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  • 8/3/2019 Black American Perspectives (3)


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    A Weekly Column By Walter B. Hoye II

    Conflict Of


    In the abortion debate, is there a "Conflict of Interest"within the Black community and among her leaders?

    Subscribe Unsubscribe Forward Archives Issue No.: 2012.044

    Black American Perspectives

    Examining The Civil War In Black And White

    In 1857, Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), a rabid

    racist and the son of a western North Carolina farmer,

    published one of the most controversial books ever

    written about slavery. In his book entitled "The

    Impending Crisis of the South," Helper argued that

    slavery was incompatible with economic progress.Using statistics drawn from the 1850 census,

    Helper maintained that the North was growing far

    faster than the South and that slavery was the

    cause of the South's economic failure. Helper believed slavery doomed the

    South because it was inefficient, wasteful, degraded labor, inhibited

    urbanization, thwarted industrialization, and stifled progress. 1

    The Impending Crisis of the South

    "Slavery lies at the root of all the shame, poverty, ignorance, tyranny, and imbecility of the South." Hinton Rowan Helper2

    Not only did slavery choke commerce and malign manufacturing, it also impacted

    the South's ability to fight the war. As the slave population increased, so did the

    demand for the human resources (i.e., fighting men), financial resources (i.e.,

    gold) and natural resources (i.e., land) required to manage the very real threat of an

    internal rebellion from a very hostile slave population. This is clearly seen in the

    decennial census tables below. 3

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    The Certain Victory Of The North

    "The fight to be free must include those who are not." Walter B. Hoye II, Issues4Life Foundation

    As the slave population increased, so increased the reality of the North's victory.

    Even when the population numbers (for practical purposes) were equal between the

    North and the South, it is easy to see the problem of maintaining an increasing

    slave population was to the South and the advantage to my foreparents fighting for

    their freedom was to the North. It's easy to see the inestimable value Frederick

    Douglass, Harriet Tubman and the United States Colored Troops (USCT) were to

    the North's fight for freedom. However, if we examine the 1860 census and leverage

    our learning with the four (4) million slaves in the South fighting side by side with the

    nineteen (19) million in the North for their freedom, it's also easy to see, that thecrisis in the South was more than impending

    It was certain.

    Black American Perspectives

    Examining Pro-Life America In Black And White

    Abortion has a huge hidden economic cost that is

    literally destroying the future of our country. To date,

    we've had 55 Million abortions since 1967. In other

    words, since then we've killed 55 Million future

    workers, consumers, taxpayers and parents the nation

    needs to sustain future economic growth. That's 30%

    of the entire generation under 45. Meanwhile, we

    paid the abortion industry an estimated $25 Billion for

    those abortions. But the cost in lost GDP to the

    country is an estimated $45 TRILLION. That's 1800 times more than the cost of

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    those abortions. That's three times our national debt. Yet that GDP loss

    continues climbing every year by another $2.5 Trillion. Abortion is nothing less

    than national suicide." Dennis Howard, Movement for a Better America 4

    The Impending Crisis of Abortion in our Nation

    "If there ever was a major job killer, it is the baby-killing industry." Dennis M. Howard5

    Just as the moral evil of slavery crippledthe economy of the South in the 1800's,

    the abhorrent depravity of abortion

    likewise paralyzes our nation today. In

    2009, before the "Patient Protection and

    Affordable Care Act" (i.e., Obamacare)

    was signed into law by President Barack

    Hussein Obama on March 23, 2010 6, the

    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per

    capita was about $45,000 a year, and was

    compounding at a rate of 4% a year. 7 This is a measure that includes everyone

    from the womb to the tomb so every baby we abort is one less contributor to our

    GDP and not just for today or for any fiscal year, but for a lifetime. If you consider

    that every child we abort today will cost us about $23 Million8 in future GDP over a

    lifetime and the fact that babies don't compete for jobs for the first 20 years of their

    lives, it's easy to see how they create jobs for everybody else doctors, nurses,

    teachers, homebuilders, toymakers, retailers ad infinitum. If we compound the

    numbers, it's easy to see by 2040 to 2050 9, we'll be facing cumulative GDP losses

    of$335 to $500 Trillion dollars 10 just from abortion. If we add another 20% to 35%

    to that, it's easy to see, we're now talking about an amount of money that is foreverlost and so large that it's more than just threatening the financial health of our


    It's already at work destroying the financial health of our nation.

    The Impending Crisis of Abortion in Black America

    "The most dangerous place for a Black American is in the womb." Dr. Clenard Childress, BlackGenocide.Org 11

    Just as the slave industry targeted Blacks

    for slave labor, today the abortion industry

    targets Black Americans for her abortion

    clinics. As a result Black Americans

    account for 40% of all abortions in the

    country and 47% of our pregnancies end

    in abortion. 12New York City is a case in

    point. Of the 208,541 pregnancies in

    New York City in 2010, 83,750 were terminated by abortion (i.e., 4 in 10 or 40% of

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    all pregnancies ended in abortion). 13 However, among Blacks, there were 38,574

    abortions and 26,635 live births, thus for every 1,000 Black American babies

    born, 1,448 Black American babies were aborted. 14 If we consider the fact that

    for every 1,000 Black American babies in New York, born to teenagers, 2,630

    Black American babies were aborted, resulting in an overall teenage abortion

    rate of 63% in a city where 16% of all pregnancies were teen pregnancies, 15it's

    easy to see, we're killing ourselves at a genocidal pace. If we leverage our learning

    with the fact that this death march for Blacks in New York City has been true since

    2000, 16it's easy to see, Black America doesn't have another forty (40) years tofight abortion and our impending crisis is now a matter of survival.

