bl oit ms as^a toughie - › newspapers 23 › bloomfield nj...

r •^-4L Page Fourteen ; THE INDEPENDENT PR*SS, BLOOMFIELD, N. J. Bl oit 4f Expect Mounties ToWin f ButBHS Can Upset Dope (Continued from Page Ms never been derisively bett- er the wor^t lo • pt ihe sea- son beihfj by a two-touchdown margin. Monti i.•>ir' absorbed its first ' . i n the M as'.n. as the <j,..)'! was" up'-'-; by trvingtbn, '. A weett aco the Mounties e ""ip.dly trounced, hv (')•!'- 29=1,..'in. .the worst -Law tori lair tine* ri.-4.-y l"o/*pW, n : ms As^A Toughie ' '•-•":; —-"-- " ->-— [ V- --,——, 1 Half-Time Show jir_ e coach. The Ben •• i •' bcs'.;n 14-0 .by •he__yJKLi"- ffated CTKfrm; feam^ which my regard rts^the finest in the *> Thursday, November 26, 1959 ArMusical Feast - r ••Montclair s surpr*»$e victory Issti Saturday over previously ."• n East Qi'.mae TJV a ; • ' : - " f i 1 made it a ccrtal^y" '•" • '• c Bengals would ao into huysday't; game **• underdogs Hen's your Bloomfield high school football squad in the traditional team picture prror to the big Montclair game on Thanksgiving Day. Front row, Left lo rt'ght: Dave Mfl.ain, manager: Mike i>eo. Mike Ellis, Joe Romag •A TT Against' this lumev'T, is j fcrt- nann.—R o b e r I—triTT.—STrn Whim . mg that the Mounties* U«.«t two tough game.s. against Clifton ;rd East Orange,^may have taken too much out of the boys. '• Directing the Monte!'., r at- I k will be senior quarterback Tony Massi. a 180. pounder who TSoTTT Amoresano. Mike Scavone, Ben Guclielmino, Lonnie Pet tiford. Ropnie Martin. Gary Kammerer, Steve Clancy, Raymond Evan«,' assistant manager: and Dave Sieberi, assistant manager. Second row, left' to right: Don- "MaTfey^ Dennis •W nelly. Ronnie Valerian, John Alves, Jerry Cere*, Ralph De Vito. Ray Scavone, Robert Ciuglielmino, Vinnie Pisnatel- lo, Frank Galioto. Robert Bianco, Dennis DePalma, Jerry Slerchio, and Ronnie Weber. ^TnTrT John McC.rath. Ritchie De I.uca, Ritchie Sylva, Dennis Walker. J*hn Hellriegel. Lloyd Hteenhafk, Robert MarCiaflin, Kenny Dulow. Robert fassel. Russell Fred- ericks, Ralph Francioso. Mike Gaito. and Ritchie Zarro/ Row, left to rieht: Lasi row; IeTr~~« right: three Coach Joe Bogus/ assistant coaches Kenny Rogers and Rhys Craver; Nelson Stoplel- lo, Larry Welle. Dave Krohn. Alan Brechka. Anthony Menio, Richard Turner, An- thony Venezia. Joe Bonnano, Joe Moore, Frank Stellatelta, and Joe Rosania. Latter Vancd pioocs of rfui»ic, in<? eluding a medlej of songs from South Pacific, will highlight 'the Thanksgiving Day Bengal-Bujl- dof fni'OuiiU'i' ;ir h.t'f time, following the "turk. . d '' tra- dition, the Bloomfteld and Montclair band*; d.ireet'ed by Raymond Hartman and Vincent Scelbar, respect i\ bine then taleni longer, eorvji 'Mar< hi wilt bring neld. each set H i. I proper audible posit Sousa's "Thunderer-' low, as the tl.ig.v H\ i>r- itwii'lers. from both* to pi corn- Sent a are assistant coaches. to the en taking •llv J. P. Will fnl- ahd hoots conie into acUon Acgentmg^thts ' numper will Ho- M.