o^" __: £ tl, ngod. 14. Oallfor-two days _t 95 Nir a- -., ij_; A. _E___g________3__*_______tl__. - -'•' •' _T - " . Y Y' J __>^S_TUATION—TO TAKE EI - gSH^S chargp of a baby, or would _o npstairB woi c. ________ ibis girl ;h«V»fiveand a half years'joferem x\'.. , _7S7"A i for two days ot present: emi-loyer's,- _.' 9 y y;; t . • • ; ! _' nmin: r am-erinmds ana VYateroaaefr . i5_|_L_J ED—SITUATlON-rA_ A; CHjAl E- l^ A i lor waitro8sand88amstr-'S8,"by ayoung-gi 1;- isacooJ ico. Call at 753 Borgon »t. ____________ _ South Fc ED^SITlQATION—AS ACHA1 >, <W£p& oaid -nd waitress.by a. woman: hosrefc r- --.vY'Y -r or two.d-ya at 724 Myrtle av. •••' ; ; grocery c 'JED—SITUATION—AS A CHAIV V gJgSSfi laid andwaitress, ot would l_co;to mind ch !- '?* Z &T1P ispectablo young girl. Please coll threoda ^s, __/ '•*?; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '•'- : '- •''"' '•' •' "•'••'"• : -" •••-'- : ' •'" 'J'* r l ED—SITUATION—AS A. CHAT*:-" _mpioy_' laid, or to do general bouse work; by a coi i- Fitty-sov „_girl; referoncojgiven. Pleaso call ot -.31 9 De.iust, t, first floor.• .••••.• . __T"A" ED^SlTUATION—AS A CHA J P. W ^ aid and waitress, orwonld liketo rilind oh 1- co'orodir vote family, by: a girl. Apply ot presopt oi i- ihg:-und 7 UufSoldSt. . ••• -':•"-:••.•--••••.>' ; ', : : ,; ' •'.':•'-'• __:: noss; a-oc, ED-SITUATION-AS A CHAJK- *$$££& aald and waitrdss, or waitress, alone, by a • agian girl; good oity roforenoo. Please cs II •••••: '.,- ot 129 Baltic Tower, Rooms 118- ____- ________ 'ED—SITUATION—AS A CHAIv> "_?5TA: naid or to take caro of children, by a rospe :- _ v.Y. _r girl; has-good city roferoncos. Call, for ty o' H.F.._Bp Smith st. :" .-' __ "WTSTA? ED-STtUA^ION^AS A'CPAK - V V yo .aid and waitress, or would do the housewoi k . and tern f two. by-a rcsDCctoble Scotch girl; good ci y Office. Ploaso coll or Oddross HOUSEKEEPEJ V -\X%Al iST^SITUATrON—AS A CHAW - soVking^ raid and waitrcsj, by a ropoctable-young gii ; musical t objiging. Please call for two days at 46 3 Eag'o otii he roar... ••• •': •'•.' -;." ' •"- •' ''- •.-• ••-••:• .-' - ,• - ED—SITUATION—AS A . CHAT»! - _____jv' naSd and waitross, orwonld do chamborwoi k ! __ff*r_?i wing in a small private foroily, by a.comp N : , W / _ ti - n furnish host city referenieeJ. Please ca W v V py st. rira_j_at.___ •'•• '• >• •"' • ••:•'. ' 2___M2J El5—SITUATION—AS A CHAIv:- WXZ& naid and waitresai by a competent girl; re '-* f _"? ' . l cooklyn.abo from present employer'at 8( _ best of r< ress SAOIE CAMPBELL. Box 2.321, Qcea i '\JSTA1 I_)^TTUATI0N—A S AlffXI - spectablo :s girl, f>r to do li>?ht housework or assist i'i ^ r _'__"i lework, by a young Swedish girl, aged 17.; : l "KTITA^ ibliging: can ppeak.English. Ploaso call f< r WW ; 55 Fourth av; ring second boll. ' ••••-, _ '__\.Jj, 0 m "EJL>—SlTUATION-^TODO'LIGH'. . reference airs work in a private.family, by ayoun ; __ hl __ r ' »3 221 Sackott at. . : • •• yTKTAJ ED—SITUATION—TO DO U I -, Vy t •s work and waiting, by a yonng. girl. - Oa y washing i at 120 Third av, top floor, front. V referonce 'ED—SITUATION—TO DO TffS> .Bo^onS .irs workaifd waiting, hy a strong and oblij -' _»y»i ):,8e oall at 3S4 Marcy av; no cards. yV' ED'-SiTUATiON-'TO DO T H . «wt»iJl airs work and tako care of children, by an-: wanted i •1. Inquire in store, 277 Third av, betwoc i Washing President sta, . . _ ____ 8troet___ ED—SITUATION—TO DO. TH!5 •T/^FA) airs work and waiting, or would dogener. 1 TV ble i a svnall family, by a Gorman girl; Is wiilir z homo or :; has lost cit/. reforouc'o. Pleaso- call i » KURTZ, St. near Columbia. ,'• .••• ..-••••• .. . '_ _ f~A2 ED—SITUATION—TO D O T H 3 W in f airs work and sowing or to do waiting or d fifteen ye small private.family, by a rcspectablo yout g st, rear. tidy and obliging; can "givo reference iro a ^jyTi r. Call ot,73 Warren at; nocarda. . y y f ______ VVa.i_crj» and Ironer*.'_.' womin. : . front roo ED—SITUATION—AS A COOJ _ ***%%£ laundress in a private family; bCBt of refoi - , W t so coll at 200 Smith st- __ or W ould 'ED—SITUATION—AS A COOB. :'_•<_«__! jer and iroaer, or to do light houaework in a ' _7KTA] , by a rofi'Oitablo girl; tost reforonoo. Col B B _ at 103 Horriiion st. tirstflat; bocards. ing-orwi ED—SmJATION—AS A COOI - fes« f.•».' lanndross, or will do housowork for a ama 1 __i?' e _„f , ' ;>•, by a renpoctablo yoang girl with bostcit f. _/KTA] no who ia willing and obtigin-.r. Call for tw > ' . . y y . _ l'hird av, second flight; ho carda. ironing- ED—SITUATION—AS A COOK 'arnieEM laundress, or would do general housework 11 _______ ato family, by a rcspectablo young girl; hi a _")KTA] ace. Coll for two days at 1,03- Pnclfis y y Tn _- day or the ED—SITUATION—AS A GOOI) or ho.nsec and washer, by a rcspectoblo girl; has goo i __$_!__ 0 from last ploco. Call for two days at 8 t **____ between Hicks and Columbia, one ilight uj, ( EDi-SITUATi6_J = -\S~ATl^OOl) IW-TA-I .washer and ironer, by a respectable voun ; VV 1 city roforenoo trom hor-last ploco. Pleat ) ; Y*.__;•: , lays at 220 Schonok st, between DoKalb on I t " exceed u nroferred 2 : — 1 —— 26 Court ED—SITUATION—AS A FIRS'.? ^rr, ook, by a rospo^tablo woman; can givo goo I __/ 'loose call for' two days at 131 Canton a . _* v 8 _-. - i ate po3si l^^Tl7ATIO_f'•~ : A8 , ' , !:A! : ; ?0§01- minelS? laundrras in a private family, by a youa j IN GALE obiections to a bo.irdiiig house; go-3d cit / -^ rr-• Call at 104 Atlantic av^ first, floor, back. TV ED—SEEUATION-rAS A FLRS' _' g - { _ TA : i laondres-, by o respectable"woman; undo: - V V ™- imostie work: reforonce if required. Call j t „ _, «„ 19 Gates av. near Sumner; ring third bell. ?_ _d c ED—SITUATION-i-AS A FIRS'?, ____=-== - cook,"by a respectable woman; nndorstanc a •oking; thoroughly competent: has best cit v .^___. —; Im last employer. Pleaso call for two days 11 __/-*- at. _____________ Y Y ' i t ED—SITUATION—AS A FIBS:'' ''-iggj-gj i cook or laundress, or as cook and laundrei a ivate family, by a yoang girl: .has best oil y •,;: .: : - Jjill Thursday afternoon: and ovoning an 1 -, -r—-«-i ing ot 28 Oanton st, top floor; no poato s VV ED-SITUATION—AS A COM ' dresTc," ntcook and to assist with the ploin washinf, _________ hlugirl: has good referonco. Call at 22 > ,,,, qtweon Court st. and Boorum plnoa, in th i ________ ED—SITUATION^r-TO DO THJ. r$M£i aatairs work in a small family. Canbeeoei C^oSiiT, 80 i at present omployor'a, 18. Second plac ,' _______ ISD—SITUATIONS—ONE AS i ?; TS , the other to do upstairs work in a sma 1 -___•-- A -J y, by two girls. Please oall at 517 Borgo I . y y 1_ ' _— ; ; inoro thai Oenern. Bouaework. P11ILHI ED—SITUATION-TO D O GE1S- §___ housework in a small faVnily. by a Germa i _/5TAJ is 79 Grand at. second floor. Brooklyn. Y Y 1 ED—SITUAlTON—TO DO GEIS - «_ ofothh onsework. by a respectable young girl; bei t _„>:,. ._, „• Col!ft-:509 Warren st; no'card'-. „?_____ ED—SITUATION—tO DO GEIS : couseworkf by a young girl' Apply ot 6 5 i —' " ' j •' " T_OA3 ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN- M n ? e \ >usework, by a respoctabjo girl. Please ca 1 _____!_: tic av, Brooklyn. .'i ______ __> OAJ ED^SiTUATION—TO DO GEN : J P : * insowork, or upstairs work, by a girl. Ploas > olaas: tab tadison st, Brooklyn; .. _ T> OA1 ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN . X f rck ousework, by a Norv/egian girl. Please oa) I -n-at class eonthat. . . . , • . . ..••'. TT>OA] ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN : - O Bar. housework, by a young girl, lately landed . reoaonabl ' 12 Manhassot place, third floor. T r j O A ] ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN : - O . roo house work, by o young girL Please oall to __£____ 89 Hancock st. noor Howard av. »_> OAl ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN : %> wit 30-Sowork, by a young girl woll experience 1 _______ if work; good roforonoe. Coll at 935 Pa- T>OA3 ?°_ :___ . J O somi ED—SITUATION-TO DO GEN- ______ .onsework, or as ohombe'rmoid ond waitros., "•_> OA3 ablo young 'Norwegian girl, lately landot. __i _, _. !?__________________!__ T ___Jve? ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN]- '_>___ lousework, or an ohambormaid in asmail ff_) _ n _- y, by a youag Swedish girl. Pleaso call fc . ___-__, '3 Luqueer st. two fligataap. _____ ___or_U? ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN _>___ jonsework, by a respectable- young girl; ia i, H i . Cur ishor and honor.; has good city references ;__, ZA* lays a t 2 2 4 Hoyt Bt. second floor. tfemon ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN : _L>0AI aousework, by an oxporioncod girl; has th » f"* rooi sforonco. Pleaso call for two days at 4611 _fr%,„_5\T< ween Harrison and Degraw. .- • _._. _._,. 3D—SITUATION—TO DO GEN' y_ n Ai lousework in a small private family, by a ro Hr_^ mg Swedish gh-1 lately londod. Call ot 1; ' JLPVanc tear Flushing. ' iron to lco SD—SITUATIONS-KTO DO GEN '^_^T1 nausewfrtk. by two Swedish girls: are goo< I • _ •«:< rs and honors. AddresB 425 Hicks st, Jf at0B : •8.NILSON. •• •' • >!0 _jf J i_j n 3D—SITUATION—TO DO GEN I ^"Axi lousework, by a young' girl; best city refer •'.' _rv ^ ^ or two days at 399 Twolfth st, noor Seven:] i -H-PposiK . nlcovoand _D-SITUATION-rTO DO G33N' ~?S? housework, by a respootoblo yonng gir. __• _r^ Call for two days at 231 Lincoln place, -»-» Stat W; nocords. . aI <j°.'£ 8ln SD—SITUATION-^TO D O G E N ^?r? loasowork, by a rcspectablo young SwodisJ B^S "r I plain cook, washer and ironer; has goo. _-_>» av —I ». Coll for two diys at 106 Union st. Bomely fn 3D—SITUATION—TO D O G E N : ;Sr_^_| housework in small family, by yonng girl; §_ _r and ironor. Call at- present employer'., JLT Oxf ,t. . on suite, 3D—SITUATION—TO DO GEN ^ T \ _ T lousework, by a respectable young Swodisl .fi-_"V I plain cook, washer and ironor; hosgool •-H_P S l y «.' Call for two days ot 110 Bridjgo at, aoo tlomen; 8f Winter; n -D—SITUATION—TO DO GEN' YVOAI lUsewbrk, by arospeotablo young woman;-it JJ_) V roor lor and ironer; has good city roferonoM o few tabic or two days ot 280 St. TVlarks av; n< ' from Fnifa 3D-SITUATION-TO D O G E N _8 0 _o^ lousework in a small private family, by o re story fron ing girl: Is an excellent lanndres_J> Pleasi second sto tys at 193 tJackctt at, onoflight up, in th< '•^•i'7 = rA_ .D-SITUATION-TO D O G E N •___.____." onsework in n small privato family, by a ro taken. Mi hg girl; Is a good washer and ironor; hoi __"____ B, Ploaso call for two days at 158 Coluni S-_OAJt( >r. . .3-9 roo i 3D-SITUATION-TO D O G E N ____f _jj£ meowork, by a young girl^isa plain cook ____"!_ ener; has good reforenco from laat placo •_?____< •two daya ot1,005 DoKolb av, first floor -Ji_&tonoi eredL ' . • .'••:"' ' •' room can b -D—SITUATION—TO D O G E N fortgo ' ge! lousowork, or woald do chamborwork anc TT&OAR nail privato family, by a respoctablo yoang _3G0rde first class city roferoncos. Please call at on second i yer'a. 440 Stato sc Brooklyn. . , bocupiodb ID—SITUATION—TO' DO GEN- TTJj^AR ousowork, by a respectable young German J__p ond-5 plain cook, washer and ironer; has good S_m. ;_i s.. Call for two days .at No. 773 Myrtle ___iy . ? e; _> :: __TUATION-r-TO D O G E N - M 0 ^. 12 lOUBowork in a small-privato family, by a ^S;..-'*_," _ irfi is a good plain cook ond a very good _^^£j_ eaao call for two days at 66 Union at^onc ,|gSJ|^_??" iD^SfrUATION—TO DO GEN- 1ROAR ouaowork in.o small family, by a rospocta- _L-' st—_ man; is a good plain cook, washer and for gentlen od city referoacos. Call for two daya at pleasant ro i; uo cards. • , ,;: nnexculled !D—SITUATION—TO. DO GEN- JR.t> A S isowork in a private family of throe or foni v 4L> > , ^ or ^ •ospoctable young girl; good cook and Ural singlyoror s;best city roforence. if requirod. Pleaso family of o< at 819 Gates ov, near Stuyveaant. ________ ID—SITUATION—TO DO GEN- M 0 "* 11 onsework in a small private family, by. a JL> ov—A rl; is a good cook, washer and Ironer; good room; hons s. Ploaso. coll at 275 Bridgo st, second permanent, tionable rei ID—SITUATION—TO DO LIGHT |_>OAR *ork, by a respoctablo girl: Call- for two JLP.rxy .»' .urloonth et, -•;-'.. : ..„:•' . ,. •' nlshed, wit] ID—SITUATION-TO DO LIGHT ferrie'S 8 %* ork, or to tako care of children, by a youns . _____ f> country. Apply at 147 Pro^poct placo, _-_0' flJ;t i,av, Brooklyn. •'-. ' .••: . . .••;• •;•_' • ' .-• : ^a_P two; iD-SITUATION-TO DO LIGHT __,_. P _._S ivork or would leorn waiting and upstairs Mast from/6 , lately landed. Call at sister's employ FaltonFeri .Ingston ov, betweon Borgon ond'JJoon '• K_' ; _"f>J__? D ^ _ ) _ U A T I O N - T O D O L I G H T '____;_$ vork. or as chsmbormol'l And waitress, by ings'most young g>rL. Please,call for; two' days at ^tl___.-___ :•••'.- D—SITUATION-TO DO THE ; : ._B?_aS usoworlf, or as chomhormoid, by a respoct- furnished, l; has good city reforonooa.. Call for two monts; con ______•.... - .- '•;- .-••. -' ' :: .--:•'-"• ' '"• • . -'• '.;.. references i D—SITUATION-TO D O T H E "OOAR ork in a small private family, by a respoct- JO* the » irl; has two years' roforence from lost and cold rn r two days at 8o9- Atlantic ov, near Wash- , ore; no chi ds answered.'- ••. '... -• "•:,;•••.:'/: .'..'•' near Court. D—SITUATION—TO D O T H E 1_»OARl /ork in 'a small family* by a respootoblo JU> Oxfoi plain cook ond lanndressi-good city rofer- ' at reasonab all for tiro day. at 1,411 -Joan bt. botwoon nishodroon iya7a, \ gontlomon; i TED-SITUATIONS —MANAGED •- W&$t& ladios—Brooklyn Employment .Bureau, 210'•' '•'•"___OAR _'_t,'._ow Concord <formorlyat 29 Concord - Ja_i> ' roorr ntsof all- nationalities.: We do not p.omiso"•: a.woll bap' n," trat try to selett tho best help. _«. _5,—Wet Jocatioh'«» ; '-•••"''••:.-:•-:•:'•.' '' '-:-:.•''..'.•.y:.'._. ••:.;'- .•••..•.•-.,•.•:,•'•. . ; * t , l _ _ _ _ _ _ _T_. _>--«gTPATJOiVS--MA-.lEy > 3v" - "I.J^desh TED-SITUATION—--S A COACH- i__S^^S inandwoo__i,byam_-_r»o4-V_Mn-iuari-; .undo--, _S_.t_f-_.ftn buainoss thoroughly: best ei «__:references; ___=___S_fiS atry.- Address H:. 87. Fifta ay.:,..--. : • ,; :T_>OAR TED-^SITUATipN i --AS A FIRST i|_5'_S_|_ is. helper in. coofectibnaryveatablishment, by. __SS.«? _1 erancea f rom. last employer.:. Address J. .E.'C. ; L____*_n ler st. Brooklyn. .. : v ,: -• • • _ig__|__ _-___-_H2 TED—SiTUATION-rBY A YOUNG •'__'-9^| <h who is-diBangagodfrom StofJ, afternoons-;; _aM«.. Sl_J_r_______^ ^^M^0^M^ -ndWtc, rth st. Brook.yn. :"••.-••,-• ;';.!;_ tlomon.rei TED—SITU ATION—BY A : M AN, __&____ ed 30: is wfllin-r to dp anything; is handy in H_ __S_. hardwuri store; ol__>,ynibhor_i»s:'„an _poak\ 4__tir.Br __ Call or addro-*,for:* .reek ; j ^ . xaS»_w_p ' •- •••"' ' '.•'••-'• ••'•-'•' - '•' - : ' -•'•• • ' ".-,.—'..: reforoD'cos. TED-SITUATION—AS JANITOR, -rfoXu a member of G. A.__. : i Is-woll erjierienccd iff S_. T _ , m flats; can givo good__re_forrnee from pre_„t . mvraam fii Call on or address N.yJUCKHAM, 164 East. __?___?__. .-ooklyn.'^. •'.''-,' •'-•':. - ' ' . / : .;, .... ' •''. _______ ____ •.••••' """- -!X±~-•- TED=SITUATION—AS A COACH- __;S1S. ,n in a private fondly, by o,respectable yonng; ' J___, J_3if n; marriod; strictly honest, sober and oblig- __!_J__v stands tho care of horses, carriages and 1-ar-. ____} ___ aintud in NeiV York and .Brooklyn, .'can fur- , ' ??. ?" **?. •est of references. .Coll. at or o-dres* 401 ' _ _ O A R m-av. .-;..•. -^,.-v.-'X. ...... ,,'."•' ••• , • ,,'•'.-.___.;. :__> i 0D _ p.;—:—xT~' . -: -q .:wifo'Or|two 'AT^_.ElJ—gg___j__ESS-tOKAJU; : ?' t lji* oi: '4 i TED—CENOR — F O R QUA_fiTlST: __7.!4_. derate wtlary. must beafairroador. Add.-ess __"_*•• 9, Easloottico_____ "_..-:. . . ' - . - t fj- p - M ie TM)-_UTOR—TO" PREPARE A lib__fit„ ng man for collego. Addross with reference from vrpc , CANDI-^ATE, Box, 3.305. New York Post enoeS. |__ _ B 'OAR :."cbvd'. to tnition, by ah emiinoht: pianist,arid- te'abhor .-olbsetsj soi troductioh; elite. cnly;','nO:'ovoning- lo.sona; lamilypf IK ont ind'.sponsablo. PROFESSOR X , B o x 2 6 , . venient to... j, .- « • ' , evenuel . ~" "~ ~~" ' " 'OAR jrof pl» TED—WASHING--ANDUR.ONTNG,;- ':•«__:_)__._ rosp'octlble colorodwomoh; would toko homo -.• lyh bf-idg" •y thod»y__ Ca^llait_W._Ho__kimcr8l_.____ board.1 TED-WASHING-AN__ UaONINGT f> 6]_R a rospeotablo-woman, todo atherownhomo: Wj>••'• Qxfo: 3ronce. Call at270 Horkimer at.:. :'..'.'' ' front sind' TED—W ASH-IB G--AND IRONING,', § 3 . * •go out by the day. or-to take.homo, bya re- to' Kings' .-.vedish »vomon;bas good city reference.: Call changed 8at58UndOFhill av. ..'•: •• ,-, .••--.,.. -•••'•,",.;•.' ,_ • -;• TED—WASHING—BY _~ F1RS_ ;..•."' s_ laundross, togooutj .by the d?y: or would _-»' __ _ -ij geut ; emon's.or fam s .Iy woEhing; his t>est of ; B-< , -'A- tc Con bo seen ior->-,two'days ot 855 Dean st; _.__Pa_a wi _____ - -.•'• ________ ,- '•.-•'-' -'-totingten TED-WASHiN(^BY : A;RESREC- $tf$MM >le colored woman, ladies' and gentlonion's-' KJ> >vith toko home, or will go out by the day: beat of" Prospect H Call or oddress Mrs, ,'.MARSHALL,, 062 15, Eagloo nov, second floor, fr_ht; Woshington av. and tr^riirvf uarapass the door.. ' •'• •;• :_• ,;;':• \ E-< rl^Jj I_D—WASHINGr-F A M I L I E S v roomsj_o?i bing. by a respoatoblo woman; v/ill do up loco .26. Addr: dgivaevery Bittsfaction:if any roforence is : Y/erlc |;".'./' can bo had at the Graham Institute,- 320 _f_'-__.»T.' h ov. Ploose call for-two.days o t 4 2 4 Baltio H-ff-Mr* . .'..;.;••,.-•:. .JLP-des-rr T_D-W^__K^BY A"_l1_S__x3"iA; g£S_^___ Sermon woman, washing end ironing, cither at TON,182 1 i go out. by thodoy, or housocioaning. Mrs. _fSr_ = _Tr'_j" 24 Pocilic st. __ _________ ______ f \ ' M TED-WORK-WASHING, TRON- torfin^c >r houseclooning. by a respectable woman;,has tioularsant •s'first olass roforence.' Apply at 138. Smith Addrasa A. I_D^WOliK^WA__3IN •''•/'.•I''; n_r, or honsecl.eo>ningi by a respectable widowed " _—. n_>_i loj.se coil or addreaa 280'Myrtle av,,top floor. . B./iU.tV-NJ . MrsjLEGRYS. ________ •••• _____'•• -0 ioora, TED—WORK—BY A RESPECTA- it_-^i_.# >womaH; by tho day; is ofir^t classlaundroia '5^ -H- 0 houaecleaning; has the beat of city reier- JL • ,out b lose call at 156 Uolnmb__ st. in the store. ' andtijfohal 'S^I0pW^^^t;:M^T^B<y^Aih-, T71URN] ! women: washing and ironing or housocfean- -8? fpleaa: ildliko to gotthe cloanin . ot atoros or build- atonBt.soci . worker:-good Teforoncos. Address Y. Z„ >'-S?i____F orci Drancn. .-.-,- . - Wn , .-.** TED-r.WORKrr-BY, A,"_-ES_^__> _________!-. e woman, to go oat ty the day, washing, and *_'__*'_. so would make "herself generally useful; con a-, i at of city rof.rence. Can always le seen at -'_*• largo; ime.104 Walworth at. - - .; '- - housokeopi TED-WORK- WASHING A N D ^_|_v*j ling by a respectable woman; to go out by tho in „ Irat three days of the week or to tako bo_ne, JB,., room w oning; has good city roferonco. Pleaaecoll , W1 J" _ unn J! s at 946 Atlantic ov, over paint atoro ;'postal -Qdgofa. 4< _g_t :_•__ .__'• •'" -,"• ' •<• ••.•• , -TCTtfRNJ \yA_v'jry_iB?—-aroYTS-ES. ';-. _____ : S^WocVo rED--HOUSE"2; 21-2 OR 3 STORY '" _=rf ___j_ >uso, Sovonth or'Tv/enty-third Ward rent not &1 _,___?! 000; good location ana condition; now bouso •__. iC_I"f« ivithprivilogoof baying. Address COLLINS, . ___{,|______ t, room 2-1.. , - - ' -'.. . ' . • ___KL'__"£. TE_3^HOUSE-9 OR 10. ROOMS; ' _?^_^ a 1 id neighborhood; oil improvomenla; immedi-. sS'j :&_?_,* jion: Twenty first. Twouty-third or Twenty- _H,rit. ?w.V. ; will pay all cash: don't w#ate your'time and __i£- , -i__ lcy prices.: Sond full porticulars to NlGHI'- _f_-URNi _24_»eK_lbav. V . . ; •' |1 ^fHeigl —! — r ! nished lar* N-JTEO—iPAii'jrs O F mttttrsHSS. ' : V w VVk ! _ ______ __.,.-_ _ .board if de.' TED—PART OF HOUSE-YOUNG -wj^URNi do desire opartmonts of 4 rooms: 814 to . 16;' fn ^___ and vicinity of olnvatod read uptoivn pre- *_.-;_,„_ ii ate porticulars, E.G.. Eagle office. ''hot i i d c o l _2___________g___i__ - ~~ go - n -^s__i TED-FLAT-OF 6ROOMS WITH- XJ_ffi_P on minutes'walk of Pratt Institute. Address :'f____v_m_ GLASSEY, 57 Boinbildgo St.. •'.p_vote'V?ro —i 1 :— : —: st an'd Do S yAyjEia-iaEA-- ESTAT-S. . --' :jJim_N3 TED-REAL ESTATE—CORNER ' .8? , igenti' ore property worth S-9,000 to $15,000; either 8 5? a ,_ _ m{ . leased, will purcha.o at onco if suited. Ad- JiJS v-V*^ Eaglo Bedford branoh.' : *™±Ip'*?& = : = , •' . . : -_L?_IRN; I T E P - R O O J I S : FtrJ8-TY-Sgg.j__i)...: ' '^^IPinoi TEDr-ROOM—F U R N I S H E D— floor and b ,-oung lady employod during- thei day want a a keeping. I •ootn with private family; roferonco. Address _rr.fTRT_n dway, Brooklyn. '• \T '..-- R. U i , ,-,-,-•. -i " ' . hallroom;! LYJEB-Tg-BSC-Ea-^AN-EOPS;' ,.'.-'-. '-' mentBj.tob TED—LEFT OFF .CLOTHING-r ^_^~^ lea'andgontl9_bon*8;I willpay 300 per cont, HjipltiNJ my deolor in .the city. Call or address J. _L jingr< i, 64 Smith st, between Schorinerhorn and 'ing; waterI •' - - - .Hoytist; cl rED-DEFT OFF CLOTHING— :_&&_? °? nover will pay 500 por cent, more than any _Ft _T>T_ r i n the city for gtntiomen's and ladi»s'roft . _U -vM**.- _ Call on or address A. HAN OVER, 267 At- JL 1 {horn ..'.-.)' - , - o n o or two i 1 ' -furnishod; BOAKD.M.. •"'•'•_.____:__ D—LARGE, SMALL AND CON- '.* :;-. ;. ng rooms;'first class hoard; modorate rotes.- _________ 1 Bt. Brooklyn. .;• .. . ; trrr%c T V D—1.49 " G R E E N E "AV, NEAR;V r XW>"°°. littgton—House,, and all appointments first' ov.nearPu ' exceptionally good; boat or roferoncos. r_f. O T V D—ALCOVE AND SQUARE JL j^e^ l, large closets and oil improvements, with ' painted anc oard 101 Clinton av. '•,.••' . & SUYDA1 D—HEIGHTS—113 HENRY ST— rHiOLE'. and small rooms; toblo board; neor bridgo; JL of the torms. - .'-., ; ' •'• , -. . • ••-.•••• .-•• improvemel D—44 MONROE PLACE-LARGE _ii<i_?__! a on second and third floors, with all home ' rjPIO LE* eferenoes." - ••••'•••••; JB e gan D—337 CLINTON ST—ROOMS' sRi^V 1 ?? board; terms modorate; table board; refer- _!___£______. T O L E J? story -ooms. on suite or single, with first class tabie. Carroll st; . on st. -.. ,'•'.. ••'- , ',•.••• ' , • utea to Now D^ON THE HEIGHTS—116 HEN-' B-?i ly __-_- -Largo arid small roomB >vith good board? : TfllO LE' low; neor bridge and ferries. .••-,•' i.,.-' _g_ ': 80 y 8 t- D—ON THE HILL—206 WASH-. ^4_. na r n av—Nicely, fnrhishodalcovo room; also a HEYWAR1 n. oh socond floor; all conveniences: torms - -. ' ; .-'. •. ••:-•'. : . . ' - . : r_no-LE', D-I66 DE KALB AV, CORNER ..-JLi.__S5 .orland st—Large, handsomely furnished HAVlLAN' boord, for. man ond wife oi- two or three.Bon- DLETON. i •-'•'• ''•••' -. • • •• 'owner, Yonl D-TWO LARGE CONNECTING '^SST. TT , > on second floor; also o good sized hall room; . _ _ _ rniBhcd; with first olass board. 168 Dean st! Al bason: •'-•-.;'_ .-. . . ' mont8;.n_an 1 : ; . ront lower l D—TO LET, WITH BOARD. .400 TALiNG _s rbilt av—Handsomely furnished socond story ___! _______ ondbockroom;onauitoorsingly: also.third f_T.O LE ndholl room; ono block from L station. ''""JL I ing hi D — 5 3 C O N C O R D ST-TWO MIN- _*SS_2f_i >m bridgo: large second story front and back JS?_°_?', ~rifS sly furnished: folding beds; hot and cold f*SKBS* A' hall room; toble board; termsmodetato. _____ ^ D—356 SCEEERISERHORN _T, OP- f_P?^l ^.Tolmage'schurch—Handsomoly furnished „__, *Ji2r„_, auare room, with first class board; locatioa 5_,_K?i__ to oil points; references. 35H&&8 [)—ON THE HEIGHTS—N'd.: 128 441 Snmnor st—Two largo, hand8omolyfurnisl.>d rooms; rw\t\ ft le room; convonient' to bridge and ferries; B T_ . Q8S; roforoncei given and reqnired. . JL Ibetwe- J—ON THE HILL—128 GREENE. S » t bias? o rtios wishing a plcosant home will find hand "cheapest hoi lished bock parlor and second story rooms Byerson St.' nt toblo; table boord taken. .-•-.' r'mri T "PI 3—ON THE HILL—19 SOUTH r I * wir d str-Haridsomoly furnished roomB. single or . : made vacani n- houso with owner; adults only; refer- _ien;. 4 0 ro< •'.:• '..•.'•-'•'••••''. , '-• - . -•.'.'••-. . .nowlyp.iinto •>—166 S T A T E S T — R O O M S , SIN- ggg^ggj on suite, suitable for 0 family or single gori- fTHO ' LE eial orrajjgement3 mode" now.for Fall and' _L. ( Kosch orence.. ' .••'•'';"•'•''-" • . ' •-•'•'• "••'' .. .'• story brick; ^-TO LET, TWO HALL BED- ®wf _™pl: 1, to gontlomon, with or without board: also, ton?, loardors wanted. 2 4 9 Duffiold st, four doors. jr_fiQ _____ )-HEIGHTS-228 HENRY ST, vilw'oflfefv on Romsen and Jdrolemon—Large second arid. Statue _ room, newly decorated and furnished; also private ismi • back- room, with holl room connecting^ grates, elooti )-NO. 334~BERG-3N ST-.A FEW _S_*2fe_S_f_. non can have good board and home -comforts CANNES, B mily at moderate terms; also table boordors •• SWINSON. v. :;,, .;" TO ... )-^ON THE HEIGHTS—15 MONr ____. , * ~ * ice—Large squororoom and ballrooms, snit- fJlO .LE. lemon and ivife, or a party of single gentle- J_ ;port,to loardors accommodated; references. . party. 2511 )—THEBREUCKLYN, 392 CLIN- moT__ET corner Greono—Two square rooms - and o hall _L .son st, secured'for tho Winter; one very desirable fomilybf adi lemen; references. • • . , : port; rental y—82 STATE ST, OPPOSITE m p L E 3 place—Largo rooms, handsomely .furnished, -fl_-jtrttd; ba d third floors, with hall rooms if desired; shsaos.on wi iwnor. . .". .- . ... ; ;•'.'.•. .-.' •:"• .-,' .'"• "'.: . • .' 231.Ptcsideil )--HOTEL ST. GEORGEv 51, 53 _DP_ :L ^_ Clerk st. American arid European plan; 400.' -J_L- . brickb ling 100bath:ooms; handsomely furnishedr water, wash suite; oUoirio lights throughout. j '.'•'.,' .__________.____?_'.___. >—FIRST- CLASS BOARD IN;A; __P£I^^ a fomiiy; nionn and langusgo German; fow .-____*_~___5J_5 Ik from South and Wail st. ferries; refer- ,'___ _S?S_ ed Apply at No. 201- Clinton at, corner- ?Sf_£?^i?_ti " •' •' ••" _ _ ^ W • '-'.-" . - v'' v . - : .'fB-.OLET 1—253 A N D 2 5 5 'WASHINGTON f^ii/ofadt few haridsbmoly furnished roomo, suitable menta and 2 : n and vrivos or a partyiof gentlemen; also, a provom-rita - n for two ladies; terms very modorato; table .. ,,, _.. :onvenient to bridgo. - •'.-. "* ;.-'••...- ''•'•'______? —ON THE HILL—32 SOUTH OX- _ ~ ^ ~ —Aharidsomo second floor (large alcove), T 8 1,0 JJbtX :nite; prefer a party of, single: gentlemen or -A 1 and nn Its who wish to make a permajnent' home; Remson' st,•'•'] . •"• '.•'•' •-'•.'.'; ' •' '• .. :-•'' . • '• - ' perfoct;..v5ev. '—ON THE HILL—64 GREENE SSSSt___hS ova room,, folding bed: also, square front -——- and table desirahlo for nartius seokiago '•'.•• i '-» i.- out tor table home for the Winter; uneicop- • • • :-.. •••. •__- __________ -.'.-.: :'-•,...:'.;,...'•.. •••-;'••••;••,:•:,,.'•'•; -. > _ _ - , _ - _ r m —ON THE HErGHTS-'lOl HEN- 'l^.Wmc -A large room 6a second floor,; nicely fiir- 0 rooms, incli extra largo closets; also hall bodniom, with block from irinc!o3et; throe minutcS from bridgo and ay, Brooklyn. -T-ON TH_T_l_CGHTS-^-TO LET. ' ^ j ^ S S i _ rge, comfortably ,-farnishod rooms, smtablo Somily decoru a and.wivesorgontlenienrooming together; mants: heate and piano; no objection to childron; broak- rospoct- call > 8: terms $5 to ,_6; throe inintitoafrom i-oaapnblo J or bridgo: 15 Willow Bt.. ; .:,...: •...-",• .-''•• vj^yr-.w —ON.THE.HEiGllTS—96 HICKS r J_|. mnc•' minutes to bridge and ferries—Tolot, with' m'agiii-ieent a andiemerooms; house,table,ond surround- . vated; two -a isirablo for the comfott of first olasspnr- 'othe^ oparlmi , ;., . ; •'"••-."• .•;••' - . . rongomont a —ON.TKE HILIJ—382 VANDER- J_gi_J_l^ r-A socond story front olcovg: room, niooly _________ 'a refinedAmericaa family; all. improve- nient to L station arid several lines of cars; ___ ' . ' XC changed. ___£_, / • ' , • . . , . : ; ; - • : ' 7-;.-': .:-.' fjr^fTr'xpr, -WILL LET, WITH BOARD, J., ar.dne 1 ond story „ontroom;.aeally furnished; hot - apostments: 1 ling, water,; hoat and gnu; son thorn expoi-" S35; - light J Iren;. referonoo roquired,.' 47 Douglass st, BltCISil. 339 =^>N THE HILIi-39 SOUTH '3/t°aiK_. st—Partios desiring to seenre a good i homei prbvehienlj, 4 prices con,'find pleosont. handeomo'y fur-. l!ots ; uptoivn, , suitable for .gentleman'and wi.o or si__lo " Patehen, hoa, cfo-encee. , . tot. >-rEXTRA;'LARGE•'.:. F R O N T .'P^t. ; also hall room, with! every .con v iniencb and . tocot ren ied table, at reasonable term s i houso and _____ _ - leoptioiiablo; rot.'rencos esciuingoj. Apply !___iy_5y-J .av, on Prospoct Heights. ; . -.,-• ;'•. i- ;••• .•.- ' »^I___-_r_ )-108MONTAGUE,ST-I_ARTrES •'!%}9_J*' »g»a comforlablo. and rofinid home for-tho nodusty 1 ind large and nicely .urnishod.rdoxris on-sec- fael- ail •saite^ or -singly; olegost rooms, for party... 259 Grce Wall St.Ferry. .-:.