    The Certain Victory Of Pro-Life America

    "When Judge Douglas says that whoever or whatever community wants slaves, they have a right to have them, he is perfectly

    logical if there is nothing wrong in the institution; but if you admit that it is wrong, he cannot logically say that any body has a

    right to do wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Sixth Douglas Debate: Quincy, Illinois, October 1858 17

    It's easy to see how the North and the

    slave population fighting together in the

    American Civil War spelled defeat for theentirely evil practice of slavery in the

    South, saved her economy and unified

    our nation. It's easy to see how Pro-Life

    America and Black America fighting

    together today would spell defeat for the

    abomination of abortion, the resurrection

    our national economy and the unification

    of "we the people." However, it's also

    easy to see how in the last forty (40) years, Pro-Life America has not developed

    strategies or embraced tactics that have the potential to reach Black America nor

    taken the initiative to learn why Black America rejects her. Likewise, it's easy to see

    how Black American leadership, the Black Church, our Black Congressional

    representatives and our social organizations, such as the NAACP, have been

    deathly silent on the life issue, ultimately propping up the purveyors of the leading

    cause of death in Black America so they can continue to perpetrate the genocide of

    their own people.

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall

    "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I

    do not expect the Union to be dissolved I do not expect the house to fall but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will

    become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public

    mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike

    lawful in all the States, old as well as new North as well as South." Abraham Lincoln18

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    Like Lincoln, I expect Pro-Life America and Black America to

    "cease to be divided." Like Lincoln, I believe Pro-Life America

    and Black America will "become all one thing or all the other." Like

    Lincoln, I too understand that "either the opponents of [abortion]

    will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public

    mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate

    extinction or [the advocates of abortion] will push it forward, till

    [abortion] shall become alike lawful in all the States."

    However, unlike Lincoln, the states today are not split half for abortion and half

    against abortion. The America I live in has already legalized abortion, through all

    nine (9) months of pregnancy 19, in all fifty (50) federated states, in all U.S. territories

    and works around the clock to legalize abortion around the world. 20,21,22 The

    America I live in has duly elected the first Black American President who stands

    firmly in favor of abortion and works faithfully to ensure abortion remains legal and

    taxpayer funded. 23

    Could It Be That I'm Wrong?"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." Jesus Christ24

    Could it be that Pro-Life America and Black America are not as divided over the

    abortion debate as they appear to be? Could it be that after forty (40) years of

    legalized abortion in the United States, Pro-Life America and Black America have

    conceded that the scourge of abortion cannot be abolished? Could it be that Pro-

    Life America and Black America have run out of time to get their act together?

    Could it be that Pro-Life America and Black America are too late?

    The night is coming

    Brothers, we really need to talk.


    01. "The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It", Electronic Edition, Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829-1909, Documenting

    the American South, Copyright 2004 by the University Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, all rights reserved.


    02. Ibid., p. 153.

    03. SLAVERY, John Joseph Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and of the Political History of the United

    States, vol. 3 Oath - Zollverein [1881], Online Library of Liberty, A project of Liberty Fund, Inc. (

    04. Dennis Howard, The Movement for a Better America (

    05. Ibid., Dennis Howard, "Obamacare: Fast Track To Economic Suicide", (

    06. Ibid.07. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (

    08. op. cit., Dennis Howard, "Obamacare: Fast Track To Economic Suicide".

    09. Ibid.

    10. Ibid.

    11. Dr. Clenard Childress, BlackGenocide.Org (

    12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2008," Surveillance Summaries

    November 25, 2011 / 60(SS15);1-41 (

    13. is a project of the Chiaroscuro Foundation (

    14. Ibid.

    15. Ibid.

    16. Ibid.

    17. Abraham Lincoln, Sixth Lincoln Douglas Debate: Quincy, Illinois, October 13, 1858, Lincoln Home National Historic Site


    18. Abraham Lincoln, "Lincoln's House Divided Speech", the "House Divided" speech is one of Abraham Lincoln's best-known

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    speeches. Lincoln delivered this speech on June 16, 1858, in Springfield, Illinois, upon accepting the Illinois Republican Party's

    nomination as that state's United States senator. (

    19. is a subdivision of Loxafamosity Ministries, Inc. (LMI). LMI is a non-profit 501c3 Christian, education corporation.


    20. La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D.,"The National Center for Family Planning Services in the HSMHA established "a meaningful federal

    and private partnership" by officially incorporating Planned Parenthood into the federal government under the umbrella of

    DHEW.", Article: "Over 20 Million Aborted: Why Planned Parenthood Targets the Inner-City" (

    21. Planned Parenthood works with partner organizations worldwide (i.e., IPPF), Planned Parenthood at a Glance


    22. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a global service provider and a leading advocate of sexual,

    reproductive health and rights and abortion related services (

    23. " Obama questioned on abortion, why he is a Christian ", from Suzanne Malveaux, CNN White House Correspondent, CNN

    Politics, (

    24. John 9:4 , King James Version (

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