>nTdajr*s bugle section' - aided by the trumpets of the two bands. The nWn ,,f xhel shout Basketball Clinics Are Set Up For County's CYO League Play •- , . " ' -i rVjS-* * .'?&&- ,- plays on both offense and do- I fense. Harry Scriarling,, starting '. JUoun.tie quarterbaekfat the be- ginning of the, season and "a former Bloomfield gridder. will not see fiction because of a kid- ney injury midway through the season. The big gun in the Mnun- tte backfteld is halfback Oarv Testa, the fourth highest scorer in Essex County. Only a junior, the 175 pound back earned a starting berth on the Mount'e team in hi* soph- omore year. He plays both I wavs. His running mate at h • fback will probably be senior Gil gas* nan): other Mdurrtre rwVfbaclts are Rich Ross and Chris Reese, Junior Dick Funk* (180)-wrl) i And icon •• ' r -r- iner nioomfielder.—is the num- : I-.--.- one substitute at fiiHbaek ;-d" pi y's >i"ten 'vc lineback- i c :is".- Ron Franciojp will '-.. probably.see action at full- V,.ir»'^.' •' •', «• i '• 12 Teams Open Senior League's Separate clinics for ftoys ant Cirls who will be playing in the E 8< x County CYO basketball leauites, this year will be held on \o\-. 29 at Immaculate Con- ception high school, !\Ton»rlair. ^ pi elude to the opening of e season a week later. the The clinic for girls will" be hflrl first, starting at 2 p.m. It uni be connucttd by Mrs. Jean r.iUKin. coach of the high school girls' team at Our Lady of the Valley, Orange. ) Richie Regan of Maplewood. former Setpn Hall Unjversity, Slated to become head coach at hi- alma mater next year, and A! Cito of Livingston, noted basketball referee,, will conduct >oys' came s' irl irhes of CYO fe .ms ire invited .'»o tWat, they n.tiv continue the fundamental drills to he demonstrated dui mc the rest of the season. A question and answer period will follow (ch of the clinics. The CYO this year is making plans ro^ accommodate as many as" 120 tea<r^s in four .classifica- tions for boy? ranging in ace from 12 to 26 and two for girls. A league for scniotvgirls may be added if interest warfrajits it. , Directing the league program and arranging < or t |,, 0 c | lr w 1S Charles Doebler, oi Livingst He has announced that each clinic will feature a session on rules interpretation. Opening in December, the CYO season will culminate in March with play- offs between divisional winners tor county championships. » Basketball Play Bloomtields Cross Country Team Splits On Final Gaines Of Season from Rod'gers and H.uiimcr- stein's South Pacific Included in the medley are "Bali Hai," "Some Eenchaired tvening," and 'There is Nothing Like a Dame.'' Montclair will boast the mod- -een—dance ""group - a?; rlTe - RAVMOND HARTtttT 5 Clean Sweeps 'save Lead As-ls '' •• Bulldog line averages 195 p" 'ncK. Starting ends for Mont " M Ise iuni.0 •( ' "-.) 