-•- . -' ', •. •' .. | : .' .:' ... . __-?—i-_~~-i >—ON THE HILL—HANDSOME- WVbW itshed alcove or'sjuareTjoom; Juitabtefor hionts-'os .ingle gontlomon; also, hall ro< m«; ample nor. jnout ughed-i,et-_ 179,,'Washingtoapark(Onm-'. 'WALTEB ^141PIERREPO_.TST-rRO0MS l_3| _S to -or singly; handsomely furnished; table f_wof'5 r rrangomonts'oan now be mode ftar the; Fall, janitor Hit loasont smill rooms suitable for single 'gen- LING'jt ( rencoa required:.: ..,.••: .:'•-, --.. , "'.'•• rv~ f ~rY^ •—333 C--4NTON ST—__JA R G,E7 ' %£m " li story front room, with- folrHrii :bed; con- rooms- ha roomif desirod :o_so.o'therrooms3 reasonable, them- 'o!s' oor .table; table boarders accotnmodated;'.: AUKfeN . •r-SI NG LE AND7 _> pB__V T^n ripwly papo'rod, modern improve: nentS; din- ' stone: all .floor;,first class location on Hi 1: brio and inimediat. .sarface.ond Kings Coun'yL roi ids. -Apply onpreniis mgtonfry,betwoen Greene and C otes. . 'Vj™7»—f ^-MANSION HOUSE, :3ROOK- WW?j*u ights. directly opposite Wall et, N Y . ; 4 rnin- order; litt om Fultoa or.-Wall _*. Ferry ond the bridge $ 11 to 81 tporior acoommodaticn.-. reasonable rates; firstfloor. and transient hotel; ^00 rooms. ____________ . : >Tr«?v~T >-20l BALTIC ST, NEAR CLIN- ™ela_ 'wolarg 1 . Tobma, suitable for got tloman.and -bridge an( iinglo gentlemen, in an-American lamily, elevator, : ard; torms 85 and $6 por week; also, tablo 4 month. ___ >^801^UTNCY ST,; C!OW}__- W°™ -Hondsomorooms; parties doal_.withliber-, thelotcat jermanent__ciangpment; wookly br monthly; carpeted,' ; hear. Reid.Ov L station, and few stops . DAM, on 6 and Gates oveora; table bt ard; rotor- ~j_T___~T : l^iCliiLY" .FURNISHED .. AH? a_d'C_nit id square rooms; hot and coldv;iter; ample wood, th. hern oxpoaure.ftood table,, pi. no; private halls. ;ln< Itaowninir.h^use-.'iterms roaaoaabl«;.con- street.-' jvated. ,497 .Macon st, coat: of Sjuy vesant ••frtrtey','f ^N^TlfEfHEIGHTS-^. '7 r ~MJO%:' i„28Ful 3—Acccmmodation.. for.families, with rooms oiTaagorai %• singly; rooms lorgo and well furnished; isssorj.- ile; house-three minutes' walk ftom Brook- , York, nico, quiet neighborhood; also, table f_^'6~~T K)_.;|HE HILL—113 SOUTH rcimio?.. 1 st—Houao newly furnii-hed! pie isantalcovo accessible tokSrooni on socond floor; san-j on third, wiilkdfl-i oTOs: gont'omen and wives; olsojsinglo gen- ton av. Ilont table; homo coinforts; fcjur.minuMS «-jpj>\ -r Jounty L road stotion; rofetencea ox- /:Bvv""..f .-...•• :;..• . . . . . . ,-f -. ,. .. . . J__ - moo " • 1 ''•' : —' " •flats;'.Ore : JBteAWP;'_7A_ff_r_S-D.- '':K; :7 7 '•••.'' j__ltor;et< 'WAWED^RY'A GENTLEMAN "£-—— !_, front 100m on Heights or Hiffl. Address, I tHO 1 LjP. Q-, Eagle Bedford branch.T. 'I . • A light': ! V^ANTED-BY A r WiDOWER, B P a „dlug C >n<13). with a strictly private, family, on flats, S-'(5 ghts. Address iHOME COMi-ORTS, Box smaller;_ •ce. •>..' ' •":,•- "- ' "-,•• '• :' • ''•••• :; ,-.; _59''Groei ' WANTED—IN A P R I V A T E jjriOLI having go-d succonhnblation 01" iohfe or two JL ing, in and wife, oomraencing About September' horn—Top s J. DAVIS, No. 149'Wooalor ; st,.Now- provomen; _____ ' '• : : '' • :••'• • • , " I-''.- •. : . -.-'•'.'."- -In'qniro t -WANTED—YOUNG""COUPLE O wnor;° r ; board either on Brooklyn Heig its or Pros-' ' __-S">_T-~ ; in private family; from Novoinber 1 ; roo- rR-'O L. > references given and required. MIDDLE- J L 8 1 8 iltorist. Now York. '•''• ,' v' - ___V £•' story base WANTED—TWO CONNECTING ISfSgj^S with board for gontlomon, wifd and daugh- promises, ocation in Brooklyn; answer, giving par- tion and I nrico, which must not .exceed $i~> per week. ,; _sii_-_r; _ t. M.. Eos lo office..'-..' i , ' TBIO 3 •:- — • <r=z~~.—-__=_:. -'.J. 875 __{_______________g KOO-TOS. - I 7 7 . .''5a__T__S°-K ;HED ROOM-TO LET, A IHALL] ^SS& o 0 man.- Inquiro ot 358S_mn a ov. Brook- JSwx—. YER.-... ,-..--. •':.••; ____ ZAU ____ | ' r _n.^ >,/1 THED ROOMS—TO LET, WITH-. WoWSS* ird, to gentlemen, only, two iquorerooms] lighted• 0 rooms. _App!y.at 25 Lo-ayotte -v. i ___ __•> trio holla, 5HE.D" ROOMS—TOTL3T7 TWO; .:_____°2_ 3 B it rooms; So';thorn exposure. 173Living- st. with tl d door from Gallatin place. '.;-. -.•': promises 5H_BD ROOMS—^NEWLYTFUR-! f 7 '°? m »;* ; suitable for en- or two gentlemen; refer- -."______ id. 170 Livingston at. ____ . '______ . , ! .--.. ! •' ' .- 5.HED ROOMS-TO iiE^T, ^A ',—-— oasont room suitable for gentl. mon or light r_f.O, X ;: also, a'hall room; hot ond cold water, A stor etc, .Apply at 157 ot 199 Woshington st. ptato gla* .iiED ROOMS—FRONT ALCOVE %A°HVA h folding bod if desirable; also 1 a bock room ' *~*^SSI •waterm P small family; owner; no other, Y § .O Li .Franklin av.-near L station. ___. A of _ JHED ROOMS -68 LA3 i"AY£TTE S S^^orc 0 oleove andorio square room; suitable for collcarly i ortwo gentlemen; locationfite arid within -p VRTMI? C rood; fomiiy privato. __________' ^K~^ SHED ROOMS—255 _.LINTON ?-__P'7 > ^v it class accommodations for pe -monont par- gethor - 1 d back ropms; also, 3 rooms on parlor floor; ; ^ulton'st' ?.___,_ "•• ' • ' •'•" ' ' _____' '•' AoDlyto' iHED ROOM—ONE ORj TWO -*CD;;.7l' en can havea nice largo room, with hot and r_l0 L rid board if desired, in, priva» fomiiy ef A Cits ence requirod. ,1.003 Atlantic av.'l . , story marl iHED' 7 ROOMS—TO LJE T, O N '____SgS,„ 3,84 Stato st, no!T Henry, e ogantly fur- u^eltvf. and smalt rooms; oil conyi niencea ond TT„-.J •_. sirable; notfr forrioa and Cit;' Hall; table Snff- oleS -^__ : ,. : " , •, 7 ' .-'__-• '• , : ''. _L_._.__ CHAUNC J H E D R O O M S - 4 6 7 F]FTH ST, fBWX irs from Seventh avrprivote foioily!;a newly 3". offiM go front room: southern exposure 5running ' «S__:tl_. water; gas and heat; suitablo t ir.orie or two fZXSZzZi. eferonces required. ' • [ feoto? sj5, 3HED ROOMS—FRON1T HALL, ^ S large square,"" $2.25; newly fjirnisHed, oil loughbya ,s; tabic board and restoaraT.ta" right by; rants W y. 55 Fort Greene .place, he ;ween Fulton Jaysts-o lb av; can bo seen anytime. •• . ; 5HED ROOM-ONiB OR TWO T O ! honcanhave theohoicoof eit .eralargeor. '^SrSn^ir •tibly furnishod room, in private somily of rBlO L illy located 376 Adolphi.a^ between Greene A . ctor e ovs. " ;••',; . •-• ."-•• ;,' •.-••• - venicntto 5 H E D R O O M S - T O L^!T, AT 12 'I^J 00 ^ 'pie st," near Columbia heights, Ave minutes' r 0".O L •Fulton Ferry arid the bridge; or parlor , A of the lemont, hondsomoly furnished;- for house- ISostrand; iosejcall in,tho evening if conv mient. nished ro JHiESD ROOiVIS—TO L E f r H A N D - mittt>J - 1 urnished rooms; airy and bright; also large Iding beds, both, ^as arid oil lajtest improvo- .'. . ,-... soon any time; reiererices. ,125 Wiiloughby r_Tri r" luffield and Gold, __T_ ,; rf'O L iHED ROOMS-_ WO. CJONNECT- nlSs.'or^ ms on third floor, furnished for housekeen- able form room; quiet parties withoutjchildren^43 BOSWOIH inline3s a specialty;' also, oloqvo room, hrst ~ or two-gentlomdnor music leooher; 402 XO JL33' 5HED ROOMS--lM"SCHERMER : ^9„ L t—Desirable largo room on second floor for c bk n coi'oi rsons; also, hall rooiri for gentleman; woll .1 Hfi R e m s aiding or open beds; oil iihprovoments-, ±V^r.___ >:nmodotions; house thoroughly hooted io rg lOLl 1 board near; references." ) . , jj flco ——— 1—: ; wHhont < TTO l i E T C — H O U S E S . oo i<m r^ 1 —HOUSES—IN BEDFORD SEC- flWLi 1 D. H. FOWLER & CO., lt-39 Bedford A steo on s t . .'-.-,•• . .'.-; ...'•. •.'•.,•••• ,•]-. .-..;• ,•••--. v ftv . B nd . P '—HOUSE—44 CHAUNCEY'ST, ^ftfH swis av; suitable for two families- all newly IAMKOM lecorated: rents 820 and -823. REDHEAD f£ggM% .1,790 Fulton st. " ______; '• _ T\\0 L -HOUSES--ONLY"THllEE LEFT ^ ^ 5 >w of 3 story and basement brown stone: oil ^ -\\ B jjj D s; hard wood finish. Inquiro on promises, ^ r j K ht iv,neor'Beid. -.,'' ;.:.".., : ... |- •:' . . ' Rodney at -HOUSES—42 REiMCSENST-AN -_.•,. tull sizo house, with double lot: also sov- : _*^___i ouses,at low Tents: possession at onco. F. wi.f>Ti. V. 204 Montogno st. . 3^ «ooi '—HOUSE—?50 PER MONTH— 2 f plt?|lj] asement orid collar brown_stoi .0 houso, 27 I S__iS:—, ! rooms, in perfect order; twqnty-jflve min- _Tj^OR fork City Hall: most convenient location in ' Y 1 esou ERGEN, 307 Court st. 1 , .ingcountr -HOUSES-*85,485AJ 489 HAL- w&fcjjta. Jowly papered and in fine ord ir: woodman- a perfect it ; oil inrprovemont8: 3 story briok, ot tho ble; pamp ital of-8550. Apply to EOTALING <fc moiled up 441 Sumner or, 254 Tompki _____________ N.: J. -HOUSE—82 C A M ] J R I D G E TJ.OR Very desirable 3 story house); in. excellent f} Great) is; oil lmprovementB; immediate possea.-iioii 'Course, tw, & SONS.-982 Fulton at; RHKVE & PEN- .East Now" Groeno av, Brooklyn; or R U F U S JEUNG, rapid trans irs, N.-YV -• '•-' •• '• . , ."' - • . .- :•.- •• .",, office; oloc .'-HOUSED 1-2 STORY .AND it h e e c?n?e" ; at brown stone; 13 rooms;I all improve-. tificlol sto )1 mirrors, fhrnoco; location cihoico; or'Trill mpnthly.o: nppor part: sae it" before locating. HO- with deed ( lEYWARD, 254 Tompkins dv, 441 Sam-. eocbinles. ,•:,:."•- .•.'•'• ' •;,:-. - :. ;,.',:. -direction a •^^USE^PHYSrClAN, OWN- S^d^er" ldsomo now 3 story and extension brown realoatato< a most dosirabJo loteation in Bodford dis- " ,, 0 lease to responsible party (without chil-. IPtiJSt. Si golficoroomwith room and boord for self ' —•_., ijrosa A.'F; M...Eagl3 Bedfordfbranch. ; T7-OR 7 -H\nuSE—1,489 PACIFIC ST— ^: fp 0 °, t / r < ; ing thoroughly overhauled end papered; }i.„„,„i.Vw 10 rooms; bath, extension. 3 attic rooms; 2i!l R R on; fine grounds; modorato rent: Dosses. ?™.„iw___^ itember 20. HOTALING Ic tiEX^WARO. i° n 'd' n ?, s 1 ^ v,g54Tompkia8^v. . ., . p : . _2__??S_. C-HOUSES—ON GElAND AV, F ' RAWPC 1 Wiiloughby ond DoKalb, iome 3 story brown stono houses-, all unp_!ovements; in '• - ''---•••• ler; rentvory low; immediate possession; _n./_"R 0 in town.. Apply to P. WL _LIAMS,'231 j j -^m _J ! 1— - —: . 1 .' ————-'• mont house -HOUSE—170 AND 1T2 HICKS Sg^SSSgS ierrepont-rWoll known os bo irding houro; z."_ , r;'.'. by deoth of tenant; is Sato -y ond oxtcn- ~H_i10R £ is; oil improvements; steam heat, etc..; jp story ^and painted. Apply at. tho house, or to _nd bridgo iutonst. , . .:.•. ;-' ..' ' . ' ,•;'• ' . . . ' : . -arovementi —HOUSE—§30.: PER MONTH— ??"^o *j kost. near Tompkins av. ond. elevoted—2 ggSggggg: U improvements; flats, Heiphts, 830 to ~~. h; steam heated; oil outside rooms: first to PHELPS, 91 Pineapple W, near Ful- .===7^5-5; .-:,-•-,'•''.1 .,,•••'. . 5-l^*-'l^ J- -HOUSE-AN ELEGANT PRIV- i£Sd__i jn'to on Columbia heights, commanding a either city < ork City, Brooklyn Bridge. Governor.s Isl- ^^7Si>—5 Liborty and'the Jersey: shore, to rent to . JLnOJtt x only; plumbing, paintinri. decorating,. A ohong : bells with onnunciator. Mott's No. 5 fur- the Twenty irelv now; rent moderate to a desirable . Jowforcasl 1 will take good caro of the home. Address BEDEORE ^Eagteoffico. ] ' ' ' |^OS~ r; EX-PA.JSXS Qg.'-BTOYSES. \ 7 ^stinld P t? -PART OF HOUSE-LOWER pricf ^ small fomiiy; rent reasonobjle to theright street.- _____________ ,.- ' -'••• . . ' . [ ' . '.- '.. :'-. ,,"" -PART OF HOUSE—?25 RYER- |_______FQ Story'brick; improvements; to i-email _r7i/_-> c ts; 'owner's' fomiiy of two occupies lower Jr. K 'i Inqnire a t 2 2 5 Ryerson. st. ' • __ A . .*** 8 ' -PART OF HOUSE-H5 ROOMS !^ R c iroom; all improvements; hhlls corpetod;, A l V'. * K dowB; privote house, with 6wner;4 t o Y . . -fc'. let;_,to at T . • ... -,y ;st,containii H[>ART OF HOUSE43 STORY gardi__ f of lso, 163 South Elliot place: hot and cold ZlEGLER. ubB, both, etc. For portion ors apply on me after 10 o^clock A. M. j •'.'-'•-.- : . ' pnjt PART OF HODSE+iSECOND .'Sn-oR'S-' loor; convenienttochurchesAnd schools;' _H s ~ , „ oor to any port of the city. -Inquiro ot No.' _k£_! ™ - , „ . J^g_-^-gSH°' I 1 : >•••••• J°M^EO -PART OJtj^THOUSE-eiS DEAN avenno. . ; Nevins, at a moderate rent to a small Tf^OK. a with best of roferoncos;,parlors, base- B-i v "t_- . ont rooms Oa top floor, 7 i i ol!, with im- A. __ choice 10 remainder occupied by owner. . oaicers ovej -. i- • __•_•_• - -T .... provements '• ~ ' ^ ~ •• a ..''••' .' Suyor. REI .gAI-YJIEMOtS—_____g______g___g«' . -' -APARTMENTS-^LjltNISHED " ::r ^%/ : f irnished apartments in the Alderi.; 39 _~irkT? " « rooklyn Hoights; light rooms, plumbing" ; f.'0±_.. * of bay. Modorato ronts for Brooklyn's i»-_, _7J3O0i lequartor; 15 minutes, viai Wall st. from teed five yeo °'7'-" - •::;.••:...:•.']:..•-.'/-• --••= ^OR"-:,- "~*ZT______~~": :•••' -•.'• - __T" * •.' A ...nsodsi 'AR'JTMEIV- JSOIUSES.. 7' • " till paid;. St. "s ; !——: 1, . ' - • . .'. Fulton s t : '.B -APARTMENTS—HANDSOME '—"--•— tsin the Konaington and kho Colomon; - EOffi •lrigbath; heated , and. private hall; eno ,'•„', ,- : *-' v "' intt ov. olovatoi: Janitor, 339 Lafoyotto! BjTOR S '• '••• } -':V- '""• •'•-' ' :-"•• •'-:'• "•-•' •'•',:•'.-.• .-';•, ':__?;'•' -Brnss. •-APARTMENTS — I N T H E at Avon Hal I Uarvard.Apartmont houses; very harid- ••~ r ~- .- . :, . ~< >d;9all light r_>oms: all moldern improve- - "• :.' : ./ . by hot water system.; first/class in every '^ r _ r ;^—-: nd examine; janitor on p-jomisea;.'rente '' _U'0.tv . >• ._. PUELS,'3ll Noatrand a*.''.-; •:"-• 7 ____ ' B?7 840i0( APARTMENTS—IN THE MON- ^ff^^ ohlagriostst-et.overlookSnd the hoy—This BjlOR S irtmont he^ise has been thoroughly rono-. A saclioi ts remain unrontodou the waterside; no- . ov.neorFult Isiri the city compare wit), th.oao in or- •'• 9r./_»~a" 1 finish j moderate rates, nclude dteam fl'-"?" cbnvenioncos; possossionot onco. D. & M. JL••••'•'• houso J07 Montagnost.' ' , ,..-. •'. . decided bar '—' ' ' —' . ' ' Letin'gton a -LEX-^A^RTTJlJaiff Vis,-'--:. '•"'••" ; .''."•.•: .JLf-ORS-A -APARTMENTS^LAFAYETTE ^,..ootL d ,b ock from two olovotod .taiions'-Elogant' M.WILLIA _ooms,830:7-'-omB, 827;.cornerrooms, ^^_7vkS"cr'A id handsomely, docoratodl, TH03. H., J_nORSA ^ifayotte oy; Brceklya. . ,|•:': -: , . .'.-JL. JOS ot -APARTMENTS—FINE, NEW' i^w-fii ,ts of Tond- 8 rooms, with nil modern im-: .' _--w?\-t_J—H 3 to419 State »t. hoar Nevins: also, fino _U'0-», O .,0U5 Lafayette ,nvi:betwiienReid oad- JB. • housei Kofloiusko 8K- station.. J.pply to i»ni. completed;;: ',-'. -..,. _ Deaust. hove flats of'oil descriptions, and now is the time. j .8-ei»n-iiie mts low; call and seo our list: no troublo to show BOiaom. . TALBOT, 1^60 Bedford ov; office open oven- Lexington •••••:• •••v-'--' .^.-•J'-v''7--J',/,""i,"-'i; v'TTiOR, :,ET—FLAT—ONE _FLAT ONLY IN A ^hre< lyrno,-253 Greene av; steam heat furnished, so , i ?K' 1 ~ 5R* 'rooiue; coal and firewbod provided; no bills for c a u a n 9 , * _ light rooms, no shafts; rent 840. ELLIOTT, SSffiS^ ienoav.:.-.-'. -••.-•'• ...-'-/' •:-.:--:;' -.-•" ;,••• ••.• ',' ... ,-. "|T.OR' •! LET—FLATS—TWO AND THREE, A" and? ocks from bridge; 7 and 8-rooms: all improve-:. ?°JJ?,_' cn; ixt.ro'largo rooms; rents 825, 827. 832. 835 , sgg **?*'• ith: muss be soon to,bo appreciated W. B. r^SSsSEE -RS. 58 Concord ot.', ••".•'••'.-. .;-. : : : '7: TTlOR i iET—FLATS—APARTBIENTS NEAR Xli-*** . bridge,-of 3 rooms, from .12 to 318; also a ; - 5*£S|BJ3 rooms, from 819 to 822; halls nicely furnished: WiJK'f, itandance; no children. Apply to D. P. DAR-. '&g£3i££ CO.. 30 Court St.: -•••-••. -. •;.,,.-.•. TnOR i_ET—FLATS-1,200 AND 1.202 FULr A •-•*%.* nst. hear Bedford av: desirable, well plannod;8 fwJthnn iiave inst.been IhOroughty. renovated: examine K____52 lso stores. Janitor on .premises or i> H. VAN _____>£_ t AC0..71Bro»dway.NewYorkCity. ,-. • ••' Tj_OR iET—FLATS—ON PROSPECT PARK A _»«.»• Ill,-noar Sixth'av;,-hondsome]y located; brown i?5:5„ ~l lU improvomenta; 10 rooravaUlight; heated; vj_f,.' u „, .te posses .ion; desirable families only. Apply ' —-^.iriLg! iaes.33 Prospect plaoe. third flot. -"• TE-OR LET—FLATS—FIVE ROOMS AND T , [__*« th; stationery tabs; good locatioa ind good H___3_ fteen minutea from ferries and bridge; rents _l_.„„„ 15. Janitor 324 Borgon St. or 5 0 1 Warron st, »I«____5 , r__ g-7 : ' '-••• . _l^____ ___ _~__7 -'••' ••'• ••:• • ¥ ^ O R - S LET—FLATS—DESIRABLE. FTRST \ A, w story l iss fl-ts/on the-HoightB;five minutes'walk to __j_j_S_v nd ferries; 7 to Mirooms; aiUlght; steam -hoot;: SvJ^t'w .resident janitor,, etc.: rents .854 to 880 per __________: G. W_J0AK1N & CO.,. 170 Montague st. TTlOR I Li_!T—FL A TS—THOSE t ELEGANT 8 . , A " - biro, om flots da Reid ov. cornerMcDonough st; oil _25ssS.,,'. it improvements ; rents 810. 818 and 820; halls J2____°» " 1,'janitor aervico. etc., R__OHEAD H 8UY- x„_*_,_ apromises.or 1.790 Pnlton st. -' ,,-,• '"-'' :': .'.' _.°__2J__ji LET—FLATS—TWO ELEGANT wQ£m itsin the Ardmore. Atlantic av; between Clinton ;___!__? •_^_T_ rtsts;,7rooms and bathroom, all finished in hard SSSsSSri w most elegant style; cathedral.glass in oil I'D . _ if 1 aquire o f D . & U. CllAUNCEY, 207 Montaguo J,__gt_ • . ' LET—FL ATS STEAM HEATED; l^ 0 ^ 1 improrbmunta, 1.110 to Tai4,.anl 1,124to (Snt_P_i ilton st, ne,.r Franslin ov. L; station; firbt.clasi . _,_»!__• _• nonts;/ in;ipoctioo invited. Janitor on prom- ___»}____•_ •A..VAN AUKEN-: CO.. 71 Broadway. New ''^T^ckty __ LET—FLATS-^LN A DESfl^ABLE iRpI . : at ion, at moderate rhnts; brown atone fronts; jBL-^twpe .conveniontsize; ond all -improvements; easily . .nieiiit.; ioa le from Noiv: York and within o.fow inmutos' twafttyrtw -Btation. Apply.to janitor on promisos, 80 Clin-' bala|noo in: L i # - F L A T S - ? 18 TO S 2 0 \ P E R ^ f e ^ .nth; earner. Hancook st and Tompkins av; new 8 . ]V , rooms and both: all modern imptovoments: halls *- I ln *- "° irs furuiahod with moqnntto corpits: lighted; tnonexam itc. Apply to H. l i PAWSON. 413 Tompkins roptete wi llancookbt. •'.: "i____ ___: p W o , betvi LET-FLATS-C O N T A I N I N G 7 %£&£££ t rooms »ndl:a_,iri:S0 Clifton place, from 825; &.] » cornor flats, with poasangcr elevo.or; Smith's JL j ... mort :, Corn-.r Reid and Gates avs, from 830; smaller houiee; all 0; capital ftOre,- 8 3 5 ; ono entire house, $5.)-.a ground; b house; 825. .-Apply to janitor, or ELLIOTT, pn^oisad eno_ov. •'-':;.;..'. '• ' '.• -',.••'.•.:'-'•• ,"',-. !^}__L___._ ,ET—FLATS—LITCHFIELD BUILD- K|OR 5,113 Court st, between Stato and Schormer- A] 'iw o >p flat, in perfect order; larze rooms.with oil im- trini;'qaav nts; nvo minutes from either ferry or bridge. coats notli of GEORQE H. -BROOK-WAY. furniture REYNOLi janitor on T?r«"ii">s. °f E. B.. LrrCHFlELD. kinj. and T i_ET—FLATS—3 FLATS, 6 ROOMST M°trict _8: all improvements; in those elegant now 2 . stone, brie lariiorit private houses; only two families in each easy torms i»e location; fifteen minutes from threo ferries; heat aad 01 »o luiuatos from bridgo by L road. Owner on Bt, pear Nc I, 8J Durycast,one block from Hal-Oyst. Lata- ___L_^__, : Broodway;openSnndoy8. ••'•-•':, ':••• -.: - Bji_>±4 . LE"T—FLATS—HEIGHTS—?3"O TO JH_^__£ "5 por month; fivo minutes to bridge: first class finjah, mir rit houses, the Columbia,- Lincoln; 7 to 12 all Bomton h rooms; .steam hoot, passenger oievator; also. 85 760; _ 30 per month, up town. Apply to PHELPS, 91 av , noar H lest; near Fulton., _- .rtT_T"<_ "LET—FLATS—$15 TO -?16- PER r y s _ t _ ,nth--TOn Presidentst, near Fifth ov: good loco- yrooms- v ogont now flat.; .5 rooms and bathroom, oil . veuient to every modern imorovemont, duipb. waiter, olec- able' a u d • 1, speaking tubes throughout, door opener, etc; Br.lDGE? stairs.fornishod with raoquotto carpets; also, p. Q, Stati 3 to ,815 per month. Fourth ov. noar Oogrow ^r.'/_'•_>-'•". tho abovo improvements. Apply to janitor on g_i_»Js, , 1, 638 President at and 181 Fourth ov: also flats, JL . place 89.50 to 811 per month, 214 Fourth av, near 21 Brevoo ,. Apply on premises. ' •:•• 990Dean .. 1 '-,,•:.'. , . , = : 1(J Irving -,', ! -; ' T O '-L1ET—S-OXS-Et.. .•'.'"; .'-.''7 : .' ; ' gj.o'pvS. LET—STORES-THOSE ELEGANT -§|!_^5? .res on Reid av. corner MoDoriongh st: doublo .'*K __,_[« _I isafronts; auitoble for butcher, baker, dry goods Fr .nkl'in a ; 3 good rooms in rear. Apply on premises or i" • • "— IAD & SUYDAM, 1.790 Fnltonst. .———- JET—STORE—I WILL L E T A PART ''.-_ r :: -\ my store for six months; a'splendid lccat ion for B"ftOIiA r or any jjonteel business;, othor Bpocoi to lot in : H" ro on Fulton st lor display of holiday goods; *- m y to get best selections, BOSWORTH'S DE- _*T A-VWSI E.NT HOUSE. 508 Fulton at. KIILAHO, LET—STORES—SUITABLE FOR __ _ _•• •_ v first class business; will let ono or th roe to- ______ 1.110; 1.114, 1.124. 1,128. 1,200 and 1,203 ? *? M * 8: t, noar Franklin ov. station; inspection invited. , i;,. 1 janitor on premises or to J. A. VAN AUKEN , *»._._. 1 Broadway, New Yprk.City. . , .•'•-. ; . Moket LET—STORE—FULTON ST, NEAR HIR. ty Hall-317. 319 and 321-The handsome 4 » OT rblo front bnilding.-obout56 feet front, running ____ to Washington st; this Is the only largo bust- .'.- _ - r _ v i ) T Iding to let on Fulton Bt; tho finest locality in ' B--8 V - 1 , for a first"clofsbnaiuoss;.recently occupied by -fl. H. J.~J faite _i Co;; lease will be given; elevator, heating wi 1 rcma.11 ctric lighting plant can remain. D.. <S M. do.ionof* 'CEY. 207 Montague st. - -"• • : .'. f.ai. elect LET—STORES—WAREHOUSES, -RGIVKS ccs, lofts—Southwest corner Myrtle av. ond Joy ~J • location.in Brooklyn lor furniture or ony large f ^ LEJS ; two 4 story brick buildings; 14,720 square VJT pacoirent on long lease, 84,000; 371' -layst, ..briok] iloughby.nice store,820; 23 Bridgo st, 818: fino 17 acres p id floors, cornor Wiiloughby a.nd J a y and Wil- pcrfoct-o' and Pearl sta.one block above City Hall; low '-utr'ivalod Y1LLIAM H. GRACE, cornor Wiiloughby ond S. —r- open oveninga. ..'•.- ; '•• •"•..' ' ' ~r TT TAT LET—HOUSE—F U R N I S H E D—3 in t ; FoL. 1 iry 5»rown atone house; good neighborhood; con- M BS J. E. to Eings Cojnty L: owner to boord with tenant ',_J _»»- ."!« iblo. Address E.. Box,23. Eagle office. \ hUAJS LET—HOUSE—FURNISHED—ONE $$&$& io»o new 3 story fancy fronts on Greene av, near fri im New d;-10 rooms; all improvemonts; hondsomoly fur- bar. Boot ront from October 1: reasonable. Coll for per- October. P. PUELS, 311 No.trand av. •' ": ' _£• • ' • ^ .^_ ' __________g____a_________;: -•' . •,.'- __ .'• f* • . " ' " LiET-ROOMS—SPLENDID RQOMS P. t ? n f ^* er my store desiroble/or any light, gentoel basi- *\ would make fine lodge rooms; one room desir- —1 meeting room: rent reasonable. Apply to J. H, _r"_ AT A IRTH. 0O8 Fu-ton St. ____ _ ^) A " X - Bk 3T— j . » g -_tUS_r!Y_-_S _W7^P_>S--»'. '- fopnlor. _ET—OFFICE—PART OF LAW OF- 'd_t£ n '«7 : , with lawyer of many years* practice ; good '•: ; or young lawyer or real estate agent. Room 00 -H'Trr-TT lsen at. Franklin building; •.,•'•• i~i _ET—FLOORS—ONE OR TWO 7T :ors,5j3xl00: well lighted on all sides, with or jDlrectly steam, power; uteam elevator: 2 4 9 o n d 2 5 1 ernimpro. iby st. Office, 74 Court st; A. T. STEVENS A '-• _ET—FLOOR—WITH OR WITH_UT A 11 ^, .am power, third floor of factory, corner of -Sixth ctntrall -1 Patriae str average height of celling 14 foot; rooms acs ' floor about 7,000 square feet;reasonablo rent. ctilcr, witt RLIN, 180 Romsen St. Brooklyn, or D. WILL- ELLIOTT, ?. on the premises. ' _ . • •-•+—— LET—FACTORY—AT CORNER OF ^i-^^A' islieand Rodney sts;30x100: throe floors: light K -J 0 id; with about twenty horse power; convenient , o-i.-. Jl pping points posacsaiori immediately: rent low -'______•._ party. C. lk. REYNOLDS. South hrst and- ;_~_?S&.' sts. Brooklyn. : . ' ^osBMrs_ B ERK SALE—FARM—FIVE ACRES OF 1, B y r »d land with a Dutch form-hoaso; two Hourcos Spacious 1 ;ifal water: for exchange or sole. Apply to _D _-C0..22-Co-irtBt. _______ '•'" ' K •i- K ,, "SALE—REAL ESTATE-rPICTUR- : JI__ .uo Ridgevvood. N. J., on tho Erie, high, dry roll- y riXnoositi try, soil sandy losm, allowing perfect drainage; n n_i latei tiles from New York, main line Brio road: train ^ rn _ B ^ - orfect: outside tho heovy sea air and malarial belt; MAN : godsend to people with atendency tolnng tron. •-+_ ~- iphlot, with map attached, giving all particulars,, _____iAT ipon applicotion. E, F. HANKlj, Ridgewood. V; J 3 L 1 SALE—COUNTRY PROPERTY— ^T' tpropertyforinvestmerit—-Thecelebrated Union '•••''"• wo blocks beyond the Brooklyn city lino east of . vYorkandadjoiningWoodbavenonAtlantioav fffYHE I isit, with a depot on the property in front of our B, V >ctnc railroad on the north side of this loud and'!•• ** clyn elevated road soon to be extended through . >m. ; - _»_.,. •; choice lots, 25x100, with shade trees and ar- '„ A n , ".-„„„ >one sidewalks, only 8350 each, payable 810 ..n«»f.«? v <> or 8315 cash down; policy guaranteeing title* I to every purchaser: lots will be worth 81,000. : ~ sa than four years; hoases are building in every ond anyone who has ever seen the old Union ! _ •"' • i* ill tell you that it is the. handnomest tractof '" _.. /-.ern_ cut up. Mops free. Address HITCHCOCK'S j 'Obtf- 0 office. 14 Chambers st. Now York.' " ' J __J ov. o s I ' ' ' ' . '"~ . aiound, tw $JU-E-SUBURBAry PROPEBTY. t,'_.atoa SALE—RF, A Ti ESTATE—PfFFER- -g_-QUN] rem al Jothor pl_.ee-—Bonsonhmet by the Sea is j I ____,„„ t. developed and carefully restricted; thirty-five - - ri.-. r zrU i„ rom Brooklyn Bridge, via. Fifth av. Elevated * __22_l'J? . 4 W.:JBL R. R.; more convenient than.Har- 'J<_?"*/, " >rs, water, sidowaHts. street lights; lots 8200 ,_-SSES-S _rd; houses.with plots 60 feet front. 83,000 "_" OST— xd; illruttrated descriptivo circular sent. G. B. t _ *5 __ >OLPH. 41 Wall st, New York. .<• r . •, _-*,.? I,ro . 1—1 1 1 ,— 1— D< r iu, on 1 - FOR ___._____?_. ATS. •:-••• ffip^G SALE - FLAT — INVESTMENT ! ^ S« .1PA 1 pay 11 per cent: one of the finest briilt apart- TO _ r __"__vori sesm Brooklyn, on a comer; price 820,000; ' •_..>__i___ S non to appreciato. A.USTIN A. ZENDilR.A ? OTattlM Le xington av. cor. Nost rand.'"" -.-••".• . ,:•• •'-.•', :2 '... *'_ SALE—FLATS—FINE NEW 4 T , 3 •y'single flats: walking distance to City Hall _=__f__irS.. o; 4 1 3 t o 4 1 » State st.ncar Nevins; all im- T HWEN its; janitor 411 spine street; sold ot a great •••_-, Jorini tpply Potcheri ave, between Van Bnren st. and D »mocratic r, at now buildings. ' . ___ . , j__ _t_c av, or .•'; 'FOR..E_-CEiA-V<-E- '•,",'.';'•••''•''•:'•• •________ EXCHANGE—REDHEAD _fcSUY- /V'^-OTT , 1,790 Folton st, inake o specialty of exchang- /* ffa „-i,W. ave at all. times first class property to offer; vtilBAY E . or country. '•; .-' '.•.":'•• •:.. .:'•,.••'- ".'' •. ._J.*A__-_-.A, __ EXCHANGE—FOR SALE OREX-- ..__!______ ge, a plot comprising the most desirable lots in ~ ;y_xth Word; near olovotod road: wiU be sold . _n sh or exchanged for hoose on tho Hill, Address _s—-—_'•D, Eagle Bedford branch. ! •'-.;, . ,•..-; ., •'. -B'Jf PTJR EXC RANGE—FOR BROOKLYN j. by Hon. erty, 480 acr03 of land near Noss City, Kan.; g lpremo Co 0 increase in value -very largely, as the Omaha, - <* ; -y 01 Augu ;y and Southern Railroad will run through it; P. ? - ? " d Pp.. 000. GEO. E. LOVETT. 68 and 70 Couri. 2. "J 1 ^ ptf- •.','i..'-... : , ; . _S' —'*-> lately 1 '- ' ' '• ,.-•••'• ••,--•; •,•••-. tie firm no: Q_t':SA'I--E--.iEti--A.--. -SS'_rAX-6_ ; ' : "''.- 'eis tliorefor, SALE-LOT-SOUTH SIDE SOM- SSre^d 8 ^ st, near, Stone av.-Apply at No. 857 Fulton it irs, at his : -" •'",.. •---:-.'-••.". • • ' • • • ' ; . . ' , . '•'.'•: ' "' •• : ..-'- - . st reel, in th' SALE—REAL ESTATE—OR ^O diyofNovei "our lots and factory building. 89 to 95 Union , _,_j.o_,_> i ling boiler and engine; in good order; will rent street New .vorablc terms, or sell at about valuo of lots, re- :— if building; a greot chance. WILLIAM H _'N P U R t, 155 Carroll st. • -. J_ by the I ' p -erne Court -' 8.AT_'-Br-STO-_E _?KO_?_E K.TY, , .. AaKust.l'Si SALE—STORE PROPERTY—COR- .Jpfi!|iC«p .tore: first class location for grocer; also.othor 3D'3 Brosdw ertyat low prices and on oasy terms. DAVID Wings and fc OY, Atlantic av, junction East Now York ptcsent thoi '.••.•.. ,•,.-.' ••: ..- -.• :,/:•• ',''•,•, -',:,.••-;•,• ., ,.'. •',:•" •. .',-vi-ntied; to ^~SALE—STORE PROPERTY—Ay c| e Su>™. i! i< eo corner in ,; the: Twenty-fifth Ward, with,, _ I_ilton -tree en; 3 story brick; plate: glass . front; all im- •' 2|lBt day of ;s: near elevated Btation ;.a bargain for a quick jglistO, I88C ;D H E A D & SUYDAM. 1.790 Fulton st. ' . _ W v R. M^t . ; ,..'.' ~^~~- 7 " - b'-wYoi:--,' fott.isx:i.G—vxxisos.:'ozc*. [ ifNB.UR: SALE—PIAKTO—S140—UPRIGHT, jL^y t he H, ictoves, three strings, full iron plate; guaron - * SSSr&^ir ? orsr ANDSRSON&0O.,3:-_ _..|ton st. _ '%&$<& SALE-PIANO—$15§—UPRIGHT; tie City of six months,, elegant new uprights 8(1 monthly goirod to pr Iteinway Upright; bargain. WISSNER'S, 302 f P r t dul ? vo ^ ___.g_f^p I _^_-_:_:^__.,__. - . , • —- _S_.