1—airl— -Mllor Ren Mobley Cuoz'st'V'.ivs both v \ • F'-ov Christmas I lfi5). will j pl'av the defensive- .pnrl po I —Tackles—»+e—seniors—irmf ;• Domino's Boost —e>vHS—glean . "Mveens—In—Qw RIoom#e4d Women's Bowimg Leag^ ar Broad and Bay Lanes made little chance in the le;,d- -exs—Hillenbach. took threefrcmr- Twelve of the thirteen regis- tered teams in the Bloomfield Recreation Town Senior bas- ketball league'Vstartod the sea- son Wednesday and Thursday evening^; -/it Demarest school and the new North Junior High school gyms. The Bloomfield Democrats prt*d the lid off by whip'ping Binky>C'oIts 89-38. Bob Lynch, Bill M>Connick, Jeff Gauae- pohl and .Tacjc F r a n c i s account- ed -for 67 of Mhe total o itput. Jack'F.gan and JHni Bailey had , in each in a losing"e^use. I) .'-i.'.ii'.c ciuimjuons, Sonnj '• L6d?e, -tarter! on the ' risM root, by tui nie.u back < >'] >ofim, li .^iBn Company b'i-50 in a we played game v Tony Ruvo ex- Blonm'fielfi rja^i and Colby Cofiege star led Sonny's with ! ' ne f44—pointn.—Bob Postal ' of—thi losers hit the nets for 28 points. . Magu ires' Mustancs edged McMickles 38-34, In-hind the This past week the Bl'oomfield High cross country team -split its final two dual meets of the season.' edging Thomas Jeffer- son of, Elizabeth -and losing to Columbia. . *^ The Thomas Jefferson was won by the Bengal hill- and-dalers by a 23-31 score, in the last home meet of the fall foa BluOmfu Id. Junior Ronnie Y.essman flashed across the fin- ish line with a winning time of 14:02 to lead the Bengal bar- rier^. His junior clasmates Ted De- maicst and Roger Ericson fm- lshed 3rd and 5th respectively* with times of 14:20 and 14:20. Sophomore .Torn Reck, ?th, and lun Mier.-, uiie second n ath place, round- closed out the schedule ws4h .V-5 recorq>imd 2nd place honors twirlers in the Bfg Teh Conference meet" N encore Climaxing a^ TfTe Danos play "I've/-Got .Rhythm." This a number -will also bring the and Hrfgwavers fop- an County CYO Plans Bowling Groups^ For Boys, Girls m the Essex their credit and 5th place County meet to . r First Red and Grey runner B*Nt to finish in the Columbia race was Liicson in. 3rd place with a 13.21 time over the Columbia course. Demarest, 7th, Reck iith, Yessman 10th, and Myers 14th, completed the Bloomfield scoring as the Bengals absorbed their second worst shellacking of the ,year. The Bioomfield junior varsi- ty fared worse against the South Urange-Maplewood school losing 20-47 to the Cougar jay- vecs. The only bright spot in v. rm>et was Bengal Ed the show will be the bi*»ss sections of the bands playing the two. Thanksgiving Day traditn"Hi,il.-. -•''Come Ye Thankful PoopJe." and the "Dutch Thanksgtvinx. H\mn " Pre-game attraction^ will feature "the Bloomtiefc+\jngh ijand marching into the classical **B*' formation. Among the meeting tQ numbers l Aniejicanfi Bloomfield o be We' high p! Beh- aved and ool are the Alma Mater. ut the scoring for the Ben- , Wayda's > first place showing. Bob Dodson, in. 10th place, did notNjreak info the first fiv Bengals, but placed runner. The defeated aquad Si 3 Sweeps Mark m' , ' .w" ;• "•"• —•- --•••i .ii ••'•!— . r* j £ L £ n i « S 2 Sportsmen Play by a 23-3S More, Gerry". *T r m ' mmWT ~ ,m ' " w l. Tumblers' Class To Start Dec. 5th A preliminary plan lor the E--:-ex county CYO cle\.clopn.ii Ht bowline leagues will be held at the Essex CYO office in .Montclair next Tuts- day at 8 p.m . it h;is been aft- noupced by Rev. X'ltuent F. Aiftino:.o of M.mtclaic, county director, The CYO fcaguea are the bid- e.-l development bowling lea- cues\in trfe c.ninty to boast con'inubits opeiation. They will In embarking on their 18th sea- son Leagues ate planned in *tha junior mils, (under 18) and m- ', - , -. .-• [CI ,;.- represented at Ihe Tuesday ng will bp allowed to en- t. r. Development teams will i i.-o he reouiii'd to have a/coach or an advisor at week.lj/lea^.ug- (2J5T. the bissesj earn, and FrtMk They play both> are (1B« J JC 1 TTT1T M ^ Shirlee Shop, to break a tie. oh ..the team work of Sis Kohler .."20, 181 and Jo Codispoti's 513, 19fi . 16 point scoring .effort—of Joe . ".0). Mount ie guard* Mike Delia S«nti ( ' <»<-!l' C •'•• fense, itinior ; ,T»- ft on). On d>- Frank (188) 4 :ke-- Carn^ra+e's ns middle euard. Junior Ci-oco will prnb i.bly .-• ' n at the guffd* '-lot. '"- riavlnir the nivot position at center is 110 pound Bob Neeley. He plars middle line- bTfker ort d^fen^e, An4er«on k'eks off for MontclMr and Swndien from--Trading Post., to increase P "° their lead to two game? in the Classic League. Parkvifw Tav- ^ .in took two from Schumbs Lounae. O'Bfll^ Bar angV GjilL:Ejs° 3-0. took two from DeCorte's Bakery Fi • k also see Helen Ketile of Waldron Dairy I- -m held the spotlight with a "R2 series and games of 222. 1K0. 180. which held Bronk^de St ash's Evergreen Inn on steady shooting took three Caccavale. Tom Kjnlock helped keep McMickles in the game with 13 markers. —Zin-.mercr s bounced trrr Veterans Overalls lost two to •White Ei'-ilrs. Acre Lumber dropped two to Frank Cilento. TSfpomf icld. Rovvlilm took three from Wot; . Drug. Ted. Eusncluk h ,d a hich K'tnie .of 231. Pete ;es a high series of 622. from Olympic Bowl. General Aluminum won three Brightens 56-41. behind the 18 point spree of Don Winters Teammate ' • Swede." Larson chipped in with 14. Bob Caprio was best for the lo.-crs with 15. UeT Tufo Decors decisioned I the Vaf;abons, 32-21, John "O'Connor paced the victors it- Van Blarcom. Ind, and Steve Irwin. 4th, were the Bengal runners turning in the beat performances. —Columbia .defeated RloomfieJd 18-37 in the final dual contest J_ The Junior Ciym and Tum- bling tlass ifinnsQied—hx—;ht> matches V.hen the—aetfson gets R< eieation Commj.ssion for bovs under vvay nme to 12 yens nf age inclu- The CYO is alip-ndv -sponsu ; A* the last bowling session of •I-the Bloom'ield Sr-or*rmen at the Bloomfield Lanes the following n j gn srv'g will start its 'third .vear on Saturday, Dee. 5. in the hi^h school girls' gym. This activity is under the di- rection of Joseph Konn. of the **hool—phy'-ieal—education staff, and five members of the ?agur. The the kicks I'utrting games from W^tehung Sutgi-j.tack with 13 tellies. Joe- Rani- cal, Kunr. Team won three from zewski dropped in 8 for the vic- Perruso Pharmacy. Louise Wil- tlm*. ^on. for the losers had 525, 190. | Westinghouse defaulted the Cardinals Church League's Leaders Are Tied will squad the ron- or all =J - % -4.