___, 0, _1 , . ' -. ' •• -,, ~ Court street _a:>SA_Ll_^--_:gSC--_-t-JLAJV-EO10 , S..'": : . ;: e,;v_nthday SALE—CARPET—73 YARDS OF ' 2 _ra_i_;i SOIB cornet, nearly new; light color. Appl_ street,Brooi 011,1,217 Bedford av, hoar Halaoy at. ; •-"•;" ' ?"— ' ^|___§__________|_____________s__vV ••'•.• .. -'.' ••'".• T-.^.-!.'' SALE—HOUSES—§3,000 TO , V^,;?.! OODrall parts: of the city., OHAS. A.SEY- ,V_ __j___S«__ JO.. 203 Montaguo st. : : . . siumriions—T "SALl-HOUSES-^lN BEDFORD •'*j«SJ2 < S ll ; on, by D.U, FOWLER J. CO..-1,230 Bedford ^tho plaint dton St. ; ..'"- •'' . : .-..:-. . •.-.'..'' ,-,•••• . '• .- ••" . ;.-;.; " „ S rvico ot thi. 5ALE—HOUSE—§4,000—3 STORY '.«*.•}?_g_?S__2 eon Madison st: fine location: lot 20x100; a -5___^__t_ -rgaiD. AUSTIN A. ^SENDER & CO., 272 , nand< *. , £$ :av '' ,; '-- .. •'••' ' - ; -. •' ' ' -' ••.-•'•"•'••'-'_' . "• ••'• ., O f f i c e a n d _ ALE—HOUSE—GATES AV, NEAR "VorkCity. , Brooklyn.. 2 fctorios and basementt'.- only ' 10 tno aofc hrbalance ? on bond and mortgago. JOSEPH aS nB18S0 J v « A_.I8.5UW_ofl St, New York City... - . ___?_*__?!_ Al_E—HOUSES—OR EXCHANGE, Oountyot M ind 10SJ- Sandford ,st.3>tory frame, 18.9x oh said 29th_ ftrstclass ordor; will put in cash it required, , wiint Jtt th! CAR!ON UXtlMCS.- •.'•••..'.". i --, ':..'. p.... __;___" ; .Cdnnty of Kl SAL-3 - HOUSE M ONE FRAME ifowTor^A. e_nd.two', ots; 50x107.; O rooms; house ».ll .: -PUTNJ ; "pric«, 83,000. Apply onproiiusoa. 2,070 Offi'co and ••'•':"'. '7.-. 777 7 :'•.•'v;-^ I'V«tk pity;' ___^^'!_-••'i " ' " ' 'in— ' ~— . • •'• *•- ^ ;_i_)l - _______ JALE— HOUSED—^10,UUU—_l'_iJ*__-_ _ _. _ _ ry and basement bricl. ,'vousos: oil leased to ain- TVlfl 7 s: S45 per month; littlo .-ash roquired: chance JJJL _/ JL fored. AUSTIN A. ZEitD^E-l &. CO-, 272 |^^:^ . ov, corner Nostrand. '- .'.' ,'.'' .'•'•. SALE—HOUSES—OR TO LET, V. 9 brown stone, hardwood trim, houses, contain- Til© "• "'•'" ins; aU improvements; at a bargain thiswoek; , ** v ': iee them. 47,49-and 51 Deeatnr st. -If not •t 41.SERV1S, owner. i /.-.-: :• SALE—HOUSES—§2,000, § 1,8 0 0 :[ ) 11,750—2 *tory -and extension houses. 7 rooms; . to olevated railroads; ft300 cash, balance on |fa<../-Qt{/_, -nts. DAVID J. MOLLJY. Atlantlo av.taeor !A»U»cauo. ^o**- " , " . ' '•'• •••:'.'.'•• •[•- ••• '•' '"'•'-'- •'•''- \ •: Aftivo SALE—HOUSE—BARGAIN—BED- ^ ,• ov—3 story ond b.-.-omoat frame. 12 rooms, __LOr__l_l) ivomonts; 20x40; lot 25_tl00;in-->orfectorr ; , 83,750; possession at once; terms to suit. riTVn" T_i .PER, on premuea, 745 Bodford ov. -•'•:.-•.'•• «- -r^ SALE—HOUSE^9 FRANKLIN d- Cl ear.L station—3 atory. brick basement and nodern improvements, _*, hot and.cold water. 1 t i l l rooms; a bargain; must be Sold'Inquire 1 >--. , a ________?• _?• E. fOPP-^O- ' <•••'••'.•• j The leade SALE—HOUSE—ALL IMPROVE- j ve *T confic : for threefamiUos; 21 irootns; 8 5 3 0 0 ; rent* jcontinxte. terms oosy; can bo seon at any time. good lo- W-nnral nr- ar Hals_y at. station. 535 Evererean av, near f*r*¥fa l VF0 - (now Jofferson ov). Brooklyn. E. D. • • jcent crops: SAiE—HOUSE—3T~STORY AND jpriucipalr, mont frame houso: 13 rooms; improvements; Jtivestors i tor one or three familie«;Jabout500 foot from _•„_«_.-_•* totlon. Inquire on premises. No. 28 Howard i^uropcan t' .. . : .1- . •-•••••'•'•• point, erath ALE—HOUSES—CHEAP—THREE JMtt upon tl iriok. extension. 22x100.1431 State st, oil im- i The bears s: 2 story brick. 168x867 118 Fomth av.; 3 L u„ ,,-"_„ V , 18.0x»0-oeh, 439. 441 AUanticav.stores, p-bclieve t, -loom 6 0 . 1 8 0 Rom_eii at.] '",-.'•'' . tuoroserioc SALE—HOUSE—623 WILLOUGH- monej' mus _, 3 atory brown storio, 20, foot wide: lot 100 ineculation 11 rooms; handsomely decorated; all.modern . [J, , >nts; well built; house iouut be sold; open; jVVestera ilD uaraino arid make o__or,|, J. P. POELS, 311 f^ ag mon( _ALE-HO!JSE^_1ARGAIN — 226 ^T*} ^ _ant »v, near "Madison st~2__ story and base- P**¥»3 &V? 6 try roar, brick uni brown stone. 19 6x43x100; yeiy impor. lecorated; 13 room .; 87 & 0 0 ; term'a to suit. ;,u,»>^, _«„ H. TYLER,:201 Montajst-ost or 1.183 Ful- pi a "-« are :-7-•'.••"•:'•'.•-••" .:,->-v...' |" 7 _L.___' ports from S A L E — H O U S E - A N , E L E G A N T thow. 1 - Queen Anno ho-se: 10 Vboms; all improve- 1 The repoi 28x110 i'eot; choico location; neav ctovated lti.AWS._i ..._ ice 83.300;8->00 cash. JAMES MAGOIRE, <»"0Vr8A tot > o-tlco, corner Atlantic :ond Von Siclen ovs, Jill charges, Ei_J^__- •' : '"'- •,-•• V , '•• : _ preferi-ed _, SALE—HOUSES—NO HUMBUG; 6bli_reil to logant now houses, just flaished; oil improve- Tr)ii« «.„_«-« stion £no: fifteen imautes from thr*« t'erhos; ,_ui~ouu.._ >-minutes tr-Jin bridgo'by L ro*.d; 8 5 0 0 <}o^o, Jlient. | .tallment-to suit: p-ysTl percent. Owner 1 ft__,_-_'Viri .a, S4 Duryoo st. one block troai Bolaey St. L -I owl ' J "> °V 1 Broadway: open Sundays. -' fhe early tr ALE—HOUSES-ARE YOU LOOK- Viile, Miss'o r o b«autifulhou8e, in just the right locotionl? CaillC" an Ul ine the seven new box slo ( -p,3 story building*, *Val>.<i«l>r.« _ th every molerri iiuprovomont, on Lincoln f^ a f^ a ' u yr " reen Sixth and Sovonth ova. Owner on prem- the tone iva ONARU MOODY. 20 (. orirt at. . j_ our _^_ t _, SALE—HOUSES—ONLY §2,750, firm for t b gage 81.750, for cozy little 2 »tory brick ) ^,1 . ,. improvement,; near Ptospect Park; high j -*??.*™ 1 paltby noighliorhood: only «lx left; buy beforo morninar- vanced this Fall. C. HSIBBALD, 160Mon- . At A p a( ? iric :..'.-; ,,. ", "••,.' "' I-,'- ' - ' w- Bur C It i IS SALE—HOUSES-TWO BEAUTI- %&££'£. x story and baaomentbrown stones: hardwood CentN _f5sr teired oakhall and stairs: "very beat plumbing: Jjlie _c 6 S W ing to, examine; open Sundays. WILLIAM i> 0 i/_ nci. OS & SON. 380 Jefferson av. between Tomp- B_ U &K_OG1 hr0 °P- - ' ' I '-"' •,•-'• Erie 2d eon. SALE—HOUSES—BEDFORD DIS- g* w-th & 0 3 - 8 2 . 0 0 0 upward; handsopie decorated brown •_____.__' ? k, frame, 2.2_S. 3 stories; tvide, narrow; cheap, &??S?£ % a \ : to rent-houses furnished,] unfurnished ;-steam ____."_'_ *. iher flats. JAMES L. PliELPS, 1^64 Pulton f*" &Pi fc S X. •strand av. ."• ..-'.: T. _"._ .•_"..' —1 , . 1 —_ ; Mot Eldv 1st. 3ALE—HOUSES-DECIDED BAR- &_*__ Ohiog 14 elegant 2 story and basement brick houses. M_ v ? _ > ,n >d;-two blocks from olovotod roilrood; cabinet f _ , . 1, ' rors and bullet; gas fixture-: Richardson _c. XnC loilo loator and ranges; aanitsry plumbing; price stock marki xsy payments. Apply on] promisos, Putnam " oward. _____ '"•' '• li".' •' lALE'-r-HOUSE-rlN p_HB.TW-5Na_> American Co 1 Ward, fratjio house in good order containing Atch-.Top. & rotor in hoaaa; largo lot 373__xlSO foot; con. ConadlanPa. cars aud in good locality;] will.be sold reaaon-' Oaniida Soutl on ea.y terms. Address Or apply to W. H. CentrolNow. •, Ajjont, Fulton ov, near 'Logan st, Brooklyn; Oeuti ol I'ocil on E. _____• JB heeopeake _ ?__LE^HCTUSES—162 LEFFBRTS; Mit. B_i ' _ ). 3 story b s.............'."...I '..89.000- Chicago Gas' rt place, 3M story 0 s JL l-l.o00 Clov., C, O.-. 1 st, 3.story bs ....... ;.., ...10,000 Colorado Coa placo, 3 story brick... 0.500 Consoli'lated ion st,2 story brick..__...:|. <>.2",0 Del.,Lack. A imav, 2story biick.*. '...' 5,500 . Denver & Hit n st. 3 atory frame ,.•. i.............. 6,000 DeuverO.R. .n av, corner Franklin. 3 story b s- 14.000 EaatTennos- MARION GRIMES..1,151 Fulton st, cornor KastTonn. 1 •v.. •" '••.''.'•':'•. "-I' : -.Erie. i ! , , j, Erie pr.fd . .smrrmcEix RESORTS.. |S*K ND SPRING HOTELS. ; g_&Sl!Sj HE POLAND 6PR1NG ; HOUSE, M_h__^_.'6e" TO TWICE ITS FORMER OAPAOITT, Mle«ouriPftC PEN JUNE 15 TO OCTOBER 15. NovrYo._rc. SION HOUSE IS OPEN^ ALL THE YEAR. N Y.^AWev? niflcent Sconerjr and Climate in Conriectioa js y' s us 4 With the Par Famed Northwester) POLAND WATER Northwette" bin tho finest resort in the United States, Northern P_ iM BICKER A SONS, South Poland !__, Ohio h < , r a 1><l ' 1 York Office and Depot, 1(54 Nassau rt. Oma-io'""*" SEND FOR O-RdULAB. _SS5fe*-W 2L BELVIDKRE, J J ELVIDERE, N. g^°S •?«_.' *his mountain Stimaier rcsort.heatcd by steom, 1'ip<i L i n e Ce a OPES during Pall and Winter for ao<o.-nmo- Pullman ;uests after other reaorts are closed. lighted by Reading ric bells; first class api ointments; good'Fall : RichmondT< d shooting. For circulars oddross GEORGE llcok Island IS. Proprietor. .' B r . L. 4 gan'] WOOD HOUSE, StlPoSlpfd.- DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. Sugar Tmet building,dalightfnlly located; capacity, 150; ToxasA Pad rivato ground;.; electric belle, spring water: Union Pocifi' nitation: oxcellent table, with jsuporior servioo; Wai .ash... family resort._A_ I ^ A B ^ l ^ Wabash pfd. Western Uni 'ERSTONE COTTAGE. - f GREENWOOD LAKE. N. Y. . nr.o»iwr vv OPEN ALL THE YEAR. BBOOlC..Y_l , rooms; excellent table; good fishing and boat- L __ ., foliage and scenery very boautlfui. Address vorroctoaoal WATEjEL-TONE;. j D VIEW HOTEL, [„•••, ' r STONY CREEK. C0NN. J }*» n i!°a T - J _yB.t_.ted on Long Island Sonnd2Mhours ^* n '! caT '_ York. Special rates for September and Octo- Ia _V ca ^.' 1 1 fng.batbmg and fishing. Duck shooting in '.'.KSHPSS H-It. VAUGHAN. Proprietor. " Brooklyn Cit; ! g _5u.-Jiwick av. V I E W H O U S E , grooawaylt. FIVE MILE RIVER, CONN., Broadway R. On the Sound, , ^""widway R. ruestsall thayear round; exocllent gunning, S'T *'^. % .. ov d fishing. For circulars address U-, an S li- i H. LAMB. «_!________.* ' ,1 1 Crosntown R. R A C T H O U S E i ^ South Brookl DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. .{_onth Brookl ______ ••.-., Grand st. anc oli_ero_ort;exc-_llont«uieino;hnnting, fishing, ^v_2j- 8t i au 1 lake and river; reasonable coaching parties' _________***• 0__N?_____°r__- , ^M.TUC.-ER L _ gfS*_?g*S ST ATT A'TT. w Citizens'Gas "^-^KKSSTT?. -.»-.-- ' . Fulton Munii : SPRING LAKE, N. J. ' Fulton Muni< . '-. ". 77- . ' - . ._• . Metropolitan on the Beach. . Pirst class fjjiroughont. Mod Metropolitan remonts.. Billiard room, etc. Nassau Gas C E. M. RICHARDSON. Nassau G^C IAATSBERG-THIS ATTRACTIVE ^____-_GS roll arranged Summer resort is beautifully and People's Gas seated to Oil points of interest In the Catskills; Williamsburi irable;' torms reasonable. Kor illustrated cir- Williamabur* 1 cut of house and grounds, address ROBERT Union Gas Li .'HUNTER. Groeno County. N. Y. Brooklyn Bat "~ T —————. Broadway Ba TOGA, N . Y . Bedford Bani ADIRONDACK HOUSE. Commercial! PEN ALT. THE YEAR ROUND. &" 1 . ^ _" T " mily hotel near tho principal springs. Special rj-irst Nationa Vintor rates, 45. _8, and 810 per week Ad- Fulton Bank ELIHU WILSON, 120 Grand *v. Kings (Jounu —— g __'_.' „. ± s ^ Hamilton Ba .SHIRE HiLLS, tongialanu, TYRING HAM, Mass. Monufacturo FERNSIDE (Lato Shaker YilloseJ ' Mechanics' 01 cquost will remain open dorim, October. . Mechanics* B •ooms, Hcioatonic R. R. South Loo Station. Nasaou Natio Dr. JOSEPH JONES, Proprietor, Rational Cits , , Twenty-sixth lANSET HOUSE, SpraguoNatl SHELTER ISLAND, L. I., N. Y.. ' ' Jf allabout B. vo'y remain opeu until September 12, and as 4?°_.. n -f, ru as busine_-i warrants. Sendforpamphlet and S_*_•_• P i _ u , H. S. MOWER, fe° n B &*___! 1 HANSET HOUSE. Suffolk County, N.Y. 5 af,s . u , T J, ost , . Jreoplo s Tru: H HOUSE, 7 7 Bro^klyn.Cit .CHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN. N. J... Lori*? Island _ KmgsOount' •main OPEN during the Autumn months. J -0 ." 5 ^{ond 1 . J.-iayetle Iny J. WARREN COLEMAN. Nassau Insar. —: Phemx Insur IITTATINNY, - Williomsburt >ELAWARE WATER GAP. PA. 7 percent. H _-_-_. V percent. Bi Ightful Autumn resort will, remain OPEN 7 pcroent. W mbcr 15. Sond for circular. ' •' 8 Percent. Pi W. A. BRODHEAD A SONS. . . .8 percent. B. __ ______ ' 6 percent. W ...''...- ' 1 ~~ 6 percent. Bi ...fcOOT AXB Fotrryp- ^-_g r s c c n o t tin , _ -TUESDAY NIGHT, ON SUMNER l_^' s County kyo terrier SLUT; color light groy. toil jcurled Acad<>myof i> 0 teeth out of lower jaw: property of ian in- Onion Forry n, whogrievos tho loss. Reward if returned New York Pe esav. , '• . ' •'•" ' . . . • ' • •.- 'B'klynlnferid D-A TRUNK, WHICH MUST <%%gj$& >een lost from an express or other wagon on Brooklvn W_ New Utrecht. owner c*n have it by proving Tg „„cont) Apolyto JOHN A PFALZGRAF. Sixtieth L7lfWater S ;h Junction, Now Utrecht. percent. ix> -ON. THE FIFTH AV. ELEVATED _JSS'SS u v_ d, betwoen 0 and 0:15 this morning. Sop torn- Flotbush Wot ho first car on ongino 74, a chamois PURSE, Flatbush Wat at least 820 and a gold watch, moker Patek South Brooklj enova, Switzerland; A. M Spring, name of s. Y.and So. 1 de; and a gold chain, with 0 gold glove but- N.Y.ondSo. I rgold ring, design of clasped hands; Si>0 ro- ,1 ; no questions asked. Return ot once to Miss r eney Hospital, cornor Sixth st. and Sovonth t pi s Eoglo Fifth ov. branch, 435 Fifth av. :;'. """• T . '• " ••] Many actc POa-IXJtCAI-M-EEriyGS* .praying sma rY-FOURTH WARD-A REGU- weU that, of mthly meeting of-tho Twenty-fourth Word L., { t - Asaociation wdl be hold at the Wigwam, At- •?___ O I a c l 1 1 FRIDAY. September 13. at 8 P; M. kind Of Part •<•'...-: A. 8IMIS, JB.. President t i AH Tj.fl.ia H-.TBE-). Secreta-y._ tle8 ' W t" 18 ULAR MEETING OF THE ^.-«.tation, RTH WARD DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIA- .BOrae person: 0 held at 43 Wiiloughby st. corner Joy, on c p m e t h e y C£ ;V£WiN<> *^lLN M McKEOWN, President. eral rule. 1 T. Cor.vTO,Secretary. < ••"-. .- .••.-•:'• women, too, •~ ~—'— fi ~ aind who, wli -ANKLRYlIf-CY KOXIC-ES. for them, an SUANCE O F A N O R D E R M A D E earn an exti Willord Bartlotti one of tho Justices of tho • they have an urt of the State of Now York, on the 16th —„„„-;*„» „. st, 1880, notice is hereby given to all credit- RrecariOHB a aou having claims against JOSEPH H. IR- ranf.e__ient, )RGE . W. MORE and ALFRED O. WAT- _ - * __ '_ doingbusinesffin the City of Brooklyn under ' I ^ a - y w v " ia y me 0/ IRVINE, MORE <fc WATSON. that time lt may 1 aired to present their claims, with the vouch- -^-tv./.j Q f v. ; duly verified, to tho subscriber, tho duly ap- arrived ai o Knee of the said Joseph H. Irvine, George w. hundreds a : fred C. Watson, for the benefit ot their crod- ,ii,nc finrM_>.l.i place of transacting b-auness, No. 77 Warron a ? es ^YF^JS a City of Now York, 00 or beforo the first ployers. WC nber next.—Dated Augnst 16,1889. » _ . _ nf . __ ' , WILLIAM tj. CARLISLE, Ass-'gnoe. tUreS OI tne t GR_!-.S_, Attorn-jvafor Assignee, 3Broad Willie befoi'O York City. . onlOCwM ing when W SUANCE OF AN ORDER MADE eyes. Ion. Wjllard Bartlett. a juslico of the Su- ' Pz-rhnrw wi 1 of'the State of New York, on the 6th doy of -i*-riii__ yo ;0, notice is hereby given to oil the creditors I been any pat -0n« having claims against, SAMUEL A. fill a DrominC atcly doing business as a retail grocer, at No. , , , ay, in the City of Brooklyn, in the County of a p l a y , OUt W. Itate: of New York, that they art requirod to T think I m a j Ir cloims, with the vouchers therefor, duly _,. .. tho subscriber, the duly appointed assignee ' caus, directi; Samaol A. Dunlop, for the benefit of his <_jately fiets 0 1 his place of transacting business. No. 77 .. . , . , t, in the City of New York, on or before tho tion at Which October. 188a r Dated Brooklyn, N.,Y.,Au- profession. . 1.'.-. . JAMES PALMEK, Assignee. f„4.--..-u,. i.v_ ibH, Attorney for Assignee, 206 Broadway, tatiou by the . .,..-.. -.. ,,, : • • - . . , ou76wW. -he.jumped. SUANCE OF AN ORDER MADE ficiiltyiu fine .oi. Henry A. Mooro. County Judge of Kings difficulty is t he 25th doy of July. 1889. notice is hereby 4«;r____j___ m , t I tho creditors" and persons having claims AU loose mat :N F. WELI.INGS, lately doing busines.- in . n o difficulty i Brooklyn, Kings County, that they aro io- th „_. nr i, 1 . ,_: a sent their claims, with the vouchors there tne worm, ai fled, tothe subscriber, tho duly-appointed to a poiition. be said John F. Wollings for the benefit of w __i _.-i-_-_.,.- his place of transacting business, No. 44 nnnnoooay, ,in the City of Brooklyn, on or before the person and al of November next.—Dated Brooklyn, August ..,->,--._ „ , , J _ EDWARD F. DAVENPORT, Assignee. bltion, and W UsQUIJf. Attorneys for Assignee. 10 Court , when, if the? -^ j -—' 3gZ .S-giL, they wish to < '• jt.EcAi--' 'nfoyicEs. : 7''7'77'.7.7 • comesin.—M ORK SUPREME COURT—TRIAL 7 V i in Kinas County—Frederick J. Emmerich EDISO inst Emma L. Estos andChirles H..Provost. 0 tlio. above named defendants and each of. . TV-nirinR... ,re herohy summoned to answer the com- * J r ) jjj . u action, and to servo a copy of.youp'onswer . Which I havi iff's attorneys within twenty daw after the ' i__1j-n_. __, .summons, oxclasivo of the day of service; - ' w - ii " il »* ']*" t your fallnroto appear or-answer judgment Stratford, On a against you .by default for the relief de-. m ,,rvi'nrlvin e compiaint.-Dotod July 29,TS80. every lony m rNEY* BISHOP.PIaintit-'s Attorneys. all parties int ?ost Oifico address, No 115. Broadway. Now , ,_*[§ ___,d, b e e n indont'Em-ia h. Estes: The forogolng sum- , ; faculties wort d upon you by publication, pursuant to an i.nii_-in nnllr»» by Hon. Willard Bartlott; one of tho jus- U n t t o n Puuc<. iupreme Court of the Stato of New York, is ClOCKWOrk. ugs.on the 20th day of August, 1880, dated . alniA ___•• niirj day of AuguiulSSO. aud filed with the com- 5 "_."£_ ~J .s-aetionsltt the 'otttco-of the Clerkof the first rate ohl ng?. at the County Court House in the City thrOUIjh M s ll on »ho 20th day of. August, 1830.—Dated , _. . -. . u .' ugn_t29,i88Q. :v..:^-_ ,„ ••••,•• .'hun.-to. throt ZX * BISHOP. Attotoeyt .or Plaintiff, »ide bf the 11 Poat Office addre-s, llo Broodflrny, ;New »t ae 01, we u ' as_OU.vF. j Press. NM YMARKET. Bull aioyeraent \ in ' " ] Stocks.'" 1 >_8 of a JPiii ther Adrance—An and «7 Hfgrher Market TMsr asvv/'-' ' :•'• tier Financial New*. See Four ^hek Edition, Siaili. Page.\ . .7 WALL STREET, September 12.' lers on the bull side of the market ire. . ; <M ident that the upward movement will . They base their expectations upon the •osperity of the.country; the masmifi- : the conservative management of the ; J - '^M railroad lines, which gives confidence to 7 and speculators, and the fact that .. tourist, are now returning full of tJull. , hered abroad.and ready aud wiliing to • ; 7 them. •,"'*.. ; •*•''••". 7'•• •'•••" '-I .'77'73* rs have very little to say. They profess-:. 7. :• ;' that the Western rate situation is/ar 7 ; ms than has been represented, and thai j 1st soon become so active as to.deter c ' • ' :'.._%_| n. But railroad earnings show that 7' mesaro doing a good' business, and sc 7' 7 icy is concerned the experiehco of la.t . 7- dicates tliat activity will be sure ta ' -7'-7 iedy relief. The market is ripe for a . rtant advance, and many outside spec » ":• 7i'; enow-in and patiently waiting, as re- --. .77^1 n the commission houses abundantly | ~ ortortho St. Paul for tho fiscal year : r ' 7 ital surplus of $098,410 after meeting' 7 s, and a 7 per coat, dividend on the' stock. A year ago the directors were/ . ) cut the dividend on.the preferred.- • _ 3 the result of consetvative manage- -.'•:•- "~^M ipened very strong, and tho feature in - trade was a rise in Louisville aud Nasli- 7 \.-!^-^.__j onri Pacific and the grangers. Then. i»vrard movement in cotton oil, in the ,7 '7.7^B and in the Vaudorbilt specialties, and. ' jflj 'as strong for the remainder of .kefirs. 7__j ;hough a, little irregular, tho tone was he next hour. fl 1 wing shows transactions in bonds this 7-^w. -fl ic ...... l6_ll6«NorPac 2d.;..-, ....... il4 7 : _ Nisi ...... 100 iOhioSooth'ninc... .. 5K„ •;-__! 1st ........ ,104_ Ohio & Ind VV 1st ...... SOW ' '~''-MM > .li:_|Peo 1stEv..'..' ..... 1045- '''•••'-_• ireg ........ EllJa Peoria 2d 71C ~ VJB W lst ...... _J12MlReodinglstino.... K3kaS:.»< _• St... Iip4!. tveadiug_idiuc.... 57'-;.57_ ' _• fWlst f->:.!_ lto.ading2d• inc..079*0673. ' fl 1 _|0>,-liticadiUK g m4n ...... .. y i „ ' ' '-.'•' __i >lst y0ri».-,_ S»n'An A Ar Pass of . ..'.".' :: . .':-'_• con .Mi) ilSSO ,..S6_So8C3_ - ' '•_• .I5s... . V > _ St L Ark AT 1st. .„ . 7SJ? '. "fl .16).. [72 StP&NPOs...; 120}_ .'"•'. fl 1st W7_ l'ennC-tll'stTen.' ..... 07Ji •_ •-• Ohi c o n ... . 104i. Terre Haute div..'... „. 43 ' . _____• (t..- ...1|15 Tol Ami Aibori Cod '7____i Rm4s .1>5 1st ....... lOo*. __fl "1st B3« rbxAPoclst ...... ;..„ »1 ' _fl fgra.. p3k Wabash g m.„...„,,.. Gl _fl owing table shows the course of the ^^^B ket from tpo opening until noon: 7 j7.. : -_$. dpon- I High- ' Low- Closing. l7'; i: -__i mi.. us.. est. noon. _ _ _ _ • lotion Oil. 5_W b-ZU. 50J_ • 5 2 " r ~Tfl &S Pe .... 40k i 40_, 40 &)* .• '.., .';.\_fl ocific <i8U ,' 60)* OSM , 60J.7 '.' '-ftfl thorn 5 r >_ i 53i_ 6.i}_ 6d_ rJersoy...;,'-0 i 111) 1 2 0 1 2 ( T fl :ific. 354. 35 W 35>_ i.ji^ .-•".-'.•«• 1 •_ Ohio... 24\_ - 24M 2*J_ 2 * 2 -. ? _ | lstprfd;. 0()?J : 66« my, 66_ "*__i *_->uincy:.0v/g I 10!_ 10I>5_ 10! _ fl e Trust 5 9 1 5 9 59 _,<> ' ' - _ _ .•Jtht. L... 75 75.1 75 7G„ •'••-^r >oi v ..... '.. sm ; HUH :j.'j :IBS :••:.'.:,,« >dGas «8_.- K8.8 ««J. SS« •••"'.."• *w«.t_..:M ! uo 14SS* 140 - .10 Grande 18„ I 18« mU, 38« VG.prfd.. 52 ! o'-M 52 f_2>S ; : -soo. 11 Jl 11 TJ - .•,•:!.-"•'. lstprfd.. 76 76 76 76 ' ! '•:. no** 3 0 _ y o « :io« 7' . i - 71_ 7i*i 7l„ . 71« . i-7 llloy IS 18, JS ItT ••-"•-•.:- ::/ :qtiK ' 106.. looM locj- i . ' - " 24M , .25 2.}_' . 25 ! •'• ''' ; Nashville 76_ i 77J_ 70>* 77_ '< '."'• ' 110 I 110 1 1 0 H O •' 7 Antral 03« <M*i %M »:j^- , '. ;v ^ific 77_ ! 7 S 77JJ, 77_ .cntral .... : 00 10'.«!_ 10.S% lOl.W -- -.St. L .... 17,«7' 173i 17J4 175J - r England 51 '• , 51_. 51 f,{j2 . . ' S i. w.pfd.. 35 35 :i5 -i.T ... ;:•:•; rn..: .U-ltt I 114J* 113« 114% - - •' ,'_. rn nfd .... :44« i 14._i 144-- 144« '«_____ ocific p2 < 5..S 35^ 7^2 77?^: ;;J aciiiopfd. 7<i -I 7(>U 76 70 __» '•-'"' .fi 249_ ! 24« 24J. 24_/_| 36, 36« 36 363 '--_l. "•• '• '•'I Yostern... lK^ | 18« JsJi ijS T'-. '.-•^_| rigation... _ « 2 « i 102« J.02 102^ T 1 •ns 35-.* : 35|* ^359. :jf_ •"**§• lertiticatos l^Tli 08% »8J_ » t _ - _ 180 ,180 180-180 .-••" . ---'•..'- ; :V_| 48J* i 4S_ . 48?* 483f fl rerminsl.. '2lH I. 243< 24^1 2 4 _ " . ' 1. .CBS i 104 103« I03I, '•- "-U&fl iKran.pfa 61« 6 I « (.1« 6 j 3 | X|| ............. J74_, 74« 74?* 7 4 _ , : -i-'Tl 1.: 115 , lli> H^k 315^ '•'-'. -'"_! t... ilo-W ! 100H IOOU io»)_ ••" "•'• - clfic klU 21% 21M 2 l g '•;•'..'.!. , -. ac ......... Tim tnti 64>* 04S -. ' 1 _!•>._'! 1ISJ* 18^1 18?1 '-. /.'. I 1 !J4 I '.'AH -M S l S .) -ion 86?_ : 87 S6?i ,6?J [. .' . ' § S SECURr-ps—I-ATI-ST QVOTiilQXS. ally by C. E. JStoples _; Co., 215 Montague st. I .'"'. I 7 {.'..': SUPTEMISEK 12. ! ••.'• Bid. Asked. R. R. Co.stoek.. 110 .... '..*>_ K. R. Co. 7 pic. bonds ....... 100 .... fl ;•'R. R. Co 5 pi c. bonds 10O ity R. R. Co. stock; .... 170 ity K R.Co. o 5 . c. b6ads 1Q3 .... • , .- •_. v. R. R.Co.eT. cbPnds ....... 102 "I -I t. R.Co.stocl4 .... IJOf .... t.R. Co.5p.clbonds 100 I. R. Co. 5b. cjbonds ..... 10O _.• iwn R. R, Co, 51 p. 0. bonds ..... 104 ' ' S {Smiths-.) R.K.O0. stock.... 77- R. R. Oo. 8 p. d bonds to? ." "" II. R. Oo.Sjp, c.lbondo 108 I Idyn Cant. R.'ft!CO. 7 p. c. bda 300* " klynCent. R, ItiCo, 0p. c, bds 104 "*" , idNowtownR. R. Co. Btlck.... 90 ud Newtown RJ R. Co. 5 p. c ..I 101 .... is Co. stock; ...... , j ........ 107 18Co. stock ...... , 65 .... I isCo. ctp.c. bonds ........ }; .... .... 103 licipol Gas Co. stock ' .... 127 - fl licipal GasCo-6 p'. o.bonds 103 .... -. - I n Gas Co. stock... .... 02 '' J • . in Gas Co. 5 p. c. first bonds... 102 .... - Go.stock 110, .... Co; 5 p. o. certificates 100 ;.. fl sCo. «ock.. . ; . . , 74 '.*.-:• .«Co. op. c bonds ....... ;. .... 102 ts Oo. 6 p. c. bonds 100 - . . . I - - fl rgh Gas Co. stock, ; 12.. *• r^h Gas Co. 6 p. c. bonds HO Light Co. of E. N. Y . 6 p.cbds . . . 1 0 2 ank stook 160. lank stock ............. ..; 115 nk stock 123 llianketock ...... ,. 155 160 no Bank stock ..... 1 3 0 ' .... 10I Bonk stock ...... 350 ... . '.' : kstock ...... 1«7 -.<% it. _Jon_tstock..„__. L'50 [./, . ' lankstock 128 130 ItJank stock ;...„ 142 ..... •ore* National Bank stock 165 and Traders* Bank stock 210 Bank stock. .... 200 '•:.- -••'/S'ifl ional Bank «tock, f 260 . . . ' r;-'- ; fwi ty Bank stock ...... 350. .. -.^gSM th Word Bank stock. 1 1 8 _ .. tional Bank stock. 130 ..._. '••''•.<• ianlc.-tock I.. 1 3 0 . . . rust Co. stock ......... .... 370 -ustCo. stock .... 4_ 2 0 0 • • '] 11-oan and Trust Co. stock 175 -tCo.sto_k.. Z50 155 . ."'-• ust Co. stock 1 5 0 1 0 0 ; ' ity Safe Deposit Co. stock 150 .... 1 Safe Deposit Co. Stock., ..... ' ' '75 '..';" tv Insurance Co. stock. 170 „ . , ; ' I Insurance Co. stock .... SO isuranceCo. stock „ 8 0 ••. ' ' ;; <-'l trance Co. stock..!...- 140 145 iranceOo stock .... 129 .... . *?-_ rgh Insurance Cov-etock 200 .... - __ Park bonds, 1915 to 1924 155 ..... Bridge bonds, 1899 to 1924.. 140 160 Water bonds. 1904 to 1912... 150 ; -'. Park bonds: 1924 140 .... -i - " -. ' Bridgo bonds, 1908 to 1919.. 132 1 4 5 - '* I Water bonds, 3913... . 125 B Bridgo bonds. 1917 to 1920... 128 ... ./_ Water bonds, 1914 118 ... (I *,y 4 percent, bonds ]<H . -'.' - I ty6 percent, bonds, 1889 .... 100 ' H ty 5 per cent, bonds, 189l.'... 108 ."" Music ........... -.:... .... 122 ';>•. _•••. ........ 155 100 ..." crry ...... ; 166 idascont Electric Light Co. stk .. 70 *ci pal Electric Light Co. stock. 127 130 sctric Light Co. stock ion iter Prontond Dry Dock Oa " * '•.''": fl .bonds.. ..,•.._. 100 ' •'•;>'.-•• Supply Co., 1st, mortgage 6 londs; ...... /,.. ...108 '."J ty Wator Supply Oo. stock 40 ••.-..'• "•. r atcr>SupplyCo. 0 p. c. bond* .... . 105 iter Work Co. stock. 65 .... ' :_i__H iter Work Co. 6 p.«. bonds. .109 110 lyn Saw Mill Oo.!stock........ .... 138 . Brooklyn Ferry Co. stock.... .... ' 60 B'klyn Perry Co.|5 p.c. bonds 103 106 '. . . - , 7 1 ;- >LAYERS I_» SjBAtt. PARTS. tors have establislied reputations by All parts only, 'and by playing them so >f course, beint known for a particular _^H ing, they are 'engaged solely for the"'. rts that suit their rxiculiar persouali- ' -fl s way they sometimes establish a good , and are really more valuable than ns in greater positions. As to the in- oan earn, it is hard today down a gen- ': ,.-' There are men in our profesion, and 1, who have played subordinate parts, 'hen fitted physically and artistically re worth their weigbt in gold. They tremely large sum of money while n engagement, but the engagement is 7...';_...... and breakable, according to the ar- • ' , wliethorit jbo for the play—which . ty not be a success-^or for whatever bo. In a bank, when a man-has once ' being the manager, he gets so maoy -• ...'7 year, andhe goes on until he dies or n ling unworthy of the trust of his em- . 'c actors and actrcssca are but "crea- . hour," and if we do not make mohey 0 the public, we certainly make noth- we are hidden from their .admiring •on want to know whether there have. ^a£fl| iblio favorites who never could, really '-^^^^^B lent position or tako a leading part ia .vhp, have made a small part famous. .. iy safely say that, there have not,"be- i^^m :ly a mau has made a suecoss he imme- flj on and ori and on. There is no^ta- li you take the train "forever" in our ..^ You seo tho man who made his jrepu- - obne word "Liar" did not go on lying t. On the Other band, there is no dif- lding actors to take small parte; the to know whom to refuse nowadays, tttors are; easily arranged.,'There ia • . in anything:when you are down in liftlcultioff only begin when you rise 1. ^As long as. you are a nobody you. . r, and therefore you are a charming- iliright.:'It.is when you are lnapo- when others;want that position, and * iy cannot say one thing against you. > devise something else, that difficulty j _frs._Ki.n_a. in Boston Herald. y •- * . - . 0y_ DA-fG-B0U3 IXYEXTIQ-T- : V iad many singular experiences. On. yo noVer seen in print may bo worth „en a .watchman at tlie station~in nt., he was expected tej Pull a button minutes during the night to inforia tterested that he was on deck. Bofora " n in the position long his inventive re set to work andhe soon had the' . sd by an electrical device as regular t' Tomthen^C-dmly went to bc.fi a n d . _ht, like a whito;__an. This worked atil two trains camfr near collidina; laek ot att6».tion,aiact which caused ^•"__ )* _p hU'P9'8itioiy^lretum to thit \ s m line.—WtmaMi m^pHroUFrst f War > ^^gt^B^^Bk ".--- -------7---'.---.. -.--...-.- ., .- ^ ^ ^Z,.. rt ,..., Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Scrocfaiy aciflo8l lO-T_-Dff ofi and: i s sage . a g W >nS.denl meri-aj