—-JU* a'-o chores. Te«ta % prsions. Either junior T <-e n inr Ron \'.<iet i n nTrl '"f the Rone - two-are :• ' ••••d in the quar- terbark siot bv head coach Joe T4o«usz. Valerian, who - is the et—Ratidr. r x>f t h # .frg-o doing the. kicking for V I- T'^e i kev Day game - it<i>itron I Kim'- : ten 1or , Hob Bianco. Bianco ro>s s« c?> ed «ix touchdowns for points. P*.->rttng rd U*\ fairs T. A* rtw i • • for. the P fteV leatll'lC !C * - AU-rs A ?% point <*>S r tw« Will he Tn •' pfohnl" -s*^ nier r .it, T •*-n'- Y\P<* Scot . iiico und Ai- Di nnis Wi ker t RToomfield. He starts in the Qjt- fenstvc back field , At tackle are senior Ralph De\*ifo. and junior Mike C.aita. DeVifo Is m his Second year as a R II S. tart ST Both play both ways. Starting guards will prob- ably be Ray Scavone, the bis Kest man on the Bloom- field team, and Vinnie Plgna- tello. both senior*. Pivnatello missed the Ndtley game be- cause of an Injury and If he doesn't start,, eMhe.r Dennis Donnelly or Jerry Ceres will take Hit PlW*: A Criltfr hi team cantaln Boh C«uglielmirto._ 3 senior. Gigi middle guard and calls rsive sianals when the . < '• ant has the ball. He is Fihg Bengal candidate for all-coimty honor*, Double wins to Gornv and Corny, and Rudys Gulf Service. Pilgrim Pharmacy and Four Leaf Clover__g_sjng1e pnmr High pinners: Frances B*Trr- lari 512, Helen Kun7. 186. Joan Davey 200. Cardinals 2-0. STANDING W weeps were recorded: Globus of the 1959 season. The Bengals ; EJ, ' rtr,r ov, * r the Brf,r Eramps. high scHociT tumbling club , , — , Sonny s. Lodge over Willie's act M assistants Service Sfaiion, and the f-ctuare -leaders. Balls over-GOodkihd & ODea. j The'purpose of this, program, John Castoro with JoT-531. according to as-i.-tant Superm- Paul DeFalco 204-50?. Michael ' 'endent Charles A .Venner. is Castoro 509 and Vincent iannti7- : to conduct gym classes for boys /i 201-500 led the waV^for " { elementary school age. who Globus; Jack Boyne shot 508?mr the Beer Frames.' John Whi 4 ^ bad 205-517 for Sonnv's and David Knoepfel 504 for Willes. me a senioj- mixed Ifi develonment lejigues^' will/ he run on a handicap" \basis to even the competition. ADirect- ing the program for the^CYO will .he -"Joseph Lyons of, NfW* ark. Holy boys' Orangi defending champi&ri^ are Family, Nu'ky. in the division and St. John's, •.in the girls Lasi dear's for both, to Watsessmg No. 3, Ave. Katz StilfOn Top At Bowling Lanes 1.000 1.000 1.000 1000 L00O .000 .000 .000 .000 STANDINGS " "* ^^_ij liinic.r ,1 .••>»;.>,-t At--*"'- f D- tensive ^arlers fot THocim _ Dennis Katz Pete's Market Beatniks The Allyn Rubel * Jensen Tarlim Tool Bowling Lanes The Gems Frisky Five The Misses W L 25 5 ' 19 II IH" *""' IT Hs 16 15 .-Hopefuls Grath, who and Imth ends turn •• i >;n n itlrv a we k >n pontine plays, re- . 0 . v ( I., 1 1- Patma .. epioi. ari?| junior Zflrro, N' I on Stoi>i"°" n •' 11 .c o M e RI lion in the de- * e bat kfield Halfback Richie DeLiu-a ki. k off lor the Bengals and Ar\'M sffiemnts extra poinf:. -Lucky Strike* 15 15 15 13 11 14 15 15 15 15 17 19 Del Tufo Decors 1 0 Democrat? 