ad, -?1.

.v.t-:-d _ l a o b c o les t ran _evess« ia t ha I .ported on Hem bout 40 i canny ressed i


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s . -c<_ ' • •

ftaa At o i l t h e -NoriB K!«arj?'e*T!e» a n a too Jersey ussy J0**- >'~,'.-'-__ J Two st PHB EA^T.F/l^ WASHINGTON A_YD ALBANY, have bee PHE EAGLE oan be found chi sole in Wa-_"trj«_-on a* T)Rt>7 in enow* stand* ie the Arlington Hotel and Ws:!ord*s; iL, ._ , id in A_b.-7.y-it -__•*» now s #t*n a in She f>.!»van House. " a-WuOi

W A S H I N G T O N S E W S B U K E A 0 . W M W ) _S F o u r t e e n _ «<<New<«T>*p<>r Row) . W a s h i n g t o n , D . O. , , . _ . „ T ^ T H E EAGLEINJEUROPE. , Cbar.es I •SI EAOI*S«&s b«obt»to«xJ»tjtt i«American Exehsnifo , • C i t y , o n S> S t r a n d ; G r i g ' s United Sttftea Exchange . 9 Strand, , j _ " rtrt AringCroS*; American T r a i l e r s * Reading Room*, -1 ! KiO.UUW SBghani place, and A. K. O. K . c h a n g e Ci:«b, '175 Now | rficeivOfl i nd strews, London. A. -so»at:t5 Boulevard doe Ca^ti- ) „ , , . ,7_ IK.-. Miiaroe A Co. '_ ,7 K w Sfcrib., .-nd Anglo-Air*-.:- ! JJOtQWMM i B^nsi..!.- Con>.oi.y*f_, C' i»i«*v- d'As.!*- and Kn« j w o r k » i n 9r»rbe«.*, Pnrls ; JarrwsT. Ba£->.t*Co.. G««i]t>v*,Swifter- , c , r d.aJK- •••be UoTTiiar. Transat lant ic Kaebange. ?8 £ nod- « «<>" » " fa.tr>>>so. Ber l in , W . - t r o n n d f d

" ...'" . ':"". ."" " . J ' ' 'ing, A do<

to TO COB8eSP0W»X.X«. origina... ^m .. ••" " • — — worn doTt

WtUasswn&l that contriSntlions tmacc&mpanlea ^ j d , , ^ j

Kt^tampea^nveiowjt to 'Jttarantee their return, bu rn ing <

Y^EitwCL are not reoarOM __/ tftHr irrritersas Ian was w

Wm/t recovering. Tfte ____.dL_. cannot undertake in the do< life id cov.

^tna oaci: sttch mamtscrlx^s. * *&*&«*

P •':,. AaCSEJIMTS TflJS KTESI5G. teff&tTto^

[ B_-.ooxx.-_r. _ngin_>id A-*_*_iio_. ACAHKM7—?au»t< body was Bsoosx.'irs TSEATE»—True I *__> Hearts. ' "; mainiiiK GAIXTT TarKATSB—Varleiio*. - , , i j GXAjroTsnsATB*—Drama ana Variaiy. , , W J

1J:K AVESLK Tasuxx^-iittjle lord Faaotlaroy. 8€nt» tae 3*A»;K TKKATST^—©ockstadoT * Minstroln. Zxw*s CASISC*—Mairio. ^ ' J SKWTOtS. ., . B u o n TEKAtty.a—Xatnral GJ s. O c d t T T i BaiOAnWAX/THBATKif-^Tk* C olab. ..--,«• CASINO—Tfne Brijfandi DALY'S IfeATTR—A Poor R iJalion. Jnsticci B»J2» MJCSSCB—Waa 'WorJia a >d 3!u*»a. ettinffini EtPTH AvrSCXTHZATJEK—I !»o^i. ? j n j v j B ^ j F o t f S i ^ E S T n S X R X Z T T H K A rKi i -Fa i r i e s ' Wall- TirtV.rtJ BfSAJTrf OPXXA H o r S S - S t i D Alarm. \ t ? f rf t T e x ^ M T H X A T C R - L o r d Cfciim!«7. J1CJU CO U KAO^pjt SQWAKX TiWATxa- -Bootloa* Baby. French. ij Susie's GAJCDZX—Autiopo. ••:;•.. street, wj ?A£bfER*s THKATER—CIOVBT InsaffO. j ^ o c x o a V TsstAiis—Tb» G raas .MeiropoSio. . Lizzie]

* . " ~ to answef LVSTALLE1> A SI ir PA2>TOC Calder'**i

Eev. X Vt. Sbippen was tllia afternoon instaDed ^ ' T ^ L ^ (astorof the Presbyteriarf Chnrch. at- Shinne- , £ • t ock. I OT«GeA

*-4 to ansiwtfl JACK DKHPSETf so i l COJUXO HOXS. AHndip

—! 1 some tiia Notwithstanding the-1*re|>orte to the effect that other, "

iack Deinpsoy is on hi> way home, it may be promptly totod i h a t h e will not bo in the .East, before the inrarcd^ >eginnhi2 of the year. 1 he manasje? of I>emp-tey"»JJaw York Saloon sz id thi« xapraJna that ^ Tack vfonld makejin, extOB tied tonr ol the "West >efor« rotnrnin^FhoEQO- - A New'

J • • . , — 1 Mayor Gl

(• B A T H B E A C H J K W E K A G E . P ^ < , < )I

n : , :€

?%vo i l j iwiJroU X h o u n a a i l Dollixr* t o b e made by

1 S p o u t o n a sy!,:«•!». atrainnt'^1 Jnry begi

The Bath Beueh Sewer C'ommisaion, consisting ts rdayaf if A. V. B. Voorheea, presic ent : John V. Van Pelt . Mayor Gl reaanrer; (Jornelins Fnrjneaon, Jr . , secretary; injf theel frederick DeJInn<l, 3f. !>., and George E. No*- s o that he rand, have decided on a plan for- the- sewerage A, concitiii >f.Bath Beach and Bensor i;nrst.. Tise sysfcom is .' . • » be in forking order ;»y May 1,1800, with a j 3

>enalty of 31 OO.a day'for t very day beyond tha t ;i,me. Dwrjng the past Sai imer, in company witn Two yo Engineer Saranel H. McE roy, they v&jtcd New "Wolfahrt, iondon, Oo*an Grove, A*b ary Bark and Atlantic Seibert, < 3ity to learn their systems Tha pla!> adopted is Etnshii^g ike that of Ocean Grove, New I^dndoa and As- l ight wa; >nry a rk . s a d isknowh a t the direct? drainage the whole lystem*' The emptying mains will r an sevea beenplac randred feet oat into Grt vesen.3, Bay* The di»- person. ' riot to be sewered will coi aprise a l l t h a t between, they were fifteenth s t ree tbn the^noithwest, Eisbty-fonrtb Spiegel; c itreet on the northeast, Twenty-third street on the picion of oti theastandGravesentl jBay on the southwest, [neont le tpipe i=»to be of] iron and Iff inches in Uaxneter. and '•will r a n to a depth of D feet in low rater. The system as n o 4 provided for will raja kas t ni< leven miles and will-cost 505,000. Many of the .Mill in th treets within the dis t r ic t fixed upon are a o t to by Mr. Si © sewered. The entire system projected for mill was r Sath Beach and Eensonh irst will require forty no fire in liles of rania* and cost about S2';0,000. This at a loss* t ystem is espocSed to car: y off the sewage for a He th 'mb ppulatioa of 100,000. v •; others tbi

» | ' v ing. BOUNB FOE BEMPSTEAB. &Q

Lrr r tugc iu^n tH r o m p t . e t e d HOT U»e F i r e - Thef i i i m e n V T n V J e x t W w k . tion at ;B

The special meeting of the Volunteer Firemen onTues<h i s t n i g h t was called to oraer by J n a g e Courtney, 9* »be rtui rho stated that he wantejd them td present a s tand yoai farong front and neat apj«aranco on iheir t r ip e^h»bvtloi o Hempstead next Wednesday. 1 v T J a

John Bray, from the Committee on Trausporta- hAV0 i>e&^ km, stated tha t a train consisting of three cars cover and n d a fiat to car ry the i r enkine was engaged and rouMboin readiness a t th& Flatbnab avenue Jonsa-rc epoton the morning of t ic l-Stblat 0 o'clock. » r 9 soUioj; T h e temporary secretary said ^oat there wore s^K!Jr ' ?*"! 16 names on the list of; hose going and that ' ]^ , t*J l*J bey had paid $2 each. A . " Hour, i J o h n Jones stated i t as h s opinion that Hemp- .

teadwas not much of a town, as ho was there Tire W nee aud could not see m « h of a place. inWtatuinn E . J . Thomas thought th> gentJeman must be nowt<yi«»4

listakon, as there were a c umber of good hotels Wsusxtn, 2 the town and the beer w is excellent. After considerable debat<| in regard t o the mo- jy jg a | jentons question as to wh£ib-3r i t .was necessary am at Go*. >r the officers to wear coatB or not, and in which gk;n «oft. w Iderman Murphy, TommjiO'Conoor and Eddie homas took part , A was dqcided tha t they should . W O X E S 3orn themselves with t ho jga rmoa t s , ^ flpiestion, TObjwttoh ad the meeting adfournedT rmno^od by


. ±—; CT>ARK3

; B a n q u e t a i t d J o p i f i c a t i o a a t «»« 1S8». at s

C l a r e n d o n . GEORCHER! Over one hnndred "of the Knights of S t John .Tobnsoo.

nd Malta gathered last r i g h t in. an upper room w«dn««tay f tha Clarendon Hotel t 'if- discuss an elaborate iJ?Xi.iZ anquet provide<l by the J ew York and Brooklyn briW» W lembers of the order fos the newjy elected offi- ^£t?u£% ers of * M delegates to th > annual convocation K A Y S - S f sir knights from all pas ts of the United States 8- GKOBSK nd Canada which has l e e n in session for the - " ' C X F T R X ist two < lay3 in Brooklyn. The banquet was therwiidon< lore particularly in hon >r of the newly elected • *7 :b.'». ^ • ' t £5ccrs of the Chapter General of America, who i&Srr&ad re as follows': M E. Gra ad Commander C. Am-ruster, of New York: B E. Lieutenant Com­mander Alexander, ; o l • V ilmiagton, BeL: Y .E . K\-RKV*F aptain of Guards NelsonPerkiaa Kane, of Pena- JIKTT, »K«d jivania; V .E .P r iva t e V'. A. Carter ,of Brook-' .^""Jf"*1

rn: V. E. Chancellor J . L. McElroy, of X C T York: JVidVa* s '. E Assistant Chancellor C. Merriott, of New \ O A R M S I ork: V.-E. J t l m o n e r J . M. Goodenough. New "4^™$ ork: V. E. Herald &£Anc j W. H. Goff, Brooklyn: on Tbor^a ;. E Sward Beartr, J . Hoage* Brooklyn; Y. tJ&%£l L Marshal Thomas Bf wley, Toronto, Ont.; t«nd. lnta '. E Firs t Guard P . Hlig, of Morri3ania: O A L - I E * '. E . Second Guard J . B . SuraS, Brooklyn: V. E. j ^ S « n S « lusical Director Vf, Y. Bdlynd, New York; V. E. Kidd«*. ft tedical Director B.' W. Dyer. Mi D.. New York; * tSSl'S : :EfWart!.en M. D. Hami ton, New York: V. E. J A M H O $ entinelAYilHam D-Bussoll, Allegheny, Pa-: V. . R*1»«,**f t Grand Trustee B. E. A. Land, Canada; V. E !«4TKy»T»i0 ;rand Trustee A-'Dt Smi h, Brooklyn r V. E At- t«"i>*nta|. >rney J. Lv? Shirley, New York- Beside these c<>mnao*£ antlemen there were delegates from all par ts of Ry»rson»t. menca present. "—?*? ' Oon.nifcutio I n the mystic language e f the order, the "Jfoa r ; „ jgrecs were worked" yesi er'day a n d t o - d a y the GRREXt istallation of officers will take place! I t was n LOCISK few clock before thoso ceren onie3 were concluded ^t?"*?.*'!,; id the lenzghts bad filed Into t h a dimngroom.; are incited. William K. Gear, chairioan of the Beception - M ? ^ 1 1 ? -immittee, welcomed the doiogates, while iter V^'uevr, ere still s tanding, i n a ne a t speech? He referred Prii>ad.» m t he work of t h e Chapter General of America ^ o n u - ' l iring the past few days in glowing term3 and CT53, i n ' b e ? : •nciaded by tu rn ing over the office of presri- ' B

y * " * ,a

S j * I

»ntof the dinner t o Eminent District Deputy t«mbeif?3i' rand Prior Henry C. Sieg cnann, who happily re- H O W U : arked t ha t the honor ha 1 been conferred upon UK^i^»' '(j m t o k e e p h i m f romeat i »g,aspresidingofficers. »**..ati; l' are obliged to spend all iheir t ime in talking. HYDE—p > did not propose-to follow tlds programme. Kn„exa! t" j called upon-the Grand 5 *reiato to ask a bless- flowers-s upon the feast, which ? ras immediately there- - . JOHSs<): ter b e g u n . . . fun^ai » Lt was not long before j Residing officer Sieg- 5||S*,*|*SSS ann was moved to propo*e a toast to "Oar Or- T l \ i ' , ! 2 2 2 r." t o which be called u p >n Past Grand Com- *Z5&£X. ^nder li. A. Land to respc nd. T h a t gemleman ^"" ' /„ ' . , , [ id a jvann tr ibute t o the Knights of St- John* Ean«ra) \s a Malta- and prophesioi i i n the; coming years Cbareb. Ja>

inaea«c of the membership from 1,400 to arere»p<M:/ WQOO and then to X40.0C 0 in America. Gemeteryca r h e cjwinaaa then eallei [• opoa Pas t Eminont I/YONS-i rand Cpmaaander Wariiu to respond to a toast £**,***?% ^ ^ i 6 ' h^lxl o f v?Io5* , E »*n^«t Grand Com- £ ? l S r °* g I n d ^ r S^ t tV i$L%$&t' characterized Com- t£Z?<t«™ ^ f v * a t ^ » • ' *io*tl!»f e rmgterm* and con- day.'Sop-teiai nde<.l by presensdig the si ibject of h;s remarks. McCAPKJf ^ t x R T t ^ t ^ - * ? 1 ^ t h e room. w,th a P ? n i a J.: Y&iHt^ty1 * *™*h% ol hi* wnk. Cheers R « l « i w < llowed and the recipient after a modest speech M w c ' T< A->-thanks retired. »»*^cvi» from hisJ»t«

J» Cowan, of Toronto, sp >ke to the sentimfint. °OT ^*,y of 0 ' " S i r i a a g h t s o r - Bro,>l iy,„" prftig;'„g i X t t y MOIXES6 o hospitality of the sir \ i n g h t * of the City of ? J S i , » ^ S 5 tiurches and of >tew l o r i City. vi?uV-?, Dbairman of the P.e.eept; >aCommittee, William SotiJo^ir f. Gear, got even w u b t i e Canadian by teiitng NUt.TY-> the glorious t n p ho had had to Toronto with a Brooklyn. .\j ilrti* regiment some yc<ars aeo. Mr. GeorKe <ntbo5:wy, ren spoke to the toast, "Xho Press." Speeches Pij«ad»ai» ,te also mad© by Messrk Ambraster, ConKhn, , h * ! ; " V ^ ' i . Alexander, JonasJL. McElroy. J. Goodenou«h, J*?*1 f*Jt McKelvey, WiHiam GoiTMr.Dean axtd Ean- S ^ ? X & 2 n t Sir Knight Murphy. . . . K« £t was a late hour whoa the parry broke n^ *it«d t* att t h m u t u a l ^ e B wishes. J „ . . . „ ^ 5H> H:«"«-E2ie Beceptioa Committeo were William K. F--1*-•arTofCoeiir de Lion C^nimandery; V. K. Cai- „PENN-IST( n, of Xoribandy Commahdery: T. £ . Bowno, of * ? S 2 S ® S tusder CSamandery : W. D. Murphy of Pal- thto%£& meComuiaodery: Wilii im BacKett.of Brook- ROUTH-4* t CommaSdery; J o h n Pack*ot Golden Cross Rocra . 8<8 mraaade/y. Xnt«no«nt

, . . . . ' : ( "

'goo; passage on too a w p w i i i j ; o m w VA « V 7 H af. the State Ifine,lying|a4 the foot of b«irofpauee

ireist. While he was o t | ; t h e dock this employed er , a ; s t ranger engaged ,bim in conversa- %-^-rmi jnformedbim t h a t ho too had engaged tyy ^ ^ ttrtho steamer, and waafalso bound for at theiraom ; After a* while tho atraager hecarne n'lttexwKn tial and askodBbwei to le th imhaye ' soa io time: iay ro! a money, adding that all |his cash was in x°d°<?^of *fi England notes. Bow©, ijrho is decidedly ^ n d Caegtm oniptly turned over *ll |-the"money he, 55 in stolfi* and Hhei s tranger lo^t ••••-•. '•-.'•

i k making himself I scarce.. Bowe V ^ A N l i t i e deck for h im patiently a long time, % l l * p * S woo auspicious of h i s aransactlon witttt \ ^ 7 " A ^ i ' ^ gor. and informed one of the oTEcersof m Mt gieep'j I of what had transpiron. He waatoW • J^*-?^?.?.8

iadjUndonbtedlyheen svlindled, and he "SJCT'ANT the case a t the Fifteenth Precinct Sta i RJdViUin^l se. | The swindler is described asbeir/g 'years,of age. 5 feet 7 icfehoa in haight, a?, branch, complexion, hair and mustache, a a d w a s cu; n dark clothing. He w d r e a b l a c k c a > ^ ± . ' : ^ JO are on the outlook f i r Mm. - l a the V V 1*M e Bbwo is nearly franticjover his'loss. ! ply for two <

j '— ' ''• trandav.

G THE STANDARD On. COaPiXY. j W ^ -. y:\ j peteetandb

So hpay S25,0OO on i l . c c e u n t o f a apdaUffridi

[• nnzmtluK S t n i J ' . ] X S T A N T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T T wan

ijts'for damagos, aggregating $25,000; 5 ^ £ _ ^ li b roughtaga ias t tbs Sta ^dardOil Cora^ offleg. • the Supreme Court, ly Morr_ and,' - r x r A i n : ilse. For the death of Jaa aes Nolan, who T ? walttr k$ bs- the explosion ofj an oil still a l ^ J f ^ S J gait 's Empire Oil Works in Loag Island: -ejrfj^Krr Mjreh 30 last, $5,000 is asked, a u d i y V and^ is the estimate placed nw >n the iajuriesi be neat and In tho-eamooccasioaby'Thomas Creem. \ t o . ^ V M , y

^vrero minors and were e: aployod a t the j , ' : C< fixing a pipe leading to > -another still, w » r ANT B No! 3 exploded. Th« still was sror- y y , a n n

&y a wall iu which was ( nly one open- throe days a irway. The still, i t is a l eged, although | ^ T ^ A N T | of three-oighth inch iron, had been I T V a » i Tvtt the thinness of t in aad had been S ^ L ^ S S h several places. T h e ^ ill was faU of I y y ™ >il. and a t tho time of t l o explosion No- \Swodoprofa w k i n g iaside the wall tad Cream was H-BTn-ANT irway. Creomran screaming across the ;| T T and fred with burning oil. afll ime from head i?^ 0 6 - . . . . . „ He was caught by workm. >n and stripped | \?T7"AN1 >tting, shoes aad stockings. He is al- ^ e r n n c e ' l save boen severely b u n ed. Nolau, be- n r x y A j f l f the wall, was unable to escape, and his . i V v and !!btjraed to a crisp, only a few buttons re- jatafofoeen I 'JThe issues of tho two ; ai ts are joined, f C S T A N i (taiidard Company hast se -vod its answer, ^ J Ja- A

]*" neilixonce. Congreasmc a Covert repre- fw-TrT^N1! 'dofenise. ' ' . ' i W *eh j i •• . . » : T^ithb«st_of 3IS BEPOKTEBS' NOTE BOOK. X T T A N T

. ... ... . j - * T droa.', tuhxa Ol I_t«rcs»t i a J3 rools lyxt a n f l plyat"283_C

: .• ****** -., W^ E b n n a officiated in place of Justice Go- ™*»- awgji l i e Lee avenue police co i r t this morn- Cumberland found little to do. TPKTANT Gatos, of 250 Sonthj Foi irth street, was ,Y V and i, nilwer to-morrow for b r o k i n g the $35 g j g g K ; l i r rorof Walter Mcpov | rn . 38S Grand _ s _ r A N T

iiSa i u the -act of assaulting his own ,.~$y ]_OD


Richardson, of 13 K h s h i t r o ^ was hold - ^ f e g f j ? ] •on Moaday the cbapgo bf s' \king Ann •'•«'»T'A„T oii. of- 203 Grand s t i e | t , o - ' t h e h o a d , ^ f V wash. e sharp instrument. 1 ..\, - i & S * ? * ^ .( * , i i L3.«i—— . p«t^nt ana .

oleman. who yesterday drove his toanx, >|_|h^a». rj[c Burke, causing bis death, was held : v j r r A N 1 • On Monday. ' I I v V drc» iKtto a suspicions fijra f l i ich occurred ' J ^ ^ ^ j l e'ago. One court lawyer mquirod of an- lioPterropi What was the can twr i "No cause." _«o<*-darno tho answer, "fcxce*t tha t i t was T S T A N T

[suppose." j ••; j t U . t ^ Z .;'••' • 8 "| thoroa«hJy <.'

-• to-morrow (' TpCSTlGATIXG BAYOB-GKBASOX. Ryorion»t.j Yprk morning paper! m a l e an attack on ..; casoD aad District Aftonley Fleming, of IS, ^T-ANT T<iunty. The latter was fk.ii\to have re- W* work Resent to the Grand JaVy the charges ^ W J t ^ .

the Aldermen of Lonk Island City . T / S ^ A N T te Mayor. Theifactps t3at the Grand riondod.W<Ca in an investigation (ff t«e charges yes- XTSTANT tei-noon aad examined soreral witnesses. , Wy wort «ja«on was largely instrumental ia h a v - . refcrencojo-larges laid with the! coniity inquisitors "Vf / 'ANT • may have an opportnnitf to meet them. . ^ L . £°ri

ijon will be roachetl sc-dolr- ^ T _ r A N T I ' T- ! ~ ~ • W / ' wori

fiELfl FOB HOBSK SXBA1.I50. 26 S^ Jam*

*-• i ' ' "'ITET'ANT a a g men, eiviag t^eir names as John y t y wo^!c,. , 'of 4i>S Jefferson street, and Michael to.ia^ )f i 4 4 George street, Uronght to tho " l A ^ A N T iiveauo Police Station yesfcerday a horse, f _ _ * . # ^"J* :on. lap robe aad other jtlriviag tackle, ^ - x r ^ - x T i'valued a t $500 ,which | thoysa id had y y w o r l

od m their possessiori by i lome anknowa 238jDoi_mb Jheir statements, being|uasatisfaotory TTITANT J on comnlasnt of tthe owner, Gustavo » _ work. >J 1,007 Bergen strfljot, tfctamed on sus- - j V y \ \ T having taken tho prorpert! f themselves. y y ^ o r J

" —:— • .'. J—~""j, ., once. _Call n • A GRIST HILL BPR5BD. . \ ^ A J S i T

•—t- j T f worl t fire destroyed the S 4 r a Biver Grist in c.v>kin(r:

Village of Pstobogae. I t was owaed ^ ° ° * C7.7. Tho less is abotfe $3,000. The y V ^ £

an by water powor. JTbofe having been a^d ha» KCKX the building for monttttlMr. Sweezy is ^ B J ^ A N T o account for tho taigAi of .tho blaze. JT work t, an incen:liary did the Tinsiness, while R M _ . A I > P 1 ' " nk that lightningstjmcH theo ld build- 4 ^ V ^ - J ;

', V f i wwk 15*1. jlnQpir

CGB wg_TilBB KOEt THE PAIS. ^hBTANT [of tho Long Island Livo|Stock Associa- p ln tb .* ATpj Huntington, which shonlifl have opened .GjtiJtTav.Tiei iy, was again postponed lo- day because v m r A N T i i . The roof was blpwn| off tho grand Y J '*£$£ terday. Tho gronndji %ri flooded. The •cili arSss^J i will open to-morrow/ if Etho weather is ' V S T A N T ad continue thrco daj i l The judges T y wort i examining the exhibits ^hat aro under eA^f c _ l a j some awards have b^en made. ; ^ ^ y A N T

w y , w o r ] , >x BROS., Brooklyn's* popular grocers, f _ & _ ^ _ ?

for accommodation off famllio.i half barrel •4f_- ~rvTrrV .rter chest to*, and tent podnd can coff««at ' y^V» A N T . pttoes. Also, for a f»w dfiys, "Pillsbary's ^ % g g „ . * C 2 5 barrel, and, Oor jRolIfr Proc«a» "Pat. corner o: Oj

^^t>aT7Cl- tl -i .. W&IM west stylos of wedding and reception »i*'-l irouor'a , v i s i o n . ' card*, mono/drami. cre«;», e t c . are V_5?e:n?.PIa?* sen a t t h e a t a t ionnry dap-u t m e n t of A. A. TEXT A N T Ik Co.. *40Tn\toa *t;ttioo'A*. J J w ° r ! c -

j:ood cook an - — : : * I ' Apply_t40;

i established fact that She contianous VVT'ANT. XTXi ' s BZSZOTS Cos_UTI<9 SOAP k e e p s tho _ _ T w o r k j v . . . „v.»_, whoisaKOo-.! h 4 6 e a a d h e a l _ i f _ . | ; . . - _. fetrod; liben

* ' — '.'.''.'•* aV, corner M< frem their sedoatar^ ha t>its are often " ) T ^ A _ r T ,ea-.:»che and const ipxt i jn. These are qajekiy W:. work i C A R T E R ' S _ r r x c _ L T V E R P I L L S . ? ' l e < ! _ ) , o r G

• '• . laandreas an: 1 " ' • I J ••• 2S7 Ryorson

, T T A K R I E 1 > . V r T A N T J-PEOK-Cra mdnowiajr. September 1 1 . ] _ J _ w .o r k

ew Haven, by the Re-r. aTp. Nichols, .PASSU: c°°k;washer lauKhter of H(«>r7 P«K*. oi New Haven, to "yj.iw<> c f l !^ EHFIXLI) CLARKE, of Ndw Y4r_ No cards. 55 ^r_V' l r ' w

^T-CONCKI-IN-By the Rav. D. V. St " « J O A N T PAUL HOCUART to CC<RA U CoscKLry on , y l y ! work . September 11, 1830J at i P. M.„ at real- do pl-lin sawi »bride's brothor, 535 Franklin av. • rwaiUed. Ap LN—MARTINEZ—At «h» residence of th<> SoAjnth avs._ rata. 47S J.»xinjrton Mr, N >w York City, on -«'_--- A V T ; the 116b, W. 1.0HO—AN, Js ...to RLiZAuaxir. %'»/; x , ' •..-..:•:-. .Martinez. J i r • wSr'<

MITH-In Brooklyn oa Sn;iday. Septornbor. 5 ? r T h _ r s d W. KAXS to B X 8 * M, SMldu. only dauxhter „ „ L r and tho late John Smith. ^ ^ S ?s? i-BUCHANAN—Wcdoeadj,y. 11th Inst..at A A / j A N X se of Nelson K. Buchanan, A i onry Park. N.J. . T l i work t>. O. Madook-C-osoiS W. JTEAnxs. J B . . of pirl; mnat be

i. Y.. to E1.LA B., eldwiit 'daughter of Captain havB*oferon< lanan. of PtokafciU. N. Y. N > earda. No*tTjind av.