1 0 MagJrrfre's Must'gs 1 0 Sonnv's Lodge 1 0 Zimmcrer's 1 0 P&M Conste. 0 0 McMickles 0 1 ti'Donnell Signs 0 1 Brightons - . . . 0 1 Bmkv's Colts 0 I .000 Vagabonds 0 1 .000 Westinghouse 0 1 .000 Scores DeJ Tufo Decors, 52; Vaga- bonds, 21. •"•Democrats, "Mrr - Birrky'ir Cnljs, 'Baptin ?< 31 Disciples Sonny's Lodge, 55; O'Donnell Signs, a0 Zimmerer's, 56; Brightons, 41. Mag 1 ires, 38. McMickles. 34. _ Cardinals. 2; Westinghouse, 0. Raptist No.* 1 ^—^ j Watscssing No. Montgom- ery and Reformers won 3 games from Brookdale. Reformed, Ampere Parkway and Ascension. were won bv Bapt- Bloomfield Lanes won the odd came from Macs Tavern; We • E«ex Garden 1-4 v» , 1 HT, - 1 --'--v/. v.ciuc.i Center took the v . V r iT Lak? ' Bflpt - "^ K am «- ft^ The leading st V o 2 from Redeemer, Rapt- , rana| . Cnal Mjnors and Adiim - 5 ^nH n , i , T m ) Va, '^ in « Xo 2 : Tavern. Inc. won the odd gam. No I Watsesslng I from thp Kra7V Knt ,. n«*« B - _ _ u Bert Giardino had the high Bert Pcnnabere jput together | MriM for the night wilh 21n . for a 612|3 Sfi a n d w n n J n p ^ r i\ey donated ! by Russell Wille. of Wille's are primarily interested in gym- nastics and not neeessarik in- terested in other activit.c- sponsored by the Recreation commission. Pa rentaK permission ADDITIONAL SPORTS ON PAGE 18 games of 215-192-205 seriyj. High games were b' Foster. 218: Mignonc, 204; Wootfon Arnold. 202. CHLRCH LEAGUE Broc^kdale" ReformedN . *'. T * ' •tSSWl II IT lilt , WI TT I I H ,' ere also rolled- service station for his good tftn- v T V^4« rP* 208 j ning. Other good series were j 203, and W L Montgomery ; Reformer* Jk'atsessing No. /Wats 1 tscssing No. 3 ««-Lemndoskt Takes 1 Pete's Market still holds High Baptist No. I. r- 18 17 17 18 18 15 15 12 13 13 14 14 15 13 In Bloomfield It's PLAMBECK'S FOR TOYS 299 GUNWOQD AVENUE llOOMFIILO, N. J. Team. Game Scratch <735». with handicap 18731, and High Team Scries ScraVch <2011». The Beat- niks hold the High Team Series with Handicap »2457»). Phyllis Vitiello, of Bete's Market lolled 203 to take High Game Scratch, also with, handicap (222). Phyllis Branch has,.the High Series Scratch f4^4», and Sfargi Ben-ring has High Series vilh Handicap t570>. Phyllis Vitiel- lo now leads the League with an n\pr*%* oi 139 14. From Hilltop Bakery LevandOski Ftmeral Home '"•k three from Hilltop Bakerv. Al Jaeun'ski rolled 231-231-651. Ed Ko/ak 208 and Mike Gfuc- h«cs 202 for' the undertaker* Bmky's Tavern took two from Holy fttpmr, Stas Kaminski rolled 204 for the tavern while Ted Ztvis had 204 for Hoh Name. ' Standings Redeemer Ampere Parkway Silver Lake 14 ]ft 13 '!7 11 19 turned in by Frank Pirrello. 200- 524; Andrew Jahera, 207-522": John Gehringer. 515: Dominick Mobilio, 504; Thomas Fit/gerald. only other game over 200 was rolled by Pierre Guarigfia "with 202. Who hath not learned that when alone he has hi* o-.< n JhQUgh.ts.,_ to.