— — - ' — f - 5>-: W ^ ^ * » * * > : c o U W e S ' S c

T— On Tneaday, September i p . S A JTCKL B A U - irona?; wage 6 2 years , a nat ire of K p k o w d y . Scot land. "WilfouKhby «

-o respectfnlly i n v i t « l n > a t : e n d h i s funeral _ _ r _ JLTgrn t e resid«nc«. QZi. i ty i i lc t «v, Brooklyn, o a W W i ' ^ ^ »: o'clock P . M . , - _ * T l work . K - O n Monday. Septemoer S. N E L S O S O A R - __rth|Ive8ci t) »rvice» a t bia late reeidenc^ t. 4 9 St . F e l i x s t , _ _ $ _ _ _ S ! y. September 12 . at 8 o^cloc: P . M. Fr i ends < y anrf m o m i w s of Monta.uk !A>df;eand-Ioth-ter, I. O. <>. P., aro reapectfcU* mvated t o at- 1 T _ 1 "ATTT^ •ment at WUmington. fibl, V y ^ t ^ j - O n Wednesday, Septimbt! r l l . H A V r D _ . . g- o e t r Conl tho Ultth year of hi* aite.! ready i n city •om the house of his brothor in law, S t e p h e n nevor b e o i at W Atlant ic av. cm Friday, tho 1 3 t b , a * 2 " P l ^ l g g 0 - ^ ^ ^RICK - O n Wednesday. Septombcr 1 1 , : . \ \ TVA >*ed husband of Mary Fltzpi itrick. ^ " S T ' A N T l and rriond* of the farfjily aro respectfnlly . W E~£~J.

attend the foneTal fror* h t i late res idence . JL__5rf~ . !T! ,?*.0 ,J. P r i < V . September i;',. a t 2 P. M. I n - T S ^ * T A N T 1 Ho'y Crosa Cometer/ . F l i tbu ih. V V i W m ^ VOLCXXXKK P lBEXlK-a ASSOCJATIOS— — •" - - - • " Yo-J aro hereby notiflftl to aiwomhSeatSS T ^ L T > V N T I on Friday, September IB, a,, 2 o'otook P. M., | V • boy s he f!inerai_ of J A _ E S -inn P A T R I C K , lato of frtreet.i n En« ino No. 7. _.- _™J tr o / . J o i n t Codit-r: rjrr. President. . W T ^ A N T l F. B A C E B , Corrospondjcfc * cretary. y Y : goner ,KAP—In Brooklyn, S e i U n i b e r 1 1 . M A R T A p p l y a t I N G o w s . aged 7 4 years, wife] of k.bner Oreenleaf. TS"_;T;"A"Vvr:T iernc<K» at hor late resl.loc ce. &4 Sterlintc W W , iy evening a t 8 o'clock. Vrit nds and relatives •••!, 5_ v80?,'^

Interment Satorday a t Ore >nwood. . • * P p ' 7 . * L * 1 7

-On September 1 1 , 1 8 i i 0 , „ bia resTJonce. " V ^ T i - N T I it. S A M C B L » _ s a r , tbdbolorod husband, of T T lyn k T' _. - . . ' - • - . . . .1 "' > p. -act i«aandt ro respwjtrnily invited to a: t«nd his ianoral' I t , Eagle offic Satorday. September 14Jat ' .: P . M. f % V - r « Sj/r^t Y - O n Tuesday. Septemlier .1.0. E J O C A r1iAS-v V V . .v k_s»ye*r, only and beloiied c aughter of John^ . T_T, t o - h o ! laie Prances Hollely. T T i ? WrP,?' w o ° w» her father's reaidencJB, 4 TS Park »v, S e p - 1ACTCR1NG it P. M. ! • " _ Y T A N T J <tv_On t h e i l l t h inst I j A N J A n H . . widow Of W i bnsin nn Howland. of . \«w Bwdforfl.Mass. par»nfe. who r ? , a , ^ t ? *'*-' iKc "*• Bniokl rn, Friday, 1 3 t b t o do any kini clock P. M. Interment i t > ew Bedford. and h_yo goofi .t her- home, Hempsteadi I_ •:.. Mrs. J o a i f S. t o w o r X Add

brancq. riday. 1 3 t h inst., a t 3 : 3 0 P . M . Plcaao omit z=^.=zh=z S—On September 1 1 . J.JLIIE O. J o n N s o * , ^jrTtri&vv the late Achim and Maitf J i no Johnson . w s / T " 1

orvice Fr<d«y evening, at J o'clock, in ter - " ™ ' p r o v e lay morning. Relat ives a n d friends respect - girl, rojiding • I. ,1 . . avenue-. -S B E R G - A t heT res idence . I K> Sands at. t h i s T X T A N T i :er a short il!no*s, C A r a f _ c rs A. K S A T Z S J I - - y y | c i s s s •rvicos a t T P . M. a t Mslflower Mission ' ? _ i ^ _ !'ba* e x ;

Jrt, between Sands a n d f H i j b . Hor friends y _ _ - > ally invited to a t tend . Into mont private a t ' > the Bverirreens. . '<

_ i b i s c i ty , on Wednesday September 4 1 . \ T T A N T I ixrt, a nat ive of the Pariah ' / 'arry-Kedmoad. ' Y T • ! or won ^ingford. Ireland, in t i e C S t h year of hor , bo aeon; a t 1 ,0 f t h e late Peter .Lyons. , S r i r r a tirvi and friends aro reoael tod t o a t tond her V l / I J i h e r tato reeidence, 3 2 5 t H u i » o n a v . o n Fri - T T 4 and s U l 3 , a t 2:30 P.M. S l f S ^ S S tEY-On Wednesday. S«pt«nbor 11. 1S80. y S _ _ g ? * H ! McCArrxmr. a.-ed 37. f _ X ^ T A N T l : _ d friend*, also members of Our Lady of y y toCht]< B. Society, are invited td at end bia Iunerat by a respvjctal residence. 110 BeKalb »v. « the Oharch of second tloor. b Mercy, Friday, September 13 ,at 10o'clock. - ^ _ ^ f c n ^ N—On Thursday morniag. if ter a short Ml- V^/-?--*-*-1! o n e , „03 Ooan st. Brooklyn, SAMUEL HOL- Y T. W « mi tsON. late of the firm of Moi! oson Broa-.Now Can b * seen

avenutt^ meral hereafter. , ' j . '%"JIT5_NTE it his rwid«noe,2-46 Forty-i nghth st. South W i itntoi ivatcz NULXV. beloved ion >i Frank Nulty, tweenf 15 and •ar of his a«e.. ' j hoighSW rt relative* are respectfully ii.vitedto attend —.__?Si -sss So be heid- on Satorday a«2 J . M. \ 7 5 7 A N T E -Suddenly, en Wednesday, September 1JL' Y T j ito tai BniEX son of William an< I Mary O'Brien, girl. 1» iyoars« larofhfsage. Clinton 3t. bet nd friends of the family arc* respectfully in- • »'VV£i':v'7,J?' *nd tho funeral lrom hi» Mate' residence, V * / C ^ j : , J " r st, on Saturday. Soptemtx! r 14. at 2:30 _J.J ?•>* * fe

willing and ob

™*&?&?%& lh910a*la8t- T H O a t A »^ wV.-SSS'SSo «nhi» late residence. 2 ^ « CaltowhiU st. " I X T ^ N T J B

t S . J ? ' ? ^ ^ ' ?°l>tember 32, RoszaT F. berwork^nd"'

, . . . l i!'-

id expectations. CUTTERS. Box21.Eagle y y J n '„ . •.'»'••• •."'•.-. " • - •" ' • •'' ' j_ZS ' young, womr. 'ED—I W I S H T O E M P L O Y A ?§_____* idicson salary totake charge of my bosincas "RT-TANS estentirelynnobjootionable: light; very fasci- » T care iesHtiful:notal'<ingrei:uired:permanentpo- gpectable gi M .$10 per week-ia advance; good pay for part toenth »t. ill 'orences inolude.somo of the best well known, _ _ - _ | _ r < _ - . iiievillo, Cincinnati .Pittsburg andI elsewhere." ^ « r A ^ » - l !_ stamp. Mrs. MA&XON WALKER. Fourth y y tire it'sts, Louisville. Ky. _ _ _ _ _ . 'by a respect i —r^ ~*~"—• " Can bo so;] > nna.n n_xt Weamstreimea. ;-:0.... • ; First place.

TBD—TO MTND A B A B Y ' A N D ^';..^::V"Ch p home, a girl; wages $6. 628 Qulnoy st. : V-,rV„TffT • B D ^ T O " M l N l > A- B A B Y ANT> W ^ » i c nbout the house, a reapeetablo yonnjr girl; goodreferou tt her own home; wages So a month.. 44 ^^gynTvrf

' .5D-EXPEBIENGED MONTBXY eJcX oalff je, about end of October; mus t be competent __=as i~gH; to do work ot small family. Adih-ess, s tat ing • \ A / Ai*< 1 U S O U T H B R O O K L Y N . Box 8 , Eagle F i f th V y bern

•-. - VV, '- •••.•'.: -••- ••< ••• d r e n . b y a r« ———— • • , . ., • fttloOSacki

runDermntdw a.ad VYoltreuHea.; •_*«7ANT

__>t-A P I B S T C L A S S C O O K A N D .,'• V V - hem dress; the best city reference required. Ap- W'S"^?™.' lays as No. l,2Cp Pacifio at, corner Nos- t'Ji1??8!0".'

_ T > 4 A FIBST CLASS CHAM-oald and waitress: must bethoronghly com- , S ^ S ? A _ ! ring city raferencos; Call Thursday ovenmg pioyeg-a,^_, iy at23.0 Park place. - -.•• . ' :•••-• :'••'•-. '"^HTANT K O - i A S P A E L O K M A I D A N D : T V .bora ress j itood wages will be paid .to a pleasant C S K s J s S S right -Gormant girl. Address in own hand-. • _ _ _ _ . ° * * _ ;h references, DOCTOR. Box 14. Eaglo f i T S T A N I

' • •• ' ' • •• _ _ _ _ _ _ - •• '"-.'• . Y V b e r t

•ED—TO D O U P S T A I R S W O R K , -tableyoung ig. and assist in caro of a boy S years old. a S , ' : . ? ? ! : 1

roonal reference required. Apply at 114 St. X / _ T A N T , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' YY benn E D - ^ T O D O U P S T A I K S W O R K of a family o raiting for two in family, a young girl: must S ^ f f i g ^ , particular: refereoce wanted. Call from 4 • ^ i _ _ _ _ _ J riday at 285 Washington av. • " rSTCTANT M>tr>J VVanliers a n d i r o a e r s . . willkigand" E D — A F I R S T C L A S S C O O K A N D % ^ M dre3»: mnst have best references. Call for V l / -ftar 3 o'clock at 5 6 4 Washington av. -Y Y bern ' _ _ » = A S A . C O M P E T E N T " ^ © © * : ; ?ontgirhoa rl: m;ist be neat and obliglng.and have por- at 1J Butlor ice. Ca'l^t 5fi6 Waahington av. ' •irerrA^'i 'BD—A FIRST "CLA'SS COOK ; ' ; W borr who will do the coarse washing; German or .ercnceaiiiB rrcd. Apply at iil4Leffert« plnco. sboro. Addi BD-AS"A~C6MPET^BNT COOK ^!gvf^-

laundress, a girl. Apply at 1 3 2 Kenry ^ K T A i N - A _ _ _ _ _ •''•• v Y ' stan

r E D - A S A COOK~AND LAtTN- 'gS5_5l_?d™ a, a German, Swede or Norwegian, with city two days at ( 3*11 at 1 3 Sonth Oxford st. « _ 1 __. _ ,';_TirT'A'NT' ' E D - A GOOD'COOK, WASHER W .^rt ironer. Apply « once ot 5 5 South Portland girl. Adore Lafayotto and P o K a ' b . . -.. • • , ; __ -YC _ • A ' ^ T T TSD-^A"FIRSt CLASS COOK AND '. \ \ f f l g j ndroAs, with good city ro^orencos;. good for two days •ly at 5 0 7 Greene av, corner Tompkins. ••'• • v ^ T ' / r S S n p JESD^-ASAFIBST C L A S S C O O K , W %®*U rl, Gorman or Swodish proferrod: only those ing girl. Pic city roferenoe:ijio9d a p p l y j i t 114JHicks at.. • w " _ r T S r n i __5=5_nA COOK AND LAIJN- W nPst a girl: must have first class references. Ap- spectable g'n lermont av. ' • ' '• •. • '. ••' _ Carroll and J E D - T ' Q C O O K , W A S H A N D X^rj-ANT In a small'private family for throe ox four y y upst

ianr wages $5 a week; munt bo hi-fhly com- housoworkii furnish excellent reference. Apply at 189 and obliging st, no,_-DeKalbftv;_ _ . 102 Uegraw 'ED—ONE AS A COOK, WASHER tjrrANT ron>>r, the other osa.nur.w inagmal l i fami ly . y y upst Kirl*. Apply at 1 3 2 St. Marks av. b e t w e e n s e w i n g in a

d Carlton. .- _"_ _ gir l ; is neat , E D — O N E ' A S A C O O K A N D %________ droM", must be capable, and tho other as a •.- '.( i and waitroHS in a family of three adnlte, rla: good reference required. Apply 1'or.two ^ _ 7 R T A N T Carlton av, Brooklyn. : ' Y Y and E D — O N E AS" A " G O O D C O O K , e_ces._Ptea: >r and ironer. tho other as chambermaid and T_Yf7"AN_ IO cart) of children, two girls: must be com- y w , iavo good city references. Apply at 170 R n ; a j ' ( f„mtly,

j ; '- ——— for two days E D — Q N E A S C O O K A N D L AUN- ?&?¥£&$ s. the other an chambermaid and vJaitrcss. in W .„* r in tho Arlington Apartments . 0 2 Monta- ^J^i.1, t_S3i rirla: roust bo well recoramonded Apply at S l r e n c e ^ o ant st, Friday morning, betwoen 10 and 12 _ ^ _ ? 164 ;

BX5—ONEAS GOOD O O O I T A N D \ V ^ _ n f dross, the other a s chambermaid and wait- _LnJ.ii „riv l e g girls, on Monday morning nex t : rort be igg1^™ ompetent and have city references. Apply „ , .„„ , Friday), b c w e o n 1 0 and 3 o'clock, a t 2 6 o __°° .__-iearPeKalbav. . • y ^ T A N T

G e n e r a l U o m e ^ o r K . , city roferenc

E D - T O " D O GENERAL HOUSE- frSut"3.8'' a gir l : reference rotjnired. Call a t 3 4 0 P u t - •w'xr-v- A N ' f

ED^O^D"6^ENEl_AirHOlJS^^ „Ym_n ;C£%< : . a good, smart g ir l : must come woll rccom- call for two< il! at 1 2 President at. Lafayotto uv

ED—TO Dd 'GENERAL HOUSE- ' "VStANT :. a girl: mnst be a good cook *nd laundress: y y 'c lass c luired. 2 0 4 Washington a v. referetiCo. i

ED-^TO DO" GENERAL HOUSE- - n ^ a £^: r ^ 0 ' : In a private family, a girl. Apply at 422 ^ f l t T A N T

Y Y class E D - T O ~ D 6 ' G E N E R A L HOUSE- S__S_5* ^ a girl: c:ty reference, repaired. Apply at ^r^s_>--^;=, i place. _ V w E D - T O D O G E N E R A L HO'USE- • _______ i5 i^_ i Gorman or Swedish girl. Coll at 9 7 5 Ful- o r address 0!

E D ^ ^ O T J O ^ E N E R X J ^ H O U ^ ^ Y ^ A N T :. plain cook, washer and ironer, in a small all kind of cc liging girl. 148 Gates av. ^ ^ roferenco fro E D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - ^TJAdoiphi :: a good Gorman girl; good wages. Call at "VJSTANT »i_st. • Y class E D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - £ £ _ S ™ "5 a good girt; German preforrod; must have Friday morn oo.. j302_Pntnania«. ; j__ ^ answered. E D ^ T O D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - -jncfS^f :, a competent girl; ron.-it havi gooi rofer- y V vote 1347 Clinton st, nng basemec t boll. n y ^ rosi«>ctfl E D - T O D O G E N E R . - L ' H O U S E - P»ot«c st. b : in a flat, a yonng girl with soriie experience __;_: , wages not 0,-or $10. Apply i t drug store, " y j - T A N T

*.______ ' , T T dow: ED—TO D O GENERALS H O U S E - 'or two day in a small family, a girl who wljl si sop home _

I references. 203 Baltic st, thijd flat. _ \ 7 | f T A N T ED—TO D O G E N E R A t r H O t f S E - - X Y_ cook ., a girl; must understand oH.kmds of cook- R"^™ IaJaxl1

with reference, at 921 Groeno av, corner _ r e e u _ _ _ _ ED—TO DO*GlBNERAL HOUS_> \ X 7 A N T in a small family, a respectable, competent w V oral

o a t 7 9 3 Qui Kir'-__-_clref

E D ^ O ' D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - ' O T A N T for two in family, a tidy girl; wages 8 1 4 Dor V V I oral h >ly t h i s evening and Friday morning a t 2 6 4 city rof_r>.nc IT Franklin. ' _ _ _ _ X _ M T T :

ED-^T6""Do GENERAL HOUSE- W w_t" n a family of adults , a g ir l ; must bo a good Cranberry s t and ironer; wages .•Ji6;r«feroncejroq'uirod. _ _ ~ r Af_'P l o n - o e s t , near Marcy av. _ y y -"-'•j'-"1-BD=3r '0" i )6" G E N E R A L H O U S E - at 7_3°Atla_ : in a family of threa adults , a girl: mnst bo _r _rr~A"Kr'r md laundress and have good city rofor- _ _ / -"r? . 1115.CooTt s t , second flat. Y Y or.il he E_5^TOD6~GENERAL HOUSE- S_^_l_l. , a strong, competent girl; mast be a good _ _ / •"-".-'•• ashor and ironer: German or Swede pre- Y.Y eralb for two da__B____272 Classon av. • at 140 Fourt E D - T O DO GENERAL HOUSE- ; T^p r ANT in a small family, a girl: ranat boa good • T oral and ironer. Apply at 795 Buahwick • av, Pleaso call at

Kolb; . . . ' X T A N T E l > - T O D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - V V oral j i noat. t idy girl; must be a good cook.waiber two days at S nd have good reforonce. Call at to Fort „ .KTANT

E D - T 0 " D 6 ~ G _ _ ^ R A _ 7 H 0 U S E : i^ oUkind.'-! a young German Or Swodish girl; mast be a cific st, top fl d 1-iundiesH and have very good references. _r_r .- A_7rp-. Madison „t. V W 4*< | -ED—TO D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - -yyl reject n a private family of four, a competent girl. Call for two c 1 cook andlaundress ; German or Swede pro- _"STTAT.IT' il wates . Call for two days a t 3 S 9 Lewis _ _ / , ; _3onough st. . • "• • tat -\ ED-^TO D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - ______r__«t| n a small family of adults , a com peton t g ir l : _ _ T A "VT*1 erman preferred; m u s t bo a good cooit and W ' "^" . , i have city reference; good wages. Call a t * T °_' a ' ' i (^n_arI_4fayotteav. ' good pook, wi ED—TO D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - ~ ^ ~ £ ~ . a compotent Gorman g ir l ; m u s t bo a good V _ / "El i i and ironor; reference required; four in fam- _ _ _ r j * * ' Iren, 2 and 6 years of a g e ; wogoa $ 1 5 . ! Call b e s t of c i t r ri m av. near Bergen St. . . Henry at. bot

E D - T O " D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - T^7"ANT] . a girl; also girl to aot as chambermaid and * \ v,.ora

ng in a small private family, city referoncos speetawo yot piy at 117 Lincoln place, between Sixth and ! _ _ _ _ _ _ > _

WANT] erall

•in a smalt family, a girl; must be a good J??1*3' ,£?sSP nd laundroiss: must have good references. ^voom ug. Mi ay and Friday at 246 Jefferson av, noor _ 7 _ T A N T ]

- -. V V oral 1 E D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - oncos. Calif for two adutts, a good. German Protestant _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>a good plain cook, washer and ironer and TiTTTANTl 10 from last place. 340 Clifton placo, naar W oral

:—! : '! lately landed. B D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - ne_r_Eight_ t in afamily of tm-eo porsons,a girl; must %75TA.NTJ

ommended and be a good cook, washer and Ww „ „ i i s $16 a month. Call for. two days at 54C £ ,_! (_ 4 _ , . 'Z:. ; , city roforeiice S D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O U S E - S F g T A N T ] in a family of four adults, a noat, pleasant W i - t must bo a good plain cook and laundrwas „I_? _,„_v,„. reforenco; wagos $15. Apply at 56 Pu 8 _ _ T H _ _ S «

r Marcy av. __________ : : _7_TANT3

Ktnpioyment . \geneio. i . V V erall E D - S E R V A N T S - A T T H E . _ ^ . e 1 e . _ c . lyn Employment Burean. 210 Washington ond floor. :o^d (formerly 29 Concord st). Situation* __-V„-._rnri aad country. Many girls come who have V f t / A i X l i anotfico. .slauagea by _______ Y Y oral he

- ' i ' • - — • a plain waal ,rr_rep--3-_->_»-.>Y_A--_- f£ga c a U . i

5D—IN , A RESTA'URANT,. A. __TANTI uter. Apply at 229 Myrtle av. Brooklyn. '• y y c r_i _ _ 0 - T W O G O O D B U T C H E R S : 5p^_;b0_.5 l

.ncereqnh-ed- 740Borgonst. ___ J ^ ^ 0 1 ' * 0 ^ 5D—GOOD, S M A R T E R R A N D _ W A _ _ S bout 16 years of ago. Apply at 374 Court V V ^ r a l h

spectablo yon CD—AN E N G I N E E R T O B E pood roforcnu, ally useful in soap works; mast be sober. ______ top Hot EKSOLL'S. 108 Classon av, near Flushing. ^ . T f T A N T I 3 D — I N A M E A T M A R K E T , A ' Y V oral ht V_nrBr-nt __?? mU3t *"* 8 ° ° d r e £ e r C n 0 C ' P t o S s ' S l to

-_ —_ J__—! ; _ no cards answ _D—A C L E R K , I N A B R O O K - % * r ~ A W l IW office, who thoroughly nndorstonds the V V _V i l laahodo-ico experience Address A. W, . _.,"_ ._* „. .. waiting in.a BI ID—WORKMEN A C C U S T O M E D _ _ » _ _ _ _ _ > aso of carvors' too_: light Work: wages $ 8 _ _ T " A "N'TTH k. WHITE, POTT_R A PAIGE MANU- _ _ / f t • CO., 415 Willooghby av. " , • . eralh _ 0 — I N A M A N U F A C T U R I N G oity'rof'ercucc oas. a boy, about 18: one residing with his. avenue. ia quick, active, intelligent and notafraid _"_T A'NTri I of work; will rcooive $5 per woek'at start W ' " ^ I \ I chance to advance if capable and willing __ __. S^al * rossADVANCE, Box 4, Eagle Bedford f_______°_f] • ; , . , , , . , , , , - , ' . „ . flight, b a c k .

B - S I T C A T I O T S - F E J I A L E S . . \ T t T A N T _ JD-S"rrCATION-AS A.N m b_Tonn0^wbo r at dressmaking, by a respectable yonng ironer- has gr with parents. Please ca l l at 3 5 3 OoKalb 6 4 7 Degraw si :D-SITUATION—WITH FIRST ' W ' . S f S dres_ iakor , by a young lady; is neat and persons, by a j UOrience. Call or addrosa 0 . D . . 2 3 S Pearl clnsA laundros

• • . _. _ ' ' o r two da

ID-SITUATION-AS A NURSE, 'rBLt-W. _li Id do upstairs work, by a young g i r l Can cityjiroforenco I S Pacific st , socond floor,in rear. floor.. . ID—SITUATIOxV—AS A N U R S E \ * T A N _ E eamstress, by _ rospectablo woman: will Y Y honso-w g o o f an infant; best of city references, days at 1 5 1 F< *__>__. - • ^W-FAWTV

ID— S I T U A T I O N - A S A N U K S E W housoS Iren and to assist with l ight ohamberwork, girl, from the >te yonng woman. • Call at 2 7 3 . Smith s t , ' oorner Carltor aok room, j ,-. . .' . • ' •'•••' :. : Y - W T T O J T T T ID—SITUATION-AS A NURSE,; W hous? ddlo aged woman; i». willing and obliging. • work, by a girl at present employer's, 5 5 8 Washington or's. N a l l O i

' ',./':•-. •• '•'-•.•••-- atroo t e____ ;D—SITUATION—AS A NURSE iS_X7ANTE lo l ight chamborwork, by a yonng" girl, be-' Y Y housei 1 16 . Call for two days at 1 9 Colombia a respectable •• -IMIIMI. • . • ' - . • 267 Greene ot D-SITUATION—AS A NURSE, \ iSTANTE :e care of a baby, by a rospectablo young Y T light ho rf ago. Please call for two days at 335 ableyoonggir ween Harrison and Pograw. . ; dayi_at 234 0< D—SITUATION—AS A NURSE ^STXlfTE iby or children, by a respectable girl; Is Y Y housew liging; can do plain sewing r h a s best of able yonng g

Pleaso call for two days at 288 Atlantic place. Call foi r. front; ring twice. .. *• •: mgton; no car D ^ S I T U A - T O N — A S A COM- \ » T A N T E narse.by a woman;,nril—ug tpdooham- y V bousot

lowing; best, of references. Calif or two girl; 1B a good :dsoa*v, corner of Jo___oa st, Brooklyn; once. Plooeoc

t TroYaadAlbai

' ' - ' - , ' ' • • ' ' < . - ' • ' ' ' • • ' , • ' ' ' . ' • " : • • ' - - . r ' . . - ' ; ' ' • • ' . ' - . ' . ' ^ V • . ' . . - : ' - • ' ' : • . . . ' • "

'ED—SITUATION—TO M I N D A 5J| Washinf nt or growing childran,.' by. 'a respectal le _t). _Ser n; con tivobost cityroTerences: Ploasooill penect a i 266 Smithst; ring two:b__ll_____ _____ ^ n n r » e s -tJ^^'Sl^VA^O^T(y'::TAK: E '••.-, g ^ of children and make hotself. nsef nl. by o i o " __: £ tl, ngod. 14. Oallfor-two days _t 95 Nir a- -., i j _ ; A. _E___g________3__*_______tl__. - -'•' •' _T - " . Y Y' J __>^S_TUATION—TO T A K E E I - g S H ^ S chargp of a baby, or would _o npstairB woi c. ________ ibis girl ;h«V» five and a half years'joferem x\'.. , _7S7"A i for two days ot present: emi-loyer's,- _.' 9 y y;; t

• . • • ; ! _ ' nmin : r a m - e r i n m d s ana VYateroaaefr . i5_|_L_J E D — S I T U A T l O N - r A _ A; CHjAl E- l ^ A i lor waitro8sand88amstr-'S8,"by ayoung-gi 1;- isacooJ ico. Call at 753 Borgon »t. ____________ _ South Fc E D ^ S I T l Q A T I O N — A S A C H A 1 >, <W£p& oaid -nd waitress.by a. woman: hosrefc r- --.vY'Y -r or two.d-ya at 724 Myrtle av. •••' ; • • • ; grocery c 'JED—SITUATION—AS A CHAIV V gJgSSfi laid andwaitress, ot would l_co;to mind ch !- '?*Z&T1P ispectablo young gi r l . Please coll t h r e o d a ^s, • _ _ / '•*?; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '•'- : ' - • ' ' " ' ' • ' • ' " • ' • • ' " • : - " • • • - ' - : ' • ' " ' J ' * r l

ED—SITUATION—AS A . CHAT*:-" _mpioy_' laid, or to do general bouse work; by a coi i- Fitty-sov „_girl; referoncojgiven. Pleaso call ot -.31 9 De.iust, t, first floor.• . •••• . • . __T"A" ED^SlTUATION—AS A CHA J P. W aid and waitress, orwonld liketo rilind oh 1- co'orodir vote family, by: a girl. Apply ot presopt oi i- ihg:-und 7 UufSoldSt. . ••• -':•"-:••.•--••••.>' ;', ::

, ;' •'.':•'-'• __:: noss; a-oc, E D - S I T U A T I O N - A S A CHAJK- *$$££& aald and waitrdss, or waitress, a lone, by a • agian g i r l ; good o i ty roforenoo. P l e a s e cs II •••••: '.,-ot 1 2 9 Balt ic Tower, Rooms 118- ____- ________ 'ED—SITUATION—AS A CHAIv> "_?5TA: naid or to take caro of children, by a rospe :- _ v.Y. _ r girl; has-good city roferoncos. Call, for ty o' H.F.._Bp Smith st. :" .-' __ "WTSTA? E D - S T t U A ^ I O N ^ A S A ' C P A K - V V yo .aid and waitress, or would do the housewoi k . and tern f two. by-a rcsDCctoble Scotch girl; good ci y Office. Ploaso coll or Oddross HOUSEKEEPEJ V -\X%Al

iST^SITUATrON—AS A CHAW - soVking^ raid and waitrcsj, by a ropoctable-young gii ; musical t objiging. Please call for two days at 46 3 Eag'o otii he roar... ••• •': •'•.' -;." ' •"- •' ''- •.-• ••-••:• • .-' - ,• -E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A . CHAT»! - _____jv' naSd and waitross, orwonld do chamborwoi k !__ff*r_?i wing in a small private foroily, by a.comp N : , W / _ti-n furnish host city referenieeJ. Please ca W v V py st. rira_j_at.___ •'•• '• • >• •"' • ••:•'. ' 2___M2J

E l 5 — S I T U A T I O N — A S A CHAIv:- WXZ& naid and waitresai by a competent girl; re '-* f _"? ' . l cooklyn.abo from present employer'at 8( _ best of r< ress SAOIE CAMPBELL. Box 2.321, Qcea i '\JSTA1

I _ ) ^ T T U A T I 0 N — A S A l f f X I - spectablo :s girl, f>r to do li>?ht housework or assist i'i ^ r_'__"i lework, by a young Swedish girl, aged 17.; : l "KTITA^ ibliging: can ppeak.English. Ploaso call f< r WW ; 55 Fourth av; ring second boll. ' ••••-, • _ '__\.Jj,0m "EJL>—SlTUATION-^TODO'LIGH' . . reference airs work in a private.family, by ayoun ; __ h l __ r ' »3 221 Sackott at. . : • •• y T K T A J E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O U I -, V y • t •s work and waiting, by a yonng. girl. - Oa y washing i at 120 Third av, top floor, front. V referonce

' E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O Tf fS> .Bo^onS .irs workaifd waiting, hy a strong and oblij -' _ » y » i ):,8e oall at 3S4 Marcy av; no cards. y V ' E D ' - S i T U A T i O N - ' T O D O T H . « w t » i J l airs work and tako care of children, by a n - : wanted i •1. Inquire in store, 277 Third av, betwoc i Washing President sta, . . _ ____ 8troet___ E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O . T H ! 5 •T/^FA) airs work and waiting, or would dogener. 1 TV ble i a svnall family, by a Gorman girl; Is wiilir z homo or :; has lost cit/. reforouc'o. Pleaso- call i » KURTZ, St. near Columbia. ,'• .••• ..-••••• .. . '_ _ f~A2 E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O T H 3 W inf airs work and sowing or to do waiting or d fifteen ye small private.family, by a rcspectablo yout g st, rear. tidy and obliging; can "givo reference iro a ^ j y T i r. Call ot,73 Warren at; nocarda. . y y f ______ VVa.i_crj» a n d Ironer*.'_.' womin.

: . front roo E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A COOJ _ ***%%£ laundress in a private family; bCBt of refoi - , W t so coll at 200 Smith st- __ o r Would ' E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A C O O B . :'_•<_«__! jer and iroaer, or to do light houaework in a ' _7KTA] , by a rofi'Oitablo girl; tost reforonoo. Col B B _ at 103 Horriiion st. tirstflat; bocards. ing-orwi E D — S m J A T I O N — A S A C O O I - fes« f.•».' lanndross, or will do housowork for a ama 1 __i?'e_„f,' ;>•, by a renpoctablo yoang girl with bostcit f. _/KTA] no who ia willing and obtigin-.r. Call for tw > ' . . y y . _ l'hird av, second flight; ho carda. ironing-ED—SITUATION—AS A COOK 'arnieEM laundress, or would do general housework 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ato family, by a rcspectablo young girl; hi a _")KTA] ace. Coll for two days at 1,03- Pnclfis y y Tn

_- day or the ED—SITUATION—AS A GOOI) or ho.nsec and washer, by a rcspectoblo girl; has goo i _ _ $ _ ! _ _

0 from last ploco. Call for two days a t 8 t * * _ _ _ _ between Hicks a n d Columbia, one i l i g h t u j , (

EDi-SITUATi6_J=- \S~ATl^OOl) I W - T A - I .washer and ironer, by a respectable voun ; V V 1 city roforenoo trom hor-last ploco. Pleat ) ; Y*.__;•: , lays at 220 Schonok st, between DoKalb on I t " exceed u nroferred 2 : — 1 —— • 26 Court E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A FIRS'.? ^ r r , ook, by a rospo^tablo woman; can givo goo I _ _ / 'loose call for' two days at 131 Canton a . _* v 8

_-. - i ate po3si

l ^^Tl7ATIO_f ' •~ : A8 , ' , ! :A! : ; ? 0 § 0 1 - minelS? laundrras in a private family, by a youa j I N GALE obiect ions to a bo.irdiiig h o u s e ; go-3d cit / - rr-• Call at 1 0 4 Atlant ic av^ first, floor, back. TV

E D — S E E U A T I O N - r A S A FLRS' _' • g - _ T A:

i laondres-, by o respectable"woman; undo: - V V ™-imostie work: reforonce if required. Call j t „ _, «„ 19 Gates av. near Sumner; ring third bell. ?_ _d c E D — S I T U A T I O N - i - A S A F I R S ' ? , ____=-== - cook,"by a respectable woman; nndorstanc a •oking; thoroughly competent: has best cit v .^___. —; Im last employer. Pleaso call for two days 11 _ _ / - * -at. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y Y ' i t E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A F I B S : ' ' ''-iggj-gj i cook or laundress, or as cook and laundrei a ivate family, by a yoang girl: .has best oil y •,;: .::-Jjill Thursday afternoon: and ovoning an 1 - , -r—-«-i ing ot 28 Oanton st, top floor; no poato s V V

ED-SITUATION—AS A COM ' dresTc," ntcook and to assist with the ploin washinf, _________ h l u g i r l : has good referonco. Call at 2 2 > , , , , qtweon Court st. and Boorum plnoa, in th i ________

ED—SITUATION^r-TO D O T H J . r$M£i aatairs work in a small family. C a n b e e o e i C^oSiiT,80

i at present omployor'a, 18. Second p l a c ,' _______

ISD—SITUATIONS—ONE A S i ?; TS , the other to do upstairs work in a sma 1 -___•-- A -J y, by two girls. Please oall at 517 Borgo I . y y 1_ —— ' _— ; ; • inoro thai

Oenern. B o u a e w o r k . P11ILHI E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O D O GE1S- §___ housework in a small faVnily. by a Germa i _/5TAJ is 79 Grand at. second floor. Brooklyn. Y Y 1

E D — S I T U A l T O N — T O D O GEIS - «_ ofothh onsework. by a respectable young girl; bei t _„>:,. ._, „• Col! ft-: 509 Warren st; no'card'-. „?_____ ED—SITUATION—tO DO GEIS :

couseworkf by a young g i r l ' Apply o t 6 5 i —' • " ' j •' " T _ O A 3


>usework, by a respoctabjo girl. Please ca 1 _____!_: tic av, Brooklyn. .'i _ _ _ _ _ _ __> OAJ ED^SiTUATION—TO DO GEN : J P : * insowork, or upstairs work, by a girl. Ploas > olaas: tab tadison st, Brooklyn; .. _ T > OA1 ED—SITUATION—TO D O GEN . X f rck ousework, by a Norv/egian girl. Please oa) I -n-at class eonthat. . . . , • • . . ..••'. TT>OA] ED—SITUATION—TO D O G E N : - O Bar. housework, by a young girl, lately landed . reoaonabl ' 12 Manhassot place, third floor. T r j O A ] ED—SITUATION—TO D O G E N : - O . roo house work, by o young girL Please oall to • __£____ 89 Hancock st. noor Howard av. »_> O A l ED—SITUATION—TO D O G E N : %> wit 30-Sowork, by a young girl woll experience 1 _______ if work; good roforonoe. Coll at 935 Pa- T > O A 3 ?°_ :___ . J O somi E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O D O G E N - _ _ _ _ _ _ .onsework, or as ohombe'rmoid ond waitros., • "•_> OA3 ablo young 'Norwegian girl, lately landot. __i _ , _.

!?__________________!__ T ___Jve? ED—SITUATION—TO D O GEN]- ' _ > _ _ _ lousework, or an ohambormaid in asmail ff_) _n_-y, by a youag Swedish girl. Pleaso call fc . _ _ _ - _ _ , '3 Luqueer st. two fligataap. _ _ _ _ _ ___or_U? ED—SITUATION—TO D O G E N _ > _ _ _ jonsework, by a respectable- young g ir l ; ia i, H i . Cur ishor and honor.; has good city references ; _ _ , ZA* lays at 2 2 4 Hoyt Bt. second floor. tfemon

ED—SITUATION—TO DO GEN : _ L > 0 A I aousework, by an oxporioncod girl; has th » f"* rooi sforonco. • Pleaso call for two days at 4611 _fr%,„_5\T< ween Harrison and Degraw. .- • _ . _ . _ ._ , . 3D—SITUATION—TO D O G E N ' y _ n A i lousework in a small private family, by a ro H r _ ^ • mg Swedish gh-1 lately londod. Call ot 1; ' JLPVanc tear Flushing. • ' iron t o lco

SD—SITUATIONS-KTO D O G E N ' ^ _ ^ T 1 nausewfrtk. by two Swedish g ir l s : are goo< I • _ •«:< rs and honors . AddresB 4 2 5 H i c k s s t , J f a t 0 B : •8 .NILSON. •• •' • • > ! 0 _ j f J i _ j n

3D—SITUATION—TO DO GEN I ^"Axi lousework, by a young' girl; best city refer •'.' _rv ^ ^ or two days at 399 Twolfth st, noor Seven:] i -H-PposiK

. nlcovoand _D-SITUATION-rTO DO G33N' ~ ? S ? housework, by a respootoblo yonng gir. _ _ • _r^

Call for two days at 231 Lincoln place, -»-» Stat W; nocords. . a I<j°.'£8 ln

S D — S I T U A T I O N - ^ T O D O G E N ^ ? r ? loasowork, by a rcspectablo young SwodisJ B^S " r I plain cook, washer and ironer; has goo. _-_>» av—I ». Coll for two diys at 106 Union st. Bomely fn 3 D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E N : ; S r _ ^ _ | housework in small family, by yonng girl; § _ _ r and ironor. Call at- present employer'., JLT Oxf

,t. . on suite,

3 D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E N ^ T \ _ T lousework, by a respectable young Swodisl . fi-_ "V I plain cook, washer and ironor; hosgool •-H_P S l y «.' Call for two days ot 110 Bridjgo at, aoo tlomen; 8f

Winter; n - D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E N ' Y V O A I lUsewbrk, by arospeotablo young woman;-it JJ_)V roor lor and ironer; has good city roferonoM o few tabic or two days ot 280 St. TVlarks av; n< ' from Fnifa

3 D - S I T U A T I O N - T O D O G E N _ 8 0 _ o ^ lousework in a small private family, by o re story fron ing girl: Is an excellent lanndres_J> Pleasi second sto tys at 193 tJackctt at, onoflight up, in th< '•^•i'7=rA_

. D - S I T U A T I O N - T O D O G E N •___.____." onsework in n small privato family, by a ro taken. Mi hg girl; Is a good washer and ironor; hoi _ _ " _ _ _ _ B, Ploaso call for two days at 158 Coluni S-_OAJt( >r. • . .3-9 roo i 3 D - S I T U A T I O N - T O D O G E N ____f _jj£ meowork, by a young girl^isa plain cook _ _ _ _ " ! _ ener; has good reforenco from laat placo •_?____< •two daya ot1 ,005 DoKolb av, first floor -Ji_&tonoi eredL ' . • . ' • • : " ' ' •' room can b - D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E N f o r t g o ' g e !

lousowork, or woald do chamborwork anc TT&OAR nail privato family, by a respoctablo yoang _3G0rde first class city roferoncos. Please call at on second i yer'a. 440 Stato sc Brooklyn. . , bocupiodb I D — S I T U A T I O N — T O ' D O G E N - TTJj^AR ousowork, by a respectable young German J__p ond-5 plain cook, washer and ironer; has good S _ m . ; _ i

s.. Call for two days .at No. 773 Myrtle ___iy .? e; _ > : : _ _ T U A T I O N - r - T O D O G E N - M 0 ^ . 1 2

lOUBowork in a small-privato family, by a ^S;..-'*_," _ irfi is a good plain cook ond a very good _ ^ ^ £ j _ eaao call for two days at 66 Union at^onc ,|gSJ|^_??"

i D ^ S f r U A T I O N — T O D O G E N - 1 R O A R ouaowork in.o small family, by a rospocta- _L-' st—_ man; is a good plain cook, washer and for gentlen od city referoacos. Call for two daya at pleasant ro i; uo cards. • , ,;: nnexculled

! D — S I T U A T I O N — T O . D O G E N - J R . t > A S isowork in a private family of throe or foni v 4L>>, o r ^ •ospoctable young girl; good cook and Ural singlyoror s;best city roforence. if requirod. Pleaso family of o< y» at 819 Gates ov, near Stuyveaant. ________ I D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E N - M 0 " * 1 1

onsework in a small private family, by. a JL> ov—A rl; is a good cook, washer and Ironer; good room; hons s. Ploaso. coll at 275 Bridgo st, second permanent,

tionable rei I D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O L I G H T | _ > O A R *ork, by a respoctablo girl: Call- for two JLP.rxy .»' .urloonth et, • -•;-'.. : ..„:•' . ,. •' nlshed, wit]

I D — S I T U A T I O N - T O D O L I G H T ferrie'S8%* ork, or to tako care of children, by a youns . _ _ _ _ _ f> country. Apply at 147 Pro^poct placo, _ - _ 0 ' f l J ; t

i,av, Brooklyn. •'-. ' .••: . . .••;• •;•_' • ' .-• : ^a_P two; iD-SITUATION-TO DO LIGHT __,_. P_._S ivork or would leorn waiting and upstairs Mast from/6 , lately landed. Call at sister's e m p l o y Fa l tonFer i .Ingston ov, betweon Borgon ond'JJoon '• K _ ' ; _"f>J__?

D ^ _ ) _ U A T I O N - T O D O L I G H T ' _ _ _ _ ; _ $ vork. or a s chsmbormol' l And wai tress , by i n g s ' m o s t y o u n g g>rL. P lease ,ca l l for; two' d a y s a t tl___.-___ :•••'.-


usoworlf, or as chomhormoid, by a respoct- furnished, l; has good c i ty reforonooa.. Call for t w o m o n t s ; con ______•.... - .- '•;- .-••. -' ' :: .--:•'-"• ' '"• • . -'• '.;.. references i

D — S I T U A T I O N - T O D O T H E " O O A R ork in a small private family, by a respoct- JO* the » irl; has two years' roforence from lost and cold rn r two days at 8o9- Atlantic ov, near Wash- , ore; no chi ds answered.'- ••. • '... -• "•:,;•••.:'/: .'..'•' near Court. D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O T H E 1 _ » O A R l /ork in 'a small family* by a respootoblo JU> Oxfoi plain cook ond lanndressi-good city rofer- ' at reasonab all for tiro day. at 1,411 -Joan bt. botwoon nishodroon iya7a, \ gontlomon;


TED-SITUATIONS —MANAGED •- W&$t& ladios—Brooklyn Employment .Bureau, 210'•' '•'•"___OAR

_ '_ t , ' . _ow Concord <formorlyat 2 9 Concord - Ja_i> ' roorr n t s o f all- nationalities.: W e d o not p.omiso"•: a.woll bap' n," trat t ry t o s e l e t t tho best he lp . _«. _5,—Wet Jocatioh'«»

; ' - • • • " ' ' • • : . - : • - : • : ' • . ' '' ' - : - : . • ' ' . . ' . • . y : . ' . _ . • • : . ; ' - . • • • . . • . • - . , • . • : , • ' • . . ; * t , l _ _ _ _ _ _

_T_. _>--«gTPATJOiVS--MA-.lEy>3v" - " I . J ^desh T E D - S I T U A T I O N — - - S A C O A C H - i _ _ S ^ ^ S inandwoo__i,byam_-_r»o4-V_Mn-iuari-; .undo--, _S_.t_f-_.ftn buainoss thoroughly: best e i «__:references; ___=___S_fiS atry.- Address H:. 87. Fifta a y . : , . . - - . : • ,; „ :T_>OAR

T E D - ^ S I T U A T i p N i - - A S A F I R S T i |_5 '_S_|_ is. helper in. coofectibnaryveatablishment, by. __SS.«? _1 erancea f rom. last employer.:. Address J. .E.'C. ; L____*_n ler st. Brooklyn. .. : v ,: -• • • _ig__|__ _-___-_H2

T E D — S i T U A T I O N - r B Y A Y O U N G • ' _ _ ' - 9 ^ | <h who is-diBangagodfrom StofJ, afternoons-;; _ a M « . .

Sl_J_r_______ ^^M^0^M^ -ndWtc, rth st . Brook.yn. :"••.-••,-• ; ' ; . ! ; _ tlomon.rei T E D — S I T U A T I O N — B Y A : M A N , _ _ & _ _ _ _ ed 3 0 : is wfllin-r to dp anything; is handy in H_ _ _ S _ . hardwuri store; ol__>,ynibhor_i»s:'„an _poak\ 4__tir.Br __ Call or addro-*,for:* .reek ; j ^ . xaS»_w_p

' •- •••"' ' '.•'••-'• ••'•-'•' - '•' -: ' -•'•• • ' ".-,.—'..: reforoD'cos. T E D - S I T U A T I O N — A S J A N I T O R , -rfoXu

a member of G. A.__.:i Is-woll er j ier ienccd iff S _ . T_ , m flats; can g ivo good__re_forrnee from p r e _ „ t . mvraam fii Call on or address N.yJUCKHAM, 164 East. __?___?__.

. - o o k l y n . ' ^ . •'.''-,' •'-•':. - ' ' . / : . ; , . . . . ' •''. _______ ____ •.••••' " " " - -!X±~-•-

T E D = S I T U A T I O N — A S A C O A C H - _ _ ; S 1 S . ,n in a private fondly, by o,respectable yonng; ' J___, J_3if n; marriod; strictly honest, sober and oblig- __!_J__v stands tho care of horses, carriages and 1-ar-. ____ _ _ _ aintud in NeiV York and .Brooklyn, .'can fur- , ' ??. ? " * * ? . •est of references. .Coll. at or o-dres* 401 ' _ _ O A R m-av. .-;..•. -^,.-v.-'X. ...... ,,'."•' ••• , • ,,'•'.-.___.;. : __> i0D_

p.;—:—x—T~' • . • - : -q • .:wifo'Or|two 'AT^_.ElJ—gg___j__ESS-tOKAJU; : ?' tlji*oi :'4 i

T E D — C E N O R — F O R QUA_fiTlST: _ _ 7 . ! 4 _ . derate wtlary. must beafairroador. Add.-ess __"_*•• 9, Easloottico_____ "_..-: . . . ' - . -tfj-p- Mie

T M ) - _ U T O R — T O " P R E P A R E A l i b _ _ f i t „ ng man for collego. Addross with reference from vrpc , CANDI-^ATE, Box, 3.305. New York Post enoeS. |__ _

B' O A R :."cbvd'.

to tnit ion, by a h emiinoht: pianist,arid- te'abhor .-olbsetsj soi troductioh; elite. cnly;','nO:'ovoning- lo.sona; lami lypf IK ont ind'.sponsablo. P R O F E S S O R X , Box 2 6 , . venient to... j , .- « • ' , • evenuel .

~ " " ~ ~ ~ " ' " 'OAR jrof pl»

TED—WASHING--ANDUR.ONTNG,;- ':•«__:_)__._ rosp'octlble c o l o r o d w o m o h ; would toko homo -.• l y h bf-idg" •y thod»y__ Ca^llait_W._Ho__kimcr8l_.____ board.1 TED-WASHING-AN__ UaONINGT f > 6]_R a rospeotablo-woman, t o d o a t h e r o w n h o m o : Wj>••'• Qxfo: 3ronce. Call a t 2 7 0 Horkimer at.:. :'..'.'' ' f ront sind' TED—W ASH-IB G--AND IRONING, ' , § 3 . * •go out by the day. o r - t o take.homo, b y a re- to' Kings ' .-.vedish »vomon;bas g o o d city reference.: Call changed 8 a t 5 8 U n d O F h i l l av. ..'•: •• ,-, .••--.,.. -•••'•,",.;•.' , _ • -;• • T E D — W A S H I N G — B Y _~ F 1 R S _ ;..•."' s_ laundross, togooutj .by the d?y: or would _-»' __ _ -ij geut;emon's.or fams.Iy woEhing; h i s t>est of ; B-< ,-'A- t c

Con bo seen ior->-,two'days ot 855 Dean st; _.__Pa_a wi _____ - -.•'• ________ ,- '•.-•'-' -'-totingten

TED-WASHiN(^BY : A;RESREC- $tf$MM >le colored woman, ladies' and gentlonion's-' KJ> >vith toko home, or will go out by the day: beat of" Prospect H

Call or oddress Mrs, ,'.MARSHALL,, 0 6 2 1 5 , E a g l o o n o v , second floor, fr_ht; Woshington av. and tr^riirvf uarapass t h e door.. ' •'• • • •;• :_• ,;;':• \ E-< r l ^ J j I _ D — W A S H I N G r - F A M I L I E Sv roomsj_o?i bing. by a respoatoblo woman; v/ill do up loco . 2 6 . Addr: d g i v a e v e r y Bittsfaction:if any roforence is : Y/erlc |;".'./' can bo had at the Graham Institute,- 3 2 0 _f_'-__.»T.' h ov. Ploose call for-two.days ot 4 2 4 Baltio H-ff-Mr* .

.'..;.;••,.-•:. .JLP-des-rr

T _ D - W ^ _ _ K ^ B Y A"_l1_S__x3"iA; g£S_^___ Sermon woman, washing end ironing, cither at TON,182 1 i go out. by thodoy, or housocioaning. Mrs. _fSr_=_Tr'_j" 24 Pocilic st. __ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ f \ ' M T E D - W O R K - W A S H I N G , TRON- torfin^c >r houseclooning. by a respectable woman;,has t ioularsant •s'first olass roforence.' Apply at 1 3 8 . Smith Addrasa A.

I _ D ^ W O l i K ^ W A _ _ 3 I N •''•/'.•I''; n_r, or honsecl.eo>ningi by a respectable widowed " _—. n _ > _ i loj.se coil or addreaa 280'Myrtle av,,top floor. . B./iU.tV-NJ . MrsjLEGRYS. ________ •••• _____'•• - 0 ioora, T E D — W O R K — B Y A R E S P E C T A - i t _ - ^ i _ . # >womaH; by tho day; is ofir^t classlaundroia '5^ -H- • 0 houaecleaning; has the beat of city reier- JL • ,out b lose call at 156 Uolnmb__ st. in the store. ' andtijfohal 'S^I0pW^^^t;:M^T^B<y^Aih-, T 7 1 U R N ] ! women: washing and ironing or housocfean- -8? fpleaa: ildliko to gotthe cloanin . ot atoros or build- atonBt.soci . worker:-good Teforoncos. Address Y. Z„ >'-S?i____F orci Drancn. .-.-,- . - Wn , .-.**

T E D - r . W O R K r r - B Y , A , " _ - E S _ ^ _ _ > _________!-. e woman, to go oat ty the day, washing, and * _ ' _ _ * ' _ . so would make "herself generally useful; con a-, i at of city rof.rence. Can always l e seen at -'_*• largo; ime.104 Walworth at. - - .; •'- - housokeopi

T E D - W O R K - W A S H I N G A N D ^ _ | _ v * j ling by a respectable woman; to go out by tho in „ Irat three days of the week or to tako bo_ne, JB,., room w oning; has good city roferonco. Pleaaecoll ,W1J" _unnJ! s at 946 Atlantic ov, over paint atoro ;'postal -Qdgofa. 4< _g_t :_•__ .__'• •'" -,"• ' •<• ••.•• , -TCTtfRNJ

\yA_v'jry_iB?—-aroYTS-ES. ';-. _____: S^WocVo rED--HOUSE"2; 21-2 OR 3 STORY '" _=rf ___j_ >uso, Sovonth or'Tv/enty-third Ward • rent not &1 _,___?! 0 0 0 ; good location ana condit ion; now bouso •__ . iC_I"f« ivithprivilogoof baying. Address COLLINS, . ___,|______ t, room 2-1. . , - - ' -'.. . ' . • ___KL'__"£.

TE_3^HOUSE-9 OR 10. ROOMS; ' _ ? ^ _ ^ a1

id neighborhood; oil improvomenla; immedi-. sS'j :&_?_,* jion: Twenty first. Twouty-third or Twenty- _H,rit. ?w.V. ; will pay all cash: don't w#ate your'time and __i£- , - i__ lcy prices.: Sond full porticulars to NlGHI'- _f_-URNi _24_»eK_lbav. V. . ; •' | 1 ^fHeigl —! — r ! ni shed lar* N-JTEO—iPAii'jrs O F mttttrsHSS. ':VwVVk !

_ ______ __.,.-_ _ . b o a r d if de.' TED—PART OF HOUSE-YOUNG -wj^URNi do desire opartmonts of 4 rooms: 814 to . 16;' fn ^ _ _ _ and vicinity of olnvatod read uptoivn pre- *_. - ;_ ,„_ ii ate porticulars, E.G. . Eagle office. ''hot i i d c o l

_2___________g___i__ - ~ ~ go-n-^s__i TED-FLAT-OF 6ROOMS WITH- XJ_ffi_P on minutes 'walk of Pratt Inst i tute . Address :'f____v_m_ GLASSEY, 5 7 Boinbildgo St.. •'.p_vote'V?ro — i 1 :—— : — —: st an'd Do S y A y j E i a - i a E A - - E S T A T - S . • . --' :jJim_N3 T E D - R E A L ESTATE—CORNER ' .8? , igenti' ore property worth S-9,000 to $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 ; e i ther 8 5 ? a , _ _m. l e a s e d , will purcha .o at onco if su i ted . A d - JiJS v-V*^

Eaglo Bedford branoh.' : *™±Ip'*?& = : — = , •' . . : -_L?_IRN; I T E P - R O O J I S : FtrJ8-TY-Sgg.j__i)...: ' '^^IPino i TEDr-ROOM—F U R N I S H E D— floor and b ,-oung lady employod during- thei day want a a keeping. I •ootn with private family; roferonco. Address _rr.fTRT_n dway, Brooklyn. '• \T • ' . . - - R. U i ,

,-,-,-•. -i " ' . h a l l r o o m ; ! L Y J E B - T g - B S C - E a - ^ A N - E O P S ; ' ,.'.-'-. '-' mentBj.tob TED—LEFT OFF .CLOTHING-r ^ _ ^ ~ ^ lea'andgontl9_bon*8;I willpay 300 per cont, HjipltiNJ my deolor in .the city. Call or address J. _L jingr< i, 64 Smith st, between Schorinerhorn and ' ing; waterI

• •' • - - - . H o y t i s t ; c l r E D - D E F T OFF CLOTHING— :_&&_? °? nover will pay 5 0 0 por cent, more than any _Ft _ T > T _ r i n the city for gtnt iomen's and ladi»s'roft . _U -vM**.-_ Call on or address A. H A N OVER, 2 6 7 At- JL1 h o r n

..'.-.)' - , • - o n o or two i 1 ' -furnishod; B O A K D . M . . • " ' • ' • _ . _ _ _ _ : _ _

D—LARGE, S M A L L A N D CON- '.* :;-. ;. ng rooms;'first class hoard; modorate rotes.- _________ 1 Bt . B r o o k l y n . .;• .. . ; trrr%c T V D—1.49 "GREENE "AV, NEAR;VrXW>"°°. littgton—House,, and all appointments first' o v . n e a r P u ' exceptionally good; boat or roferoncos. r_f. O T V D—ALCOVE A N D S Q U A R E JL j ^ e ^ l, large closets and oil improvements, with ' painted anc oard 1 0 1 Clinton av. ' • , . • • ' . & S U Y D A 1 D—HEIGHTS—113 HENRY ST— rHiOLE'. a n d smal l rooms; toblo boa rd ; neor b r idgo ; J L of t he torms. - .'-., ;' •'• , -. . • ••-.•••• .-•• improvemel D—44 M O N R O E P L A C E - L A R G E _ii<i_?__! a on second and third floors, with all home ' rjPIO LE* eferenoes." - • • • • ' • • • • • ; JB „egan D—337 C L I N T O N ST—ROOMS' sR i^V 1 ?? board; terms modorate; table board; refer- _!___£______.

TO L E J? story

-ooms. on suite or single, with first class tabie. Carroll st; . on st. -.. ,'•'.. ••'-, ' , • . • • • ' , • utea to Now D ^ O N T H E H E I G H T S — 1 1 6 HEN- ' B-?ily__-_--Largo arid small roomB >vith good board? : Tfl lO L E ' low; neor bridge and ferries. .••-,•' i.,.-' • _g_ ':80y 8t-

D—ON T H E HILL—206 W A S H - . ^ 4 _ . n a r n av—Nicely, fnrhishodalcovo room; also a HEYWAR1 n. oh socond floor; all conveniences: torms • - -. „ ' ; . - ' . •. • • : - • ' . • • • : . . ' - • . : r _ n o - L E ' ,

D - I 6 6 DE KALB AV, CORNER ..-JLi.__S5 .orland st—Large, handsomely furnished HAVlLAN' boord, for. man ond wife oi- two or three.Bon- DLETON. i

• - ' • ' • ' ' • • • ' -. • • •• 'owner, Yonl D - T W O L A R G E C O N N E C T I N G '^SST. T T , > on second floor; also o good sized hall room; . _ _ _ rniBhcd; with first olass board. 168 Dean st! A l bason:

• •'-•-.;'_ .-. . . ' mont8;.n_an 1 : — ; . ront lower l

D—TO L E T , W I T H B O A R D . .400 TALiNG _s rbilt av—Handsomely furnished socond story _ _ _ ! _______ ondbockroom;onauitoorsingly: also.third f_T.O L E ndholl room; ono block from L station. ''""JL I ing hi D—53 C O N C O R D S T - T W O M I N - _ * S S _ 2 f _ i >m bridgo: large second story front and back JS?_°_?', ~ r i f S sly furnished: folding beds; hot and cold f*SKBS* A' hall room; toble board; termsmodetato. _ _ _ _ _ D—356 S C E E E R I S E R H O R N _ T , O P - f _ P ? ^ l ^.Tolmage'schurch— Handsomoly furnished „__, *Ji2r„_, auare room, with first class board; locatioa 5 _ , _ K ? i _ _ to oil points; references. 3 5 H & & 8 [)—ON THE HEIGHTS—N'd.: 128 441 Snmnor st—Two largo, hand8omolyfurnis l .>d r o o m s ; rw\t\ f t le room; convonient' to bridge and ferries; B T_ . Q8S; roforoncei given and reqnired. . JL Ibetwe-

J—ON T H E H I L L — 1 2 8 G R E E N E . S » t bias? o rtios wishing a plcosant home will find hand "cheapest hoi lished bock parlor and second story rooms • Byerson St.' nt toblo; table boord taken. .-•-.' r'mri T "PI 3—ON THE HILL—19 SOUTH r I * wir d str-Haridsomoly furnished roomB. s ing l e or . : made vacani n- houso with owner; adults only; refer- _ien;. 40 ro< •'.:• '..•.'•-'•'••••''. , '-• - . - • . ' . ' • • - . • . .nowlyp.iinto •>—166 S T A T E S T — R O O M S , S I N - g g g ^ g g j on suite, suitable for 0 family or single gori- fTHO ' L E

eial orrajjgement3 mode" now.for Fall and' _L. ( Kosch orence.. ' .••'•'';"•'•''-" • . ' •-•'•'• "••'' .. .'• story brick;

^-TO L E T , TWO H A L L B E D - ® w f _™pl: 1, to gontlomon, with or without board: also, ton?, loardors wanted. 249 Duffiold st, four doors. jr_fiQ _____

) - H E I G H T S - 2 2 8 HENRY ST, vilw'oflfefv on Romsen and Jdrolemon—Large second arid. Statue _ room, newly decorated and furnished; a lso private i s m i • back- room, with holl room connecting^ grates, elooti ) - N O . 334~BERG-3N ST-.A FEW _S_*2fe_S_f_. non can have good board and home -comforts CANNES, B mily at moderate terms; also table boordors — •• S W I N S O N . v . : ; , , . ; " T O . . .

) -^ON T H E H E I G H T S — 1 5 M O N r ____. , * ~ * ice—Large squororoom and ballrooms, snit- f J l O . L E . lemon and ivife, or a party of single gentle- J_ ;port,to loardors accommodated; references. . party. 2511 ) — T H E B R E U C K L Y N , 3 9 2 C L I N - m o T _ _ E T corner Greono—Two square rooms-and o hall _L .son st, secured'for tho Winter; one very desirable fomilybf adi lemen; references. • • . , : port; rental

y—82 S T A T E S T , O P P O S I T E m p L E 3 place—Largo rooms, handsomely .furnished, - fl_-j trttd; ba d third floors, with hall rooms if desired; shsaos.on wi iwnor. . .". .-. ... ; ;•'.'.•. .-.' •:"• .-,' .'"• "'.: . • .' 231.Ptcsideil

) - - H O T E L S T . G E O R G E v 5 1 , 5 3 _ D P _ : L ^ _ Clerk st. American arid European plan; 400.' -J_L- . brickb ling 100bath:ooms; handsomely furnishedr water, wash suite; oUoirio lights throughout. j '.'•'.,' .__________.____?_'.___.

>—FIRST- C L A S S B O A R D I N ; A ; _ _ P £ I ^ ^ a fomiiy; nionn and langusgo German; fow .-____*_~___5J_5 Ik from South and Wail st. ferries; refer- ,'___ _ S ? S _ e d Apply at No. 201- Clinton at, corner- ?Sf_£?^i?_ti " •' •' ••" _ _ ^ W • '-'.-" . - v'' v . - : . ' f B - . O L E T 1—253 A N D 2 5 5 ' W A S H I N G T O N f ^ i i / o f a d t few haridsbmoly furnished roomo, suitable menta and 2 : n and vrivos or a partyiof gentlemen; also, a provom-rita -n for two ladies; terms very modorato; table .. ,,, _.. :onvenient to bridgo. - •'.-. "* ;.-'••...- ' ' • ' • ' _ _ _ _ _ _ ? — O N T H E H I L L — 3 2 S O U T H O X - _ ~ ^ ~ —Aharidsomo second floor (large alcove), T 8 1,0 JJbtX :nite; prefer a party of, single: gentlemen or - A 1 and nn Its who wish to make a permajnent' home; Remson' st,•'•'] . •"• '.•'•' •-'•.'.'; ' •' '• .. • :-•'' . • '• - ' perfoct;..v5ev.

'—ON THE HILL—64 GREENE SSSSt___hS ova room,, folding bed: also , square front — -——-and table desirahlo for nartius s e o k i a g o '•'.•• i '-» i.-out tor table home for the Winter; u n e i c o p - • • • :-.. •••. •__-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . ' . - . : : ' - • , . . . : ' . ; , . . . ' • . . • • • - ; ' • • • • ; • • , : • : , , . ' • ' • ; - . > _ _ - , _ - _ r m

—ON THE HErGHTS- ' lOl HEN- ' l ^ . W m c -A large room 6a second floor,; nicely fiir- 0 rooms, incli extra largo c losets ; also hall bodniom, wi th block from € ir inc !o3e t ; throe minutcS from bridgo and ay, Brooklyn.

-T-ON TH_T_l_CGHTS-^-TO LET. ' ^ j ^ S S i _ rge, comfortably ,-farnishod rooms, smtablo Somily decoru a and.wivesorgont lenienrooming together; mants : heate and p iano; no objection to chi ldron; broak- rospoct- call > 8 : terms $ 5 to ,_6; throe inintitoafrom i-oaapnblo J or bridgo: 1 5 Wil low Bt . . ; . : , . . . : •...-",• .-''•• v j ^ y r - . w —ON.THE.HEiGllTS—96 HICKS r J_ | .mnc• ' minutes to bridge and ferries—Tolot, with' m'agiii-ieent a a n d i e m e r o o m s ; house, table ,ond surround- . vated; two -a isirablo for the comfott of first olasspnr- 'othe^ oparlmi , ;., . ; •'"••-."• . • ; • • ' - . . rongomont a

—ON.TKE HILIJ—382 VANDER- J _ g i _ J _ l ^ r-A socond story front olcovg: room, niooly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'a refinedAmericaa family; all. improve-

nient to L station arid several lines of cars; ___ ' . ' XC changed. ___£_, / • ' , • . . , . : ; ; - • : ' 7-;.-': .:-.' fjr^fTr'xpr, - W I L L L E T , W I T H B O A R D , J . , ar.dne 1 ond story „ontroom;.aeally furnished; hot - apostments: 1 ling, water,; hoat and gnu; son thorn expoi-" S35; - light J Iren;. referonoo roquired,.' 4 7 Douglass st, BltCISil. 339

= >N THE HILIi-39 SOUTH '3/t°aiK_. st—Partios desiring to seenre a good i homei prbvehienlj, 4 prices con,'find pleosont. handeomo'y fur-. l!ots; uptoivn,

, suitable for .gentleman'and wi.o or si__lo " Patehen, hoa, cfo-encee. , . tot.

> - r E X T R A ; ' L A R G E • ' . : . F R O N T . ' P ^ t . ; also hall room, with! every .con v iniencb and . tocot ren ied table, at reasonable term s i houso and _____ _ -leoptioiiablo; rot.'rencos esciuingoj. Apply !___iy_5y-J .av, on Prospoct Heights. ;. -.,-• ;'•. i- ;••• .•.- ' »^I___-_r_ ) - 1 0 8 M O N T A G U E , S T - I _ A R T r E S •'!%9_J*' »g»a comforlablo. and rofinid home for-tho nodusty 1 ind large and nicely .urnishod.rdoxris on-sec- fael- ail •saite^ or -singly; olegost rooms, for party... 259 Grce

Wall St.Ferry. .-:.-•- . -' ', •. •' .. | : .' .:' ... . __-?—i-_~~-i

>—ON T H E H I L L — H A N D S O M E - WVbW itshed alcove or'sjuareTjoom; Juitabtefor hionts-'os . ingle gontlomon; also, hall ro< m«; ample nor. jnout ughed-i ,et -_ 179, , 'Washingtoapark(Onm-'. 'WALTEB

^141PIERREPO_.TST-rRO0MS l_3| _ S to -or singly; handsomely furnished; table f_wof'5 r rrangomonts'oan now be mode ftar the; Fall, janitor Hit loasont smill rooms suitable for single 'gen- LING'jt ( rencoa required:.: ..,.••: .:'•-, --.. , "'.'•• rv~f~rY^ •—333 C--4NTON ST—__JA R G,E7 ' % £ m " li s tory front room, with- folrHrii :bed; c o n - rooms- ha roomif desirod :o_so.o'therrooms3 reasonable , t h e m - 'o!s' oor . tab le ; t ab le boarders accotnmodated;' .: A U K f e N .

•r-SI NG LE AND7 _> p B _ _ V T ^ n ripwly papo'rod, modern improve: nentS; din- ' stone: all .floor;,first class location on Hi 1: brio and inimediat. .sarface.ond Kings Coun'yL roi ids. -Apply onpreniis mgton fry, betwoen Greene and C otes. . 'Vj™7»—f ^-MANSION HOUSE, :3ROOK- WW?j*u ights. directly opposite Wall et, N Y. ; 4 rnin- order; litt om Ful toa or.-Wall _*. Ferry ond the • bridge $ 11 to 8 1 tporior acoommodaticn.-. reasonable rates; firstfloor. and transient hote l ; ^ 0 0 rooms. ____________ . : >Tr«?v~T >-20l BALTIC ST, NEAR CLIN- ™ela_ 'wolarg1. Tobma, suitable for got tloman.and -bridge an( iinglo gent lemen, in an-American lamily, elevator, : ard; torms 8 5 and $ 6 por week; also, tablo4 month. ___

>^801^UTNCY ST,; C!OW__- W°™ - H o n d s o m o r o o m s ; parties doal_.withliber-, the lo t ca t jermanent__ciangpment; wookly br monthly; carpeted,' ; hear. Reid.Ov L station, and few stops . DAM, on 6 and Gates o v e o r a ; t a b l e bt ard; rotor- ~j_T___~T :

l ^ i C l i i L Y " .FURNISHED .. AH? a_d'C_nit id square rooms; hot and co ldv; i t er ; ample wood, t h . hern oxpoaure.ftood table,, pi. no; private halls. ;ln< Itaowninir.h^use-.'iterms roaaoaabl«;.con- s t r e e t . - ' jvated. , 4 9 7 .Macon st, coat: of Sjuy v esant ••frtrtey','f

^ N ^ T l f E f H E I G H T S - ^ . ' 7 r ~ M J O % : ' i „28Fu l 3—Acccmmodation.. for.families, with rooms oiTaagorai %• singly; rooms lorgo and well furnished; i s s s o r j . -ile; house-three minutes' walk ftom Brook- , York,

nico, quiet neighborhood; also, table f_^'6~~T

K ) _ . ; | H E HILL—113 SOUTH rcimio?.. 1 st—Houao newly furnii-hed! pie isantalcovo accessible tokSrooni o n socond floor; san-j on third, wiilkdfl-i oTOs: gont'omen and wives; olsojsinglo gen- ton av. Ilont table; homo coinforts; fcjur.minuMS «-jpj>\ -r Jounty L road stotion; rofetencea ox- /:Bvv""..f

. - . . . • • : ; . .• . . . . . . ,-f -. ,. .. . • . J__ - m o o

• " • 1 • ''•' : —' " • f l a t s ; ' . O r e : J B t e A W P ; ' _ 7 A _ f f _ r _ S - D . - ' ' :K; :7 7 '•••.'' j__ltor;et< 'WAWED^RY'A GENTLEMAN "£-—— !_, front 100m on Heights or Hiffl. Address, I tHO 1 LjP. Q-, Eagle Bedford branch.T. 'I . • A light': ! V ^ A N T E D - B Y A r W i D O W E R , BP


>n<13). with a strictly private , family, on flats, S-'(5 ghts . Address iHOME COMi-ORTS, Box smal l er ;_ •ce. •>..' ' •":,•- "- ' "-,•• '• :' • ''•••• • :; ,-.; _ 5 9 ' ' G r o e i ' WANTED—IN A P R I V A T E jjriOLI having g o - d succonhnblation 01" iohfe or two JL ing, in and wife, oomraencing About September' horn—Top s J . D A V I S , No. 1 4 9 ' W o o a l o r ; s t , .Now- provomen; _ _ _ _ _ ' '• ::'' • • :••'• • • , " I-''.- •.:. -.-'•'.'."- • -In'qniro t • -WANTED—YOUNG""COUPLE Ownor;°r ;

board e i ther o n Brooklyn H e i g i t s or P r o s - ' ' __-S">_T-~ ; in private fami ly ; from Novoinber 1 ; roo- r R - ' O L .

> references g iven and required. M I D D L E - JL 8 1 8 i l torist . Now York. '•''• ,' v' - ___V £•' story base W A N T E D — T W O C O N N E C T I N G ISfSgj^S with board for gontlomon, wifd and daugh- promises, ocation in Brooklyn; answer, giving par- tion and I nrico, which must not .exceed $i~> per week. ,;_sii_-_r; _ t. M.. Eos lo office..'-..' i , ' T B I O 3 •:- • — • <r=z~~.—-__=_:. -'.J. 875

_________________g KOO-TOS. - I 7 7 . .''5a__T__S°-K

;HED R O O M - T O LET, A IHALL] ^SS& o 0 man.- Inquiro ot 358S_mn a ov. Brook- JSwx—. YER.-... ,-..--. •':.••; ____ ZAU ____| ' r _n .^ > , / 1

THED R O O M S — T O L E T , W I T H - . WoWSS* ird, t o gent lemen, only, two iquorerooms] l i gh ted• 0 rooms. _App!y.at 2 5 Lo-ayot te -v. i ___ __•> trio hol la , 5HE.D" R O O M S — T O T L 3 T 7 T W O ; .:_____°2_3


it rooms; So';thorn exposure. 1 7 3 L i v i n g - s t . with tl d door from Gallat in place. '.;-. -.•': promises 5H_BD ROOMS—^NEWLYTFUR-! f7'°?m»;* ; suitable for en- or two gentlemen; refer- -."______ id. 170 Livingston at. ____ . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,!.--..! •' ' .-5.HED R O O M S - T O i i E ^ T , ^A ',—-— oasont room suitable for gentl. mon or light r_f.O, X ;: also, a'hall room; hot ond cold water, A • stor etc, .Apply at 157 ot 199 Woshington st. ptato gla* . i i E D R O O M S — F R O N T A L C O V E %A°HVA h folding bod if desirable; also1 a bock room ' * ~ * ^ S S I •waterm P small family; owner; no other, Y § .O L i .Franklin av.-near L station. ___. A of _ J H E D R O O M S - 6 8 L A 3 i"AY£TTE S S ^ ^ o r c 0 oleove andorio square room; suitable for collcarly i ortwo gentlemen; location fit e arid within -p VRTMI? C rood; fomiiy privato. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ^ K ~ ^ SHED R O O M S — 2 5 5 _ . L I N T O N ?-__P'7>^v it class accommodations for pe -monont par- gethor - 1 d back ropms; also, 3 rooms on parlor floor; ; ^ulton'st' ? . _ _ _ , _ "•• ' • ' • ' • " ' ' _____' '•' A o D l y t o '

i H E D R O O M — O N E ORj T W O -*CD;;.7l' en can havea nice largo room, with hot and r _ l 0 L rid board if desired, in, priva» fomiiy ef A Cits ence requirod. ,1.003 Atlantic av.'l . , story marl iHED' 7 R O O M S — T O LJE T , O N '____SgS,„ 3,84 Stato st, no!T Henry, e ogantly fur- u ^ e l t v f .

and smalt rooms; oil conyi niencea ond TT„-.J • _ . sirable; notfr forrioa and Cit;' Hall; table • Snff- oleS - ^ _ _ : , . : " , •, 7 ' .-'__-• '• ,:''. _L_ ._ .__ CHAUNC J H E D R O O M S - 4 6 7 F ] F T H S T , f B W X irs from Seventh avrprivote foioily!;a newly 3". o f f i M go front room: southern exposure 5running ' «S__:tl_. water; gas and heat; suitablo t ir.orie or two fZXSZzZi. eferonces required. ' • [ feoto? sj5, 3 H E D R O O M S — F R O N 1 T H A L L , ^ S large square,"" $2.25; newly fjirnisHed, oil loughbya ,s; tabic board and restoaraT.ta" right by; rants W y. 55 Fort Greene .place, he ;ween Fulton J a y s t s - o lb av; can bo seen anytime. •• . ;— 5 H E D R O O M - O N i B O R T W O T O ! honcanhave theohoicoof eit .eralargeor. '^SrSn^ir •tibly furnishod room, in private somily of r B l O L illy located 376 Adolphi.a^ between Greene A . ctor e ovs. " ;••',; . •-• ."-•• ;,' •.-••• - venicntto 5 H E D R O O M S - T O L^!T, A T 1 2 ' I ^ J 0 0 ^ 'pie st," near Columbia heights, Ave minutes' r 0".O L •Fulton Ferry arid the bridge; or parlor , A of the lemont, hondsomoly furnished;- for house- ISostrand; iosejcall in,tho evening if conv mient. • nished • ro JHiESD ROOiVIS—TO L E f r H A N D - m i t t t > J - 1

urnished rooms; airy and bright; also large Iding beds, both, ^as arid oil lajtest improvo- .'. • . ,-... soon any time; reiererices. ,125 Wiiloughby r_Tri r" luffield and Gold, __T_ ,; r f ' O L iHED R O O M S - _ WO. CJONNECT- nlSs.'or^ ms on th ird floor, furnished for housekeen- able form room; quiet parties withoutjchi ldren^43 • BOSWOIH

inline3s a specialty;' also, oloqvo room, hrst ~ o r two-gent lomdnor music leooher; 4 0 2 X O JL33'


t—Desirable largo room on second floor for c bk n co i 'o i rsons; also, hall rooiri for g e n t l e m a n ; woll .1 Hfi Rems aiding or open b e d s ; oil iihprovoments-, ± V ^ r . _ _ _ >:nmodotions; house thoroughly hooted io r g l O L l 1 board near ; references." ) . , jj flco

• ——— 1—: ; wHhont < TTO l i E T C — H O U S E S . o o i < m r ^ 1

—HOUSES—IN BEDFORD SEC- f l W L i 1 D . H. F O W L E R & CO., l t - 3 9 Bedford A steo on s t . .'-.-,•• . .'.-; ...'•. •.'•.,•••• ,•]-. .-..;• ,•••--. v ftv. B nd . P '—HOUSE—44 CHAUNCEY'ST, ^ftfH swis av; suitable for two families- all newly IAMKOM lecorated: rents 820 and -823. REDHEAD f £ g g M % .1,790 Fulton st. " ______; '• _ T\\0 L -HOUSES--ONLY"THllEE LEFT ^ ^ 5 >w of 3 story and basement brown stone: oil ^ -\\ BjjjD s; hard wood finish. Inquiro on promises, ^ rjKht iv,neor'Beid. -.,'' ;.:.".., : ... | - •:' . . ' Rodney at

-HOUSES—42 REiMCSENST-AN -_.•,. tull sizo house, with double lot: also sov-: _ * ^ _ _ _ i ouses,at low Tents: possession at onco. F. wi.f>Ti. V. 204 Montogno st. . 3^ «ooi

'—HOUSE—?50 P E R MONTH— 2fplt?|lj] asement orid collar brown_stoi .0 houso, 27 I S__iS:—, ! rooms, in perfect order; twqnty-jflve min- _Tj^OR fork City Hall: most convenient location in ' Y1 esou ERGEN, 307 Court st. 1 , .ingcountr

-HOUSES-*85,485AJ 489 HAL- w&fcjjta. Jowly papered and in fine ord ir: woodman- a perfect it ; oil inrprovemont8: 3 story briok, ot tho ble; pamp ital o f -8550 . Apply to EOTALING <fc moiled up 441 Sumner or, 254 Tompki _____________ N.: J .