„*uard, -aiid.. .when struggling with mankind h, and in society hi —-Marv Baker F.ddy 1 em per. tongue'* CHRISTMAS SHOP F.ARI.Y IN VOIR HOME-TOWN— THE EAST WAY Levsndoskl Fn. Hm. Holy Name Hilltop Bakery Bink) s Wi ei n w 19 19 14 I t I. 14 14 19 19 AMPERE AI'TO CENTER Ifnltir.n - Fuel Puma* SPORTING GOODS n»Miio r»< nit — nr«»« •ixTistn * rr«mp<n iicr.isu new wn rsta MCTCLIS RRPAtRS - ORan^e 2-2077 try Hm 1*tn St.. lata Or»«»« SEE IT NOW! "The Car America R>ally Wants" RAMBLER for '60 PARK S.rvic« Station, ln«. ALKX onntr.sRi. PrrttmH 470 BROAD ST. BLOOMFIELD. \ . J. PII«rlm «-0«00 forms 30 af each elementary and parochial school, and also at the Civic Center, 84 Broad street. Par- ticipating without a permission .lip properly signed ents or guardian will not be permitted. Each boy should have a pair of rubber >,o]ed shoaa, gyir shorts. Tshirt and swe^f^shitt Which will givf as ninch free- dom as possible when. working on the apparatus. THOMPSON'S HARDWARE 251 PARK ST. IPPER MONTCLAIR Shnpsmith and Dewait Power Tools Lawn Mowers Sharpened FREE DELIVERY PI Igrim 4-0350 WELDING Anything from a Bicycle to a Bulldozer MACHINE PARTS PIPE LINES STEAM BOILERS HOT WATER TA*NKS Portable iquipmtnl en Thro Trucki fa«t Service Transit Welding Co. "ITJATTEfrSTRFXr PI Igrim 3-3383 BLOOMFIELD I TOP GRADE New! For Oil Heat Users I AUTOMATIC \ COMFORT PLAN Bloomfield— L Bowling Lanes «00 BUemn.M A««. At t4» Centtf PI3.S7S3 SOWl WHI»I YOU SK THt AMP "MAOK TSlANOll' Open 1 p.m. Doily I Sunday Al MAOIO (M«n«««r) Make Your <»«•» » S«<t« Mini (n * tirn »Um «»i»r ««U •aaikltnt Halt trt* wil#r st half lh» «••« «r I*** •» rattlN ••«») «»r* Br * jsat > Urn of th» »o«««rf«l •rlnit 7 n% « aa ,„| # ^^ % §#-s gj0f . ft M*.a INftr*S t««it tr*m tyttf Mi«» «parkllnf *t%nt'**r l«a»«ni<f*t Mil eRnrrssioNti. hichbaih. c«nif»t««: »»•>• ••arailni wlnt from .till wlna: Kt* alp u <••• tba IMS*" Srlnk«: **vw ON nmvas AND Rome after -OO IT VOLRaVf.r W t « A SODA KIN With this Sinclair plan, yo ,r home will be warm and wry all winter long. It includes . . . •Automatic Keep-Fill * Delivery Sfrvfc • New Sinclair Hvdrogen- fmrtM Heafing(h! • I ow Cost Complete Burner Service Contract >'ay Budget Plan Olsng* 5-2300 Can us HUmboidt 3.0344 nOW Wlfflfft A-1300 HUbavanJ 7-5414 KIDDE MANIIFArTU'lNG CO.. Inc.. BLOOMFIELD. N. J. FO» M M m TRt MTTtft DPP*aTatFVT AND APPLTtvep SfOSPS Sinclair* Heating Oil/ Burner Sales* Service Colony WE HAVE VERY HAPPY CUSTOMERS v Shoe repairs mad* to old- tim* standards using th« most modern equipment and top-quality materials .^at sensible rates . . . all add I tip to happy customers! Top cobbler* . . . top mater- ials, Top Brand I ii«gage. (Nr- Repair I,negate) PI I grim 3-7414. SOLES HEELS UPPERS RUSSO BROS. shoe Repair and Luggage flOO BLOOMFIELD AVI., At Tha invn * ' r ^ \ { 1 s I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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    Expect Mounties ToWin fButBHS Can Upset Dope

    (Continued from Page

    M s never been derisively b e t t -er the wor^t lo • pt ihe sea-son beihfj by a two-touchdown margin.

    Monti i.•>ir' absorbed its first ' • • . i n the M as'.n. as the