- H O U S E — 8 2 C A M ] J R I D G E T J . O R Very desirable 3 story house); in. excel lent f Great) is; oil lmprovementB; immediate possea.-iioii 'Course, tw, & SONS. -982 Ful ton at; RHKVE & P E N - .East Now"

Groeno av, Brooklyn; or R U F U S JEUNG, rapid trans irs, N.-YV -• '•-' •• '• . , ."' - • . .- :•..- •• .",, office; oloc

. ' - H O U S E D 1-2 STORY .AND itheec?n?e";

at brown s tone; 1 3 rooms;I all improve- . tificlol sto )1 mirrors, fhrnoco; location cihoico; or'Trill mpnthly.o:

nppor part: sae it" before locat ing. H O - with deed ( l E Y W A R D , 2 5 4 Tompkins dv, 4 4 1 Sam-. e o c b i n l e s .

, • : , : . " • - . • . ' • ' • ' •;,:-. - :. ; , . ' , : . -direction a

• ^ ^ U S E ^ P H Y S r C l A N , OWN- S^d^er" ldsomo now 3 story and ex tens ion brown realoatato< a most dosirabJo loteation in Bodford d i s - " ,, 0 lease to responsible party (without chil-. IPtiJSt. Si golficoroomwith room and boord for self ' —•_., ijrosa A . ' F ; M...Eagl3 Bedfordfbranch. ; T 7 - O R 7 -H\nuSE—1,489 PACIFIC ST— ^: fp

0°, t/ r<;

ing thoroughly overhauled end papered; i.„„,„i.Vw 10 rooms; bath, extension. 3 attic rooms; 2i!l R R on; fine grounds; modorato rent: Dosses. ?™.„iw___^ itember 20. HOTALING Ic tiEX^WARO. i°n'd'n?,s

1^ v,g54Tompkia8^v. . ., . p : . _2__??S_. C-HOUSES—ON GElAND AV, F ' R A W P C

1 Wii loughby ond DoKalb , iome 3 story brown stono houses-, all unp_!ovements; i n '• - ''---•••• ler; r e n t v o r y low; immediate possess ion; _n./_"R 0 in town . . Apply t o P . W L _LIAMS,'231 j j -^m

_J ! 1—-—: . 1 .' ————-'• m o n t house -HOUSE—170 AND 1T2 HICKS Sg^SSSgS ierrepont-rWoll known os bo irding houro; z ."_ ,r; ' . ' . by deoth of tenant; is Sato -y ond oxtcn- ~H_i10R £ is; oil improvements; steam heat, etc..; j p story ^and painted. Apply at. tho house, or to _nd bridgo iutonst. , . .:.•. ;-' ..' ' • . ' ,•;'• ' . . . ' : . -arovementi — H O U S E — § 3 0 . : P E R M O N T H — ??"^o * j kost. near Tompkins av. ond. elevoted—2 ggSggggg: U improvements; flats, Heiphts, 830 to —~~. h; steam heated; oil outside rooms: first to PHELPS, 9 1 Pineapple W, near Ful- .===7^5-5;

. - : , - • - , ' • ' ' . 1 . , , • • • ' . . • 5 - l ^ * - ' l ^ J -

-HOUSE-AN ELEGANT PRIV- i£Sd__i jn'to on Columbia heights , commanding a e i ther city < ork City, Brooklyn Br idge . Governor.s Isl- ^ ^ 7 S i > — 5 Liborty and'the Jersey: shore, to rent to . JLnOJtt x • only; plumbing, paintinri. decorating,. A ohong : bells with onnunciator. Mott's No. 5 fur- the Twenty irelv now; rent moderate to a desirable . Jowforcasl 1 will take good caro of the home. Address BEDEORE

^Eagteoff ico. ] ' ' ' | ^ O S ~ r ;

E X - P A . J S X S Qg. ' -BTOYSES. \ 7 ^st in ld P t? - P A R T OF H O U S E - L O W E R pricf ^ small fomiiy; rent reasonobjle to t h e r i g h t street . -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,.- ' - ' • • • . . ' . [ ' . • ' . - ' . . • :'-. , , " "

- P A R T O F H O U S E — ? 2 5 R Y E R - |_______FQ Story'brick; improvements; to i - e m a i l _r7i /_->—c

ts ; 'owner's' fomiiy of two occupies lower Jr. K

'i Inqnire a t 2 2 5 Ryerson. st . • ' • __ • A . .*** 8' -PART OF HOUSE-H5 ROOMS ! ^ R c iroom; all improvements ; hhlls corpetod; , A l V ' . *K

dowB; privote house, with 6 w n e r ; 4 t o Y. . -fc'. let;_,to at T . • • ... -,y ; s t , conta in i i

H[>ART O F H O U S E 4 3 S T O R Y gardi__f of lso, 1 6 3 South Ell iot place: hot and cold Z l E G L E R . ubB, both, etc. For portion ors app ly o n me after 1 0 o^clock A. M. j •'.'-'•-.- : . ' p n j t •

PART OF HODSE+iSECOND .'Sn-oR'S-' loor; convenienttochurchesAnd schools;' _H s ~ , „ oor to any port of the city. -Inquiro ot No.' _k£_! ™- ,„ . J ^ g _ - ^ - g S H ° ' I 1 : >•••••• — J ° M ^ E O - P A R T OJtj^THOUSE-eiS D E A N avenno. . ; Nevins, at a moderate • rent to a small Tf^OK. a with best of roferoncos;,parlors, base- B-i v"t_- . ont rooms Oa top floor, 7 i i ol!, with im- A . __ choice 10 remainder occupied by owner. . oaicers ovej — - . i- • • __•_•_• - -T .... provements '• ~ ' ^ ~ •• a ..''••' .' • Suyor. REI .gAI-YJIEMOtS—_____g______g___g«' . -' -APARTMENTS-^LjltNISHED "::r^%/: f irnished apartments in the Alderi.; 39 _~irkT? " « rooklyn Hoights; light rooms, plumbing" ; f . ' 0 ± _ . . * of bay. Modorato ronts for Brooklyn's i»-_, _7J3O0i lequartor; 15 minutes, viai Wall st. from teed five yeo °'7'-" - • : : ; . • • : . . . : • . ' ] : . . • - . ' / - • --••= ^ O R " - : , -"~*ZT______~~": :•••' -•.'• - __T" * •.' A ...nsodsi 'AR'JTMEIV- JSOIUSES. . 7' • " till paid;. St. "s ; !——: 1, . ' - • . .'. F u l t o n s t : '.B - A P A R T M E N T S — H A N D S O M E ' — " - - • — ts in the Konaington and kho Colomon; - EOffi •lrigbath; heated , and. private hall; eno ,'•„', ,-: *-'v"' intt ov. olovatoi: Janitor, 339 Lafoyotto! BjTOR S '• '•••-':V- '""• •'•-' ' :-"•• •'-:'• "•-•' •'•',:•'.-.• .-';•, ':__?;'•' -Brnss. • - A P A R T M E N T S — I N T H E at Avon Hal I Uarvard.Apartmont houses; very harid- ••~r~- .- . :, . ~< >d;9all light r_>oms: all moldern improve- - "• :.': ./ . by hot water system.; first/class in every ' ^ r _ r ; ^ — - :

nd examine; janitor on p-jomisea;.'rente '' _U'0.tv . >• ._. PUELS,'3l l Noatrand a*.''.-; •:"-• 7 ____ ' • B?7 • • 840i0( A P A R T M E N T S — I N T H E M O N - ^ f f ^ ^ ohlagriostst-et.overlookSnd the hoy—This B j l O R S irtmont he^ise has been thoroughly rono-. A saclioi ts remain unrontodou the waterside; no- . ov.neorFult Isiri the city compare wit), th.oao in or- •'• 9 r . / _ » ~ a " 1 finish j moderate rates, nclude dteam f l ' - " ? " cbnvenioncos; possossionot onco. D. & M. JL • • • • ' • ' • h o u s o J07 Montagnost.' • ' , , . . - . •'. . • decided bar

'—' ' ' —' . ' ' Letin'gton a - L E X - ^ A ^ R T T J l J a i f f Vis,-'--:. '•"'••";.''."•.•: .JLf-ORS-A

- A P A R T M E N T S ^ L A F A Y E T T E ^,. .ootLd ,b ock from two olovotod .taiions'-Elogant' M.WILLIA _ooms,830:7-'-omB, 827;.cornerrooms, ^^_7vkS"cr'A id handsomely, docoratodl, T H 0 3 . H., J _ n O R S A ^ifayotte oy; Brceklya. . ,|•:': -: , . .'.-JL. JOS ot - A P A R T M E N T S — F I N E , N E W ' i ^ w - f i i ,ts of Tond- 8 rooms, with nil modern im-: .' _--w?\-t_J—H 3 to419 State »t. hoar Nevins: also, fino _ U ' 0 - » , O .,0U5 Lafayette ,nvi:betwiienReid oad- JB. • housei Kofloiusko 8K- station.. J.pply to i»ni. completed;;:

',-'. -..,. • _ Deaust.

hove flats of'oil descriptions, and now is the time. j .8-ei»n-iiie mts low; call and seo our list: no troublo to show BOiaom. o» . TALBOT, 1^60 Bedford ov; office open oven- Lexington •••••:• •••v-'--' . ^ . - • J ' - v ' ' 7 - - J ' , / , " " i , " - ' i ; v'TTiOR, : , E T — F L A T — O N E _FLAT O N L Y I N A ^hre< lyrno,-253 Greene av; steam heat furnished, so , i?K'1~ 5R* 'rooiue; coal and firewbod provided; no bills for c a u a n 9 , * _ light rooms, no shafts; rent 840. ELLIOTT, S S f f i S ^ ienoav.:.-.-'. -••.-•'• ...-'-/' •:-.:--:;' -.-•" ;,••• ••.• ',' ... ,-. "|T.OR' •! L E T — F L A T S — T W O A N D T H R E E , A" and?

ocks from bridge; 7 and 8-rooms: all improve-:. ?°JJ?,_'cn;

ixt.ro'largo rooms; rents 825 , 827. 832. 835 , sgg**?*' • ith: muss be soon to ,bo appreciated W. B. r^SSsSEE -RS. 58 Concord ot.', ••".•'••'.-. .;-. : :: ' 7 : T T l O R i i E T — F L A T S — A P A R T B I E N T S N E A R Xli-*** . bridge,-of 3 rooms, from . 1 2 to 318; also a;- 5*£S|BJ3 rooms, from 819 to 822; halls nicely furnished: W i J K ' f , itandance; no children. Apply to D. P. DAR-. '&g£3i££ CO.. 30 Court St.: -•••-••. - . •;.,,.-.•. T n O R

i _ E T — F L A T S - 1 , 2 0 0 A N D 1 . 2 0 2 F U L r A•-•*%.* nst . hear Bedford av: desirable, well plannod;8 f w J t h n n iiave inst.been IhOroughty. renovated: examine K _ _ _ _ 5 2 lso stores. Janitor on .premises or i> H. VAN _____>£_ t AC0..71Bro»dway.NewYorkCity. ,-. • ••' T j _ O R i E T — F L A T S — O N P R O S P E C T P A R K A _»«.»• Ill,-noar Sixth'av;,-hondsome]y located; brown i?5:5„ ~ l lU improvomenta; 10 rooravaUlight; heated; v j_ f , . ' u „ , .te posses .ion; desirable families only. Apply ' —-^.iriLg! iaes.33 Prospect plaoe. third flot. -"• T E - O R L E T — F L A T S — F I V E R O O M S A N D T , [__*« th; stationery tabs; good locatioa i n d good H _ _ _ 3 _ fteen minutea from ferries and bridge; rents _l_.„„„ 15. Janitor 324 Borgon St. or 5 0 1 Warron st, »I«____5,r__ g-7 :' '-••• . _ l ^ _ _ _ _ ___ _~__7 -'••'••'• ••:• • ¥ ^ O R - S L E T — F L A T S — D E S I R A B L E . F T R S T \ A,wstory l iss fl-ts/on the-HoightB;five minutes'walk to __j_j_S_v nd ferries; 7 to Mirooms; aiUlght; steam -hoot;: SvJ^t'w .resident janitor,, etc.: rents .854 to 880 per __________: G. W_J0AK1N & CO.,. 170 Montague st. T T l O R I Li_!T—FL A T S — T H O S E t E L E G A N T 8 . , A " - biro, om flots da Reid ov. cornerMcDonough st; oil _25ssS.,,'. it improvements ; rents 810. 818 and 820; halls J2____°» " 1,'janitor aervico. etc., R__OHEAD H 8UY- x „ _ * _ , _ apromises.or 1.790 Pnlton st. -' ,,-,• '"-'' :': .'.' _.°__2J__ji L E T — F L A T S — T W O E L E G A N T wQ£m i t s in the Ardmore. Atlantic av; between Clinton ;___!__? •_ _T_ rtsts;,7rooms and bathroom, all finished in hard SSSsSSri w most elegant style; cathedral.glass in oil I ' D . _ if 1 aquire o f D . & U. CllAUNCEY, 207 Montaguo J,__gt_ • . '

L E T — F L A T S — S T E A M H E A T E D ; l ^ 0 ^ 1

improrbmunta, 1.110 to T a i 4 , . a n l 1,124to ( S n t _ P _ i ilton st, ne,.r Franslin ov. L; station; firbt.clasi . _,_»!__• _• nonts;/ in;ipoctioo invited. Janitor on prom- ___»____•_ •A..VAN AUKEN-: CO.. 71 Broadway. New ''^T^ckty __

L E T — F L A T S - ^ L N A D E S f l ^ A B L E i R p I . : at ion, at moderate rhnts; brown atone fronts; jBL-^twpe .conveniontsize; ond all -improvements; easily . .nieiiit.; ioa le from Noiv: York and within o.fow inmutos' twafttyrtw -Btation. Apply.to janitor on promisos, 80 Clin-' bala|noo in:

L i # - F L A T S - ? 1 8 T O S 2 0 \ P E R ^ f e ^ .nth; earner. Hancook st and Tompkins av; new 8 . ]V , rooms and both: all modern imptovoments: halls *- I ln*- "° irs furuiahod with moqnntto corpits: lighted; tnonexam itc. Apply to H. l i PAWSON. 413 Tompkins roptete wi llancookbt. •'.: • "i____ ___: pWo, betvi L E T - F L A T S - C O N T A I N I N G 7 %£&£££ t rooms »ndl:a_,iri:S0 Clifton place, from 825; &.] » cornor flats, with poasangcr elevo.or; Smith's JL j ... mort

:, Corn-.r Reid and Gates avs, from 8 3 0 ; smaller houiee; all 0; capital ftOre,- 8 3 5 ; ono entire house, $5.)-.a ground; b house; 825. • .-Apply to janitor, or ELLIOTT, pn^oisad eno_ov. •'-':;.;..'. '• ' '.• -',.••'.•.:'-'•• ,"',-. ! ^ _ _ L _ _ _ . _ , E T — F L A T S — L I T C H F I E L D B U I L D - K | O R 5,113 Court st, between Stato and Schormer- A ] ' i w o >p flat, in perfect order; larze rooms.with oil im- trini;'qaav nts; nvo minutes from either ferry or bridge. coats notli of GEORQE H. -BROOK-WAY. furniture REYNOLi

• janitor on T?r«"ii">s. °f E. B.. LrrCHFlELD. kinj. and T

i _ E T — F L A T S — 3 F L A T S , 6 R O O M S T M ° t r i c t _8: all improvements; in those elegant now 2 . stone, brie lariiorit private houses; only two families in each easy torms i»e location; fifteen minutes from threo ferries; heat aad 01 »o luiuatos from bridgo by L road. Owner on Bt, pear Nc I, 8J Durycast,one block from Hal-Oyst. Lata- ___L_^__, : Broodway;openSnndoy8. ••'•-•':, ':••• -.: - Bji_>±4 . LE"T—FLATS—HEIGHTS—?3"O TO JH_^__£

"5 por m o n t h ; fivo minutes to br idge: first class finjah, mir rit houses, the Columbia,- L inco ln; 7 to 12 all B o m t o n h rooms; . s t e a m hoot, passenger oievator; also. 8 5 7 6 0 ; _ 3 0 per month, up town. Apply to P H E L P S , 9 1 a v , noar H l e s t ; near Fulton. , _- .rtT_T"<_

"LET—FLATS—$15 TO -?16- P E R r ys_ t_

,nth--TOn P r e s i d e n t s t , near Fifth o v : good loco- y r o o m s - v ogont now flat.; . 5 rooms and bathroom, oil . veuient to every modern imorovemont, duipb. waiter, olec- able' aud •

1, speaking tubes throughout, door opener, e t c ; B r . l D G E ? stairs . fornishod with raoquotto carpets ; also, p . Q, Stati

3 t o , 8 1 5 per m o n t h . Fourth ov. noar Oogrow ^r.'/_'•_>-'•". tho abovo improvements . Apply to janitor on g_i_»Js, , 1, 6 3 8 President at and 1 8 1 Fourth ov: a lso flats, JL . place 8 9 . 5 0 to 8 1 1 per month , 2 1 4 Fourth av, near 2 1 Brevoo

,. Apply on premises. ' •:•• 9 9 0 D e a n . . 1 ' - , , • : . ' . • , . , = : 1(J I r v i n g

-,',!-; ' T O '-L1ET—S-OXS-Et.. .•''.'"; .'-.''7 : .';' gj.o'pvS. L E T — S T O R E S - T H O S E E L E G A N T - § | ! _ ^ 5 ? .res on Reid av. corner MoDoriongh st: doublo .'*K __,_[« _I isafronts; auitoble for butcher, baker, dry goods Fr .nkl'in a ; 3 good rooms in rear. Apply on premises or — i" • • "— IAD & SUYDAM, 1.790 Fnltonst. . — — — -J E T — S T O R E — I W I L L L E T A P A R T ''.-_ r::-\ my store for six months; a'splendid lccat ion for B"ftOIiA

r or any jjonteel business;, othor Bpocoi to lot in : H" ro on Fulton st lor display of holiday goods; * - m y to get best selections, BOSWORTH'S DE- _ * T A-VWSI E.NT HOUSE. 508 Fulton at. KIILAHO, L E T — S T O R E S — S U I T A B L E F O R __ _ _•• •_

v first class business; will let ono or th roe to- ______ 1.110; 1.114, 1.124. 1,128. 1,200 and 1,203 ? *? M * 8 :

t, noar Franklin ov. station; inspection invited. , i;,. 1 janitor on premises or to J. A. VAN AUKEN , *»._._. 1 Broadway, New Yprk.City. . , .•'•-. ; . Moket LET—STORE—FULTON ST, N E A R HIR. ty Hal l -317. 319 and 321-The handsome 4 » O T

rblo front bnilding.-obout56 feet front, running ____ to Washington st; this Is the only largo bust- .'.- _-r_vi)T Iding to let on Fulton Bt; tho finest locality in ' B--8 V- 1 , for a first"clofsbnaiuoss;.recently occupied by -fl. H. J.~J faite _i Co;; lease will be given; elevator, heating wi 1 rcma.11 ctric lighting plant can remain. D.. <S M. do.ionof* 'CEY. 207 Montague st. - -"• • : .'. f .ai . elect L E T — S T O R E S — W A R E H O U S E S , - R G I V K S ccs, lofts—Southwest corner Myrtle av. ond Joy ~J • location.in Brooklyn lor furniture or ony large f ^ LEJS ; two 4 story brick buildings; 14,720 square VJT pacoirent on long lease, 84,000; 3 7 1 ' -layst, . .briok] iloughby.nice store,820; 23 Bridgo st, 818 : fino 17 acres p id floors, cornor Wiiloughby a.nd Jay and Wil- pcrfoct-o' and Pearl sta.one block above City Hall; low '-utr'ivalod Y1LLIAM H. GRACE, cornor Wiiloughby ond S. —r-open oveninga. ..'•.- ; '•• •"•..' ' ' ~r TT T A T

L E T — H O U S E — F U R N I S H E D—3 in t ; FoL.1

iry 5»rown atone house; good neighborhood; con- M BS J . E. to E i n g s Cojnty L : owner to boord with tenant ',_J _»»- ."!« iblo. Address E. . Box ,23 . Eagle office. \ hUAJS L E T — H O U S E — F U R N I S H E D — O N E $$&$& io»o new 3 story fancy fronts on Greene av, near fri im New d;-10 rooms; all improvemonts; hondsomoly fur- bar. Boot ront from October 1 : reasonable. Coll for per- October. P . P U E L S , 3 1 1 No. trand av. •' ": ' _£• • ' • ^ . ^ _

' __________g____a_________;: -•' . •,.'- __ .'• f* • . " ' " L i E T - R O O M S — S P L E N D I D R Q O M S P. ' ° t? n

f^* er my store des iroble /or any light, gentoel basi- *\ would make fine lodge rooms; one room desir- —1 meeting room: rent reasonable. Apply t o J. H , _r"_ A T A IRTH. 0O8 Fu-ton St. ____ _ ^ ) A " X - B k

3T— j . » g -_tUS_r!Y_-_S _W7^P_>S--» ' . '- fopnlor.


, w i th lawyer of m a n y years* pract ice ; good — '•—: ;

or young lawyer or real estate agent. Room 00 -H'Trr-TT lsen at. Franklin building; •.,•'•• i ~ i _ E T — F L O O R S — O N E O R T W O 7T :ors ,5 j3x l00: well l ighted on all sides, with or jDlrectly

steam, power; uteam elevator: 2 4 9 ond 2 5 1 ern impro . i b y s t . Office, 7 4 Court s t ; A. T. S T E V E N S A '-•

_ET—FLOOR—WITH O R W I T H _ U T A 1 1 ^ , .am power, third floor of factory, corner of -Sixth ctntrall - 1 Patriae s tr average height of cel l ing 1 4 foot; rooms acs ' floor about 7 , 0 0 0 square feet ;reasonablo rent. ctilcr, witt RLIN, 1 8 0 Romsen St. Brooklyn, or D. WILL- ELLIOTT, ?. o n the premises. ' _ . • •-•+—— LET—FACTORY—AT CORNER OF ^ i -^^A ' i s l i eand Rodney s t s ; 3 0 x 1 0 0 : throe floors: l ight K - J 0 id; with about twenty horse power; convenient , o-i . - . Jl pping points • posacsaiori immediately: rent low -'______•._

party. C. lk. REYNOLDS. South h r s t and- ;_~_?S&.' sts. Brooklyn. : . ' ^osBMrs_


»d land with a Dutch form-hoaso; two Hourcos Spacious 1 ;ifal water: for exchange or sole. Apply to _D _-C0..22-Co-irtBt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '•'" ' K •i-K,, "SALE—REAL ESTATE-rPICTUR- :JI__ .uo Ridgevvood. N. J., on tho Erie, high, dry roll- y riXnoositi try, soil sandy losm, allowing perfect drainage; n n_i latei tiles from New York, main line Brio road: train ^ rn_B ^ -orfect: outside tho heovy sea air and malarial belt; MAN : godsend to people with atendency tolnng tron. •-+_ ~-iphlot, with map attached, giving all particulars,, _____iAT ipon applicotion. E, F. HANKlj, Ridgewood. V; J 3 L 1

SALE—COUNTRY PROPERTY— ^ T ' tpropertyforinvestmerit—-Thecelebrated Union '•••''"• wo blocks beyond t h e Brooklyn c i ty lino east of . vYorkandadjoiningWoodbavenonAtlantioav fffYHE I isit, with a depot on the property in front of our B, V >ctnc railroad on the north side of this loud and'!•• ** clyn elevated road soon to be extended through . >m.;- _»_.,. •; choice lots, 25x100, with shade trees and ar- '„ An, ".-„„„ >one sidewalks, only 8350 each, payable 810 ..n«»f.«?v<> or 8315 cash down; policy guaranteeing title* I to every purchaser: lots will be worth 81,000. :— ~ sa than four years; hoases are building in every ond anyone who has ever seen the old Union ! _ •"' • • i*

ill tell you that it is the. handnomest tractof '" _.. /-.ern_ cut up. Mops free. Address HITCHCOCK'S j 'Obtf -0 office. 14 Chambers st. Now York.' " ' J __J ov. o s

I ' ' ' ' . '"~ . aiound, tw $ J U - E - S U B U R B A r y P R O P E B T Y . t , ' _ . a t o a

SALE—RF, A Ti E S T A T E — P f F F E R - -g_-QUN] rem al Jothor pl_.ee-—Bonsonhmet by the Sea is j I ____,„„ t. developed and carefully restricted; thirty-five - - ri.-. rzrU i„

rom Brooklyn Bridge, via. Fifth av. Elevated * __22_l'J? . 4 W.:JBL R. R.; more convenient than.Har- 'J<_?"*/ , " >rs, water, sidowaHts. street lights; lots 8200 ,_ -SSES-S _rd; houses.with plots 60 feet front. 83,000 "_" OST— xd; illruttrated descriptivo circular sent. G. B. t _ *5 __ >OLPH. 41 Wall st, New York. .<• r . • , _ - * , . ? I , r o .

1—1 1 1 ,— 1— D< r i u , on 1

- F O R _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ? _ . A T S . • : - • • • ffip^G S A L E - F L A T — I N V E S T M E N T ! ^ S« .1PA

1 pay 1 1 per cent : one of t h e finest briilt apart- TO_r__"__vori sesm Brooklyn, on a comer; price 820,000; ' •_..>__i___ S non to appreciato. A.USTIN A. ZENDilR.A ? OTattlM Le xington av. cor. Nost rand.'"" -.-••".• . ,:•• •'-.•', : 2 ' . . . * ' _

S A L E — F L A T S — F I N E N E W 4 T , 3 •y'single flats: walking d i s tance t o City Hall _=__f__irS.. o ; 4 1 3 to 4 1 » State s t . n c a r N e v i n s ; all im- T H W E N its; janitor 4 1 1 spine s t ree t ; sold o t a great •••_-, Jorini tpply Potcheri ave, between V a n Bnren st. and D »mocratic r, at now buildings. ' . ___ . , j__ _t_c av, or

.•'; ' F O R . . E _ - C E i A - V < - E - '•,",'.';'•••''•''•:'•• • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

EXCHANGE—REDHEAD _fcSUY- / V ' ^ - O T T , 1,790 Folton st, inake o specialty of exchang- /* ffa „-i,W. ave at all. times first class property to offer; v t i lBAY E . or country. '•; .-' '.•.":'•• •:.. .:'•,.••'- ".'' •. ._J.*A__-_-.A, __

E X C H A N G E — F O R S A L E O R E X - - . .__!______ ge, a plot comprising the most desirable lots in ~ ; y _ x t h Word; near olovotod road: wiU be sold . _n sh or exchanged for hoose on tho Hill , Address — _s—-—_'•— D , Eagle Bedford branch. ! •'-.;, . ,•..-; ., •'. -B'Jf P T J R

EXC RANGE—FOR BROOKLYN j. by Hon. erty, 4 8 0 acr03 of land near Noss City, K a n . ; g lpremo Co 0 increase in value -very largely, as the Omaha, - <*;-y 01 A u g u ;y and Southern Railroad will run through i t ; P. ? -?" d Pp.. 0 0 0 . GEO. E. LOVETT. 6 8 and 7 0 Couri. 2. " J 1 ^ ptf-

•.','i..'-... : , ; . _S' —'*-> lately 1 '- ' ' '• , . - • • • ' • • ••,--•; •,•••-. t i e firm no: Q_t':SA'I--E--.iEti--A.--. -SS'_rAX-6_ ;':"''.- 'eis tliorefor, S A L E - L O T - S O U T H SIDE SOM- SSre^d8^

s t , n e a r , S tone a v . - A p p l y a t N o . 8 5 7 F u l t o n i t i rs , a t h i s :-" •'",.. •---:-.'-••.". ••'•••';..',. '•'.'•: ' • "' •• : ..-'- - . st reel, in th' S A L E — R E A L E S T A T E — O R ^ O diyofNovei

"our lots and factory building. 89 to 95 Union , _,_j.o_,_> i ling boiler and engine; in good order; will rent street New .vorablc terms, or sell at about valuo of lots, re- :— if building; a greot chance. WILLIAM H _'N P U R t, 155 Carroll st. • -. J _ by the I — • — ' — p -erne Court -' 8.AT_'-Br-STO-_E _?KO_?_E K.TY, , .. AaKust.l'Si SALE—STORE PROPERTY—COR- .Jpfi!|iC«p . tore: first class location for grocer; also.othor 3D'3 Brosdw e r t y a t low prices and on oasy terms. D A V I D Wings and fc OY, Atlantic av, junction East N o w York ptcsent thoi

'.••.•.. ,•,.-.' ••: ..- -.• :,/:•• ',''•,•, -',:,.••-;•,• ., ,.'. •',:•" •. .',-vi-ntied; t o ^~SALE—STORE PROPERTY—Ay c|eSu>™.i!i< eo corner in , ; the: Twenty-fifth Ward, with,, _ I_ilton -tree e n ; 3 story brick; plate: glass . front; all im- • •' 2|lBt day of ;s: near elevated Btation ;.a bargain for a quick jglistO, I88C ;D H E A D & S U Y D A M . 1 .790 Fulton st. ' . _ W v R. M^t — . ; ,..'.' ~^~~- 7 " - b'-wYoi:--,' fott.isx:i.G—vxxisos.:'ozc*. [ ifNB.UR: SALE—PIAKTO—S140—UPRIGHT, jL^y the H,

ictoves, three strings, full iron plate; guaron - * SSSr&^ir ?orsr ANDSRSON&0O.,3:-_ _..|ton st. _ ' % & $ < & S A L E - P I A N O — $ 1 5 § — U P R I G H T ; t ie City of

six months, , e legant new uprights 8(1 monthly goirod to pr Iteinway Upright; bargain. WISSNER'S , 3 0 2 fPrt dul? v o ^ _ _ _ . g _ f ^ p I _ ^ _ - _ : _ : ^ _ _ . , _ _ . - . , • —- _S_.___,0,_1

, . ' -. • ' •• • -,, ~ Court street _a:>SA_Ll_^--_:gSC--_-t-JLAJV-EO10 ,S..'": : . ;: e , ;v_nthday SALE—CARPET—73 Y A R D S O F ' 2 _ r a _ i _ ; i SOIB cornet, nearly n e w ; l ight color. Appl_ s t ree t ,Broo i 011,1,217 Bedford av, hoar Halaoy at. ; •-"•;" ' ?"—

' |___§__________|_____________s__vV ••'•.• .. -'.' ••'".• T - . ^ . - ! . ' '

S A L E — H O U S E S — § 3 , 0 0 0 T O , V ^ , ; ? . ! OODrall parts: of t h e city., OHAS. A . S E Y - ,V_ __j___S«__ JO.. 2 0 3 Montaguo st . : : . . siumriions—T "SALl-HOUSES-^lN BEDFORD •'*j«SJ2<Sll; on, by D . U , F O W L E R J. CO. . -1 ,230 Bedford ^ t h o plaint dton St. ;..'"- •'' . : .-..:-. . •.-.'..'' ,-,•••• . '• .- ••" . ;.-;.; • "• „ S r v i c o o t t h i . 5ALE—HOUSE—§4,000—3 STORY '.«*.•?_g_?S__2 eon Madison st: fine location: lot 20x100; a - 5 _ _ _ ^ _ _ t _ -rgaiD. AUSTIN A. ^SENDER & CO., 272 , n a n d < * . , £ $ :av'',;'-- .. •'••' ' -;-. •' ' ' -' ••.-•'•"•'••'-'_' . "• ••'• ., O f f i c e a n d _ ALE—HOUSE—GATES AV, N E A R "VorkCity. , Brooklyn . . 2 fctorios a n d basementt'.- only ' 1 0 tno aofc h r b a l a n c e ? o n bond and mortgago. J O S E P H a S n B 1 8 S 0 J v « A_.I8.5UW_ofl St, New York City. . . - . _ _ _ ? _ * _ _ ? ! _ Al_E—HOUSES—OR E X C H A N G E , OountyotM ind 10SJ- Sandford ,st.3>tory frame, 18.9x oh said 29th_ ftrstclass ordor; will put in cash it required, , wi in t Jtt th!

CAR!ON UXtlMCS.- •.'•••..'.". i --, ':..'. p.... __;___" ; .Cdnnty of K l S A L - 3 - H O U S E M O N E F R A M E ifowTor^A. e_nd.two', ots; 50x107.; O rooms; house ».ll .: -PUTNJ ; "pric«, 83,000. Apply onproiiusoa. 2,070 Offi'co and

••'•':"'. ' 7 . - . 777 7 :'•.•'v;- I'V«tk pity;'

___^^ ' !_ - • • ' i " ' " • ' ' i n — ' ~ — . • •'• * • - ^ ; _ i _ ) l - _______

J A L E — HOUSED—^10,UUU—_l'_iJ*__-_ _ _ . _ _ ry and basement bricl. ,'vousos: oil leased t o ain- T V l f l 7 s: S 4 5 per month; littlo .-ash roquired: chance JJJL _ / JL fored. A U S T I N A. ZEi tD^E- l &. CO-, 2 7 2 | ^ ^ : ^ . ov, corner Nostrand. '- .'.' , ' . ' ' .'•'•. SALE—HOUSES—OR T O L E T , V. •

9 brown stone, hardwood trim, houses, contain- T i l © "• "'•'" ins; aU improvements; at a bargain thiswoek; , **v ': • iee them. 47,49-and 5 1 Deeatnr st. -If not •t 41.SERV1S, owner. i / . - . - : :• SALE—HOUSES—§2,000, § 1,8 0 0 :[ ) 11,750—2 *tory -and extension houses. 7 rooms; . to olevated railroads; ft300 cash, balance on |fa<../-Qt/_, -nts. DAVID J. MOLLJY. Atlantlo av.taeor !A»U»cauo. ^ o * * - " , " . ' '•'• • •••: ' . ' . ' •• •[•- • ••• '•' '"'• ' - ' - •'•''- \ •: A f t i v o

S A L E — H O U S E — B A R G A I N — B E D - ^ ,• ov—3 story ond b.-.-omoat frame. 12 rooms, __LOr__l_l) ivomonts; 20x40; lot 25_tl00;in-->orfectorr ; , 83,750; possession at once; terms to suit. riTVn" T_i .PER, on premuea, 745 Bodford ov. -•'•:.-•.'•• «- -r^ S A L E — H O U S E ^ 9 F R A N K L I N d- Cl e a r . L station—3 atory. brick basement and nodern improvements, _ * , hot and.cold water. 1 t i l l rooms; a bargain; must be S o l d ' I n q u i r e 1 >--. , a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? • _ ? • E . f O P P - ^ O - ' <•••'••'.•• j T h e l e a d e

SALE—HOUSE—ALL I M P R O V E - jve*T confic : for threefamiUos; 2 1 irootns; 8 5 3 0 0 ; rent* jcontinxte. terms oosy; can bo seon at any t i m e . good lo- W-nnral n r -ar Hals_y at. station. 5 3 5 Evererean av, near f*r*¥fal VF0 - (now Jofferson ov). Brooklyn. E. D. • • • • jcent crops: SAiE—HOUSE—3T~STORY AND jpriucipalr, mont frame houso: 1 3 rooms; improvements; Jtivestors i tor one or three familie«;Jabout500 foot from _•„_«_.-_•* totlon. Inquire on premises. No. 28 Howard i^uropcan t' .. . : . 1 - . •-•••••'•'•• point , erath A L E — H O U S E S — C H E A P — T H R E E JMtt upon tl iriok. extension. 22x100.1431 State st, oil im- i The bears s: 2 story brick. 168x867 118 Fomth av.; 3 L u„ ,,-"_„ V , 18.0x»0-oeh, 439 . 4 4 1 AUanticav.stores, p -bc l i eve t, -loom 60 .180 Rom_eii at.] ' " , - . ' • ' ' . tuoroserioc SALE—HOUSE—623 WILLOUGH- monej' mus _, 3 atory brown storio, 20 , foot wide: lot 100 ineculat ion 11 rooms; handsomely decorated; all.modern . [J, , >nts; well built; house iouut be sold; open; jVVestera ilD uaraino arid make o__or,|, J. P. POELS, 311 f^ ag m o n ( _ALE-HO!JSE^_1ARGAIN — 226 ^T* ^

_ant »v, near "Madison st~2__ story and base- P**¥»3 &V?6

try roar, brick uni brown stone. 19 6x43x100; y e i y impor. lecorated; 13 room .; 87&00; term'a to suit. ;,u,»>^, _«„ H. TYLER,:201 Montajst-ost or 1.183 Ful- p i a " - « are :-7-•'.••"•:'•'.•-••" .:,->-v... ' |" 7 • _ L . _ _ _ ' ports from

S A L E — H O U S E - A N , E L E G A N T thow. 1 -Queen Anno ho-se: 10 Vboms; all improve- 1 The repoi 28x110 i'eot; choico location; neav ctovated lti.AWS._i ..._ ice 83.300;8->00 cash. JAMES MAGOIRE, <»"0Vr8A tot > o-tlco, corner Atlantic :ond Von Siclen ovs, Jill charges, Ei_J^__- •' :'"'- •,-•• V , '•• : _ preferi-ed _, S A L E — H O U S E S — N O H U M B U G ; 6bli_reil to logant now houses, just flaished; o i l improve- Tr)ii« «.„_«-« st ion £ n o : fifteen imautes from thr*« t'erhos; , _ u i ~ o u u . . _ >-minutes tr-Jin bridgo'by L ro*.d; 8 5 0 0 <o^o, J l ient . | . t a l l m e n t - t o su i t : p - y s T l p e r c e n t . Owner 1 ft__,_-_'Viri .a, S 4 Duryoo st . one block troai Bolaey St. L -I o w l ' J " > °V 1 Broadway: open Sundays. -' f h e e a r l y tr A L E — H O U S E S - A R E Y O U L O O K - Viile, Miss'o r o b«autifulhou8e, in just the r ight locotionl? CaillC" a n Ul ine t h e seven new box s lo ( -p ,3 story building*, *Val>.<i«l>r.« _ th every molerri iiuprovomont, on Lincoln f^af^a'uyr " reen Sixth and Sovonth ova. Owner on prem- the tone iva ONARU MOODY. 20 (. orirt at. . j _ o u r _^_t_, SALE—HOUSES—ONLY §2,750, firm for tb

gage 8 1 . 7 5 0 , for cozy l itt le 2 »tory brick ) ^,1 . , . improvement , ; near Ptospect Park; h i g h j - * ? ? . * ™ 1

paltby noighliorhood: only «lx left; buy beforo m o r n i n a r -vanced th i s Fall . C. H S I B B A L D , 1 6 0 M o n - . A t A p a ( ? i r i c :..'.-; ,,. ", "••,.' "' I - , ' - ' - ' w - Bur C It i IS


story and baaomentbrown stones: hardwood CentN _f5sr teired oakhall and stairs: "very beat plumbing: Jjlie _c 6 S W ing to, examine; open Sundays. WILLIAM i>0i/_ n c i . OS & SON. 380 Jefferson av. between Tomp- B _ U & K _ O G 1 h r 0°P- - ' ' I •'-"' • , • - ' • Erie 2 d eon. SALE—HOUSES—BEDFORD D I S - g* w-th & 0 3 - 8 2 . 0 0 0 upward; handsopie decorated brown •_____.__' ? k, frame, 2.2_S. 3 stories; tvide, narrow; cheap, &??S?£ %a\ : to rent-houses furnished,] unfurnished ;-steam ____."_'_ *. iher flats. JAMES L. PliELPS, 1^64 Pulton f*" &PifcS X. •strand av. ."• ..-'.: T . _ " . _ . •_". . ' —1 , . 1 —_ ; Mot Eldv 1st. 3 A L E — H O U S E S - D E C I D E D B A R - &_*__ Ohiog 1 4 e legant 2 story and basement brick houses. M _ v ? _ > ,n >d;-two blocks from olovotod roilrood; cabinet f _ , . 1, ' rors and bul let ; gas fixture-: Richardson _c. XnC l o i l o loator and ranges; aanitsry p lumbing; price s t o c k m a r k i xsy payments. Apply on] promisos, Putnam " oward. _____ '"•' '• li".' •' l A L E ' - r - H O U S E - r l N p _ H B . T W - 5 N a _ > American Co 1 Ward, fratjio house in good order containing Atch-.Top. & rotor in hoaaa; largo lot 373__xlSO foot; con. ConadlanPa. cars aud in good locality;] will.be sold reaaon-' Oaniida Soutl on e a . y terms. Address Or apply to W. H. Centro lNow. •, Ajjont, Fulton ov, near 'Logan st, Brooklyn; Oeuti ol I'ocil on E . _ _ _ _ _ • JB heeopeake _ ?__LE^HCTUSES—162 LEFFBRTS; Mit. B_i •'_ ). 3 story b s.............'."...I '..89.000- Chicago Gas' rt place, 3M story 0 s JL l-l.o00 Clov., C , O.-.1

st, 3.story b s . . . . . . . ; . . , . . .10,000 Colorado Coa placo, 3 story brick... 0.500 Consoli'lated ion s t ,2 story brick..__...:|. <>.2",0 Del.,Lack. A imav, 2story biick.*. '...' 5,500 . Denver & Hit n st. 3 atory frame ,.•. i.............. 6,000 DeuverO.R. .n av, corner Franklin. 3 story b s- 14.000 EaatTennos-MARION GRIMES..1,151 Fulton st, cornor KastTonn. 1

• v . . •" ' • • . ' ' . ' • ' : ' • . "-I' : -.Erie. i ! , , j , — E r i e pr . fd

. .smrrmcEix R E S O R T S . . | S * K ND SPRING HOTELS. ;g_&Sl!Sj HE POLAND 6PR1NG; HOUSE, M_h__^_.'6e" E» TO TWICE ITS FORMER O A P A O I T T , Mle«ouriPftC PEN JUNE 15 TO OCTOBER 15. NovrYo._rc. SION HOUSE IS OPEN^ ALL THE YEAR. N Y. AWev? niflcent Sconerjr and Climate in Conriectioa js y' s u s 4

With the Par Famed Northwester) • POLAND WATER Northwette"

bin tho finest resort in the United States, Northern P_ iM BICKER A SONS, South Poland !__, Ohioh<,ra 1><l' 1 York Office and Depot, 1(54 Nassau rt. Oma-io'""*"

SEND FOR O-RdULAB. _SS5fe*-W 2L BELVIDKRE, J J ELVIDERE, N. g ^ ° S •?«_.' *his mountain Stimaier rcsort .heatcd by s teom, 1'ip<i Line Ce a O P E S during Pall and Winter for ao<o.-nmo- Pul lman ;uests after other reaorts are c lo sed . l ighted by Reading ric be l l s ; first class api o i n t m e n t s ; good'Fa l l : RichmondT< d shooting. For circulars oddross G E O R G E l lcok Island IS. Proprietor. .' Br . L. 4 gan'] W O O D H O U S E , StlPoSlpfd.-DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. Sugar Tmet

building,dalightfnlly located; capacity, 150; ToxasA Pad rivato ground;.; electric belle, spring water: Union Pocifi' nitation: oxcellent table, with jsuporior servioo; Wai .ash... family resort._A_ I ^ A B ^ l ^ • Wabash pfd.

Western Uni 'ERSTONE COTTAGE. - f


, rooms; excellent table; good fishing and boat- L __ ., foliage and scenery very boautlfui. Address vorroctoaoal WATEjEL-TONE;. j D V I E W H O T E L , [ „ • • • , 'r

STONY CREEK. C0NN. J*»ni!°aT- J _yB.t_.ted on Long Island Sonnd2Mhours ^ * n ' ! c a T ' _ York. Special rates for September and Octo- „ I a_Vc a^.'1


fng.batbmg and fishing. Duck shooting in ' . ' . K S H P S S H-It. VAUGHAN. Proprietor. " Brooklyn Cit;

! g _5u.-Jiwick av. V I E W H O U S E , grooawaylt.

FIVE MILE RIVER, CONN., Broadway R. On the Sound, , ^""widway R.

ruestsall thayear round; exocllent gunning, S ' T *'^.%..ov

d fishing. For circulars address U-, a n S li- i H. LAMB. «_!________.*

' ,1 1 Crosntown R. R A C T H O U S E i ^ South Brookl DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. ._onth Brookl

______ ••.-., Grand st. anc oli_ero_ort;exc-_llont«uieino;hnnting, fishing, ^v_2j-8ti a u

1 lake and river; reasonable coaching parties' _________***• 0__N?_____°r__- , ^ M . T U C . - E R L _ g f S * _ ? g * S ST A T T A'TT. w Citizens'Gas " ^ - ^ K K S S T T ? . - . » - . - - ' . Fulton Munii

: SPRING LAKE, N. J. ' Fulton Muni< . '-. " . 77- . ' - . ._• . Metropolitan

on the Beach. . Pirst class fjjiroughont. Mod Metropolitan remonts.. Billiard room, etc. Nassau Gas C

E. M. RICHARDSON. Nassau G ^ C IAATSBERG-THIS ATTRACTIVE ^ _ _ _ _ - _ G S roll arranged Summer resort is beautifully and People 's Gas seated to Oil points of interest In the Catskil ls; Williamsburi irable;' torms reasonable. Kor illustrated cir- Williamabur* 1 cut of house and grounds, address R O B E R T Union Gas Li . 'HUNTER. Groeno County. N. Y. Brooklyn Bat

— " ~ T — — — — — . Broadway Ba T O G A , N . Y . Bedford Bani

A D I R O N D A C K HOUSE. Commercial! P E N ALT. T H E Y E A R R O U N D . &" 1 . ^ _ " T " mily hotel near tho principal springs. Special rj-irst Nationa Vintor rates, 4 5 . _8, and 8 1 0 per week Ad- Fulton Bank E L I H U WILSON, 1 2 0 Grand *v . Kings (Jounu ——g __ '_ . ' „ . ± s Hamilton Ba . S H I R E H i L L S , t o n g i a l a n u ,

T Y R I N G HAM, Mass. Monufacturo F E R N S I D E (Lato Shaker YilloseJ ' Mechanics' 01

cquost will remain open dorim, October. . Mechanics* B •ooms, Hc ioaton ic R. R. South Loo S t a t i o n . Nasaou Natio

Dr. J O S E P H J O N E S , Proprietor, Rational Cits , , Twenty-sixth

l A N S E T H O U S E , SpraguoNat l S H E L T E R I S L A N D , L. I., N. Y.. ' ' Jf allabout B.

vo'y remain opeu until September 12 , and as 4 ? ° _ . . n -f,ru

as busine_-i warrants. Send for pamphlet and S_*_•_• P i _ u , H. S. MOWER, fe°nB &*___! 1

H A N S E T H O U S E . Suffolk County, N . Y . 5 a f , s . u , T J , o s t

, — . • Jreoplo s Tru: H H O U S E , 7 7 Bro^klyn.Cit .CHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN. N. J. . . Lori*? Island _

• • KmgsOount' •main OPEN during the Autumn months. J-0."5 ^ond 1

• . J.-iayetle Iny J. WARREN COLEMAN. Nassau Insar.

—: Phemx Insur I I T T A T I N N Y , - Williomsburt >ELAWARE WATER GAP. PA. 7 percent. H

_-_-_. V percent. Bi Ightful Autumn resort will, remain OPEN 7 pcroent. W mbcr 15. Sond for circular. ' •' 8 Percent. Pi

W. A. BRODHEAD A SONS. . . .8 percent. B. __ ______ ' 6 percent. W ...''...- ' 1 ~~ 6 percent. Bi ...fcOOT AXB Fotrryp- -_grsccnottin,_ - T U E S D A Y NIGHT, ON S U M N E R l_^'sCounty kyo terrier S L U T ; color l ight groy. toi l jcurled Acad<>myof i> 0 teeth out of lower jaw: property of ian in- Onion Forry n, whogr ievos tho loss. Reward if returned New York Pe esav . , '• . ' •'•" ' . . . • ' • •.- 'B'klynlnferid D - A TRUNK, WHICH MUST <%%gj$& >een lost from an express or other wagon on Brooklvn W _ New Utrecht . owner c*n have it by proving T g „„cont)

A p o l y t o J O H N A P F A L Z G R A F . S ixt ie th L 7 l f W a t e r S ;h Junct ion , Now Utrecht . p e r c e n t . ix>

-ON. THE FIFTH AV. ELEVATED _JSS'SSuv_ d, betwoen 0 and 0:15 this morning. Sop torn- Flotbush Wot ho first car on ongino 74, a chamois PURSE, Flatbush Wat at least 8 2 0 and a gold watch, moker Patek South Brooklj enova, Switzerland; A. M Spring, name of s. Y.and So. 1 de; and a gold chain, with 0 gold glove but- N.Y.ondSo. I rgold ring, design of clasped hands; Si>0 ro- ,1 ; no questions asked. Return ot once to Miss r eney Hospital, cornor Sixth st. and Sovonth t p i s Eoglo Fifth ov. branch, 435 Fifth av. :;'. """• T . '• " ••] Many actc POa- IXJ tCAI -M-EEr iyGS* .praying sma r Y - F O U R T H W A R D - A R E G U - weU that, of mthly meet ing o f - tho Twenty-fourth Word L . , t-Asaociation wdl be hold a t t h e W i g w a m , A t - • ? _ _ _ O I a c l 1

1 FRIDAY. September 13. at 8 P; M. k ind Of Part •<•'...-: A. 8IMIS, JB.. President t i A H Tj.fl.ia

H-.TBE-). Secreta-y._ t l e 8 ' W t"1 8

ULAR MEETING O F T H E • .-«.tation, R T H W A R D D E M O C R A T I C A S S O C I A - .BOrae p e r s o n : 0 held a t 4 3 Wiiloughby st. corner Joy, on c p m e t h e y C£ ;V£WiN<>*^lLNMMcKEOWN, President. eral rule. 1 T. C o r . v T O , S e c r e t a r y . < ••"-. .- .••.-•:'• women, too, •~ ~—'— fi ~ aind who, wli - A N K L R Y l I f - C Y K O X I C - E S . for them, a n S U A N C E O F A N O R D E R M A D E earn an exti Willord Bartlotti one of tho Justices of tho • they have an

urt of the State of Now York, on the 16th —„„„-;*„» „. st, 1 8 8 0 , notice i s hereby given to all credit- RrecariOHB a a o u having claims against J O S E P H H. IR- ranf.e__ient, ) R G E . W. MORE and A L F R E D O. WAT- _ - * __ • '_ doingbusinesff in the City of Brooklyn under ' I^a-y w v " i a y me 0/ IRVINE, MORE <fc WATSON. that time lt may 1 aired to present their claims, with the vouch- -^-tv./.j Qf v. ; duly verified, to tho subscriber, tho duly ap- arrived a i o Knee of the said Joseph H. Irvine, George w . hundreds a : fred C. Watson, for the benefit ot their crod- ,ii,nc finrM_>.l.i place of transacting b-auness, No. 77 Warron a ? e s ^ Y F ^ J S a City of Now York, 00 or beforo the first ployers. WC nber next.—Dated Augnst 16,1889. » _ . _ nf . __ '

, WILLIAM tj. CARLISLE, Ass-'gnoe. tUreS OI tne t GR_!- .S_, Attorn-jvafor Assignee, 3Broad Willie befoi'O York City. . onlOCwM ing w h e n W SUANCE OF AN ORDER MADE eyes. Ion. Wjllard Bart lett . a jusl ico of t h e S u - ' Pz-rhnrw w i 1 of'the State of New York, on the 6th doy of -i*-riii__ yo ;0, notice is hereby given to oil the creditors I been any p a t -0n« having claims against, SAMUEL A. fill a DrominC atcly doing business as a retail grocer, at No. , , , ay, in the City of Brooklyn, in the County of ap lay , OUt W. Itate: of New York, that they art requirod to T think I maj Ir cloims, with the vouchers therefor, duly _,. .. tho subscriber, the duly appointed assignee ' caus , directi; Samaol A. Dunlop, for the benefit of his <_jately fiets 0 1 his place of transacting business. No. 77 . . . , . , t, in the City of New York, on or before tho tion at Which October. 1 8 8 a r D a t e d Brooklyn, N.,Y.,Au- profession. . 1.'.- . . JAMES PALMEK, Assignee. f„4.--..-u,. i.v_ ibH, Attorney for Assignee, 206 Broadway, tatiou by the . .,..-.. • -.. ,,, : • • - . . , ou76wW. -he.jumped.

SUANCE OF AN ORDER MADE ficiiltyiu fine .oi. Henry A. Mooro. County Judge of Kings difficulty is t he 25th doy of July. 1889. notice is hereby 4«;r____j___ m , t I tho creditors" and persons having claims AU loose mat :N F. WELI.INGS, lately doing busines.- in . n o difficulty i Brooklyn, Kings County, that they aro io- t h „ _ . n r i , 1 . ,_: a sent their claims, with the vouchors there tne worm, ai fled, tothe subscriber, tho duly-appointed to a poiit ion. be said John F. Wollings for the benefit of w__i _.-i-_-_.,.-his place of transacting business, No. 44 n n n n o o o a y ,

,in the City of Brooklyn, on or before the person and al of November next.—Dated Brooklyn, August ..,->,--._ „ , , J _

EDWARD F. DAVENPORT, Assignee. bltion, and W UsQUIJf. Attorneys for Assignee. 10 Court , when, if the? - ^ j - — ' 3 g Z .S-giL, they wish to < '• jt.EcAi--' 'nfoyicEs. :7' '7 '77'.7.7 •• comesin.—M ORK SUPREME COURT—TRIAL 7 V i in K i n a s County—Frederick J . Emmer ich E D I S O inst E m m a L. Estos a n d C h i r l e s H. .Provost . 0 tl io. above named defendants a n d each of. . T V - n i r i n R . . . ,re herohy summoned t o answer t h e com- * J r ) jjj . u

action, and to servo a copy of.youp'onswer . Which I havi iff's attorneys within twenty daw after the ' i__1j-n_. _ _ , .summons, oxclasivo of the day of service; - ' w- i i" i l»* ']*" t your fallnroto appear or-answer judgment Stratford, On a against you .by default for the relief de-. m , , r v i ' n r l v i n e compiaint.-Dotod July 29,TS80. every l o n y m r N E Y * BISHOP.PIaintit-'s Attorneys. all parties i n t ?ost Oifico address, No 115. Broadway. Now , ,_*[§ ___,d, been indont'Em-ia h. Estes: The forogolng sum- , ; faculties wort d upon you by publication, pursuant to an i.nii_-in nnllr»» by Hon. Willard Bartlott; one of tho jus- U n t t o n Puuc<. iupreme Court of the Stato of New York, i s ClOCKWOrk. ugs.on the 20th day of August, 1880, dated . alniA ___•• niirj day of AuguiulSSO. aud filed with the com- 5 " _ . " £ _ ~J .s-aetionsltt the 'otttco-of the Clerkof the first rate ohl ng?. at the County Court House in the City thrOUIjh M s ll on »ho 20th day of. August, 1830.—Dated , _. . -. • . u . ' ugn_t29,i88Q. :v..:^-_ ,„ ••••,•• .'hun.-to. throt ZX * BISHOP. Attotoeyt .or Plaintiff, • »ide bf the 11 Poat Office addre-s, llo Broodflrny, ;New » t a e 01, w e u

' as_OU.vF. j Press.

NM YMARKET. Bull aioyeraent \ in

' " ] Stocks.'"1

>_8 of a JPiii t h e r Adrance—An and «7 Hfgrher Marke t TMsr

a s v v / ' - ' ' :•'•

tier Financial New*. See Four ^hek Edition, Siaili. Page.\ . . 7

WALL STREET, September 1 2 . ' lers on the bull side of the market i r e . . ; <M ident that the upward movement will .

They base their expectations upon the •osperity of the .country; the masmifi-: the conservative management of the ;J- '^M railroad lines, which gives confidence to 7 and speculators, and the fact that .. tourist, are now returning full of tJull. , hered abroad.and ready aud wiliing to • ; 7 them. • •,"'*..; •*•''••". 7'•• •'•••" '-I . '77'73* rs have very little to say. They profess-:. • 7. :• ;' that the Western rate situation i s / a r 7 ; ms than has been represented, and tha i j 1st soon become so active as to.deter c ' • ' :'.._%_| n. But railroad earnings show that 7' mesaro doing a good' business, and sc 7 ' 7 icy is concerned the experiehco of la . t . 7-dicates tliat activity will be sure ta ' -7 ' -7 iedy relief. The market is ripe for a . rtant advance, and many outside s p e c » ":• 7i'; enow-in and patiently waiting, as re- --. .77^1 n the commission houses abundantly | ~

or to r t ho St. Paul for tho fiscal year : r ' 7 ital surplus of $098,410 after meet ing ' 7 s, and a 7 per coat, dividend on the' stock. A year ago the directors were/ . ) cut the dividend on . the preferred.- • _ • 3 the result of consetvative manage- -.'•:•-"~^M

ipened very strong, and tho feature in -trade was a rise in Louisville aud Nasli- 7 \.-!^-^.__j onri Pacific and the grangers. T h e n . i»vrard movement in cotton oil, in the , 7 ' 7 . 7 ^ B and in the Vaudorbilt specialties, and. ' jflj

'as strong for the remainder of .kefirs . 7__j ;hough a, little irregular, tho tone was he next hour. fl 1 wing shows transactions in bonds this 7-^w. - f l

i c . . . . . . l 6 _ l l 6 « N o r P a c 2d . ; . . - , . . . . . . . i l4 7 : _ N i s i . . . . . . 1 0 0 iOhioSooth'ninc. . . .. 5 K „ •;-__! 1 s t . . . . . . . . , 104_ Ohio & Ind VV 1st. . . . . . SOW • ' '~''-MM > . l i : _ | P e o 1stEv..'..'..... 1045- ' ' ' • • • ' -_ • ireg. . . . . . . .El lJa Peoria 2d 71C • ~ VJB W lst......_J12MlReodinglstino....K3kaS:.»< _ • St... Iip4!. tveadiug_idiuc....57'-;.57_ ' _ • fWls t f->:.!_ lto.ading2d• inc..079*0673. ' fl 1 _|0>,-liticadiUK g m4n. . . . . . .. y i „ ' ' '-.'•' __i >lst y0ri».-,_ S»n'An A Ar Pass of . ..'.".'::. .':-'_• con .Mi) ilSSO ,..S6_So8C3_ - ' '•_• . I5s . . . . V > _ St L Ark AT 1st. .„ . 7SJ? '. " f l .16).. [72 S t P & N P O s . . . ; 120_ . ' " • ' . fl 1st W7_ l'ennC-tll'stTen.'..... 07Ji •_ • - • Ohi con... .104i. Terre Haute div..'... „. 43 ' . _____• (t..- ...1|15 Tol Ami A i b o r i Cod '7____i Rm4s .1>5 1st . . . . . . . lOo*. __fl

"1st B 3 « rbxAPoc l s t . . . . . . ; . . „ »1 ' _ f l fgra.. p 3 k Wabash g m . „ . . . „ , , . . Gl _ f l owing table shows the course of the ^ ^ ^ B ket from tpo opening until noon: 7 j7..:-_$.

dpon- I High- ' Low- Closing. l 7 ' ; i : - _ _ i mi.. us.. est. noon. _ _ _ _ •

lotion Oil. 5_W b-ZU. 50J_ • 5 2 " r ~Tfl & S Pe . . . . 4 0 k i 4 0 _ , 4 0 &)* .• '.., . ' ; . \_ f l ocific <i8U ,' 60 )* OSM , 60J.7 '.' ' - f t f l thorn 5 r>_ i 53 i_ 6.i_ 6 d _ rJersoy . . . ; , ' - 0 i 111) 1 2 0 1 2 ( T fl :ific. 3 5 4 . 3 5 W 35>_ i.j i^ .-•".-'.•«• 1 •_ O h i o . . . 24 \_ - 24M 2*J_ 2 * 2 -. ? _ | l s t p r f d ; . 0()?J : 6 6 « my, 6 6 _ " * _ _ i *_->uincy: .0v/g I 1 0 ! _ 10I>5_ 10! _ fl

e Trust 5 9 1 5 9 5 9 _,<> ' ' - _ _ .•Jtht. L . . . 7 5 7 5 . 1 7 5 7 G „ • ' • • - ^ r > o i v . . . . . ' . . sm ; HUH :j.'j : I B S : • • : . ' . : , , « >dGas « 8 _ . - K8.8 « « J . S S « •••"' . ."• * w « . t _ . . : M ! u o 14SS* 1 4 0 -.10 Grande 1 8 „ I 1 8 « mU, 3 8 « V G . p r f d . . 5 2 ! o'-M 5 2 f_2>S ; :

-soo. 1 1 J l 1 1 TJ - .•,•:!.-"•'. l s t p r f d . . 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 ' ! '•:.

no** 3 0 _ y o « :io« 7 ' . i -7 1 _ 7 i* i 7 l „ . 7 1 « . i-7

llloy IS 18, JS ItT ••-"•-•.:- ::/ :qtiK ' 106 . . looM l o c j - i . ' - "

24M , .25 2._' . 25 ! •'• ''' ; Nashville 7 6 _ i 77J_ 70>* 7 7 _ '< '."'• '

110 I 1 1 0 1 1 0 H O •' 7 Antral 0 3 « <M*i %M » : j ^ - , ' . ; v ^ific 7 7 _ ! 7 S 77JJ, 7 7 _ . c n t r a l . . . . : 0 0 10'.«!_ 10.S% lOl.W - -- . S t . L . . . . 1 7 , « 7 ' 1 7 3 i 17J4 175J -r England 5 1 '• , 5 1 _ . 5 1 f,j2 . . ' S i. w . p f d . . 3 5 3 5 :i5 - i . T ... ;:•:•; r n . . : . U - l t t I 114J* 1 1 3 « 114% - - •' ,'_. r n n f d . . . . : 4 4 « i 1 4 . _ i 1 4 4 - - 1 4 4 « '«_____ ocific p 2 < 5..S 35^ 7^2 77?^: ;;J aciiiopfd. 7<i -I 7(>U 76 70 __» '•-'"' . f i

249_ ! 2 4 « 24J. 2 4 _ / _ | 3 6 , 3 6 « 36 3 6 3 ' - -_ l . "•• '• ' • ' I

Yostern... lK^ | 1 8 « JsJi i j S T' - . ' . - • ^ _ | rigation... _ « 2 « i 102« J.02 102^ T 1 •ns 35-.* : 35|* ^359. :jf_ • " * * § • lertiticatos l^Tli 08% »8J_ » t _ - _ •

180 , 1 8 0 1 8 0 - 1 8 0 .-••" . ---'• ..'-;:V_| 48J* i 4 S _ . 48?* 483f fl

rerminsl.. '2lH I. 243< 24^1 2 4 _ " . ' • 1. .CBS i 104 1 0 3 « I03I, '•- " - U & f l iKran.pfa 6 1 « 6 I « (.1« 6 j 3 | X | | . . . . . . . . . . . . . J74_, 7 4 « 74?* 7 4 _ , : - i - ' T l 1.: 115 , lli> H ^ k 315^ '•'-'. -'"_! t... ilo-W ! 100H IOOU io»)_ ••" "•'• - v | clfic klU 21% 21M 2 l g '•;•'..'.!. , -. ac. . . . . . . . . Tim tnti 64>* 04S -. ' 1

_!•>._'! 1ISJ* 18^1 18?1 '-. / . ' . • I 1 !J4 I '.'AH -M S lS .) -ion 86?_ : 87 S6?i ,6?J

[. . ' . ' § S SECURr-ps—I-ATI-ST QVOTiilQXS. ally by C. E. JStoples _; Co., 215 Montague st. I

.'"'. I 7 .'..': S U P T E M I S E K 1 2 . ! ••.'• B i d . A s k e d .

R. R. Co.stoek.. • 110 . . . . ' . . * > _ K. R. Co. 7 pic. bonds . . . . . . . 100 . . . . fl

;•'R. R. Co 5 pi c. bonds 10O ity R. R. Co. stock; . . . . 170 ity K R.Co. o 5 . c. b6ads 1Q3 . . . . • , .- •_. v. R. R.Co.eT. cbPnds . . . . . . . 102 " I - I t. R.Co.s toc l4 . . . . IJOf . . . . t.R. Co.5p.clbonds 100 I. R. Co. 5 b . cjbonds..... 10O • _ . • iwn R. R, Co, 51 p. 0. bonds..... 104 ' ' S Smiths-.) R.K.O0. stock.... 77-R. R. Oo. 8 p. d bonds to? ." "" •

II. R. Oo.Sjp, c.lbondo 108 I Idyn Cant. R.' ft! CO. 7 p. c. bda 300* " klynCent. R, ItiCo, 0p . c, bds 104 "*" , idNowtownR. R. Co. Btlck.... 90 ud Newtown RJ R. Co. 5 p. c

. .I 1 0 1 . . . . • is Co. s t o c k ; . . . . . . , j . . . . . . . . 1 0 7 18Co. s t o c k . . . . . . , 6 5 . . . . I i s C o . c t p . c . b o n d s . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . 1 0 3 licipol Gas Co. stock ' . . . . 1 2 7 - fl licipal G a s C o - 6 p'. o.bonds 1 0 3 . . . . -. - I n Gas Co. s tock . . . . . . . 0 2 ' ' J • . in Gas Co. 5 p. c. first bonds . . . 1 0 2 . . . . -Go.stock 1 1 0 , . . . . • Co; 5 p. o. certificates 1 0 0 ; . . fl

s C o . « o c k . . . ; . . , 7 4 '.*.-:• .«Co. o p . c b o n d s . . . . . . . ; . . . . . 1 0 2 ts Oo. 6 p. c. bonds 100 - . . . I - - fl rgh Gas Co. stock, ; 12 . . *• r^h Gas Co. 6 p. c. bonds H O Light Co. of E. N. Y . 6 p . c b d s . . . 1 0 2 ank stook 1 6 0 . lank s t o c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1 1 5 nk stock „ 1 2 3 l l i a n k e t o c k . . . . . . , . 1 5 5 1 6 0 no Bank s t o c k . . . . . 1 3 0 ' . . . . 10I Bonk s t o c k . . . . . . 3 5 0 . . . . '.' : k s t o c k . . . . . . 1 « 7 -.<% it. _Jon_tstock..„__. L'50 [./, . ' • lankstock 1 2 8 1 3 0 ItJank stock ; . . . „ 1 4 2 . . . . . •ore* National Bank stock 1 6 5 and Traders* B a n k stock 2 1 0 Bank stock. . . . . 2 0 0 '•:.- -••'/S'ifl ional Bank «tock,f 2 6 0 . . . ' r;-'-;fwi ty Bank s t o c k . . . . . . 3 5 0 . . . -.^gSM th Word Bank stock. 1 1 8 _ . . tional Bank stock. 1 3 0 ..._. ' • • ' ' • . < • ianlc.-tock I . . 130 . . . • rust Co. s t o c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 0 • -ustCo. s tock . . . . 4_ 2 0 0 • • ' ] 11-oan and Trust Co. stock 1 7 5 - t C o . s t o _ k . . Z50 1 5 5 . ."'-• ust Co. stock 1 5 0 1 0 0 ; ' ity Safe Deposit Co. stock 1 5 0 . . . . 1 Safe Depos i t Co. S tock . , . . . . . ' ' ' 7 5 '..';" tv Insurance Co. stock. 1 7 0 „ . , ; ' I Insurance Co. stock . . . . SO isuranceCo. stock „ 8 0 ••. ' ' ;;<-'l trance Co. stock..!.. .- 1 4 0 1 4 5 iranceOo s t o c k . . . . 1 2 9 . . . . . * ? - _ rgh Insurance Cov-etock „ 2 0 0 . . . . - __ Park bonds, 1 9 1 5 to 1 9 2 4 1 5 5 . . . . . Bridge bonds, 1 8 9 9 to 1 9 2 4 . . 1 4 0 1 6 0 Water bonds. 1 9 0 4 to 1 9 1 2 . . . 1 5 0 ; -'. Park bonds: 1 9 2 4 1 4 0 . . . . -i-" -. ' Bridgo bonds, 1 9 0 8 to 1 9 1 9 . . 1 3 2 145- '* I Water bonds, 3 9 1 3 . . . . 1 2 5 B Bridgo bonds. 1 9 1 7 to 1 9 2 0 . . . 1 2 8 . . . • . / _ Water bonds, 1 9 1 4 1 1 8 . . . ( I *,y 4 percent , bonds ]<H . -'.' - I t y 6 percent , bonds, 1 8 8 9 . . . . 1 0 0 ' H ty 5 per cent, bonds, 1 8 9 l . ' . . . 1 0 8 ."" M u s i c . . . . . . . . . . . - . : . . . . . . . 1 2 2 ';>•. _•••. — . . . . . . . . 1 5 5 1 0 0 ..." crry . . . . . . ; 1 6 6 idascont Electric L ight Co. stk . . 7 0 *ci pal Electric L ight Co. stock. 1 2 7 1 3 0 sctric Light Co. stock i o n iter P r o n t o n d Dry Dock Oa " * '•.''": fl . b o n d s . . . . ,•. ._. 1 0 0 ' •'•;>'.-•• Supply Co., 1st, mortgage 6 londs;...... /,.. . . . 1 0 8 ' . " J ty Wator Supply Oo. stock 40 ••.-..'• "•. ratcr>SupplyCo. 0 p. c. bond* . . . . . 105 iter Work Co. stock. 65 . . . . ' :_i__H iter Work Co. 6 p.«. bonds. . 1 0 9 110 lyn Saw Mill Oo.!stock........ . . . . 138 . Brooklyn Ferry Co. stock.... . . . . ' 60 B'klyn Perry Co.|5 p.c. bonds 103 106

'. . . - , 7 1 ;->LAYERS I_» SjBAtt. PARTS.

tors have establislied reputations by All parts only, 'and by playing them so >f course, be in t known for a particular _ ^ H ing , they are 'engaged solely for the" ' . rts that suit their rxiculiar persouali- ' - f l s way they sometimes establish a good , and are really more valuable than ns in greater positions. As to the in-oan earn, it is hard today down a gen- ': ,.-' There are men in our profesion, and

1, who have played subordinate parts, 'hen fitted physically and artistically re worth their weigbt in gold. They tremely large sum of money while n engagement, but the engagement is 7...';_...... and breakable, according to the ar- • ' , w l i e thor i t jbo for the play—which . ty not be a success-^or for whatever bo. In a bank, when a man-has once ' being the manager, he gets so maoy - • . . . ' 7 year, a n d h e goes on until he dies or n

ling unworthy of the trust of his em- . 'c actors and actrcssca are but "crea-. hour," and if we do not make mohey 0 the public, we certainly make noth-we are hidden from their .admiring

•on want to know whether there h a v e . ^ a £ f l | iblio favorites who never could, really ' - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B lent position or tako a leading part ia .vhp, have made a small par t famous. .. iy safely say that, there have not,"be- i^^m :ly a mau has made a suecoss he imme- flj on and ori and on. There is no^ta­li you take the train "forever" in our . . ^ You seo tho man who made his jrepu- -

obne word "Liar" did not go on lying t. On the Other band, there is no dif-lding actors to take small parte; the to know whom to refuse nowadays,

tttors are; easily ar ranged. , 'There ia • . in anything:when you are down in

liftlcultioff only begin when you rise 1. ^As long as. you are a nobody you. . r, and therefore you are a charming-i l i r igh t . : ' I t . i s when you are l n a p o -when others;want that position, and * iy cannot say one thing against you. > devise something else, that difficulty j _frs._Ki.n_a. in Boston Herald. y

• - • * — — . • - .

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iad many singular experiences. On. yo noVer seen in print may bo worth „en a .watchman a t tlie • station~in nt., he was expected tej Pull a button minutes during the n igh t to inforia tterested tha t he was on deck. Bofora " n in the position long his inventive re set to work a n d h e soon had t h e ' . sd by an electrical device as regular t' Tomthen^C-dmly went to bc.fi and . _ht, like a whito;__an. This worked atil two t ra ins camfr near collidina; laek ot at t6».t ion,aiact which caused ^ • " _ _ )* _p hU'P9'8itioiy^lretum to thit \ s m line.—WtmaMi m^pHroUFrst f

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
